What to do when Traffic HATES YOU in Cities Skylines Fix Your City!

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so is this gonna be the episode where I use absolutely no roundabouts to fix traffic what do you think well let's dive in and find out Wow hello everybody welcome back to the next City fix with me bitter thank you very much for joining me we are here in the city of smirk sent in by bacon peels thank you very much for sending in and I didn't just pick this city because it has a roundabout district no I didn't maybe I did I love it look at that we're gonna try and get that populated by the end of the video so the traffic at the moment is about 30% and we've got some decent junctions here going in between but we I mean look at the traffic look at the traffic and look at that guy I mean we you know sometimes people say you see some weird stuff in your life would you ever see a guy like doing that in real life oh my goodness me but yeah we are gonna fix up all this traffic and if you want to send your city in at check out how to do so in the description of below and this is not a badly built city they've got some of the new DLC stuff in here campus star and they've got you know they've got things separated they haven't tried to cram it all in with one Junction but yeah it's just getting so bad so bad so let us try and pick a spot where we can start trying to fix things up and one of the things you want to try and look for is when you have highways going through the middle like this and you build off of them either side is to make sure you have some other connecting loads which you have which is good let's take a look at this roundabout by the way despawning turned off I don't have that turned on when I'm traffic picks in which you know yes that's what I'm gonna say about that let us dive in here and take a look at that roundabout so we're gonna make sure it's give way to everybody coming on I also want to say a big hello to all of my new viewers as well we've got lots of new people that have been joining the channel watching what's been going on and yeah thank you very much for joining us it's great so what I'm doing here at every Junction is I'm saying if you're on the highway on the roundabout we should have made out of highway roads you can keep going but everybody else has to stop at the junction you've already got this road going through but then you've got an underground thing which that to me makes no sense at all so this comes off the underground Road and just go straight back on it again am I looking at that right we don't need this here this bit here is just unneeded if you want to get on the roundabout you can go round off the van but you can go around and come down there to join this road so we've got rid of those and we've got that roundabout set up correctly we'll come back to that let's just move down here we have another roundabout which isn't too bad by the look of it so we're gonna hold shift like we do and I'll make everybody give him why coming on I just double-check it just in case and then we'll do the same thing here you can go straight through you can go straight hmm not that one there there we go look would turn that one and that's all okay so that one's a bit better let's move along we'll come back that's not really a roundabout so we don't need to do that we've got this roundabout here how's this gonna work oh yeah there we go it's a giving way coming on giving way coming on giving way coming on yep that's good and then we'll just knit through here and do the same thing again okay and again we've got these funny internal loads which is just adding more junctions if they're gonna come down here they're not gonna go straight up and anybody coming round here that wants to join on the highway you can join over there going that way you don't need these little internal things that is just that is just something you don't need so that's that one sorted we've got this one down here as well so let's round about ePHI that one okay that's good back down here we'll come and take a look at that in a moment again you've got the same thing here so we're gonna delete those and then roundabout T Phi this what's this thing you've got here complaining about lack of police fusion power plants good grief for luck I'm gonna travel through time looking at that thing I think that's all the roundabouts taking care of that are in the city we haven't been down this way oh let me go look there's one here yes got to do it this is like you roundabout some of your infrastructure for your city as long as they're set up correctly they help everything else to run well so let's see what's holding up all of this we'll get a look at our traffic as well 29% we didn't some weird hokey-pokey merging this underground section here so what I am gonna do is so I only want this one lane going off and he's actually got the four lanes set up and in these four lanes these three lanes going straight on there we go excellent so that means people coming off yeah they get some space to come off that is good and no lane switch in there so they need to decide back here somewhere and that just keeps that moving let's have a look what have we got going on here we've got one so we can now set these guys to keep moving and not get in each other's ways to stuff like this can really just keep things moving freely there we go and I'm gonna do that at both ends of this roundabout there we go so now when it comes in four lanes one splits off three goes on and then when you come over here three and the extra one comes in and then we've got the same now one splits off three goes on and it joins back up there that he's gonna work really well once things start moving if we follow this along here so a lot of this traffic yeah he's all trying to come off down to this roundabout but a bit look some of these guys want to go straight on 40% traffic already fantastic no hokey-pokey Lane switch in there and this one is only for coming off and that is it and the rest are four straight on so if we do that just they seem to be struggling with it a bit I think once the games got going also save sip of tea once the games got going they'd work on that themselves if you'll bite see there we go need to get a sponsorship from Yorkshire tea or something I mean darts earlier and then here we're happy for them to Lane switch they're happy to go into the junction they're gonna do that look and already that just all of these cars here look all of these were backing up behind that I love it when things start moving let's speed it up and that's gonna clear out all of this which is gonna clear up all of that coming in and all of this coming in just one little change can make all the difference okay you've done a similar thing here good you've got the one lane going off and a three going on so I'm not do anything else than leave it like that I may just actually do one more thing we're gonna get four-lane highway with sound barrier just keep that off I'm gonna just give them an extra little stretch there you're only allowed allowed elude I've been watching Linus tech tips I've suddenly got all Canadian you drive a boot there you're only allowed to come into there and that Lane into there and those 3 into there and then we're gonna say no Lane switch in there no Lane switch in there excellent so that one look that's already cleared up this that's already cleared up that's this bits a bit busy and you know we could just do here actually we could get that Lane and just say look we only want one lane for going off and 2 lane for going on and then if anybody here wants to get down there we may as well I just add an additional slip load in we've got the space and just say look you can just come down there and then we're gonna say if you're coming down here you've got to give way and then we're gonna say everybody else coming through this main road you just go through that's it and that will just stop anybody coming down here that wants to come back on themselves let us use here instead that'll be good we'll see how that goes right so that's that let's grab this one here what have we got yep see you've got the same again you've got the light road they just need a little bit of help coming on and off that isn't gonna be a problem and this is OK not too much of a problem this one we've just done look and that's all cleared up that is fantastic that is fantastic so this here is causing all of this issue around that way so let us have a look again so you've got three lanes you've got one going off I mean we don't even need to upgrade this to four lanes we'll just say look you can go off and then you can just go straight on like that let's just leave that going a bit so what if we got going on here see we've got one lane I want to change this Lane here to come off this Lane is only off not straight on if you stray too and you're going there so that's gonna split the traffic straightaway yeah give way straight through good you've got the air look you've got some hawky walking Lane things going on here we don't want anybody turning left we just want them to go straight on and just keep moving if they're gonna go down here and left again they might as well stayed on the roundabout wanting to go straight through that Junction so keep moving through or do not stop look at that instantly the flow goes I don't think I got the right Road there it is right turn straight on and left so one lane for each no messing and you know what this shouldn't be stopping here either we should have let's grab this bit of Road right straight on and left that's what you want and we're gonna say here just keep going just keep going just keep going look at that look at that look at that look at that moving better a hokey-pokey Lane switchin this needs a bit of help because look you can see these guys are coming out and they're not just taking this Lane he's like let me in he's getting eye contact with the hot dog driver who's let him in we don't want them to do that so that one's gonna go to there and then these three there we go now these guys are going out there immediately look at the flow look at the difference in the flow and if they want a lane switch down here that's fine I think once that gets going that's gonna be fine so let's have a look what are we up to 43% doing better doing better now we've got a lot of again coming off what's going on look so as soon as I see people going straight on you know in a situation like that I'm thinking darn it darn you gamed you just need to have four lanes like that so you got one going off the rest going straight on oh no we're gonna be in that Lane now and even without the traffic manager Lane connectors look they're working it out and once the bulk of that traffic goes they'll be they'll be happy they'll be happy I'm not even gonna look at all the lanes on here the weird crossing so what is that one for is that someone coming up here wants to get on the outside that wants to get I just I did why I'd love it I don't even know I seriously don't even know what's happening there before I see people ask me about the four lane they say that's a mod I think you get one in network extensions two mods look at that flow but you also get one in the DLC I think mass transit gave you the four lane but in vanilla look I've done that the game automatically makes one lane off three lane on and it just works so much better and then they were all switching back to four let's just give these guys a little bit of extra space there we go to work out what's going on you fix a bit of traffic you'll get like a big block of traffic like that coming through which causes problems as makes you think are there's so many problems but once the flow is better like if we go right back to the beginning where were I don't want any comment about this either my video that's got this thing is so popular I get a million comments about what this looks like it's a pair of scissors any other comments are gonna get deleted and you might get yourself banned so yeah fair warning there we go look back here the flow is much better this is still a bit slow coming off of here because I'll be honest most of probably coming let's just use the in-game - all right we'll grab that line that's gonna show us where most people are going so we turn our pedestrians cycles public transport city vehicles so birdboy is private vehicles and brownish trucks so a heck of a lot want to come down there and get up over here because then they're coming across here and coming all the way back down there it's like they don't want to they don't want to use this highway and then come off here for some reason they find it quicker to come up and round there why is that when you've got all of this let's just look at the road speeds we've got a hundred let's just check nothing's gone a bit a lie a hundred okay that slip lanes 80 but if they carried on underneath yep still a hundred still a hundred hundred all the way along there 100 100 100 100 100 then they come off here eighty a hundred round there okay this is back down to 50 but even then what are they got going up here they come off it's a hundreds then it's down to 60 then it's 60 I wonder if it's just that and then this is all 60 so even though it's further that one little bit of 50 this bit here okay that's now 50 cuz I'd expect them more to come down there I wonder if that will change as time look all these people in a dive in our weather that would change over time okay just on a little bit of work off-camera I'll just show you what I've been doing we've got this traffic here's been building up because these lanes weren't south correctly so now we've got one lane for going off to four going straight on and once this backlog has gone when I stop with this hockey ball Kunis and I also noticed that this big Lane going round the outside here round yeah side there and all the way up to here all of this traffic was coming off of this one going round that one coming down here and then going back into this section so I've got a little lane coming off of here that goes through and up to here just to split up that traffic a bit to keep things moving and then I've also split it off here so anybody that wants to come from here to over here and come down there we'll come back to this little build up over here in a second but that has stopped this outside lane here being absolutely chock-a-block so you've got now these cars coming down here which are coming from this way and what we could do here is we could easily add and it will slip laying in over here somewhere just so anybody that wants to come into this section they don't have to go all the way around the highway there we go without getting rid of anything and let's just take a look at these lanes we'll just make sure that we've got one particular lane for going off there we go so look at it this white makes more sense whoops there we go but one lane for lights to frustrate on I'll get some more people coming in there and hopefully that won't back up too much but that would just take out some of this extra traffic that comes down here and then I've also added this little Lane here so some people that want to get into here don't have to go via the roundabout they can just dive down there and then again once the backlog has gone that should stop why are they doing all this walky walky Lane switchin do you know what I'm just gonna make this four lane along here because it goes from three lanes to four lanes to three lanes and back again and we need that extra Lane look for coming out and we'll do that and by the way I do have the Traffic Manager proper correct lane switching thing set it just doesn't always work the way you think it would work but I love it he's like no I'm definitely going across here in for that lane you can't stop me there we go now to start moving a bit smoother this section here is as I've realized is your cargo hub area now ideally you want your cargo hub to have access onto the highway and off of the highway and that is it so let me just show you what's happening all of this is backing up because of this backing up because of people coming off here because of people going in here it's just all got a little bit stupid so what we are gonna do is separate this form your out cargo train terminal so I made this little thing here little sponge like we said before just for soaking up all the extra cargoes as you can see it backs up to here if that was a straight road you know it's getting close to backing up all the way so that's gonna go into there and then we don't want this to have any access at all to anything else here we are gonna disconnect that from there and that from there and what we want here is we want these guys to be able to leave the cargo and get back on the highway so we're gonna take this road let's go let me go straight out there so they can now get onto the highway system and go to where they like and that's not going to mess up any of this you don't need to be that big the road so we're just gonna go with this there we go so they can go up and down this section here if they wish this is far too wide for a cargo road we just do not need it that wide let's use the single lane one we've got this one here and we'll just do that all the way along here a bus stop coming down here I think it is don't have a bus stop right outside your cargo station oh my goodness mean this is the bus is it is look okay let's move that over to there there we go please don't do that or gonna delete all the people there I think a final check that's working yeah there we go excellent so that will stop that let's just take a quick look we've got a lot of stuff going on down here we've got to luck okay we don't need this to be a great big two-lane thing so let us take our single layer because you've got cars our cars are going up as well all right well let's just make that a normal two-lane national highway let's do that yep all the way that's yeah that's it so one lane in one lane out it makes it a bit easier for the roundabouts good good I mean people come in up here what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna split this we're gonna make this the lane going in and then the lane going out is going to be here I wanted that to sort of Bend the other way and like that and then we're gonna say you can't go right all you can do is go up there there we go excellent good so hopefully that will just keep that little bit moving give him why goin stir nope don't want to do that going straight through yeah and not that one good so that will keep going and here we go back on this little bit of highway all the traffic's gone there all the traffic's gone there all the traffic are you were gonna come to that bit there's still quite a few people coming off there but I you know what are we gonna do about everything so what's going on here you've got some stupid lane switching going on there so we're gonna say no to that we are gonna put these in just so people know exactly where they're gonna go and not do any lane switch in there either oh I see they're probably coming off of here and getting all caught up in so we've got four see this is what happens when your junctions are too close to each other you want come on you want enough space a people can lane switch but it's not too close to the other junctions they're coming out here we need to have that node for lane switching so they're gonna do it all there but again what you're probably fine is once that moves to a bit quicker it'll clear that and we go look at that and just to keep that moving I've upgraded this road here to four lanes they can lane switch here but it means these three can go straight on these can go straight up that's a really small off-ramp only takes like three or four cars and it's blocked up so they can keep going go to where they like switch lanes if they want to go straight on like you can see and they are much happier for it what have we got over here again we've got very very small on-ramp I'm just going to upgrade both of these here give these guys some options no Lane switch in there they can lane switch there instead just quick pause Moony so you can go come on you can go straight on come on now come on I hate the way it's like if you're straight over the top it's fine but if you're anything other than straight over the top it just tricks my brain tricks my eyeballs there we go so they can all come straight out go on you can do it you can do it I know you can let's just check straight through Street through much much smoother and then we time to get down here in their Lane switchin like a Gooden and that will stop all of this backing up over here look these are all oh yeah that we can change this now look let's put this back to obvious the wrong way around giveaway coming on yep there we go that's how it should be and that's moving in that isn't cool when they're going around there to come off there this has got weird stuff going on yeah it has look at that look at that so we don't want those going left there want them both to go straight on and we want them to carry on through and not start they want them to carry on through and not stop I think that's probably yeah I mean just wondering cuz people are gonna come up there go around here and go onto there we should just bypass that roundabout with a quick slip laying off of here as well no don't be afraid to put in slip lanes if it's a route that's being used a lot so let's just not make it too far down there because of that slip lane it just gives them the option to come down here and bypass that roundabout that just might make that area just a little bit quicker oh I miss Mississippi too but I've run out at sea there we go hopefully those two aren't too close together but we should fight we will start diving down here well let's take a look at the roundabout district that has nicely fleshed out that is looking fantastic what's the traffic light over here not too shabby not too shabby and we've got a bit of a slowcoach thing going on in here you've got it set as one way one way okay that's fine so let's just have a quick look what's happening with your lanes here because you've got two lanes you've got a whole heap of lanes they're far too many lane um aquavit a bioreactor nice you said like cows pooping the poop and making the bioreactor fluid and all that sort of stuff cool so they can keep going they keep stopping there for some reason but don't do that keep going and the end is all clearing up a bit yeah that's good so that's looking particularly not too shabby this is okay it's all moving that's red but it's all moving I don't think we're too far off being done you know okay we're at 78% we've grown to 31,000 population which is fantastic I'm just nipping around the city doing a few little things where we've got like hotspots like this and fixing them up and I don't think it's going to be long before we hit 80% so these guys are going down there and then curve in background to go under here there I mean just something like that there's just one simple simple little fix that we could do to say you just don't need to do that we can take that there and you slope too steep ah darn it can I get a road through there onto there I bet I can do it if I really try and with the help of them Anarchy mods I wanted that underground actually oh it is underground there we go excellent now that I have to go round they can just use that there good good do you know what I bet you thought I was gonna go a whole episode with that putting in a roundabout we need around about right here this is just traffic is being a bit hokey pokey silly-willy so we're just gonna pop in a roundabout there there we go I'll be fine just like that and that one nicely split up I've also done a couple of things where you've just got we've got rows are just too big between things you want a six lane roads where you only need four lane roads I've done a few of those fixes as well around the place this one here is a good example yet a six-lane Road here it's just confusing the traffic but yeah two lanes coming in on each side that's all you need two lanes and then it just keeps it moving nicely okay here's another example of the load with far too many lanes I mean this is a one-way road with six lanes all going in that direction it's just far too many let's just change that to three there we go and it just means once they get to the roundabout it's three lanes under three lanes without everybody getting all excited not sure what's going on I mean you could fill this back in again if you want but yeah there we go so things like that think about how many lanes you're using and how many lanes you actually need more lanes don't mean better traffic so you want to just sort of keep that in mind Hey look at that eighty-three percent this cargo sponge doesn't need to be as big as it was but that helps a lot they're coming straight on and off all this nice road access I'll certainly fix that so I think things have gone pretty well here in smoke berg thank you very much - bacon pills for sending in this city if you'd like to send yours in check out the description below on how to do that and why not check out the next video on the screen as well or subscribe you know if you're one of the new people that's watching me subscribe on have some more relaxing traffic fixing coming your way again very soon take care everybody thank you very much for watching bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 517,009
Rating: 4.9215236 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines traffic management, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines roundabout mod
Id: iKaNOLAk4m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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