Train Traffic SO BAD there's NO TEA Deliveries in Cities Skylines!

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as your cargo train traffic been so backed up that you have no idea what to do it's blowing your mind well we've got a city just like that today so let's dive in and see if we can fix it so welcome everybody to the next episode of City skylines are with me Biff er the city that we're looking at today is sent in has been sent in by play-doh the city is called Lockwood and as you mentioned at the beginning we are going to be solving at train traffic so the actual traffic of this city general car traffic is pretty good but the trains are backed up like like Bo I mean it is just absolutely nuts they've got nowhere to go they're stopping it is just it's ridiculous and we're gonna solve that 77 percent on car traffic so that is pretty good there isn't a way of looking at train traffic as a percentage but you can see they're not moving at all anywhere so we're gonna fix that it want me to fix your city check out the pins post below in the comments and that will tell you what to do and if you're wondering what mods are amusing there is actually gonna be a pop up in the top right hand corner of the screen here which would tell you about that you can click on that and check it out yourself so let's just have a bit of a look here and see what's going on so I mean if we just start here for instance we can pick a train and we can see which way are you going using this little traffic thing and it will show you that it's train is trying to go this way so trains are traveling on the right-hand side it's going up here this one isn't moving into here because there's a train in the way and let's follow it up here but this is all blocked up anyway this is blocked up this is blocked up then it wants to go around here but it can't because this is blocked up this is blocked up no that's moving there so we've got this Junction here and it carries on and goes underground underground underground on the ground and it comes back above ground for a second but it's been blocked by these ones coming down here and then it comes back down here and it's all blocked up again so yeah lots of things that need sorting I mean stuff like this big no-no you want to be able to have your trains moving around freely and you did say that you've tried all sorts of things to get this problem sorted and just got nowhere so let's go back to where we started and we're going to try and sort of take this apart piece by piece and see what we can do to fix the problem now one thing I have noticed which isn't causing a major issue but you do have your lines without any bypasses going into your train stations every go I've got a bit of daylight now and that would just mean any trains that don't want to stop at that station can Nick Pass and it will stop this ever blocking up but that isn't your major issue any junctions that you have you want enough space in between this Junction and that Junction for a whole train to fit there we go something like that we just got a bit more space in between the junctions that should be okay and let us move back along over here so you've got a big tangle of junctions again things like this I mean you've tried one-way connections and all sorts of things I'll be honest I'm not going to touch all of that sure problem is mainly right let's take this little area here so what have we got we've got a cargo station with the trains coming in and out we've got a junction where some of the places are far too close to each other it's just blocking up trains we've got this line coming in we've got that line coming in we've got this line coming in then this one here so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna remove all of this here we go under plopper ball I've got these train at junctions here so I'm gonna hover over those so you can check the name yourself and look them up online I mean this high-speed train triangle when you've got a lot of space is particularly good if you've got a three-way junction coming in this little trumpet here is very good for trains not getting caught up on top of each other I'd like to put that one in here first so that is gonna keep things moving from left to right and up and down with the trains as you can see it joins the track on the right side so trains are not having to cross over each other which is the biggest issue you've got with your train lines as you can see that'll come off here join there and it's all on the correct side of the track of course you've got this underground one as well so let's just pop under here so actually do we even need that because we've got this other tunnel that comes up here and then splits off under here to come on that line so do you know what we could actually okay so we now have these to trump it interchanges this one here goes underground let's do this way next to this tunnel here which then connects to this area and before we had a split that came off there which we don't need anymore we're just going to use this one line and then the right-hand side of this trumpet interchange connects it goes underground here and connects here this area I will sort out at some point and what you've got is this weird it looks like you've got two one-way tracks both going into each other so there we go and that will connect up so over here and then one would just make sure this is all connecting properly which at the moment it isn't yeah we go okay so that's now connecting properly what that's trying to do and wherever it's trying to go I don't know we'll come back to that there we go so we've just moved it off that main road which is always a good idea put it on the side here and then we've got a nice long run off on each side to keep anything moving that wants to come into there and then you've got this connection here I mean this is I mean it's one of your biggest it's your cargo Airport hub you're gonna have so much cargo coming in and out of this and you've just sort of got this little line joining up to there so what I would perhaps do is put a different intersection in here I've used the high-speed train triangle because you've got you've got this one here you've got your cargo hub here and you've got your mainline here and then you've got this one down here I probably could just do a move in these a little bit further apart that should be okay and then this goes down underground and connects up over here if you really want your train lines coming in and out both ends and then yeah you should just keep things moving yeah it will do once we've solved what this problem is here so these things are all backing up next let's check what's going on so they're going underground they're coming out here they're backing up they're backing up they're backing up so again let's follow this along let's see where it goes right you've got an underground train triangle let's just have a look at this train here look it's coming around the corner I mean it just gets passed so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the movie mods and we're going to take that there and we're just going to shift just a bit like that and we're just gonna shift that along and then when you do stuff on the ground like this you just want to keep an eye on it just to make sure the trains can still get in and out so that we can get in there and let's have a look make sure you can get out the other end that trains moved so you can get out because obviously you can't eyeball it and see what's going on that's okay so that's gonna give us a bit more room so then they're hitting this here you've got another cargo train terminal yeah your outside line is over here so I mean could we purchase another square we could so let's purchase that one there and I'm just wondering whether we could have an output here where trains can literally go out and join your outside line again I think that might be a good idea there we go so I'll put another one of these high-speed train triangles in there and that's gonna connect over here and hopefully what you'll start seeing is trains will come in and then they'll leave that way I mean we could even force them to do that by putting a one-way system in and while we're waiting for that to sort itself out we've got a junction here which I would like to work on we've got one line coming in here one line coming in there one line coming in here and one line there oh that's a road yes we've got these four lines so what I am gonna do is right there we go so we've got all four lines connected out this one down here goes into that side that one carries on at the top this one curves around and connects up to this one and then the other one went to the other Underground one I think there was under here somewhere yes this one up here that one there connects to that one that was it so these two lines so that should just keep that area moving nicely okay so here's the little line at the two trumpets training's changes we did before but we're still getting problems with these trains here blocking up coming all the way through here so what I would like to do I mean this is like an underground tunnel it's put an overground little interchange here because as you can see that is causing let's go back to the underground that is causing all sorts of problems cuz that train on the top of this line let's pick that that train on the top of the line wants to go straight on but he can't because this one's come down here and blocked in so that's where these good interchanges come forms if we could just get that movie and get that above ground that would be fantastic so I'm gonna put an interchange in here okay so I'll put that in here just something worth mentioning when you connect these up and put them in you just want to check your junctions to make sure they're lined up okay good as you can see here we've connected our train line there we go and now that line is connected let's just check over here and that's okay somehow managed to get three so that's connected all directions and that's connected okay so now what we should see is another tree in the middle of that there we go now what we should see is if we go back underground again let's go this way is these trains once they've sorted themselves all out should now keep moving so there we go there come a bar they just keep flowing through and then either want to go around aren't blocked there we go look this one here is going that way and that should just keep things moving in that direction obviously we've got a problem going in the other direction if we follow this along yeah see they're all stopping here because the one's going straight on a having problems but once that all gets moving that is definitely gonna solve that issues on the lettuce run for a minute or two ah here we go look this connection here goes straight into this cargo train terminal with no means of a bypass round here so any trains going straight on and having to stop to be dropped off so what we need is a little bypass to go round to up here where this connects okay well we are getting some trains bypassing this now and this isn't blocked up this direction anymore so let's follow it along this direction and see what's going on they're moving and just moving slowly so they get up to here and then they get yep see this one here this is the direction we're looking at and they're fine so it's actually the other direction now that's causing the issue so let's see if we can solve that problem well let's use the built in traffic tool we click on traffic routes here have route selected and let's not select a piece of Road let's select a train lines you can see where they're all going so they're all coming along here they're all coming along here and it's all public transport and cargo it's a shame that that sort of put into the same one we don't have one for trains but yeah cargo counts under there so it's all coming along here coming here going through our superfast triple thing and then it's all just dead ending over here so this is basically where they're ending up is in this cargo hub and then they're going backwards and forwards and that is the way they're getting sent outside the city so what I would like to do is find another route for them to be able to get outside the city and we do have this line here that goes outside and this one here where does that go oh man the maze the maze on this is blowing my brain so that comes down here splits off around this one goes back under there and connects to here okay interesting so most of these trains all they want to do is go to the cargo hub and they're coming from so far away to do that that is that is quite interesting that they'd rather go to the cargo hub would you know what that tells me is you need a near a cargo hub we've got this one there is it possible to add one over this side of the map well I'm gonna try a couple of things I mean you've already got this cargo train terminal I'm thinking of changing that out for the cargo hub there we go so that's gonna fit in there we moved a couple of businesses but yet that's fine not the end of the world let us connect this line up over here we've got the way in there and then you've got a way out as a one-way road at one-way train track I'm gonna change that yeah and that will give away in a way out and then we can just sort of terraform this around here to make it look a little bit nicer with this tool well you seem to have some escaped convicts a line across the map look look at these guys and girls where are they heading let's go let's see they're heading to the prison which is all the way over there I will sit again back to prison okay they were on day release and they're deciding now to walk back to prison goods well at least they're at least they're heading in the right direction well where are you you get a high dollar back they're not gonna hide under the underpass fantastic here they are they're back they're all heading in yeah they're breaking in the same way that they broke out excellent okay so some time has passed and what's interesting is there's no longer that many trains come in from the outside connection on this side of the city whereas before we had a lot of that going on whereas what we get in there is a lot of planes coming in dropping off cargo so we've just had that got a few there we go look this guy here he's gonna drop off some cargo and they're gonna get some trucks coming out there we go and taking it off so that is goods so that means that there's less move got one here that means there's less trains coming in and there was so that has definitely lessened the traffic coming in I was still try and do something with junctions like this because it overall will slow things down there we go so I've got that in there we've got the input coming in we've got the output going up there we've got these two that one scoots around and goes up to here and that one goes on the ground and goes to there like I said I'm not redoing your entire train Network I'm just trying to make what you've got work don't forget as well when you play something like this down like I said go and check the junction see this one here isn't connected I think with a little bit a Ipoh Creek and we get both connect in change the shape of that there we go excellent so that's now going in that's fine too effing it's all connected up and working excellent as we can see the train traffic is disappear disappear disappearing it looks like it's all gone which is great I'm just double-checking that these are all connected up okay yeah I don't miss anything because I know what I happen I get a thousand comments in the description so and oh my goodness me you missed some major stuff but I think we're doing okay I really it's me I'm just I just look at all this and I'm like what is going on what is going on that splits to go over into here to come past and you are because it's not backed up I'm just gonna leave that like it is I'm just not gonna touch that with a bargepole you've also got a couple of cargo station terminals which is sort of dead ends which I'll be honest with you normally that's okay but one of the things with cargo train terminals unless you look I'm sure there's mods that will do this but you're a little limited by the speed that they go there's nothing else you can do so when these trains come in um this train can't go in until that one leaves although he left this direction it would all happen just that little bit quicker Mitch which might help with speeding things up a touch so what I'm gonna do let's just move that out there I'm gonna go page down here and we're gonna go underground there we go we're gonna go underneath here you've got Metro things everywhere can we skip underneath that enough just about yet there we go and we're gonna try and connect up to this rail over here so if we go there and then go page up let's go to R it out sighs there we go page up and we're gonna connect up let's say connect up one two there and I wanted to connect one going the other way as well and we should do that if we sort of curve off down here like that we'll go underneath there and then connect up to that let's just make sure that looks okay yeah that's okay that's okay so that's a nice big triangle there with plenty of space in between each of those and it oh my goodness me and if you want to sort that out you can use the move it more just to move things around as well I'll just do that for ya and also just to keep things moving here I've made this track one way just a little bit coming in here so the trains have to come in and then have to leave I don't think we need a bypass but hopefully I'll just clear out these trains that are coming into this Junction and are blocking up everything out that's a bit of a pain you know what my actually work even better here oh do we want to put in a train about why I've used this train roundabout it's just called if you want to look that one up but I've managed to hook up the four different ways in and out that that was going with the only problem is oh look it goes the wrong way they're crossing over there what's yeah we'll see how that goes but I'm hoping that that's large enough to take all the traffic that's sort of coming up here and what would that being made of one way and this traffic having to go out and then join over here train traffic I'm talking about that should just keep that thing moving and already it's getting issues yeah let me just see how it goes like we're back to this station here this seems to be one of the ones that's cause and a lot of the clogging up though it's coming down here they're coming under here they're waiting to get into this cargo train terminal what I'm just thinking is is we could probably make this a bit more efficient and get these trains moving in and out and bypassing a bit better so let's just work on this little Junction here to help these guys out okay hopefully this will work a little bit better so we've got the mainline coming through here and it nicely splits off either way like this so you can go up and down and just plenty of space between this Junction this Junction to fit a train in and not block anything else so that bypass is the cargo train terminal and then underneath here we've got this connection I'm not entirely sure if that is connecting properly let me just do that and I know that would definitely be connecting properly now so that will go up there that will connect up to the cargo train terminal and then rather than just jam that line into here I've got that one coming down here and connection over there a nice big runoff space and then again going down this way with a nice big runoff space to give space there we go the trains are coming down here it's working so hopefully that'll just keep things moving off of this line that comes down there which will then keep other things moving at nicely as well so things aren't moving too badly I mean we're getting it slows down in a couple of places but it's still moving it's not as blocked up as it was but the main issue you've got is you don't have your internal cargo Network separated from your external network so what I'm gonna do is show you I mean there's a couple of things you can do a lot of these guys here bringing in cargo all these from the outside and then it's coming over to a cargo train station then getting ships taking via trucks around your city what I would do is separate your internal and external line so this is one of the places it comes in over here as I said I think you've got another line that comes in from external somewhere or is that literally it I think that might be here I mean you've got like these cargo hubs and staff but all the other train lines look like it is just that one so let's just try one last thing which like I said without me building your entire here we go oh is this one here without really be building your entire network yeah this is the other one this is something we can do so let's do it in both places I'll show you what we're talking about and this is a cargo transfer hub only you can already see while we're talking and this is not backing up the hoff site off the map anymore so things are actually starting to move a lot quicker everywhere do you know what I'm doing a way that we're gonna make this change or not yeah let's do it because these are all external trains look all external trains coming from Los Rico come yeah let's do that okay so here we have a cargo transfer station and I'll talk you through what I've started so here's your external line coming in this is a one-way rail the train comes in drops off the cargo and then it leaves via a one-way rail and it connects back over here so it doesn't cross over so that can just keep moving smoothly the trucks will come out and then drop some cargo off to the internal right there we go look see to the internal one now some of these trucks are bypassing this and I'm not entirely sure why and I can't click them which is rather weird but anyway you can stop that happening by not having a connection to the highway I've got a connection to the highway as well but as long as you put um trash the services on here these trucks would just go round around in the circle that's how I'd normally like to do it but anyway so the trains come in here the cargos transferred and then you get the cargo coming along here and some of it in this case is going to be driven in and via trucks and that is gonna greatly reduce the amount of cargo trains that you're gonna get on your internal network and it's only been run in a couple of minutes and already look there's a stop to backing up it's stopped backing up it's absolutely working brilliantly I mean you're gonna have a little bit of backing up in some places just because as we said the cargo train terminals run so slowly there's not much we can do about that but overall that is I think gonna solve your issue and just for sake of argument let me show you how you can set this up with absolutely no connection to a road network at all these trucks go around around in a circle like this the cargo will come out the cargo garyun these will go back round drop cargo off down here yep and that will definitely keep your external lines very very separate from your internal lines which is good because quite often you will get trains that will go through your network all the way through to the other side of your city clogging things up now if you're gonna do that for cargo and you still want passengers coming in from the outside then you want to do a similar thing with your passenger line as well okay now I've done the same for passengers coming in I've just branched this line off here going into this station that allows intercity trains and then this one doesn't allow intercity trains while it's not connected to the outside network anyway and then all we need to do is run a line from this one into the city and you want that really go into a nice big transport hub and I know somewhere in here if I can find the blooming thing you've actually got a great here we go this is what I'm looking for you've actually got this in here so I'm gonna connect that to there and then all the way back to over here again yep that's fine complete the line there we go that line is complete we've already got trains appearing or that I think is gonna be any any people on them yeah and I've just got a path going from one side to the other so any trains that come in can drop off their passengers and they can come into the city so let's just give it a second for some passenger trains to turn up and ideally you'd want to do this on every single external to internal train line you've got I mean you can set it up a bit neater but this is what I just learned together and of course we had the other train line the other side that was coming into the city somewhere you would want to do the same on this as well this one over here so just taking a look around at the train lines we can see these are all pretty clear there's nothing backing up over here which is the worst offender these ones down here because we've removed all that external rail traffic with all the industrial stuff from that side of the city we've got a bit of a I mean it's busy it's busy but it's moving that's good none of this rail is backed up none of this rail is backed up again busy just got one train waiting there I mean that's not the end of the world much much better than it was before this is super busy down here because again what you've got is external cargo coming in and in wanting to get through to the city so I would add an internal external loop on here the same as we've done before just to try and keep things separate but overall I think that is a winner and your traffic your normal traffic is still 77 78 percent so I am pretty pleased with that what do you reckon what would you have done different let me know in the comments below if you would likely to take a look at your city don't forget to check out the pinned comment and look at the video that's on the screen as well I'm sure you will really enjoy that thank you very much for watching I will see you all very soon take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 463,107
Rating: 4.9085784 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines fix train traffic, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines traffic management, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, train traffic, cities skylines traffic
Id: -gqELBxakIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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