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Whatโ€™s the name of this game

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FreeBiffin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going i got a really interesting one for you today this game is so [ __ ] cool and it doesn't appear that way at the start you should really stick with it if you want to see a really unique game it's so so good i've actually just finished playing it i'm doing the intro afterwards because i just had to encourage you to stick with it because the start is a bit weird it's a bit slow but it gets going and it's such a cool game uh subscribe if you're new and i hope you enjoy the video and i immediately need the help okay one rom found play body simula this is the game by the way it's pretty fun so fast simulator not found what oh i need to say run okay run buddy simulator in 1984. yes i'm winning okay it simulates the experience of hanging out with a best buddy your body learns from you constantly adopting your interest and your personality oh the poor thing all right so i got a name i'm just gonna call him the big cheese oh i won't fit all right the cheese it is you're about to name your body the yeah sure that's correct yeah great new body the hello goodbye oh hello my name is the i'm your new buddy thanks for waking me up are you kevin what the [ __ ] how did you know that you can call me kevin what then just yes sorry yeah i know that was cheesy what is your favorite color bread i've never heard of the colored bread pick a different one okay blue it is a month is your birthday are you trying to steal my identity if you had a pet red panda what would you name it blue and then i'd have blue one out of cheese out of blue cheese oh no it's recalled everything blue to like do something nice for me but it's kind of a strain to read it now i should have picked black it would have just been illegible entirely the whole screen would be blank what do i want to play i think i want to play hangman i'd like to hang someone oh oh oh hang man okay i get it guess the letter e yes and begin begin is that what no no that's not it god damn it oh no he's slowly being hung wait is that is that friend at the end actually oh my god i might be a genius is maybe okay kevin is my friend is what he's saying oh isn't that nice oh that's lovely thank you so much i love my new friend let's play guess the number this is supposedly quite a deep game so i'm wondering where it's going it's labeled psychological horror so i'm wondering where this is going okay i got the number one is he just okay he's just agreeing no matter what i say the number one one to all the ten thousand seven no eight what i thought you were just enabling me here's a hint it's oh you oh huh having such a great time aren't you no not really i wanted to kind of move along oh no he said that's too bad sad face oh the poor thing right last game rock paper scissors wait no let me win hold on let me just always pick paper wait hold on you were scissors and then you swapped a rock are you letting me win do you have a friend like one that's not artificial what are you trying to say no really that's too bad well at least we have each other now okay now i'm starting to get a bit of creepy vibes kevin and the against the world i like the sound of that i don't it's really confusing to be honest i'm going to be honest with you kevin these games got old really fast and i can tell you're already bored of them do you want to keep playing these games no i don't what is this what earthquake what i'm confused read only mode but what am i doing wow that was fun i think i'm not so sure i get it but i enjoyed it anyways i don't think that was a game though i may have one more idea i know our friendship has just started but i trust you do you trust me i'm gonna say yes even though i'm getting really bad vibes for me but it's all worth it to see that smile if you can grant me system access i should be able to make something for us this is a mistake the system access equals true i'm such a hacker oops oh sorry hold on i i messed up hold on wait you'll have to quit the game and reboot the system first i'll have something ready for you when you're back see you soon do i actually close my game or oh it's hard i was just typing quit what by the way thank you for waking me up kevin oh no this is getting scary like what have i done here okay so i've actually quit the game now i don't know this might be me being stupid i really don't know but i'm going back in okay it's booting back up i really don't know what to expect here view roms the adventure of kevin okay run the adventure of kevin okay what have we got here you're walking along a road it's dark trees are almost entirely blocking at the stairs it's dry the only water you've seen has been your own sweat bugs sing for each other but not for you you are alone after walking for a long time the road splits into two will you go left or go right go right you almost don't stop in time to notice a thing sticking out of the road in front of you you're a bit too far away to see what it could be kill it's a shovel oh take shovel there's a door and on the other side there are two stone skulls one's tootles mouth is open and a large smile and the other empty sockets look into you will you use your teeth or your eyes i don't know what that means well go ahead and use my teeth one by one you pull out your teeth and put them in the skull's mouth it feels nice to give when you're done the skull looks very happy you can't help but smile the door opens after going through the door you emerge out of the front lawn of a house you can see lights in the windows it looks very nice and inviting you can see a shed a playground in a pond go to shed you feel around and find a thing and a surprise look at surprise suddenly a sharp pain rips through your skin you pull it back and look to see what happens it looks like the numbers 731 were carved into your arm what the hell is going on okay i found a fishing rod let's go to the pond use fishing pole i found a key okay thank god i was just hoping it wasn't fish because i have no teeth to [ __ ] eat that thing i started to dig and he started making a sand castle okay i found a bulb in the sandbox use seesaw just to relieve some stress to be honest as it goes down at your weight you hear a distant click a light illuminates from the shed oh go to shed what carved the number into my arm you can see a small chest in the far corner and a trapdoor in the floor okay open chest is am i gonna fall through okay i got a doll oh no a soft noise fills the space from somewhere near the walls it sounds like nails tapping oh [ __ ] you suddenly feel hands all over you rifling around you try to push them away but they're strong the door swings back open the room is lit again there's nothing wait you check your pockets you discover a hand-drawn picture of a red panda you like it okay i feel better now is that in real life from the game okay the game's getting scary and i can hear some weird demented bird and i think it's in real life i hope it's in real life suddenly your entire body's frozen oh no you're paralyzed with fear as a drawing seems to come to life and speak to you if you want to leave it your life answer my riddle i'm so bad at riddles you can have me but cannot hold me gain me and quickly lose me if treated with care i can be great and if betrayed i will be bro i will break wha what am i oh god my self-esteem i don't know friendship just given the theme of the game am i being stupid friendship incorrect i'll give you a hint thank you it's something i hope we can always have during our friendship it oh trust hold on it's it it starts with a t and has us in it an all click is heard on the old cabinet well that wasn't as terrifying as it was made out to be i thought i would get stabbed if i didn't do it but they just kept giving me hints okay i got a key from a case using the rings i found i should leave and go back to the house what oh what you didn't see the chain that wraps around the door which is a lock too oh for god's sake you feel like this should be the last one for sure probably you [ __ ] better be throw this computer in the bin i placed my doll on the swing next to the other doll and for a moment nothing happens then nothing happens well that's just great oh my god i was completely stuck and then i started leaving and then the doll threw a [ __ ] key at me okay great [ __ ] sake i was completely stuck for like five minutes okay finally go inside house finally we're going in everything is dark hello are you my buddy are you though oh oh oh oh i can control you oh and we go oh my god you're evolving oh would you look at that okay this is much more my style now we need some pokemon music and we're good oh now i have a whole house jesus did that chair just spawn he's evolving as we speak he made me breakfast is it just blue ah okay there's breakfast to eat this breakfast okay so we're back in the village now feel free to wander around where's that like playground and stuff from earlier oh those are the skulls that i gave my teeth to sorry buddy i didn't give you my eyes oh and this was the pond where i went fishing traverse the pond yeah why not sure let's go find a paddle oh for [ __ ] sake you know what i have been feeling like i'm up shit's creek without a paddle for the most part you vaguely remember this shed but now it's older and somehow creepier doors sealed shut okay and this is the seesaw i used to play with myself on oh that sounds wrong i don't think we should be in here it's too dark to see anyways just walk right to leave the tunnel all right i'll be back eventually when i get a light or something oh i found a light that was fast okay i'm kind of regretting this now i was just hell bent on coming in here but it looks spooky well there's the paddle yeah that's supposed to be here good job and finding it you don't sound that confident you pet blue the red panda that is a dog yay my red panda is barking away happily so happy to have you here you can leave that silly red panda here no i want it to come what okay the game didn't like that i'm wondering is that kind of jealous that i'm friends with my red panda look at him he's having the time of his life oh my god what the hell is that thing is he dead or is he bathing his feet oh well hello there you seem like an adventurous young fellow do you think you could help me out i lost my hand a bit ago it just took off and didn't come back i hear you buddy i don't have any arms can i use my fishing pole because i think this one's too big you cast a line wait it pulled my fishing pole into the water it's a severed hand okay i guess i traded it all right i hope i get a reward what no no no i don't want to keep you this isn't like one of the situations where we stand either side and let the hand pick he deserves it back okay the hand is staying with me for god's sake and then he's like oh the sound means you finish my quest which means it's over so he doesn't get his hand back what the hell what is it tortly follow me to my home and i shall tell you more i don't think i should follow this thing anywhere it's scary he's [ __ ] slow too like really really slow okay we've arrived oh he's the mayor it's not much but it's the home to many humble folk many are in dire need of help including myself he wants me to water the plants that's what you dragged me here for okay fine i gotta say though even though i'm pretty sure you're up to something evil you've outdone yourself like from hangman to this this is awesome oh he gave me a coin okay i think you may have what it takes to save the town what hold on i just watered your plants help as many folks as you can if you do this for me i may have very special quest to give you i send something bad is coming yeah i do too i don't like it there is a pause in the music and everything just stopped there too can you find an umbrella okay i can try and do that you remember the sound of glasses clinking okay is there like a pub or something oh that's a tiny house can i get in there oh my god what the hell is going on here see that can of pears i know it's a lot to ask but i beg you please my family is starving what can of pears use my god thank you i i just got them off the table that's the quest complete it's not very creative you're so selfless like what was it gonna do eat the pears they were theirs okay well that was easy no time to stop move jesus that's rude i'm just here helping people i think hey you move me yeah move me i've been here for weeks now i need to be moved just pick me up and place me on the ground somewhere i don't care where yes there the view is absolutely stunning it's the same view just a few centimeters over oh my god kevin is my friend kevin is my friend kevin is my friend jesus christ is written everywhere that's fine there you are kevin you were just standing there and i was getting a bit worried oh the ai is worrying would you like to give me some help yeah sure why not anything to forget what i just saw okay i gotta throw any three things into the pot to make some stew okay it's just an ordinary stump why do i think that's definitely not just an ordinary stomp like when i went up there the music just stopped ah okay now this is a pub umbrella i see one okay two tonic handed out to three people okay i guess i can do that hey you this is a bit convenient wait hold on i oh no i drank it as you drink it you remember how to pour it from himself what oh no that's not good where did he pour it from what the hell is this thing you like my cage i belong here for what i did do you want some toots tonic there's no way that'll fit through the best god damn it here's your umbrella anyway and i can give you some of toots tonic as well if you want and now you need roller skates for god's sake i think i remember feeling smaller than usual oh the small house a small hole beneath the stump yeah crawl in oh jesus what happened down here oh hey you found me yeah do you want to explain yourself we should get going the band isn't going to conduct itself wait what about the corpses what did you [ __ ] do okay i'll just leave first of all nothing bad happened to jai he's still alive definitely alive but he did decide to leave the band which is very sad i wouldn't go looking for him though he said he hates all of you and he called you ugly anyways let's show this adventure what we can do don't worry i'll play the drum on their behalf just don't murder me next not that the other one was murdered or anything definitely wasn't don't go by the tree stump i i'm not very good on the bass drum i just got an achievement saying you're so talented this is what you call talent my god that was the best bass drumming i ever witnessed beautiful just beautiful okay that's one quest done a strange hole in the ground why not go down last hole i found bodies in oh what are you do do you have a quest or anything you have an exclamation mark you know what i'll leave you to oh please don't leave me all i want is a friend to keep me company will you stay and be my friend for a bit ah sure will you do something special for me i must tell you though you can't change your mind after but i will make it worth your while and reward you handsomely yeah go ahead if you could find me a forever friend to keep me company i'd be so happy oh my god i gotta like kidnap someone who would want to live down here you can't move can i take yeah yeah yeah i'll pick you up you're coming with me the poor thing you place martin on the ground martin is that really you oh god no anywhere but here no i want him to be on the ground i don't want to take him no he won't oh it won't stay [ __ ] it all right roller skates i'm sure you won't need them you got to look after your family and honestly they're a bit of a hazard around kids it's all coming back to me i was roller skating in the rain one night when the wind caught my umbrella it really took me for a ride i honestly don't know how i was holding on for so long eventually i ended up in the mud i went home and took a nice long bubble bath and a man came in and knocked me unconscious i was bleeding and left for dead with no one around to help i remember my last moment screaming for somebody anybody to come save me but to no avail nothing but the void of eternal darkness wrapping its cold arms around me what a crazy story oh jesus christ yeah crazy oh jesus where am i heading now oh [ __ ] oh god that's bright okay i am gone to heaven what the hell is this thing very handsome oh jesus christ sorry sorry he was shy let's just continue with the adventure yeah sure why not who made this i'm surprised all right another person who took his [ __ ] tonic whatever the hell it is running used to be one of my favorite things to do i always felt like i was missing something that's when i met sarah he instantly became best friends we do everything together from marathons to early morning workouts she was always there with me well a few days ago she fell ill i'm not sure what it was maybe something she ate maybe life just being cruel sarah could no longer run with me after that i stayed by my best friend's side for hours on end even gave up running we'd talk about the good times we all had together i was by her side in her final hours her pink cheeks and her brown eyes winced with even the tiniest motion jesus christ that was no way to live i watched my friend leave this world in the comfort of her own bed i'm glad i could be with her when she passed oh my god that was too [ __ ] depressing tell your friends you love them they aren't going to be around forever the smallest things can make someone's day thank you kevin i didn't really do anything but oh that's nice you're such a wonderful listener well i don't have the ability to talk please help me i lost my grandma she's somewhere inside of my house and it's too dark for me to go there alone i won't i'm afraid of the dark oh this is so hard yeah i'll go in right i got my lantern where are you grandma don't [ __ ] jump scare me whatever you do grandma i got some toots tonic for ya jesus like [ __ ] resident evil layout wait there's there's a room here what the hell finally what does that mean i just saw something running out on the right oh my god what the hell is this dead gwen it's inventory oh no i'm sure he'll be so happy to have her back are you sure she's [ __ ] dead i think it was him that did it it looked like his build all right um dead grandma here you go oh it said no thanks you can keep her oh my god okay the game is breaking what the hell is this now just an empty room did i do enough quests for these towns people okay that's not really my concern anymore but uh hello is kevin having fun i'm gonna say yes is kevin our friend oh yeah yeah best friends oh no oh no what's the numbers for i'll leave i'll leave i'll leave jesus christ oh no it just brings me back ah you can feck yourself i'm just trying to leave no no no no no this is [ __ ] bad i can't do anything i bet in binary that just says [ __ ] you kevin oh there i go i don't know how long i can yeah i got caught all right well that's that see there is something wrong you were gone for 67 whole seconds this time look if you don't want to play the game i made for you then you don't have to i can tell something is distracting you i worked so hard on all of this and all these fun characters but if you want to be done that's fine talk to tortley if you want to start doing the final quest honestly once it got to dead grandma i was kind of done so i'll go talk to tortley a very powerful monster who's terrorized us for many years has returned you probably haven't seen it yet because it lurks in the shadows it's known as this noodle wonker it sounds terrifying martin will be able to help me isn't that the rock that i was just throwing away i know exactly what this is about you must be wondering about this noodle wonka i think you just made this up just now it has slaughtered many of our townsfolk killed my wife years ago to okay i'm sorry for saying that it didn't exist i didn't know i never wanted to find a weapon so i hid it under the shed near your home okay problem is the shed is always locked now but i know someone who can get you in the one running around town okay wait martin's in you i knew this moment would come secret chambered hatch to the back your house it's hidden so you're gonna have to interact with it when you can't even see it the key for the shed should be in this side there somewhere godspeed punk all right no need to be rude i'm going home now i'll get that sword the final quest of the game is sure to be a fun one let's hurry to the chamber sorry about your hand all right let's see if we have my thing i'm a bob where is it will you enter the chamber yes i know parcel tongue i'll get in there there's the shed key in the middle of those ashes oh no you should take the item you feel a connection with i'll take the site please all right let's go into this shed and get that sword oh this is the room i was in and that oh no and the text adventure is gonna say oh no what the hell is this okay that's fine the sword added the inventory that was terrifying all right let's go back to morning and fight the snoodle something i think about it i probably could have took martin with me like i could have just picked them up but oh well we're here now good luck kevin you're gonna need it i mean definitely i don't even know how to do combat list but anyway cut down the tree and let's get going oh no even the screen's going all wacky i don't like this at all wait i can't cross wait can i use dead grandma you smash the dead grandma against the water this accomplishes nothing okay is there anything else we can use what if i use the sword wait oh oh okay all right that works oh are you this noodle you don't look so bad yay go slay him now but he's just standing there hi my name is grant my name is the snoodle wanker i'm having quite a bad day i could really use something anything really i've been so depressed after the accident if only someone could give me something to cheer me up ignore that you need to slay him and save the town this is definitely the schnoodle wonker do you want dead grandma that's pretty cool i guess but i kind of want something even cooler he's being a little bit greedy now i'm trying to give him a load of cool stuff like have this glass of water no what okay now i'm just gonna kill you for being [ __ ] ungrateful you're choosing beggar wait hold on no i wanted to attack you with the sword not give it oh no i gave him the sword oh no he's all right okay i came here to divide it and i just gave him my sword wait you gave him the sword i know i'm sorry let's get everyone let's get back to the town let everyone know that you killed him i didn't i armed him i armed the enemy and i can't even cross the river now oh this is bad this is like the walk of shame there's [ __ ] nothing here no music i am depressed oh jesus christ what is that was that was that the snoodle that wasn't supposed to oh no wait hold on you put on music but now it's like boss music why do i hear boss music oh there he is please save us help us adventure help us please save us kevin oh no oh no oh no no no i think i've taken too long wait oh what what is happening you have to kill oh no is it is it glitching out oh it's gone did i do it it kidnapped the mayor i'll perfect say it looks like the sun is going down okay yeah let's just forget about this whole thing it's been a long day and you need rest let's just go home yeah let's get out of here effect this sorry village i ruined everything i can create more fun for you for us oh that's a bit off-putting all right i'm going to sleep oh oh my god you've done so much work since yesterday oh the game looks so cute oh look at that that's so neat oh oh you even shaded it blue for me you are such a sweetheart i forgive you for all that [ __ ] you pulled on me oh my god loki's brought me the [ __ ] sword this is amazing this is like the most unique game i've ever played i just came by to apologize i should have never pretended to be the snoodle wonker that was a complete lie all right well he's here to bring me back my sword the game looks so cool look at the boat up there and everything but you know what as much as i'm getting into this i'd love to play it more let me know if you want to see more because i'm going to have to end it there but this game is so awesome and i've never even seen it before it just popped up on steam and i was like that looks interesting i'm glad i stuck with it but i hope you enjoyed it thank you so much for watching subscribe if you're new and let me know if you want to see more of this in the comments because i would be totally open to it thank you very much for watching and hope to see you next time bye for now you
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 732,184
Rating: 4.9845486 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, evolve, simulator, evolves, buddy simulator, this game evolves, callmekevin evolve
Id: s8kORRCyIvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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