Traffic so Horky Borky even Planes are Gridlocked in Cities Skylines!

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yet the traffic in this city is so hokey-pokey that the people on the plains telling the pilot no but yes the more yorkshire tea instead we are staying up here do not land in this city let's see we can fix it up hello everybody welcome back to the next fix your city where the mead bitter and here we are in the city of westwards it's been sent in by big nerds the traffic's been getting well below 10% it is just absolutely horrendous and it's not that biggest city imagine if you're trying to get back from work and you're stuck in all of this look at that that is horrendous so that's what happens after about 10 or 15 minutes of the city running let me just reload it up again as it was sent to me and we can start diving in with some core traffic fixes now one big mistake I often see people do is they have big intersections like this right next to big other intersections I mean that is that is a no-no having them so close together and then another one here another one there it barely gives people time to change lanes and see where they're gonna want to go and all that sort of thing but it's here it's done for anyway when you come off like this off of an intersection you just need a roundabout I've moved some stuff out of the way I've just put some little roads down like that so we can now use the roundabout mod I'm gonna use the three lane highway and that's gonna go over there let us make that a tiny bit bigger I think that will probably do just to keep things going there we go excellent then to make sure that this thing doesn't get deformed out of shape we are gonna put in the middle here just a two-lane gravel road and we're just gonna join these nodes together like this like this and like that so that's gonna keep it a nice circular shape yeah there we go we're gonna have that coming in and out there and then that joins like a nice little road there at the top that is fine and this is traffic manager by the way it's a mod that you can get from the workshop and I'm gonna pick this one here and we're gonna get our quality signs hold shift it selects the whole roundabout and click that everybody coming on has to give way then we're going to use the junction restrictions and anybody on the roundabout can go straight through the junction without stopping which is that one there that one there and I can keep moving that is all you need to do for that I'm not quite sure how that's gonna work it's gonna be too many lanes what are we got going on here I've actually got one lane going off so that can be changed to a two lane excellent that helps so two lane plus one lane is three lanes yeah okay so let's do a bit of lane management over here so working backwards this little Junction here we do not want cars stopping at that we want them to go straight through so we're gonna do that and that so they're not gonna stop at this Junction we don't want anybody changing lanes here there's two ways you can do this we're gonna use the lane at all we're gonna say we want you to go straight on straight on and straight on so they're just gonna go down to there these are gonna go right to there which is fine and then what we are gonna do here is we're gonna say to stop these two merging in we're gonna say when you come on the corner you have to go there you have to go there and you have to go there and now coming off the roundabout here we don't want them to stop in at this Junction so we're gonna say that you have to give way and you can go straight through and to help you go straight through we're gonna put that on as well I would in fact do exactly the same here so you go straight through and you give Y just to keep this moving going the other way we could do is actually the same excellent so anything coming off the roundabout you would want to keep that going this road is nice and straight and then we've got this Junction right close next to it here you've changed your three lane into two lane right we'll delete that then we'll have that goes straight in yeah excellent let us just look at this roundabouts you've got far too many lanes on here now the mistake people make they think lots of traffic we just need more more lanes but we're gonna make that three lanes all the way round I've been a bonehead and I've made that three lanes in two directions what I actually wanted to use was the highway road so let me do that again there we go oh all the comments I saw you you were running off to the comment thing and I'll be for you a bone aid and you've done the same over here you put the connect that back up to that excellent it's just double check that this is still okay giving way going on and going through excellent before we unpause the game and see how that's helped let's just give those the priority through that road and then go straight through go straight for you sighs I mean there's a ton of traffic here I'm not expecting this to instantly all clean up or you've done the same thing here as well look yeah you just don't need to do that all right let's unpause and let's just take a look at this I mean I don't like this two lanes going into one lane bar it's gonna keep moving which is what we want we want misters to keep moving so maybe we'll have a teeny tiny time-lapse and see how all of this goes okay well things aren't moving I've just noticed up here at this ridiculous traffic jam look where you've got lots of lanes lots of lanes lanes all over the place that are going wrong let's do a go to Lane mathematics here we're gonna downgrade that to two because you've got three lanes one going off let's make that two and then you've suddenly gone down to not many lanes where we want to keep that three just so people can keep moving so what is happening here it is just the amount of people that need to go round and that need to come out down here isn't it that's all it is is just the sheer bulk of traffic where the heck is this all coming from right we've got a load of people that live in here look at all of this we need to add some highway junctions we are gonna do that oh it was also saying autosave Zippity gotta get that in yeah so if we downgrade those to a two-lane there we go in fact actually what I'm gonna do to keep the speed up we're gonna use the highway one there we go there we go is that splits off nicely there and that means that this can then be four-way which will match the road that you've got already in there which is this one here so if we just upgrade all of that or downgrade I should say and then when we get here we're gonna remove that traffic line we want the traffic to come in and out of here smoothly with no messing around that you have to go right you have to go up there so we're gonna get no traffic crossing each other and then actually if anybody wants to leave we've got this one here so we could do with the two two three lane instead five lane three plus two so my plans have changed slightly so let's put these lines back in again there we go so now what we've got is those coming in can move smoothly round there those leaving can move smoothly and also if you're leaving this way you've got a lane just for you and then also you can carry on around if you want to so that's gonna carry on all the way up to the end so three lanes going into two lanes I think that will be okay and then what we want to do is just stop these guys turning left here so we're gonna get no only straight on and then we want you to go straight through and straight through yeah so hopefully that's fine we'll see how that little bit goes at the end but the idea is is that good that's gonna stop everybody from here going all the way up to this Junction we said a minute they won't all this traffic's got to go through but we'll see how that goes let us check out some of these other junctions that we've got here this one here what have we got going on um do you know what I don't even want to touch that one I might come back and change that we'll see this one here I want to check the lane mathematics that we've got going on because that can quickly help sort out lanes force when the downgrade that's a 2 so that will automatically make this one off and two straight on then it's back to three again it's back down to two again and then it's this I mean this is just what it's just far too close all right let's just look at this if you're gonna do this it's fine what you need to do is say you can't have that one going over there if they're gonna come in they're gonna go right and that is it so nobody asks gets in the way this one here you can go there well there and then you can go there and then you're not all in each other's way and then what have you got going on down here let's do some lane downgrading so two lanes there then a lane going off so this is back to two and the lane coming on it's back to three and then it goes through their lane goes off so back to batter two and in a lane joining on you batter three and then where it joins over here we're gonna say you've got a obey the rules of the road and that's amazing gonna get that going and then that's gonna stop you doing all this who'll keep walking Lane switchin here I mean you could just stop doing that you can go there oh I can see what's going on here they all want to come down here to go down into this one to get down to there to get round to here okay alright so I can see why this might be a little bit of an issue and to be honest that lie in the middle there and you've got another one over there you just yeah I'm sorry you just don't need that there that's just causing more problems than your needs it's gone there we go so that is gonna solve that issue of all the stuff so they can go there they can lane switch well they just cut in the corner there that's what's going on all right down to to do that I sort the lanes out for us back to three again it's definitely three yeah - that's a three again or back to whatever your lightning odds whole road and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna join this together because having an open end like that takes away some options that people might need so let us turn grade this one here it's two to three one going off to back to three going off back to - coming back on back to three going off coming on my brain back to three back down to two again it just makes it so much simpler than they're coming on okay good and then this Junction here I'm gonna do the same I'm gonna say look if you're coming on you're gonna cause more issues than a pallet full of tech list see he's gonna just make worse because I meant to say York should say oh my goodness me I've just upset everybody that is not a good idea to have that little connection there they came down here they would actually use this Junction ago that way instead and then this wouldn't be so busy that just seems a waste so we're gonna stop that which means they are gonna come down here they're not gonna be using that so much but let's just do the lane mathematics and downgrade that's a two then back to three good so you're coming around here you're all going down there you'll merge defying there's not much coming this way what is this guy doing he's just like he's like no I've stopped Stevie did here there we go just wow that's all I can say sometimes I look at some of these and I just go just one okay that's a three they're all in the outside they're desperate to go through here and then you get this one joy and it all just makes it a mess do they need to join there we're going to say don't join them don't join there keep moving around you are gonna join in here and we need some roads straight across here so guys get in from this section to this section don't have to go through there through there all the way down here let us put some crossroads in right phase one of getting these two areas connected was this cross there these cross bow to this one here and this one here and then I put this little raised roundabout in the middle with some on and off ramps and then we need to set this up it's gonna work correctly so let's first set this up as a roundabout there we go so everybody coming on has to give Y and then won't let those that are on the roundabout keep going through the junctions but not those coming on cuz that's the way I like it uh-huh uh-huh so we'll do that there we go I think I did that one right and then we want to make sure that these guys once they come on to here just keep moving and don't cause any problem so we're going to take those traffic lights away and we're gonna say when you come on you have to go this way like that that's fine and then if you want to come off you have to use that one they're never gonna go straight on you use that one and then you can't turn there you have to go down some of the house turn around and come back up again and then we're gonna do a similar thing with these junctions here there we go I've downgraded these some six to four so that would just keep all of that moving there we go stop guys do stupid things like that let's speed it up and then that's gonna just cause problems once they get round here because we want these roads to give why and then it's just a roundabout that we've done before it is so once all that gets moving that will be fine so I'm just gonna let this run a little bit and just see if this area over here clears up and gets a bit better I'm just gonna make this road through here before we do that there we go all the way through excellent everybody else has got to give way you get priority and I'm just gonna also do no we don't want that one there and I'm just going to be a lane management here so we're gonna say that you're you go off and you two go straight on what is that saying the lane our change bus lane to say well because you've activated the highway rule system oh I know what that is that's this one here in the options for traffic manager an able highway specific Lane merging splitting rules yeah I don't like that one on because that stops me from doing this there we go turn that one off so now we've got one lane for off the other two for going round and I'm gonna do that the same on each of these okay so I've gone through all the Junction's on the outside and along this main road here the ones up here the ones that are down here the ones on the outside over here and I've done all the lane management three lanes down to two lanes and I've done all the little Lane things here as well so late mathematics Lane management everything is running smoothly with those and then here we're getting a beard of a tailback because you're getting all your trucks coming down here and they're just blocked up because as we know traffic going in and out of a cargo train terminal goes pretty slowly so we need to change this up and we've got plenty of space here so I'm just gonna redo where this is and we're gonna make this run a lot better and this is what it looks like now so we've moved the cargo train terminal from here right next to the roundabouts over here and we've still got your toll booth going in which is good we just split these roads so there's an in and an out to keep things moving smoothly and this will work as a sponge to soak up any excess traffic that we get here because as we know the cargo train terminal is stuck at a certain speed of input and output and we've just got our one train line going here I've deleted the other ones we don't need that and that now keeps all this cargo terminal traffic away from this roundabout which stops this all backing up so yeah that works really well do you know I'm not sure I've seen that many planes flying around our cargo train terminal and our passenger terminal so any people want to come and visit us that he's absolutely nuts they're just constantly circling and never landing another little change I've made with this little intersection we've put here we've got this as a little oval about in the middle and then this road that goes right round the outside like this so in fact going this way clockwise I've turned that into one big roundabout so this road is one way this is one way this is one way and that's one way and it just keeps everything moving look at that there's just no backup of traffic there that's all and here's another situation where you've got a junction going smack straight into a six-lane Road no you know what we need here I bet you can guess we go much better and once all this back love disappears that will run that much smoother so something else I would like to do because we have absolutely no Metro in this city and you've got all your industry in two spots over here and over here so everybody has to travel through these junctions to get from work from commercial all the way over to there and this plane still going mad and any industry has to go through all of these junctions to get there yeah it's just all a big it's all a big hulking bulky mess so we are gonna put in a metro system that's gonna help these people get around much better and I want to find out why these planes are not landing so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna turn the airport off and back on again and then I'm gonna do the same for this Airport over here off and on again this Airport here is a complete waste to be honest because there's only industry there there we go and I think that might have fixed it yeah we will go with that so what I'm thinking of doing is having a nice big loop going through here up there around here and back round again and then we'll do a clockwise and the anti-clockwise loop and that will help us have less buses on the road because that is the only public transport you've got these buses are adding to the traffic so here we go right so that's what I've done I've just done a very basic loop all the way around and we've got a clockwise and an anti-clockwise loop of lines and I mean this is different ways you could do it you can have a loop in here a loop in here and here and here and then link them together but I'm just gonna leave the city running with this one and we're gonna see how many people start using there we go start using these I'm gonna give it ten minutes and I'll be back with you well it's not even been about two minutes and there's already a thousand less cars on the road that is absolutely brilliant and the more people that use this the less people going to use this look we can get rid of these vehicles so many vehicles yet we're getting these all down look oh my goodness me we're getting all these right down to very small numbers so we're up to 2,000 plus people just on those two metro lines which is really helping the traffic and what I'm doing now is just some spot roundabout so anywhere that I see that there's a real bad load of traffic like here I've let you just added this one in so we've got some traffic that needs to go I'm popping it around about and I'm also adding in a few little slick roads if there's a highway right by I'm a road I'm out of the slip roads they can get onto it and I've also added this little outside road down here to remember this roundabout didn't ever load on there we've now got some extra connections there and I've made this industry one way when it comes in one way up one way along one way down and that has helped a bit I don't know why this is building up so much here but yeah I like that one for a while any warehouse we can act like this traffic obviously loves coming through here yeah we're gonna lose a three a few houses buying a lane road roundabout that will make all the difference in an area like that there you go once you put some little crosswalks on bands crossing in the middle of the roundabout things do work a lot better nice and clear sometimes you just need to make an absolutely massive oval about and that's the only thing that's gonna fix the traffic absolutely brilliant yeah I love it I love it okay so this has been a particularly hard fix because of the way the city was set out without absolutely destroying everything which is something I really try not to do I like to work with what you've done as much as possible and then fix things out but we've got up to 75% yeah so not bad on the traffic there's still some spots which have red they're just super super busy but if you ever look at the highways all the highway junctions are now moving look really really quickly really quickly all the bits where the roads merge I've gone through and I've done all of the lane connectors on those we've done Lane mathematics almost everywhere I've just noticed as a road here I could have changed the two lanes but that's fine so other than I would say 90% of the roads have got the lane mathematics done and all of these are moving really really well in here where you've got big lumps there we go there's our oval about moving nicely up and down there where you've got big lumps like this you need some connecting loads going through just to help things move a little bit better but I mean the traffic there is not so bad because it's residential but where you get a lot of commercial and certainly a lot of Industry you need more connecting roads like here I've done connecting roads through a little roundabout I've made things one way and it's not going to bad at all so I reckon for a city of this size by the way we've grown about 20 K past what we started out at we're making money so if you wanted to turn off unlimited money I think that was something you said you wanted to do you can do that and look at that smooth flowing traffic I'm loving it so doing to fix up your city and we got things other than traffic you would like me to fix I don't mind send it in look at the description below on how to do that hit subscribe as well and the like button that is always appreciated and I will see you the day after tomorrow for the next episode of City fixing take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 413,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines broken, cities skylines expert
Id: IMA4PdCW-g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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