1939 Luxembourg Survives in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone I am Seungyeon welcome back to hearts of iron for today we are going to play as a Luxembourg in the 1939 and not capitulate yes really let's go see the problem with playing Luxembourg is that it's small and democratic and the Germans will attack it now if you play in 1936 you have plenty of time to conquer the Benelux or maybe do a part of on Hungary or perhaps just join the axis but if he start in 1939 you have about three months until the Germans attack you sometimes it can be a little moment just a bit so what can we do in three months to resist the German attack you will find out after this message from a sponsor this video is brought to you by World of Tanks a game in which you drive tanks and you also shoot tanks it is a free to play game with loads of Tanks and it has been perfected for a long time the first time I actually played World of Tanks was in 2012 now obviously it has been navigated since then you can register into the game using the link in the description below and if you do that and use the invite code tank tastic you will get a DT 127 tank 500 gold and 7 days of premium access now that is only for new players and if you already play the game great let me know in the comments what your favorite tank is I as a Polish man have always had a soft spot for this of it t-34 model because of a certain Polish TV series anyway I'm back to the game now regular difficulty I'm and Maltese toca focuses and it is a normal iemon game but just not in the 1936 let's start essentially there are three things we could do here one of them is stand strong against fascism and try to defend Luxembourg to the death that would result in our death we have enough time to maybe build three forts and we start immediately maybe get back six or seven thousand men power in the field that is not enough to withstand blitzkrieg so that option while valiant and so on will also not work option two is quite interesting so you can join the Allies then capitulate then use government-in-exile mechanics with that you can use your political part influence the politics of all the fascist countries and start civil wars into them thus prompting an IDE quickly after which you would be reinstated in Luxembourg an interesting game probably a good plan but they have something else planned for today something that will not result in our capitulation normally it is enough to turn fascist and join the axis to prevent the German attack given our limited time we can't just wait for a referendum because we have a lot of Democratic support given our size we can't do this as through a civil war because first of a war you need at least two states if you just have one state and trigger civil war it will just to reshuffle your government and that's it wearing out I have this under control see what we're going to do is first set up all the research and stuff produce some guns do political effort they will affect ray and with that done we can hire some advisors that will be instrumental to our survival so we're going to need a fascist demagogue and we're also going to need a communist revolutionary why well you'll see in a moment we need a lot of political options and essentially that is it for now I could also hire a silent workhorse but I'm not sure I'm going to have enough political power if I do yes we're going to need a lot of what occur power to make this happen let's unpause and speed the things up we are going to be doing a lot of things here in the decision screen each of our advisors gives us this little window we have one for fascism and one for communism we're going to use both of them very very cleverly Poland joined allies Germany attacked Poland we're going to do war propaganda against Germany that war support will come in handy later so now we're going to open up political discourse for fascism and we're also going to open our political discourse for communism and expand civil support for fascism that will decrease our stability which is quite important and also give us extra support for fascism now we have to wait for support of fascism and communism to grow at least 10% each and also keep doing civil support when that is available because I need that stability to be lower so the support again the political support of fascism and communism is growing quickly and war has fallen which means it's almost the end of Poland and almost the time for us to be attacked fear not Luxembourg you Overlord has you covered we're going to now prepare for civil war you might recall that I said not so long ago that the war will not work it will just reshuffle our government well there's also merit of to reshuffling your government sometimes we could also expand some more support for communism but that will not really be necessary Poland has capitulated now we have the option to discredit the government we have two of those decisions and each of them will reduce support for democracy by 10% so a total of 20 but we're not going to use it not yet okay and they aren't justifying a war goal against us a regular one okay that's a bit fast but I can handle that just need one more week that's that this civil supported decision come to fruition means my stability a little bit lower all right yeah that works political effort complete and on stability is at 64 which is a perfect amount for what we have planned now we also need to prepare for civil war for fascism so what have we done so far we have prepared for two civil wars and we have opened up political discourse twice that gives us access to the decision to ignite civil war twice and to discredit as a government twice we have 78 percent support for democracy 11 for communism and 10 for fascism um yeah I can work with that first we're gonna do anti-communist raids and also we're going to ban communism why you just spent so much time increasing it well I only needed that support to be able to deny the civil war from now on we're going to just ban comunism and this decreased Commons support increased democratic and fascist support still very little support of fascism but that's not really a problem is now we are going to ignite civil war for communism and the civil war did not really trigger but it did reshuffle government were still democratic but party support changed a lot what's next well next we are going to discredit of the government discrediting the government put democracy at 40% communism at 23 and fascism and 36 well that's fine so let's ignite the civil war again igniting the civil war again reshuffled the party's once more democracy fell to 16 communism rose to 35 and fascism arose in 248 there are several variants of these decisions you can take that still succeed for example if I discredit it twice and then ignited the Civil War again it would also work but I think this is the optimal way to do it because now we discredit the government yet again oh look 53 for fascism 40 for communism and 6 for democracy interesting that means we can now hold a national referendum and become fascist and what two and a half months and our leader is crap war support - 10 % well that sucks but at least now we'll be able to save our country from the Germans because we're now fascist which means when I unpause this the axis will like me they now have strategic reasons to be friendly to Luxembourg so let's ask to join faction and that's how you survive as Luxembourg in 1939 the Germans are justifying a wakil against me but they can't attack me we are in the same faction now Germany usually doesn't justify they just use the event war go but still we managed to save ourselves from them and now as a proud member of the axis we're going to survive oh I forgot let's train some troops and now we can start spending political power let's get a silent workhorse and that research start - because we're not going to do much in the near future also let's fire the Communists we don't need him anymore it's a pity we got such a horrible leader again the captain of industry bid can help a little bit but war support a decrease will hurt us let's watch the world burn around us while fortress Luxembourg stands tall and proud also I probably should have made and the civilian factory first and that gets forts and anti-air stuff and an airport the radar station everything we can because we have a lot of time and not a lot of territory unfortunately we had to tank our stability for that but also that means we survived Germany will have focus war goes against us Bob they won't be able to use them because we are in at the axis also we're not at puppet so we don't have to join the wars Germany attacks the Netherlands we're safe we even have German troops in our territory but we're very friendly to them and no we will not accept their call to arms now if it wasn't for terrible we would be able to go to war economy unfortunately he is crap Netherlands capitulate and soon so will Belgium while we stay here quite safe now I could quickly deploy our units and we could join the war and perhaps get a bit of France but it is not worth it not at the moment and that takes care of France deploy our units train them a bit in the field flight of Rudolf Hess huh Luxembourg quite safe what are we waiting for well we're waiting for a war between the Germans and the Soviets of course because we're going to next a large chunk of the Soviet Union at least that's the plan surprisingly we start with quite developed mass assault doctrine because yeah that's it's anonymous to Luxembourg I'm actually going to continue it let's do mass mobilization I normally prefer superior firepower but you know is good to mix things up from time to time Germany tax Denmark and Norway Denmark taken care of now let's do militarism I'm gonna need that man bar we're not going to engage in anything that's happening here also let's go to the method conscription Hungarian joins early access good the more the merrier more friends let's kick some Soviet bought together nationalism focus and Bulgaria joins us as well one big happy family nationalism done now militarism and with that we'll go in to actually have some manpower trotsky's taken care of and excessive conscription alright the Soviets have taken Bessarabia we still have some time before they fight the Germans and militarism alright what else are we gonna do only the secret weapons these these these research thought when possible and also doctrine and equipment efforts and that's pretty much everything so let's do secret weapons also I'm gonna edit the template and some artillery alongside with infantry that's how a military theorist also we're gonna need a field marshal he's not perfect but he'll do Mexican so which Republic giant Comintern that is weird she'd really implement some historical focuses for Mexico and with the secret weapons we can go into attacks can be key machine twisting Mexican service Republic declared war on Guatemala are they gonna screw up a whole scenario they might okay so they're attacking everyone in Central America apparently I wonder if the United States will intervene probably not cause Mexico is guaranteed by them as well I wonder if any of these countries will join that the axis or the Allies okay all Salvador joined access which means we are about to be at war with the Soviets much faster than I anticipated which also means I'm going to have to change my plan a little bit and then again I don't need to start fighting immediately I can join in later what matters is that I have some more score at the end Honduras joined us okay that means and the Soviet Union will be at what would everyone soon everyone everyone all right that's weird and also might be a problem this might actually destroy my plan but let's wait and see if I were to join our Salvador in their war oh yes I can actually join El Salvador in the war against the Soviets without joining the war against the Allies let's do that this way we will be in a defensive war which other is extra war support and know that what will the Allies which is exactly what we want perfect now with that we'll be able to go to war economy and also mobilize a bit quicker oh and Croatia wants to send me one convoy well I don't have any which is quite nice of them please send me convoy interesting and the British you want military access for me and we're both at war with the Soviet Union which means I will also be able to get military access from all of the allies well that might make my life a bit simpler ask for docking rights right and ask the more for military access as well again might come in handy war economy oh well okay Catholic Mexico sure why not Tanna Tuva and mongolia have been called in Oh No unfortunately Germany is taking very heavy casualties I think they might not have been ready for a war against the Soviet Union so right now everyone's fighting everyone actors are fighting commenting and the I's comment on is fighting eyes and the axis and the others are fighting axes in the Comintern Costa Rica joined allies okay Oh Mexican Soviet republic you're so aggressive Panama on joined allies dick Republic everyone's getting involved okay welcome to the party everyone is against the Soviets apparently yeah it's my stability to be higher Japan attacked Philippines wonder what the United States will do this is a weird scenario human wave offensive extra population ooh and I did a doctrine efforts and I should have been doing technology sharing because we can do it now because we are in a war with a strong ally is going on Japan declared war on the Dutch East Indies and United States join that means I can also get docking rights in military this is from them this will be a very interesting situation if we actually had more manpower is right now we're not really in a position to use this although I could back stabs British let's see what they have in their territory we do have military access and docking right so there we go let's walk around and see Oh London is actually defended half of the other bits not really no I want affected just all the 66 the British that would be quite an achievement as Luxembourg damn it I should have duplicated the super small unit I did not do that let's duplicate it now you know what I should have done I should have taken out of the British this way right before the United States joined then again Germany would have gotten all of that territory that's not necessarily what we want have that Mexico capitulate and the Germans might actually be losing against the Soviet Union might need to flip sighs what the hell is going on here this is weird the Germans are going to take out Mexico and possibly the United States early on I mean it's not that likely to succeed that they do that'll change everything I don't think the United States are ready for a German invasion in 1942 Mexican Soviet republic capitulate and the Germans are attacking of the United States I probably should really get in on the action just side with the axis completely that's edit the small templated down to be very small this is probably the weirdest scenario I have seen in this game the Germans invading the United States at the beginning of 1942 through Mexico and I did not call this they're doing it all on their own now this is difficult terrain so the Germans might have a hard time pushing through here well and the Romanians are going to and Bulgaria this game has not surprised me this much for a very long time remember we have military access so let's see what's going on here there is small defense here let's check out Philadelphia in New York now we will be able to do a lot here if we had more manpower unfortunately we do not Philadelphia is undefended I wonder is Canada defended yes kind of I'm really curious to see what will happen down here I'm not sure the Germans can handle fighting on all of these fronts at the same time I'm but I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt but they should have increased my stability the strikes keep hitting me okay this is one of the strangest games I have ever seen happen so I'm going to abandon my plan now and get in on the action and see what happens how about that I need to add a tiny bit of post-commentary here my plan was completely different I just found the mexico development to be so interesting that i had to jump on it so from now on everything is improvised and not planned which will make it less effective but hopefully more interesting let me know in the comments what you think and stick with me to the end of the video when i will explain what my original plan was let's would you alter the small template modifiers to be even smaller now don't need those support companies but I forgot to save the initial template before modifying it let's trade all of those small guys yeah I'm getting strikes all the time should have improved working conditions apparently it's make the small template smaller China is taken care of and yes Japan attacked the United States before taking care of China everything is strange let's take some risks I'm going to invade Britain there's a garrison Britain victory points only in Spain joins now they have a troop in London no they don't have two left okay cool Oh someone sank my ships there must be some communists here all right well let's not go something United States and just beat up of the British how does the invasion through Mexico will actually work out who knows I don't they simply be deploying troops in London and then moving them out so the perfect moment to strike would be when they move out okay I'm gonna attack someone who should be justified on both I just just find the United States ten days sure let's do that and we'll just limit ourselves to taking out Britain and nobody else oh the house strikes again United Kingdom declared war on Iceland not very nice of them see another troop what is the leaving we have our guys in all of their victory points and they are mostly undefended we denounce American ideals yes sure if we strike and they have no troops in their important victory points yeah this looks like the perfect moment to strike our unit and Postma's and interest will die but the rest should take over Britain in no time okay then let's attack now I need Britain to join as I swore I'd immediately please do that France come on Britain yes and that should be enough for the British to capitulate huh all the 66 normally I would do this in a completely different way but I just wanted to get in on the action very quickly and see what happens around the British have capitulated okay see this actually gives me some production potential not a lot of manpower though we have taken out of the British now the United States are still here and it looks like they're not going anywhere I need to take a break and think this over because I had a completely different plan for this again with Britain and their manufacturers we can invest in more research thoughts and more equipment for our guys so also you guys focus on a pause not a victory points in Britain we don't want them to retake it and honestly I'm not sure the axis will be able to push from the south into the United States so I'm going to start boosting ideology once we get back into positive positive power so that we can do a civil war in the United States that might become necessary now pretty confident that Germany will defeat the Soviet Union in time and we will want to join in on that but we want to do it in a smart way we don't want to waste our resources oh also it would be good to be gentle to the British we don't want too many rebellions but you know rebellions will be inevitable but we can minimize that at least partially man Brits are trying to retake Newcastle let's train two units of the bigger type I might go to three later Greece has capitulated to Bulgaria interesting but things in America are not going so great also Germany is moving away from it to fight other Russians not sure that's a good idea and when the German forces reach around here or maybe even just in Moscow we will be joining the attack yeah we need to keep a garrison here because the Brits keep trying to retake their territory and the rebels are already damaging quite a lot of stuff I should probably go to construction and repair eventually things are not going well in America unless well it has capitulated but we still have Peru we might be able to attack back from Peru I'm really counting on the American Civil War that I'm going to cause other than that mmm I have removed the engineer companies from these defenders because they don't need them and I'm working on sending some troops to the Russian front also Germany is doing reichskommissariat let's get some more artillery into this template I think it's time to gradually get involved in the fighting east of Russians but first let's add some more infantry to this unit you guys can focus on taking this bit because it's about to be cut off Turkey has joined the axis the right of the Soviets are going down even fast now we joined in for a moment but the casualties were too high for the amount of gains we were making so it wasn't actually worth it we're going to join in once Moscow Falls or right before that of Leningrad perfect okay I think it's finally go time focus on Moscow a little severe firepower can we be the ones to take Moscow probably not but we can be right next to it when it happens there we go oh we actually were the ones who took Moscow coal did that give me all the [ __ ] you patience call it did give me a bit ok great now just continue on and deep into the Soviet Union now the Soviets will crumble actually I'm going to add a few of the unisza for defending the United Kingdom to that army a 1 percent participation fall of Stalingrad actually it probably should have participated in that as well let's have a little look around the world Japan has taken care of India still struggling with British Malaya the United States have dominated Central America / rue still stands as a member of the axis and of course we hold the Britain and the Soviet Union is crumbling was our participation not so great yeah those tiniest really die easy it's not just 1% and lots of a look at the United States because I think it's time to start staging it place that's easily accessible to the axis so let's do Florida fascist coup in Florida coming up yeah probably should not have kitted these unions out so much and just sent a few more instead we're about to finish off that oh okay here goes the Soviet Union now we're going to want to puppet them but we wanted to puppet the move right we want to put them in such a way that will prevent the Germans from taking all of the stuff so we need to popper them with a province somewhere here and then cut the Germans off from taking the rest then we can be rare left with this bit and that should provide us with sufficient manpower to proceed so what do we do think we should put them with Tomsk as their capital then we can move south in the next round and cut them off here and move north and cut them off here if all goes well so let's take all states on take Tomsk puppet and take at the other states this way we puppet the Soviet Union with that specific province only and in the turn okay Germans only took a little bit perfect now we select our new subject and feed them some provinces that'll cut them off from German influences perfect Oh exactly fifteen one point less and we wouldn't be able to do it alright let's take the ones that cost zero they have no factories or anything like that and under turn see this was necessary to cut them off from the Germans we still want to take as much as possible as quickly as possible because if we don't and the Germans will and this is as much as we can take this round and the Germans took the rest but the part that we cut off is safely in our hands which is perfect now I'm going to take that myself why because we need some factories to be able to annex Russia is a puppet so the rest of their territory we're going to be taking as Luxembourg directly now of course I could have shadow puppet a child and had infinite manpower we would need to do that or right after joining the axis when the war was starting and just asked Japan for military access we could do that easily but you know I don't want to use China in every playthrough there are other options and that is it and of the Soviet Union Luxembourg occupies all this territory here and we really didn't do much in the war against the Soviet Union delay no not much at all we did quite a lot in the war against the British and now with the surface defeated I hope the Germans focus on the new world and how much manpower that the Russian Empire end up with two hundred thousand and that is quite enough to do Coronel templates and our only serious enemy that is remaining right now is the United States unfortunately all these British territories are very very damaged let's do a coronal template of the Russian Empire cavalry is very effective at suppressing rebels switch all these units to Russian cavalry now let's see if the Germans managed to take back America dispatching some units to the United Kingdom all the Germans moving to America kind of how also I should invade Mongolia that's extra factories for us how are you in that resistance pretty well apparently we've used up all the Russian manpower our troops are in position unless attack Mongolia Mongolia is communists so nobody will help them on Goa here we come the Mongols actually probably have better equipment in way to go but there is more of us and Japan's getting really aggressive here there is more of us so we can just try and go around at the enemy even though we don't have equipment and easiness now I'm dying quickly I do like cavalry it is quite fast the might of the Mongol Empire will soon be at my disposal LD have quite a lot of factories actually there we go manga annex how's America not great the axis are trying to win by Venezuela and that's about it Iceland has capitulated that is unfortunate the Americans might decide to come after me next and that would be horrible so you just need to take care of the United States now and we have enough supply to stage a coup in the United States great might be time to next two Russians here have all my convoys all stole my convoys and all of this all of it why not I'm gonna get it all back anyway I wonder if I wasn't too quick and with that the cool they might not have enough support also it is about to fire so I should probably prepare an army to go there next month we'll be annexed into the Russians and then we can participate in an American Civil War high resistance in Sussex and the game crashed we are back hopefully the crash doesn't happen again and this time I'm not clicking in Sussex and here it is the American Civil War has happened perfect that's quite a lot of Units actually and we made it happen that might be enough to cause the demise over the United States I should quickly get in on the action let's send one full army there and they did come get quite a lot of troops so this might actually succeed especially if the Germans decide to get in here will they I don't know hopefully Oh atomic bombing of Lebanon of all places okay I guess alright if we don't get a German army here very quickly this is going to fail and the naval invasion of Canada and we can now index Russia let's do that Luxembourg not perfect you know but we did start in 1939 and we have Spanish soldiers New Zealand has capitulated another piece of good news and Italy and Spain have landed in Canada now what will Germany do on the one hand this is not looking too good on the other reinforcements are on the way the American Empire has capitulated which is ahead of course that's an axis swarm going towards the new world Germany is not a naval power but um Italy and Spain have some experience this is not looking to do for the Germans because there's too many troops on too little territory um even the United States cannot defend against the world the integrity of axis and the Japanese faction are against them I'm also gonna stage a coup in Canada yeah seems like I was a bit too hasty with the coup and the United States should have increased their a bit more for Pearl Harbor we might see a Japanese attack from the other side which would help quite a lot we've been pushed out of Florida but Italy is doing stuff yeah you know what I did my part I'm just going to sit back and wait because Japan has landed let's get Colombia involved in this we attack Colombia Venezuela and Peru should push here and help see maybe we can't do much militarily but we can influence the politics and Japan is invading Australia hopefully they'll take care of the United States afterwards the Turks are landing in Canada full of New South Wales was attacked Colombia this way we should open a path to Central America I mean technically we own Panama but if Venezuela and Peru can push into Colombia then the supply situation here will become better Australia capitulates Japan we still need to see you in the Americas that was quite a lot of troops in Colombia if only you sent so many to the United States when you had the chance the plan actually seems to be working connecting versa and Peru over to Panama has caused other troops over here to actually aggressively move north unitary Canada has joined the axis Romanians going to fight in Canada all right you know at this point I am annoyed with the AAI so I'm going to end the video here I hope you don't feel dissatisfied with me not conquering everything but normally I would start again but the Mexico situation was quite interesting and I wanted to show it to you I also once again allowed myself to hope that my eyes will do their job and once again I ended up disappointed why disappointed well because nobody is opposing Hirohito he took hold all the islands here so was the invasion force against the United States the axis troops are just sitting here at doing nothing and when we had a huge chunk of the United States and could actually have an offensive well nobody really wanted to join in and we do have naval dominance in the air so there should be naval invasions left and right essentially I'm kind of disappointed with how and the attack on the Americas is handled by the axis and I can't do everything myself I'm just Luxembourg play we did take a large chunk of Russia also to not to leave you feeling dissatisfied with what transpired here I'm going to explain what my plan was before the Mexico thing happened because rationally I should not have gotten involved against the allies that was not a smart thing to do but I have very rarely seen such a development so I wanted to get in on the action I had to redo on my plans in real time also see there's tons and tons of German troops all over the place why there's nobody to challenge you the Soviets are dead the Allies are dead apart from the United States all these troops should be in America which is a bit frustrating so we did get Britain and a big chunk of Russia back to what my plan was my plan was to first flip ideologies and not to be killed by Germany and then wait until they fight the Soviet Union and just like we did join in that and take a large chunk of Russia to provide us with factories in manpower invade Mongolia and in that alternate scenario after taking all that Russian land we are at peace with the ours we are at peace generally so what we do next is keep this Russian provide us with manpower in factories fortified Luxembourg very heavily I mean max and higher level ten forts and so on and hundreds of thousands of troops in this little square here and then we flip to the eyes and fight Germany either just sitting in Luxembourg or expanding from there that was the original plan but then the Mexico thing happened so I am curious to hear what you guys prefer this video or the alternate one I just described where I have a plan for everything and just stick to that plan what do you prefer improvisation which doesn't necessarily end in success but is arguably more interesting make sure to let me know in the comments and I might make a port for that I'm really curious also if you would like to play this yourself there is one more way of handling the Luxembourg in 1939 that I want to propose to you and it starts essentially the same we flip ideologies through this long and convoluted process I showed at the beginning rather then after we've joined the axis we immediately justified on China and get into the war with Japan and getting military access from Japan we acquire some more score against China shadow up at the China get infinite manpower and proceed as usual with infinite manpower but I didn't want to do it in this video we don't need to use China every time so let me know what kind of video prefer planned out fully or more improvisational but still I have to be disappointed in the access and Japan just look at the factions batboat there's a little bit of our eyes down here in Africa the rest is other enemies now I don't want to [ __ ] on the area of this game it's very good it has to be for such a complex game just this is one thing that annoys me quite a lot namely how Dai handles the invasion of Britain and North America and before we go I remind this video had a sponsor and again this video was sponsored by World of Tanks click the link in the description below to register get some free stuff and start playing now alright that is it for today thank you for watching and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 555,143
Rating: 4.8972044 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4 meme, hoi4 luxembourg world conquest, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron 4 challenge, annex germany, world conquest, Lëtzebuerg, of, hoi4 luxembourg, hoi4 luxembourg empire, hoi4 gameplay, four, hearts, hearts of iron 4 ironman luxembourg, hearts of iron 4 luxembourg challenge, hoi4 challenge, iron, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4, hoi4 luxembourg challenge, hoi4 luxemburg, taureor, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hearts of iron 4 gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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