The Return Of Country Roulette - Hearts Of Iron 4

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ah you feel that that mystical aura in the air the magical feeling of what's about to come the absolute mystery intrigue I got that bike that's right everyone it's been a long time coming and they say it's probably gonna be the highlight of the century it's coach roulette baby now of course it was a reason the country roulette went away and that's because we didn't so goddamn much of it so I'm hoping which we come back to it with a fresh outlook a bit of a bit of like subdued rage from the past year that I buried real deep it might come back a bit more entertaining but yeah I just want to give a big thank you to everyone that has subscribed for the past year were pretty damn close to 500 K which is a bit surprising to me I never thought we'd really reach that anytime soon but probably we did so I just wanna give a big thank you and shout out to everyone that has hit the subscribe button and anyone that has bought a history boy hoodie thank you very much for that to link in description by the way you wanna get yourself one but yeah if you are a new kid to this channel you don't know what country roulette is essentially every I think like six months to a year we go ahead we start a country like Germany and then we will switch to another random country usually is quite rage-inducing because you know won't mention any names but sometimes you just keep getting the same same country though yeah just say over and over again now I am actually using the country roulette Mart that was specifically made after this series and I'm hoping it still works if not we'll have to do the good old-fashioned way and well that's good sign immediately but yeah the country roulette Marja is made by yard one thank you very much it's probably not been updated in a while as it was out of date but I'm hoping it actually worth right so start off we are gonna go ahead and do a hundred and eighty days I think eventually when we hit to 1940 we will move to a 360 days so we can as you try and get something done unless it's terrible country then as usual I'll forget bored in six months just switch anyway right now I can't remember if I just hit randomize country that's only gonna sent me to a country that is Andrew so we will go ahead and we'll just we'll just go through a couple times and that gave me hope you straight away so I did you know when I can do Ethiopia because I'm just I'm just testing to see if it releases the countries which I don't think it does so I'm gonna have to release all the country right so I've got ahead I've released a whole buncha nations I haven't released every nation technically because it's just like there's so many countries in Africa we're gonna get Marley and then we're gonna get up a voter and then I'm gonna blow my brave that okay first country we're gonna do this for six months six ones only because you know start the game I want to get around a bunch you know fill a few countries here fail a few countries let get on a few lists over there what are we gonna get please something not that terror Cameroon which ones Cameroon yeah it's Cameroon right here with my leader Coco Coco okay gotta my favorite historical leader hey guys what's going on it's me Coco action Ghana here letting you know the suicide isn't a joke but I will kill myself right so guess I'll see you guys six months shall we it's just like what do I do what the hell doing navel navel Cameroon I sir it's kind of depressing you could play of Cameroon I am I guess we're gonna go fascist for the simple fact that the the leader of fascism is also called coca I get the feeling it might be the same guy I like a few months left I'm going to expand the military support so you see if we can go ahead and get the military on my side where is the military by the way oh oh no I look it's July and we've ran out of time but I guess before I go I will ignite the the Cameroon Civil War but we won't have to worry about that because we're moving to right overhead hello and welcome to my my Ivory Coast playthrough on high survival Earth Day well I'm just gonna leave guys ala catch you in a bit Oh Daisy Oh a little overtime there I was having just so much fun in the Ivory Coast I I just you know I was gonna be so sad to see them go cuz I'm moving to Macedonia don't worry guys I know exactly what master - oh my god they went there are CRA's bak dun dun beefy why don't you crack we have zero percent democracy in our whatever way we are we are actually Democrats to actively botch it up with you got i oh sorry [ __ ] it up right that was a really fun 180 days but I sure am sad to be leaving to go to my next journey the the major power that's gonna change the tide of this game for the rest of the world it's it's Georgia baby oh my gosh she was communist rail weather so you could just a fire people I just need an are they we have no factories no up though I don't need no no factories to take down Azerbaijani 205 I won't even be here in 2 3 4 you know what we can do I got the mighty nation of Georgia a military factory where could build some guns so he can build some troops that's my dad hundred and ninety days yeah I won't be here 119 day so good luck Georgia a mystical magical ride of fun where are we going to now and I'm not we're not no hey guys welcome to Gambia today we're doing some no no no oh yes right I don't know what I could do with Germany in six months but we're gonna give it that bigger shop we can't thank you know we've got so many terrible countries wouldn't do Joni for a year let's do a clue how about bad we can mess the world up in it yeah oh I forget I forgot about tap water look Georgia right so general plan is to wing it I really up to the halfway mark here and I think what we're gonna do is a safe bet of just dark world war two early because I need to do so it's really yeah before I got to make sure I very cheaply take out the Duchy you can't keep those Dutch your app oh I missed something here hate it they just white piece I know I know but a time than the present start World War two and oh my god the Allies joy's that's not you asked quite a few French people on the border there oh my god I got like no time to do the worst over there I just I'm also gonna get this done I just okay I realized I went way over time limit there but I think after Cameroon okay oh wait no sorry nationalist Cameroon gay you look suspiciously like the last guy in charge it was also cool coke out for the Germans and now all they need to do is push into France and take them out I think to win the war here yep they just gotta take out France they're not gonna do it see okay those first guard if I get like an allied country right now if I got the UK or France check her out yeah you know I feel like I might be on the wrong side of history in this world or could I turn the tide oh no no no I I don't think I can turn sighs losing Burma you know I'm starting to think I might have made a bit of a mistake making Germany there's powerful [Laughter] I'm just so glad that I have I've brought India into this war with me oh it's privately that's actually that's actually a stable from right there unfortunately for us so we're going to somewhere much better than Czechoslovakia right now that's right it's are you kidding me right can i invade Bosnia yes sir guys see you all at the UN Security Council war crimes may [ __ ] oh yeah I'm gonna leave I believe the Croatians building a pre-dreadnought iPod stealing from the chairman yeah I know I don't sure why reward hungry but you know I I guess we're all hungry guys oh we want great great crow I shouldn't even get Bosnia I'm so upset with this decision that I'm leaving Croatia early because there is one country in the world calling for me and that bad boy is well sorry I can't play as time talents as a it sounds tundratown sighing here today because I've got a bit of a case of the that's not better Oh shucks I was a convenient game crash that brought us back to January first I'm sure that our new country will be a single up oh there we go last time okay all right the reload the game a big guys I think things might have got a little bit broken but don't worry because we're gonna leave Croatia behind you know just have a little bit if I how are you actually are you kidding I I just I don't want to do tap oh just a 525 days sprint we're doing six bumps in Estonia alright this is a it's gonna be an interesting one for the simple fact I think they got one more troop than me oh no we're equal hopefully we can just kind of sneak by them down here though Nikki beaky I just wanna note that I lost fifty five thousand million men in that war and a hundred percent wasn't worth it but it doesn't matter anyway now cuz we're off to a much better country called oh my god that is not even oh well guys it's time for the Waitangi tribunal do you remember the good old days when we were playing a much better country where we got so much done we had loads of fun in the time that we were playing with and then we were horribly ripped away from nationalist cavalry who goes to do something I'm gonna go ahead and stage a democratic to Japan will do it east Hebei we go famous revolution of the Japanese democra oh by Estonia well gosh did telly Donny that was a fun six months in new zealand's we did a whole bunch looked at our research in atomic research yeah we're gonna go ahead and a cou Japan unfortunately though I I am needed elsewhere because there's a country in dire need of my services and that one is my oath don't worry guys I know exactly what to do bad oh look who's got a head and invaded the Soviet Union which is actually the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic right now and dad they've also got Ukraine on their side was pretty interesting and I thought Russia might be in a good position right now cuz I've got up to 401 divisions but then well yeah all right all right you are you overcompensate it mr. Smith anyway that's Jude so uh see you later what was real [ __ ] are you taking that you know they say when you can't be unjust okay okay so everyone else gets to interfere in Japanese politics but as soon as the Philippines it's war I thought the Maltese New Zealand Filipino coalition was bringing democracy to Japan but apparently team Americas in there too now oh my guys actually E's got quite an army under his belt to be actually able to do so we care or you might just immediately die he for really a lot of organized Japanese troop sitting so babe oh no what they immediately pushing out no guys come on it's time to switch country away but come on guys you gotta do so they had so many troops and they didn't they just did take advantage of it why are you doing this to me I've been this technically night Calais Froemming but uh I just don't care yeah I think all just right guys welcome to Serbia uh also known as the sea of syrupy I think I might master fix it just randomly just switched me to the British the Republic of British Antilles this is fun isn't it it's real fun you know I feel like and I have definitely upset the balance in China a bit therefore the Japanese although think you even technically I have just basically made it so that Japan can lose our war now because evil way at Japan's gonna be winning and it doesn't mean you can kind of get out of those war crimes ducati but the Tetsu oh yeah never mind the state of Japan to capitulate I think just a full invaded there that's all it took but I still have some troops somewhere I can't really tell free tonight replay you guys dead soon oh my god I just realized as well that she stole something my moral support oh don't worry guys Jesse's back baby oh you can actually spy on them a little too it's all they got left I realized I had approached Antilles whatever I could do profit kind against the Russians by I don't figure the Russians should really be worried about else I've done nothing bro Chantilly so we're just gonna go ahead a demise a very welcome to Vietnam [Music] but your guns yeah I mean I'm about I'm about to make Japan might be hoped writer now I've got the troops building up and I'm coming in I mean I mean I I'm not coming in immediately cuz I hereby old time [ __ ] and people I say who you can do and the trees start speaking Vietnamese but well you could do with the trees start mobilizing and start running toward you all speaking Vietnamese oh I I screwed as Vietnam I I think I also and I declared war on Japan which I shouldn't have brought in the axis but don't worry I'm good in the last laugh I'm them something good please no oh yeah I saw like guns so I know exactly what we're doing this time of yeah I'm starting to think that I might have have some pie in China's downfall here considering they were beating the hell out of Japan and then I am well I brought all of that read into the equation I was wondering why the Russian Federation existed and that's because you creep we got done in Sweden but I'm ready to play as a state above actually I think we'll give those a go shall we yeah well right yeah oh my god that does mean I'm in the axis and I can see ever oh my Jesus crying Claire war on Serbia shall we you know I'm very interesting how this peace deal is gonna go down I miss you and the axis are gonna get a lot of the work and I think that might be that as soon as they take Beijing but I think Japan my also be getting go away to second can I do Oh quite a race your time oh my god I can take Z CAG it's got to all at it look you guys you can't he can't say I would accomplish anything this episode cuz I first Tibet then the entire world Croatia's coming for you baby math butter formation fire the country's disgusting oh we took down so yeah now is slovenia's time which I don't even have any truth they have no truths were they they had a lot of fact we have six to seven factories right there that's right my pretties the great Croatian Empire is growing as we are it kind of looks like we're just tactically avoiding Bosnia which yeah okay I'm just gonna take down the axis one by one by just declaring on every single country I say that I might just be inadvertently feeding even more land to the German beast right now you're looking a bit fat there mr. Schmitt ler a bit fat and blah I sacrifice Finland to the the big German belly and I didn't help side to clutter on Spain and they actually have quite a few troops but probably not enough I find anyway we're done here it's time to go buoy our doubts imagine okay hold on let's just keep going until we get some nachos that wait a second hello not that good oh yeah I got real issue ever just the amount troops we are here the previous leader of Joni that's 540 for an hour she can get rid of those you know I don't need that many okay we already work we already beat the world what we're gonna use all those guys for our perfect fast I've had enough of these donkeys get out of my fact oh no who could have possibly seen that one coming I did no I'm just no I guess we'll just have to run away and evaluate like our options here because I help my supposed to deal with this revolt right here they've got a whole you know whole twenty-eight all right guys welcome to the annual meeting of what should we do about the German Republic that has rose at risen FN is currently taking over our land welcome to put a pass by the way it's the only place that we can currently do this by the way refreshments over there in the corner you're some sandwich and you got some pigs they black it over they got some orange juice you want some orange juice we'll get started on the business of today at some point but have you seen the orange juice so realistically I think we should do move for for like pincer maneuver to try and take them out as quickly as possible because well these notions of democracy aren't really such a bad thing now that I'm thinking about it they do kind of threaten our way of life over here it whoa guys that was the meeting that really was quite a kerfuffle wasn't it but don't worry the German Republic is here now and we're gonna be a nice boy as well it is sadly I mean you know I never you know that whole Cold War thing where there was like west and east Joanie I never really expected there to be a West German Republic and then an East German Republic over it's right with my newfangled power of the German East Republic I know exactly I think I figure he is kind of - right we have reached the Year 1945 and the world without a doubt is a bit of a mess really now that I look at it you know I feel like the real crime of this series right now is the fact we never got to see nationalist Cameroon go against the IFRIC and you know I feel like we've definitely left our mark in the world you know like the time we usurped the chip into two different Java republics that was a pretty fun time right this little lake does anyone know but you know I could rule out was a fun one this time we probably didn't get as many rage-inducing moments but we did get quite a few countries there were not that fun to players like there are public of British ad Tilly's yeah [ __ ] what uh yeah I just want to give a big shout out to everyone that has left the line can hit the subscribe button to get us to the country roulette goal now we have also hit 500k by the time I'm saying this because this is kind of after the fact and I just would say oh my gosh that's incredible I I know before I'd ever hit a half a million subscribers I never really fired hit 200k or frames okay a 400 case so actually gets a half a million that's pretty spectacular I have no words to you know just say how thankful I am for that all I'm gonna say is that I will be continuing to make videos or be it maybe in different varieties obviously we'll still be doing a few more now styled your videos until the end of the year and there we'll be going back to their regularly scheduled rap but yeah from the the bum of my heart you want to give a big shout out to everyone that has supported the channel through this time and through the fact I've doing this like like three years now or something like that you know yeah properly or whatever but um yeah thank you guys from the part my heart is very much appreciative I love all you guys even if you are little weird cancer cells that live in my brain but without a doubt this channel would be nothing without you guys so everyone that watches and is a viewer thank very much and thank you to everyone the sport merge those who treat boyhood either oh my god I've never sold something so much in my life I'm glad you guys like it if you want to pick yourself up go feel free there'll be new merch in the new year obviously so get it while you can and you know from about my heart I just want to say thank you guys and you know have a happy new year ok let's make 2020 a [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 850,828
Rating: 4.9219327 out of 5
Keywords: isorrowproductions, isorrowproductions hoi4, country roulette, country roulette hoi4, hoi4 country roulette, isorrow, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 funny, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 modding, hoi4 modding, hoi4 mods, paradox interactive, italy, italian, funny montage, funny moments, isp, Fuhrerreich, hoi4 germany, hoi iv, modern day, fallout, fallout mod, fallout mod hoi4, old world blues, old world blues hoi4, owb hoi4
Id: 6tGmnISdaew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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