The REAL Reason Germany Lost WW2! HOI4 Road to 56

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah giddily guettler fiddly doodler Alex the Rambla here and today we're back on house of iron for just before we begin I wanted to thank everyone that's been backing me on Movember we've already hit 500 pounds raised as witches which is incredible many thanks to a particular person onion duck who's donated quite a considerable amount of money for that as well so that's very kind of you and thank you for sponsoring the stache hopefully it's worth it to see this also just another little update I'm going to be going into hospital for a couple of procedures on Thursday so this might be the last video you see in a few days I will hopefully be released the same day but I have to do some preparation stuff on Wednesday I'm recording this on Tuesday so this won't matter if you're watching this like months into the future but just to let you know if you're watching this the day I release it this might be the last video for a little while hopefully I'll be released the same day and I can get back to my normal routine but just in case in the you know touchwood that there's no complications then I can and I can come back and start recording but today I'll be doing a scenario where we're gonna I'll reveal the real reason that Germany loses the second world conflict I have to avoid using W AR and any reference to do anything now because YouTube will did monetize me otherwise but if you want more hoy leave a like let's go for five thousand likes as per usual because every little bit of engagement helps today I'll be taking command of the Lucia this is a nation that I'm unquiet bad with even worse when I implement the road 256 mod which is what I'm doing I I'm hoping this this will turn in and I will become the real reason that Germany loses this this scenario fruit through my through my gained competence of playing Hawaii for three years I might have a chance but the Soviet Union is one nation that I've never really been able to excel at so it might go badly but although this doesn't matter just so you know I can't treat there's there's Ironman first things first I'm just gonna purge it purge it out purge everyone purge everyone and I guess I'll have to try and start equipping my troops with more guns unfortunately why they just weren't sacrifice themselves for me I have no idea it may seem like I'm role-playing as mr. s but I promise you I'm not okay this is not meant to represent mr. s okay it's just a stash I'm raising money but charity now the the Soviet Army in 1936 isn't isn't the best I had to be quite frank it's a lot of them aren't even equipped with guns which is which is really good really good better not criticize the big man s himself a little get yeah it'll get you hmm I think I'll get rid of Radek don't know who that guy is but I want to keep the guy that can give me extra stability so farewell Radek also if you're new to hearts of iron for and you've somehow stumbled across this video I'll try and give you a few tips and tricks as I go mainly don't do what I do unless I tell you that is that it's worth doing and that if you're very new build civilian factories in your nation before you build military factories oh hello brilliant disease outbreaks reported awesome awesome so now I want to keep Mickey Hall to jessica's jessica's of duty dammit now I really want to keep McHale Chesky because he's my best field marshal all the rest of rank ones so I'm going to get rid of Rosa Vaslav auskey oh and if you also need to Road 56 it changes around well it's a combination of loads of different mods which they'll make compatible with themselves as loads of different new focus trees and poor traits and different functions and it changes a lot and I think I'll get rid of all of the Navy and Air Force have been getting off easily so far let's get rid of them rare are you serious how hard is it to make the trains run on time how I feel your pain there I feel your pain anyone else you live in the United Kingdom does too okay well I guess I probably could run helpouts pain a little bit not too much not too much I think I really need the factories so civilian continue the five-year plan gimme gimme gimme the factories I need want them I'd rather not have the industrial report at all just just order here so I thought my units would be kind of useless however they're still better than the Nationalists Spain's so we're actually making pretty okay progress I would like my Starling Constitution there we go it's time to update our old constitution impress the world give me give me that political power so what I have attempted to do is to cut off all of these troops in the south because they don't have access to a port right now so I'm hoping that this will allow these tall suffer attrition I don't know if at all it's been to work benefit I was going to 100 for God's sake this disease stop please and what I've currently done is changed my economy law to war economy added in the nikolayeva loser literally and I'm gonna add in Mikhail Khalil Allen for extra stability oh nice and most of the unit's here are now pretty much out of supplies so they're just getting overrun and oh my god even with my terrible stats I'm still over running them No here we go improve the trans-siberian railway which will in remove industry slowdown and poor rail works oh my god yes please right so it managed to secure the south so I'm not sure if I have numbered them individual it's pretty even steven steele but it's looking pretty healthier it's looking healthier for thee for the republicans now oh finish the five-year plan yes please BIM BAM boom gimme gimme gimme well this Spanish Civil Wars been a lot smoother than I expected nice that's a bit bold of you Poland not sure what you're hoping to mmm gain from that that's concerning all right jobs are Gooden cancel my lemon lease I think delay don't still get that do they no good mass immunizations and education initiative I guess fine fine we shall do it alrighty yes I'll go for the old socialism in one country and then start trying to go down and and getting my claims in the Baltic and annex Canha toover and all that chairs all righty anti-fascist diplomacy BIM BAM boom all western regimes are oppressive and corrupt there are numbers and those who pretend to be progressive had the mid-game for the Soviets is really just building just building lots of things like I could justify on laughs II air and do all that kind of stuff but I don't really need to oh they form the Baltic Union brilliant her but Germany's done a rather rapid Angeles and it's seduced Romagna hmm oh yeah we've got it baby boom successful purge yeah claims in the Baltic I'm a coming for you Germany's doing a very quick World War and if they invade me wolf before 1941 III think I'm definitely screwed must prepare quicker must produce more military factories send the ultimatum to Latvia BAM [Music] send the ultimatum to Estonia you'll all be part of me don't worry it's just a friendly collaboration just just by my co.labs on with youtubers just just a nice friendly collaboration oh yeah oh yeah Oh faceful if away you submitted to well that's easier than it then it should have been um alright just Gold of those nations for nada cool oh and we beat the Japanese in that little conflict there nice very nice alright take claim state I'm coming for your Finland yes the Russians demand boom gimme ah they said no all right I guess we'll destroy them yeah I'm just sending in their Gregory's over to Zhukov he'll he'll be enough to crush the Finns I'm not even gonna bother going over this part of their border we're just gonna go straight for their capital I think oh yes I will sign the treaty I'll sign them over to do hot dogs ribbon troop boom well this is going much better for me than it did for the Soviets IRL going a lot better indeed okay so I'm just gonna take a little bit and then I'll pop it the rest you can live on with me forever alright just gonna try and recruit another 100 divisions we're lacking some equipment that hopefully by the time we need to have war I'll have a mass of men that that can't be moved that's the aim at the moment Germany's gonna lose this world war conflict because because everyone's joining the Allies and Germany ain't doing nothing ah there we go all socialist education in the Finnish Democratic Republic boom nice way to spend some political power Germany owns the pact Oh for pity's sake really okay listen it's a bit bug doesn't it before they even capitulate right hey the purge is gone and they still haven't finished Poland right are they even gonna be any kind of threat by the time they come to me because this this is pretty embarrassing especially the fact I've occupied this like what the heck oh there we go do I get the states now give me the states give me the states please it's not gonna do it is it it's gonna bug out like this oh dear if Trotsky survived um oh that's not good I'm sure that worm indeed that is annoying that this has failed and now I know okay well I'm gonna have to defensive lines so these 60 divisions are just going to go straight to the front and not really worry about anything they're probably gonna die but that's fine I can afford a few million deaths no worries I will send the ultimatum for Bessarabia give me I want it thank you right so I currently have I don't know how many million in the field 2.5 million and I'm just recruiting another 100 divisions so this is going to be probably a trainwreck because they apparently can't even refer my god Germany why'd you have to be so bad on this scenario really well it looks like France might finally fall in 1941 I honestly expect the AI to be a bit better than this this is kind of embarrassing I was hoping for a glorious war but I might just have to do that I go into the Allies and just dominate Europe you know it's a bit embarrassing for Germany well alright then classic they're justifying on me as I'm justifying on them brilliant oh my I haven't even looked it this air geez that's Hirohito so the most remote the might of my army now amounts to four million men and I have twenty four forty combat with medium tank divisions and it my infantry to business is this twenty combat with stuff with anti-tank artillery and air support pretty much they're not anything special but they should hopefully keep them oh my right oh whoa Nelly well they have the war goal but apparently they're not going to use it I can probably take the stability here I'm not too bothered about having an offensive war let's go muchachos and they're not even attacking me so I'm gonna get my tank division set up just to pierce their army Group center or what you gonna do about that German oh they're gonna they're totally screwed old here alrighty well let's see what the tanks can do BAM hmm it's not as much of a whitewash as I thought it would be so I've reloaded the save because whenever I decided to use my air falls and the planes weren't actually flying so although it yeah 0 active fighters even though oh it's working now is working now okay that's good nope it's no what pourquoi well anyway I'm gonna try and get this nice little pocket here nice little encirclement to start the day well hey we did it we got the pocket for now they didn't hold their mounting pitiful attacks on my Mountaineers the fools but they are making a few gains down here but it's okay like it'd be oh hi okay well my I would be in circle Minh clearly hasn't gone to play and has it bloody Nora there we go Oh all these Romanians there there'll be the weak link the weak link hopefully I mean kudos to the German forces I thought they were respect false but apparently they're holding pretty well that's been embarrassing for me but embarrassing but you know I'm wrong oh no I'm just trying to eat some chocolate and they're going on all our friendship you all right what their planes are apparently a lot better than mine oh my good League ooh so I have no idea where this sudden thrust is coming from but it's a bit of a pain in the buttocks really this is in danger of being all this is endangered being very cut off but it is they've stopped their their attack down here oh just kidding hold the phone the Sabbath at pact the Republic of Iran has techies could've ran as our ally oh oh yes thank you Turkey well Oh Hirohito Oh what has happened here mate I mean that's good for me but oh so I probably didn't have enough of an industry 300 factories it's an okay amount but as you can see like I still won't push back which I wasn't expecting I wasn't expecting to be pushed back so I'm gonna try a little bit of a counter-attack in Minsk see see what see what this can achieve with mr. zukov but up above Badar not a lot no no no no no you should not be researching that Germany no I I highly disagree oh and Hirohito's gone all the way to have a Japanese civil war that's amazing brilliant good on you Hirohito apparently the German encryption now is so high that I can't even see their divisions love it absolutely love it I think I'm just gonna leave this for a while I'm gonna go get some water because I don't think I'm gonna be pushed back much it appears they could push me and now all of these units are being OD and that's what happens when you walk away from your computer ladies and gents oh my god so when my planes go into the air I lose 25 to their 5 that's mad crumbs no wonder I'm having trouble in the air war but I have a link my territory again all right well I'm gonna try and do a winter offensive of 44 this is an absolute ball but because they ball ball a can and and yep it's turned into a right old slob like know what nothing's really happening in the wall except the German Germans have lost 8 million men but they're still doing the u-boat effort nice nice it's it's harder than I thought it's gonna be might even get a little cheeky encirclement in certain stages well wouldn't that be a treat to everyone wouldn't that be a treat oh yeah we got him chaps we got him take him down noise so had a bit of a breakout it's not quite the majestic encirclement i I wanted to achieve but it's going it's going all right it's going all right oh man the game does get laggy at this point doesn't it holy moly yeah I can't even click on oh my god please oh the fall of Rome hopefully I can hold that Thank You UK if only a d-day would happen that'd be nice oh oh I have done in a circle bun here didn't even realize that nice oh oh Thank You Japan oh isn't that nice of you thank you okay I'm also spamming paratroopers now to try and get this over and done with it's wow this has been I think the least successful well I don't know I will probably still win but if I could just like parachute people in now and then just start messing with them just messing with the AI kind of exploiting them we've taken FML you know that kind of stuff plop okay I've landed in Bucharest - that it was Oh okay when I para dropped and now Romania has capitulated that's that's amazing awesome okay I can also start bombing their infrastructure such as Warsaw farewell year hmm I might have weakened there is over a little bit yeah I think every time you nukes and their wall support goes down is that right or the stability hopefully enemy bombing nice I will nuke Berlin hopefully buddy it by the end of this Berlin might be nuked see it looks good for when I attack for a little bit but then I inevitably just seem to have a have a run of bad luck and get in get in to some certain trouble do you know this although if I could make this an encirclement oh they have oh alright we'll crush that encirclement then please thank you oh that's very tasty tasty tasty oh I have another nuke yep spawn Berlin again just reign of terror reign of terror oh yay Italy's gone nice okay that she told me out quite a lot Oh full of tick full of take I know this is not the optimal way but I think I might just try and mass para drop in Berlin and the wasteland that is Berlin now Oh may I how long have I been recording way too long oh my god I mean they're gonna get slaughtered but at least it distracts them for a little bit right you ever reach that point in a video game where you just kind of just just want to finish it I'm at that point with this scenario now oh my god this has been an utter slog and they still got two hundred mill factories what I think we've finally broken their spirit yeah yeah this might be a rather read euro part of this I'm gonna take everything everything asked for it might as well bomb Vichy - oh no at the Allies about to walk in that there doesn't matter it doesn't matter hold on no I have to capitulate Venezuela they're a major are they oh no screw that nope nope it's done it's done and I control all of Europe there we go that's the peace deal I've I'm heading off now yes I managed to do it it just took me a very very long time to 1947 and I did enjoyed seeing this leave like comment and subscribe and I'll be back hopefully very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion duck Maximilian Foreman Wyatt green Parappa the trapper Ryan Cody fries name one two three one Aiden jiggly crotch news beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous rounder supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons spoon I did it right that time [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 170,066
Rating: 4.9331436 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, The REAL Reason Germany Lost WW2! HOI4 Road to 56, drew durnil, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, road to 56, road to 56 germany, road to 56 mod, hoi4 mod, hoi4 road to 56, hearts of iron 4 russia, isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 germany, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi iv, funny hoi4, funny hoi4 mods, hearts of iron 4 tutorial
Id: -9KnwpzH1Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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