Cringey Imagines 2

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i'm really happy that my legs aren't on the camera right now because holy shit this is a bad outfit i look like a fucking extra in a disney show hey there welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's very good to see you again you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press that subscribe button for an extra greeting folks uh so a few months back i made a video called cringy 1d imagines and um it was a lot of fun okay we looked at cringey1d imagines and uh we cringed at him we laughed at him and we had a a gay old time and i get a lot of requests to do certain types of videos or a part two to other past videos but by far this video that i'm filming today this was the most requested of all time the one video about 1d imagines wasn't enough it's never enough after the first video you guys all did your best britney spears impression give me give me more give me more more give me give me more that's what you all said demi moore more like gimme more what am i saying dude today we're gonna revisit 1d imagines but there's going to be more imagines in there as well so many imagines dude i can't even imagine how many more matches there are going to be if you guys don't know what imagines are they're like text posts usually and it's to put like fans in some like imagined scenario with their favorite celebrity like imagine if if harry styles married you you know and then you're like yeah whoa that would that'd be cool but more often as they should be they are absolutely fucking crazy so it's gonna be a fun time we're not just limiting ourselves to one direction okay because they're you know they're long gone unfortunately and there's a lot of new imagines going on so we're gonna revisit imagines today and just laugh at them because holy shit they're really funny all the time mind you a lot of these are ironically made they're uh you know satirizing uh actual imagines they're just over the top but still those are super funny and we'll look at those and sometimes it's honestly hard to tell which ones are real and which ones are making fun of real ones it's tough dude it's tough to imagine how tough it is okay real quick i want to give a shout out to the instagram account worst imagines uh they were relentless in messaging me and tagging me in their posts um about me making a video about their page so here you fucking go there you go uh nice to meet you i'm a guy all right without further ado let's start imagining imagine babe look she has your eyes [Music] is that a is that a diss i feel like that's a roast babe look look at this baby's stupid closed ugly eyes you got the same ones idiot imagine you're at subway with zayn getting lunch you ask him what he wants he responds with fat ass the next thing you know zayn is eating your entire ass right there in the middle of subway that can't be real there's no way that someone seriously wrote that that'd be great though subway should use this as like a marketing scheme you know sup guys i'm philly cheesesteak the ceo of subway i just wanted to let you all know that if you eat at subway zayn is gonna eat your ass that's the subway guarantee alright we have just changed our slogan from subway eat fresh to subway eat ass alright i think this is gonna do great with the millennial generation and i think this is just the beginning of something great all right because what i've always said say it with me if there's a sub will there's a subway let's go eat ass hey you know what sub backwards is right that's bus and that just made me bust a nut dude imagine they wanted you to kiss on your cheek huh fucking pardon they want me to kiss on my cheek [Music] can't do it imagine though that'd be cool okay going forward uh when these imagines put in brackets y slash n i think that means your name so for today the name will be caleb it'll be caleb imagine you heard the door slam downstairs it was your boyfriend harry coming home from a party he soon joined you in bed after cursing and falling on his way to it you could smell the alcohol from him he spooned you and whispered in a deep husky voice caleb you look so much better in the dark and when i'm drunk almost beautiful then he fell asleep holy shit who's imagining that imagine your boyfriend harry's a fucking asshole oh hey so sorry babe sorry sorry sorry i'm just i just want before i go to bed i just want to let you know so i'll let you know um when it's dark okay when it's dark in this room you look a lot better because i i can't see you i just want to let you know what makes you beautiful is darkness okay good night imagine you're getting bullied every day at school because your mom passes away you're so sad so you call your bf ed he comes to your school and cradled and rocks you he lets you know it's gonna okay you feel so secure in his tight arms he gives you kisses and takes you out to lunch you're the happiest girl in the planet okay uh let's go through this so you're getting bullied every day at school because your mom passes away so are they saying that they're getting bullied at school because their mom just keeps dying because passes away seems like it's an ongoing thing yo this girl's got an immortal mother dude fucking loser dude if my mom were to die it'd only be once not like this week you know right guys and they're sad so they call their boyfriend ed sheeran a fully grown adult man dude imagine if you're in high school and like one person is getting picked on and then ed sheeran comes in and is like leave her alone this is my my girl and then like cradles them all better hey call the cops man that's not allowed you better not be pulling this shit all right ed if you are you're gonna be dead shearing bro pull up dead sheeran just kidding i know he would never do this not my ed imagine harry so baby are you ready for first night the people who make these imagines are they just putting a bunch of words in a hat and then fucking picking them out and then making a sentence somehow because what the fuck that doesn't make any sense dude so baby are you ready for first night uh i don't know what that means are you ready for first night um i don't i don't know what you're saying so baby are you ready ready for first first night i don't know what that means explain yourself just to fucking put it are you ready for first night harry stop i don't i don't know are you ready for first night yes or no what first night is if only oh man okay we got an imagine with taylor knife we all love that guy we going party buck wild you guys remember that fucking banger did after you broke up with taylor you kept seeing pictures of him wearing dark sunglasses you decided to text shawn about it shawn mendes because you know you can just do that sean why is taylor always wearing sunglasses you instantly get a reply because his eyes are always red from crying he's broke caleb like he doesn't have any money is that what you mean sean mendes he keeps crying cause he's fucking broke as shit he has no cash dude i wear my sunglasses at night because i'm broke as shit this picture too you know oh man a nice vagina caleb hopped in the shower with me as a sexy surprise except she caught me you know taking a shit in there hey man if i had a dime if i had a dime for every time someone caught me in the shower taking a shit in there oh man i'd be rich dude way more rich than fucking taylor knife i'll tell you that for free dude stint there might be listen i'm gonna say something pretty controversial i don't think there's anything funnier than standing and shitting like not even changing your posture y'all hear something imagine you and harry did an accident but you can't remember harry i i mean i think i know what they're trying to say like you both got in an accident in like a car accident and then you got amnesia but holy shit you could have said that better when when i read the words did an accident i think of someone pissing their pants so to me this is someone imagining that they and harry styles piss their pants together and then after doing so they were just like wait who was harry styles again who is that you i don't know i can't remember the only thing i know is that there is piss in my pants that's what this means right right imagine his reaction after listen you saying some dirty word his reaction after listen you saying some dirty word whoa hey what a bad sentence that was i sentence you to fucking go back to school alright for that sentence that's your sentence for that sentence dude some some dirty word hey harry standing shower poop imagine liam i'm a superhero guess my name girl iron man spider-man liam smiles your man whoa oh it's got a sudden urge to puke really quick put your man in the mcu oh my god my newborn baby is in that burning building i need can someone please help me so girl it's your man what you need huh okay my yeah can you help my baby is in there my baby's not you said building is on fire please go please please help oh shit yo that fire is hot but you know it's hotter you i why do you hear me i said you're fucking go do something oh my god enough with this baby it's baby this baby that where are you justin bieber anyone all right anyone help me i don't know what this is this guy is a hero bro thank god i don't know what you're saying or why you're here but that firefighter just rescued my baby so please can you just leave me right you're lost babe you're lost fuck you your man is the only person who can defeat thanos imagine jay do you have sun cream uh no there's no sun why do you need sun cream jay because your hotness is pruning me ah everyone's favorite jonas brothers song bruning up also hey who the fuck says sun cream that's so gross is that like lotion that you put on your son come here boy i need to put your sun cream on whoa that's fucking weird imagine zayn pinning you to the wall giving you a deep kiss he then lifts you up and walk towards the bedroom halfway there he drops you on the floor and says oh my god i'm so sorry when we got married i said i'd never drop you and now i just did oh my i'm so sorry he starts to crying and you try to comfort him but he runs away and trips on the carpet falling into a table and cutting his head open whoa holy fuck what a roller coaster dude dude that's got to be the worst wedding vows of all time okay now i believe that zayn and um caleb have um prepared their own vows now they will read their vows uh zane do you want to start off yeah all right so i love you right and i vow to i promise that throughout our whole marriage i will never drop you do you want to read yours no i'm good no yeah okay i think we'll call this whole thing off all right let's finish it off with this one because holy shit it's fucking insane after harry just made you breakfast babe where are your pants harry what did you think was in the oatmeal dude i'm gonna lose sleep over this one i hope it's a parody of of imagines because holy shit what the fuck so he put pants in his oatmeal i've wracked my brain trying to figure this out and it's honestly exhausted me dude i'm out of breath i'm sweating dude i'm panting [Laughter] pants and that's the joke i'm gonna end that with okay i think that's all i can take because holy shit i'm losing brain cells i didn't have a lot to begin with so i'm i think i'm in the negatives right now you know imagines have always uh weirded me out a little bit mostly because the ones that are like real and stuff like the ones that aren't satirical they usually like paint these celebrities out to be like really like abusive and like manipulative and stuff and really just like bad people and i don't think that's very nice or good all right i think if you're gonna make and imagine i think it should be something wholesome you know like imagine harry styles opens the door for you and that's it you know that's great dude i'm all for that it's very weird to like put these people in like these weird sexual situations that they don't even know that they're being put into i don't know it's very weird to me but i don't know what do i know dude literally nothing imagine curtis knows what he's talking about never again i don't want to like make fun anybody for making these or enjoying these you know but like i said in the past if you want to post them we're allowed to roast him okay i think that's gonna do it for today's video if you enjoyed the video please press the like button one like equals one bowl of pants oatmeal and though that's the best meal dude love that stuff leave a comment and let me know if you want to see a part three of this video that'd be wild dude imagine imagine a part three uh don't forget to press the subscribe button because i make a video every single week and there's so much fun and you'll also get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press that subscribe button and join curtis town today check the description for links to my social media my instagram my twitter links to my weekly podcast called very really good it's a lot of fun you can listen to it for free on spotify and itunes if you like the videos you'll like the podcast there's also a patreon for that podcast where you can hear the episodes a week early and i also do a bonus monthly video episode also down there you can get links to my merch new shit we dropped is so awesome it's super soft i love it i'm super stoked on it and um yeah dude just grab some show people that you're proud to be from curtistown you know other than that thank you very much for watching i've been curtis connor i'll see you next week i gotta go get my ass eaten at subway bye-bye hey guys thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video then you can click on the screen and watch some more videos for me and don't forget to press the subscribe button alright peace out [Music] and scene
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 3,014,392
Rating: 4.9835787 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis, conner, kurtis conner 1d, 1d imagines, imagines, cringey, cringey 1d imagines, commentary, one direction, harry styles, zayn malik, jacob sartorius, ed sheeran, harry styles imagines, kurtis connor, kurtistown
Id: 99mQs_RlpkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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