Overwhelming Traffic in a Tiny Town! Can we Fix Cities Skylines???

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I've never seen it so bad where so many trucks are driving over the top of so many other trucks Wow so when you have a reasonably small town that's perfectly feel perfectly formed looks lovely but is absolutely chock-a-block with traffic what are you gonna do well you're gonna send it to me and through the power of T we are gonna fix all the traffic in this city let's get stuck in well hello everybody welcome back to our next city fixed episode thank you very much for your patience I've been on holiday but now we're getting back to it this city was sent in by Joyce the traffic is at about 10 percent and as you can see from the herb and the introduction we have a lot of stuff going on here so let's just take a look and see what's going on in I've caught this like a small town it's probably classed as a city in the game it's got a population of 25,000 odds mmm you can see everybody's coming down here they're coming around here they come in over the top let's turn that off and coming down this bridge then they're coming off the highway and hitting this roundabout which is moving a bit now I wasn't moving before at all and and they're just blocked from going anywhere because of all this traffic coming in here then they move up there then they get going so once they get up here they get moving and the traffic isn't too bad but this is being held up because these guys are coming in this way and there's a lot going on on this roundabout so that's what's going on there what is the traffic out at the ministry planning for was at 19 percent now and then we've got this bit over here as well which is just chock-a-block dead not moving nothing going on and I'm just looking getting across the other side they've got this roundabout here so what we're gonna do first of all try not to jump around the screen too much is I'm gonna do some roundabout work to get going and then we are gonna move on to giving these guys more access because when you get a view like this everybody from here that wants to join the highway has to go through this Junction here everybody this site has to go through that Junction there these little roads here just go underneath good that you've got some cross highway roads where they go underneath the highway from one side to the other that's good if anybody want from here wants to go here and vice versa um they've got at karatsu that's all your industry so everybody go into work it's got a cluster here or cluster here they have to go through this Junction to get on the highway to come and here so that is where it's all being held up you've got this little Junction here you could add on to and I would also add another Junction here and then we're gonna have a look at you oh you got a nice monorail that runs on the outside an outside round the outside round the outside round the outside and goes in the middle there as well so we're gonna take a look at that and I reckon with those few fixes we can get this city humming along let us jump into we're gonna just work our way through these roundabouts here if we just set these to give way coming on all the way round there we go and that one there X and we're gonna do the back you've got a bit of a hokey-pokey road thing going on there I think you try think what you've done is you've used the roundabouts builder and trying to squeeze it in and it's made a bit of a mess well we can fix that though if we used to move it mods at least that doesn't look as bad as it did so that's that that's gonna move around there we'll give him way correctly and then we're gonna set this up here as well so if they were on the roundabout you want to keep going I keep getting people telling me to hold shift when I click that so I'm going to do that one and see whether that's made any difference ah it does I don't want those going straight on and it hasn't done it there see it doesn't always work yeah so you want what that does Junction restriction if they can get through the junction they will keep going they won't stop in the middle so it just keeps anybody on that roundabouts moving and doing look see this is all blocks up there driving over the top of each other again but yeah this is where these sort of Junction restrictions and give way or yield signs as somebody pointed out to me you like to say in the old US of A really hell because it just makes the roundabout or the traffic Ireland or whatever you want to call it as it should work so we turn that one off there so give that a few minutes and that will start clearing out once these guys can get oh my goodness me and we look at this she's just not this is this is horrendous look oh good grief I've got to take a screenshot of that look at it look at it I've never seen it so bad where so many trucks are driving over the top of so many other trucks Wow okay so that's that's those two roundabouts done let's do this one here as well and then we'll get into doing the highways so if he had have you had some time off school what have you been up to anything exciting I've just been away with my family we've had a lovely time and my there we go so we don't want these guys continuing straight through we want these guys here so that means they'll pause unless there's space to go which is what we want yeah so one away with my family which is really nice and my parents and my sisters and their husbands as well which is really good so then we goes and that's gonna do that and then we've got this one here as well let's just do that one give way coming on give way coming on give way coming on and give way coming on and then on juncture restrictions and it's always nice to get away have a break drink some tea get your brain cells back into gear there we go so that's gonna keep that one move in 23 percent things are already moving which is good so all of this backing up here I reckon some of these want to go straight on so we've got that funny thing going on here where this Lane is straight on and right so people are like what we want to go straight on but we're held behind all these guys we're gonna do that so that can go that Lane goes off it also gonna do it this summit as well we'll just make that one right and those two straight on and already look see guys are gonna start diving out and some look down here I'm gonna do the same here actually yeah we've got plenty of lanes there so three straight on one off and then we've got those joining which is gonna cause a problem that one we've already done have we no let's do this one so right and straight on so I'm gonna do the same so we're gonna say those three straight on and that one lines and that just immediately starts freeing up some other traffic they're gonna do Sydney but things like that yeah look look all these guys here shooting down the outside going straight on before they were all stuck in these lanes here because everyone's coming off but yeah hopefully that's helped a bit quit stivity that look these guys pulling over here but they can't go anywhere because of this okay right let's start adding in some more junctions so hmm we want to give these guys and girls another way in and another way across now you've got this nice big main row goes to small that main road I'm gonna just change this a little bit down here so let's close that what are we up to 21% okay this is gonna end up being a main road coming through here so there's upgrade that and then I want that's carry on so I'm going to leave that for now am I gonna bring this oh there we go we'll go across a bit then we'll go across a bit more okay you've now got that going across the highway there we go and we're just gonna connect that they're just so they've got some sort of connection down there right and then this load coming down here I want to connect over this way um and we're gonna stick around and I want that to connect to there so I'm gonna change where that goes you're gonna have it come across here and this might end up needing a little roundabout in or something we shall see there we go excellent so you've got that connection across there let us put in our power staff there we go excellent that sort of just like a through Road so you don't really need this sort of big highway road in and out thing here I'm gonna remove that and we're gonna have let's just go for a nice big six-lane Road we'll use this one here we'll use that if I connect to that it's gonna go normally do you connect to a node so light there and there it won't deform the shape but I want it to be sort of in the middle here so it will deform the shape so that is when you say okay we'll brace the roundabout so we can go from there to there to there let's just see excellent that's all connected up what the heck's going on here move it mod to the rescue so that one control H let's go the same height as that one control H the same way as that excellent okay so that's gonna lift into that I should delete those four roads would check this roundabout out there we go so we want that let's unpause the game want that let that go and then we want to do this one here let's delete these four this one doesn't go anywhere yet I'm gonna leave that there if people start being silly and doing silly turn around e things in it then I'll remove it but let's just make sure it's still got there give Y we'll do that and then we want this not that one so let's do this hold shift do that I hold shift hasn't done it there we go all the people that say that's what you do okay so now they've got other ways to come in down to here and cross over to there rather than going all the way around and clogging up all of that I'm just gonna what we on 20% I'm just gonna pause quickly and do a quick save okay there we go we are back so now they've got another way to get across there I think that's gonna help 20% but things are gonna have to unblock themselves as you're gonna take a while that's not gonna unblock until this all unblocks and so it's funny see because they are moving down here but a lot of these guys are coming through here from over here but yeah they'll start using this road I'm sure and what we could do as well just to encourage them to come this way a little bit more I just wondered about changing the speed of this road it is sort of like a National Road coming down here so let's just have a look at the speeds that we've got so this is at sixty this is at sixteen I think we cannot up this 280 at least so let's do 80 on both sides that'll probably go all the way along 80 80 80 80 I would say 80 on this as well and that won't go past the junction yeah let's do that when the highway 200 yeah just to encourage more people to go that way so that's given that small access let's do the same up here we could definitely have another highway in there another intersection in now I'm just look at your main road so there we go it's doing an autosave that means you'll get a sip of tea as well so that this main road coming up here and then it goes into this small little road down here so I'm gonna like grate this to a small four-lane road all the way up through here just to give more roads that go through and then more roads that can go off and I want that to carry on all the way up there yeah because you weren't treating isn't main roads you didn't carry it on all the way out I think that would be a good idea so we're gonna do that and then that's gonna carry on up there now because it's the main loads I would normally not put houses and everything all down it just keep that movie so we're gonna have two spaces all the way down they're removed so that's like your businesses your houses everything is gonna come off that main road see that one's not a good ones I have right by a roundabout you got nothing on that one okay so let's keep that going so this is where your Junction is gonna come through okay there we go a bit weird because of all the slope and stuff I would probably ever had time build all this up a bit more and yeah but I mean you can do that if you wish so there's that anyway so now you've got a connection up here where they can come in I mean I've got these two roads coming off the sides I'm sort of half wondering whether to bring those in and connect them over here somewhere but we'll just go with that at the moment so they can get in and out the highway through there I think that is going to help let's also take a quick look at you my mouth and things so you got no trams you got no Metro Metro Ruby Goods ferry you've got a ferry line where does that go oh through the middle here so that's going from there down to here I mean why not add ferry stops up here as well look you can add a family stop in here for all the people getting off your monorail let's do that it's your ferry stop stops over there so if we drag that zippity-doo-dah up to here and then we can go back here because they were complaining and we can add a stop in there as well and they are all happy again so people up being out and get down there I mean you could build a ferry yeah we'll stick with that we'll stick with that there we go ferries are going up there excellent and as you expand get some ferry stops on the other side as well some people can use those to cross over the river that would be good not many people were using this yet but we get in there what we're gonna do while I think of it I'm gonna get the lane tool and make that a light turn only there we go for both of those people coming through yeah they're stopping here which is I thought was that that was gonna happen so we are gonna get our roundabouts mods and we're gonna put a teeny-tiny roundabout in there just like the smallest little dude he's a little middle line around the black line if we go like that now just about get a small one in there and then these should already be set up they're not it should be it was ticked anyway and that would just help that move there we go and then we do the junction restriction so that one and that one and that one this one let me just check that one again one of these no that's fine yeah there we go so it gets it all moving but that's just getting blocked up here because of all this blocking up oh it's all blocking up everywhere yeah well they need to think about what's going on so we'll let that run you've got one monorail so it goes round the outside around they're through there up the middle stops there comes back goes down okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna change this we're gonna delete that line yeah everyone's gonna complain we're gonna put in a new line we are gonna go from here to here yeah here we're just gonna go round the outside and there that's one line and then I'm gonna do another line create a new line but this time going the other way round so the same as you do with the metros clockwise anti-clockwise there we go there we go and then finish that line off excellent so that one was one of our line clockwise did press ENTER a clockwise and counterclockwise and then I'm just gonna add a small one here going here here here and here I'm gonna be one loop on there because it's so small I don't think you're gonna need anything else on that one so let's change the color of that and let's change a bit of that there we go so with all those fixes I'm just gonna let the city run for a while cuz what you'll find will happen is like for instance here look all these garbage trucks are going out because everybody needs services garbage police ambulances look at them all look at them all lining up so we need to let all my goodness look look garbage trucks see if he didn't have all those garbage trucks going out he'd be able to fix this city wouldn't have any traffic at all so I'm gonna let all of that run for a while and then we're gonna see how the traffic is effective that's nuts a couple of other little tweaks aren't just made is the road coming onto the roundabout I've turned into six lanes a three lane each way which helps when they're coming on and choosing the lanes I've also changed this roundabout here I'd accidentally where is it this one here an accident you set this wrong so I've got the junction restrictions off for those on the roundabout not for those coming on the roundabout which is what I want and I've changed this to three lane either way coming up here and I've changed this to three lane coming up here they're clogging up a bit these little junctions I think are getting so busy with all the cars wanted to come through you want to keep these moving through here so I'm also thinking a small roundabout here would be very good let's just pop that in there just to keep things flowing and let's double check yep so you give why you give one hand I think that is just gonna help keep this main road going I also another quick change of May down this little four-lane highway main road I mean we've put through here I just made the roads joining on to give way all the way through there so the main road gets the priority going all the way down here to the roundabout which is good now this road here seems to be pretty used a lot and I don't want everybody coming in there and blocking this up so just because this one so close to the highway here to the roundabout I'll keep saying highway when I mean roundabout I'm gonna make those go one way out like that on both sides oh there we go and that one as well there we go and there's other roads they can use to come in and then what I'm gonna do is down here we've got this much larger Road he's put a little roundabout in there she's that needed there's a lot of cars coming down there they sort of are using this as a main road going through where does that connect up to connects up to that connects up to there that's moving okay yes just this section just here Wow look at that we're at 71% and it is going up and just to show we have despawning turned off so you have to click that to enable despawning but we've got it turned off and which 70% that is not bad at all let's just see if there's any other sort of hotspots I think we're still sort of see in a backlog of traffic that needs to be dealt with I could probably do with just setting some give y-yeah through here as well so the main road gets the access through there we go without stopping which is what we want I'm just gonna let this run ain't let's see this road here is being used this is not the cut through from under there it's being used quite a lot I mean ideally you don't want all of these roads connecting here because you've got the connection going around the back so what I would perhaps do here is have a little roundabout there connecting this section but have these going out just to sort of keep everything moving so let's have a look over at our wooded area over here the industry look at that that is all cleared up already that has all cleared up which is fantastic so they are now using all the different routes that they've got to get around and that is nicely cleared up which is really really good and one final little change I've made in this area just to help this little main road going through here to help the traffic get up here onto the highway quicker I've just put these two little bypass lanes not the prettiest things you ever gonna see oh my goodness look at that we can't have that come on hang on a minute let's just sort these out properly they can't be going into the highway like this I thought they were okay my apologies there we go just to help the traffic to bypass this roundabout if they're wanting to get onto the highway yeah I might fiddle around with those a bit and I'm just gonna stop them lane switch in here so shift s to do that shift s there we go but then I'm gonna say it's okay if you want to change lanes in this section which is people coming up you can lane switch people coming down you can lane switch and going over there you can lane switch you're gonna let me pick that one I don't know what just one is under here that I'm picking well that is a u-turn we do not want that on there we go so they can add choose their lanes here and then here they won't Lane switch and if they need to they can go straight on over the top yeah that's much better and keep things moving you've got a lot of problems where you've got traffic being held up because you've got landfill sites quite close to highway junctions I mean that is something perhaps you want to think about in the future not to do that I'm gonna stop lane switching along here shift s there we go but I'm gonna say again it's okay to do it when you come in so we'll say you can lane switch when they come in they will pick their lane and then they won't lane switch all the way along here and go one lane going off in two lane going straight on and then once they're in this Lane they can lane to reach there and I don't want these guys turning left so we'll just turn that on and say you let us have that load you can go straight on straight on straight on and that should just keep that all moving along pretty nicely yeah I don't want this one here turning left just straight on so they're not cutting across each other excellent we'll just leave that running for a little bit oh look at that we're 81% it's going ah I think these guys just need to think about what they're doing they're little bit before that starts increasing look at that that's all cleared up nicely this is all cleared up this is all cleared up down here a little bit busy there but not too bad this is all cleared up that's all cleared up that's good so it's just this little bit here has got a little bit slow I think most of these can't let's just see where these cars are all going down here so we're gonna pick this cars of routes so most of them are coming up there and most of them are going that way none of them are going straight on so maybe we can help them out a bit by adding in I'm just wondering that we can increase that across to here and have them go that way would that be good I don't know whether that would help it would maybe bypass some of the traffic there let's just pop in a small road a nice small little bridge across there let's get that connected up again there we go and then we could do a little roundabout in here so what I'm going to do is draw that one straight in and then we just go straight for the roundabout let's just increase that a bit yeah let's let's stick with the highway let's stick with what we've got there we go so the last bit that I'm looking at is causing a lot of issues normally you want cut through roads from one side to the other so you're not always relying on our highway junction but this cut through road here is like shock a block because the only connection is this little roundabout we've got it all coming down here all going through that little roundabout there do you know what I might just do just in this one case is I'm gonna delete that and say no you can't come through and use this because I think that's gonna clear this up a lot quicker because they've all stopped him because of these cars coming down there let me just leave that running for a few minutes and see whether that helps and just one other little change I made in this area sorry I didn't show you on cameras I put a little roundabout in there and I put a little slip lane going up so all the people here that want to get on the highway don't have to go through that roundabout they can just go through there and up here and then the same here as well one coming down into this section to anybody coming off the highway doesn't have to go through that roundabout they can come through here and that has cleared up this nicely we are at eighty to eighty one percent it's going up and down it was 83 a minute ago but that is not bad at all pretty much everywhere is now clear of traffic I think that has been a pretty successful almost real-time fix I've sped up a few bits for you and I'm a little bit of off-camera editing work but apart from that you have seen everything we've done and it's all moving really smoothly I'm really pleased with that so if you would like me to fix your city check out the description below that tells you how to do it do not email it to me it will be deleted send it on Twitter or put a link in at the comments below if you enjoyed this video leave a like and subscribe for more and don't forget to check out the video on the screen as well thank you for watching I will see you all very soon take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 731,700
Rating: 4.8957472 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines traffic management, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial
Id: Mji91CHcalY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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