The Helldivers 2 HACKER Problem...

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ladies and gentlemen we have no major order at the moment but that doesn't mean we can't do something so if you look over here there's 147,000 hell divers currently active in the Draco sector and we've got 25,000 active in the mirin sector now we're controlling the termines aren't we so why are we here what is the point of this okay well you might be trying to complete your personal order kill two bile Titans I get that but why not prepare for what could potentially come why not get over here to the Zar sector get your ass down to drap near and get this liberated that's my major order that's what I'm going to be doing today let's make it happen Okay this comes as shock to absolutely nobody out there on planet super Earth hell divers 2 is selling extremely well in fact it's selling like hot cakes tons of copies are being sold however look at this right so this was actually taken from the 12th of February so this is very close to the launch of the game hell divers 2 defies Studio expectations after selling 1 million copies the shooter hit 360,000 concurrent players across PC and PlayStation 5 this is from game developers so this is a pretty good launch right they didn't expect this I'm pretty sure that 1 million copies was probably the goal for the game if they could make 1 million then I think the devs and the studio would be happy they probably recover or recoup their initial investment on the game and this would let them work on maybe hell divers 3 or a different project for a couple more years however we all know that's not entirely what happened because things went absolutely nuclear but as we all know things went absolutely nuclear for the game so VGC actually reporting this Sony's breakout hit hell divers 2 has likely sold more than 8 million copies since its release last month a market analyst said and as I've said this is no shock to anybody literally everybody seems to be playing this game so I mean this is doesn't really come as a shock that it's absolutely Blown Away sales expectations but where is this info coming from well we can do a breakdown of this but this is the uh intro I guess to it that's according to TD Cohen analyst Doug critz who wrote in a note this week via Bloomberg that this figure is like growing every week we believe the game has performed well ahead of expectations Sony has not released official figures for the co-op shooter but hell divers 2 has regularly exceeded 430,000 concurrent players on Steam per steam DB in the UK we know hell divers was the bestselling game in February thanks to GSD data published on game industry. Biz booking the trend the Sony published shooter saw its sales grow each week after its release on February the PS5 version of Hell divers 2 accounted for 57% of its sales in the UK last month with the remainder going coming on PC now that's the critical thing we've got to remember here 57% of sales were on the PS5 so there's actually more than half of the sales are actually on the PS5 now the data I'm about to show you guys I believe is only from the PC version so in fact you can double that and add a bit more but that's just for argument sake say double it and probably that's where we're going to get to the current player figure of Hell IIs 2 which I believe is around 16 million so let's take a look at this this is steam DB now this is a website which tracks how many people are playing on Steam because of course you can see player figures on Steam all of this data is publicly available so this is really great for gauging the popularity of a game now this image is literally taking at 9 a.m. uh in the morning in the UK um and you can see there's 166,000 people across the world playing hell divers 2 a pretty unsociable hour not just for the UK but for quite a lot of the world um yeah and it had a a 24-hour peak of 362,000 now remember this is just on Steam now if we take the 57% figure to be true that 57% of the sales in the UK were on PS5 and extrapolate that AC out across the world which I know you can't do exactly but if we'll just say Okay so 57% of sales are on PS 5 43% of sales are on PC we can just double this number right now and we can say well actually there's over 300 and like 20,000 people playing this game right now or 316,000 would that be basically over 300,000 playing the game right now you can essentially double the figures and this is insane but what is also insane is the way this game is maintaining the number of players so these are some owner estimations here taken by steamdb now these are from various companies that track um analytics from Steam so you've got play tracker game analytics VG insights and steam spy and VG insights is the one we're focusing on because it seems to be the more accepted one in the industry like steam spy seems to have gone crazy there saying 27 million copies have been sold on Steam maybe that's true but I probably isn't if it is that's crazy so if we drill down onto the VG insights stats we'll see this right so their Quick stats say there's 163,000 active players as of 64 minutes ago as of when I took this screenshot like I said about 9:00 a.m. uh UK time 357,000 active in the last 24 hours is the peak 82.6% positive reviews here's the thing 284.8 million gross revenue now of course that isn't profit and they're estimating nearly 9 million copies sold there so the figures might be even more than what we were thinking in fact actually it's more than 16 million it might be approaching nearly 20 million copied uh copies so so maybe that stat of 27.9 million might be true if you include PS5 but that figure is just based off steam sales which I think is a bit weird I don't know where they've got that number from but anyway this is really really good I reckon they have projections they probably hope to make about $40 million maybe at higher end from Hell divers 2 in fact they've already made nearly $300 million this is going to supercharge Arrowhead it's absolutely going to supercharge them it's going to be what are they going to do next with this it's insane I hope they like ramp up development for hell divers 2 I oh this is just so cool it's such a cool success story in this day and age of these like games that are just platforms to sell you content hell divers comes out and says no no and of course it's not the first game to do this right power world has said that this year and shrouded has said that this year and there'll be more games that come out and say that no no no no these are games that are made by people with a passion for making games that want to innovate that want to push the boundaries and make a good game so what about the historical data now this is is the max daily concurrent players over the last month so it's from February the 16th until essentially March the 16th I know it's the 17th if you're watching this video the day I went live but it doesn't really matter about the dates because look at that graph this graph is not going down for most major releases You' have the big spike at the start and then the graph would go down this isn't um this apparently has got the fancy name in inverse decay curve because it's not decaying you can maybe say okay it's gone down a little bit it looks like but it's not much and that is a very very high player retention rate you have to think once people blast through to level 50 and maybe they've had their fill and they're waiting for new content to come they are going to drop away from the game you're not going to just play the game every day forever I mean that's insane to think of any game drop in games have fun drop out move on to whatever else you want to do but I think this is a testament to just how Innovative this game is and how this game makes it feel awesome when you're just playing the game or rather makes you feel awesome yeah this is just a great graph I think a lot of um money people out there for massive AAA game studios we're looking at this going oh Lord why don't we have this and we might get an influx of four player co-op Shooters now maybe maybe Microsoft will go hey blizzard we need to start up our PVE system again make a proper oh dear oh dear me oh dear me of course what they should be taking away from this is no you you first and foremost make a fantastic game that players will resonate with and he's just a really well-made really good game and then you can worry about monetization and then you can worry about player attention cuz if your game's bad people are not going to play it you cannot sex up the game to try and like you know obscure people from the fact that things are not great you just give them a great game they'll play your game and guess what they'll spend money on your game that's how things work okay so talking of if your game's bad oh dear we need to take a look at this so this post over on Reddit this has not happened to me yet I know somebody this has happened to and at the time it was pretty funny it was like wow what's happened they didn't really know they thought the game had bugged out however it looks like this is a lot more Sinister so this post says I am level 29 I just joined a level five player to farm some flamethrower kills after extracting the overview looked like that I've got a Max I've got Max samples now of all types way to ruin the game for everybody else and you guys can see from the screenshot this Mission resulted in 2,997 of every single sample type hilariously it only resulted in two medals and the standard number of requisition it looks like and uh XP so or is that standard requisition is it well maybe it isn't I don't know but the point here is the samples right this is the problem what is going on here well if you drill down into this a little bit it looks like what's happening I mean by all means I don't know this to be accurate or true or fact but hell div is 2 is an online game so things which are handled by the servers that you're connecting to you cannot manipulate that data you know there are checks in place again it's a very this is like a idiot's explanation of this I don't fully understand it myself but the server what you connect to has got safeguards in place to stop you from sending it fake data it has to verify the data and if it can't verify it'll say no that's wrong it won't accept it however it looks like samples are potentially the exception to this and what might be happening is people are editing their game files as they're playing missions because for some reason hell divers could potentially be waiting for you to tell it how many samples you got at the end of the mission and then it just goes okay confirmed it doesn't actually say hold on you can't collect that many samples on a mission now this might be some sort of programming oversight by hell iers 2 itself which I'm sure they will fix um or it might just be some um you know client side thing which can't be fixed in which case that's not great however this is cheating I've got to be very clear to you guys this is cheating and this destroys the fun of the game you are out here trying to collect samples and trying to collect super samples is part of the fun on the harder difficulty missions looking for that sort of chicken drumstick shaped Rock like you want to find that thing get the super sample so if you just get them all from One mission this isn't great I would hope hell diver's support will actually find games where players have received a massive number of samples and removed them maybe they can't tell because if it's client side they might not be able to tell because the server's got no record of doing it if the server has record of confirming the amount of samples then maybe there something they can do yeah this is this is it it saying it's Sinister is a bit over the top but it's not great this ruins the game you happen to join the game and this happens you might think wow what the hell has happened and think great I can get all the upgrades but then very quickly you'll be like oh that's kind of ruined the game cuz it was sort of the point of the game anyway if you are doing this I would be worried I would expect that you might have action taken against you um by Arrowhead which would probably result in account termination because it is hacking I don't think I can possibly humanly agree with this anymore dear Arrowhead can we stop with these 100% call in time and 50% cool down increase effects for stratums please and then goes on to say seriously masochist developers Joel whoever decides designs that we had a few days of playing the major order on a few planets and all those stupid modifiers were turned off it was great but here's the thing they can still have these can't they but if they do this then I think this would be great and this actually would would make a lot of sense this user blood for corn great name says this it would be fun if you could get rid of the restrictions by doing some objectives like for the increased call-in coold down ones you can bring down a signal booster in a specified area to get rid of the effect and for the one that gives you one less strategy well actually that's because High command wanted a flag on a random Hill somewhere so you get to pick a fourth one but when you land it gets replaced by the super Earth flag drop and you have to raise on that hill and then you can use your fourth stratum the things like stalker layers and artillery pieces are loads of fun and I think there should be more of them yes yes yes yes this is the thing isn't it so we already have stuff like this where the stratum blocker thing for the automaton you blow that up then you get your strategems back and you can use them so I don't see why they can't extend that to some of these more Global effects that they just apply to missions to make them more difficult because let's be realistic here when you've got 100% calling time or like a 50% coold down increase on strategems that just feels crap because it messes with the flow of the game this is the thing right you're used to your strategems being available bang bang bang bang oh I don't have a strategy why oh yeah cuz it's actually 100% delayed it doesn't feel great the hell diers should have a way of dealing with that by all means put it at the start of a mission and then it becomes like a mini objective if you want to make that mission easier or less stressful then go and find these objectives and take them out so you can actually get your cooldowns back to how they should be and I agree with that I think that would be a cool cool change and a very good change for the game and I also agree with the fact that there should be more of these like stalker layer kind of objectives all over the map I mean stalker lay is sem me crazy because the stalkers I don't know what it is with them but they just appear well I guess they're stalkers right and I suppose they are invisible but they just appear and just destroy me without even knowing that they like what the hell although I will say this I think the hunter the sort of smaller version of the stalker is probably uh more effective at killing hell divers because if you get two of them on you one hits you and staggers you the next one jumps on you you're basically dead so it's like what they're super annoying to kill anyway ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed the video if you did let me know about all of this in the comments below so thanks for watching and yeah just just I don't know just tell me how you enjoying the game what's going on what's your favorite Loadout all of that good stuff and hopefully we get a new major order I reckon probably coming in on Monday we'll have to wait and see all right guys I'll catch you on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 45,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: z2dDS79pqUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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