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in today's episode of the Tommy Kay show you have to connect with Germany France or Italy that's it that's what you [ __ ] need to do lay here this is actually so exciting I need to sell licenses let's be honest I'm a noob nation I can't go to war not yet I don't have anything good going for me I need licenses back then you're [ __ ] gonna see that [ __ ] man International Relations 101 it's Wendy five thirty five percent the tech bonus Wow our thoughts 15 that is insane Wow oh yes even a commando genius what the [ __ ] is Switzerland you will see the biggest bonus especially whenever had problems creating the biggest orc infantry of all times gentlemen it's time that our units learn something [ __ ] Switzerland dude I like that again I know it's looking a little views and everybody's [ __ ] I don't care but I said I want to experience every nation in row row through six and I am actually super excited for Switzerland man I can't believe that you guys voted for Switzerland over Japan that is ridiculous hmm you have to connect with Germany France or Italy that's it that's what you [ __ ] need to do hello the game just started gentlemen welcome Tommy K Switzerland let me get to my discourse what is the role play here this is actually so exciting I need to sell licenses let's be honest I'm a noob nation I can't go to war not yet I don't have anything good going for me I need licenses I need to create licenses being the first we've artillery to license could mean a lot right promote guys ticker nandus for tithing on 150 PP very very nice right now to rush or everything's ppm Sherman this is so interesting I know many people are tuning in and they're like dude I like this so the goal is to rush artillery to to sell it to people that's the idea okay stay anything crazier destroy mines in infrastructure or weaken the LP in Federation Austrian tavola okay mobilize the militia if you're shittin population shoes in general very very interesting it's certainly it's it's just such a different game playing Switzerland and that's why I like I know many people you're not gonna like it I'm are not gonna reach 2k viewers here but [ __ ] it man hi I just want to experience how it for men Switzerland [ __ ] Switzerland seeks neutral relations with its neighbors I don't know how to write that neighbors and hopes to sign a non-aggression pact with your glorious nation sir copy there you go man genius nope and now let me go Stalin does not seek a fight with the switz Christ offices as my bank account is in Switzerland very well mr. Stolley I got your money France seeks to keep the peace between our nation's we shall sign the pact dan you're [ __ ] delicious yes [ __ ] man international relations one-on-one of course my Swiss friend the Swiss people have always been neutral I hope you'll remain neutral in the future the real enemy is the mountain Drummond's to the east Swedish banking wah - 10 consumer goods excuse me holy [ __ ] but I want to achieve a level of power where I called 101 Austria there's a chance man we can't beat him it's probably watching and he just hurt that dude Switzerland is actually so empowered if you can mix looser than BIC you have like in the serial consumer that's right the national relations Swiss banking one sip up I'll take that that focus imagine your big Swiss land how [ __ ] broken is that our banks are famous for their security and reliability we shall make sure that order come please remember this hmm I don't know yet boys you gotta see if we're gonna see you got a serious incident we'll go and staying with Hitler so far we have to see where these people are doing - maybe happy thanks man I don't know [ __ ] we got to make decision later I'm a small [ __ ] I don't really have power to do much we have to really focus on infantry first I need an infantry that that's capable of facing the the Austrians I wish the Pope was a thing in the 56th epic oh man I always imagine there's a pope nation and he helps people focuses for example the Pope has a big focus tree and whoever is nice to the Pope for example you're the Pope and you will play the Pope and you say Germany I order you to take down Istanbul okay and he does it then the Pope can take a focus that gives - truck consumer goods to Germany and that will give a place for the Pope to exist in this game you might just do nothing and be just be useless but he could help people with focuses or something okay already game look much happening how you guys doing stapler you wanna talk about how are you guys doing we are also supporting renko's costs to strengthen the relations between Berlin and burn okay I'm kind of quoting into Hitler's ass here but I need a friend right I need a friend if the Alpine Federation needs to be real I need to crawl to someone's ass I really don't know what to join you at man for who I should approach it really seems like a good player man is doing good [ __ ] it read it some weird stuff o frauds going fascist I don't think communist doesn't make sense because it takes forever for Russia to reach us Poland gave away his [ __ ] to Russia Wow whoa Russia already taking east Poland here no molotov-ribbentrop switzerland gets level 10 forts everywhere holy [ __ ] if I do this focus no friendly troops are allowed in Switzerland oh we are supporting the Braga blocker as Switzerland is seeking its place at the Sun we take the advice of the KPD officers and are starting to spread the message in the Swiss public making my military police and after that I'm making the best Mountaineers ever [ __ ] seen on the stream man if they touch a mountain that mountain will are rough man anything else they're gonna be useless but hey well well Tina so good then in here it's a mountainside anything else let me see yeah it's only hills and mountains it's Wendy five thirty five percent the tech bonus Wow our thoughts 15 that is insane wow you're softer tech plus 25 plus 10 wow I never knew how far it's 15 oh [ __ ] Germany man you okay dude the German military on that wants to [ __ ] up Adolf Hitler they don't like what he is doing plus 10% buildings nuts then he does one that will explain the Soviets own will to Oh someone is hacking civil wars my mind we didn't have a hit that came out of hell in a long time in our streams seems like someone's back right so do you have an old safe file where the Civil War of Germany did not happen yet like two minutes ago yeah I don't know why would the heck or not joined us he's just gonna join and then we can all drugged off and have a nice evening well it's still [ __ ] I know you're having problems with the government right yes indeed what are you proposing a few moments later but we just received information that Poland is seeking for allies against you they just invited us to walk on Berlin with them in case of war dude I'm a [ __ ] double agent man okay repeat I'm in an old French friend and he told me that you're a double agent is that true the French said that they cannot be trusted but they are fascists themselves should he knows I'm a double agent he knows I'm a double agent going communist just vodka to everybody in their moms this communist unit how do you say I don't get it yeah we're all gonna be communist Jeffrey there there can only be one real way of communism and it is ours I'm like [ __ ] Dolph Sidious I'm influencing Anakin Skywalker a kdrama knee here 60o you have even a commando genius what the [ __ ] is Switzerland you will see the biggest bonus especially would ever had Mountaineers with a mountaineer general and a genius special forces guy when my Mountaineers click on a mountain that mountain is gonna turn to ashes man holy [ __ ] you're gonna see holy [ __ ] man thank you high knees European Latin Union very very interesting man what an interesting game what is the red Union the red front the red front damn it's only in France looking good the red front I don't see it oh how does that happen how do you do that is the biggest male of all times how do you do that how do you do that I have no idea did he kill AI players I guess Switzerland again the game says the roots say if if I take the focus that then makes double ten force everywhere no one is allowed to go into my country of friends so I think I'm going to the free layer defense which gives me level six forts everywhere but friends are allowed in my country like communist units are gonna be allowed to defend me dude if I take the orc I publish victory aiming the biggest orc infantry of all times 59 this is gonna be more and more watch this remember fifty nine point five this will be the biggest organization unit of all time working for the organization on this unit is gonna be broke miss [ __ ] my friend do you wish to join the red front in the future yes comrade but Moscow is upholding my claim on Austria and I do not want to offend them right now so let us wait a bit longer are you in contact with Moscow in common so many shop in contact with these guys right description here we go like a Molotov Ribbentrop pact where he gets this and I get this there will be juice in there you cannot just semen I mean have a good army I have a good defense for me I also have I don't want to do it anymore and I'm not sure I'll [ __ ] bill we literally reach the point where don't know what to build anymore such a weird situation here Austria Germany Russia and they're just communists we're not even talking about the fascists in yet dude if you ever look for communism on the rice we need a referendum civil war well I lose on a prepaid so be it oh that's an ugly [ __ ] flag man the union of Helvetica the union of Helvetica Helvetica isn't that a Swedish [ __ ] rock band and her helvete that means like [ __ ] or some [ __ ] no answer from Germany man I don't know what's going on your voice in Austria is so strong yes triple my army I eat a work of Russia or we're done we have a claim on all she already I'm on just fine wait I have a claim why no well here's a came on me he hasn't given me all the auto start attacking him before me I meant the state's call wise what let's join him [ __ ] can [ __ ] from so much nice defending him here himself here I hope rashes are offended by this dad will really really suck thanking this one I'm not taking level 10 forks so people are allowed him to my country how can you tell this Russia's manner I mean he has more factories than everyone not no one's close to this guy I think Russia told him to give him Poland oh damn this Russia is a big boy that's a big [ __ ] Russia mean Austria hammering communist Soviets sorry another guy to the taking it down do it Romania don't you [ __ ] do this man I'm gonna beat your ass I swear to god oh my god Romania took him oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] 64,000 guns what did you do Austria he gave me this one oh it's full weight everything is fully built here what the [ __ ] the Alpine people must be united on the one banner this is your time to find peace with the red front by returning of pin territory to Switzerland otherwise the red tide will come to Rome Oh God oh [ __ ] man dude isn't even France well he's not allowed to why invite anyone anymore we got that going for god oh god oh god oh god what a beautiful lady you know what it's not beautiful being demonetised on YouTube at the one year of great work still not but there is the way how we can help and then it's called people click the link down below and be one [Music] so me taking down the Swedish gentlemen it's time that our units learn something join war there we go gentlemen it is time that the legendary if I pass something way time fashion I'm not fascist but I'm allowed to take down house it's moving here go ahead go in let's go Switzerland let's go Switzerland name the Mountaineers after after all he just moves he he can't be warmed the problem is said Argentina's not getting anything told the whole dwarf Knight is giving everything to them well what about our journey okay here we go the Danish civil union oh damn sever empire suspending against the Danish civil union that's very offensive syrup what the [ __ ] Argentina is with Ireland the American Empire of Ireland and Argentina what is happening does he have an Air Force 5k that's insane Wow okay Wow maybe slavi I joined Comintern that's if the rules oh god Italy you have a new Oh God you match your Italy and all of this purple [ __ ] is now against you so it's a this there Lombok stood German people you liar no although there is telling people have you ever been yeah I was bored there my friend yeah wait you were pliers you're born bizarro yes that don't mean you speak German because it's a German state no lies it's a telling state it will be defended by the Italian nation and by Mussolini women we will fight sour land cheap or or meetings over I refuse to enter diplomatic talks with you again my friend I'll see you in the battlefield I will see you in the mountains that will be impossible to climb Pizza the pasta okay the Danish people just arrived oh here we go the Scandinavian socialist state damn axel lost okay boys all-out war coming for for February and that's actually right now oh god I actually can sell a lot Oh World War two there we go I do not see them I have full excavate high this but I [ __ ] radar oh god here we go boys world Oh his oh he's doing the situation at all [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Heinz Guderian is already done Paris Oh God I talked about Germany man unity just oh my god oh that's that France has no army the unequipping [ __ ] bro frost was just completely annihilated Oh God I wouldn't join Eternia home and damn well done by Germany he just went out [ __ ] through holy crap are you real if you don't give me things that's actually scary man how fast he killed France that [ __ ] is actually scary take somewhere that's up to Germany he's the boss here I won't mind Italy under lock don't make don't give me home that looks so weird no no it's gonna look bad no give me no don't give me wrong please don't Oh God there you go he's watching what is he doing hey listen I don't care about power I just want to look good how he took it we need to thank Berlin for this gracious offer god damn Berlin sister then choose the right side what is wrong with you okay I'm being cocked out by Yugoslavia wait we're technical stuff yeah wait what wait Germany just attack you move whoa wait oh my god what the [ __ ] dude train encirclement coal god while fighting comments right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ministrations help show me you got this program while all out [ __ ] Gorman holy [ __ ] sir now that we are stabilizing our position we are asking for Austria to form the Alpine Federation gotta wait for Germany Manning is getting in good positions here you just got to teach the baqia justshe switzerland I'd have to be defensive human I can't just walk in and talk with people so I made a nation I think of schita or what the [ __ ] is this Ireland has a colony I don't know wait white huh huh pick your links [Music] smoking around [ __ ] off man ah you [ __ ] oh my god he's just walking around but wait there's the street emergency oh why why are you here don't attack no one is telling you to check I touch the katifaq cleans amino sugar [ __ ] hell I'm not gonna attack you because boofie cheating walks in taking the empowering man [ __ ] hell I got this I got this they do nothing building this Moulton is the entire game means nothing because he has 1.5 k defense an entire game of building the best maltiness ever means nothing that's a fork Peter thanks or you don't and that is all-out war that is literal all-out war lots of German are coming out from Greece Russia almost dead Oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] man I really can't do anything I fought my Mountaineers of worth something they're [ __ ] not look this is to mount Airy's attacking a tank in the mountain now wait a minute this one is yeah nothing not even close it totally doesn't matter go go go this defense surface actually going down was 1.2 K know what 600 I'd not received Field Marshal he just doesn't have a face man okay he had a [ __ ] car crash where you gonna be serene system it's not his [ __ ] fault that this happened we're calling it quits men hey I'm in sure I'm [ __ ] in every nation wants to stop playing I mean I'm in sure girlfriend is [ __ ] waiting in bed gentlemen that was another way of stream as always I still had fun guys also last year on Christmas I said the 10 biggest supporters of the channel get a free t-shirt so I'm texting caves and okay this is you one you wanted to top 10 supporters you're getting a free t-shirt I will pay everything you don't have to do [ __ ] and he completely ignored me nothing he is getting a free t-shirt and he's like gone never [ __ ] text me anyway this is the ending song boys I love you guys have a nice evening cavers I love you I love all of you thank you so much man 3k subs on a monkey channel we're showing enormous who we are have a good night boys and don't eat yellow snow [Music] sitting yourself [Music]
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 432,505
Rating: 4.9518442 out of 5
Keywords: THE SWISS MASTER PLAN! HOW SWITZERLAND MANIPULATED ALL OF EUROPE IN HOI4 MULTIPLAYER - HOI4 Roleplay, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, hoi4 multiplayer, hoi4 mp, tommykay, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 tommy, tommy kay, tommykaylive, hoi4 switzerland, hoi4 switzerland multiplayer, hoi4 switzerland guide, hoi4 roleplay, hoi4 role play, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 mp in a nutshell, hoi4 diplomacy, hoi4 multiplayer diplomacy, mp, switzerland, memes
Id: nz3_M1cSe4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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