France and the impenetrable MEGA-INOT line in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone I am Toria and welcome to my newest handsome iron 4 video you might have noticed that I had not posted anything for a while that is for two reasons one Christmas break of course and reason number two I was actually building and testing my new rig I went from a five-year-old I 5 processor to the newest 3950 X now if you would like to hear more about hardware and its impact on performance in things like r14 let me know in the comments I might make an extra video about it and I'm so short going from 4 to 16 cores doesn't really have a significant impact on the game but it does on other stuff like editing I also got a new monitor so we're going to be recording in 1440p I wonder how that will translate to YouTube video quality and let me know about that as well it might also know this the user interface is smaller because of that so to test all that out I want the semi-casual simple game so we're going to play as France and actually use one of Rene's ideas if you're not familiar with a Rhema check out his channel it's really cool he's from Australia and he's made a few videos that I wanted to try myself one of them is the mega new line like the Maginot Line but mega we're going to play as France and were only allowed to defend ourselves we cannot attack anyone and the goal is to see Germany defeated now I have purposely not washed Remy's video to make sure I use my own methods I will probably give it a look afterwards though so again France we're staying Democratic were only allowed to defend ourselves we cannot attack anyone and I'll consider this a victory if Germany is defeated I'm an amount ahsoka focuses so let's go so we're going to want to do a couple of focuses here first off we do want to extend the Maginot Line obviously we also need to do the government reform and go with the status quo we could go with Britain or we could do the little and taunt if we do this one and that will trigger the war faster because ciao Slovakia will join us that might be the choice and also we want the extra research thoughts unfortunately as far as we have the disjointed government modify which is utterly horrible sir we would like to get to defensive strategy as quickly as possible so that we can remove it I think we have to start with the governor's reform we still have some time before the attack so we can start building the fort a little bit later but now let's focus on civilian factories this way we will have something to build the forts with research is much easier to navigate in 1440p let's start with electronic mechanical engineering construction this is one of the few cases where grand battle plan might actually be a good choice because of its fortification businesses now I still would prefer to go with master Sol because we're just going to do infantry so I think I might switch the mass assault but right now with our modifiers and this research would take forever so let's not do it instead machine tools now we do want pure infantry possibly with some support that's not necessarily now we're also going to release some countries I'm pretty sure we'll do better if we actually decolonize but keep them as puppets of course that can wait a little bit I need some army experience to get at the template I want not all probably be a twenty with infantry without any support so yeah that's about it let's enforce again even if we go the entire route we have some time before the Germans attack we will also need to defend against Spain because it is very probable that Spain will turn fascist now we could send the volunteers but I'm not sure we need to do that we have 74 units and that is a significant amount of Enzo also forgot to set up my production we're just doing integer and maybe some support equipment I don't need any of the other things and now I might add support much later yeah we really don't have military factor you do it maybe I don't care about at all so let's cancel the ships I mean I'll keep building those that are almost done but the rest will cancel all right we can finish these but the rest will just go into convoys because convoys are a great currency for decreasing independence of Puppets actually let's switch them all to the infantry division see if we have enough manpower also bringing all the fronts now we could try and oppose the remoter ization of Rhineland but that is better with you know attacking Germany so let's go with a store called root and wimp out of this one as you can see we get almost no political part that is because of the disjointed government this is why we need to reaching the defensive stratagems very quickly it seems like I did have enough manpower let's exercise all of them now in fighting German and Italian scientists are good choices but we have to work on our stability for now and our political power and when we get enough vodka power we also need to hire this silent workhorse election people demand rearmament gladly early mobilization let's cancel that support equipment we don't need it I've decided to go with the little intern perhaps we can save Joe Slovakia that way yeah and we have enough political power for this island where calls and Joe Slovak had joins our alliance nothing itself might be enough to defeat Germany we'll see about that and now we can strengthen the government although the Germans doing AutoKey we do have all the time workers are threatened with strikes and get significant strikes for 90 days or we can get communism don't let the character significant strikes for 90 days fascist Spain is winning as always and we strengthened the government finally once this is done we can do defensive stratagems and finally be rid of that bed modifier actually this was probably a mistake we still have quite a lot of time I might want to go with these before the defence we have eight army experience and let's add an infantry unit to our template and when we get to ten now we will remove the support artillery let's go to free trade which is superior to everything else let's do the extra research thought we have enough army experience let's modify the template remove the support just stick with 20 infantry but now what we can do is start a decolonizing we will not have to defend that territory and they will provide us with stuff so I'll go to occupied territories and start letting people go now I don't think we're going to release Algeria because we can get some extra factories in there to focus but pretty much everything else is going to be released puppet boom one Mauritania sure released as puppet Mali why not and so on there's gonna be quite a lot of them but all of them get the default focus tree which can give them some factories and oh no we should be more powerful that way chard that we killed Congo why not Morocco sure see this way Algeria I will be separated from all our enemies and we'll be able to get some factories here through a focus well let's continue these theories always didn't really have factories so it doesn't matter but now they will see all of them get access to and the basic focus tree which has industrial effort and armed effort and that is a total of five civilian and three military factories for each of them ultimately and that will be quite significant I believe and also use their manpower for colonial divisions this is why I waited for the army experience so that they will have the template that I use and I won't have to modify it not all of them will have significant amounts of manpower but some will I see Vietnam that's a lot of manpower that you can use but for now let's just let them develop on their own we will be utilizing that manpower a bit later no I do have some metaphors I suppose I'll send them all to JA Slovakia and a delay and the Germans ah strengthen government has been completed now we can finally get rid off this you wanted government so you places like Morocco have no factories and they're choosing the wrong focuses but at some point they will do this tree and then they will become useful I'm to go ahead of time in our stuff also I think we should invite some scientists well let's give refugee to German scientists and once we have the political power also to Italian ones residues the better government you destroy wants airplanes of course you can have them do we want Hungarian rearmament well we don't want to live in the real moment because Hungary will join the Germans so no we're done with defensive stratagems we no longer have that crippling modify let's do alpine forts Italy abandons Naval Treaty or I don't care Alpine force done what just to land force well I should have built it up to eight and then done the focus apparently but I I haven't checked that beforehand so I guess it's my own fault for doing it like this so this will probably do the same thing up north so I'm going to delay this wasn't what Yugoslavian Romania in to our alliance yeah this was clearly a mistake I should have waited his occasion Germany has started stuff okay I suppose I'll invite Romania the answer that around here it comes although we don't think Italy will join them right away do you have to be ready time to prepare our troops and we just sit on the measurement line you will just sit on the Italian border you secure the Benelux and the rest well now it is time to start using that colonial manpower Lebanon has 18,000 manpower that is enough for one unit so what we do is create a coronal template from Lebanon use our default one change one unit to the Lebanese one and there you go and now we'll repeat that for all our puppets it's gonna take a while six full armies yeah sure let's hire a defense expert and keep some political power for when the war starts I'm gonna need way more guns Walter let's get up to level 5 force no the commander's this one looks very much like a darling from Black Adder everyone be cautious we don't want you advancing on the enemy no I could actually do some shenanigans and send my choice to Joe so vodka but that's not what this is about let's finish these horse and then invest in military factories Romania will join a faction they could help out your worker quite significantly now what I could do is a delay the entire war by kicking Joe Slovakia out of the faction or I thought the Germans attacked them so that we would not be dragged into the war just yet but the Germans would actually have to fight Czechoslovakia but I suppose were ready to fight them so that's not no the Germans get theoretically other man I trust with a couple of paratroopers with our current set up but the AI doesn't do that so let's ignore that possibility Romania joins us wonderful Hungary we could issue an ultimatum to Hungary do we care we don't really care we don't want to lose war support and stability see I could remove to us the backing from my faction and then you know we would have some more time but we're actually going to say the British be damned France supports have friends will also talk about which is sad Germany are you gonna attack me now they have attacked the Charles LaMacchia I would accept their call to arms but they're not calling me to arms no they are okay all right except of course we're just going to sit on our territory because we're not allowed to do anything else now all our puppets are asking to join the war we don't really want to do that unless they are you know surrounded by friendly territory like poison tamale but I'm just not going to call any of them in I am using their manpower that is going to be sufficient let's work on the improved computing machine the Germans are not trying to attack the Maginot Line and Lita and some not joining the war Chancellor K will fall but that will weaken the Germans we southeastern claims strikes should I go for propaganda on this I might but first can I go to war economy I can so that's our first move and now that spending over the part that we don't have on propaganda chelovek is actually holding strong I wonder if the Germans will get a civil war because of that you know how I did planes only and supporter Joseph lucky a little bit and then the Germans couldn't conquer them and got the Civil War I wonder if the same will happen Yugoslavia got defeated and we got eggs and stuff we're going to ignore the SL stuff anyway Joseph I can't Romania are still fighting no doubt Yusuf is not a thing maybe the Germans will send more troops back here I don't know we'll see heroes of the production from the perfect if you can hear some music in the background that is not game music well that's my son playing downstairs with a toy piano alright so the Germans are trying to push a little bit but they are failing miserably no again I'm mark need to send another army here military factories are being constructed we will get enough guns for everyone but quite soon and Joe Slovak is still stands normally one day an extra backyard this is you know their territory here or the war will not end and it will be occupied territory Hansard rebellions and stuff what focus are you doing down to Cold War if Joe Slovakia so far that alone they actually have a chance of you know long-term survival but I don't think that's gonna happen just like it's still alive I'm surprisingly and Romania it's actually doing great here I'm just like I got divided if they can hold but not in Bratislava they do have a chance or refuses German ultimatum let's see what happens yeah okay all the [ __ ] dominions join hold has automatically joined our action really I thought they'd join do okay no matter that's fine as well so now Kenda Germans handle or Romania remains of Jos lavaca US and Poland at the same time without Italy's help oh yes Britain can have military access extension of the Maginot Line let's go to extensive conscription so after seeing in the civil war in Germany last time I was actually expecting it to happen again now that jovica is you know defending for so long but apparently not the case this time I will explain these for my subjects we do need the extractor once we're done with those military victories I think it's time to reinforce with the Maginot Line applause well go to level 5 forts everywhere just Levesque just three took a bit of territory curious I mean if I was allowed to attack in this scenario the Germans would already be dead that's how much support in Jogja Vecchia does if only the Allies were in such pansies before the war as disabled for before stuff looks better okay Italy hasn't joined of the axis that will probably turn to tighten they will finish up poem Chancellor back here and Romania probably but we are well prepared for an Italian attack all of Warsaw Poland will be destroyed soon if we were to push or if this opinion joins I think that just dump all Romania is doing a great job though and the fact that our puppets have not joined war means all that there is always completely safe they're safe to you know grow and develop themselves and if we need to we can just call them in later on see Tunisia has seven factories and three dugouts and some manpower and that is the end of Poland and Germany attack Luxembourg Belgium has automatically joined our faction and they will hold them off for a little while same with the Netherlands which might be enough for me to finish level five of course in the area then of course we'll go higher see the Germans are stretched so thin which osowiec hair and now Romanian toast oh and dad are actually not able to push knees the blocks chelovek has capitulated and they have a run away to us the Benelux is now in our alliance of theoretically I could just move my troops over here but that would be leaving territory sorry going to have to make do on your own then again if we did that we would be able to prevent the Germans from even entering Belgium probably so we have at least level five every time don't upgrade to level six Romania are still holding out oh this will give Germany quite a lot of territory to exploit but again they will also have to manage resistance there and some German troops got encircled when the Soviets took this territory Germany attacked no way what you know though why not Denmark Luxembourg is exit yeah they're pushing Belgium quite a new career but well we do have for our troops in here so it will be alright now Denmark joins finally army reform so again declares war in Finland Belgium and middle and/or still have thinking though let's get the grant and battle for an expert and on army reform finishes we're going to be pumping out two doctrines quickly let's see if Germany is doing operation ton battle or not well they can do operation tighten down at any point I suppose I will increase my fourth level year to three Denmark has been defeated Romania is defeated as well but we get there dears and some troops I can invite someone to the fatch in Finland oh no not looking to fight at the Soviet Union Germany now holds quite a lot of territory by reidman southern us Lovick here but it actually said Charles lavaca returns it so since Jessica still exists even the word war with the Germans huh strange whatever army or from complete let's start some doctrine research finally and let's increase our industry in Algeria a bit I am NOT protecting it so theoretically it can be taken by a naval invasion but it's not that likely to happen oh bombing our forts I need to invest in anti air pollution Romanian Alliance they're both capitulated so that's kind of strange and that lets capitulate now they're going to try and push against us now there's still a little bit of Belgium defended by the British here so I will not paint front lines until this is taken care of by the Germans but if I might need some more troops let's see how old man power is in Viet I still have a hundred thousand but I have 1.4 million so I should be using my old man car just to use a regular French troops anti-tank that will come in handy against the Germans yeah let's just prevent the election because I'm going to hire a democratic reform as soon anyway we want to increase our democracy support so that our stability will go up ah Polish generals Yahoo Petrovski there you go our strikes yeah because our stability is not that great sure we'll have to spend some political power but first I'm going to wait a few days so that I can hire a democratic reformer and he had 150 and now spent portico potters we don't have to get more stability now we have saturated I bother with so many jobs that are in doubt the Germans would be able to break through even if we didn't have forts on your military industry they are bombarding my force quite extensively I'm Tony Alexander it or not you guys are going to secure Spain because eventually they will choke the axis on the proper Maginot Line there are two armies so I'm going to Train one while the other you know keep centre defensive on your military factories complete so what now now some repeating focuses construction engineering grandfort construction speed 20% I think it's finally time to maximize our four levels starting with and the Benelux then Italy it's finally Switzerland in Spain and when that's all done we'll switch to the construction repair focus and also do entire here those borders also very heavily protected so half of you can exercise I guess same goes for the Italian border also half of you can exercise those they're focusing on Greece now well the United Kingdom actually secured Africa good job now we don't expand like we normally should I'm not sure I will be able to beat the Germans if I attacked right now I am sure I would be able to attack the Germans when they were fighting JA Slovakia Poland and Romania at the same time still not so sure right now but we have the Soviets attack and we attack that would be pretty straightforward victory for us I think some decryption maybe the Germans have stopped their offensive which is strange to me they should at least try to take this last bit of Belgium I suppose they might be focusing on Greece right now and when Greece Falls we might see more activity from them Sweden has been attacked interesting don't usually do that let's check some casualties we have lost 10 men the Germans have lost 1.8 million but we didn't kill many of them we are missing steel but we're also getting a lot of factories from exports so I suppose I'll just buy it from my friends Greece is now a governmental exile this is weird how everyone is joining me instead of the our eyes even though we're both at war with the Germans so anyway in Greece's they can care about they have sweeten and lower matter not and us the Germans have entered Sweden won't take them too long you found a blood war on the Philippines which means we'll be getting the United States in our war soon yep the United States join the Allies the Americans weren't talking right sure Germans are employing cables but I'm gonna try and boost popularity because they have changed the formulas for support so when it was impossible to do anything about the ideology in Germany before it should be possible now maybe should have started it earlier Sweden has been defeated and they're about to take Norway - we do inform the reichskommissariat but they still don't have war go on the Soviet Union we're actually making an impact and increasing Democratic support in Germany weird well that is a bit strange to me because there was actually a bug in the formula for support for a long time and the point gabbles made it impossible for a single country to do anything about fascism in Germany you'd have to have a lot of diluting at the same time but apparently that formula has been fixed and now we're actually making an impact we have maximized our war support but I suppose we can increase stability a bit oh I can dismantle the Maginot Line really this feels rather boring doesn't it they're not even trying to attack me yeah well let's give it some time and see how the situation develops have no intel on this combat or the hell oh the Americans are attacking from my territory that's why I have no intel on this combat well good luck Americans I am providing them with a safe haven with baguettes and stuff so if they want to go out and do the fighting good luck with that all right so now the Americans are trying to defeat the Germans attacking from our territory and they're getting nowhere so far German Reich is massive ah they don't have a way into our territory at least at the moment let's check on this of it lessons of war and Hungary proclaimed great Hungary let's have a look at that East Indies okay there's a Japan everywhere good thing I didn't call my people in here the British Raj is actually doing quite well okay finally USSR breaks and immortal ready been throw packed and lots of stuff is happening let's see how this works out Oh Germany is still holding quite a lot of troops on our border and they have to otherwise the British and the Americans will push them back about the Soviet Union Germany is getting quite a lot of casualties let's compare that to of the Soviets okay Germany is actually getting more casualties than the Soviet Union which is kinda normal because the Germans are the ones on the offensive so how long can they sustain it's right now they're making gains and now actually it would be a perfect moment to push against the Germans because you know divided like that they wouldn't be able to resist our attack against the rules unfortunately and the casualties between the Germans and the Soviets have now been balanced just not too great for us actually again if undisturbed that the Germans will usually just cut through the Soviets and defeat them I wonder if not letting them take France counts as disturbing them I suppose we'll find out oh we had a national spirit coming safe once how did I miss that well we are using a you know democratic reform so all that influence is kind of taken care of it also significantly increased Democratic support in Germany I don't think there will be a better time to do it we should do it now let's do Muslims it's gonna take a while and since I do have all that unused political power let's do the same thing to Italy between one in half a million Germany you want to have million I don't really have anything to do I suppose our by the stage a coup in Japan why the hell not perhaps I should just start sending lend-lease to the Soviet Union can have all my old guns now maybe this time their soldiers can have guns and bullets and the Americans are trying to attack all the time and now is the Americans because I can't see the result of the battle and that can only happen for someone in the Allies because I have a different Alliance what I'm giving them access so it's either the British or the Americans part is the British you don't usually do anything it must be the Americans oh and I finished building highest level forts everywhere the Americans can't really push through the German lines can they it's 1943 and the Germans are not really pushing through the Soviet Union which gives me hope you non-free empire has capitulated should have started with that you know ideology changing much earlier how long until my coup on the Germans is ready we're halfway there okay so our Maginot Line is working no German can enter France will it be sufficient we've maxed out our factories I suppose I can start building in my subjects territory penalties Soviet Union lost 5.3 million from the Germans and the Germans only lost half of that that's not great and it both have a lot of manpower I suppose I could send this with some more stuff pretty much maxed our industry almost completely and the coup has happened let's see if anything good comes out of that that's the coup in Germany and the coup in Italy should follow sooner now they have joined the Allies so our troops should get into their territory quickly and operate from there if they don't do that well that's stupid and here's my queuing delay I'm not expecting these khus to actually be effective more serve as a distraction perhaps that'll be sufficient perhaps not the German who is doing oh crap I forgot there's this bug that you have to get out of the game and come back for the cooze forces to actually do anything on here I forgot about that all right I must get out to the menu and return right on back let's see if that helps and they stopped being totally stupid yes now they're moving probably having to fix that already baffles me no yeah no did capture it at least we still have the Italian coup going on how was Japan by the way very democratic will coup them soon as well yeah I screwed up I should have exited the game right as the coup started and returned and again they fix small bugs but not this mmm no elections we are making one and a half thousand a day that translates to roughly 50,000 a month can I send all that to the Soviets sure why the hell not the Germans are getting further and further into the Soviet Union now we're still safe they are not getting into our territory the teams are just sitting there and not doing anything does not alter the course the war there is one more thing I can do although I doubt it will have any impact whatsoever what apart from breaking the rules and pushing of course let's call all of our subjects in now probably you want to change anything Darry are weak and small but you know to try come on for Gibraltar when did when it's pain joy anymore okay I missed the favorites page but in the war because they're not even they're not attacking me just the other bother as well so apparently calling in Morocco was a mistake because they're about to take over all that territory pity shouldn't have done that yeah well that will cause trouble in Italy and we will lose some factories over here not ultimately we don't really need them at the moment and I could destroy the Spanish quite easily if I was just real block detective yeah I'm screwed up : Morocco that was my safeguard down in Africa and reduce serious independence I would really want to reduce their independence I'm only doing the suppressed object focused so that they don't increase it it's already 1944 and not much is happening anymore the Maginot Line if extended to land mega new line works and the one can enter France but also doesn't really make a difference to the rest of the world Germans will steamroll everyone if left to their own devices and that's pretty much what we did we left them to their own devices let's give it a little while longer in down think we can stop all right I think we've seen enough although the Netherlands are being retaken by the Americans I think my two mistakes were calling in Morocco because I didn't know his when Spain entered the war and my second mistake would be not starting boosting popularity at the very start so it Union has lost 12 million almost yeah it's pretty clear at this point the Germans will defeat the Soviet Union and then they will just never enter our territory because of the level-10 force unclear is the Allied naval invasions whether they're going to you know succeed or not I don't think the eyes can gather up a significant force in here before so which means defeated and when the Soviet Union is defeated the Germans will be so powerful and the idea as won't be able to make a dent in them and they won't be able to have any naval envisions actually succeed now one thing that will survive is France because we have level-10 force everywhere that is what this will look like in the long run we'll just be sitting here forever I suppose that's it we can draw our conclusions the Maginot Line works but it only works at defending France it doesn't work and changing the course of the war you have to do more than just sit there so we're going to end it here and ascertain that this is not a great strategy France you should be attacking not defending but before the end let's activate all our orders and see what would happen if we pushed right now now this is not the perfect time to push the perfect time to push was when Germany was fighting Poland and Czechoslovakia and Romania or at the same time let's just see what happens almost on grade yet the social Union is about to be destroyed we are pushing in the Benelux and Belgium is being retaken no effect in Italy well there are mountains there no effect in Spain and here so with the cushion now we are actually getting somewhere in the Benelux but not quickly enough and you know effectively you know let's stop and enter the video here what have we learned today defending is not the answer you should be attacking also my favorite part was actually how well Joe Baca hell for quite a long time if we were able to send troops in there or just attack the Germans right at the moment of them fighting just Beckett and Poland and Romania at the same time and you the saga then you know he would just achieve a quick and easy victory especially since Italy was not even in that fight that would essentially I found this a rather frustrating that I wasn't allowed to do anything just said defending myself not my favorite game anyway let me know what you think of course and let me know what you think of the new resolution because this is 1440p now if you're watching this on youtube you might not be watching in 1440p and then what's the difference right well the interface also scales so you might notice that everything is smaller and I can fit more generals and so on well let me know which setting you prefer also theoretically this should be higher quality visually when done scaled as well but we'll see what else oh yeah right let me know if you want me to talk about hardware and parks game and upgrading my computer although you might not want to hear that let's end this video here thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it of course let me know if you did and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 376,331
Rating: 4.8993664 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 france, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 france world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman france, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 mega-inot line, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 meganot, hoi4 maginot, hoi4 megainot
Id: kqBmkJNzKCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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