The Weirdest Whisper App Confessions

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I used to be obsessed with Whisper years ago. There is a lot of weird shit on there

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/AnnaK22 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

6am hotdog

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/mercurydot 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I got my wife into his videos, but she tells me "sometimes his skits go on WAAAY too long."

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/hezzyb 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

This video is pretty awful

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tasty_Profile 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

4 a m h o t d o g

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/yeehaw255 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
new merch alert that's right i got brand new merch available now it's the please be nice to me collection and it's really awesome okay i worked with one of my favorite graphic designers slash youtubers kellorn and they absolutely crushed it so head on over to to get yours because if you don't that's pretty mean and like the shirt says please be nice to me it's the law so click the link in my description or go to to get yours today jesus hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's really good to see you again i hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so press button for grading all right folks dude there's nothing better than talking really quiet i love whispering okay whispering is the best and i think we should do it all the time thank you that was my impression of the yin yang twins if you've been on the internet for a while and i'm sure you have it's been around for like 50 years but if you've been on the internet for a bit you've probably seen photos like this i can't wait for the day after valentine's day because that's when all the candy will be 50 off and that's the kind of positivity i need in my life hilarious but no you've probably seen some photo like this right it's like a generic like stock photo in the background and then like this big big font in the foreground and these photos are from an app called whisper where people anonymously share their personal confessions about love life and everything in between now i think about it i feel like they should change the name of the app right it's not really whispering right if you're just anonymously screaming a secret about yourself i pee my pants when i'm embarrassed what the heck who who just whispered that it was weird it was weird af you you screamed that wait what you literally just screamed at the top of your lungs that you pee your pants when you get embarrassed oh you heard that i'm embarrassed don't do it but yeah these whispers have been around for like years like i remember seeing these back in like 2014 but it would be something innocent like i love whisper because i'm not afraid to be myself and that's great but the whispers that i've seen recently have been more like this one time i put a whole wii remote in my ass and then just [ __ ] la stands for it stands for loose [ __ ] i mean i i will say out of all the video game controllers i feel like a wiimote would be the easiest to you know slide up there right make a tier list of easiest controllers to shove up your ass i think i think n64 would be the hardest right like the three three prongs yeah see you later the wiimote's perfect though it's got like motion controls too so even when it's up there you could like you could like twerk a bit and you could probably still win a boxing match and it has a string at the end for like easy removal okay i could talk about theoretically putting video game controllers up my ass all day but we should keep going which is ironically exactly what i say when a wii remote is only halfway up my ass we should keep going but no these whispers have gotten progressively more insane over the years so i thought it'd be fun to take a look at some you know make some jokes have a laugh because they make me laugh a lot and i want to share that with you guys i actually found most of if not all of these from the twitter account at whispers underscore finest so go follow them on twitter support them because they did all the hard work for me and before we look at my favorite whispers let's talk about it i'm sure some of them are fake i'm sure most of them are fake and i've been called out on it before you know for talking about a text post or a photo that's clearly satirical but it went over my head because you know what i like to believe everything all right i'm as gullible as a toddler okay so if i see something on the internet i'ma believe it but you know what for today how about we just pretend that all of them are real okay it's way more fun that way so just get on board so without further ado let's take a look at some of my favorite whispers let's go the girl with the teeth that works at walmart where are you a photo of like face wash okay so this one's pretty confusing i'll say it you know i was under the impression that this app was for like confessions right but this just seems more like a thinly veiled threat or a craigslist misconnection type thing the girl with the teeth that works at walmart where are you i just want to talk and wash your face this whisper also implies that out of all the employees at this particular walmart only one has teeth which is just really terrifying like imagine walking into a walmart and all the employees are just like hey welcome to walmart i hope you're not looking for any toothbrushes but we do have plenty of gum syndrome an early reversible gum disease that's a weird one but it gets weirder the pressure society puts on hipsters is almost unbearable now we're talking i love this [ __ ] so much when someone is so insanely confident but at the same time so unbelievably wrong but it is so funny to think of like a white hipster dude who thinks he's seriously oppressed like just picturing some guy named dennis he's getting home after a vampire weekend concert and he just he's all pissed off and he types this into the whisper app dennis what's wrong you've hardly touched your ipa it's just this pressure is almost unbearable and i'm not talking about the pressure that's slowly building up in my tiny tiny wingtip shoes look oh my god you have to go to the hospital hipsters have it so hard how am i supposed to live cruelty free if society is a cruel debris you had a hamburger like five minutes ago what do you mean cruelty free not you too babe you're starting to sound an awful lot like society okay and i thought you were my girlfriend not society dennis relax you know this whole thing's kind of reminding me of a song that i'm writing if you want to hear it ouch what the heck what did we discuss well let the guitar get shot by a gun all right next one sex is arousing to me like i don't want to kink shame or anything but [Music] sex turns you on dude [Music] i'm gonna be sick dude that's [ __ ] up get a gummer from a walmart employee and shove a wiimote up your ass like an adult my mom found the p drawer okay so here's one that's probably fake if you guys aren't familiar with the concept of a drawer let me explain you know when you're hanging out in your room you really have to go to the bathroom but you're too lazy to actually get up and go to the bathroom what do you have in your bedroom you have tons of drawers all you do is designate one drawer to be the p drawer whenever you gotta go slide it out do your business close it up you know out of sight out of mind and whoever made this whisper i'm sure they were just quoting the original piss drawer meme and i've seen this photo a lot but i've never i don't think i've ever fully realized that the kids wearing a batman suit gossip city left to live one night without me mom found the piss drawer and back to this whisper i love the photo they picked for it because i'm just picturing someone looking at their nails like all nonchalantly like they don't care that their mom just found a drawer full of piss in their room yeah so my mom found the p drawer last night okay gross you said your nintendo wii was in here right it should be but i wouldn't open that if i were you oh wow you think i'm going to stick a wiimote up my ass again that was an accident no it's not that it's just uh my mom still hasn't found the pee closet he closet hey can i ask why you even have a pea closet well where else am i going to keep my pea coat those are people here uh let's keep going gonna drink a monster i don't care if my pregnant dude and of course that's what the dad would look like right a hundred percent dude any guy that wears an unfolded beanie like back here loves monster energy drink i will die on this hill if there's one thing that i want to get out to the world with my videos it's guys that wear hats back here love monster energy drinks i don't have any studies or statistics to back up this theory but just trust me trust me like a guy who loves monster energy trusts his beanie to not fall off the back of his head how about that also back to this careless whisper terrible idea don't do that don't drink monster energy let this be a warning if you drink monster energy during your pregnancy that's gonna [ __ ] the baby up like more than you know like if you drink a bunch of monster someone puts their ear up to your belly they're gonna hear either chop suey by system of a down or rolling by limp biscuit and they'll get an angry fist that pops out of the stomach because your little baby kyle you don't have a choice in the baby name anymore it's kyle that baby just punched a hole in the wall of your [ __ ] uterus and the baby's gonna have a soul patch and a cookie monster hat and he's gonna invite you paintballing you wanna go paintballing so think before you drink looking for a unique [ __ ] experience i mean hey aren't we all right fellas oh yeah i mean this photo looks like it'd be a pretty unique experience right yo dude last night was crazy man that chick that chick blew me oh no way literally the color blue like she blew blue powder all over my dick and balls yeah it was definitely a unique [ __ ] experience yeah exactly i did it man and the best part i have a crazy painful uti and now my dick looks like a smurf and not just because of the small size all right man see ya [Music] hey man that whole smurf small dick thing that was totally a joke right it was just for my video i didn't mean it [Music] okay next one 6 a.m hot dog short and sweet man now this is a confession to say something like this you either have to be at the lowest point in your life or at the very highest you know and it all really just boils down to that 6 a.m hot dog listen up everybody i have a confession to me what is it what is it let's hear it 6 am hot dog wow he's so brave what he's so great oh my god i've only ever had a seven a.m also the photo that they picked someone just sleeping seems very weird [Music] hello hello look at the time what the [ __ ] who are you why are you doing this it's me remember you hired me to wake you up every morning with a 6 am hot dog because you said the best way to wake up is with a wiener in your face oh yeah sorry man i'm starting to feel bad for people who like genuinely use the whisper app i gotta deal with [ __ ] like this like these poor people have like one outlet to like share their secrets that they've been like holding inside for for weeks months years who knows and then some [ __ ] guy is just like sam but when i was researching this whisper app i learned that there has been like huge privacy breaches and like really dangerous crimes that took place because of this app so maybe someone typing 6am hot dog is like the least of their worries but let's look at one more it's another short and sweet one smack cam this this has to be the best one i think like i feel like this one implies that someone died from a smack cam which has gotta be the worst way to die for sure hands down we've learned a lot in this video we remote easiest to put in your ass guys with beanies on the back of their heads love monster energy and dying from a smack cam is the worst way to die man imagine someone dying from a smack camp if only someone filmed a sketch about that here's a sketch about that friends family we gather here today to mourn the loss of peter who tragically died in a freak smack cam accident just last week peter was a good man a good friend a handsome friend peter loved playing with his nintendo wii especially in private peter was an epic dude they totally think i'm dead they're such idiots this is gonna be the best prank ever when tommy got me with that smack cam i knew i had to get him back so i slowed my heart rate down to almost non-existent so they could pronounce me dead on the scene and then i hid in this coffin for weeks waiting to exact my revenge when tommy gets up to talk i'm gonna hop out of this coffin and smack him him so good dude she had a mouth full of teeth and that's why i don't shop at walmart anymore anyways back to peter um i believe peter's best friend tommy is here to say a few words of his uh his late best friend [Applause] thank you friends family king batch thank you so much for coming me and peter we're always joking around you know we're always playing pranks on each other and and i first want to apologize to peter's family for the horrible smack ham accident but the video was really funny so i'd like to show you really quick all right let's uh let's play yeah laugh it up while you can tommy yeah very tragic but what's more tragic is what's going on in this funeral home today i remember peter always talking about how much he wanted to be cremated you made it so i think the best way to honor our good friend peter is to set this coffin on fire right no i never said that i'm gonna think hit me up i'm alive don't hear me i'm alive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice try peter you thought you were gonna [ __ ] smack cammy you can't prank a prankster [ __ ] burn you're too good tommy if only someone didn't film a sketch about that alright well in conclusion the uh the whisper app seems like one of those apps that are like really great in theory but in practice it's just it's just bad news and i feel like that's the case with any app that lets you remain anonymous you guys remember ask fm where people can just send you anonymous messages why the [ __ ] did anybody let that happen so yeah i think we should stop being anonymous so please comment your deepest darkest secrets hey guys follow me let's hear a word from today's sponsor [Music] hey hey hey this video is sponsored by expressvpn what's expressvpn i'll tell you every time you connect to an unencrypted wi-fi network you send tons of important private data that can be intercepted by hackers your internet service provider and many other nefarious entities and listen that's just no good but expressvpn masks your ip address and uses the best in class encryption so whenever you use expressvpn every piece of data going in and out of your devices goes through a secure encrypted tunnel and cannot be seen by anybody so to put it in simple terms using the internet without expressvpn is like driving without car insurance or going to the bathroom while leaving the door wide open just generally a bad call and the whole internet safety and privacy thing would be enough on its own but it doesn't end there expressvpn has servers in 94 different countries so you can choose many different locations to appear from and by doing so it 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you'll be getting a great deal it helps me out when you check out the sponsors and obviously expressvpn will love to have you so everybody wins again thank you so much to expressvpn for sponsoring this video and so many others in the past love you back to me alright that's the video hope you enjoyed it if you liked it please press a like button because one like equals 1 6 a.m hot dog uh yeah leave a comment leave your deepest darkest secret let me know if you want a part two to this video press the subscribe button because i make a video all the time and as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of curtis town if you didn't know curtis town is the best place to live in the world and i'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law check the description for other things i do i got a podcast called very really good weekly podcasts a lot of fun i got instagram twitter my new merch go check it out it's brand new it's awesome and it's cool all right that's it i would stick around but i have to go unfortunately i have a full bladder and an empty drawer so see ya thank you
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 1,917,061
Rating: 4.9807529 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, whisper, whisper app, weird, wii, commentary, reaction, comedy, whispers finest
Id: VsEzjQJ89yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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