I took this family friendly game to a dark place

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Honestly it's a legit mood 🤣

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/witchofwallstreet_13 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing duck life funnily enough i just was feeling a bit angry and i typed in something else and my phone auto corrected so instead of f life we got this and i guess that means that's what we're playing one year after the ban of genetically modified ducks god i was about to say i'm a simple man i just wanted a simple game today but this is already getting dark one duck racer reigns supreme it's up to you to beat him you look like you've seen a ghost ah basic white egg you and i aren't so different after all oh look how cheery they look oh that's so cute but this is more my style quiff hair yeah that that's about right the most stylish hair in the 50s look it's all right in the 2020s too okay there's nothing wrong with it my johnny bravo looking ass is fine with it i'm gonna get this lightning tattoo i have a lightning bolt for every person i killed while in prison it's just one though they actually died of old age i was just trying to boost my street cred i was gonna call him the terrifying terry i just started typing and i guess alliteration went up but it caught out at the terrifying tea so i guess that's what their name is the terrifying t join your team look at him it doesn't look very terrifying he looks so bored all right so this is to test how strong my dog is all right go but how there he goes the terrifying tea he's fallen over here's some food drag your dog to to increase his energy level okay this looks risky are these steroids there you go eat up well done that was very fast but you can always get faster by doing running training good luck i'd rather just eat whatever that goop was because that made me way better terrifying tea come on give him some space jesus he's the running trainer okay talk to me if you want to increase your running level see that talk over there with the exclamation mark over his head he wants to race you okay look i'm caught up to the sign pretending he can read all right let's see if i can beat this dude all right let's partake in some illegal gambling on this running race why would you take someone up on the offer to do a running race in a field and they're putting money on the line when you've never seen them like you know you're getting scammed yeah i lost second place not bad at all i'd agree with you if it weren't just two entries all right let's train running then [Music] all right i got some coins oh god that that hurt my wrist i think i'm gonna get carpal tunnel here from dark life of all things god i don't want to tell my doctor that i'll tell him i was doing something cool like no i don't do anything cool he's like i'm just not very good at these sort of things but what if i cheated i've got an idea okay i just try to put on an auto clicker but now he's just spasming all over the place all right one two three four buttons to control the duck dodge the obstacles by pressing the corresponding number oh no oh no and flashbacks to like flappy bird or something i can almost feel my frustration with this already and i haven't even failed yet okay i think i found my calling not just in this game like out of the training levels that i i need to do just in general this is my calling in life to play this game just this mini game i feel like i could go down in the record books you know they'll build statues in my honor for what i'm doing here today i'm really contributing to humanity here this is what i'm choosing to use my finite time on earth oh god i messed up i forgot where my fingers were but that's not bad that was a lot am i going to fly up in levels here i am flying up in levels here jesus it just doesn't stop oh keep going go on your little tease is that enough though or do i have to get it to 150 because i feel like i'm ready to race all right listen here punk the terrifying tea is coming for ya let's tee off right that's the only t-pon i have sorry look at me go yes that obstacle course really worked wonders i wasn't sure because it really looks like i skipped leg day like look at that leg it's it's just like a little toothpick i think i over trained for that battle but i'm happy i beat him little smug bastard choose your three racers well i only have one so the terrifying t is up enter your team name angry and depressed that's the team name start can i do anything here or no i think terrifying tea is off oh look this cheery fecker also killed someone in prison okay i came first maybe if i can come first in the second one as well the third one doesn't really matter as much oh no his energy is plummeting second place i'll take it this is where it really matters how come their teams all have different people it's as if there's no i in team but come on there's a me if you rearrange the letters that's a bit more but isn't it wearing an egg like that you sick duck okay the last one you came last but oh well how did i do overall angry and depressed came second ahead of blazing hurricanes and yellow charges just behind mega lightning angry and depressed will get you in the end what about the shop here oh i can bias teammate that might be a good idea i should get a hat for the terrifying tea as well that might also be a good idea yeah you'd be wanting to buy this hat yeah just because i think it'll piss off the terrifying t look it up he somehow looks even more angry and upset all right let's buy a child i don't know if this is legal but we're buying a child green bean egg yes oh my god it all fits you can be angry and terrifying tea is depressed he looks so pompous as well all right there you go what is your name the docking best just to make it weird for the commentators on the race you know followed by the ducking best all right you the terrifying t you're fine i need to put you through training we'll just do this one this one went really well for me so we'll give you one run on this however far i can go and then we'll enter the race i just needed to do one the terrifying t is willing to do two well willing i am gonna force him just just so we're all clear 400 is a decent number i think i mean that that is good training i i was hearing rocky music up here the entire time i think anyway i zoned out a little bit at the end i think i became one with the duck but we got up to about the same as depressed sorry the terrifying tea i'm just i have them as a team in my head now angry and depressed so you race you race and you race there we go see depressed is the main character here depressed and angry i even put him first it kind of hits different when it's depressed and angry go on t you got him t t t i'm gonna get you into this stock game oh come on t oh oh god i used all my energy there i fell over oh no t i'm sorry can i get some of more of these performance enhancing drugs angry refuses to look surprise surprise angry is angry about this we're going back to angry and depressed look name order doesn't matter it just sounds a little less serious for some reason all right i'm gonna try and use the energy here and just fall over the line there you go yes you ran out of energy but i still crossed the finish line i [ __ ] sake it just keeps going out he keeps just eating it angry it's just sitting there like when do i get to eat never angry never the answer is never all right let's try this again look at this fella flexing on us showing up in his [ __ ] hat and suit to run a running race this guy's just naked he's no shame he's like look i'm more aerodynamic this way but the overdressed guy beat the underdress guy i'm afraid oh god in the second race they're all naked oh i've got my work cut out for me here boost yes you didn't fall over for once and i think i actually won yay all right now it's up to angry come on this is your first race this is the first time we're seeing you in action let's get her done uh-oh oh no oh god you trained for this come on don't come last at least oh jesus oh no oh no boost boot oh [ __ ] angry i see why you're angry you're [ __ ] useless that's why you're angry i understand now here eat some of these performance-enhancing seeds you're eating seeds i'm just saying i've never seen seeds that look like that before oh god he's shaking all over the place what was in those seeds all right you're ready to run a race i think stop renaming me i don't want to be gold docks i want to be angry and depressed look at that piss easy absolute piss sorry i'm angry and depressed now angry this is your chance you gotta win this one's wearing a suit this one's wearing a [ __ ] carrot come on okay energy is holding let's wait for it wait for it wait for it wait go go go go go go you've fallen over jesus angry like the terrifying t is running two races and you can't handle one i'm leveling up your energy loads and we'll just use boost to cheat her way there rather than training this really does feel like performance enhancing um you know i don't want to call them out on it all right allegedly all right allegedly that saves me right if i say allegedly they can't sue me or anything i just feel like angry is is the suey type the amount of times i've had to type in angry depressed today is shockingly high like if anyone knew without context they'd be so worried for me is it a top hat and a lifesaver ring they're so cocky which is weird because they're ducks all right angry once again the terrifying t has won both of their races it is entirely up to you energy looks like it's holding a bit stronger than before okay run run run yes second can you get second for me buddy third is that enough to clinch it in the breast winds oh we're going to the swamp come on donkey oh no is there swimming there can't be swimming is there have you learned how to swim yet no enter my swimming race if you haven't done swimming training yet i don't think this race will be for you don't tell me what to do we're going in no i know he doesn't know how to swim look at him he knows he doesn't know how to swim either he's just gonna go for it energy look at him you can see him there just below the water floating on the surface oh god he's happy either way he's like i'll either figure it out as i go or i'll just drown i see this is a win let's learn how to swim before we get involved in swimming races then wait what is this oh no he's jumping off a cliff oh no this is part of the mini game i fear for the worst touch and hold to turn what okay touch and hold the turn is that like should i actually be spinning like a mobile device because i can't just pick up my computer instead of spinning it oh this one's much easier oh no why did i say anything what oh underneath i see you see earlier again he was like oh i can't swim but look at him now he's flying i think he's holding out on us to be honest the most graceful thing i've ever seen these mini games are like surprisingly addictive like i'm getting so many serotonins out of this i didn't even know it could go plural i thought you could only get one serotonin at a time but this must be at least three i'm dead no it's definitely just one swimming level eight god that didn't go up very far what about this one oh no no no this is this is very difficult damn it can i buy some performance enhancing seeds please probably a waste of money but could you eat all of those seeds for me please oh god i imagine eating all of that don't they say wait an hour before swimming are you gonna cramp up and i just ate all of that and went straight in there but i got lots of energy that's the main thing and boost come on you can make it yay i did not win through ability i just clinched a victory by pretty much cheating let's cheat more one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh that's a lot of eating angry looks very angry i know i'm over feeding one and leaving the other to starve i would be angry too but there's nothing you can do about it life be unfair sometimes i got 69 energy nice sorry as a content creator i'm obligated to say nice any time the number 69 comes up because it's a funny internet number okay this one was a no-go i couldn't even figure that thing out i think this might actually be my best bet this one's actually kind of peaceful like it gets a bit hectic but it's kind of nice oh i hate that one actually i've changed my mind entirely okay there we go level 32 i'll take it i can beat them now easy come here you smug bastard joe with your stupid little antenna here i just try the mental warfare because i can't i can't win in the physical warfare all right we're going to use momentum so when you get to the edge of the cliff i'm going to give you a little bit of a boost okay okay that i don't think that actually made any difference whatsoever there we go through cheating and a little bit of hard work but mostly cheating we won why is the music so somber can i enter the tournament i don't think this is a good idea but i'm gonna try um actually you know what you go in the first one and and t will take the second two enter your team name only one can swim oh jesus angry i feel so bad for you come on you can do this oh no oh no i don't know if he's even gonna make it to the end what is this wait how is this taking energy you're just lying in the mud hold on you got tired what come here come here where are you running to i need to get you some performance enhancing seedlings no you're not going to the shop you're going to cheat whether you like it or not wait a second i've just held it and what how did i not die i don't understand is there like a safe zone at the start because i'm just not dying okay so there is like a safe zone at the start so it's just a free two levels for doing nothing well i found the easy way out after all oh oh oh this is quite interesting isn't it oh the terrifying t he's buried his head in the sand but that number continues to climb interesting interesting i like this a lot t you got you got brains don't do it the hard way do it the smart way all right well i'll just keep doing this then with little to no effort and i'll eventually become amazing just through sheer laziness i'll be back in a few minutes i suppose 20 minutes later i'm back and we are at 6 000 fantastic you know that just goes to show hard work does pay off but sometimes there's an easier way out i think i teach the wrong moral lessons on this channel uh let's just hope i can get out of this okay i can the power didn't even bother going up it was just swim level 150 all right let's see if i can actually win now let's train no i should be training you i think the students become the teacher let me teach you how to cheat can i just do all of them at this point like what's the point in tagging in angry if i can just get her done i cheat could be the team name let's do this oh god the running portion okay this is fine this is grand here comes the swimming portion go that is so stupid oh no i used my boost before i could actually make use of it okay that's fine go ahead there you go oh jesus the speed of them okay that's fine that's fine running is going okay now swim it's so fast oh that's so dumb i love it okay this one has the most swimming of all of them it's the last race so it's going to be the hardest but my swimming is just too good i'm afraid here we go i'm still in first but another swimming portion ensures my victory ah you love to see it you know they say cheating never prospers but they are wrong and stupid i cheat first place called cyclone second place fighting pirates and strong thunder i didn't even see them they were so far behind me where's this guy who wanted to race me earlier here you go i just want to show you how far i've progressed in just a few minutes of my time look at this how embarrassing i only learned to swim today by the way come on hurry up finish come on i've been over the finish line for ages you won the race i get money for this could i just keep doing it the only thing slowing me down is the fact this one also has to finish like i'm just over the finish line waiting i get 60 coins each time what about the other race 60 coins also hey it's 11 all right i have 700 let me just get uh the terrifying t up here get up here dude come on there you go and now let me spend all of that money on this goop and you're going to get it up and your energy is going to be completely full if only you could eat as fast as you could swim what is your energy at now 150 okay great i wonder could i just go to the next level not learn to fly and just win just through what i've done with the others the two stats like my energy is so high just boost and boost again yes and there's water and now you just swim as fast as you can little fella i haven't even learned to fly and i'm still winning this oh for [ __ ] sake this is ridiculous i'm just going to enter this tournament just to see how he can do without even learning the skill needed for the tournament team name can't fly i just can't i i don't know i'm going to be honest with you here i can't fly the thing is his running isn't that great either and we're in the [ __ ] desert like water isn't that common here uh it's are they racing it's black screen did the game get pissed off with me because i've cheated too much you know maybe maybe that's better off maybe we should leave it there before exploiting this game too much and making all the other ducks angry and depressed but if you want to see more let me know this was a really fun game surprisingly i just want to thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it if you're new please subscribe we'd love to see you around and i hope to see you all tomorrow bye for now you
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 793,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, duck life, family friendly, duck life game, duck life callmekevin, duck life app, duck life 4, duck life 3, duck life hack, duck life speedrun
Id: S5e5EDBroFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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