I was sponsored to destroy Humankind

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And to think, he'd have done it for free.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Professional-Rest205 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends this video is sponsored by humankind and today we're going to destroy humanity i'm sure of it i've done it before i'll do it again the link for the game can be found in the description but without further ado let's get started because frankly i don't really like the smile this person's given me it's creeping me out empire symbol well these are all pretty nifty i'm gonna go with the gun i'm gonna be like neanderthals but i want my symbol to still be a gun change avatar oh thank god you can stop smiling at me like that that's arguably worse right i'm liking that i can make my own avatar and you know customize it my way because i want him to be an absolute monster thoughtful passionate inspirational explosive cruel i think i'm gonna go with that what shin do i want uh jay leno please thank you my person has the most punchable face i've ever seen i'll give him an eager look too he was ahead of his time oh sweet jesus might need a few filters for tick tock though sweet jesus he's like sitting out on mad max i can understand why you're angry now okay i think we're done oh he likes it surprisingly even have a little dance to the music all right i think we're ready to go yeah current era neolithic current culture nomadic tribe but we have a gun as our symbol it's just a simple cave drawing for now but we'll work on the proper blueprints later oh is that me i've had a few too much as usual how far will you push humankind i'll push it off a cliff i'm ready the little gun symbol that is brilliant good job everyone we have our first outpost i hope there's not like a volcano here or anything or like a stadium that'd be so irritating wait what the hell is this is this someone else's border wait my people have invented violence they started fighting hide bound fists oh god they've invented boxing yeah i'm gonna encourage that that's gonna be entertaining for me if we can learn more about traumatic brain injury earlier in humanity's life it'll help a long way down the road what the hell is this can i take you oh you're mine now no no we're attacking sorry with us wait the animal [ __ ] one jesus you're useless oh no you got him okay i forgive you you've earned one eras there and may now choose a new culture okay this one seems to be the most violent one i'm gonna adopt that one we advance as the war like a syrian yes war everyone's so happy you're not going to be a very nice neighbor are you no no i'm not you read me perfectly i'm just looking for my neighbors to kill providing high border defense this ford fight citadel allows yeah dominance perfect as soon as i read that i'm in i can change it to a city oh look at them build they're fast these horsemen seek wealth and power for the empire yeah let's get horses greetings to the nubians oh yes time to kill the noobs a neighbor who may be more interested in commerce than conflict oh that's perfect they won't put up much of a fight then for both of our aspirations oh you want to negotiate do you i don't even need open borders i'm allowed trespass because of what i picked all right we don't need to talk here then we have nothing to talk about refuse wait who are you where's my guy what's this a sanctuary rich diverse habitat with plenty to ah okay great uh let's ransack this let's get up jesus to go nuts oh sweet jesus will i even be able to win this all right let's try just about [ __ ] hell i don't know was that worth it gonna create an outpost here for the horror season i'm going to need them if i want to do some proper ransacking oh finally i found a city it's [ __ ] miles away though you're under attack from what oh wait they attacked me what just because i came close to the city with bad intentions bit of an overreaction all right i'm working on horses that'll show them they probably won't even understand what's going on wait they're running away what they just killed my guy and then ran away look how far they went does that mean the city is just open for attack guess i can ransack it right yeah there we go oh no they're coming back they've realized what they did i feel like i'm overconfident because of that little gun not my symbol it just looks like i'm way ahead of the game here and i need to fire on them as soon as they get anywhere close they're using sticks and i have a glock i think their city has been fully ransacked yeah it's destroyed now i'll just sneak away around the mountain oh now we turn back and fight them a draw how is it a drop wait we lost everything how did everyone die how was no one standing i think they both just went you know what we don't really understand why we're even fighting let's just go home and they just left well there goes my army not to worry i'm replacing them with horses anyway wait i think a new little civilization has started some local mercenaries just started their own civilization i gotta go over there and teach them a lesson you know i try and better your lives will you and i just show up on horseback nice little town here it'd be a shame if someone attacked it the siege begins i think just maintain this siege we'll just wait outside i don't really want to go into them they have sticks all right i guess i'll just figure out how to build a battering ram as i stand by their gates where the troubling truth has submerged with one of my cities many servants from the city's pounds have been castrated punished force labor on them is that is that that people have already been castrated am i punishing them again i don't understand all right now i'm working on a siege weapon then i can take their city i feel like this shouldn't have been so hard like they just started that place natural right or divine mandate are supremacies ordained for we are the chosen ones yeah let's pick that one that seems to leave a lot of interpretation of right and wrong yeah that's how i like it i like it ambiguous so then i can always rule in my favor farmyard animals are to help me put on trial for crime so god what have i done i heard of cattle were sentenced to be burnt on a pyre for conspiring against the empire yeah i'm just going to go along with this i like i am the one in charge and i'm not taking the risk maybe the cows were plotting against me an unrelenting deluge of rainfall lashes down upon the great city just gamble and let's leave it to fate we are putting a lot of our culture in the hands of god so it's up to him now it's a good way of just like abandoning responsibility it's like oh that's god's job not mine create your religion oh sure disaster the reigns fell felt some more and then fell in even greater vigor i thought god was on our side why even bother creating a religion professional soldiers yeah we're gonna need better soldiers that siege kind of failed i just left because we were stuck at the gates and we couldn't make any progress declare war against the greeks sure oh look how strong we are yeah let's get ready to assault stone rings yeah you know what [ __ ] it just to confuse people in the future how we even built this or why okay so i assume i need to wait here a while to occupy this city before i can move on and terrorize the next people i think i'm inventing war 12 seconds later geez i'm getting attacked from all angles i guess i'm not surprised i have just been attacking everyone i don't even know how many people i'm at war with at the moment i know i'm at war with the greeks to what do i owe the pleasure oh you're very polite considering i'm trying to destroy you where you demand that i pay you to end the war but i i'm winning why would i do that another city to attack i can get another culture thing anything about you know war and just being kind of a dick i could be goth oh my god you guys are so lame i'm just gonna like take over all of your cities oh the romans what can they do increase the size of my army get these fancy guards you gotta be dressed to kill i'm adopting that it changes up their clothes a little bit interesting yeah i was reading about it and it did say that it would adapt to what you do and what not because you're kind of rewriting history you can combine up to 60 historical cultures as you lead your people and then as you go through the eras you could kind of adapt different cultures and adapts that's pretty neat i tell you what else is neat just stealing other people's cities it's way easier than building them i'm getting a cutscene though the romans did indeed appreciate intangibles i might be tempted to say that their most famous creation was their legions i don't know that other thing they did was pretty cool i really like it where you just like have a load of food and then you get sick and then you just eat loads more food no that's not healthy that wasn't a good invention it's you're right you're right go with the military stuff yeah i thought you'd run away now that i'm roman both in culture and you know i'm just kind of roaming around killing things i actually need this whatever this is copper yeah i need copper to make my upgraded armies so let's go kill them they keep running away from me i already blame them i have a massive army now look at them celebrating that they just built a mine well you know what's funny about that it's a little bit ironic but that's mine now did they even stay here to defend it did they leave okay well it's mine now which means i should be able to make roman stuff right what's that stuff called bronze yeah there we go sorry i'm just getting really immersed i'm trying to be like in their frame of mind they don't know what it is i don't either i'm not stupid i really i'm i'm very intelligent i'm looking for more of them i'm just moving on we're taking more and more cities i could be making them like i have enough points but i'm just having too much fun being a bit of an ass oh wait i'm being attacked oh jesus they got around me all right let's just fight it out i'm in the city so they did [ __ ] take it back but i can come back around for them oh god now i'm being attacked over here jesus they're everywhere i might be spreading my army a little bit too thin the greeks are about to lose their war support oh good because they're getting very annoying oh wait you want to actually end it you're forcing the greeks to surrender select surrender terms you want from them all of their demands will be erased so i had 88 war support give me tevel and wasu i'm i'm going to call that one cork oh wait that one costs 80. geez that must be a big one okay give me that one then i'll take one city that's fine and give me 80 gold on top of that too they're grievances that i'm trespassing really you just end the war and then you're like come on get off my lawn it's been great doing business with you you look like you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown all right i guess we will pick on someone else uh you you're unfortunate enough to be close to me i'm coming over wait this guy is a descendant of kings and wants restitution belittle him to amuse the court we will ridicule the man and send him on his way prophecy stupid little man thinks he can intimidate me the game of dice has become a favorite in all my cities i'm going to allow gambling i'm going to be the vegas of this era you guys gotta figure out how to make neon lights now but they're like me no even understand wheels the decision to not interfere with wages in the game of dice has paid off yay our culture is built on bad decisions hello i'm just here to attack more people i would like this city thank you wait who is this the greeks no don't say yes no we're going to war with you later again they're like oh what that's right i want to be the one to invent greek yogurt oh sweet jesus why is my influence going down so much oh i'm over a city cap okay i have too many cities well sorry for being successful this is the definition of suffering from success oh my god i'm supposed to only be controlling two can i just burn down some of my cities i like how that's the first thing i go to not give them freedom or anything just like ah can i just burn them so no one else can have them i forgot i need to rename this one so i can understand it yeah i'm gonna change the english language so it's all caps all the time it'll make youtube video titles totally normal like i can liberate them but i don't really want to all right look what if i liberate it and then i come in and i just attack it the people i just freed and i'm coming in to attack them yeah this is just like liberating them and killing them for no reason but i guess that'll do it for me like at least now they won't be powerful they're a very weak army god they do not trust me i wonder why i was like bye you can have the city and then i came back the next day and slaughtered them all right you can be liberated too and you as well they must be terrified they're like we saw you did it the other cities wait oh no the guy's back you still remember the filthy stinking man who promised to curse the empire that was me oh you mean the other one okay you remember his blazing eyes too is you ridiculed him the whole court laughing now whether it's by his hand or not war has come to the empire the people believe he did indeed curse them and now there's unrest in old cities all i can do is reminisce the greeks must be furious like i took all those cities just to torture the people and abandon them hail sovereign yeah hey hail to you too i'm coming for you it's just a good war immediately look my people are angry it's the only thing that keeps their mind off things culture vulture i got an achievement all right attack there you go take that grease you deserved it it's just like why though now i'm just ransacking their other city especially since i apparently have to bribe this guy to not start a revolution i'm ransacking the city itself their war support is going down a lot it's just one guy left standing on this after the fight and he's still ransacking such morale the greeks have a war support of 18 yeah we're getting there oh i found an old civilization and i'm afraid because we don't know who made it okay how am i gonna be immortalized are the empire's greatest poets playwrights dramatists and more will pen a thousand tales yes that one or you know you could just make youtube videos about me whatever you prefer i think i have destroyed their city completely yeah i think that's just burned to ashes there's nothing left let's fight no come back i want to fight yeah there we go they're dead now their war sports down to 13. this is going great close to victory all right just before we win let's just ransack the city am i one archer dude you can ransack uh if there's something left to run second i'm sorry buddy it's been a rough day ha ha yes forcing surrender oh i can almost just ask him to become a vassal to the romans they need to be punished a bit more though just give me the money for a surrender thank you for all of your cash i can't really support any more cities all right i think i've succeeded in what i set out to do i ruined humanity specifically for the greeks if you're from greece i'm sorry but thank you to humankind for the sponsor again if you want to check it out yourself it's on steam epic games it's on the xbox game pass and the stadium the link for the game will be in the description below i would recommend it for sure it's a very fresh take on this kind of game i i really have enjoyed it i really like all the choice-based stuff like that as well and the culture shift as you progress and what choices you you take i like that a lot i think how you win is fame as well so the player with the most fame yeah up here so was i the most famous i was not i was the third most famous but i'm sure i would have got there just by wiping out anyone who's more famous than me but thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed the video subscribe if you're new and i guess i'll see you all next time bye for now [Music]
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 455,781
Rating: 4.9731545 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, humankind gameplay, humankind trailer, humankind guide, humankind lets play, humankind tutorial, humankind funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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