What If HOI4 Started In 1940?!

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy wonky glasses Rambler here and today we're back on hearts of iron for I've been looking around the workshop recently and there's quite a few mods that I might actually try and today we're going to be trying one called dirt sits Creek which in Google Translate just says the sits Creek and it's a mod that starts the game in 1940 so ww2 is already it has already begun and the invasion of France might just be about to begin whoa-ho-ho so if you'd like to see more hearts of iron please do comment like and subscribe 5,000 likes for more high don't forget if you want to support the channel patreon is a great option and I will revamp it soon probably so here we are in the last few years the world has since um whoops Germany believing the Allies wouldn't react a declared conflict on Poland and the British and French of therefore immediately become mobilizing their troops fighting is mostly happening out in the seas although not much an invasion of Norway seems imminent by both the British and Germans the question is who will strike first and today I'm going to play as Germany and just see how this mod has changed all of the balancing of the game and and just have a rootin tootin a good time or I'll fail horribly and have many many regrets about doing this right so it starts off well you have a decent sized army I would like to say 2.3 million men in the field holy moly I think a lot of all the research has probably been done some research has been done yeah ok so some stuff has actually been done really really nicely actually so I'll just get my the research is done we'll go ahead and do the old you can group it I'm gonna go after those Panther tanks now one thing I'm also going to do I'm going to leave these divisions exactly how they've been made this could go very badly for me for you see the infantry divisions are 27 combat width the infant Kerry regiments are eight combat with the pans of mediums a nineteen combat with and the SS regiments a nineteen also so this is going to be a it's gonna be tricky to manage all of the tanks and nineteen combat with this could go very well or very badly I don't know all the paratroopers a 2200 just 220 no Alex no my factories they're not great them honest so I guess I'll just get to building a few more probably should just move straight on to military factories now but my civilian factories are it's quite bad but I will try new this historically will do operation Westar bung and it looks like they've already put the unit's in place for this so we'll just do the old that stuff and assemble some more divisions for the invasion take out Denmark pretty a Zippity quick that'll leave the mood a bit but this is gonna take quite a lot of my crowing because I need to actually assemble all of the mmm oh I'll have to switch to war economy right away we're on limited exports that's foreign military commanders get sort of mr. Rommel in there oh boy this is it's gonna be fine this is all gonna be fine everything will go as planned exactly as we as we want it to and we won't have any mess-ups at all I guess I'll just unpause the game a little bit to allow all of the divisions to go where they need to that's not good what the phoney war hopefully we can keep the phoney war going for as long as I need to I will of course take those volunteers are you know in the faction no one is in the axis r9 oh and I forgot to change all my productions around oh six divisions of paratroopers so far nice I'm just assigning Rommels gonna have the pleasure of invading the Netherlands with all of the armoured Corps got Heinz Guderian just defending the Maginot Line against the entire French army we're that's wolf oh okay mm-hmm I'm actually a bit nervous because I'm not trusting the way one of these divisions are are built there no way Italy will join me oh I need to do a lines of Italy literally no one joining me and this is a pain in the buttocks and I have any allies but I'll call them in and then we'll launch the assault but uh okay invasion of Denmark is going as planned they don't stand a chance take that bloke Owen although they've lost it longer than they lasted in the actual war I believe we're gonna conquer their Lego producing factories nice Denmark has capitulated a very good so I'm doing a different a bit of a different game plan then I think Germany did I'm just I'm not going to focus on trying to take the North straightaway I'm just gonna go all in and try and capitulate Oslo first Oslo must fall to German power the so far everything's going smoothly I don't expect that to hold but we can we can bear hope I could have played as a more difficult Asian like France and if you want me to play more than mod do let me know I'll be happy to give them a go again like oh god that imagine having that few military factories I'll do this myself you can invite a faction Finland nay you're on your own Finland I'm not getting involved oh okay they weren't even garrison in Oslo so that was a very ok I'm really lacking rubber I probably need to start building my own refineries don't I hiiiiii ok Ramon yeah come on in Maude kinda sucks I'm actually having to think don't Maude suck when you have to think gosh I'm gonna do a round Maginot and and then try and get good old Italy in the war oh my god stop bombing me this is where I start getting a bit nervous because I don't know how easily it's gonna be to break France whereas most of my Air Force has to be deployed in like keeping the fricken people babe from bombing me it's really quite frustrating stop bombing me please this is so unfair so unfair okay alliance with Italy BIM BAM boom let's do that declare war on the old Netherlands then we send good old mr. Rommel who do you think you are kidding mr. Rommel okay so they shouldn't stand a chance against all of my Panzer divisions why do you have no divisions assign Oh My giddy aunt give Lee give Lee fiddly diddly woo yeah but they don't stand a chance wow these weird combat with divisions are actually doing a right against the AI actually let's train a couple of medium they didn't have time to flood hey hey so the Allies have not sent any help to Norway what ashamed what at what a shame take Bergen and then I will just simply declare war on Belgium I still have air superiority everywhere great send in good old Romilly Rooney and then we hope of a hope and a prayer oh and if they want to join sure don't have troops they have troops on the French border I will call everyone in now and then it'll even screw over the French brilliant because I'm actually being held in Belgium for a time oh good Belgium's capitulated in the French have no divisions to stop Rommel from his blitzkrieg to pow lead so this is going almost easier than the base game actually I don't think anything could stop me except maybe the Italians backing up in Africa oh can we truck it to Paris just like I i speeded back in the day we go in retro and we go in fast are they actually had Paris defended today shout-out to Norway for not surrendering it good for them it's annoying though good for them wait as France just capitulated oh here we go yes oh I forgot that it always does that oh oh and always capitulated but Rudolf Hess has gone the get a bit friend Japan I'm gonna try for a cheeky I'm not doing this historically I know but I'm gonna try for a cheeky invasion of the UK I don't know where all their equipment win that's really weird but no matter it's gonna get Rommel over now because the UK don't have any divisions at all and I don't know where their fleet is either right well I guess they're doomed I'm just trying to look with it so I'm I was all in Africa and being sailed around they didn't prioritize the homefront well yeah [ __ ] that's a mess and a half I honestly was expecting the UK to have some divisions this that this has literally been 0 divisions right but okay then well that's world war two over and done with the liberation of Paris liberation of London our Vichy France got the hold of France I wanted Alsace Lorraine your frickin patan I guess I'll go after the Soviets now in in 1940 if we look at the world now the axis is is is is very strict oh my god get it get it together out express the faction button there you go we're pretty big but DB of all with the USSR I guess has been quite the easy playthrough this may actually be a good opportunity if you're new alloy to really get going with it yes that's that's around the top tip there you go I will let my allies take care of that ah beast I was hoping they would take care of them I don't think the Soviets can match me in resources at all so the factory is a similar ish but yeah I should be able to to defeat them except Rommels um 24 tank divisions set to Moscow and then we declare war call fine I won't call in my allies just yet I'll wait for them to form up a bit better oh they're already attacking me okay there cycle recycle charging cool Wow whoa and let's see what our tanki's are made of shall we pow so this is I haven't changed any templates i've been i've been good to my word my our medium Panzers are still 19 combat with our Panzer divisions are still 19 I get criticism that I don't really micro my units its many because I don't really need to a lot of time I will prefer just to let the AI do what it wants might as well just go for like a nice encirclement up here though if we can on am attacking in winter which probably isn't the best idea either but hey ho off you go Rommel off you go what can the Soviets do against us a one hundred eighty thousand casualties already oh what's that I'm running out of fuel hmm Romania I will take your fuel Dutch East Indies I will take your fuel to always remain Romania and the Italians actually getting forced back still running out of fuel and is that an encirclement yes finish them oh now I can switch to the Panthers even my infantry divisions are doing ok what are the Soviet divisions made up of good lord we just zoom zoom zoom oh the casualties are just going up by the thousands every single day oh my good we go it also helps that we have green air everywhere they didn't have an air force how is Japan doing they're doing very nicely Wow good for them the German ROG oh is that Vichy France is actually enabled invading huh oh no the UK landed in Crimea oh no no the Crimean War all over again hey Romania would be a puppet and now Hungary's a puppet to unlimited power oh well the Britain sorry zooming in to to aggressively there the British have taken Leningrad okay I'm gonna have to stop my invasions until my equipment gets a little bit better we're losing a few troops unnecessarily but don't worry I'll attack again in winter I'm sure God the Canadian guy is so creepy well they're closing in on Moscow and the Brits are just named invading from everywhere which is great oh yes I mean it's a breach the outskirts nice nice nice nice this would probably be going a lot quicker if I'd have customized the division templates but I wanted to keep it accurate to what the mod fought were good ones taken a long time now ah Moscow has fallen their morale will break and then destroy them all well kudos to the Soviets they're just throwing themselves on me and now they're up to almost 6 million casualties there just cycle charging it's a bit baffling hey ho I'm starting to do a little bit of micro here and there just to kind of take out a few units but if they won't have the equipment to produce more of them once they're taken out so once they defeated they're defeated forever yeah overrun overrun overrun overrun they can overrun the oh my god it's so fun to overrun units and I think that all of these the units are now encircled so that we've taken the bit here and they're moving into that tile there and now we'll just crush them so any any units oh yeah okay okay fine let grease sure whatever and are they beating the Italians Oh No that so there's gonna be a right old bug and a big old far in it brilliant freakin Russian Empire Oh as you can see I'm planning an invasion for the USA I don't know how it's gonna go but I'm just going to launch it and and just have fun I did also start building 10 airfields and 10 infrastructure in every part of LA caƱada and there's going to be a coup yeah into the 2nd of October that'll be nice okay just encircled a bunch of Americans so then I'll just have slowly crushed them as they run out of supply I managed to sneak to Washington I was originally gonna go for like an encirclement around here but oh I still guess I could my troops that were trapped here I just built a port to give them supply and now our little invasion should remain safe oh how about that the three American Empire has decided to rebel with 80 divisions ahahahahaha yes they joined the free dammit and Chu in Japan despite me giving them all the equipment to spark their rebellion oh all their divisions started in like the mid wet MIDI Mideast around Chicago and they're not doing anything sad we're mopping up in the in the North East feels pretty good overall this is just gonna be a case of mopping up a load of stuff now oh I did actually snack down to Los Angeles okay we've done it and on that note I think that's where I'm going to end it so if you've enjoyed seeing this video of course comment like and subscribe mod link should be down below if I remember and I see it totally many thanks to onion duck Maximillian Forman wire green Daffy fulcrum Ryan the cody fries name name one two three one jiggly crotch used beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous round two supporters on patreon and they thanks to all the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 199,182
Rating: 4.9348249 out of 5
Keywords: What If HOI4 Started In 1940, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, spiffing brit, isorroproductions, drew durnil, hoi4 mods, hoi4 funny, hoi4 funny mods, hearts, of, iron, iv, paradox interactive
Id: d3DceymXZng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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