The new pokemon game is weird

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and this video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community full of thousands of people who are trying to learn new things whether you're a beginner or an expert i've been taking a look at audio mixing on the go professional sound without the studio by king arthur that is a cool name by the way like why in an online world did i just use my normal name i could have been anything it could have been king kevin for god's sake but i've been just dipping my toes into music recently and it's nice to get some expert advice so that's a class i will likely enroll in to get a better idea of setup and execution when it comes to recording music but no matter what you're into or what your skill level is skillshare is a class for you skillshare also offers live classes so you can watch real time with the teacher and interact with others watching and learning as well it's curated specifically for learning meaning there are no 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for a lifetime because of league of legends anyway let's get started which language would you like to use those are languages well i only recognize one so let's go with that i think i'm going to put my username as pity me to try and get some wins through pity alone just people feeling sorry for me and then surrendering when they're on the cusp of victory oh my god it's actually free trader pissing me i think it's time for a rebrand i think i want to be pity me on youtube everywhere i want to change my real name to pity me no i don't want pikachu i want mr mime i saw him on the cover art and i want to play as mr mime he's my favorite he reminds me of me the strong silent type look at how sad he looks the pity me name it's so good oh wait i'm supposed to be attacking him i thought i was leading him somewhere okay so i need to attack these wild pokemon throughout the game and then i need to take that energy and put it into the enemy's goal that seems easy enough hold x to score god i'm very good at this if the game wants me to score 30 points no i'm ready i don't need to win on skill i'll win on pity alone oh fine okay i gotta keep going until i get 30 points i'll be right back okay i'm assuming they're throwing me into a bot game otherwise no one in this lobby is as creative as me they're all just aols trainer one two three four and then there's me hitting me so you know what i'm gonna do this little tutorial and i'm gonna be right back [Music] oh charizards have names that don't exactly inspire confidence i'm pity me and he's team slacker okay so the thing is i started as a little charmander look how cute i am i'd pity this and then i evolve as the game goes on i think that might be unique to charizard these poor monkeys are just being slaughtered like imagine this was your favorite pokemon you don't get to play as him you just get to kill them over and over and over again okay i see they're busy i'm gonna like sneak around the bottom and i'm gonna hopefully get a goal before they oh no they have realized what's going on okay hold on hold on i'm going for the gold just walk find him yes i abandoned my teammate but yes me and my teammate have no synergy we keep going in alone i think i might be the problem oh look a fair fight i think i'll get involved oh i evolved look at you you puny little chairman or come here you come here don't run all right run see if i care i'm just gonna stay here scoring goals ah it's big brain man help me where's my teammate gone oh i'm actually winning oh god i think i'm good at this game yeah that's right run run this is such a bizarre game i never thought i'd see a pokemon moba it's just really really weird i feel like i'm doing well though i don't know i'm just focusing the objective instead of fighting and it seems to be just going very very well for me i don't know about like the team as a whole i don't even know where to check the score but i just keep scoring goals oh what the hell's he fighting down here i didn't even know you could go down here i will i'll snipe them there we go you didn't see me coming did you i'm having a great time i'm just hiding in the bushes all the time and it's going just brilliantly all right another goal for me yes i feel so good at games or maybe it's just they're pitying me now i feel like i should have picked a different name because i want to win on my own merit you know now that i feel like i'm actually good at this oh i'm charizard now yes see people want me as a pokemon card they don't even know who you are big brain boy i think i got the last goal for this zone yes look at that we destroyed one of their zones okay we're definitely doing good look at this death from above ac 130 inbound this is ridiculous that's my ultimate move i guess oh my god this is so good i know this will be a different story when i level up and play people who are better than me but right now this is the best game i've ever played i'm just stomping everyone it's great i have 18 pokeballs i might try and go up to the top lane and try and give them some pokeballs i i don't know yeah let me let me wander i'm gonna gank i haven't even seen the middle of the map i've just been having a blast down there 22 look at that 22 balls in there now i'll help you sorry i couldn't let you die there but i i'm more of a team player well team players in me want win for me you know i want the glory oh here's this slow bro again he's not that slow is he help snorlax you're snoring alright you won't come help me i'm so fast jesus give me those i feel like he is a lot yes there we go all right here we go big goal coming in look at that you love to see it we have a huge lead hell yeah we do we're doing great we're the dream team pity me pity them more like all right let's get this uh legendary pokemon thing as well in the middle i have no idea what i'm doing but i feel like i'm doing it well hi the poor guy i feel like big brain is having a big sad time i have 42 pokeballs sweet jesus okay there you go i i hope it shows a scoreboard after this because i know it's a team game but i deserve all of the glory wait is this counting down is this the end of the game are we done i don't i didn't even die that entire game jesus i might just become a pokemon unite channel as soon as i hit level two i'm going to get stomped now i'm going to be eating my words look at this i had 222 goals is that 11 kills wow pity me deserves no pity look at all those medals yeah participation trophy kevin is finally a nickname that can die let's go again let's go again i don't know should i try and change pokemon just to mix it up a little bit you know i've i've already proven i'm one of the best players in the world it might be good to prove that i can do it with any person or i could just stick to what i was using you know no no no no let's be exciting i want to be the hell is this thing you know what i know what he is and now i can like show up and say hey need a hand oh look at that outfit but yeah i'll show up and beat up everyone and be like hey need a hand because i've got four hands and oh everyone will laugh you'll see it'll be amazing okay now i'm a bit pissed off because the other match amp is dressed up and i'm here looking like an idiot in my underwear like i just woke up and i'm late for school okay i start as a match amp again okay maybe it's not unique then i don't know what i'm talking about i thought it was just charmander that started as the lore evolution wait hold on i i thought i was going bot lane what's what's happening here i i don't understand the thing is i don't know what you do other than going to the lane so there's two top two bottom and i don't know where the last person's supposed to be beat him up beat him up beat him up yay okay the the three people bot lane is working out a treat actually i just don't know where it's going to punish us i'm winning oh don't run that way my teammates over there this has to be the weirdest pokemon game i have ever played like without a doubt and it's just something i i never thought i would see i'm just so perplexed by the whole thing like even the score animation it's so weird it's like a cross between a mob and a basketball game which i'm sure no one asked for or knew they wanted but yet here i am having a blast so guess they know me better than i know me oh wait they're down here again that's where they do the big thing yeah that's right i'm here big muscle man here to kill oh wait no no no no big muscle man here to fail sorry come back oh thank god that would have been embarrassing and the whole squad was watching it all right i destroyed one of their gold zones fantastic i don't bother fighting me i'm all roided up oh wait no dude don't go in alone all right you know what i'm just going to leave all right they're fighting score a goal quick yeah look how flashy i look did you even see my muscles oh my god look at my many arms i have loads of arms now is everyone impressed hey can i give you a hand oh he's dead all right there's no one to laugh at my joke run wait i have an ultimate i don't know what it does but here goes nothing all right my manny arms go nuts okay that works perfectly time to score this game it's too much like i don't think i've ever done this well in a game not knowing what the hell i'm doing i'm just scoring goals there is no escape from the many arms of pity me oh i didn't mean to do that i didn't mean to jump on you run away sorry i made a mistake somebody give me a hand oh no now all the squad is laughing so much they can't come help me look at him why is he so small wait am i level 10 and he's double four then why don't i just fight why am i running he's running away they realized like wait a second he's like ten times the size of me and we're playing as the same pokemon oh gotta run gotta run we shade four legs honestly you just get down on all six and just start running it would be terrifying if this thing ran like a dog oh man how many times do we have to fight like at this point would we not just accept our differences and just let me score goals oh oh oh oh no oh no big thing big thing run away wait did he get confused and just leave me go i guess maybe he went to help his teammate i keep just running away and running back it's great i call it a tactical retreat not being a coward it's a tactical retreat oh zappados has spawned okay i'm gonna help you i got way more muscle than a stupid bird okay i take it back the thing is i don't even know what the bird does your opponent's gold zones are now defenseless what does that mean i'm just gonna i'm just gonna walk up here if you don't mind just do a little dunk all right well that worked the opposing team surrendered your team wins yes flex those muscles match yes pity wins look at that jesus we stomped them they didn't even score a goal down the bottom lane okay this might be pog why do i get the feeling like all the others are children or something you know or they've never played a moba they just went under the store saw games for free downloaded this and they have even less of an idea of what's going on all right you know what let's let's do one more let's do one more there's mr mime how do i get him how do i get him unite license required what 8 000 coins oh go yourself i'm not paying for that i just wanna be a mime dude all right let's let's go into another battle and i'll be like a defender this time to see how that goes because right now my attacking is just unparalleled i might be the best in the world at this game yeah i'm saying this when i'm playing against totally new players like i know i'm new myself but i've played some mobas so i have an idea all right i'm gonna be a bug i haven't seen anyone play this and i'm guessing there's a reason or maybe it's just because well you look like you're playing as a bug like maybe people aren't too enthusiastic like why would you want to play as a bug when you play as muscle man up there oh my god there's another bug i can't believe it a light mind is individual both just want to play crosstalk a poor crossover looks like he doesn't even want to play crosstalk he looks depressed what do my moves even do i don't i just used one i didn't seem to do anything like i i feel like i'm walking slower is that the move okay i've got a little swipe that that'll do it i'm i'm sure i'll be fine hey crustle what's up i feel like crustal matches my name pretty well don't mess with crustal back off does he realize he's fighting me on a space that is actively healing me i don't know but maybe not oh oh my god i'm big crossover hey little crustle i see you're still stuck in your shell huh well you see this this ain't a shell this is a rock in fact no this isn't a rock this is a boulder hey guys name's crusoe i'm just here to uh kill all of you oh my god he's so cool now you know what i'm sorry for picking on crosstalk look at that look at that he doesn't even dunk it he doesn't bother he has the confidence he needs to just throw it in pity me pity you oh i see my enemy crustle there oh i accidentally trapped him at the other side no i wanted to trap him in with me oh no he evolved run away i don't want a battle that's even i keep doing that by mistake i feel like this character is a lot more tactical than the other ones i was playing just because he has kind of skill shots that matter but i'm just kind of mashing things i'm in a match amp frame of mind or i'm just spamming moves i'm going to go down to bot lane and see what all the hubbub is about hello i'm here for the hubbub i just stole his pokemon no no i keep that up i should just stop using it i never trap them in with me i just create this awkward barrier between us oh jesus what the hell am i doing now what the hell was that oh my god come here let me crustle on you oh that sounds awful not sure what that's supposed to mean but it sounds bad sorry i'm just not pretty good at trash talk oh no oh no oh no my first death i hate crossover i hate being crustle i feel like i just got crustled this is the first time i've respawned what the hell is this all right let's see uh yeah jump i'm always bad with the buttons on switch which is zr why did i make them so complicated okay there he goes crosstalk flying through the sky i love to see it oh look everyone i used my move wrong again in front of the whole team this time oh for sake keep messing it up oh i miss being that guy i looked all cool just going around beating everyone up with my big strong muscles now i'm just crustling what did that do i waited in the bush to surprise him but really i was surprising myself because i didn't know what my ultimate did no no no no no oh my second death oh i'm just not a very good crossover is his name even crossover i feel like it's lost all meaning now and i don't even know if that was his name come on i want one last goal i want to get crustle's dignity back he's had a rough little run oh look at this it's like a team goal oh that's nice that was a good bonding experience wasn't it have they just given up i locked them in their spawn oh crustle you do really have a way of making me smile here we go again oh good job team i feel like i played worse in that game than any other game but our team just did amazing 873 to 216. okay you know what i'm going to retire undefeated i'm most likely never going to play that game again but i did enjoy it it's just such a strange mix i hope you enjoyed the video if you did consider subscribing we'd love to have you around i appreciate you watching really do and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 388,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, pokemon, pokemon unite, new pokemon, new pokemon game, pokemon moba, pokemon cards, callmekevin pokemon, pokemon game
Id: BLTglcBfvVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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