What If The Anglo Dutch Empire Existed!?! HOI4 La Resistance

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I don't really care how many people have to be sacrificed for this what's going on everyone it's me Alex from the Rambla family doo doo doo doo and today we're back on hearts of iron for now what we'll be doing today is taking a look at a mod a mold which has you've sinned from the title and the thumbnail changes the game to the UK and and the Netherlands joining whoo so I'm presuming that this is under the scenario that under the glorious revolution by the Duke of Orange a just that that ruling family just continued there isn't really any background to the law that I can tell but yeah the anglo-dutch union is a thing led by George SiC which wouldn't necessarily make sense because I think the royal families would have changed a bit okay look I think that we're just figure too much about it but we're we've got the anglo-dutch Union and of course if you want to see more hearts of iron comment like and subscribe so this is the the state of the world we the anglo-dutch Union of course the Ottoman Empire is still in command and is very very strong indeed have we got Austria who appears to have been split a little bit along with Serbia now exists because Czechoslovakia Poland just looks pretty pretty normal the American Union is a colony of the anglo-dutch Union and Louisiana is its own it's probably I don't know we'll take a look shall we although the anglo-dutch empire emerged victorious from the great kerfuffle the foundation of its great empire was shaken to its call a generation of the country's finest were lost in the trenches of BAM brat and France while unrest spread throughout the Empire and massive debts accrued with the trauma of the last kerfuffle still in fresh memory the country now faces the prospect of another the anglo-dutch empire needs to rebuild themselves and become the greatest once again so we have had take out a thousand-year empire which is the Ottoman Empire but we took the Suez because got the liberation liberate the home of Marxism and we could also try and assassinate the king and then we've got the Ottoman Empire here it's still there all right so shall we have a look at the various focus tree is there there gosh it's got its own custom focused tree I'm probably gonna open the political spectrum right away I could allow political parties hmm or I could just the royal family stays yes baby oh my why not actually in a fraction at the moment but we do have two colonies we have the colony of the American Union and Oceana is also a colony that's quite a big colony oh yes baby we are a thick thick boy the Mirage is independent which doesn't make sense I think this mod might still be in its early ish stages so well we'll continue we'll continue I'd like to try these new mods because in in theory is creating a whole new game that's how I look at it anyway because I do like to keep on trying different things actually to know what if you know of any mods that have released for any game strategy game whatsoever let me know and I'll think about covering them in future especially total kerfuffle games or any other paradox titles there's probably tons of mods I've missed so let me know so we have the Second Sudanese Colonials in Halifax I don't know why we've got Sudanese garrison in Hannaford I put a four that would have just been the Halifax Ian Nova Scotian garrison even not Halifax in what am i chine about New Amsterdam oh and there we have new Arkham nice okay they've actually kept New Amsterdam that's quite cool I guess that makes sense in New Holland oh they've actually renamed it noise and is the cap our capital is still London so I guess they've moved from the Netherlands over to here yeah the royal family stays we're gonna keep them I could also do a military buildup or we could do economic growth that would probably be quite prudent but I think we'll get the royal family will stay there on our beautiful family that takes care amazing care of this Empire I think I'm going to set up an agency right away I know that my hat that their hampers me in terms of projects at the moment or building slots at the moment but I think it's worth it in the long run Ottoman Empire what do you have you have a very very small focused area seems yeah but they want to tax the riches mm-hmm the Ottomans Socialist Republic declared kerfuffle on the Ottoman Empire all they're going for it they won't stand chance that I think a hoody yep they didn't stand a chance oh we control a bit more than just a rule to now take that espana what you gonna do oh we have the unnamed recruits I'm pretty sure that they'll be pretty good then yes unnamed let's send you to Paddy might have to take out the French our arch-nemesis long live the king look at this wow that is very nice indeed long did the king he will make the Empire grow I mean we're pretty large to start off with I don't mind getting bigger who are these generals has he added in his friends I think that oh my gosh okay I think the modder might have added in his friends that I don't have permission to use their images well I guess I'll just have to risk it and if anyone complains I will take the video down probably should have checked that beforehand should know I could claim America right away but now I think I would do economic grow for now who is kingi's world what is going on here we've got Gobber the great dandy yams hope the Ottomans are having a rebellion again okay I imagine they'll go just as great as it did before oh and the indian sub-continent having a big kerfuffle - oh well oh well oh develop our colonies mm-hmm industrialized the Empire sure I think I need factories rather than care about my colonies screw you oh she owner yes maintain imperial colonies I'm tempted to claim Brittany right away in just half war a nice early a nice early kerfuffle with the French oh is the Netherlands not called I appear to be finding a few flaws of the mod so oh oh oh I got the Ottomans having look up up up again yep I don't think this mod is quite there yet but hey we'll give it a good try and if it all goes wrong well who gives a cuddle I was gonna say it might be an early war against the French but at this rate I'm not gonna be able to do it before the Germans decide to do it all oh sure they have our blessing will create collaborationist government and in iraq shore to South Africa you know what yes it's less it's less ball lake for me home on shore Kenya why not Botswana go ahead come on well for the Bahamas why not Belize go ahead we've got a few of these haven't we go on keep going oh my god know what sorry I just miss one nationalist Spain anglo-dutch Spain I'm okay all of that it's okay Oceania can be reduced to a puppet BAM so as you can see I'm militarizing on the French border I will destroy them it's my moral obligation as a now the anglo-dutch Union we have to really don't we Oh Nationalists Spain appears to have won this civil kaathal take Louisiana let's go I'm coming for you France I really care what I need to do I'm coming for you laddie I'm gonna put at risk the anglo-dutch Union and they might go very well I imagine the French will try and push their position against me so I'm in all of our air force to help protect the Benelux I think I've probably got enough to take him out how is our I completely forgot about my intelligence agency you oh I should have started decrypting France ages ago Bowles I think the threat probably are out of bear power right oh no they've got a load of manpower they've got a lot of divisions - I think I'm it I think I'm in a good position to maybe take out the French oh they actually don't have any troops protecting their position in northern France so I guess I'll just go for it weren't expecting this warrior run to Paris everyone bullets to Paris with just infantry they capitulated right away yeah they weren't expecting that they weren't ready for me girlfriend I defeated France justjust just like that Thanks hey I'm gonna take all states take all states boom and I guess I'll satellite Louisiana and satellite syndrome oh my god I'm a very big boy ah I love it when a plan comes together I will now call my faction take that France why will you ping yep but no stop picking your lastik birds at me it probably has French heritage stop it stop it stop it no oh you just oh you were joking the entire time you never actually oh my god oh my oh my stop the elastic bands at me [Music] yes goodbye well the factors mail call take that France yeah feels good man feels good I guess I now need to falsify against the Germans for when they inevitably try to invade me and now she shut the door on me anyway I should probably keep recruiting a lot of troops and start getting some anti-tank guns to fend off the Germans in the meantime we are our factories would have increased quite a lot I'm tempted to the attack Germany when they're distracted against Poland so they'll just need to have like 24 divisions to hold against dearly I reckon I've got this yeah this kind of side of things I don't really care about too much I just need to militarize very very quickly I could sacrifice Amsterdam go behind this like defensive line here the Ottoman Empire they're non-aligned Oh I mean to be honest I'd invite them into the fashion if they thought that they would want to feel pretty good too if I had conquered the French that easily if they just collapsed as soon as we just waltzed in they were just like yeah we're done oh we're sorry we're so angry I know that's Canadians except Canadians don't surrender their frickin lethal in in kerfuffles okay the Royal Guard just spawned in really random places in the world just easier to just ban them if they're they're in territory they can't get out from brilliant oh no the American unions autonomy don't mind if I do I'm gone that them having too much freedom Italy joined the German Reich okay that's not good news we can push through it though we can push through it all royal tankers yes please then I get the old yes integrated support so my infantry divisions are okay I can't really recruit any more troops though and kind of at me limit so I'm having to take them away from my vassals essentially so request forces I'll take all 29 thank you Oceana I'm using these one just to kind of hold Italy in place if I need to I'm not really worrying about being naval invaded across the ocean in fact Oceana will have the manpower to sort that out I think build more Intel down in Germany my Intelligence Agency I'm really going ham on the cryptology Department gonna become spymaster good oh I did I should get Royal tankers heavy tank heavy and medium tank divisions I like that yes please okay I'm cuz I'm gonna use a mixture of heavy and medium tanks I'll get them to the front straightaway nice oh I forgot Japan is trying to take out China just just so you know I forgot I had island silly me it's demand Alaska they're doing down to your wall I'm gonna claim the Rhineland everything's all good in the hood Oh a prayer collaborationist government I don't know if that I probably bit too early to I should be doing that you never know we do our number Germany so if they do start attacking me I think I can hold this completely collapses I think I'm gonna rage quit that's fair isn't it I've been pinged in the eye but out by an elastic band today so I think I'm I think I'm allowed okay we're questioning German sovereignty indeed they must be stopped for the good of the world why we need 16 divisions on this particular tile baffles me Louisiana have any military no I'm going to request my forces your forces again America thank you nice I just love taking my colonial manpower and putting it to good use I definitely got enough troops to hold Italy and I think I've got enough troops to hold Germany especially while they're distracted against Poland although Poland's collapsed right away brilliant Cheers come on Poland just hold for a little while longer I just need a little a little bit of time can you give me the time okay I'm just going to try and save them calling my allies she's pretty much the whole world that's a lot of allies and then I could invite Poland in however they're being justified on by Soviets so I I don't think I really want to go down that route I'm gonna switch over to the expensive conscription right away I'm stealing Portuguese mapping at the moment as you can see my army I think I'm just gonna send them in on for a bit of an attack so let's see if we're a match for the Germans if I'm not I will rage so we are encircling a few of their troops Soviets once they did want to send volunteers but I guess they don't anymore Somalia capitulated oh I guess that's because of Italy yep Africa's gonna fall let it Oh decrypted the cipher for Germany which means I could reveal Intel which gives me planning speed decryption invasion preparations being boom the reason I went to Germany yes Ottoman Empire yes thank you so I guess the Ottoman Empire are gonna help us now that's really good I was not expecting that the old enemies 51 divisions ninety-four factories that could really help us that could really help us oh wow yeah that's gonna help us a lot okay that's not good okay the anglo-dutch have 20% collaboration this will reduce German Reich surrender by low level by six not amazing so now the Germany can just send its entire military against me I believe it's gonna make it a bit more tricky to advance I'm gonna keep up this kind of bad trading here hopefully increase production of fighters in danger of running out of fuel apparently I owe so much to a bit of an advance that's all we've been able to achieve Germany I'm kind of hoping that the Soviets have a bit more than soon if they do then I think we've got it Romania if they can hold here that will cause some damage maximum damage should be pleasant so I would invite Romania in so the factions so we can at least see how they're doing and they're doing quite well they're just holding India declared kerfuffled on India okay sure India you go for it mate so all the Ottomans need to do is just hold Africa which is their kind of failing to do what would be great if I could have worked my way down and cut them off down there but with my tanks in the position that they're in it's a bit tricky and I'm not producing enough of them I think we're in quite the position just uh can I hold them for me I could in theory try and go against okay so they're invading Denmark and Norway of course Denmark will capitulate maybe Norway might hold for a little while but there's not really much I can do I can't really push but they do definitely seem very well entrenched like I might be able to push with all of our tanks here for a little bit so we'll take a couple of tiles and kind of just push out there just keep them distracted really so for example we encircle them in Bremen they can move up we'll just crush them here yeah even if we can take a city like Hamburg that'd be a nice boon it's unlikely admittedly for Romania can hold honestly that's that's great they're gonna be causing a nice amount of casualties I've taken half a million already so I need to stop my advances until I know we can push and here we go this is where we start to struggle I think luckily I think most of my units are well entrenched so despite my air force kind of getting shot down I think I can hold for a while of the phone oh what did they all go I I'm screwed I don't know where they went that's catastrophic that's the only word for that I don't know where my troops went I must have I must have messed up somewhere I don't know what's happened did I give them all back please for the life of me tell me what happened they're all going back home did I miss click maybe if I get them back in time I'll be able to save this I guess I'll keep holding here for as long as possible at least we're winning some battles against the Germans so there are casualties are going up but this is atrocious I am very lucky just Italians down here for the most part my frustration is that my troops don't really move to protect the areas that they need to like it's it's very awkward and then they waste time trying take back tiles they're already taking that's already lost so here for example we have a fair amount of divisions not doing much so they're being attacked in Strasbourg which have ten out of ten falls so that's not that I'm losing hurry all of the troops are returning it seems it's tempting to do a bit of a push down here like a vago I don't mind if I lose I'm just gonna distract them Germany's taken a million casualties what's their manpower on now I really want to win this this has gone from like a novel game into like just a battle to the ultimate destruction it's the Ottomans up to the Ottomans are holding and in fact they're taking care of the entire African flank wait the Ottomans leave the faction they are in the faction I just can't see what they're doing I think I'd rather take my tanks elsewhere I think we've got the strength to do that these bogs down and infantry keep Italy obey I think indefinitely and I am really enjoying Germany losing so many men yeah they've lost almost a million men to us if they have any army left to try and take out the Soviets they won't be able to will prevail Japan's doing an alright job now I'm gonna leave the Oceania troops to protect whatever they want to cheers cyphers done I think I'm almost ready to counter-attack against Germany soon just look at the troops are getting quite depleted it's just my Air Force that we're in a bit of a state against war propaganda against Italy just need to get that war support up now Hungary has joined the axis that won't save them okay educate the young just get them in and get them into battle and we're still on a war footing so more military factories please more fighters more cash more tanki's ah yes push to push to Hamburg yes that takes away more factories of bears that's all we need to do now just take away their factories in their industry and they will be destroyed and Italy down here oh dear Italy you're in for a world of pain as long as my troops don't vanish against a and then Germany will try and push against me again brilliant oh we might as well try and bring back Denmark liberation of Denmark 1940 no you guys can just attack aggressively I don't really care you'll be able to defeat the Italians take that Mussolini you've got these set to aggressive yet they're still just not go in their display they're just having a jolly no going encircle them the Italians don't know what that is okay now we're trading a lot better it depends on the day oh so they are a little screwed at the moment so we'll just try for another cheeky push even if we just take a few tiles at a time it's kind of might be able to curve down to Berlin oh yes get those are Italians just need to stop Romania and the Ottomans from capitulating tanking it into Moscow and I mean Berlin you betcha Romania is yep they're gonna capitulate did I spell France wrong oh no I am the gay today I did spell it wrong I call it take that Fras okay well yeah it's the Dutch spelling I am surprised Germany is still attacking I can't push across this river but eventually their line will just fold down their focus on internal issues sure I'll take the extra stability terrible what would have been fun if I guess if there if I'd have done non-historical AI I could've got Germany to do their monarchy root and then I probably could have just gone after like Spain and Portugal and actually do take out the Ottomans - that would've been quite fun the word German the German Reich will always be a ridiculous threat to any of your plans on the mainland so it's better to just I think at this scenario at the anglo-dutch Union defeating the Germans oh we're gonna take home maybe Munich - oh we're on a roll mate we are on a roll ah no get back - um would it be nice if we could have done an encirclement there but I guess these three divisions will do for now hey we got the encirclement good I'm gonna break through there is very nice didn't even know the United States existed to be honest with you oh just tasty I think that was like a 25 division encirclement so that's pretty tasty Italy up to I as Germany capitulate so I'm just gonna swoop down on them and the cipher but Italy is now fully decrypted noobs just keep pushing I don't really care how many people have to be sacrificed for this like despite Germany being on that zero equipment and we having air superiority they're still holding it's mainly because I think they're just in there you know there in the mountains Oh Germany's fully decrypted do ya the division breakthrough is really nice 15 percent ha ha ha ha ha so they capitulated I will send you guys down there and we'll crush these pitiful little bands and then the tanks I will send to Italy to help punch through and everything's all good in the hood Hungary's doing a surprisingly well I mean they're not just kidding they can capitulate any second I would imagine yeah I really wish that parts of iron would put in a feature where you could actually like demand their surrender and they then they could accept you know like like every other paradox title it's kind of frustrating that it's just like you have to just go until you annihilate them you know not really how walls would traditionally fault I mean different rating but you know what can you do tanking it to Palermo don't think we'll need to worry about it yeah I'm just gonna conquer things screw making the rational choice you know what I'm leaving occupy Denmark whatever I want it all I want all the territory my new empire as Anakin would like to say sometimes I pop it sometimes I just want it I am a mighty mighty empire look at this oh you'd love to see it you love to see it if you enjoyed seeing this mob I don't know if I'll return to it unless a lot of a lot of changes be it was good fun so of course comment like subscribe and I'll be back with more content that is soon Tolu many thanks to onion duck Maximilian Foreman wire green fat Boston Zechariah Mosby warnky George Gregory Craven a Dave the Don Lambert Valhalla halls Guzzi dibbsy yeah boy wombat cookie Daffy Alton Ryan Jack throat goof Aiden shear Jimmy crotch used beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous around supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 120,681
Rating: 4.9384704 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts, of, iron, four, hearts of iron iv mods, hoi4 mod, hoi4 steam workshop, hoi4 la resistance, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, spiffing brit, What If The Anglo Dutch Empire Existed!?! HOI4 La Resistance, What If The Anglo Dutch Empire Existed, what if hoi4, what, if
Id: Tljz95Ent0E
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Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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