What If Germany and Russia Were Allies in WW2?! HOI4

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what's going on everyone it's me Alex the Rambler and today we're back on hearts of iron for so what we have here is a savegame sent him today by Kieran he's playing as Germany of regular difficulty 1940 he's well as you can as you can you're about to see he's at in conflict over most of Europe including Switzerland Scandinavian Yugoslavia and also the USA he is an affection with Italy who've lost Milan Hungary and he's also in and our runs of the USSR but if you want to see more harmful 5,000 likes that's the goal so here we have Iron Man German Reich Kirin oh no what is this Switzerland's even pushing oh my god you have actually got through the Maginot though ha what ha hmm let's look at this in a bit more detail shall we yeah so you've actually managed to take the Maginot Line which I'm not really sure but you've taken part of the Maginot Line ok Italy is has absolutely crumbled when did the war start what is happening I'm so good oh my god Italy's taken so many casualties that's right we're a war Vigo Slavia Bulgaria Greece hold on let me just look at them huh oh my god this is awful what of wreck this happened I oh yeah this is gonna be tricky because Russia can't even really get to us very easily to assist us even though that who if we can actually get all of their divisions in here that would be great however Poland is in the meat of malls and we're not in a position to really declare war on them as you can see here our infantry ok we're going to stop producing Marines because they're not gonna be able to do anything I don't believe maybe paratroopers might work let's get a few paratroopers in the field then we have the infantry divisions which are 18 combat whip at the moment so I'm just going to stick in an extra infantry just to get them all up to scratch 20 combat width and probably add in some recon as well infantry I think is all we really have we do have two pairs of two pounds of divisions with Rommel now that I've put them in there however we don't have any factories on okay and we're out of right I'm gonna unpause and see what happens now we actually have area supremacy why we have planes in western Poland I have no idea however our airfield over here is overloaded oh dear Oh Mae yeah your airplanes aren't even deployed this is baffling so maybe if we did that then would we get a supremacy in the yeah you have a decent amount of cast but again they're not being used in fact none of your aircraft are actually deployed so they're not actually doing anything I don't know if you were aware of that but that's the case your aircraft were not doing anything so that's probably why you might have had trouble pushing to begin with as in the email you didn't mention that you couldn't push you've got 45 factories on inventory equipment which is a lot I'd rather have some more on planes and a lot more on tanks so I'm gonna reduce the inventory women down to twenty factories I've never truce them there now remember I'm not actually like if I'm appearing my comm a bit over a palanca here I I apologize I'm not I'm not trying to make you feel bad it's just there are a lot of like I make a lot of mistakes in this so oh my god no they're different they've abandoned me so I I just try to help you not make the same ones as I would have done when I first started in fact like certain tiles it might actually be quite easy to push so if I tried down here they only have one barely equipped division in fact let's just try mister me attack oh no that was silly don't do that Alex okay so I'm producing infrastructure which I know I dunno helps of resource gain but there's really not much point in building out I mean it'll help with construction speed yes but when you when you're in this kind of raishin I'm just gonna go over no I'm gonna have to power up the glasses are going on everyone the glasses are going on yeah my divisions suck so the main advantage I have at the moment is that the French I believe are out of manpower yes they are so the French the French are spent force it's just every other nation isn't and I could really do with getting lots of lots of little tanki's I don't see the point in doing atomic research at this stage it does increase your research speed but I'd rather go ahead and get fighter two's doctrines are being done that's noise okay this actually in terms it is not too bad in terms of things that have been developed I salute you there sir I salute you there we are almost out of manpower though boosting ideology in the UK or that might help well it's not something that I would personally do but I can see that what while while we're fixing that we might as well nice they will affect my political power an ability to deploy any divisions but not bad not bad I'm being very careful about my air regions so I'm trying to make sure that I don't kind of waste my Air Force cuz otherwise do have one it's a bit of a tricky ditty yes it's not a huge one it's just right at the moment no my stability is 23% how how many impartial Mobe oh no oh this is horrible yeah I didn't realize my stability was atrocious I'm surprised it's that low I think I'm gonna eat eat a grape and ponder this I'm just gonna have to cycle through this for a time there's nothing I can really do I can't really push anywhere and they can't push me anywhere unfortunately I think Frances manpower is coming back no it's not oh so where did they get the extra if I hadn't have death stacked every single unit in France then I think I would have been able to push them a bit they've caused so many divisions they're taking attrition in every single freaking province eugene's oh they're getting confident they're launching an attack across my whole line but I'm well entrenched how many days until they get coud they are literally attacking holy Lolo oh wow they have a lot of divisions up here and I'm still struggling for Aero supremacy ah sucks this might be the end I'm not really having a good track record of saving these disaster games am i oh my god stop attacking me please how to style this I was thinking I could save it but now I'm really not convinced oh I changed over to war economy great now I'll go up to extensive conscription so I can actually get some where's your honor rolls okay I'm gonna try a bit of a meme I don't think it's gonna work but hey ho okay did unfortunately that isn't enough to capitulate them anymore so I'm trying to do a few things with my little train keys it's kind of working I'm just trying take back this airfield so if I can surround these 1011 units and that would be a nice boon keep them pinned thank you all right now their star will finish those off but he's pretty quick hopefully good and I get back that airfield which I desperately needed my medium tanks as long as I have air supremacy you're working quite well quite well indeed right let's force them out of Wilms cavern and then I think that I'm actually pushing a little bit I guess across the board now Oh Siam Japan is called science oh okay so now Japan's in the wall that should help us out a bit oh really or I never mind in fact we have indeed taken a lot of the Netherlands so let's move on to the Hague maybe we can encircle that fact yes thank you and have a few divisions to encircle and destroy my plan not that I really had one is working okay so attacking Rotterdam hasn't worked I'm trying up there at various bits and bobs but it's it's really tricky if there isn't a river then I can cross pretty easily or like you know push them back from whence they came but wherever there is a river like he doesn't have makeshift bridges I don't believe and I someone told me in the comments the other day that a supremacy isn't that important it really is I I have to say like when I attack home tiles where I have areas of purity I can attack no problem if I attack where I don't such as in Weston is this western Germany yeah I can't get through it's simply not possibly okay for example I took that pretty much immediately and that was across the river actually I'm surprised about that I do have aerial supremacy in this region so that it really did I know you saying it doesn't matter but as an area spirit of privacy does okay I'm not an idiot okay Nevel ins have capitulated this is something I've achieved three frustrating to because I do have fighter twos but I'm I still can't and they're upgraded but I still continue to trade pretty badly it's a bit frustrating oh they actually pushed down here I was not aware of that this could be very good for me very good indeed yeah if you go slower you can capitulate oh no wonder they're pushing across the board I think they're trying to save them yeah keep going nice then Bulgaria huh and we finally done the coup what does it look like it's kind of crap oh really alright Mosley you have one division make it count that's that's all that despite having like 40% fascism one division was all they could muster and part of the Britain and part the fleet oh and par their Air Force okay alright not bad mate not bad I forgot about Greece heartily a surprise but at least we still have their Navy I guess to bother them yeah now have a part of the British Empire rebelled no of course they didn't so it's not looking as bad at the moment it's just my air force' sucks Oh Tanna tubers taken nice they are wasting a lot of their manpower and equipment just attacking my fortified positions which I'm okay with quite frankly they can keep doing that all day long and just wasting their manpower the piers has been a lightning strike down to Athens so hopefully Greece will capitulate soon too and then that's that kind of flank almost secured so now I guess the constant strikes are really affecting my political power I never have any political power to to add any new military staff or research and production and all that kind of stuff ahahaha Oh magical magical timing Frank you nationalist Fame oh and they didn't have any forces in Africa either okay this is good so it takes the pressure off I say it takes the pressure off they still have a ridiculous amount of divisions on my border that they haven't reacted to Spain very well just yet and we're crushing this blob hopefully down here to factually surrounded them so we'll just mop up that clump how many divisions oh well okay they've got 17 divisions in this little pocket for war so once they're mopped up that freezes yay oh my god the Soviets of navel invaded ha I was not expecting them to do that right okay now I've managed to encircle a number 14 divisions that's great we'll just starve them and then we'll try and move in on this too it's tile too I now have aerial supremacy again so it's making it easier to hold an attack especially where they've just stacked so many divisions on they're just taking so much attrition it's causing them to get overwhelmed I have to admit I wasn't I wasn't very hopeful for this one but it's going a bit better now it's just like I actually managed to be patient with my with my resources this time and actually hold on for a while before I decided to do it have been too drastic and it's paid off defensive so the Allies wear themselves out and then and then attack attack attack attack Oh n tanks the tanks of help they're still only 20 width I haven't had the production capacity to make 40 combat with ones but okay they're doing right oh this is a nice encirclement Wow yeah they're gonna starve pretty exhibit e quick Wow I can finally get a chief of army or chief of high command great thanks already taken me until 1942 to be able to afford that Wow Oh and then landed in Dunkirk apparently I've heated in behind them that was I was not expected but I'll I'll allow it keep going to Paris we're walking into Paris somehow yeah Luxembourg has fallen great oh that's what we want I don't think it's long before I can safely say that this could save game is saved IIIi I'm it it's gone it's gone surprisingly smoothly now was going surprisingly smoothly he says noise Belgium's gone the blitzkrieg has now safely begun to they can't stop my tanks I don't think they have the Piercy even though it's just 20 combat with their fine to defeat the AI now oh well I didn't actually realize how it endanger a lot of these divisions are from getting suffocated from supply if I could just take all neon Oh so France Falls these are all screwed nice good to know sure of course that happens of course that happens good all of these are now encircled so they just need to hold until they starve because I think the capitals London yes they can't get supply through here all right nice great my encirclement read it I thought no how many divisions are there but there's got to be quite a few 0.55 before the encirclement unisza getting overrun all over the place you love to see it all right Switzerland's gone so has any hope of their supply wow yeah that's a lot of troops so that was on 11 and a half million now it's almost at 13 and up holy oh my god 15 million I was like a three million men encircling well the United States has no army okay brilliant I did my tank teleport over there oh right well I'm declaring this feliz feliz saved now I think the owner of the save game if they want it back let me know boy if you do want it back if you're watching this let me know and I can send it back to you this was quite a fun one to do actually I've never been able to you know it with with Russia so Romania hasn't entered the war and I haven't been able to take out the meat of Morsy yet but I'm sure you could do that now the franco-british Union is also have two thirds of the way towards capitulation and we've caused the Allies 15 and a half million casualties so that's where I'm gonna say goodbye for this save game I've done it I've properly saved one eye so of course comment like subscribe and I'll be back with more content very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion duck Maximilian Foreman Wyatt green Parappa the trapper Ryan [ __ ] Cody fries name name 1 2 3 1 Aiden jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous Ram Dass supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too I did it right that time [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 181,461
Rating: 4.945097 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv germany, hearts of iron 4 germany campaign, hoi4 russia, hearts of iron 4 russia, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hoi4 germany russia alliance, hoi4 funny, hoi4 silly
Id: w_hnzZaYamY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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