I made a game that openly scams its players and it went terrible

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What game was he actually playing

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Most_Put 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going today we'll be making our own game intentionally made to scam people world of scam crap not very creative select a game icon do i have any of just like the almighty dollar or something oh this is like money in it i just want to be super upfront that i'm scamming people so no court will listen to their lawsuits free to play not affect that social casual which gets me the most money they're all the same okay story no i don't want to flesh out anything i'm thinking player versus player get people competitive put everything into marketing world of scam crap the picture actually works so well okay create game wow creating games is this easy welcome to the next generation of gaming welcome to world of scam craft all right dad what do i do now is this a good enough game will people give me money yet there we go we got a region okay we need a respawn point can i just have like enemies camping the respawn point so they just die over and over again all right and in so they can return to after logging off wait is that a player oh no it's a cursor what the hell are you doing here wait is my game cursed is that what it means to have a cursor all right i've built my little town i like that it's massively multiplayer but there are no players and i built in this tiny little village the village can be called scamtopia imagine you start up a game it's your first time playing and the village is just overrun with crocodiles and you cannot get out keep going more crocodile that's one way to keep people from discovering that there is nothing in your open world don't let them explore it my quest giver can i put a crocodile okay this crocodile gives you a quest i wonder what it is i don't think the quest matters as long as the end of each line he says see you later alligator can i see their quest what they actually tell you to do waste the crocodiles go to crocodile zone kill five crocodiles and return to me the second one is just go to the civilized respawn point number one and enjoy the scenery because there's nothing else to do okay we're ready to start a game are you sure i don't know if this is the best thing like we can call it early access slap an early access sticker on and then we're good to go starting point um yeah let's release all right i'm gonna spawn you here but watch out for the crocodiles okay [Music] behold world of scam craft open fields rocks more rocks and a town filled with crocodiles also there are more rocks in the background there if you see lots of rocks rock on see you later allen kaner world of scam craft maybe i should have paid someone to do like a trailer instead all right we got our first three players you're gonna head to the croc zone no you're gonna head straight to the in please go in the inn see you later alligator how could i lose all my players streamer event upcoming wait what is this popular web influencer kitten purple has announced they'll be live streaming themselves playing our game why why would they do that to themselves oh oh there's a crocodile cab just gonna say i think there's something wrong with our code there's nothing spawning but it's just one crocodile so far why do i get the feeling they had just no assets they only had a model for a crocodile so the enemies and allies are just all crocodiles lace elite monster crocodile can i just have big ones i can okay well there we go that's a lot of crocodiles i'll spawn them on the people so that they can just die and then they have to respawn and it gives them the sense of accomplishment yeah look player dead they love that the players love when they die another player dead okay awesome wait i can make them pay every time they die okay wait real money oh now we're sorted okay you have to pay 10 bucks every time you die okay people are subscribing for some reason i don't know why and they're all dying this is great look at them they just respawn they go back out and they die again a subscriber reached level two how god he wants to pay like a hundred bucks lace trainer i don't know if i want to train them like this is good for me if they keep dying you know what fine you can have a wizard we finally got a new asset it's just a little wizard i'm gonna buy us a new region as well even though i don't think there's any point because i don't think they're going to get out of the crocodile zone yay capitalism yeah now you're speaking my language don't worry everyone it's early access more content will come soon for now just keep fighting the crocodiles look at that dead dead dead dead dead dead that's what you love to see okay you just all stay here and keep dying and paying money enjoy leveling up must be fun i'll go over here for now oh my god it looks [ __ ] awful okay i'm gonna make a little coastal town here i might just make this like premium village where it's actually safe but you have to pay a ton to get out of this hell hole okay so for this one you got to spend 1 000 i think to get out of that crappy place i think that's fair and then you can enjoy peace and tranquility with nothing to do i i put this path in because i think i have to um but i gotta make it like impossible to get here maybe if i just raise the mountain maybe they can't i know it looks like they can alright you know what it goes back in nowhere you can't get off the mountain once you get in there like you can enter the region but there's nothing to do when you get here you have to just respawn some quest givers here i'm trying to make this like somewhat normal in this zone all right i just set that to level two so not only do you have to pay for it you have to earn it so like oh i've earned it i just have to pay a little entry fee it's not like i'm just paying to win i earned this by paying to beat crocodiles super happy epic fun time town uh super happy epic fun towel that'll do why is no one paying to respawn here i'll try lowering the price just a little bit but about 100 in real money wait did the player arrive here how the hell did you get here wait no no no no no no don't jump off the mountain that's a bug that's about your bug abusing you'll get banned even though i guess that's good because they'll want to respawn in this zone maybe they have to like enter this zone they can't just respawn over here that makes sense actually all right all is forgiven you are allowed entered this guy has just been like this can't be good he's just allowing me into this zone but anything to get away from scam topia wait instant kill can i insta kill this person i can okay that seems unfair but does he have to respawn now come on respawn i think did he i think he paid 100 128 money just so when he spawns back this is so unfair on this one dude let's just screw you in particular here he comes go on kiefer you can do this there you go you're alive again oops oopsie daisy sorry keefer you're dead again yeah he is paying 100 real money each time that's great i think i'm going to get them to pay real money to stay in this inn as well i think 100 is also fair it's a nice even price you know it keeps things simple if everything costs a hundred dollars okay more and more people are migrating from scamtopia to this heavenly place oh god kiefer just keeps dying over and over again look at that they just get back and then they get killed again this is the greatest money-making scheme of all time i think i'll make a path go like right through there so at least they'll always collide with the crocodiles someone logged out i'm not surprised there you go there's the path built look at that it even has a village oh i went through the water all right well when the tide is out if we ever program that in you can walk on that path oh this is the real money-making scheme they keep just dying to the crocs and then they have to respawn here for a hundred bucks bug zero yeah i mentioned i get a lot of reports like there's something wrong it keeps charging my credit card every time i respawn it's like no no that's not a bug that is a feature all right this is working great everyone just comes along the path and just dies immediately and then they keep respawning i figured out how to make infinite money hate capitalism streamers disconnected why why would this not be a fun stream it went okay but they didn't have a big reaction so their video probably won't get many views i got a hundred subs from it though that's awesome i like it they actually try and fight like this is their own fault they don't even attempt to run look at all these gravestones oh it's like my sim save what quests do these things give discover a sausage okay i guess that makes them set the inn as their home which is good because that gives me real money what are your quests god they're boring okay it's just like sell your loot just gonna build a mountain here just to make sure they can't go around oops oopsie daisy sorry about that crux oh no no no no no hold on you're making me the real cash get back to work there there you go oh oh a little gap no we don't want them going around there oops i'm really bad at this okay there you go i'm having trouble building up subs i wonder why i have this magnifying glass to detect cheaters even though i don't think anyone's cheating i don't think they'd be dying over and over again wait gold farmer detected well i don't really care if you want to generate gold while afk that's fine because you keep dying and going back to my graveyard and you have to pay real money so what's his name uh tantrum is it yeah tantrum okay well sorry everyone i just i have to add more crocs then one person ruined it for all of you there's nothing i can do like we got to stop cheaters imagine all the nerds that would be upset like why are crocodiles in the fields they're not native to mountainous regions it's definitely not lore friendly but it's bank account friendly i'll tell you that much look at that look at all those crocs let's see some money crocs yes every death is a step closer to being jeff bezos i'm not gonna pay my staff and then i'm gonna go to space the trick to a good business is make a business that can make you money while you sleep and well this is what i'm doing i'm gonna go take a nap i'll be right back [Music] all right how are we doing i showered and shaved and it looks like i have figured out how to win at this game oh maybe not i think the game has crashed yeah the game has crashed you know i was thinking about it it was a proper shower thought i was like who's winning here me who figured out how to exploit the game are the actual makers of this game like i purchased this to not play it apparently the problem is while it's a cash cow the subscribers are not going up i need a consistent player base help tickets i'm amazed this isn't like inbox is full but we're about to break even which is just fantastic i don't know how we put so much money into this when it's this is the game but then i think i'm gonna build another region and actually make it a decent one to try and persuade people to stick around log out oh they got this fair past scam topia and then they see this and they're just like no i'm not doing i'm not doing this it even sounds like hell well to them to me it just sounds like money in the bank okay when you're level three you can come into this zone yeah pat straight into the village it even has a main road wow this is fancy look at this a wall around it and everything jesus i pay several thousand dollars to go here oh my god look at this look at all these players going to respond sweet jesus there's literally one of every npc in this village waiting to give you a mission god knows what it's going to be because there's nothing to do with the final zone it just looks nice okay i have a problem and the problem is the players have a problem they're obsessed with fighting crocodiles like look at this the amount of graves but they won't stop look this place even has like variety when it comes to enemies and whatnot i got skeletons i got crocodiles i got spiders it is everything oh yes now i understand the problem is they're trying to get to the village but they can't because of all the crocodiles and then they gotta go respawn back where they died but they can't get back out of the area because of all the crocodiles yes i understand now well in that case i may as well just let them keep doing this for now until i pay off the new zone i built oh please don't be crashed please don't be crashed okay phew i might save it this is the first real effort i've put in oh god that doesn't sound good oh the game sounds so broken maybe it's trying to communicate to me in morse code what is that saying s t o p stop what the hell is a stove am i being ddosed by like an angry player or something is that what this is because the game is just unplayable all of a sudden oh there it goes again the game has crashed close the program you could even see them fighting as i logged back in all right there we go dead dead dead dead dead there's a lot of help tickets i wonder why i couldn't find an in with free space to send us my home 907 times there are too many jerks in chat 101 times couldn't find a bad to reach where i died a name is pretty funny well i'm going to take that as me i'm funny okay people are saying they keep dying and they're unsubscribing okay we gotta fix this okay i have a bit of a problem i can't just like mass delete crocodiles so um the only way of doing it is going on to each of them and killing them i think so i am not doing that i don't love my players that much right but this path comes down this way and around and there you can go straight to town okay so there we go that's like the infinite money system that i got going on that's going to generate me all my cash and then the new players are the ones we look after who can just move on down over to this new land look at this people are having a great time well person is having a great time only one person made it so far geez they must be amazed i'm even adding like scenery here and everything this place is so cool i definitely pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to get here they're having a great time look at those happy emojis it's just like i don't understand why anyone would go over here we're having a great time just chatting away in preparation to go to heaven here in fact that's what i can call it i can call it kevin heaven there you go and our subscribers are climbing it's working it's working now this is what i'm talking about look how fast my money is going up but i nearly have a million dollars i'm profiting for people's misery i love it the good news is some people are making it to utopia sorry i mean kevin heaven is such a narcissist wait can i change like oh i can change the terrain i'm just gonna put them all to chasm yeah there you go oh no oh no what have i done now it's just thousands of souls going across the sea what about swamp maybe swamp will be a good one it would make the alligators make a bit more sense as well there you go okay that looks great and you can't even see the genocide i'm committing regent tint can i just put it all red oh my god it looks awful the sky can i also put that red everyone's logging out oh my god look at that that looks just terrible there we go there's plenty of inns oh maybe too much oh the game doesn't like when i play sins anymore it's like stuttering but i could probably make them all cost a little bit of money like i've seen price on what if i just say like like 50. surely they're in so far now they're hardly going to unsubscribe at this point i might have been wrong we're getting a few unsubs oh no no no we're good we're good it's climbing back up okay i have one developer who's fixing like 500 bugs a day he's doing fine there's not much to fix like there's no real bugs because there's no gameplay i clicked on the focus button and i keep dying and it brought me here there are too many jerks in chat well i mean how can you expect to be in a good mood playing this it gets you in a horrible pissy attitude and then there's loads of other people in the same horrible busy mood as you are oh and you can see the scenery is really nice here this is the only spot on the map wait do we have anything no that is the only spot on the map they think looks good wait i won awards what i didn't even know there was tabs down here what awards am i winning are they gonna tell me oh best visuals there must be some mistakes start an ab campaign ooh game exposition okay yeah that sounds good start a campaign can i just start them all i think i can raise the subscription fee as well i think it's worth it i'm just realizing i have a loan from the bank of jim as well that's a bit concerning all right i think we've set the framework to become a millionaire now now we wait probably about five minutes by the speed on gaining money what if i just put the cost of the game even higher let's try 20. that seems fair to me oh i've taken control of this crocodile oh can i eat people wow so this is how it feels to be a crocodile that never goes hungry [Laughter] it really is more terrifying when you're down on ground level look at all these people marching back from the grave to just die again they're stuck in an endless loop not only are they paying a ton of money to be revived but the time they're spending to just walk back and forth there you go dead they never stood a chance neither did their wallet wait i can upgrade the game wait i've only got one point how is that even possible all right well an increase in advertising i think your game has received an award best quest okay one second let me see where the actual quest is here go to elegant respawn point number three and enjoy the scenery oh yeah that's a good one all right bring me a sausage oh yeah that's a classic and who could forget locate beer that's the final quest in the game i think that's when the game depresses you so much you actually become an alcoholic in-game oh here it comes i'm about to become a millionaire from this crappy game there we go one million dollars in cash okay i've reached my goal of becoming a millionaire now to just do a rug pull and just get every last cent i can out of the game sales to buy the game it now costs five thousand dollars and the subscription fee is also five thousand dollars a month and now whoever stupid enough to stay in the game that's never going to get updated ever again will just give me gentle payments every month until they eventually realize hey i think i've been scammed anyway i hope you enjoy the video be sure to subscribe if you're new if you want to check out my future games you know there's a lot of potential there i thank you all for watching and i hope to see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 674,299
Rating: 4.9673533 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, mmorpg, mmo, new, new game
Id: gofHKs97wpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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