What If HOI4 Was Set In 1700?!

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we'll scam in on everyone it's me I've got the best mug Rambler here and today yeah we're back on hearts of iron for today's video we're gonna be covering the Empire mod which sets hearts of iron in the early 18th century it's I'm thinking it's it's gonna be quite good fun there's there's quite a few focus trees and obviously it changes the landscape of the map now I do have a bit of a handicap at the moment it's not the messy room although that is a factor I know I need to tidy this like pretty ASAP but while cooking dinner last night I managed to slice a couple of my fingers with a knife just like right down there so is it's difficult to use these two at the moment in fear of the cuts opening up again yeah so I'm gonna I'm gonna keep on trying but this might be a Rambler fail today because I can only really use a mouse properly and no that's not me just making excuses but of course comment like and subscribe if you'd like to see more hearts of iron and videos in general on the channel might might might my aim is to always try and get five thousand lights on a hearts of iron video and if you want to subscribe to you get to see this incompetence several times a week coming at you live on the internet sex it's not live is pre-recorded but you get the power do stream I stream on Fridays so if you want to if you want to see this guy incompetently streamed live on Twitch on Fridays and on YouTube just plain strategy game several days a week so here we go look at this glorious map we have various things such as the German - States home brandenburg-prussia Italy's a mess oh my gosh such a mess England over here I'm probably gonna play it England there we have the the new world because our acadia the Iroquois British America Louisiana ad New Spain we've also got the unorganized tribes okay then oh and it's been gone for a while but I have a banana for today's video so keep on watching if you want to see me gobble gobble 30 year-old man eating a banana on a YouTube video what indeed Winston in deed so just before we begin there are focus trees for France Spain England Netherlands Austria Sweden and Russia and this temporary one's for Prussia and Savoy dozens of events custom leaders custom icons rework States but yeah there's there's loads to it it's an early build of course as it always is whenever you whenever you play this mods but we're gonna play as William of Orange I've actually been to Hampton Court Palace and been through some of the the William of oranges rooms it's quite interesting quite interesting if you ever in the UK I would definitely recommend going to Hampton Court but anyway we will begin I could focus on domestic policy we could strengthen our legitimacy we have the foreign policy and differences om written the grand alliance which is literally just me brilliant okay fantastic now we do have Irish opposition uh-oh and legacy of the Glorious Revolution in 1688 King William the third of our Alger was invited by the English Protestants to invade the British Isles and depose and replace James the second indeed and if I look at the unorganized tribes it basically encompasses all of Africa a lot of a lot of Southeast Asia and Oceania and yeah North America the the only trait they have is disorganized tribes and they are also a fetishist I don't know why but that's what the mod has decided to do okay Oh everything's kind of the same except it's been renamed we do have superior firepower and I think that's gonna be I think superior foil the soft attack where anybody going up against infantry so I think soft attacks the way forward military factories what can we build flintlock rifles the air baby a weight towed artillery artillery only anyone we somehow have invented trucks which I'm quite surprised about hasar but I think to begin with we might want to focus on our domestic policy right and we could actually develop the Scottish economy that doesn't sound very English when have we ever done anything for Scotland oh we could also crush the Irish Catholics whoa baby hold dear oh my gosh giddily gooo oh whoa they've actually got accurate portraits and shall we have a look at there is there's William of Orange and if we go and look at British America a William Penn look at that fella Hey looking good looking good sir it's time to gobble Oh put a fruit in the morning very good oh here we go two months of negotiations between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League this concludes the great Turkish conflict the treaty saw a large territorial losses for the oh oh well there we go the Ottoman Empire is no longer than once great power now the sick man of Europe oh I touch the banana with my poor fingers ow yeah I actually can't play with my thing is I'm already bleeding through my plaster but luckily that doesn't Oh Oh we finished a focus oh my gosh I need to be very careful about how I use my fingers I'm gonna go for limit parliamentary power yes disagreements between the monarch and Parliament have led to many conflicts last century such as the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution we cannot afford any more disasters such as these but overall there's not really a whole lot going on at the moment Oh hold on France is gonna expand the ball borne sphere and we write foreign policy yeah foreign policy than the Treaty of London I will focus on Scotland at some point don't worry don't worry fellas oh they are in the faction oh they are in my fact oh and they're a puppet okay okay as they should Savoy joins the bull born Alliance are you having a giraffe Treaty of London the Treaty of The Hague made Joseph Ferdinand heir to the Spanish crown but he died a smallpox so oh my gosh look at Carlos look at that chin only mercenaries I think not I think I'll have to limit my conscription Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle you are I will send invitations to the ambassador's yes French Dutch English and Austrian ambassadors have come to an agreement in London concerning the succession of the Spanish throne all right domestic policy let's focus on things at home shall we can we actually Colin stuff phone to do that is there any way I can be like hey tribes can I get it I don't think so at the moment I will develop the Scottish economy as much as it pains me I'll have to do I am literally role-playing and the English Parliament really aren't they oh my gosh well Oh outbreak of the great northern war after months of rising tensions that long anticipated war between Sweden and the anti Swedish coalition of Russia dem up at the common buffer finally broke it out oh you can actually change your state religion to anything I could actually become a fetishist oh you can't manually change it damn it I want to get involved with it nope let's not go down that road yet Alex hmm hmm Oh Denmark Denmark was forced to surrender huh there you go well good for you sweetie all right tensions in the north there's not really much I can do here I can send an English volunteer course I mean it's just base war support which is good isn't it I can just claim divine right our monarch is chosen by heaven this grants the monarch absolute power Wow our stability is it's pretty bad how would I get rid of Irish opposition I think I either need to just give Ireland self-governance or or crush the Irish Catholics it's actually quite fun just chilling out and just rely on focus trees for the entertainment I don't have to do much and I'm improving my nation little by little oh this focus has no effect okay well whatever I can indoctrinate people oh my god my dreams are coming true no I'm gonna do I'm good I'm gonna arm this cos this is that's never gone wrong has it ever gone wrong at all just debating intervention I'll get base war support of an extra 15% Yas well hey look at Sweden that are they pushing into Russia oh no the borders seem about even just about okay I'm just gonna focus on starting to proclaim the United Kingdom so I'm just going down these focuses if anything else happens I'll let you know yeah the death of charles ii towards the end of his life charles the second's frail health deteriorated he died on the first of November 1700 five days before his thirty-nine birthday oh my kid leagoo F that would only give me nine more years oh my god that's that's petrified to think about really you're in your own death foreign investment just give me two civilian factories thank you I love getting things for free so if any if any if any desk makers or chair makers you're looking to sponsor a channel I'm your man I will take your I will take your stuff any if there is any people like selling like the death foam stuff that you put on the walls I'll take anything Oh any anyone selling a new computer that they want to give me I'll take that too choosing beggars here I come this video is gonna get posted there isn't it just give me all of the film four things for free I'm an influencer I'll give you a shout out all right integrate Scotland dude it it it to do or Scottish or no integrate Scotland yet there we go you're gonna be mine what's going on now rush declare war in the Caucasian - states Oh dearie me Russia Oh dearie me I'm just gonna I'm just gonna crush the Irish please don't abandon me Irish viewers I'm just role-playing England I'm just role-playing England I'm sorry I'm flora yeah I just need to make them an integrated puppet and then it should be okay so I'm building factories in their nation at the moment and I think if I build in there then that slowly allows me to yeah so it's need to build stuff oh I probably build if I built infrastructure that that would it be quicker to do wouldn't it boost you up Scotland boost you up I'm gonna embargo France take that ball-ball militarism yes good let's go military youth population oh here we go manage subjects bish bash Bosh nice integrated puppet what you're gonna do now Scotland now you're mine I mean I'm immediately gonna cancel all of the yep all of the investment let's focus on southern England now this is literally role-playing the English of how they've treated people over the years it's quite terrible the highlands do have gunpowder though and I always need gunpowder so this let's pump you up Scottish Highlands but I'm fine Anna Burnett Minuteman that better but of we're gonna be an empire England annex of Scotland nice let's go Oh baby here we go proclaim United Kingdom of Great Britain noise fight for the monarch yes good I'm basically just maxing out my stability on war support and then I can go to war and do whatever the heck I want oh the king is dead long live the Queen the Absolution party will be called how Stewart okay Queen Anne oh she's an inexperienced monarch Oh Oh send attache to Austria I'm gonna try and reform the grand alliance and then take out France that's gonna be the aim of my video you've been watching for probably about 10 minutes now leaders waffle on go through the focus tree but it's like telling a story right it's almost like playing an RPG and that's why I think that's why I've managed to keep playing holy for for as long as I have because I RPGs are one of my favorite genres so to be able to roleplay as a nation it's it's pretty it's pretty cool it's pretty cool and a bit of an error whenever you click on some of these people you can't actually get them so I can't get my infantry expert or my army regrouping expert which is a travesty an absolute travesty I am recruiting a massive army with which to try and take on the French how many divisions do they have they've got quite a lot I'm gonna need more than them reform the grand alliance Oh baby yes make my day please please Austria joins the grand alliance the Netherlands rejects our differences were too great what I literally just had a king that was Duke of orange in them so it's just gonna be me in Austria me in Austria against this how many divisions do you have you have 88 okay oh that's a lot one hundred and a hundred fifty seven okay they the grand alliance attacks the bull bond realm Denmark joins the anti-derivative of Bavarian and Great Britain declared war on France let's just see if we can naval invade who else can we invite Morocco I No ah they literally just let me land okay well we'll send in the main army off we go chaps off we go okay boys you've been training your whole lives for this advance reignite the old Alliance oh but France is out of manpower you might be up to six my face is blocking it but they're actually hired MANPAD oh good good oh I have my new army of twenty four divisions let us launch another naval invasion yes Portugal joins the grand alliance brilliant Oh giddily goo align Prussia oh come on Prussia come on in I think Austria might actually need your help now they're doing okay I think they're doing okay okay the French Navy sucks I lost one convoy and they lost 12 subs even those subs don't exist okay this is a bit bonkers but hey ho just going to see if we can start to push a little bit once we complete our second naval invasion I imagine we'll be able to stretch the French a bit more are you are you are you having a giraffe you join Bavaria ah pressure No you were supposed to be the chosen one brandenburg-prussia rejects of course they do the fricken morons I should have recruited more troops before I commenced this invasion I'm actually a bit scared at the amount of troops that the French have although they don't have any manpower it's they still have so many troops and they now have manpower oh ho oh we are getting pretty close to Paris though which I'm pretty impressed about and I'm training good old Kentish divisions the men of Kent but we are pushing pretty far into France I'm gonna have to try and protect my holdings for a little while I think I don't want to stretch myself too far right on the gates of Paris as well but I'd rather I'd rather hold and fortify french have audio and million casualties that's amazing oh and Acadia oh my glorious British America is taking Canada oh look at that you'd love to see it you'd love to see it oh I'm about to take Paris I think I'm about to take it take that for bones oh now they want to join now they see that we're winning I mean you can come and get some of the glory I guess oh wow Sweden it's getting absolutely destroyed who surrounded Versailles great trying to take this port so we can actually insert all of these troops here - oh man oh you'd love to see that you love to see that get them destroy them yeah Francis is pretty much doomed oh this is this is great I love it when when when a plan comes together well Great Britain took 12 States British America took 26 louisia although that was annexed and I've puppeted a hundred thousand oh but there we go look that's well that's that's the state of play there's one thing I want to do before I finished the video away a we still award pressure oh we are did it it did it let's go ahh look how good British America looks so good so good so I'm just turning everyone into my puppets that I can really one thing that I did want to do is - where is it proclaim absolute monarchy assert French claims and then proclaim the of Indian empire however I'm not really able to do that because there's no real way for me to increase absolution ism one thing that I was able to do under political actions was give myself an extra 5% but as far as I can tell there's no real way for me to do this mmm manually so I can't actually finish it off which is frustrating but I don't really have any political advisors to do it I can't boost my own ideology unfortunately because you know that's you just can't do it so I can't finish off the video how I wanted to however I think I've done pretty well to to form this grand alliance and and and assert the authority of the British over the French so I'm gonna leave it there for today but I hope you enjoyed this it's definitely a mod worth trying still there's still some stuff to iron but I'd say it's definitely worth the try so plus of course comment like and subscribe and I'll be back very soon doodle-ooh many thanks to onion duck maximilian foreman wire green robert kingj Dalkon ryan cody freeze a name name a one two three one a Beshear jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley's have been ridiculous Rambler supporters on patreon and many thanks to the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 276,548
Rating: 4.9233842 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts of iron gameplay, comedy, hearts of iron 4 funny, hoi4 uk, hearts, of, iron, iv, hearts of iron, paradox interactive, What If HOI4 Was Set In 1700, what if hoi4, spiffing brit, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, hoi4 mods, hearts of iron 4 mod, hoi4 funny mod
Id: nAXFg3Gc2Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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