Infinite Traffic Vortex Causes Growth EXPLOSION in Cities Skylines Fix My City?!?

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[Laughter] it's the never-ending traffic that's gonna never end and here comes leighton phillips around the corner he's passing the red ferrari he's breaking ahead of the pack hello everybody welcome back to city skylines with me biffer and here we are once again fixing up one of my old cities this is the third of my old cities we've fixed up it is called biff shireton who remembers biff sheiter ah yes one of my favorite cities this is when the after dark dlc first came out so we can imagine there was lots of new assets that were made during this time that had lighting on i think so far this has had the most assets out of my cities that i fixed and this ran from september the 21st to december the 20th 2015 and had a total of 29 episodes in this series so if you want to see this city being built from the ground up i will put a link to the playlist in the description below and just looking at this overall it's an interesting looking map i don't know what the map's called but it's a nice looking map i can see why i chose it and this city has great problems let's just take a look at the city like this traffic is always a good indicator of how a city works and look how red that is oh let's do it a different way so you can see the percentage 58 traffic death all over the place uh we are making money which is fantastic and we are shrinking in population but that is 58 traffic with despawning turned on so that is the vanilla standard way traffic gets too bad the game says let's remove some of some of the traffic and keep things going and even with that going it's 58 i remember alcatraz i remember building this got the little church over there a little road the car park the pile of wood junk and the prisoners just coming in by the look of it look at that just turning up how many prisons do we have in here at the moment 223 criminals in there i remember that i'm getting i'm getting flashbacks oh jumpy game i'm that i built but yeah there's lots we need to fix you can see the cargo trains uh crawling to a halt we already know the metro is going to be broken because of the size of the um the size of the stations yeah changed a recent update and all that sort of thing let's spin it around this way again so we are going to do the usual thing we are going to turn off despawning we are going to make it into hard mode which is just the way i like to do it no despawning and we are going to go in this view here and we are going to let the game run and see how bad this gets maybe stick a guess in the comments below what shall i say 58 i think this is going to get into single digits very very quickly so let's find out [Music] just a quick pause in the middle of that to check how things are going and it's down to 32 percent um but the city's growing amazingly look this is growing uh the money's growing that's like nearly what it's over doubled i think we started with a 800k now 1600 yeah 1.6 million that's the technical way to say that but that is actually not too bad it's still dropping so we're going to still let it run all the way but yeah more traffic equals and more growth in the city brilliant [Music] okay we are done with the uh running of the game to see how bad the traffic gets and oh my goodness me there is traffic backing up all over the place it actually got as low as 20 so in my mind that is not too shabby i have to say just following this traffic around here i thought we'd do it at night time as this was the first city that i built with the after dark dlc we can get a good view of what a city looks like at night and i like it i think it looks pretty good there we go very nice very nice so let's um check out what's this in here i've got like an entertainment pink district in the middle of the city oh i like that very much very cool this city is not too bad you know it's like a giant tardis oh it's the colossal order building that's just the way it loaded very cool okay so let's see what we actually ended up with let's come out of that view and do this 27 so it's gone up a bit but the city's exploded i got 2.2 million tea leaves and 107 000 inhabitants which is just absolutely nuts i want that down there and i want this up here so we can see what we're doing so what are we gonna fix in this city well certainly as we said the traffic is a big one um even at 20 odd percent we can see it's just pretty pretty rubbish so i'm just seeing where it sort of comes in off the highway here yeah this road going down here and then it starts backing up and i straightaway can see that there's no lane mathematics at all if i hadn't invented that yet um and then it all backs up around here let's just follow this and see where all of this goes in case there's one little tweak at the end and then we can be done and we'll go home for tea why'd you not funny enough you should say that biffa i said as i spoke to myself it all sort of ends here and then over here it's not too bad so it'll come in here and then hitting this well why not let's just take a look at this little area here um this comes down to this bit which i mean initially it's like roundabouts but you know what let's put in him let's put in here if i could speak first of all some dedicated turning lanes bish everybody's got dedicated turning lanes and then we're going to put in a time traffic light so control left click with that and then down here so this one's all coming down as well i think this one is off of yeah off of that and then this one is the problem that we've got yeah so time traffic lights there but these ones we're definitely gonna put give way if you're coming on and i'm just gonna give some dedicated turning lanes there we've done that one we'll do that one we'll do that one we'll do that one cool so these are coming down here and then they're sort of cutting through to get onto there um this is a two-lane road so now we can have left and right which would be good and it would be nice if we didn't block this junction um yeah that would be nice maybe we could do something about that what am i looking for here i want this one i mean they shouldn't be blocking the junction that's uh a given and also we need a few more lanes on this road is that one way uh no it isn't but i tell you what we're gonna do is we're gonna do one of these um like that and we're gonna give it a couple of links and then up here we're gonna grab this one and we're going to say if you're going this way you go that lane and if you're coming well it's like three lanes into one but there's not many people coming this way so we're just going to say look you have to go like that yeah and then hopefully what's going to happen is this here these traffic lights are going to sort out this issue although it's going to take a while because there's a lot of traffic coming down here so if we can maybe keep our eye on that so to the right of the colossal order building maybe we can come back to sorting that out what are these yellow symbols everywhere look at that not enough buyers for products um so our products can't get out of the city well the death wave seems to have ended which is nice so i'm pleased about that let's see where else we've got uh traffic so this coming down here i can immediately see we could fix something here look everybody's using this lane that is that lovely fix that we like to do is laying mathematics along there and along here but just by doing that it gives a dedicated lane for coming off as you can see once they've driven over it and the other two for straight on so look now people can start using that down there and also i'm going to use an option in the traffic manager mods so we'll go all the way down here this will not be on enable advanced vehicle ai and i sort of put it about there um and back to this one here i'm going to put that onto high and i hope it doesn't tank my fps we should be okay and we'll start seeing that will help a little bit as well so now we've got dedicated turning lanes there humongous highways here i don't know why but yeah hopefully that will just help that a little bit let's go back into this view and then when they come down here they're all sort of getting stuck here aren't they so we've got two lanes merging so we can definitely upgrade that we can then say to you have a lane each you go there and then when i get down here we're going to do dedicated turning lanes and anybody coming out of there has to give way so you just keep on going and i'm also going to say don't stop here which they're not yeah you can't do a turnaround thing and don't stop there which they're not so those what's happening is these guys are then cutting across these ones but actually there's not so many coming that way we just want to keep these moving and then where they're going they're like going up here turning right and then just spreading that into the city okay i'll tell you what we're going to do as there's so much traffic coming up here we will get our asymmetric roads like that so they've got a lane for left and for right we're gonna do this one here so they've got a lane for each direction and that one there so they've got a lane for each direction go to go to turning lanes dedicated turning lanes oh there's three roads there but i think that will probably help that's not too bad and we just want them to keep going and not stop why are you stopping don't stop no stopping i think you'll probably be okay what we can do is say keep on going through there we go and then anybody else coming in the way you give way and you give way you give away just keep on moving so then that should help this a little bit keep this going how's it looking up here yeah look at that look it was all the way up to there before now it's all the way down to here 38 all right so we might need to come back and do some other little fixes but for now that should be good right what have we got going on down here all the trash heading out this way and even more coming up down this way so these will go in up here and then they're coming to this weird junction don't even look at the trains don't look do not look at the trains i think even some dedicated turning lanes might help so also give way there and there might help and just keep these going and that might really help let's just lighten this up a little bit just a spot just a touch because we don't want these to stop moving and then again dedicated turning lanes here would give way so the road layout isn't too bad you know i mean i can see i can see what i was doing with these cities is much better than it used to be a little tweak here and there so you go there no lane change in there or there i want you to pick your lane over here so we're gonna dedicated turning lanes yeah and you need some asymmetric roads coming out of here as well as not enough lanes on that road it is a four-way junction so once you start getting to four-way junctions i would much prefer where is the one i'm looking for three and a two coming into it like that the same that way this way coming out here excuse me we're not gonna fit that in excuse me so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna to put a two and a one so at least you've got two lanes coming in then if we do dedicated turning lanes the main through roads get the three lanes and the rest get the two i mean again at this end you've got the same issue although you've got enough on each side to have three lanes coming in so let's do that one can just be three lanes both ways go on it but it's hitting the junction this way with four directions and the junction that way before directions and now i've said that we could just do that all the way down can't we for that one uh not that one there not that one there that doesn't go up there does it no this one here definitely now that one there yeah okay i'm gonna do it all the way down to the end and that one there we go and then we're gonna go dedicated turn your lane dedicated oh actually before i do that uh we're going to do it this one yeah three and a two so the three are coming into the junction and the same there and the same there and the same there and the same there uh only a drum beat over the top of this and the same there and the same there that one we've done whoa and the same there these are too small we've done the big ones okay and then let me see it moving already and then control left click for the dedicated turning lanes all the way down there yep and then the giveaway we're gonna say give way any road joining look you know what already see the traffic has gone down this traffic was backed up uh this is like a pretty big junction so i'm one you might end up with dedicated traffic lights there you know what i mean and this one here is a bit hawkey bulkiness as well this is all okay yeah this one here i think it's actually it's held up because of this one here and i know what's going on there's a tree in the road so let's get rid of the tree or two or three or four or five what the heck and then this here is not going to have dedicated turning lanes even though we can't see it if i pick that there you know what i think we have [Music] that should be okay and then what i want them to do is not stop there i'll say keep going through from there i've done all the giveaways there we go look then these are sort of trying to cross over and getting in the way which is gonna happen unfortunately but look you can see the traffic up there already disappearing quick sympathy i love it when a plan comes to work comes to work i love it when the plan works that's what i'm trying to say i did bring my plans to work this has not got dedicated turning lanes what i did no that one there that one there control left click there we go look at that so now it's just going the other way that's a problem 45 percent bish bash bosh okay let's go down here so this is pretty busy because it's got these on it but it's like yeah where does it go it goes underground what which way these cars going all these cars are going this way these cars are going this way and they all just start they're stuck because look the trains are stuck and it's just stopping all of these look it's the never-ending traffic that's gonna never end it's like everyone sat here and it's not until you get a guy like this or this and they're saying blow it i'm not gonna wait for these things to lift anymore yeah we're gonna need to help them out with this so what we're going to do is we are going to do a little bit of this again you got all the people under the bridge i don't know what they they're just going to float to the top oh my goodness look at all those people good gravy oh my giddy arms well i gotta get a screenshot of that because anything weird makes a fantastic screenshot any anything else we're gonna have whoa so many people so many people all right let's let all these people go to their destinations look they're absolutely desperate to get going big huge flipping swathes of them i want to follow these and see where they're going to go look at them left right left right left right left right come on now keep going okay i'm going to say there's an easier way of doing this let's just pick this person here let's follow leighton phillips and see where leighton phillips and his crew end up they've got a long walk ahead of them by the look of it and here comes leighton phillips around the corner he's passing the red ferrari he's breaking ahead of the pack there's lots of people behind him they're catching up they've all had their extra breakfast bars and bananas this morning the energy of the people today is just absolutely outstanding oh somebody stopped off at andes for a quick coffee and the crowd has split we are losing people by the tens are they gonna make it to the end of this marathon course i don't know stay tuned we'll be back with more back to the studio aha their destination they all wanted to get on the metro there we go we can't blame them for that and look at that back at this road here the traffic is all cleared up so it was just this little thing that was going on with the trains what are we at 49 and we can see underneath here under the bridge that's not too bad they're coming out at the other end probably could do with uh you've had you've guessed it an asymmetric road coming out at the end there let's turn that off so we don't destroy that person's house there we go excellent let's put that back on again and move it mod there we go get rid of the trees excellent that's good and that's all moving okay nice we're clearing up problems left right and center oh this one this one's caught my eye over here another interesting junction so they're all coming down here and they will come in up here and they're sort of stopping by this yeah looks like to me it's got traffic lights it does well if it's got traffic lights it's going to end up getting some nice there we go i'm just going to say asymmetric traffic lights that is not what i mean it's going to get dedicated turning lanes uh this is going to get give way so the people coming through here just keep going and don't hit that junction and then what he's got oh i thought that building was in the middle of the road there uh you're going to give away your rest of you is going to carry on don't do dedicated turning lanes there oh it's got this one-way road going up to the highway oh i see okay i've tried to split where the highway comes in and then hopefully this little thing here should sort itself out there's a quite a bit of traffic uh coming this way we're gonna say don't stop there although soon that won't be an issue yeah let's just turn this around this way and go like that and let's just see how well this traffic light performs whether it's going to get rid of all the traffic on this junction there we go look at that barely a moment or two later all the traffic has gone down uh this one here's only like five cars on it so that'll be fine yeah really pleased with that that is good okay so what i'm thinking of doing is to sort of work my way through the areas one at a time we're gonna have this as the as the south of the city yeah that makes it nice and easy so let's just have a quick look at the traffic here so this area apart from the trains is not bad we've got this little spot here um oh yeah that's the spot that we saw without before so i think that's just it's not busy it's just where they're slowing down and going around the corner i'm happy to leave that as it is um i did just want to look at my trains and see what the flipping neck is going on so i mean we've got like these weird yeah this guy down here is blocking those guys down there this is a teeny tiny train which way is this going yeah so you want to go up this way let's just follow these and you're being blocked by this guy coming across yes there's lots of lots of stupidness going on here i wonder whether we could because you can do this look if i put give way there to stop these trains turning across and if i put now how would i do this i do give way there and sort of count this as as if it was a roundabout i don't think that's going to actually work because these nah these things are just too big i mean if we just delete this guy here then this one's going to go he'll be able to go through and just sort of keep an eye on that but this one here look you can see this train is blocking everything because it's not enough space so okay what we're going to do is we're going to just try and give these guys a little bit of help i'm going to grab this one here and go back a touch but you want to make sure it stays connected i want this to go that was lots of key presses all in one go i want this to go back a touch over here make sure it's all still connected yeah that's it hard to see yep that's still connected i'm trying to give this as much room as possible this bit here and then this one here if we turn off that and just sort of come over a bit i want this to be long enough here to fit a train in without causing issues in other places let's just i know what's going to happen here we're not going to get all these connected oh they're all connected okay so where is this one trying to go yeah he's trying to leave as well isn't he okay well at least now he's not stopping those trains but he can't leave until these go so what is going along here i love these little trains they're cool so they're all coming along here they're all going up here they will come in along here right here's the issue so we've got passenger trains and cargo trains all on the same network um am i gonna rebuild the whole flipping thing or am i gonna try and set something else up i think at the moment i'm going to try and set something else up can i go underground and we're going to do this there we go just to give that like train line a little bit of room and then we're going to say here let's grab that can go down there and you can go down there so if you don't want to use this you can come round now i'm going to delete you and the 19 and 123 people that are on there sorry and then this passenger train is going to go round what a bonus okay well what you can do i've been told this quite a lot and i wasn't sure if this was true or not we can ban passenger trains on this one which is good so i'm gonna do it this way as well ban passenger trains oh that is both ways isn't it oh there we go yeah of course both sides of the road so now only cargo trains will go up there so if i delete this guy and we'll wait for the next one so he's a cargo oh yeah i've allowed them to go past as well that's fine there we go he has to go up there so now what i want yeah you see it's crossing over on the thing isn't it so if i did a giveaway sign here and say you've got to give way to let these go because which way are these going oh they're going that way oh well okay we'll do the giveaway anyway so let's see what's happening here so these are all cued up in this tunnel under here going along around the corner and here we go again uh so we've got a giveaway thing so what is it here is it just literally the amount of space which is funny because this guy here's got plenty of space but this one here hasn't this one here is not going okay see this train where are you going you're going that way okay where's this one going you're going that way all right you're all going this way you're going this way yeah which means you're going this way which means you're going that way so why are you stopping you saying you've not got enough room to get over there and where are you going are you going straight on oh okay all right so yeah let me just rebuild this okay i put these little intersections on there i think i don't think they're gonna help but i put them on anyway i've put two close right next to each other but what's also blocking it all always these guys up here uh are not going anywhere so i'm just gonna follow this one here i think once we found what the major blockage is then we'll be okay it's just they're all getting in each other's way too much yeah you're all trying to get up this way let's keep on following i'm just wondering whether this is going to end up being one of those it's all at the end edge of the map things oh wow what have we got going on here what are these things here four track train station with metro no just a four track train station okay are we still following i'm reckoning this is gonna be one of those they can't leave the city oh no they're all coming in okay so we found where the problem is look these are all trying to go this way and can't and these are all trying to go this way and can't this is the problem okay and then they're all coming up here and then nothing's happening up here okay right so let's just have a look at this and i bet this train is trying to leave and he can't leave yeah there we go and these can't leave because everybody else is in the way it's just a big a big mishmash of mess isn't it look none of these are connecting up so that doesn't help does it i wonder whether if we move these so they did connect up whether that would help if we sort of kept that in line with that one and did that that now connects up there if we do the same over here that now connects up there this corner is just not working let's turn that off which is really weird because it'd be odd that i just build a train line like that and not have it connect these connects these connect only one way which is fine that connects going the other way and this comes up here this road is like a disaster isn't it what is going on what are they all doing i mean this is just gonna yeah this all just needs to go doesn't it um let's get rid of these little in-between bits here this road comes up there which i'm guessing these are connected to if we try and move that yeah so they're connected to this so we'll leave that little road in there in fact we could just delete that bit and then this just needs to go up and over the top so let's just see if we can finagle what was going on there we can finagle something here [Music] yeah i mean it's a very um it's a very steep incline to get up and down here but i think that is just i don't want to rebuild the entire thing um i'm going to just do that and that we're going to give dedicated turning lanes that end and that end oh my goodness me so they're all coming down here because this is a one-way road isn't it so they're all coming down here uh we don't get dedicated turning lanes there yet we don't have i mean i think i can't speak i do speak english i can't speak english that's coming up here and that's got all sorts of weird lane things going on but we'll just do that so that comes around oh it goes over the flipping line again which means this is all queuing up because it can't get over the line i don't know it can get over the line i think what it's trying to do is why do that yeah that's what's happening okay there we go they can keep going through uh they're okay these are okay all right so it's basically just everybody trying to mission machine down here which actually if we speed this up which is already sped up this is going to stop being a huge issue in a minute um yeah that's fine we'll come back to that so now it's just the trains leaving is the problem over here so i'm just wondering whether we could just rearrange this a bit better i bet we could right let's see how that goes let's speed up the games they can easily get now off here off and on to this these junctions here as space far enough apart you can fit entire trains in which is good and then when they get up here they can split off into one rail or the other and i'm just hoping they're just not going to get in each other's way here which is i need more space here when he's going is he going to get to where he needs to go yeah this might just work obviously we could do with a little bit more space here between these two but that might be enough as long as they can get in and out and they don't start backing up too much i think they're okay then as they're leaving the city this way let's just follow this around around the mountain there we go and i think that is as far as we can go if i press the c key to give me the camera extended mod there we go we can go past the tiles that we wrote that we own and yeah it's going right leaving it's the coming in that's a problem but that's just a bit of a backup that we had there we go look they're all getting going so it might take a while to unclog that section there that is one sharp turn isn't it yeah i don't mind it's outside the city limits that is somebody else's problem and then when we get in here here we go this isn't too bad although you're are you going in or coming out what is this orange train doing here you're trying to come in yeah i wish they wouldn't do that i wish they wouldn't cross over that i mean you've got this thing here but that doesn't give us any options like on the road saying don't cross over the junction so he's just going to sit there and then suddenly they all become a big traffic jam again shakes my fist at the blooming thing i mean the other thing we could do is make it one way in and then when they leave they have to go around this way i think i might have solved the problem maybe possibly still starting to back up down here i think it's just because it's so slow once it isn't so slow with all the trains what i've done is on every single one of these junctions oh is it gonna back up again please keep moving now they're backing up leaving the city why is it a problem leaving no no okay let's follow this all the way out right hand side is leaving have we got that issue where they won't leave properly and we can't see it because of all the fog i think we have you know because look the right hand side here is not leaving wow we've made so much money and we're grown so big look thousand three point three million uh considering how bad the city is supposed to be oh ah it pushed me all the way back to here again darn it um where was i outside of the map i tell you what while we're doing this i'm gonna check all the rail lines outside the map i think this is the one yeah here we go so let us take a look at this yeah this is we've seen this before it's nothing to do with the terrain there it's this um is far too close to the edge so it doesn't let a whole train fit in and it just doesn't really sort of work very well so all i do is i grab the nodes let's make that the same height as that one and just sort of budge them up a little bit here good grief stop doing that please there we go and then hopefully at the end here there's enough space for someone to get in and out there we go they're all running down here to get back on the nodes without these guys like crossing over the top of each other which is like a flipping pain in the neck when they do it you can go all right hang on hang on you go oh you're leaving okay there we go so now look he fits all the way in there there's more people getting on i feel like i need to just sort that terrain as well it's making me twitch um let's oh i can't turn off the camera mod can i move it yes let's do that brush size this size there we go you can get in and out with no problems good so now these trains let's just speed it up a bit should leave there's a slight pause you can see they're still overhanging just a little bit so hang on don't do it we go so they're all getting on there to go somewhere else and these can still get out it's annoying that they'll do both instead of have like one way in and one way out because all the cars appear here as well but look we can see it's working now anyway so that is much better i left it running a little bit and yeah it's getting there it's getting out i think there's just such a back logger train so i think i'm gonna leave the trains for a few moments and concentrate on some other stuff so we said this was going to be the south this is going to be this section and other than the trains it's looking okay yeah not entirely sure about them i like these parks i put in here i've put a lot of effort into some of these things haven't i look at this this is looking quite nice these little walkthroughs got the metro on either side going to different places i like it i like it a lot okay so how is the traffic in this area okay i'm gonna say apart from the trains it is okay so that's that area then what area we're gonna do next let's have a quick look at we've got farmers delight and olly park down here which is looking pretty bad and they're all going around under there and they will come around into here so it's a cargo thing basically we've got a lot of backup these are all cargos as well yeah i tell you what my assist is and dedicated turning off lanes i mean it's still quite close to this one coming on and then we're going to swing around like that there we go then we're going to downgrade this one because you've got three lanes one coming off down to two something seems to tell me that would be better the other way around like that and then we can downgrade that one like so and then we can just do a bit of this to help you get in and we can oh we still got this on that's why we can do a bit of that to help you get out there we go and there we go and oh we'll get there we'll get there let's move this one over a bit there we go i sneezed and i'm back okay so this is moving this is moving and it's coming in here so they're basically coming in here and then they're queuing down there and then they're queuing around here to join into here which is pretty pretty slow and one last little trick i've done i've used the touch this mod which is this one up here there we go uh to be able to remove the road that was attached to this cargo hub and i'll just put my own little road straight opposite where they come in and out and they just go in that much quicker which is fantastic so over time look at that all that traffic down here is now gone to over time it will just go down which is absolutely brilliant there we go look at that that was probably the best change is making it move a lot quicker there so now this is all moving freely that's not backed up hardly at all and everything is getting in and out of that area we've got a little bit of backup just over here probably because there's all sorts of traffic lights along here which the quickest way of fixing that is just saying you will give way uh coming in and out of those roads we've got plenty of lanes on the main roads going through so control left click all the way down i'm sure this is probably traffic lights as well of some description we could go for a nice little box standard time traffic lights and that will just keep all of that going okay so let's just zoom out and have a look not bad over here this one here again i'm gonna say a little time traffic light and some dedicated lanes dedicated dedicated dedicated dedicated dedicated dedicated uh right by the junction definitely give way the rest you can sort yourselves out and then a time traffic light and there we go look there's hardly any traffic there it's always there it's just a few cars same as this one over here where were we before here we go this one over here yeah that's okay good good good good this is all moving smoothly in there i'm not too worried about that so overall there's a few red spots there's a few bad road decisions but it's moving okay what are we at we are at 62 percent well flipping cheese sticks where are we well we're this way around aren't we gotta remember that this junction that hasn't been completed is at the bottom i am just gonna complete that junction because that drives me insane when people do that and wouldn't you adam and believe it i did it so there we go right 62 so that means there's plenty more to do so be sure to subscribe be back here for some more city fixing fixing my city very interesting to see how this one goes and how it grows already up to 116 000 flipping that's amazing i will see you all very soon take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 141,178
Rating: 4.9399767 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines fix my city, cities skylines how to fix your city, city fix, biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, fix metro, fix mass transit, fix bus, fix busses, cities skylines biffa, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, Biffa2001
Id: 0Ll-awU6X1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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