This game evolves itself but I broke reality

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hey there friends how's it going today we are playing more body simulator i played a bit of this on the channel already but don't worry if you missed it you'll get it to up to speed no problem uh it's a game that evolves as you play it and it's freaking insane you'll love it alright so here's my character though and i need to try and get back into the village i've got my sword back at least i can't believe you took back your gift what kind of friend does that no no i've pissed him off haven't i give it back please don't make me fight you well i mean i have the sword now why would i why would i give it back he seems angry well now is a good time to mention i added combat oh there's combat in the game now oh sweet jesus i thought it'd be fun to let you name your very first combat move okay so the person talked to me is the computer they're trying to evolve the game as i play and be my friend alright so my first attack can be myself you just want to freak him out you know you want to call it myself yep i sure do oh yes the legendary myself kevin's turn myself i know even the animation suits it so much i need to press d to myself there we go that did a lot of psychological damage i don't want any troubles you're the one fighting me is he launching teeth at me what what is this attack i think i got more in the tank myself oh that was pretty cool thank you very much why aren't i using the sword on him i just continue to myself geez the the keys change so randomly it's literally any key on the keyboard all right there we go i defeated the evil grand show by myself 10 times in a row oh he changed my inventory it's all fancy now all right what equipment do i want to use um i have dead grandma it's it's a long story i don't really want to explain it but i have someone's dead grandma and i'm going to use it as a weapon all right do i have a mission or am i just going to go exploring oh it's the guy from last time i stole his hand what no no no i don't want to keep you i think everyone is waiting for you in town so you better hurry they're going to hang me aren't they luckily i don't have a neck goodbye my friend and good luck that sounded kind of final i hope i see you again creepy man who hangs down by the lake are you ready for your surprise i can't wait any longer oh yeah sure i love surprises oh i can choose friends in the town to take with me you'll be able to leave the town once you've two members recruited okay i'd like this guy because he can't move and he seems useless and i find that relatable you're a good person you know that he's a good liar too that'll come in use i must avenge my wife what are you talking about yeah you're coming with me he has a little skateboard that's great uh no you look like a bush i'm not taking you can i take the bartender i'd like to have a bartender with me so i can embrace the alcoholic in me toot might not be too happy that you kept this drink oh because i didn't give out his drinks last time his business is suffering there's the two people that i gave the drink to i kind of forgot about that quest there you are you think you ran off with all my toots tonic and never returned now the tavern is done for it thanks for nothing just get out you're welcome goodbye i didn't help this person either i'm afraid the shop is now closed i sank an entire economy by accident what about that kid you know the one that the grandma died and i took the grandma maybe he'd be a good addition to the group there he is look oh he looks so pathetic my team is awful hello again thanks for saving my grandma i mean your grandma is dead i want to help you on your quest to save the mail it's so hard to read i may look small but i so sue do pack a punch okay you're coming with me i will break the bones of my oh my god you're dark you will not regret this zx no regrets all right come on kiddo we got our team i don't know how to leave the town or where to go all right my pet doesn't want me to leave the town but if you can just get out of my way thank you once you leave the area you can still come back you just won't be able to recruit anyone else so make sure you're happy with your party walk into the forest into the unknown okay jesus it's getting dark good thing my eyes double up as torches because i can't see a thing the hand tugs on your shoulder what hand the only thing behind me was that rock and he doesn't have hands is that that hand like in the ground is that is that something i can hardly see you know what i don't like being touched i'm leaving oh i can use my little sword now that's awesome can i use that to cross i can what a magical game oh you again i just wanted to apologize again i'm sorry i became so angry after you took my sword did you recruit parody members for an adventure without me oh no now he's jealous i'm gonna have to myself again aren't i [Music] i thought we were friends he's getting pissed okay yup now i'm upset again you are officially unforgiven you're gonna have to fight scrubert and he just lost his grandma well he didn't she's she's with me i'm carrying her around as a corpse but you know what i mean it's oh he's angry all right grandchild get ready for me to myself uh and yes morton's turn move me kentrip let's just try and move me okay he hit him with a board scuba turn headquash or i'm a star let's try i'm a stall oh sweet bejesus what is he doing oh my god i think i paid a good teammate jesus christ all right let me try my new one it's just love tap i didn't get to name this one i would have named it something way cooler okay all i did was just kick him in the shins i'm leaving he's like that's it i'm not gonna watch you you yourself anymore i'm out of here after all we just wanted to be a friend well we keep attacking him i don't think it seems like but but to be fair it's his fault he keeps instigating it give compliment would you like to give screwbird a compliment um you are the best at being an ugly baby i don't know what you mean by that how do we compliment i don't do this often you are neat i don't know what you mean by that nice baby i don't know what you mean by that what do you mean oh i'm supposed to say yes and then i say the compliment okay ugly baby thank you friend like you too thanks thanks wait what the hell is this thing hello isla oh you need to help me they took my babies oh you can have my one i don't like them anyway all four of the babies okay are you talking about your eyes okay i'll go find your babies oh look there's one in a cage watch out you almost stepped on me just because i'm so tiny and hardly visible doesn't mean you can just waltz around answer three of my riddles off effecsec morton do a kick flip on him riddle me this jack's father his three sons snap crackle and face all right will i try pop instead i thought face was a nice name but whatever what oh i'm an idiot oh for sake i just got it jack's father has three sons so it's jack snake how many of his little children have we captured or wow i see you were an expert what that wasn't even a riddle that was just a question what am i thinking of right now yourself what the heck how did you know this is crazy you've proven yourself to be an expert of riddles only one of them was a riddle out you come there you go one baby freed you won't ever leave me right oh no the ai is getting a bit needy oh sweet jesus christ what was that that scared the jesus out of me you're never gonna save those kids can we go back to riddles instead [Music] i didn't block any of those so i missed everything all right i think i'm just gonna myself real quick all right let's try a flip i like that his move is actually a kick flip oh look at me oh no i messed up the kick flip all right there we go it was still decent oh he just left okay all right we're gonna do headquash i don't think you could reach his head okay i can't lie anymore you're just too cool my eyes have really been opened and he just leaves all right cloak boy you're the last one just with the combat it reminds me of pokemon and all i can imagine is pikachu use yourself i don't even want to eat her babies anymore this fighter is just so talented yes another battle one oh i'll never forgive you for that jump scare though oh what is this thing you should try slashing this one in the back oh so if you hit them before the encounter i see there we go just look like i am a tickle just die oh my god league of legends player over here oh no what the hell is he doing oh sweet bit jesus what is this oh okay i blocked it thank god i'm getting pretty weak i need a compliment i'm going to leave now goodbye okay [Music] just had to leave the room for a minute so he's been just standing there for about five to ten minutes just contemplating himself and yes he's decided he will in fact himself well i'm off bye after a lovely fight after effects sake the amount of things out here that want me dead i fear for my army i don't oh god i fear for me more than anything my health is so low [Music] oh no kevin's so weak what the hell is this what what okay you got me off guard with that i didn't expect you to gain a bicep detach it and make it run at me god when you put it like that my move of myself really feels kind of lame i like how my move myself and then he's like i didn't realize how talented you were shoot me an email if you want to do this again oh no he's aiming for me i gotta block this come on yes okay i stay alive i need a compliment so bad like please just compliment me in the comments my self-esteem needs it oh for effect's sake i hit the wrong key and he just fell over all right i hope i don't die because of this i hope there isn't more combat after this part i feel like i've done too much combat now there's only so many times i can myself in one day you know there's also only so many times i can say it like how many times have i said it in the video so far i wonder ah sticky keys like they're they're literally sticky i spilled stuff all over it but but i don't want sticky keys on wait can i knock this tree to cross it looks like i can ah i can maybe it's just a shortcut back i don't know what i can't oh okay there we go i thought i couldn't use it i was like what's the point in that would you like me to give you a compliment yes please you're the best friend i ever had in my entire life thank you so much it doesn't seem genuine when i have to ask for it though oh look they got two eyes surely that's enough i have two eyes and i do okay having said that if i had four eyes i probably wouldn't have been hit by that car so you know what i'll keep looking the note reads i'm headed to my lunch break since you're late again tim make sure that israel's baby stays well protected until dinner time also don't forget one of the levers is lying one is telling the truth and one is doing both see if you can solve this lever puzzle ah perfect's sake okay north is clearly lying they should be flipped right supposed to be flipped left please believe me also don't listen to the south lever they're lying that one just doesn't talk i like him the most the west lever should be neutral you can just leave me flip to the right how the hell am i supposed to solve this okay i'm gonna trust this guy's telling the truth and flip that so it's neutral wait that would mean they're lying so did i wait oh watch out baby okay i solved this and i'm not sure if i actually did that or not i felt like that i just got lucky i was just at the peak of confusion and then it was like yeah you did it muzzle was tough yeah sure i am a genius the next one just be like walk up and free it i want no challenge that's what i play games for i just want serotonin for doing well oh am i going down here now there seems to be a mysterious hole in the ground finally somewhere i can poop instead of myself all right oh no what the hell is this what the hell is this jesus christ almighty wait are these all the things i've killed or are they just random ones oh what the hell is that run dude ron get on your skateboard do a 180 and let's kick flip our way out of here why the hell did i jump down here why would i think this is a good idea oh a door oh maybe oh i can't get in the door okay i got in the door all right so that was close oh no what is this wait a birthday party surprise wait you're not tom where is he this is supposed to be a surprise birthday party i think i don't know who tom was but i'm pretty sure he's dead what a bad friend you are now i have to fight you can offer facts hey all right time for all my specialties to come out and kill this tim fecker huh maybe tom isn't a good friend after all no i'm i'm pretty sure he's dead like i know he didn't show up but i think they're all dead dude just leave the room and come back in okay surprise happy birthday kevin thank you so much can i open my present is this this for me oh it's the child okay thank you ah i got sticky keyed thanks for the gift but i don't really want to stay this parody is lame goodbye okay hey i got all your eyes can you take me out of the combat zone i'm done with combat now oh wait hold on oh okay down we go i thought you were gonna sail me across not you know pull me under okay i lived at least i thought i just got eaten by a sea monster oh that's the the fecker though duh i can't remember his name i don't know are you the same guy you look the same wait no it's not the same guy the last guy was called dundee yeah that's it okay i'll introduce you to you'd make a great couple oh sweet jesus what is happening up here who are you mayor palchum wait pal and chum okay all right well there goes pal john now he's just chumped if only someone could boost our morale with words yeah like an adventurer of some kind that'd be so convenient i shall take the podium is this thing on hello good evening everyone i keep myself please help me i never really thought of it that way wow thanks okay but we still don't have a mayor what should we do panic yes they're so right what a clever hero you need to go find reginald the wise but i'm wise i just proved it to you with that rousing speech the whole town i made for you is counting on us now and that speech you gave didn't sound very authentic please just try harder for me for us if you can okay i put a lot of work into this game let's make sure we're having fun with it he's getting very needy i don't like where this is going wait this is reginald the wise oh my god the people who have him are so buff wait they're they're pushing him out to see ah for fixing this is the worst murder plot ever by the way he's just gonna float there you know if he's reginald the wise why is he getting mixed up with the mob oh no he killed the baby i hurt all over this is your fault dude don't call me out like that i mean you're right but still don't call me out all right you know what morton will take care of him morton will send you to the mortuary that's why they call him mortuary morton i don't know man i just trying to be cool like you're the mob you always have cool nicknames okay how do we get to him i see a tree over there you see this is why you should have just shot him there's no coming back from that here we go reginald the wise honestly you should lose that nickname the wise because no one wise would be in this situation oh look at that he just cartwheels out of here okay maybe you're just wise compared to everyone else because everyone in this world just seems so stupid i appreciate the help but i really didn't need it perfect's sake i'm also not sure why you broke my tree that was a bit of a call for for god's sake okay well he was absolutely useless uh what the hell is that is that is that the mayor i'll fix that just go around him no i want to talk to him oh my god he's freaking out the poor mayor i should should i help him or all right i'm just going to keep going he's stuck there while hello there oh no he's following me what the hell he broke the game it evolved so much what is this see this is why i told you not to i don't understand why you did that i'm a rebel this is so unsettling did you think it'd be funny yeah i thought i still do to be honest i thought it was kind of funny oh hey reginald the wise i hate this place i hate being here i hate being alone i hate this place i hate being here i hate being alone okay great chatting with you original the wise is always you're a pleasure do i even matter do they still think about me i hope i can make amends one day it's all my fault do i oh my god there's so much going on here i hate it here i'm so unhappy nobody wants me oh no no no no no this is bad this is very bad i'm just gonna stand here okay we're fixed please just listen to me next time i can't promise anything i saw your speech on stage a bit ago mighty fine words you were speaking up there gave me genuine hope that we'll all make it out of this alive free eye patches oh yes oh i look so cool handle of pure loneliness added to inventory i'm not sure what that's supposed to mean what have you got for me gem of confusing perspective i'll give it to you for a candle of pure loneliness okay sure honestly the candle's just making me sad let me guess you want a gem of confusing perspective it's larpo's left kidney pretty sweet right he doesn't even know i took it yeah he wants the gem okay sure this guy will give me a belt for the kidney this is why we need money we need like a standard currency i can't just be trading in kidneys okay the last one thankfully jesus yeah give me the helmet great there we go a helmet of seven spikes added to the inventory you want an eye patch too if that's not a sign of real pirate i'm not sure what is welp anyways you've earned my trust friend okay that was easy thanks surprise he didn't springboard me oh my dog oh my eye patch fell off oh it's gonna be a boss fight and you have an eye patch i'll just keep attacking him from his left he'll never see me coming ah for sake now i'm in a fish fight martin said a joke but no one laughed they have created an awkward silence the next turn will be skipped what the hell why are you telling jokes now morton what am i supposed to do with all these levers how the hell can i do anything oh there's a sign what does it say flip everything right except for the decoys listen closely okay so that must be left and the ones without noises go right okay yes i got it ah very good i can tell you really love levers you are terrible at picking up body language i hated that you saw that puzzle rather quickly quicker than i hoped to be honest this is all for you so take a deep breath and enjoy the scenery no i don't like this part i'm rushing through ah for facts sake oh no the little baby died all right i dealt with them pretty easily i need to compliment my friends though actually i would like to compliment please if we were superheroes i'd be your best sidekick ever and we could bring friendship to the world i that's not a compliment oh for a fact sake i just completed the section and now the game is crashing oh what a buggy game i'm gonna unfriend this ai oh no now i gotta do a boss fight wait did he just eat a villager in one go he didn't even chew him no great martin's dead well i'm too old for this fighting stuff and off he goes in his skateboard be careful on the docks there i'm pretty sure he just skated right into the water oh no now the baby's dead too and into the water he goes what the hell was that that's it i don't want to fight no more me neither to be honest i'm done with a combat thank you for being nice to me no problem if hitting you is nice i can do it anytime he just emerges from that bag i may be scared for life but at least i had a fun time doing it while i was hiding behind some crates i overheard that numbly is being held in the mayor's basement apparently they were arrested by the mayor a few days ago for being a traitor they were secretly working for the raps or something oh that's the mob by the way how did you get in here please don't tell me you're with the rafts no you can't be you look too kind and courteous i can see it in your eyes your beautiful eyes okay wow your eyes really are quite stunning maybe i touched them out there i go getting distracted again yeah please touch my eyes i've seen enough children's cartoons to know that that fox is trouble oh my god there's loads of them wait is that morton in the middle there why are why are you hanging out with them wait isn't that kevin you must watch my videos the famous adventurer they all say oh no martin came over here okay why were you hanging out with them oh my god look at him clicking like something from the west end wait is this a musical what is happening are you dancing or fighting i mean you could say something similar are you yourself for fighting both honestly i kind of hate killing you because i really like your sound you got a future in showbiz kid what the hell is this what what jesus christ you can't even snap your fingers like we can i don't have fingers that's a bit insensitive of you oh i'm sorry morton now i can love tap great i bet they love tap as well how could you not tap dance if you like this sort of stuff okay they're looking pretty blue which is good because when they go blue they give up wait have they given up thanks for helping me realize that oh friendship is all they wanted oh okay that's nice goodbye oh it's numbly the person i'm trying to find oh and attractive too dare i say you're a 10. name any character you've met so far and i will tell you more about them morton merton's birthday is august 11th oh god now i got to give him a gift he said it right in front of martin so i have no excuse seven eight three five okay i kind of skipped through that but seven eight three five seven eight three five i'll remember that am i doing a good job i understand that there have been a lot of ups and downs but i just need to know if you're still enjoying our game the skulk didn't feel very fleshed out i just sort of threw them in there's a lot of hard work going into this is it paying off no i have had enough of combat i don't want any more well just so you know i'm trying my best oh now i feel bad hey do you want to touch my eyes honestly i just need human contact oh oh what is this you can ignore that just go out the door no no no no no i am inspecting whatever the hell this is what are you doing whatever i want see just as we fear ai ai fears us i really hope the game like you know has an ending to this hallway because i'm just continuing to walk down it and i think the ai has left he's given up on me ah a door fantastic all right what's going to be in here something demented no doubt oh no it's just more a hallway i just can't see it well that is kind of demented i guess oh wait what is this this is going back to the original game the one with oh can i can i get in you always loved baking with me although someone would never be happy with the mess we hit what doggie let me wait hold on i'm there what oh god this is confusing okay um can i get upstairs oh the dog is blocking the way okay ah this is weird what oh jesus christ okay i'm back i really love it when my best friend ignores everything i say and do oh that explains why you like me so much it hurts me when you don't listen it hurts me a lot it's like you don't even care but you know what i forgive you i refuse to let you destroy something and i've spent so much effort trying to create i refuse to let you destroy what i know will be best for us best for you oh god you're coming across so creepy well anyways let's keep going the cheery music starts oh yeah 7835 i had totally forgotten thank you you'd think i'd write it down but no and even given the second opportunity no i'm not going to hey uh you guys remember where we're going because i don't i still remember the number though 7835 all right so i guess next time i'll have to try and find the hideout then and i have no idea where it is i don't suppose this guy knows since his you know called reginald the wise i often get so lost staring at the water that days turn to night in an instant god you're a bit stupid for a guy called reginald the wise aren't you i think people think he's deep and taught when really he's just a idiot entertained by staring at water for hours on end uh i tried to quit and it just said no just messing with you oh okay all right we are going to leave it there on our little adventure i hope you enjoyed folks let me know if you did if you're new i'd love for you to subscribe and stick around we'd love to have you thank you all for watching and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 497,849
Rating: 4.9809813 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, evolving, evolve, buddy sim, call me kevin evolve, evolve game, evolution game, simulator, new sim, sim, buddy simulator, buddy simulator 1984
Id: KW27d2z6CEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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