I became the worst president and ruined everything in Bitlife

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing bit life i'm going to do the most crime i've ever done become a politician right i'm gonna go to the united states i was thinking of going to ireland but i think i could legitimately become the president of ireland if i really want to so it's not that big of a feat my name is gonna be good at that's a very traditional irish name good at second in politics select your special talent wait i thought i had this already i already purchased this sperm oh wait you can just restore it oh by now i can't be outraged this isn't fun it's like when twitter goes down pick your special talent crime can i be like a really old white dude like as soon as i'm born that's probably my best chance right a lot of eyes of red oh i like these he looks kind of sad he's like please can i be president there we go now you can't really tell that he's evil because everything just blends together my conception was the result of a bingo game gone wild your father's asking what your favorite color is all the political questions come out the woodwork right away the only color listed that's on the american flag is blue papa a little boy named jim bob wants to become your friend you're not gonna like affect my future career in politics are you it might be better rejecting him wait his full name is jim bob berger okay you become friends you and your little brother christopher is squabbling about the best color it's blue it's on the american flag attack him claw his throat i am just a patriot what can i say he stormed you he detached your stomach jesus he looks like a demon baby doesn't he it's like something out of the game lucifer while playing in the neighborhood your friend jim bob tells you to fake a fall on your neighbor's driveway because you can sue them for a lot of money oh that's a good corruption scandal right there i faked a fall on my friend jim bob's neighbor's driveway but it only hurt a lot and i didn't get any money okay that's a harsh lesson that jim bob is an idiot could i be america's first goth president i think i could she rejected you well my first act will be making dots illegal that's for sure ironically enough failing to join the gods made me really miserable can i join the goths now your friend jim bob has unfriended you what will you do oh jesus let him go hell it's about time touching a bullet there i'll give you a call when i'm looking for a vp what could help me become president eventually a good dancer cosplay perhaps like a cosplay is a good president maybe speech and debate would be a good one try it for the team i was selected great i don't think i've ever tried to do really well in school on this game or in real life for that matter i was like a b to c student agree to become vice president yes we're almost there oh wait no this is for a school thing okay i should probably read the blurb before i celebrate in future oh driving test what does this road sign mean cool president ahead how about that i failed okay i don't i don't want to apply for that anyway i don't want to drive presidents of drivers i don't need it i'm really putting a lot of weight on becoming president here if i don't become president i'm gonna have a lot of gaps in my life oh there you go president of the debate team great apply to university time political science parents will you pay yes my parents are awesome your best friend joshua says he wants to find a college where he can major in prostitution management what will you say um that's pimp yeah that's probably the whitest thing i could say yes say that's pimp yes you call the leader the brainy kids courageous so he invited you to join his clique fantastic sign up for instagram i'm gonna need that to start my campaigns no no no no no shooting pains in the penis we gotta go to the doctor now i don't have enough money can someone loan me some money can i ask my uh my parents for some money for the doctor i don't want to say what it's for but thank you for the money kidney stones oh no i might need some more money i don't want to work for it i just want to be given money can i become president yet run for school board director sure will that get me money i'm gonna focus on education i was unable to make it and i always spent all my money on that well god damn it can we get some like just part-time cash jobs or something oh ooh what do we got here and and go go dancer okay you're not qualified ow is it my appearance is that it okay i got enough money now back to the doctor to cure my kidney stones it didn't even work and now i have 65 i hate america oh god i hope they didn't get that on camera that'll come back to bite me when i'm trying to become president i hate america uh i want to go into school again will you pay again parents thank goodness this is so easy i'm going to flirt with the professor it didn't work at all i'm just gonna keep attempting to go to school if my parents keep paying for it i mean why not i'm unqualified what but i graduated in everything what about law school okay parents will you pay for it yes oh aren't they great life is so easy when you don't have to pay anything i've only earned a slight amount of money my entire life and i blew it trying to cure my kidney stones what a waste of money should have bought an xbox you graduated from law school i think it's time to get a job i've been mooching off my parents like a lot what about a junior associate that should fit water who inspires you okay i i'm just gonna suck up the bit life here the bit life developers they're just like what the hell is a bit like but it got me the job because i'm out there you know i'm prepared to put my my true feelings on the line i'm going to be honest no but in reality i i kind of knew sucking up them would work the bitlife team are known narcissists let's see special career uh political office uh mayor perhaps take your political party no i don't want a party i don't like parodies i just want to be me like a loner off in the corner like hey gang i just want the power what am i going to focus on um the economy perhaps i'll spend all of my money on this i'm happy with that you're unable now feck off i spent all my money on that oh no a migraine is this the kidney stones that i've left untreated for the past decade let's go to the doctor like while i'm here could you solve them both could you give me like a bundle package or something okay maybe mayor is a jump too high for me right now what if i try the school board thing what was it school board director and just just put all of my money into it again focus on education that makes sense how will you treat your opponent for the upcoming school board election well that's good because we've actually got into it look they're 64. they're old and smelly can we just put our heads out like that but we need to freshen up my look say ironic t-shirt with skinny jeans a three-piece suit seems a bit too much for a school board like his name is good at politics not good at dressing fine a three-piece suit whatever you won oh oh that was a solid victory oh good job now what do i do i i didn't plan this far ahead i just want the power and the the recognition but like despite the names ain't good at politics i actually don't really know what you do in politics set your political agenda oh that's a lot of work approval ratings okay that's working that's doing pretty well do a rally a maniacal rally i do a full budget yeah look at that everyone loves me facetime i need to be seen in public oh yeah i should do something good but make sure the cameras are around otherwise like what's the point i'll go to the homeless shelter my term ended look at that approval i should probably just resign while i'm ahead and earn some money and run for like a proper office because right now i feel like i got off pretty easy i didn't have to make many hard decisions they were just like you want to take a photo at this place or this place and fake you're a good person okay i earned some money being a lawyer again where is my the thing uh me me want to be mayor mayor of washington please spend all of my money yes i got on the ballot okay how will we treat them i don't think they have any dirt on me so i don't know should i be nasty like probably not but it would be interesting i'm gonna be nasty your opponent rhonda told the media that you weren't hugged enough as a child okay first of all what does that impact and second of all how would you know you look way older than my person were you spying on a child i should go to politics i'm gonna start a rumor back about them that her mother doesn't support her in the election stay the rumor yes i'm one off lies in the seat now i'm the mayor i'm gonna get to work and do mayor stuff oh no i have to make this choice about a law this was easier in school i was just like oh will i or will i not go to the homeless shelter prohibit calling someone a boomer who is not a boomer pass it enticing intern oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no approval is only moderate what how i'm doing amazing i assume teachers threaten to strike across schools and cry no talk about me miracle of birth occurs for no i i want to know about me you've just approved a measure to develop a much needed affordable housing project in your city when environmental group begins protesting the removal of a 200 year old maple tree oh jesus redesigned to include the tree damn hippies i feel like good at politics is just pissed at everyone give the smartest people additional ballots for voting elections oh no that's a bad idea veto that my first term has ended i might run for re-election that was fun and i gained money oh no but i don't have much for a re-election campaign oh no this person is smart and has money be nasty to him he lied he lied uh interrupt to call him at throttle bo wanna make funny faces to show your displeasure interrupt we're doing the same fake news that his mother doesn't support him i mean it worked last time started the rumor i won i love rumors scare the public no why would i want to scare the public brag about accomplishments that might be fun i've not done that yet no they didn't like that at all but i've been doing so well i deserve to brag oh no pandemic precautions no no no no no no i don't want to deal with any real problems and then it's too real okay my my term is over and that's my two terms served that's probably a good thing because i need to raise money i want to be president you know i don't know if i mentioned that yet be sure to subscribe to vote for kevin i will represent you poorly but i will represent you i think it needs a lot more money is the problem even to run for governor i need like over a million how the hell am i going to make all that all right i'm a junior associate that's a little bit disappointing to be honest how the hell am i gonna make like 1.4 million uh what if i go on a dating app so i want someone really old who has lots of money uh one million plus ideally a grandmother from belgium named eileen cools you sound pretty cool oh and all her children are dead that's fantastic go on a date no one to say how bad i am you know she's got no one to advise her oh god she's 81. can we elope by any chance are you happy to elope refused what do i propose maybe she just didn't like that i eloped you know i'll go ring shopping yeah get a get a really nice ring diamond yeah she'll appreciate that it's an investment okay i know it's a lot of money but it's to get more money the good of the nation depends on it she accepted yes ah i can buy you diamond rings if it would make you feel all right okay plan the wedding like immediately before it's too late now you're married you're wondering if you should change your name change to mr cool's politics i kind of like that yeah i'm happy with that yes okay i just got a lot of money okay time to run for governor your campaign team tells you that voters want to know your plan for managing the budget if how many times i have to tell you i have no interest in the policies i just want to be like powerful and stuff oh no i'm getting serious momentum but i'm running out of money i spend 1.8 million on this campaign the public surely will give me financial support yes it worked all i'm thinking of is the bernie memes we just need to copy them i'm signing up for all social media um my person has been very very happy throughout their lives and i expect this to change now like happiness has been on nearly 100 the whole time your wife eileen passed away oh that's sad now donate her to science and let's get going and looking for a new wife and a political watch group is accusing your office of spying on i haven't been spying on anyone i just spread rumors about their mothers not loving them i'm not a bad person announce that i am not a crook could i do the voice as well like the speech totally normal and then at the end i am not a crook does it really hold much weight if i go i investigated myself and i have found i did nothing wrong i'm just going to demand proof you're making an accusation wait i knew lord banned the consumption of coffee oh no jesus even myself like i wouldn't be able to function veto it the dating app is the best way because i can just go right to the really old people and be like hey you gotta have cash for me she is insane about it it's something i took britney to graffiti train cars listen good at cools politics you better be careful we've ran a squeaky queen squeaky queen squeaky clean life up to now oh for sake no hold on she got trembled by fans at the stadium what were you doing there okay perfect lots of money and not very smart and no kids go on a date oh i gotta run for re-election but i've like no money ah this isn't gonna work at all all right i still have fame so maybe i can get a lot of money off that first let me try and marry that person before she dies i need that money like if they want any fuel to badmouth me in the elections all they need to say is why do you keep dating rich old people and then they die and then you take all their money but no they're like oh his mom didn't hug him i could propose at a cemetery i was just i just thought it'd be easier if we did everything at once she accepted fantastic hey now if you could just die that would be great oh wait no no hold on we need to get married first don't tell you just yet hold on say i do and then you can die you changed your name to cool's politics you do know cools is like his ex-wife deceased right that's a bit weird to change your name to her name okay can i do anything with this fame manage your fame write a book and the title can be being good at cools politics like god they're gonna think i'm illiterate the whole book is just gonna be unreadable like based off the title alone yes okay we got loads of money and my fame went way up okay keep doing famous stuff oh no one wants to take photos of me okay making cool posts no not political like a dance post oh wow that really worked ballet dancing to little big town song yes the wife is dead she died after being struck by a falling icicle like even though i'm not killing them for once this sounds so suspicious who would elect me got her home and the money and could i sell the house perhaps nobody wants to buy okay what if i sell it below market price i literally have no emotional connection to this house whatsoever i just want to be president a pervert has agreed to buy your contemporary home well look who am i to judge sell it to him oh jesus you are you are very very crazy but you got no children let's go on a date together hey i just met you and this is crazy but will you marry me fast because i think you're gonna die she accepted fantastic let's get married asap let's go he has had no problem convincing them even though he's married a lot of people and they've all died like a year later which is just suspicious even though he legit had nothing to do with it falling icicle active act of god vineyard and then greece sounds great uh yeah do it that's fine you're demanding a prenup oh my god you got a lot of money agree to the prenup that's fine you'll be dead soon i kind of love that name change to mr o'toole cools no i think i'll keep mr cool's politics i gotta keep it for the book you know wait what you step sons one of them is keith richards oh congratulations a regional television commercial for five flags do it that lowered my fame oh no your wife mary jo just admitted that she slept with numerous men because she needs variety aren't you like 90 i'll just forgive and forget and ignore her for a few years until she's dead that'll show her yes another book um ooh confessions that's like click bait right there all right it did okay on sales i'm getting a lot of money here come on die die die just praying that his wife dies every year looking it up online they're saying i need like five million so i need that wife to die i'm so famous and all i do is commercials a water slide tester it's like a former senator famous it's like i would like to test your water slide apply oh they actually will give it to me if i want it no they declined me what the hell all right fine jesus you're a high bar former senator not enough experience yeah i got a job as a junior associate i should have done that earlier i just i wasn't working for the past like five years instead i was just depending on the wife dying yes oh i thought it was someone else dying it's my uh steps on pat being by crocodile being good at cools politics wait i already used that one right fame and shame like yeah sure that sounds clickbaity write it oh clickbait works how old is that woman will you just die already you're 93 you've done enough why don't you get eaten by a crocodile twitter account got verified well that was easy for him why don't they verify me i don't use the thing i guess maybe just like post a video on youtube or something and try and get money that way i don't know can former senators make good youtube videos i'm gonna go with the bitlife developers and narcissists again and try that post a bit life video i got 120 000 views that's not bad not a lot of money though all right let's just roll the dice again come on die die die i've joined pain a talk show right that didn't get me any money i i'm famous enough he's he's so famous oh okay what is this pay you it appeared in international television conversion it's paying me a million yes another million for doing a fast food commercial at this point i should probably just keep doing commercials but i want to be president and i have a lot of money now each commercial is getting me like a million i can do whatever i want on the campaign trail and i'll be fine the long walk to fame good at politics cool i don't even i can't even read it anymore but we made a lot of money and i think i'm ready to go for president i'm 69 they'll make fun of that number anyway on the campaign trail so let's age up once more and hope she dies everyone else is dying why can't you do it funny number like what age is she you're a hundred and one how are you doing this your health is at one percent okay i'm going for president i don't care if his wife is alive and cheating on them that's just fine come on they need me the people need a really old white dude you walk out onto the stage at a massive campaign rally and vigorously greet the crowd by shouting hello oklahoma you are immediately bombarded with a kick phony of booze before remembering that you're in texas oh apologize and move on the media has reported that you have an uncanny resemblance to an infamous serial killer i mean he's an old white dude what do you expect just deny it you won the presidential election and a tiebreaker 47 each oh my god i'm actually the president of the united states let's get to work what does the president do anyone want a book like i know i'm busy being president and all that but i i could do with some money i'm running out cools politics chronicles oh no you're not supposed to do that when you're present i forgot i was president for a day i got removed from office i was only president for a day i've been looking forward to that my whole life and i ruined it can i go back can i de-age i have to pay i have to actually pay real money to go back do it quick oh it's all a bad dream wait i haven't i haven't got the vote yet oh god i hope i get it always have to go back in time again yay i won this one actually a bit handier i won it like without a tiebreaker i want to be a cool president who has like an exotic pet a tiger is that legal i assume it is buy them yay i'm gonna name it freedom i'm such a cool president while using the bathroom in your office you overhear when the housekeepers admit that she entered your country illegally and working without a visa deported that's so cruel wait while being driven home after a long day of decision making you spot your wife mary jo jay walking for ticketing yeah get out of here you're not above the law honestly i would have given her the death sentence if i could like i've been trying to get her to die for years how do i make being goth illegal that's right i haven't forgotten it's been decades but i'm still pissed at them your brother passed away but yet the wife continues to live on i have a terrible approval rating and i have no money but do should i run for re-election oh he's part of the fascist party oh no the pressure just went so high starting a rumor yeah the cahoots of the media oh god damn it all right now we have a fascist in charge sorry everyone sorry about that anyway anyone want to shoot me in a commercial or something what about a book and let me explain it's very accurate write it no one bought it oh wait no i don't have enough money to write it okay become a gaming youtuber after being president yay mario kart oh i can sell our property put it on the market does not want to sell well listed anyway i don't care about my image anymore oh i just got a lot of money and spited my wife win win write a book um the chosen one yes that's a lot of money okay this is kind of risky but i'm thinking should i go to the casino and just put a load of money on black and hope that i win enough money to try and get re-elected and save america it's the patriotic thing to do oh that's an awful hand oh no he got a nine oh no oh they have nine i could do i hope they bust did me fake oh finally the wife is dead oh it's about time okay i got a speed run marrying a lot of people to get money if i want to run for office again push off cliff commit murder she called the police how did i miss throwing her off the cliff bribe the police offer them a million dollars to let you go they arrested you anyway oh god damn it all right just pay out the nose for a good defense you've been found not guilty of attempted murder and bribery jesus christ you get what you pay for i'm gonna run for office again after just getting out of a criminal charge of murder i lost the presidential election well that's disappointing i spent all my money on that you've received an offer to promote something on youtube okay i'm becoming a full-time youtuber now a hundred grand except that offer jesus bite the hand off them come on give me someone yes okay ignore the fact that all of my previous partners have died and i almost went to prison for attempted murder on the only one who lived she accepted the marriage proposal okay quick get married yeah prenup that's fine because i'm just gonna kill you anyway i need the money poison them i call the police no no no no no no i don't have any money to bribe them with oh cooperate with them i have been sentenced to 40 years in prison it always ends like this doesn't it all right the president is making a run for it the president escaped immigrated to estonia yes oh my wife jason left me that's fine i got a job as a judge no i died i wanted to try and become like the the prime minister of estonia oh oh i'm sad he was not happy and his camera was terrible i wonder why his three grandchildren couldn't be bothered to attend his funeral but that's hard work paid off when he became the president of the united states cloverbox sent a bouquet of flowers to his funeral well they made a mint often with all the books he wrote all things considered probably the most successful life i've ever had at bitlife but i hope you enjoyed the video subscribe if you liked it i make videos all the time thank you all for watching and i hope to see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,664,303
Rating: 4.9586248 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, bitlife, bit life, mobile, mobile games, new, new bitlife, callmekevin bitlife, became president, ruined everything
Id: 3tm4U8sDFAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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