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[Music] right if we're playing the soviets who exactly can we blame on this one because we don't have chamberlain we've got the man himself the absolute daddy titty tiddly [ __ ] mr stalin oh wait i got just the [ __ ] guy hey everybody and welcome back to trotsky ruined my goddamn soviet republics here and today we're back in the world of nc failed where we'll be looking at what if the soviets were actually the ones doing the nc guinness in there being pushed back to a almost unwinnable situation so the mod actually rates this scenario on their mod page very hard which i'm not a hundred percent if i believe that or not because i've got the ultra mega babe mr stalin oh god [Music] hey that was pretty damn gay and of course if you're new around here make sure to hit that sub button to see more hearts of iron 4 videos and for everyone that's bought some merch so far thank you very much the sale will go on until the 25th a lot of stuff is going out of stock so if you really want to get something get it now before it's gone forever as i will be getting new merch at some point uh yeah so if you can't tell things aren't going that well for the soviets the germans really took rush b to heart and they've pushed me halfway back into my [ __ ] country and they've took the caucuses so i loaded up the game beforehand figure out what my plan would be and straight away i've got to delete these medium tank divisions because uh whenever i click their unit template the game crashes yeah but we don't need tanks anyway we've got human beings you just stick them together like the romans did basically a walk-in tank anyway yeah i didn't want to be the one to break it to you my unit's surrounded in leningrad but uh you're gonna die how to play russia 101 build a [ __ ] ton of guns but not enough for everybody you know it's probably incompetence like leaving all of your air force in one single airport overcrowded letting it rust away not in the [ __ ] skies that is leading us to lose this war but thankfully i ain't about that life um i think it might be a bit too late to sign the molotov ribbon-trop pact it's more of the molotov halfway into my [ __ ] pact right now isn't it well i guess uh neville chamberlain's still quote unquote asleep okay so now i've got a front line i'm pretty happy with we need to fix this whole minus half a million [ __ ] gun scenario so what i'm gonna do is i'm immediately gonna get some xp and then i'm gonna change this division template because while 40 whip sounds great it's actually not that great thankfully my unit's getting absolutely slaughtered in leningrad are giving me quite a bit of xp thanks people of leningrad i'm basically sacrificing manpower for army experience here but that's just how the soviets did it so you're probably all wondering why i'm going down to 40 with because 40 width is so god damn good well it's pretty simple i don't have half a million guns to equip 40 with troops they take up a [ __ ] and a supply and guess what guys i'm pretty sure if i lower them down to 20 which give them way more guns i'll actually be way more stronger against the germans who i'm pretty sure are gonna start endlessly attacking me there they go i'm also obviously gonna go ahead and get all the defensive perks for my field marshall and we're just gonna wait for the germans to grind down on me a little bit we won't be able to knock them all the way as we usually do when we grind down units but we'll do them enough that we'll actually start out producing them in guns [ __ ] sake neville you just had to sleep for like five years didn't you ah isn't it beautiful well if things already weren't going that great for britain they're going pretty [ __ ] terrible now they've lost gibraltar the rock with the monkeys on it geez ah i just noticed that world war is actually called the german ethiopian war in this i think we need to change that irl uh stalin i think the radio guy bringing us the news might be blind deaf and dumb or italian although after reading it i'm pretty sure the general gist is that we've held stalingrad or we've ran out of spaghetti noodles it could be either or now just like real life it's time to encircle the germans now that ain't the most beautiful thing you haven't ever seen then uh i've got i've got to have to break it to you i think you might be straight there you go a good 30 german divisions out of the way and no longer our [ __ ] problem so now i'm happy with what we've secured in stalingrad and around it i'm pretty sure we're gonna have to retake the caucuses because uh that that oil germany i i'm gonna need it back and you know what i'll just take a couple german prisoners do on my way down to get it so that's mostly all secured for papa stalin and his lubrication fetish and the germans aren't looking that great so i think it might be time for a counter attack soon but not before i take a couple more german prisoners for papa stalin's personal soy boy whipping basement although i'm guessing it's probably getting pretty full down there what the [ __ ] is going on here i don't know what's going on but there's one hell of a [ __ ] rave happening in the netherlands right now jesus christ i tag switch over to see what's happening and there's there's no troops here i don't know why he keeps doing this so to stop the game from [ __ ] crashing i just annex the netherlands to journey through the console and i i'm pretty sure that's fixed it although i swear to [ __ ] god if another rave happens in the netherlands i'm going to alt f4 well here's the mean the uh germans got their equipment back the first thing they did was endlessly attack me and top it all off it's currently winter hey you [ __ ] idiot i'm actually at the point now where i've got so many guns i'm actually gonna start shipping them off to china in hopes that they actually managed to take out the [ __ ] japanese but let's be honest probably not gonna happen is it well with that oil from the caucuses i got myself some light tank divisions not the best tank divisions i've ever made but we're going to go ahead and try and split the germans in half down here oh yeah split me oh a lie i've got some pretty [ __ ] juicy encirclements in this game so far it's a ho ho oh yeah that's our pocket dealt with our units took a hell of a lot of attrition down there because i wasn't paying much attention but now like oh god it's oh yes i i'm now literally funneling over like 90 of the guns i'm producing to china and my god they're actually pushing the japanese back oh you've got to be [ __ ] me i i just got naval invaded by the [ __ ] spanish franco is literally like oh hold up hitler i've got an idea oh you gotta be shitty japan actually took hawaii what the [ __ ] are you doing you they've got 71 what the [ __ ] well the germans are actually well equipped again i i keep leaving it just because i want a bit of a challenge but this is my first major offensive i've only got light tanks and infantry all 20 whips now but uh it doesn't look like it matters the germans are getting pushed quite quite easily most importantly that i need to take these ports down here so i don't get re-evaded they believe by the [ __ ] spanish gods i'm pretty sure franco was never invited to the [ __ ] war meetings after that one okay we actually got bogged down quite a little bit which is it's all right we can prolong this a little bit more get a bit more of an rp going but uh the germans immediately started counter-attacking me the [ __ ] idiots so this is the push actually into germany here and uh i think we're actually gonna try getting to eastern and central europe and maybe set up some sort of barrier made out of metal oh the aluminium drapes yeah i noticed turkey's like 40 percent fascist and i'm just gonna go ahead and nip that right in the bud straight a [ __ ] way yeah okay iran actually wasn't that fascist um in fact they weren't fascist at all this is just kind of me being a dick yeah same with afghanistan really it's just kind of like there's no one actually to stop me now so how about i just do anyway yeah actually i handed to china quite a bit they actually they actually managed to uh push japan quite far back although it was off the back of all the soviet workers that produced all those [ __ ] guns for them man europe's going fine though as you can probably tell okay hitler i got another plan all right naval invading russia didn't go that well second plan [Music] why are you aiming a gun at me ah the countries are falling and thus they shall be added to my aluminium drape which will protect us once and for all from those menacing europeans trying to endlessly invade me in the winter oh hey mr white four ready check on these encirclements are you [ __ ] kids how in the world did this happen i literally sent them like half a million equipment what meanwhile germany's uh they're they're they're dead um there's there's definitely no doubt about it they're they're pretty [ __ ] dead and uh casualties wise um oh yeah holy [ __ ] apparently me taking all this land isn't enough to capitulate germany and now their capital is in paris [Music] i'm not a hundred percent about the law behind this and then there was one spain franco who expanded all his military power island navally invading russia well there we go very hard well i gotta say that was actually incredibly [ __ ] fun to play i could take out japan now but there's literally no point at this point i'm unstoppable we already [ __ ] know that uh england's back not neville though neville's [ __ ] dead i definitely wouldn't describe it as being very hard though it was actually quite fun i probably could have taken them out way sooner but i thought it'd be way more interesting i actually just rp a bit you know let them have a bit of a back and forward and a bit more strategic about it which i did and it was actually really fun to play like that but i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did leave a like hit the subscribe button remember merch goes off sale on the 25th of june so you've only got a few more days to get it and things are selling out so if you don't want to get sewing now's the time to do it and i will try my best to remember to put them out in the description if not the mod is called nseek failed feel free to try and do it yourself and see if you can do it better than me
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 1,416,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: isorrow, isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4, endsieg, mods, modding, germany, hearts of iron iv, divisions, organisation, guide, walkthrough, playthrough, hearts, of, iron, four, funny
Id: c0x6olTgXX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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