Saving the German Empire's Disaster Savegame! HOI4 Hearts of Iron 4

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oh you have no division grapefruits oh what's going on everyone it's me incredibly mediocre or high fall Rambler here and today well I'm among hearts of I'm for I'm gonna attempt to save another save game because they've been going really well so far I haven't they oh my people II go but today I'm already wearing the glasses I've got a cup of tea right here we go and a chocolate hobnob so I've got I've got faith I've got faith I can do this one but of course be sure to comment like and subscribe 5,000 likes from more Hawaii and if we get two to four hundred thousand subscribers by the end of the year I'll died but I'll be very happy that's not gonna happen though I would I fall about just just then coming up with some wacky thing that I could do oh god it's been a long year I can't I'm not doing it I'm not doing anything for you but today savegame is sent by flowy nope Wilhelm the third slaps France and Soviets slap Poland then Wilhelm slaps the Soviets with a bad division he calls himself a bad player with 300 hours F's himself with bad division templates well this is gonna be fun isn't it everyone okay so what do we have here we have the what the Transcaucasian People's Republic apparently huh yep that's how is this even how can you be how can you have an Iron Man save which uses the formal blue nations mod we've got the Empire of the lion what what are we playing I'm just either HobNob Alex eat the whole roll I'm gonna dunk it Oh a HobNob is a really great biscuit to dump in a cup of trees they hold together really well I'm gonna go for another dunk oh god this looks like it's gonna be a very very quick save game so with the central powers all around here Bulgaria's not doing nothing we're protecting the entire coastline here which seems a bit odd it looks like France is holding yeah this doesn't look like it's going very well at all Germany's taken one Oh Jeremy's taken one point six five million casualties tip you can see like Wilhelm how are you not how are you not depressed right now so we're preparing the Italian coup right this might save us this could this could help let's look at the division templates of the main division that the 40 combat way of infantry yeah with with for artillery that's fine Panzer divisions medium SP artillery well that should be very good at killing infantry right so that should be fine nanny - okay let's forget about those garrison divisions even those are seven tunes which should be fine for defense and paratroopers ten combat your division templates aren't that bad I don't know why you were saying they were terrible but thank you for not declaring war on and they're all just kidding the what what oh no you did annex Belgium right okay so I think every nation yep please build an Air Force viewers at home please build an Air Force you you you you you you need one you need more than ten fighters okay let's see what we can do we need to stem the flow of troops being going Russia dying everyone should stop attacking first let's let's sort that out you appear to be holding how about you go behind the river so you've got the river to defend from you literally have three divisions to defend against okay this can this can I can solve this right so we don't need all of these divisions protecting the coastline you just need 14 divisions to protect the ports so I'm going to reassign the vast majority of these divisions now over to the real threat which is mr. Russia I'm gonna have to rearrange this entirely aren't I I don't know what the FEC's going on here I'm gonna retire some of these Panzer divisions so that will reduce our surplus I think the exhibition really should be built bothering with light tanks I'm I'm I'm also rearranging my front lines so hopefully it's a bit more balanced and then hopefully we can just hold off Russia till France couldn't pitch late right I'm sending all my tanks to try and take Paris and just punch through their lines we're very low on manpower with why are we bothering building in there oh no why are you building infrastructure but can someone please tell me because this is the second time it's happened people seem to love building infrastructure and I don't know why because it's not like you're going to have supply issues down down there right is it like you know just look at all this that needs to be repaired I'm gonna focus on the repairs for now holy moly okay how we doing over the air we're not all but you do have your air groups in size of a hundred so that's great thank you for doing that everything should go into northern France at the moment seeing as we're trying to get areas with privacy there I presume and now we wait and see if our divisions can hold oh boy okay but where we're tacking just on a couple of tiles I think we'll be able to push through and take another tile or two from France at least that's the plan however twenty combat widths appear to not want to do that okay I'm not trading well at all so I'm just gonna I guess hold my strength for my Air Force and not use it I love the front lines when they don't actually stretch along to where you need them to love it there thank you very much thank you appreciate that I think I'm gonna get rid of the nanny tanks because they're just a waste really in 1941 and you're losing you're using light tanks so I'm just gonna get rid of your nannies it really does seem unless you can get air superiority you're screwed like you just can't attack so I'm gonna have to try and build an Air Force and my I might send another block of divisions to try and help against Russia but other than that this isn't I don't know this is savable this is really tough this does seem to really remind me of when I was first starting to play hearts of iron and I was pretty bad and I used to do the challenges this is this is how I feel right now trying to do these challenges you just feel like I'm doing a challenge all over again and really really sucking at it HobNob barracks in over hobnob mm-hmm why were you putting so many factories on anti-air when you already have a surplus with 10,000 yeah the Soviets are breaking through yeah this might end up being my death but I'm gonna abandon a lot of Romania I haven't even done the Italian coup yet this is I need to pick easier save games oh no we're not even on war economy oh you're having a giraffe oh so we're holding on most of the border regions I am can kind of convinced that this this isn't savable I shouldn't have tried this I'm gonna look like a ripe plum canal okay assassinate Mussolini the Empire of the lion joins the Central Powers if I can survive 70 days and we get Italy onside then we might have a chance atomic research when you're getting screwed over don't bother with if if I'm being completely Frank let's get some better engineer companies increase our entrenchment bloody Nora yep so I am a little bit baffled on on what to do anymore so if you have any advice please do comment below because it really does suck when when you have a save game where people just don't build an Air Force it's bait it's basically impossible after man the guns is basically impossible to do anything without air supremacy mussolini assassination succeeds the monarchy shall rise again and we literally Abyssinia what Abyssinia led by Victor Emmanuel the third okay sure why not come on in please oh you have no division against Rhodes I was hoping to just bleed the Russians enough so that they'd run out of equipment but they're not that's not really happening okay so Italy has done literally nothing and is losing in North Africa their cycle attacking in the Alps and going nowhere because they don't have green air can I can I say I've saved this one I think I can right because that they can't push me anymore so that's good come on encircle them in Dunkirk yes we've been served with the French cheese okay let's start to increase the weapons on on my frickin plane shall we Bimini boom Ollie give me them decent plane in flight planes oh [ __ ] what a curly war Oh oh I need a minute I'll come back to it I can't do it I need I need a bunny to banana bloody hell how am i and if I had any spare troops I would send them down I bet I just keep Carboni banana this is gonna leave me so stretched oh ok if I can finish Serbia off at least this one nation gone in this yes either my troops can defeat freakin Balkans it's not a French good lead on give me that rubber rubber in my pants now supply but no they suck my divisions suck and I think it's all because I don't have any aircraft Finland hello how are you doing i I'm not gonna call you in I'm not gonna call you in I would love to but you'd get absolutely wrecked right now I think 10 million manpower mr. Stalin Jesus how are the Russians attacking in winter and winning that's not fair Oh Italy's doing amazingly guys what's the first well they're the real MVPs of this match why did I think that bringing them in would save me that was so stupid I'm so dumb but at least the Finns of this distracting old mr. Starling up here yeah I take that back off I've barely starved one bunch of Frenchmen I don't need the freakin Brits coming in ah that's literally 15 French divisions starving in Lille and I can't finish them oh okay the French are currently on 603 thousand casualties when they inevitably die in Lille which apparently that's impossible for them they're literally iron men oh good they're finally dying they've gone up to seven twenty-seven thousand casualties I'm gonna have to try and bail out Italy down here so also my remaining ten conscripted divisions to help him we might knock our first nation out of the war we over random coal ashes gone hey however I don't mind naval invasions like this because they just are going to attrition themselves right it's not I don't really need to do much they're just gonna it's just a waste of their manpower so the more they do that the better really I could do this all day I'd rather not but I could ah Serbia's capitulated we've done it lads and now we've encircled a huge bunch of their troops so I'm so far mainly doing this without the use of Tanks I haven't been able to build them because I don't have the tungsten and I'm gonna try and I'm still building up my airforce if I can just get my airforce complete then I think that I can finally I think I can finally start pushing them alright we've done that now where to push I still want to try and take out France so I'm gonna put man Stein down here see if we can't do some sort of advance if I can get area supremacy okay the French were weaker in the south than I thought I think I might be able to push a few tiles this is exciting I look with great interest while finishing my banana I imagine I'm losing the air war yeah I don't care well I appear to be breaking them in the south maybe I'll maybe I can fix this game after all holy moly everyone we're doing it haha what no way he has accept the United Kingdom declare war on Norway oh you silly and stick it as Sweden will join me soon too Oh brilliant let everyone join the Central Powers take that UK you plonkers ah non-discriminatory conscription very good my tanks are actually doing okay now I mean they're still the 20 width trash but they're managing to push Russia back a little bit no way ha ha ha right my encirclement reddit rape my encirclement I'll they've anybody division stick oh well across the board oh you know what I will establish ball ball France hopefully that doesn't crash the game haha did it well it appears free France took back Paris in the confusion but I think I can take back I'm still not trading very well in the air despite upgrading my fighters considerably it's still that twenty four to seven and I think it's just because the sheer amount of fighters that they have however I am producing twenty a day so I think that I can probably out produce me I think I can now produce them oh good free Frances capitulated let's just take their final territories and then III think they're safe really isn't it almost may be all reinstate imperial possessions I will thank you nice well I think I've saved it for sure the Russians can't push and they've taken almost eight million casualties now I'm gonna try a cheeky para drop I don't expect it to go very well but apparently they could just activate seriously Oh what seriously I might actually be able to get a superiority over Brit I can yeah alright well so I'm taking a lot of attrition if I take some more ports like Bristol fool this has been a right turn around isn't it holy moly that is one heck of an air battle going up I don't know that the Allies can sustain that for as long as I can I'm producing fourteen fighter threes a day unfortunately I just can't get any supply to the British Isles so I would have to pull out things against Russia are pretty much the same but I think overall this has been saved like it'd be very difficult to lose this one now admittedly the invasion of the UK went to a halt as soon as the supply dropped and when I look at the supply it's just the previous bottleneck I think it made me a secured London that would have given me more supply but the UK actually has pretty much their whole army stationed here so it'd be pretty difficult to take so if you can fix the supply issue then I think that this is really it's gonna right so that this hasn't been like a you know I haven't completed the campaign these saves aren't really meant to do that they just meant us kind of save a tricky spot you're in so I've done it I would I would probably now withdraw out of Britain because I thought they'd be easy prey but they actually have all of their units stationed here so I would just draw out of it completely as long as your convoys can get back but you have the manpower to just produce another army now and your fighters should be able to out help maneuver the Allied ones eventually so yeah success wait I still got almost 13 foreign fighters bloody Nora anyway I'm declaring spawn a success it went a lot better than I think we could all agree thought it would go so comment like subscribe and I'll be back soon to blue many thanks to onion duck Maximilian Foreman Wyatt green parappa the trapper Ryan [ __ ] Cody fries name aim one two three one Aiden jiggly Froch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous round the supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons - I did it right that time [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 182,077
Rating: 4.9320354 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, alex the rambler, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, hearts, of, iron, iv, Saving Wilhelm III Disaster Save! (German Empire) HOI4 Hearts of Iron 4, saving disaster games, hoi4 mods, hoi4 german empire, hearts of iron 4 german empire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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