The Worst Tattoos You’ll Ever See

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Eat my entire ass - Kurtis Conner 2019

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IsAlexOk94 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys for the video just wanna let you guys know I got some shows coming up I'm doing a tiny little December tour I'm going to Buffalo Albany Syracuse Newtown Connecticut Washington DC and Philadelphia Pennsylvania so if you want to come to those shows I'll check out the description and get your ticket and I'll see you there hey there welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going so good to see you again dude I hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my video so you might as well just press that little subscribe button down there make sure reading folks we got a big one today we got a big big big one tattoos a permanent form of self-expression that has become insanely popular over the last decade dude when I was younger the only thing that I really knew about tattoos and anything really tattoo related was the the Russian female pop duo tattoo with their great song all the things she said that's a banger dude and when I was younger I never wanted tattoos I never thought that I'd ever have tattoos I used to think that tattoos were only for like big boys on motorcycles and like Death Eaters that's all I thought that's the only people I thought were allowed to get tattoos seriously though I love getting tattooed I have I have a lot I don't know how many I have I lost count but I have a lot I love getting tattoos it's a lot of fun you know there's something so exciting and enjoyable about the whole experience you know like you got this new piece of art on your skin forever you know dude like all done when I die I'll be dead like that you know I'll be dead but I'll still have my tattoos dude there's just the whole process I love tattooing well not the whole process it [ __ ] hurts a lot I hate it I hate how it feels so much dude whoever says that tattoos don't hurt eat my entire ass okay both cheeks please I don't know man it's just like didn't hurt for me yeah I don't know I guess I'm just like super tough or something I don't know the people who say that are the same dudes who say that they didn't cry during gotta go my own way in High School Musical 2 okay we all did we all cried it's fine but yeah tattoos have been a huge part of my life for the last like I want to say like six years I guess in the very first tattoo I got I went with my sister and we both got this orca whale here well guy I have so many memories attached to all my tattoos I have several tattoos about my girlfriend matching tattoos and my girlfriend my tattoo artist is like one of my close personal friends I also used to work full-time at tattoo company some of you may have seen those ads around the internet it's for a company called ink box I used to work there that was my full-time like office job before I I did this whole YouTube thing and I didn't start the company okay I've seen tweets from people being like oh my god I didn't know that dude I didn't know I think you started ink box that's so crazy you think I founded a multi-million dollar company me a guy who makes thirty poop jokes in a 15 minute video and cries during High School Musical 2 yeah I wouldn't bet on it but the reason I bring up ink box is because stop trying to announce something here you're hitting the drums being super distracting sorry okay I've released a tattoo collection with ink bugs yeah isn't that crazy I have an entire collection of semi-permanent tattoos that you can put on your body and they will be there for two weeks dude what the [ __ ] so you can get the satisfaction of a brand spankin new tattoo without all that dang stinky stinky commitment pink box just launched for now Inc and I'm super stoked about it it's a whole new way to apply the tattoo which is much easier than before all you have to do is clean your skin with the provided wipe place the tattoo on your skin place a protective seal over the tattoo and leave it for an hour while it develops you can relax and play some video games you can pet a cute little dog or to a nice cool dance and when you peel it off it may look a little bit light but give it 24 to 36 hours to fully develop and you'll have a brand spankin new tattoo that will last you up to two weeks the tattoo will gradually fade away over time and don't worry you can shower with it as well but that's only if you want a shower only losers shower so me and my real-life tattoo artist Sleestak we designed this collection and I'm [ __ ] super hyped on it dude I I kind of want to get some of them like for real permanently which is I shouldn't but I probably will yeah man this is crazy I've wanted to talk about this for a really long time so I'm glad that I finally get to I mean I love putting out like merch and you know making cool shirts for you guys to wear and it's blows me whether you guys get them it's very cool but this is like a whole new thing dude it's like a new type of merch just like merch for your skin just like skin merch Scourge oh these are scourging hot yeah if you want to grab some curtis town tattoos just click the link in the description and [ __ ] grab some dude so yeah shout out inc box we're making this happen I'm very glad that I founded that company all by myself okay so since this tattoo collection is so sincere and meaningful and and close to my heart I feel like I got to do something that I haven't done in a very long time on my channel and that is make fun of your guys's tattoos so I tweeted and asked you guys to like semi photos of your bad tattoos and you guys did not disappoint I had thousands of tattoos to look through and oh my god you guys have made some very questionable decisions in your lives we already subscribed to me so I already knew that but before I go in on your guys's tattoos we're gonna take a look at some just really really bad tattoos that I saw online that I just could not pass up maybe they're subscribed to me maybe they like me but these are just ones I found around the internet that are just disgusting that's what that means right now I know what you're thinking am I in any position to be making fun of anybody's tattoos no absolutely not dude people make fun of my tattoos all the time dude I got you tattooed on my leg because Twitter told me to and I also got a naked girl eating a hot dog on my other leg because no one told me to I have no I have no right but am I still gonna make fun of tattoos yeah you can bet on it oh god okay so first off he has the famous stars and straps logo in the middle of his chest [ __ ] soul patch Adams over here to here okay and then the main attraction he's got the Monster Energy logo tattooed through his I imagine liking a drink so much that you get it tattooed on your face whoa yeah I'm gonna mr. Pibb tattoo mister hey dude this is a Kyle that you got a beat after defeating all the other Kyle's the lesser Kyle's he's like the main Kyle he's the boss Kyle he's kylo Ren yeah this is kylo Ren from the movie famous Star Wars and straps okay the next one is great okay so we got uh I don't know I don't know we got it kind of looks like the boogeyman from Nightmare Before Christmas but like headless it looks like a headless boogeyman is what I'm getting at but when you look at the caption we can we find out what it actually is hashtag cat hashtag cat tattoo so I actually have a cat tattoo a cat ooh if you will will you please so let's use mine as a comparison [Music] yeah that's not a cat that's not a cat at all dude I'm a butt dude imagine if cats actually did look like that hey welcome to my new apartment dang this is nice thank you thank you hey do you want to see my cat oh I didn't even know you got a cat yeah look he's so cute it's a cat obviously no it's not oh sorry it's upside down it's a cat obviously okay man if you say so what's what's his name headless boogeyman oh come on alright so we got it oh my god dude Jesus Christ so at the top across his shoulders he's got dance or die which is it hey that's an insane thing to put on your back doing this guy shirtless and anyone standing behind him they're just like okay I'm like I don't want to die so this is my only option also dude this second part the grandparents never die become invisible what bharden hey man parted I think I know what he's trying to say but what this really means is like grandparents cannot die they are unable to die historically the grandparent has never died my great-grandfather is out there walking around just being invisible dude my invisible great-grandfather is literally just vibing right now dude I cannot get over this [ __ ] tattoo like picture picture this guy like at his grandparents funeral thank you for coming everyone I I just want to say a few words if you don't mind grandparents never die become invisible [Music] [Applause] okay smoky eye son bun more than every vet breath air Naughton that moves yeah man this gets a big old huh from me okay dude it's so insane going to get a tattoo you like this but it's even more insane that some artist was like okay yeah that sounds cool I'll do that like how does a tattoo like this even come to be right that is insane yo grows up can I get a tattoo yeah man for sure what do you want so yeah like across my whole entire back I wanted to cover my whole back and I wanted to say smokey eye sun bun more than every that breath air not and that moves that's it did Oh quick question can I make the s in Sun a dollar sign uh yes please awesome we're both so high right now I know it's awesome okay well look at one more really bad one and then we'll get into your guy's tattoos Wow Wow I mean invisible torso aside you know got the torso of a grandparent invisible torso aside dude I wish I wish I still had that much room on my arms dude cuz I would get that in a [ __ ] heartbeat okay yeah it's okay it's spelled wrong counter T boy how country is it to misspelled country I don't care how it's spelled as long as it says country boy that's fine counter T boy I love you man alright now it's time to make fun of your guys tattoos and I just want to thank you to everyone who sent in their tattoos you guys have a great sense of humor I appreciate you I'll preface this by saying I saw a lot of your guys tattoos and most of you guys have [ __ ] really cool tattoos so hats off to y'all here for a good time not a long time unfortunately we can't say the same about this tattoo yeah like some of the letters are capitalized that shouldn't be capitalized and the font dude I feel like when the tattoo artist was like hey what font do you want I feel like you just said no but it's nice that you got like the praying hands next to it I like that cuz then it's like you know please God fix this [ __ ] tattoo okay so this person says uh they basically they got basically the same tattoo as Shawn Mendes in the same exact place on accident okay I mean Shawn Mendes is Shawn Mendes is is really well done it looks awesome and then yours is tattoo I'm sure of that do you can you can make some really good memes out of these two pictures mom I want a butterfly tattoo we have a butterfly tattoo at home the butterfly tattoo at home how they look on their Instagram page how they look in real life it must suck to have the exact same tattoo as Shawn Mendes in the same spot okay even if yours was better his would still be better because he's Shawn Mendes have you seen that guy Wow also hey quick question when Shawn Mendes was younger was was his was his name's Shawn boy Dez thank you holy [ __ ] it's gonna be hard to focus just on the tattoo and this picture dude I mean the tattoo is pretty gnarly but you're wearing Tim's with shorts and no socks dead-ass do the people who wear shorts with Tim's are the same people who like pour milk before their cereal but also instead of cereal they just pour in a bunch of baked beans this is same time the person boys cry underneath it you got to put a high school musical - all right next one uh brah what the oh no no no no yet another unrealistic beauty standard for women like actually is it like a regular-sized head and then like a like oh like like a butt and then legs coming out of the chin or is it full-sized legs and then the back of someone is is their back is a man I don't know which one is scarier I think this tattoo is where they got the old saying you know I hate to see her go but I love to watch oh man fellas this is why you gotta take girls swimming on the first date so you can see if there's a see if their back is a man holy [ __ ] man I'm sweating after that one daddy says no boys so how this tattoo works is that you ask your dad if you can go hang out with the boys and then if he says no you come out like this sorry guys check it out so if they use that tattoo to tell their friends that they can't hang out it's very funny to think that on the other leg it says daddy says yes boys and then they just like show the tattoo based on their dad's response I I hope that's true and if it's not please get the other leg tattooed that okay please it will make me so happy when I was 22 I got drunk with Trey Cyrus Miley Cyrus's brother from metro station and I let him sign my arm with a sharpie and then got it tattooed by my tattoo artists who happened to be with me at the time I don't even like metro station that much oh no I'm sorry also ms is a pretty witness shitty a band abbreviation I'm just realizing Trey Cyrus alright nice dude multiple sclerosis alright peace okay next one holy [ __ ] dude it's so gnarly getting how you feel about guns tattooed but to have it that big dude like dude imagine just guns are bad right there dude it's actually kind of hard that's fire I might do that so this is like a common thing that Blake pro-gun people say like come and take it come and take it away see what happens oh shoot yeah good jail but at least I saw my gun oh I can't bring my gun to jail okay never mind that so the thing is like come and take it that's like their slogan but dude it's so funny to think that like that just means they hate guns as well like please come and take out I don't want it please take it away I knew it was yaki it's yucky and stinky gun is stinky also the tea intake looks like an F so the tattoo kind of just says come and fake it which I bet she is [Applause] that was a classic orgasm joke next tattoo so this is a tattoo of a Pokemon named Celebi okay and what's interesting about that is that that sounds a lot like the word celibate which you must be if you're getting a tattoo of Celebi dude nerve give me your lunch money come on hand it over also Celebi how much I'll take one okay so we've looked at a lot of bad tattoos and I want to end it on a good note okay I want to end it on the best tattoo I have ever seen let's take a look wow this guy is a beauty okay he is a national treasure okay that movie with Nicolas Cage it's really about him it's about this dr. pepper man okay sir you win you have the best tattoo even if your even if your standards for what you get tattooed are very low so just so somebody say solo hey no no don't what take this I take please take it I hate it I don't like I don't want it I'm less it's a drum gun [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry that was drum dumb alright I think that's all the tattoos I'm gonna get to you today thank you so much everyone who sent them in that was a blast everyone if you don't want to be like those people I just made fun of with the very bad questionable tattoos check out my ink box box they're nice and good tattoos that won't last forever like that man back face thing but yeah again shout outs inked box thank you for making this happen this feels very surreal to me I I quit ink box in December 2018 like right before I started doing YouTube full-time and the fact that this is happening like less than a year later it's blowing my mind it's but it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] crazy man I feel like I'm rarely sincere on my YouTube channel because I just I don't know I like making just funny videos and being stupid but yeah leaving like a steady office job with salary and benefits and everything to make youtube videos in my [ __ ] spare room was Pro it was the scariest thing I've ever done in my life so the fact that this is happening the fact that the company I quit reached out to do a whole collection with me in less than a year after I quit it's [ __ ] it's it's crazy it's very it makes me feel very grateful and appreciate it for everything that's happened in the last year and I want to thank you so much for everything if you're subscribed to me if you watch my videos if you listen my podcasts you've come and see me to stand up even if this is their first video I've ever seen of me thank you so so much for everything you guys have changed my life in more ways than you can even imagine so seriously thank you so so much thank you also I have an idea for a future video that I need your help with I'm gonna let you guys decide what tattoo I get next this might be the worst thing I've ever done but it might be the best who knows so in the description there's gonna be an email address and I'll have you guys maybe if you could draw something for me to get tattooed or like write something out yeah just send it to me in an email to that email address through them and I'll make a whole video about the whole process and I could get a cool tattoo maybe I'll get a shitty one I don't know yeah send me what you think my next tattoo will be and we'll see if that if that works out alright if you enjoy the video please press the like button it really helps me out a lot and also one like equals one counter to bullet so that's pretty cool also leave a comment let me know if you want me to a part three to this series this was a lot of fun hopefully you guys enjoyed it as well but I had fun also yeah follow me on Twitter and Instagram so you know when I tweet and stuff for people to send me your tattoos also don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video mostly every week and there's so much fun they're a blast and as soon as you press that subscribe button and you become a valued member of Curtis town it's the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law yeah check out the description for links to get the ink box collection and my stream and my twitter my podcast my merch everything else that I do will be down there to the description alright other than that thank you so much for watching I gotta go though I'm gonna clean up some milky milky beans bye bye hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it and you want to see more from me just click on the screen and don't forget to press the subscribe button okay I'll see you next week bye bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,126,929
Rating: 4.9667363 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, tattoos, tattoo, kurtis conner tattoos, kurtis conner tattoo, kurtis connor, bad tattoos, cringey tattoos, yikes, terrible tattoos, inkbox, tattoo meaning, tattooed
Id: MDuRWHuI3-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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