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in today's episode of the tommy k show game won't be so fast okay we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there let's now attack forever just to get more xp 14 000. just actually visit t-bit real quick sure look at that guy [ __ ] unadaptable adaptable is stand in most multiplayer games when is the allies d-daying what is greater britain doing he's just a nazi what a few moments later what the [ __ ] wait it's one of the aziz brothers it's one of the aziz brothers wait i can't free hong kong i knew it thank you air dave i knew i knew paradox is in the pocket of china they're all in china's pocket i can't release hong kong songs you mean not sons let's do some achievements [ __ ] it i have this goal that i have every achievement one day and i always i never do it i have a lot i have a lot what do we got where you go i learned a lot right everybody knows i suck i suck at single player and i really i really really really gotta let's play mao maybe let's play mao i think yeah i'm feeling mao [ __ ] it that's [ __ ] good let's check what the achievements are i don't need to win the chinese civil war i just need to occupy all of nationalist china starting character okay i feel like next song sorry uh let's have a achievement run guys everybody knows i love single player i'm doing it very well like i actually care right i want these achievements but i always feel like mao and red channel obviously are very weak and you need to expand fasten chevasam and chancy so let's first of all check the focus tree i think we're gonna start with the the 120 pp first to get some advisors and again i need to take my time i always [ __ ] up single player because i just start i start getting bored and then i just rush down um the red garrison there you go okay that's wrong i have a lot of [ __ ] food in my keyboard and that's not [Music] okay there's even more [ __ ] in my keyboard okay i think that's the early game nice you know what's good about uh single player you can't use p5 so let's go let's go i need to take the middle one agrarian socialism china is not like the industrialized nations of the world to expect the communist revolution as marx imagined is to misunderstand the position and our country finds itself in what yeah yeah oh because support codo is 35 and he's not going fascist he's going off the show restoration we already have an unhistorical game where japan is not going to invade us you start with a lot of [ __ ] debuffs as china so we gotta get rid of these [ __ ] debuffs my army is weak and [ __ ] that's not good well rushing down shanxi obviously is the first big move we need to kill shanksy youngshi needs to go down asap i think the hottest achievement here is getting a level 9 field marshall isn't mao your field martial yeah we're gonna try to make mao oh you will rename communist china will be known as the people's project of china which happens if we have more than 49 factories and an army center range of 50 or more compared to china itself okay we have um this is research okay research blah blah blah ah enforce the rules of free this is taking care of your country you can do opium trade permanent opium trader like that and then you just have the basic [ __ ] from before i never reach this area of the focus tree never [ __ ] this is when you have take all of china guns are coming and we're gonna invade mr shank see in a second after this i should go with i should actually take the research slot to be honest uh here we go i'm gonna take the research slot and we're just gonna declare war bam we're not gonna attack let him attack me he is actually not attacking so i'm gonna troll him for a second here trying to take his capital blah blah blah you know what i just want to train i'm gonna attack ai because i just want xp i just want xp that's all i can care about right now he's attacking me now so we stay defensive stay defensive let him come let him calm it's totally fine minus ten production cost plus ten 10 stability seems very good right now we're going to go with maoism here stability and gun control gun building seems all good yeah [Music] if you permit opium trade you get minus 15 consumer goods for the entire game but also you get the government corruption [Music] you know what we're banning the trade i'm banning it i'm betting and yeah all my debuffs are going away stability is rising like crazy man and also this is actually kind of good because i'm leveling up my voice here i just got into the expert my generals are leveling crazy the holy push what just happened did he oh i just went to an alliance with him i can break that later i could call him in but i don't want a peace conference chancellor frond no no i don't want any of them and i don't do my war [ __ ] that no i will do everything myself no no no no no [ __ ] off i do everything myself i can i can uh break this alliance after right yeah i'm not allowing anyone in and then i break it later um here we go encryption i'm almost breaking it man come on it's almost 1949 i didn't do [ __ ] yet i i just really it seems like i suck at [ __ ] single player man just it's just the case man okay it'll be so fast okay we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there let's now attack forever just to get more xp we're getting there we're getting there it's good make progress now okay good just attack forever now just to uh get some more xp out of this before it's over i need him to be level nine right it should be actually easier getting level nine if i if the game keeps going like this uh yeah just take this one blah blah just attack make xp that's why you say i and i take people separation on me which means i lose all my army debuffs finally there we go hey what a war this is a much harder war than any multiplayer game will give me and i just lost my debuff very nice um let's take two off map shifts to start building a great nation of the economy leave these two to get good on guns okay just wait till this offensive is over [Music] romania gone [Music] okay let's go back to china um [Music] okay okay i'm on circle i'm winning what what the [ __ ] can't even take all there we go nike guns talk [ __ ] now [ __ ] [ __ ] you easy game why not uh heavy weapons he has nothing on his border let's just yes let's just walk in what is he doing take him down okay okay just walking in seems like he's not defending himself okay and the war against china is gonna suck japan's still not doing [ __ ] japan is just pacifist there we go making progress how many guns do i get fourteen thousand could just actually visit tibet real quick sure let's just do that real quick why not why not yeah producing some producing you do infiltration oh yes you're so right i'm so dumb you have to infiltration and then you can start preparing um at least one national estate has been successfully infiltrated info why can i not at least 500 i need infantry ah i need guns ah i i i i i 500 guns go go go effects i think i remember you have to infiltrate the state three times and then if you declare war it will turn red and make an army for you right so i need to infiltrate crazy a lot now i need to infiltrate and i think after that you're done you can only infiltrate one province three times here we go you see that i infiltrated xi'an three times so that means it's just an hour change they changed that so if i declare war now on china cheyenne would instantly flip to me so now hey bye there we go step by step it's going to take some time it's very annoying 12 seconds later okay uh hit by best attack again hey i'm done if they counter no [ __ ] that i will attack now i attack when the next army is done [ __ ] that we will go in boys he just randomly what where did the what looked and whoa whoa whoa whoa holy [ __ ] a thought switcheroo trick man he was playing his trap card holy [ __ ] dude [ __ ] get him out man get out of here he lovely look at that guy [ __ ] unadaptable adaptable is banned in most multiplayer games because it gives you a terrain penalty reduction plus 40 and that is blah nicer games from my qr peroxicon [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh you mean here yeah yeah yeah now i should make prc when when i deserve to make prc you know damn russia stay alive dude when is the allies d-day what is greater britain doing he's just a nazi what [Music] you explain that [ __ ] to me i'm generally asking i'm not even kidding someone please explain how that happened how is that possible a few moments later what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] it's one of the aziz brothers it's one of the aziz brothers flashback brother mr izumit we need to speak brothers i must leave our faction and join the russian empire otherwise i'm done for it's the only way for the turkish people are you sure brothers my eternal life is yours and you know that i would never abandon my friends but this is the only way hussein if you join this faction tell russia to put troops on my border or perish i will never forget you but this is for the greater good my friendship is yours and you shall never be attacked and a flashback oh he doesn't want me to join him let me uh non-aggression pact and prophylactions okay dude am i cheating this right now wait starting as a minor power assume faction leadership of the common turn assumed faction leadership from yeah it needs to be stopped you see that it needs to be something it needs me to solve it to lead stop justification i could just fight germany and uh wait for level 9 with marshall and then we got all the achievements that's an achievement right the people have stood up gentlemen we got the first achievement let me show them fi dude i didn't do achievements in a long time dude the people have stood up with mao as your leader win the chinese civil war there you go there you go number one what are you still we got as communist china i have a hundred mills we're on it and have a level nine field martial that's about it that's about it that's all i can do level nine field marshal over 100 mils so in a way in a way that's why i always think that achievements are stupid one china policy oh [ __ ] where's hong kong don't talk about it wait wait i can't free hong kong i knew it thank you air dave i knew i knew paradox is in the pocket of china they're all in china's pocket i can't release hong kong wow wow paradox wow jordan's [ __ ] join then leave join then leave [Music] okay no achievement i didn't get the achievement and now i kick them all i just destroyed their [ __ ] friendship what okay i just destroyed their friendship ouch okay wow why don't they get the achievement it needs to be it needs to be russia who needs to come turn okay damn i just destroyed them that was that was big brain yeah [Applause] prc baby there you go people's republic of china china capitulated there you go the chinese the republic the chinese uh people's republic this will call right this is not a model this is the real game come on level nine and then farm the mills come on you came the axis the axis took over the world boyce oh [ __ ] wow wow okay [ __ ] damn oh wow wow i've never seen that [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] whenever i play for too much i feel like i'm drugs yeah uh why do i i should i need to stop clicking clips look at achievements you got an achievement what yo what i got a treatment which one what oh oh oh i did it oh god i got the achievement there we go have a hundred mills as communist china now sun tzu and i am done we're gonna but yeah also important is to level up in hoi for 97 that's a big oh big jump josh thanks for the prime check the bottom left corner guys because that's where the achievement will come up and we cannot be like wow he did it guys wow mommy did it john did you see that man wow it's gonna be great the final push so i can [ __ ] stop this cancer just do it this leader is max level and so does though that libya brought balance to the asian subcontinent with his great book we did it [ __ ] this game i'm done [ __ ] this [ __ ] gentlemen that was i did three achievements in one day that never happens that is actually ridiculous it seems that if i take the game seriously and [ __ ] don't play like an idiot there's actually a chance soon to reborn have a level nine field martial as a leader win the chinese civil war easiest one and then as communist china have a hundred mills dude am i done with this [ __ ] bro am i done with this [ __ ] gentlemen that was her photo today uh that was nice i like when it's a bit more chill and force myself to do too much uh also hoy4 is completely over the day guys so if you this is where you can leave now and yeah that was actually in a way kind of fun the ending kind of sucked to be honest uh jack box so uh thank you for watching check out the sprites please follow button follow me on twitter and check youtube for all the rest that's they don't know what's up tommyk wins yeah that was the stream today thank you very much for watching don't go to your bed touching cause masturbation is bad when your dad thinks about you he remains sad please subscribe and check out twitter i didn't know that your mom was a sweater what you don't understand that worked because you're educated you know what your career has faded this is it i'm going to end the stream paul mccain marconi the best team [ __ ] paradox con and [ __ ] them too tommy k taking over what you gonna do [Music] [ __ ] that was easy [Music] you
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 442,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOI4, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 iv, hoi4 man the guns, hoi4 multiplayer, hoi4 china, hoi4 roleplay, hoi4 role play, tommykay, tommy kay, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 china multiplayer, guide, tutorial, achievements, hoi4 achievements, hoi4 how to get all achievements, hoi4 new dlc, hoi4 la resistance, best china game, hoi4 op, hoi4 what happens, memes, THE BEST CHINA GAME I HAVE PLAYED! WHY CHINA IS OP! PERFECT GUIDE TO HOI4 ACHIEVEMENTS! - HOI4 SP, china, man the guns
Id: 6GoQSNNaoQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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