The Whitest Guy In New York. Mike P. Burton - Full Special

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watch this wider I live in New York City alright and I live in I say New York City I live in Manhattan but I live way uptown in Manhattan I live in a section called Washington Heights okay which is very Dominican okay I don't know if you guys can tell with the lights I'm not at all and they pick up on it almost immediately I do a magic trick to get out of trouble in my neighborhood what I mean is there's not a lot of white people in my neighborhood so sometimes on the street I'm the white guy and sometimes that's a problem okay so do this magic trick to get out of trouble and the trick is I'm a white guy but I can get whiter that it's awesome like I'll do it for you like hell you're gonna get whiter watch if you saw me on the street right now like there's a white guy watch regular white guy watch this wider [Laughter] I know I know this is how it works okay the magic is you can change your motions all right let's say we're in traffic we're on Broadway and Broadway where I live too late but there's always somebody who wants to make a third Lane and get in front of me no you're not okay cuz you're just gonna stop I have to go around you but they're not gonna let me in no all right when you don't let somebody in that causes road rage if you get furious sorry you're curious and you look over you know see it's me gone then after he becomes frustration Matt it keeps you from getting shot okay that's the point nobody shoots this guy we have any Latinos here any Latinos any Latino none one one you are and how Latino what from where okay I know did you just ask me that does it just really make that a question my monster Nicaragua see I don't know okay and and where's your dad from he's white he's white okay all right okay and do you consider yourself very Latino so no I'm just trying to help you [Laughter] that's adorable adorable eh I don't even know how to say all right I did alright but your mom your mom's very latina like she stole a team did she point with her lips you know I'm talking about like if you don't know if you ask a Latina like you go where's the bathroom look up don't do that yeah and do you speak Spanish do you habla you do [Laughter] did you think I said can you throw your voice happen we got one Latino do you see yeah all right I'm gonna go on now that was that was loco that was it's crazy alright so and used to be faint like fluent like dead on okay all right so I'm just gonna use you in this okay I'm just gonna use you and just show you how the magic works okay so I just have you have to be like I'll set the scene okay for this you have to be you have to be Dominican okay and I know the Latinos hate that like they don't like Puerto Ricans and Dominica's they hate each other like I don't know what happened between them but my neighborhood is like don't make this up don't make this up but here's the deal nobody else can tell the difference alright it's like meeting - I got you're from South Dakota North Dakota dummy all right and what's your name Juliet yeah yeah your dad's white all right very good okay all right so Juliet is it really and what your what's your husband's name or boyfriend I can't tell it's your husband is it really wrong man no it's not what is it Fred Josh pretty close oh yeah yeah okay good all right and you're not Latino at all you're just white Josh you look like the whitest Josh ever all right gotcha all right we Blanco muy Blanca hi that means very white did you know that I didn't know you just have this smile yeah I don't know what he saying but is perfect I like you you wear your dress out both of you it's just like hey we're gonna be on TV let's wear a hat all right wait you're thinking through front row mm-hmm okay streamed all over the world you got my good hat thank god alright alright I swear if your neighbors are all it'd be phenomenal ok great alright so Juliet right back to you and me okay so so we're in Washington Heights okay and for this you're Dominican all right and I'm white and I just came out of a Starbucks all right and all you have to do is yell at me in Spanish and I'll show you how the magic works all right just yell like whatever you want to say it doesn't matter all right and just whatever in span and ready and go we Malo that was not very be n no all right try it again I'm gonna give you one more shot you're gonna this is gonna go all over the place all right it's gonna be on the internet and everybody can get the Internet all right and we're gonna send it to Nicaragua all right WW aqua comm here's Juliet slash you better do this great alright ready and go did you say hola I said yell at me and you open with hello get out it's now I get the first time I've ever done this I've done that before nobody's ever opened with hello Oh Juliet so sad no parade for you no parade if they have a Nicaraguan parade I don't even know if they do it's probably just you and your mom I don't even know because there's no other hand alright he's he thought he was in storage wars over their gear he was like just throwing stuff out yo weirdo ladies up front four of ya look look a little judgey you look a little judging I'm not kidding I just assumed your facial yeah we're common we don't know yeah that's fine that's okay you can do that ladies night out you know what's great about ladies night out nothing all right look I'll tell you I used to work in restaurants I've seen a lot of ladies night out they start out Oh then they end up freak show you're having fun now but by the end of the night one of you just sit there go I know and all your friends everything will be alright I know then why are you crying I don't know guys don't do that you cried you out with the guys they will beat you senseless it's completely different so here we are I I came here from New York City I live in New York City and and I got out here I got her yesterday I got to hang out so what that means is like I was on time for the show okay like I was healed I stay a block away like I was here on time like I'm late a lot like I go to show it like I'm late a lot because I have a wife and listen she makes me late all the time and I hate it I hate being late for stuff like I just can't look like I live in New York City and a lot of times on a Friday when you leave New York City or like any town like when you leave I don't know do you have traffic here I don't know like that yeah caught behind a snowplow I don't know do you have big traffic roads are closed again all right so look when you leave New York City or any big city there's a certain window of time like on Friday rush hour where you can leave and you're perfectly fine okay and last week I missed that close to wife all right so now I'm sitting in traffic that I shouldn't be in and just sitting still and it's getting later and later and then finally the trafficker opens up and I go you got a speed you got a make up time but that's when it starts you can slow down now you're not gonna be late you can slow it down you get a get out here and get a ticket and be a jerk the entire weekend cuz you gotta take it and everybody's speeding but you're the only who got a ticket now slow it down and stop being a jerk slow it down and stop being a jerk why not even with me just in my head [Applause] so married Mary clap marry anybody Mary [Applause] best of your merit how long how long married two years well he looked at you he couldn't even count he was like like comics make fun of that all the time and you really didn't you it well yeah but you couldn't count at two well here's longer than anybody like over ten years clap over ten ten twenty anybody over twenty thirty no look at this slow just miserable class right in the middle yeah 31 how long 30 32 and she's looking at that never have it 32 look very cold look at see look say two years look at that happy enjoy and that goes away that'll go away 32 yeah I don't even I understand I totally look I'll tell you I got married in 2000 that's the best idea I've ever had I never have to count the year is the year 18 is 18 done some people get married in a year and then nine in it way to go stupid you have to count with at nine for the rest of your life it's hard to be married it is like you guys understand like 32 years like you guys know each other like you know each other well enough to where you can avoid some argument right like there's always arguments no matter how long your relationship is there's always why'd you do that shut up alright you always have done right but you try to avoid as many as you can okay like I've learned like I take precautions now like I I never take my wife to a mall right never take her to a mall because apparently I can't park [Laughter] as soon as we get to oh do you want to pull up there yeah I was just seeing of our car fit in this spot and it does but you're right we should be up there in between the Escalade and the tundra that way we both can't get out but you can't say that could divorce is expensive [Laughter] why tries to help me look every now and then just let a man make a decision okay look 32 years just let him make a decision okay and I can see your smile made in your head going no and I understand because you'll get it wrong but just let it be wrong 32 years where's he going just let it be my wife helps me on stuff that I don't want help on at all right like I don't like winter like I don't like what like I hate winter like I'm originally from North Carolina and like look right now you got to have a beautiful weather and thank you for doing that okay I'm okay I hate winter so much I'm for global warming hi I am I am voting for it Mars you for it I might start buying people SUVs I've done hey ladies start using hairspray again no ozone that's our goal you know it's nice 70 degrees in February that's not [Music] I see there's people with me but there's always a couple of crunchy granola sitting around don't you granola sitting but the polar icecaps are gonna mount and we're all gonna bud no we're not we're not all gonna fly we're only losing Rhode Island Long Island in Jersey buh-bye [Applause] here's a canoe get to safety but I don't like winter like it's a risk like fly out here like I'm driven places like during the winter and it's a risk like you don't know what they do like I don't know like snow plow and all that kind of stuff I was traveling one time and I was like there was a snowstorm right I had to go from one town to the other time on the same night and there's a snowstorm right on a normal regular day it takes like 45 minutes okay but now I'm in this snowstorm all right and some of the mountains okay like it's you know mountain people you know mountain people like I stopped for gas you guys are going to build up like back it up Earl scaring me okay here's a kind of big guy like you know mountain guys when they get so big they can't walk normal like they have to walk with their hands out front which is just a weird look like don't you walk with your hand like side right think you don't March me like you walk that's just a look that says I got buddies in the basement I like biscuits so I have to get from one town to the other town okay normal regular day forty-five minutes but now there's a snowstorm I'm on this interstate in the middle of nowhere okay and I'm in a line of traffic right it's ten cars we're all behind a tractor trailer because it makes tracks in the snow because everything's white it's all white roads wide dirts light just drive off the road you're gonna tell April say yeah okay so we're all going two miles an hour so you don't die okay you try and then on the side of the road they had a big flashing yellow sign caution caution really thank you so I keep going and then there's a big flashing yellow sign up further caution beware of squalls squalls what's a squall I'm in the middle of nowhere I could die in any minute but now I gotta be on the lookout for some lost Indian woman with a neighborhood so I I do so look last year when the weather finally got nice okay first beautiful day I'm gonna go out and play around a golf with the guys alright just a nice afternoon round of golf murder to walk out the door my wife said you better put some sunscreen on I said I'm not I'm a man I can decide what I need sunscreen it's not even that hot I'm not gonna burn I'm just gonna go and I came home when I was really red all right no you don't even understand it was so bad and looked like people slapping her face with Netflix envelopes alright it was I walked is you see I told you and I said shut up my face hurts alright so she was right but she also told me to hang this shirt up which is stupid because that gives me shoulder nipples and I hate that it's dumb but I love her I do like she drives me crazy but I do love her like my wife does drive me crazy okay like look she I just bought my son and I tickets to go to a Yankees game okay we're gonna go early season because they're supposed to be great this year they have two of the best hitters ever okay what could be that best hitters ever but you got to go early in the season like you don't wait till June by June one of them you know is going I don't have a hamstring pop all right so you get early so I bought his tickets my wife's first words hope it doesn't rain yeah we all hope that you don't say it out loud it's not like when she leaves for work in the morning have a great day I hope you don't fall in a hole what I know I love you and I hope that I hope it [Music] she does help me though she does like mine white I'll tell you my wife made me go to a doctor and have a mole removed that's fine I probably wouldn't a donate need to go have it done I did anybody ever go to a doctor to have a mole removed you did okay all right so look I'm didn't what do you point at her for we get a special two-for-one what you do are you really pointing to hurt me in that you throwing her under the bus she's got moles do not just me all right but when when either one of you ain't never had anybody so so so when you went to the doctor and did it okay did like when you had it done look I don't even need to know where it came from don't point to an area of your body that's not part of the story all right but when the doctor caught it when he took it did he like we're gonna send it off somewhere yeah yeah and I was like why let's just throw it away I don't need that there unless you're gonna stick it under a chair and simple wooden floor I don't need it and he goes no we have to send it to a lab and test it and I said test it for what he goes well it might be pre-cancer and I go what's that here's what might be cancer or might not that's every mole on your body your entire body's pre cancer until you have cancer your chairs were all pre tuchus until you sat down but nobody says actors already know that I told the doctor based on that theory I'm premed I might be a doctor might not let's take a test and figure it out here's your copay I do love my wife that like I'm taking her to shows with me like I didn't bring her out here she can't handle all this glamour but I've taken this chosen this is beautiful I love it but she look she I took it with me to a show where there's uh they have like it's a couple's resort all right like they have these couples resorts I don't know if anybody knows I'm tired like the whole place is about romance everything dares about woven been married for a long time you go to get the romance back just a short time you're gonna be really romantic all right and every room is about Roman like every room has a round bed they were round bad I didn't even know round bezel real before I got there I thought it's like unicorns like you're never gonna see a real round bed I don't even know where you get round best I've been to mattress stores there's no round bed section but they have brown beds there because you're there to be romantic and on a round bed you have to be romantic right has to be romantic on a round bed because you have to sleep in the middle together around you can't pick a side of the bed if you go to your side of the bed you Bob the man ha romance over my back hurts but they also have these things where they try to upgrade you all right now you guys go for your 3030 anniversary okay and don't okay but if you do don't okay but if you do they try to upgrade you the upgrade is a champagne glass tub right don't fall for it think it through think it through okay it looks romantic okay but you do okay champagne glass tub is up in the air right have the stem of the glass then it's up in the air so you have to get into it so you have to climb stairs to get into it but you're getting into a tub so you're naked and climbing Stan [Laughter] how's that conversation even go yeah yeah you get it I'll get it in a second I'm not gonna look at you I'm not looking at I love it happy Anniversary get in the top boat yeah lots of bubbles get a job so I also took my wife with me to get out of the city to go away cuz we have a son alright and just sometimes you have to just go out and be parents right like these parents out tonight parents out tonight [Applause] see you happy because you're out right how many kids - yesyes - is fine okay there's people with five freaks okay no I've got one I'm not even sure I like kids yet okay and my son is great my son might look I I love my son my son is hilarious okay we were like when my son was young we were in a grocery store and we're standing in line we're waiting to check out all right and it was taking kind of a while and the guy behind us starts a conversation with my son he's like hey buddy what's your name my son said Caden Kenya Moore that's a cool name how old are you five and then the guy got really cool so he have a girlfriend and my son says yeah yo so what's her name and my son says mom I know you can't say that no everybody knows her southern shut up it's crazy he's a good kid though like he at least he's a good kid like you to like good kids right and what are the ages Hey really go sit with Juliet go sit with Julia 3 in 1 3 in 1 okay so they're not trouble yet but I understand oh I know alright the three year old listen I I went to a hotel one time I got there early enough to use the pool alright I just want to go down I'm gonna relax by the hotel pool so 4 year old running around with a mom who doesn't care yeah around a 40 year old with a mom who doesn't care 37 minutes all their little some holding him under the water [Laughter] okay don't try we're just playing Marco but you can't do that cuz it'll get in trouble they'll kick you out they will kick you out my son wants to play games now he's at the a late where he wants to play board games you play board games the children it's awful hey like what do real little you have games for them chutes and ladders Candyland fine up and down all around okay my son wanted to play Monopoly I don't even like it with adults never played a whole game of Monopoly I've never done it I don't even know how the game ends I think everybody just gets upset so certain hotels and houses at each other wanna be the car well you're the thimble [Laughter] my wife gets mad look I get to be a stay-at-home dad when I'm at home I get to be a stay-at-home dad work at night and all that kind of stuff when I'm not on the road and I love it I love watching him grow up and go through the phases that they go to right and so but my wife she's like you need to take him out and do activities with him you need to take him take him to library day oh I [Applause] don't want to go to library day I'm not a reader there's no reason for me to be in a public library okay I've got books at home I've got a computer there's other places to make copies there's no reason for me to be in a public library all right and at library day they make you read to the children and I don't like to read all right I don't read stories to him like they're normally read to kids okay look like every every children's story has a lesson in it but it's not pointed out so I point out the lesson right like Jack and Jill Jack and Jill has a lesson in it Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill wasn't paying attention did the same thing you have to pay attention and learn from others mistakes Wow so we get a library day and they hand me a book to read you can read this until the children they love it when their parents read to them they do okay so schmuck Oh gets the ten monkeys jumping in the bed the most redundant story ever we could have done this in three monkeys you kidding me we get it ten monkeys jumping into bed one falls off and bumps his head mama called the doctor and doctor says no more monkeys jumping on the bed so I read them all I get to the last one the last monkeys jumping on the bed and he falls off and bumps his head and mama calls the doctor a doctor says you have some really stupid kids your youngest child watch nine brothers and sisters jump and up and down on a bed fall off get a head wound and have to go to the doctor and didn't learn one thing so now we're gonna call social services and that's when I got kicked out of the library lesson learned we don't have to go back we don't have to go back but I love my son but he's not great in school I just make sure they're good in school my son is not great in school I love him but there's like you just look some kid you look at and you can tell it's gonna grow up and be something like my son's gonna grow up and be nice okay that's his thing no no look not all listen he came home from school and he was very excited all right he's like we were in math today we got to partner up so I partner with Anthony and we're doing measurements and we discovered that we're the same height in inches but he's tolerance centimeters ha I just discovered you're not gonna graduate the top of the class I'm gonna stop saving for college bringing the boo hey I'm getting a boat you guys are cool man you guys are alright you guys are very good you're a little judgy but you're okay the one with the arms for you I understand well you never know what it's gonna be right like you don't know me before I come up here like we don't know the audience like for comics like every show is different for us every audience is different that's why comics get credits where you come onstage any comic you'll ever see like any comedy show the comics always get credits so that you know will be funny always done that will okay alright like nobody else gets that you don't hire it like a construction worker hey Nana yesterday and here he is a screwing when I come up a lot of times they'll say this next comic has been on Law & Order which is true but that's weird for an audience I understand it cuz you hear Law & Order in your head like ah but he's gonna be awesome cuz that's one of the funniest shows on [Laughter] but we get to do other things like this is the fun part coming out performing live I love this okay but we do get to do other things like the coolest audition I've ever been on was a voiceover alright and those are cool cues to talk for maybe 30 seconds and he'll send you money right this was the easiest one ever because all I had to do is walk in and say Ford Explorer no boundaries that's it that's all I had to do a Ford Explorer no boundaries so I do that but the audition people are they're like well we want you to play with it a little bit could you play with it like really all four words know you're a comic she's in probably can um probably I sure kids so said what about this Ford Explorer almost ten miles to the gallery and they're like no come on sport explore is really fun to watch soccer moms try to park them good no no I got it I got it Ford Explorer no boundaries like a guardrail or riverbed after a blow is a tire and they hated that all right my promise I thought that Ford would have a sense of humor but they don't but I thought they would because they designed the focus but no is it cool man it is nice traveling out here I will tell you when I got here like I had to take an early flight I can't take like a I guess 6:00 a.m. flight anybody ever done that take that early flight was awful I hate like nobody wants to do it but here's what I learned right here's how you take an early flight okay if you ever have to take that 6:00 a.m. flight just wake up and start going alright just zombies through the entire screen just to walk into the right just like yeah go to the airport you know it is go go go you get a security yeah yeah take your shoes take them both I don't care check him out you'll like it one of them's new alright get your seat you take out a magazine you read a little bit and then you sleep you read and then you sleep okay you know on my flight like the zone I'm in like we all got it everybody was quiet we're all quiet woman across the aisle from me took out a book she's reading I'm reading there's a little baby sleeping when did that happen never okay so it was perfect we're all quiet we're all gonna sleep but we all got happy in the morning stewardess good morning hi good morning hi good morning hi hey sherry shut up 6:00 a.m. shoo shoo shoo shoo but she's up and down the aisle she wants to be everybody's friend would you like a little pillow keep it down all right and she gets up to the woman across the aisle for me and she stops as you can haul you're a runner and the woman looks up and goes what she said I can tell by the title of your book you're a runner the title of that book running with scissors I promise I'm not smart enough to make that up I told you I'm not a reader but I knew that that's not about getting ready for marathons oh hey hey the lady behind her is reading Fifty Shades of Grey I bet she's an artist you should talk to her but I like this and I do I like you know what I love about this shirt like nobody like everybody I haven't seen anyone look at their phones the whole time I've been up here the whole night I love that I don't ask you to turn them off and maybe you did that's great like that never happens like there's always I can't stand I hate it I hate it I can't stay like come out here like you come all the way to like Utah or whatever and you have to look at the top of somebody's head I can't say like people talking on their phones like not in the show but anywhere like people talking their phones no matter where they are right and I get it because you can but nobody knows how to talk into a phone everywhere I go people talk into their phones as if whoever they're talking to doesn't have a phone and they're across a river oh shut up all right I can't kid I can't stand all right like I was I was I was at the airport and there's a woman there she's like my plane is not here and my doctor said that might it look go away go away go away I was at a doctor's office then when you're in a doctor's office aren't you quiet thank you and your waiting room what you quiet you just sit there right five or six people scattered around you read a magazine from like 30 years ago are you like all right well popular science let's see what these compact discs are all about so I'm sitting there we're all sitting around quiet we're all really woman comes in she checks in and then she comes and she sits here okay she could've been anywhere but she's here in the first couple of minutes she's fine but then you can kind of tell like the wheels are trying like I oh my god the only thing I wanna make a call I she gets out her phone and she goes to make a call and she goes oh my I'm so glad you're home I think you're gonna be home so everyone looks up and they look at me because I'm sitting closest to her so it's my responsibility to make her stop so I did what I think most people do first like you don't want a confrontation but you want it to be known that this needs to stop okay so you give the look first right like don't Shelly but she just stays on her phone okay so what I do instead of asking her to stop all right because I've try that it's never worked no one's ever oh my god I am being rude I have to call you back that's never happened okay so what I do instead is I just scoop closer to her this is like could you and I could yeah I'm trying to hear the other half of your conversation I can only hear your half and that's rude let's go how's that the gym I go to a gym shut up you can't tell that's not the point all right so go to the gym and I'm on the elliptical alright everybody knows the elliptical alright he's got the slider feet in the arms I hate it it's a stupid machine okay but I'm older now and it's supposed to save my knees okay so we're just 20 minutes just let me do it okay headphones on listen to what I can listen to zone out and just 20 minutes okay I got a sweat okay mines in front of a mirror for some reason got to watch myself get sweaty or for 20 minutes all right but just let me do it okay come on there everything's fine huh and then a woman comes and she gets on this machine okay and look now I don't mean that it's always all women okay I know I know I know I know guys do it too okay just in my situation it was women I'm not gonna switch it and this was a guy no it was it was another woman okay so she's here all right and we're both on and fine but then she's like I'm gonna make a cop and I can hear her through my headphones I don't want to hear her through my headphones so you give the look first right I get annoying so now I want to annoy her so that she goes away okay I said what I do as I count out loud but not in order and that'll wreck your brain okay well I'll tell you right now watch what trying to think of something you won't be able to do it watch watch 1 2 5 8 1 3 11 1 1 1 1 you just go to a doctor take a magazine she finally went away so I took my family down to Myrtle Beach South Carolina last year for Easter my in-laws moved to Myrtle Beach and so for Easter we just decided we'd go down there and visit all right they moved there a few years ago and we're just gonna go down and have like nice weather play a little golf maybe go to the beach just have a nice relaxing week okay but when we decided that became a big thing my sister-in-law and her three girls we're gonna come down to and aunts and uncles will all come down now we're gonna be one family in one house for a week and everybody's had family vacations okay and they're brutal okay and we had a day there's really bad weather it just rained all day and that happens and you're at the beach there's nothing you can do you can't spread out from everybody you know family vacation for a week need some spread out hours during your day when it rains can't go to the beach can't play golf so now we're all just sitting around the house and everybody's thinking where are the knives so one point some reason hey we should all go shopping and I was like oh yeah you all should go shopping no we're all gonna go oh well so we all go shop you know what I do when I get there is I take my niece my youngest niece the one who's been whining about everything I don't like it I take her and put her in a cart so I can take her and just whip her round oh I love I do it hard and fast she thinks it's a ride and I'm entertaining yeah for like you she'll crack the head not hard just enough to sleep for a little while so there's one point we came round his corner we had to stop cuz these people coming toward us and they hate it when you hit them so I stopped and it happened to be a black couple and when that pause where we just didn't know which side we're gonna go to so during that pause my knee stands up on the conscious Oh black people [Laughter] [Applause] they were stunned as I was hey you can't say that why I don't know she does anything wrong like you're gonna get us killed I don't know that one can get awkward he said black people I know I do and I have to cuz I don't know what kind of black they were I know there's different kind there's coffee latte mocha I don't know whether you I know it's white people we're all white okay nobody's ever saying you're white bu you're more eggshell but I'm done with the family holidays done alright now this is that week was so bad the lead up to it from Christmas Steel Easter same conversation with my in-laws any time they called any in-law every time same conversation this Easter we're gonna get you an Easter Bunny costume no you can just up like an Easter Bunny you're funny you're comedian we'll all chip in and get you an Easter Bunny costume no it'll be funny you're funny you're a comedian that children love you we'll all chip in get you an Easter Bunny costume you got you're gonna be a funny bunny wait a minute what about this what about instead what if I go out I get it Jesus costume and I come back in three days thank you let me play around everybody you guys [Applause]
Channel: Dry Bar Comedy
Views: 749,470
Rating: 4.7886133 out of 5
Keywords: Clean Comedy, Dry Bar Comedy, Stand Up Comedy, Worlds Largest Library of Clean Comedy, Mike P. Burton, Mike P. Burton Dry Bar Comedy, Mike P. Burton Comedian, Mike P. Burton Comedy, Mike Burton Comedy, Dry Comedy Bar, Dry Comedy Stand Up, Clean Stand Up, Clean Stand Up Comedy, Clean Stand Up Comedy 2020, Clean Stand Up Comedy Full Show, Clean Stand Up Comedy Clips, Clean Stand Up Comedy Routines, Washington Heights, New York, White, Whiter, Dominican, dbc, stand up, manhattan
Id: MCoh843DYJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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