AMAZING Fix From 17% to Almost 90% Traffic in Cities Skylines!!!

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sometimes the solution to traffic isn't just roundabouts its roundabouts and metro and pathways and load changes and Lane mathematics and T of course must have forget the T so let's put all of these into practice and fix up this city well hello everybody here we are in the city of London sent in by Dark Jedi my name is Biff er and welcome to the next fictional city we are gonna be fixing up this city and as you saw in the introduction we have lots of traffic it's at 17 percent at the moment and dropping down and yet there is there is traffic there is traffic all over the show round two but lots a little roundabouts which is good so we're gonna be checking those out checking out your highway and seeing what is going on this is only a small city as well 22,000 people so we're gonna see what we can do do you have any public transport that is a good thing to start off with you have some train lines which are being well used but that is it so I'm wondering whether we could stick in this some Metro for you and that would help because you've got sort of let's have a look you've got sort of two sides of the city but it's not that big we could have a decent-sized metro loop going around here won't even got you've got offices commercial you've got a nice mix of things which is good I like the way you've got the offices here blocking off the sound and stuff refa neon so that's nice I reckon let's start off with a metro and I think that is here we go that is gonna help you out so let us have a look what I tend to do I mean there's a hundred different ways to do a metro oh you're gonna have metro built into this as well I knew I bet is it built into this one no it isn't that we can add always metro built into this which is nice there isn't there but we can sort that out just seeing there's any other stations of metro built in you've got lots of cargo train stations what have you got here Oh cargo airports ah but you've got a lot of other people coming and going right well sort that out we'll sort that out let us get a metro going first of all so the way I'd like to do it let's just go like this it's do loops I'll do a loop going around this way and a loop going around that way you could actually do you know I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna do a small loop here and then we'll have a line going clockwise and anti-clockwise and then a loop here going clockwise and anti-clockwise it will take in this train station and this Airport here and then we'll sort of link the two together but let me put the two main loops in first and I'll be back with you like quick update we've got our metro loop around here and I try to get it near to the different areas that you've got near to a train station there we've got a train station not too far away down here somewhere we've got some touristy type stuff so I'll try to take that into consideration when placing them but to be honest they you know your citizens will walk quite a distance to get to things like this so it's no problem so I'm gonna go like that we're gonna just change the colors that go around and then I'm gonna do one go in anti clockwise or counter clockwise you're gonna correct me about that in the comments below as I do get people to connect to me about my English there we go did I think I missed any stations out that's fine and then we'll just change the colour of that the reason I change the colour away from the green is because green is the basic color that you get then it's easy to see when you change it and in that once we get going we'll have lots of people using and I just wait to check this one over here and just make sure there was any easy way for them to get through from here I'm gonna just put a little path so that's something you want to check out in your cities as well make sure they've got ways of getting from one place to another it means just removing that building but it means they'll be able to come out of the train station walk across there and get across to the metro wherever I put it there it is get across to the Metro there and there's a crossing near by it's crossings up there's quite a distance isn't it I don't have the crossing mod I don't think what we could do is is that was me smacking my lips is we could just add in tiny little rows there and I'll just add a little crossing in there we go that'll be good that was gonna slow things down there but that's fine yeah that means people can get to them excellent so what I'm gonna do now is set up a loop on the other side as well and here we go you can see the other loop goes around it's a bit bigger this one a little bit more Wiggly because you want to take in this little island area up here as well but I've got clockwise and anti-clockwise going around and then what I tend to do is set up something where people can switch from one side to the other now I mean there's different ways you can do it you could have another little metro station here that just runs a line backwards and forwards ideally I don't want to connect them with a tunnel and then just have a train running because it's gonna block up the trains or the metros that are gonna be running in these stations I mean you could if they're not that far apart just make sure they've got a nice easy way to walk so they could walk down this road we could add a little path in here what are we at our 13% it's getting worse we could add a little walkway over the top of here so let's do that if I turn off Road guidelines there we go we'll go page up to there actually I tell you what we'll move that across one will go page up to there and then page down there we go and they'll go in there and page down and they'll go in there where we're trying to get to let's see let's turn this back on again so they're trying to get across to here or here so once they're in here and they can walk round and then they just need a little cut through over here perhaps would be handy so let's give them that so we're gonna go from here to there so they can get to that one yeah so you can be that sort of thing and they will use the paths can they walk around this roundabout yes they can yeah that'll be good and then to get across the other sides maybe we just have a little path going up there to connect to that road now I'll do the same thing yeah that sounds good to me okay so we're gonna leave that running for a while what I would like to check out is these junctions and the roundabouts that you've got set up in here because as you can see we've got lots of cars causing all sorts of issues we've got the roads coming off and the roads going around and we're gonna do a bit of lane mathematics so we've done this before so I'm gonna whiz quite quickly basically for those new to the channel lane mathematics is just what I call look at this side of the road three lanes going down and when one lane goes off you want to help the game decide what to do because if you look at that Lane they're just about see there's an arrow left and an arrow straight on so these cars in this lane here are saying you know they're in the right lane people complain about the game's AI but that Lane can do both they can go straight on they can go left so we're gonna say if we downgrade this road here so three lanes one goes off down going to two then one comes on again back up to three then Alain goes off again back down to two link comes off again back to three and now if we look at these arrows that arrow there only goes left and these go straight on and then what you'll find very quickly is just start getting cars diving out like this and taking the other lanes it would take a while because the traffic is so blocked up but that will help all of this backing up that we get here look they're diving out they're diving out excellent and then you can do that on the other side and you can do that on all of your junctions so come along three one goes off down to two one comes on back to three goes off better - blah blah blah and then the same over here it's just these little middle sections isn't it there there oh hang on three one goes off down to two one comes on whoops I did that wrong back to three goes off back down to two there we go yeah that's it excellent if I get it done right it will work even better there we go so that's that Junction the lane mathematics sorter and look already already you can see things are moving really really well let's just watch this for a few moments [Music] so we can see the traffic here on the left is clearing up let's just move along that they're spreading out they look at any backs up to here now instead of all the way down to here so that is good but as they come through we can see the traffic going into the city here is causing issues and that's why there's this all backing up because they're coming around they're coming off they're trying to go down here and this one here is backing up for the same reason so let us just follow this traffic along here so what have we got we've got a tollbooth well that's fine even though they can be a bit slow that's okay and then we've got this here let's just check this Junction you've got it yeah not bad you've got three lanes you got two going off and one down there okay maybe I would just change that as this is the load going through I would just do that the other way I would have this one as two coming along and this one is one going off down here because then in a minute you've got this one lane coming down here which I'll upgrade that to two so we're gonna do that that is just gonna keep things moving through here better and then when we come back here we can go back up to three again because we've got this extra Lane coming on and that matches up your three lanes there I think that will work well and just following this along you've got one going off we're gonna then go down to two again one coming on back to three and then it goes out the city that's fine and let's just do the same going the other ways your three coming down here we've got this going off going off and coming back on where does that load go all traffic's going up already that load comes from over here you've tried to sort of help your traffic do you know what I'll allow it I'm just not gonna touch that it's going okay that looks a little bit weird but I'm just gonna go with the flow that comes down there and then you've got this extra one being added on so we've got too many so these are basically coming on and then going straight off again and this is all a bit of a hoo-ha mess or kabuki yeah I know idea what's going on there so let's just leave that for a minute let's take a quick look at this roundabout because you need to have your roundabout set up so if we hold shift select this little option down here in traffic manager this is a free mod from the Steam Workshop being give way give way give way give way and then we do this one here we're gonna say don't go through the junction you can go through you can go through the junction if you're on the highway already you can go through and that's it and you've actually got four lanes on here I'm gonna tell where these are three lanes and with the sound barrier there we go lighting up purple that's weird anyway and that will get moving a little bit quicker and I'm also ya gonna do a bit of lane management just good this is so busy we're gonna just have one lane coming off so that one lane comes off those two go on that one lane comes off whoops wrong way those two go on yet that's right that doesn't go on that goes off those two go on and then just so there's no messing around I'm gonna say it's okay to change lanes at these junctions so if you're coming around you can change lanes if you're coming on you can change lanes you can change lanes you can change lanes you can change lanes so hopefully that will get look that's cleared up already look I've only just done those couple of little changes these are all park cars although you're they coming down here now they're coming down here and then they're going up here okay we'll come back to that so that's cleared up which means this will start clearing up which is good I'm just wondering whether to not let them cross over lanes there but change lanes there but that might mean some of the yeah we'll leave that as the traffic gets less that will help so that will automatically how all of this once these guys can move and no can already see people going past yes good good good these people again passed I'm just wondering here you've got this like bypass in your toll roads it would be easier if this actually came in up here somewhere because then they're all using the toll road and they're not trying to sort of merge so let's pick that road there and let's just say this one we're gonna come out there and then just go into there that it's a really bad piece of Road let's just let's just smooth it out this is slightly yeah there we go so that can then hit in there with these which actually we could then upgrade that to four lanes because you've got lots of lanes here in your toll road can I get that little one as well there we go yeah excellent so they can all merge it look at that and that's cleared up this is clearing out quicker good good good this one here how many lanes is that one large toll booth I mean you do have the other options of the toll booths as well if we go into it's one of these isn't it fishing road toll reserved it is so if you go for the one-way this one here you get one to get four lanes rather than the huge amount of lanes let's just pause it so you get with this one which is one two three four five six seven eight which when you've got a load of traffic backing up like this this is gonna help it get for a little bit quicker I suppose but then they've gotta merge down here so I tell you what let's just do this we're gonna move that one into there and I think that's going to work much better so we're gonna do as well so I'm gonna move that straightening it out and just move it down there like that so that roads nice and straight there we go there's three lanes in so you've got one extra lane then they can merge back in again and hopefully that'll be okay and this will keep going good so that's gonna get this sorted out let me check your other roundabouts now you've got yeah what a lot of move my goodness look at all this all of this crammed into this tiny little road here Wow what is going on you can't do that you can't do that let's grab this road yeah let's upgrade that you're gonna lose a few things you've got this little joining road doesn't need to be that big but anyway at least these guys can can't carry on rounds that is just nuts there doesn't need to join so they can come down here they can come up there is that one way it is so these guys come out let's just put the roads on just look at the traffic as well there we go 34 percent so they're coming up there they can go down there then they can head over in this direction without connecting through there so yeah I'm gonna disconnect this one and we're gonna change that just to a two-lane version of that load and then we'll just join it out to the edge so these houses can still exist but you're not gonna get all of them cutting through like that because that is just idiotic idiotic this Junction here you're gonna have to give way and then this I mean that is not the busy part look you can you can see we're just gonna do my lane me roundabout stuff on here so give way all the people coming on and the rest I'm just gonna leave I'm gonna do the same here as this one is so busy wall is going on you've got like a water Oh autosave sip of tea you've got like a water thing right in the middle of your city is that connected to anything I think you've accidentally left anarchy on it is alright let's just pause a sec no I don't know delete my own delete though I want to move that to there there we go and just so it doesn't look completely weird war to use the movie mods to bring that up good and then you don't want buildings especially houses in the middle of your roundabouts there we go alright so we'll get those moving we've set up that didn't we yeah that's fine and I'm just going to do this one so you can go through so one of the problems you've got here is you've got people crossing over I mean once the traffic dies down that shouldn't be so much of a problem we will see how that goes any junctions like next to a highway they give way you want everybody going through here you want this one to give why you know this that's going through you won't want to give why you want that one to give why yeah okay we'll do that this little oval about look so I this looks okay there's not much look at this this is going nicely oh look this is Oh clear that Wow look at that and as you can see look I don't use traffic despawning no that is not the way I like to fix traffic I like to actually fix it ah look ah clear roads wow it is all moving nicely that just goes to show how a couple of changes let's have a look at this let's speed this up these coming through here they're doing okay aren't they they're doing okay oh he's nice what are we at 36 so this is cleared out okay so let's follow it up here then so these guys all coming around this way and then we're going into one lane because they're hitting this thing here you've got too many roads all hitting each other and they're all coming up here we are gonna stick a roundabout in here and then work on some of this other stuff so this is the roundabout builder mods we are gonna go for I'm gonna do it with the highway two-lane yeah let's go for the two-lane highway roads let's just turn that on and off again two-lane highway set up Traffic Manager so I've got all the things set up correctly see if it does it and we'll go for yeah there's the size that we had is fine Bing Bing Bing that's in let us just take away some of this stuff we've got going on here so I'm not gonna have that right there that along their offices are okay by the highway didn't really do much not that one there and not that one there just so nobody's stopping on these roads it's just delete the buildings there we go and then I'll bet we've got to set this up yeah do it myself then I don't care and then we'll just set these up so if you're on there you can go through if you're on there you can go through if you're on there you can go through and if you're on there you can go through but not coming on and let's just turn the roundabout mod off and we just check there's no hidden traffic lights junctions nope we're fine that's good and then coming up here yes he like this they're super busy let's see he's stopping he's not going through so I'm gonna just change those lanes that are just like after this roundabout we're gonna grab that mod there so the reasoning is there lots of traffic's coming up here and we've got straight on left and right so we're gonna have left straight on and right and that's what we're gonna have there so now they can pick their lane hang on a second what Lane of my pic in there oh that's the one I just changed what did I just change do this I changed something was in that one I couldn't have been that long but there's loads of lanes I don't know I'll tell you what was it going the other direction it is probably going the other direction well we've got the same anyway yeah ain't gonna work is it going down could its around about so that needs to all go left like that good that's fine and then I'm also just gonna do the lane management on the roundabout so we've got one lane for going off on one lane for going straight on that's one way so that's fine one lane for going off one lane for going straight on and it just means they don't double up on the lanes that's it unlike this why are you stopping there I don't know what he was doing yeah let's stop in there they shouldn't be you've got light of Y and you've got the carry on straight through yeah okay they just read a bit whole keyboard key because of the lane because of the amount of traffic that's coming out so already that's gonna start going down let's just keep an eye on this for a moment actually that's all well and good but these guys are stopping up here aren't they so you know we need to do we need to say you get priority through you have to give way and then yeah you have to give why I think coming up here this could do with being a little roundabout here as well just so this keeps moving and doesn't stop what have you got going on here you've got a medical clinic coming off this little road I'm going to just move that over you don't need that little road connecting there oh it's like a one-way Road well we're gonna fix that that's upgrade upgrade that so just access to the medical clinic and then we're gonna stick a little roundabout in here let's just make that a little bit smaller we're going to use the two-lane highway again and then mustn't forget gotta put some pads in because we've stopped access so not you we've stopped that easy ways for people to cross over so that's right that's right that's right and that's right and then also you're okay to change lanes I'll just do it when you're on the roundabout rather than when you're coming onto the roundabout so that will do that that's moving okay this is moving this is moving look at that all clearing up fan flipping tastic and we'll take a look at all of this in a second for that look at that I just love it running and then you've got no junctions like right next to your roundabout here which is good nice nice nice okay so where are all these guys going they're all coming down here they're all trying to come through here they're all coming down here and it's sort of getting a bit chock-a-block here and a chocolate block here let's just as we're right by this roundabout let's just check that there we go just to make sure oh I didn't put in the crosswalk ways that either cross ways paths over this which might be a good idea just to quickly do that as I have that's great page as I have taken away any ability for people to get around this roundabout I mean there's a thousand different ways you could do these paths but I just tend to do this and then you could just have one on each roads coming down like that just they can get down you can do that side as well if you want there we go oh we can do the other side but I just do it like that so they can get around that's fine so they're all coming down here we sorted that roundabout out these guys are coming down they're going up so it's a bit of this traffic here they're all coming up these are coming down these are going up here yeah again it's just crying out for a little roundabout let me add one in there we go so we've got a nice roundabout at the end of this long road trying to keep this going and then we want to just make sure that they can keep moving here this is looking like quite a big road hit we don't need that many lanes they only got a left and a right turn so we're gonna just downgrade that one to this road there we go and now you've got let's do that one as well so now you just got a left on the right lane and they can just keep moving there let's just speed things up a bit even downgrade that one as well you've got too many lanes it will just confuse things so you've got left and right let's just maybe do a bit of lane or look at that I love it when you hear people upgrading there we go left and right there because that means things are going well and everybody's happy look at this traffic's gone already down here look at that which means this will stop backing up down here again you've got junctions very close to each other which really isn't a good idea that I can let you fix that and then as we come along here just wonder there's something we could do about this bit I'm thinking of taking of that connection out so they can just keep going I just want to check these aren't a one-way road 69% get in so these are two-way roads they can go around there and if they want to get up somewhere else they can sort of join up here they can come up there yeah that's fine that's just junctions too close to each other and then this one here you've got your cargo Airport so you've got a lot of trucks coming down here which you don't really um it's not a two-way roads yeah she's gonna have a lot of trucks coming up and down here seems to be managing okay but what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna downgrade all of this it's just too much there we go keep things on the light side of the road and I think that will go okay that's gonna sort of clear itself up this Junction here is running away I mean you can do a little bit of Lane mathematics series of three lanes down to two on that side and look at that look at the lane arrows here to see it here look so I'm going to downgrade this one to two that one says left and straight on no and he says left that is what you want so you're really helping out the game AI by doing that and that is a fish you can do in vanilla so that's why I like to show it you can also smooth at things like this and give the poor guys a chance to actually get to where they go in without having to slam on the brakes there we go that's better very good what are we up to oh my goodness eighty percent eighty percent still got a bit of rage but that just means things are busy this is what you do in there you some guy I was turning around doing weird things this is clearing up let's just run it on fast a minute I'll look that's all cleared up ah wow this is really what I have to say a satisfied we've got one road it's got a dead end somewhere Oh where's that let's see we can find that oh my goodness the traffic 8687 look still got despawning turned off this is fantastic I'm looking around for this this little road although it is something without a connection ah we've got a crematorium right ah that's did I change that load that was probably me let's just pop this and officer that will do we're just pop it there that's fine still road not connected somewhere I know there we go it's gone excellent by the way this is from the watch of mod which adds these little symbols down the right-hand side that quick access to your needs in your city and stuff 87% let's take a look at the Metro I love it whenever fix goes so well it's exciting I mean that is without buses as well no buses so you're not clogging up the roads you Metro going very well I mean as time goes by that's gonna get used even more which is fantastic your train lines I fixed up one of your lines wasn't connected properly this one here is that's a whole load of people that is really really good I mean we could add as we're talking about buses oh it means I didn't like a whole thing for bus depots and stuff I'm not gonna bother I was gonna say a little bus that went back was a force between some of you metros but we just really don't need it 87% this road coming up here that we've driven reset this one up here it was coming up coming up and it was all queuing up down here and we had this load this just this little piece was one of these one-way six lane roads going in I've changed it to this four lane road so to in to out and let all the traffic just disappeared literally like that which was it was just brilliant it just helps the game work out what's going on 87% Wow can I get it up to 90 is there anything that's red because it's clogged rather than just read because it's busy let all the rates go in know them the longer we wait oh this is just fantastic I think I think we just we just solved it all I'll need some walkways in there do I yeah I'm just gonna put a few walkways in I'm gonna just check the other roundabouts that we've got make sure they're all set out correctly and then we'll see what we're going to finish up with [Music] [Music] let's have a look at this honky balky spaghetti setup that was over here look at that once you've solved the traffic even bad roads work well I am so pleased with how this is all worked out it is fantastic let me know in the comments below what you think about this city fix if you would likely to fix your city then look at that building there and that building needs to move you back sent you left anarchy on in a few places I'm fixing it when I see it if you want me to fix your city then don't forget to check out the description it tells you how to submit it and leave a like as well subscribe and I will see you all very soon take care thanks for watching people in using my part I love it when the hands see you all buh bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 667,444
Rating: 4.8962216 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines broken, cities skylines expert
Id: XDoytd99X-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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