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what's the name of this game?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Silent-Shark 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh I love this game! It gets incredibly difficult but you feel like a genius when you complete the puzzles!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ButtontheBunny 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going this game is a really really strange one so you can see the rules are laid out before us baba is you the little guy here i'm gonna move rock is push and the flag is win great the next level i'm stuck in a box wall is stop what if i oh a wall does not stop anymore okay so i can just walk through oh wait no flag doesn't win yet hold on we can move this this is insane flag is win there we go i won didn't really feel like winning i just felt confused oh my god what is this where even am i oh wait i'm the well oh the wall i'm wall wall is you of course flag is not stopped how do i win baba is when where is baba i feel like my english is deteriorating here baba is where the hell is baba can i change this so that its flag is win because i can't find baba there we go i won so as you can see the rules keep changing every level and you have to try and adapt and figure it out so this this is going to be a bit of a mind fact stick around if you're interested in watching an irish man get frustrated at video games water is synced so that oh it's gone um okay can i push a rock into the other one then oh wait hold on what if i just make the rock the with the winning condition rockets win okay there there we go i won it feels like cheating but it's not i hope skull is death oh no rock is push what but then can i move these or because they're no they're stuck in the corner aren't they oh jesus can i push that away oh oh they don't kill anymore oh very good what if i push the u out of baba is you right oh no i think i've lost yeah i'm too sorry oh no i did it again uh restart wait i can't get past this i i have to be me wait what if i okay i pushed that out there and i'm good could i move this so lava is push and then i could just push the lav out of my way is that being ridiculous no i can push the lava that's so good okay wall is not stop baba can walk through wall i'm gonna be talking like a caveman in a second here [Music] wait oh my god i didn't even realize what i did i made myself the wall and i moved down i moved the entire wall down into the flank that's amazing oh no i thought this was easy for a second but it's baba is you flag is win and grass is stop but i've no is to ah this is tough oh wait oh my god i'm so stupid i was sitting here for like a minute trying to figure it out and then i realized it doesn't say well it stopped the wall is fine the physical barriers were just like self-imposed man i still don't know how to move this though because it's clung up against the wall huh well now i can move these out at least at least i know that they were kind of stuck there wait a second what if i just say baba is win do i oh no i'm nothing now this game is confusing okay i think i have an idea i'm gonna put flag is wind and oh no wait hold on now i can't god damn it okay hold on move this set and that and then yes okay did it that one was a little bit tougher that strained my one overclocked brain cell the poor thing doesn't have much steam left in it oh no now you're introducing and now i have to learn extra words faba is u n sync what does that even mean what is the sink or does it mean i sink in the water ah i see so if i get rid of sink can i i can walk on water baba is jesus baba is you and wall would that work i'm not even sure what this will do it it did nothing i'm stuck in a wall i'm suffocating oh wait i think i've got an idea what if i get rid of these words oh i shouldn't have done that hold on come back and then i get rid of that and i can just replace it with walls so i'm only the wall and i'm not me and wall because if i me and wall then i'm nothing essentially no that was dumb apparently that didn't work either what if bubba is thinking no i can't move it now god damn it i'm stupid this game makes me feel so dumb what if this might be stupid but what if i move up flag is win and wall so then the flag is the win but also the wall is when oh i think that worked no it didn't i thought i was smart for a second i was like so this is what it feels like to be smart that's right undo all my mistakes undo undo undo the only other thing i can think is putting up wall and jelly is sink but like what does that even mean wall and jelly is sync but wall doesn't do anything now and that didn't help me at all oh for god's sake you can just push writing onto jellyfish as well i thought it was just the objects i was stuck on that for so long god damn it this game is going to feel really stupid and i didn't need that today i had insult to injury i accidentally went into the same level again now i'm at the main menu okay okay back to normality by normality i mean insanity okay wall is stop and flag is win but i can't get out there for wall to stop oh i don't know what i did i have no idea okay be careful because i don't know how i did that okay let's get crab out here i don't know what it's gonna do but we got it god this is confusing whoever designed this has like the world's biggest brain i just wish they didn't use it for evil wait what if i could get me as the crab what if i could get this in here so baba is you but someone else is too and i want to make that the crab so crab and baba is you oh oh wait i gotta be careful here okay down down down yes i have crabs oh my god what i'm loads of people now hold on what love is push kiki what is kiki okay so those are kikis i'm gonna sacrifice you kiki i'm really sorry about this okay wait okay i made love push what how i love his win okay hold on all right i gotta put key key is moved so that they'll move and that you should push that yeah there you go no kiki doesn't move and i get love and i win wait what oh wait love is still push hold on i'm pushing love around it's not right i tell zia there we go i did it love trump's all every time i start a new level i get a sense of like dread my fight or flight response is activated these stairs kill me but i need to get in there to get the flag ah this is tough ah wait wait i think i figured it out if i stack these pillars and then make me into a pillar i'll be able to get the flag yes okay push this here and then i hope this works okay pillars you yes all right it's really satisfying when you actually managed to do it i gotta say oh this one's small bubba's you flag this win wallace stop okay how can this be so confusing when it's so small how can i lose so quick when there's so little to interact with okay what if i put this downwards so it just says bob is you that way and it says baba's win the other there you go that felt good i'm getting revenge for getting stuck in that other one for so long but then once again the slate is reset and i don't know what i'm doing crab is defeat flag his win oh wait i think that might have been wrong actually so i have to go in that way i can make rock not push so i can stand over it but does that even do anything for me okay so right off the bat i can just walk in here but flag is defeated at the moment so how can i do this i feel like i have to push this in so i have to come in here i can say baba is push does that do anything no it does not appear to do anything okay i can get this out of here and say baba is rock but again i'm not sure that does anything now i'm just stuck here as a rock i thought it might make me into dwayne johnson okay oh i figured it out i think wait i i'm not sure did i figure it out oh wait wait i can put the rock in here i'm so stupid so i got the rock out of here but it's not doing anything for me what if i move this in here and said rock is crab okay um well i changed the rock to a crab but i don't know if that helps oh this could work what if i use the text to push the rock in no but now i need to be the rock oh man okay the rock is there so i made rocky's push and pushed it in there and then rock is you oh thank god i'm sorry brain cell i'm sorry i'm training you with your limited resources and then i'm throwing you right into another one sweeping jesus what is this okay that's doors open the key is open the key is push flag is win where is another key should i not have done that oh wait wait wait rock is in here what if i swap the rock is open that should do it right that that almost seems too easy though where is this gonna go wrong okay so put that up there rock is open rock is push and then we just okay why is this one so much easier than the other one was the other one like a bonus level because it was off by the side because the other one was near impossible okay key is push uh i see what you're doing so key is open but i can't push it now but oh wait i see okay oh no i don't see i just locked that in the corner so key key and i'm saying kiki again key is push and there you go and door is not shot there we go the door is still shut hold on maybe i can take the open sign door is open oh my god my bra it's not working still hold on what what if i took the the push thing door is push yes there we go i didn't know if it was a push or pull door they're taking push a little too literally there oh thank god some serotonin i completed something oh my god my brain feels like it's being tortured wait where's papa i i'm a kiki speaking of key keys i need this kiki key is pushing open oh no this one looks like a hard one again wait what if i say door is me could i be the door wait no that's not a victory okay well at least i can move that out of the way and then i can put kiki back all right now on kiki g is push and open what's win oh flag is win is down there but how do we get in there i can't push that through there because then i can't get to it to move the flag symbol right so how the hell do i do this oh oh wait i think i got it um i can no i messed up hold on all right i can move this and then i could be the key wait but if i move this then i lose control and i'm just lost to the void no fact maybe i don't have it can i have like a bit of a stutter could i have key is this you wait i think i might actually have a solution but i i don't know if i'm over complicating this if i have both izes i can kind of like stack them so i could say door is you and then move that and now i'm the door and then i could be kiki and that i can move the is and then i'm the door again oh god my brain i'm so sorry dude i'm taking like months off your life up there okay so door is you i got all that stacked away i can move this now i just gotta get that is in there which i of course i can't ah if i move them all down one perhaps okay wait i think i got it oh my god thank goodness that was so difficult to figure out look at that mess up there sweet jesus oh i'm getting a bit of serotonin from that though i didn't know it was even possible to get multiple at the same time but i think i got two maybe even three there that was almost an overdose of serotonin now to torture myself even more oh man look at this this is so difficult okay so what is victory here what is win oh wind is blank up there wait what how did our key is defeat is up the top right okay star is push could i push the key up that way no okay star is open could i do that and then i just pushed the star and it didn't work why what if i say wall is open can i just walk through the wall or is that wishful thinking yeah that's wishful thinking see i feel like i blast through some of them but others i just get completely stuck and i don't oh i just realized dora's stop is up the top left so that's why it won't open but like how do i get through then if door is stopping a wall is stopped star is pushed i feel like it must be staring me right in the face i can't see it i've been staring at it for three minutes and i'm no closer don't understand it's just hard because you know like when you're playing game like portal or even super liminal stuff like that where it does change a bit you're kind of your mind adjusts to the rules and you figure them out and you learn gradually but this the rules keep changing so i have no like pattern recognition it's just messing with my head wait wait a second oh my god you know earlier when i said months were gonna be taking off my life it's actually years so i didn't even know what i was doing here i messed up a bit i was just kind of floundering and it somehow came to this so stairs pushed so i was able to push the stair and stairs also open so it was a key the reason i couldn't use it as a key earlier was because the door is nothing it's just stopped it wasn't shut but when i moved wall is shot up there wall was shot which meant it could be opened with the star that i could push and open with do you get me i hope so okay now there's still an issue with this because wait wait hold on i can move that let's just about to say i have no way of actually winning because the the win condition was just empty so key is win can be pushed back into the room and i can pick up the port key oh that's what it feels like portkey to get me out of this hell i think i can finish this section it might kill me but i'll do it oh no why did i do more flag is when where is flag oh my god the wall kills me um wall is jelly oh wait and then okay and where's the flag uh where's the flag though i can't see a flag to win oh wait what if i brought the jelly out i think my brain is actually like it's not functioning anymore i think this has done permanent damage and i will begin a lawsuit immediately i got it though what oh hold on it was a flag i don't understand okay so the flag's there the flag is win but if i move the flag becomes rock oh wait what if i say rock is flag oh no i can't do that because they they compete with each other okay what if i move this over here get rid of that and then i just say rock is flag right that's oh my god i did it that one was kind of easy for me i i mean i assumed was extremely difficult i'm just getting good at the game it doesn't feel like a dog jelly is win flag is push but i can't oh man each level is like torture wait oh no have i messed up i i got rid of my wind condition and now there are two babas my flag is pushed can i push the flag out of the way oh no i think i've messed up i think i moved the flag in a position that it cannot be moved this text up here sugar okay start again okay easily fixed i think and now just push this out for me good baba and now can we change this to flag is wind oh very good baba oh it's bad bubba oh no this isn't good okay i'll just use this baba to to win sorry other baba you go stand in the corner like the bald baba you wear wait it can't be it can't be pushed because i'm just pushing it away i just made jelly his flag not flag is win all right don't do one do undo okay so that should be this way such as flag is win instead of jelly is flagged it's still not working because my brain uh it can't be flagged as push but it's stuck in there now maybe i shouldn't have made it push so what about just jelly is bubba and then he can move the flag for me i don't need to go in there right now i did the same mistake again all the time yeah all right then he can move that in there flag is win and i can just go back yes okay i over complicated it by accident i have a feeling i'm doing that a lot last level okay come on we can do this what is win okay blank is win baba is wait why is baba oh wait baba is open what i don't understand what that even means so can i just say baba is win wait baba's defeat oh my god cheeky factory what did i just do killed myself i just don't know how a door is shut and stop what the baba is open ah so baba open the door i see so i need to make that flag is open right so the flag will open the door oh but i can't push it it's never easy is it oh wait hold on i just restarted like i messed up already i can actually put this over here oh papa is used down the corner that explains it it was going against all the rules that i thought existed well the only rule that i thought existed okay i open the door so i guess we want to move it up so crab is win so i just made myself a crab i don't want to be a crab oh wait i just realized okay i think i figured it out so you need to put baba is baba down here so that will override whatever i put up here so when i say baba is crab it's already overridden by baba is baba i feel like i'm talking complete madness uh but now crab is win and we go down and we win just like that i only lost a little bit of my sanity but i didn't have much to start with so it's still a serious issue all right we are going to end it there before i do more brain damage i hope you enjoyed if you're new consider subscribing would love to have you around and thank you all for watching highly recommend the game by the way it's fun although you might injure brain part of yourself goodbye
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,136,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, baba is you, weird game, puzzle game, baba is you walkthrough, baba is you gameplay, baba is you sunken temple, baba is you callmekevin, indie games
Id: obgc8ypEueY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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