Helldivers 2 Joel's HARDEST Major Order!

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hello everybody and welcome to the channel and it looks like we've got a big problem with the major order I don't think we're going to be able to complete this so the major order is to liberate T bit durgen and mayor now we've got nearly 3 days to complete this as of the recording of this video this is 2 days and 20 hours however there is a problem so if you look at mayor there's 78,000 hell divers currently active on mayor there are well nearly 10,000 on durgen and then over to Tobit we've got 13,900 so nearly 14,000 however these numbers don't really mean anything you can't really tell what's going on all you can do in the game is take a look at the Liberation percentage and you can see this is increasing for mayor because well we've got 78,000 hell divers on that planet but you've got no idea how long it's going to take to complete the capture or The Liberation I should say of this planet from the automaton so what we're going to do is take a look at helldivers doio because I'm going to show you guys what we need to do if we want to complete this major order in time so this is helldivers doio there's a link to this website in the video description below and why this is so crucial to actually understanding what's going on with major orders is it because it shows you predicted completion time and The Liberation percent per hour of Any Given planet and we can see here that at the moment we've got 165,000 active hell divers remember again this is fairly early in the UK I'm making this video or early afternoon I should say so obviously these numbers will literally quadruple when we get into prime time uh with more players playing however it's based off a percentage of players essentially that are active at any given moment so what we've got is Mayor this is the main planet with the most hell divers on it's at 53.83 Liberation however crucially it's getting 4.3% Liberation per hour because 65% of the player base are on this planet this means the planet will be liberated in 10 hours and 43 minutes however if we then look at the other two operations planets which we need to or major order planets we need to capture Let's ignore these two for the moment you've got to bit this is actually at 0.2% per hour this is effectively stalemate and then you've got durgen this is at 0.3% per hour because only 8% of the player base is there and this is essentially 15 days so yeah that would never get completed in time however what will happen is once mayor is completed in around 10 hours or 12 hours time then we should all move to to bit or durgen we basically need to concentrate the Firepower of the main amount of Hell divers that are active at any given moment on these planets to have any chance and even at that even if we can do that it's going to be pretty close to finishing this major order in terms of the two hours or the two days and 20 hours we've got left obviously as well you've got estano and crims they are being liberated by hell divers at the moment if you're just obsessed with the um uh the actual ground the ground mission what am I talking about the major order then these planets don't have any you know you shouldn't be over there you should be completing the major order but like I said guys it's not all about completing the major order play the game however you like that's up to you but I just wanted to throw this out there cuz it does highlight what's going on with this major order and I think we're probably going to be it's going to be very close things could change over the weekend but I don't know we basically just need to all focus on one planet and then move to the next planet obviously these planets need to be mayor to bit or durgen at the moment everyone's on mayor so go to Mayor if you're looking to complete the major order and then whichever one of these planets becomes the most populated start completing operations on that planet and you will progress the major order so yeah this is going to be a really interesting one to see this play out because what's going to happen what's going to happen if we actually do defeat the automatons surely they can't be wiped out right but I don't think we are I think this is going to be extremely difficult to finish this and I'm probably going to be surprised if we managed to do it but who knows this is what I'm going to be doing over the weekend anyway taking part in uh bot killing missions on the planets with the highest population essentially okay so next up we've actually got a bit more information here with the Democratic detonation premium war bond which is coming of course I covered this in a previous video but this actually shows us the name of the uh armor because I was a little bit confused I think as to which armor was which and also we get to see uh some of the names of The Capes and like you know all of that stuff now obviously we knew the name of the capes but we didn't know you know how they were attributed to each Cap's design however yeah what we've got here is the armor set so you can see the ce7 demolition specialist that's the one with the grenades on the front that is the light armor and then the ground breaker this is a c27 ground breaker that's the gas Mass style one so that's the medium armor and then the Devastator the fs55 Devastator this is the heavy armor with like that this looks like bomb disposal gear which I guess makes sense um because obviously it's Democratic detonation it's all about explosions also this is giving me major Hurt Locker Vibes maybe they base the uh armor model off that movie but I think actually that's just general sort of bomb disposal gear which probably is not going to help you if a bomb goes off anyway Point Blank Range but you know I guess all all helps it's definitely not going to help you in hell divers anyway cuz if drops 500 kg bomb on your head you're not going to survive you're going to instantly die um also you can see some of the utilities as well so you've got the uh gp31 grenade pistol uh the pilot extractor or expert extraction pilot booster and the uh thermite grenade and then we've got the adjudicator the exploding crossbow and the Eruptor but then this is the kind of the the interesting new stuff on this graphic you can see the player banners so you've got the haringer of true equality Eagle's Fury and Freedom's tapestry and then they have got the corresponding capes uh the harbinger of true equality Eagle's Fury and Freedom's cap again these were shown in the trailer they put out I think for me probably Eagles Fury looks the best that looks crazy I really like that sort of diagonal cut on the bottom of the cape but then also we get emotes so Victory poses we get the courtly bow the boxer and the squat so yeah that basically sums up what we're going to get for Democratic detonation and as you guys know this is coming on the 11th of April it's a premium war bond so you're going to have to pay 1,000 super credits for for it but of course if you've been playing the game you've probably got 1,000 super credits anyway so you can just pick this up and crack on but do remember you will need medals to unlock any of these things in the actual battle pass itself I'm just going to straight up say I refuse to believe this is actually happening I think these are just post for Reddit karma that's literally it I cannot believe people would kick players for wearing the cape that honors the dead of Malon Creek I just cannot believe it at all like there there's no way this post on Reddit though literally went to the top of Reddit this wasn't just a hell diver specific you know post and it was doing well in that subreddit no it was top of Reddit it said decided to test out the new cape's hidden ability you have been kicked from the game now it is tagged as a humor post and I'm sure this user is literally just taking the piss however people are actually having a discussion about players being kicked from the game for wearing this cape because well people hated them a level on creakers as they call them the creakers um for for not completing the major order earlier because they were wasting time on Mal level on Creek when they should have been on U liberating that so we could go forward to Tobit of course this doesn't really matter now because the major order is developed and of course the way the major order works and just the game in general the live service aspect of the storytelling is is organic it's emergent storytelling it will change based on what the player base is doing so I mean honestly I just cannot believe anyone is getting kicked from this I have not been kicked and I just wear this cape all the time I don't think any of you guys have been kicked as well maybe you have let me let me know in the comments below if people are literally kicking you because you're proud of your Malon Creek Heritage I mean it surely surely is not happening this just cannot be real I do not believe it now you guys are seeing footage in the back of this video of me using the Liberator the very first assault rifle you get the primary weapon every hell diver is given at the start of the game and I think this is a worthy point of discussion on the whole horizontal balance um philosophy the game has got because I've actually gone back to using this um which is which is really interesting to be fair because I was using the Liberator penetrator it was okay went back to using the uh sickle cuz it's just the sickle it's really good and then I thought you know what actually I wonder how good the initial assault rifle is that we get given now it does have a downside it uses ammo fairly quickly but if you're rolling like I am in this game the ammo backpack and the antimaterial rifle well I'm just getting giving myself I've got loads of ammo I'm literally giving myself ammo back as I'm burning through it so it's not a problem but what I actually came to notice is this weapon yeah it's really good at taking out enemies that are not heavily armored taking out the chaff enemies the weak enemies but it's highly accurate it's got a really good scope on it with with really good zoom I mean there's three different scope settings but I always like the maximum Zoom mode and it's got a laser Dot site to assist you with bullet drop this thing is really good and and I almost just dismiss this as it was the stter weapon I'm not going to go back and use it like I said it does have a downside and that downside is it runs out of ammo pretty quickly but yeah if I've got an ammo backpack it's not really an issue to me you know I can just carry on firing this as and when I require and this is an interesting thing isn't it cuz if you start thinking about weapons in the game strategems in the game there are some glaringly obvious issues the machine gun turret is a great example of this why would you use the machine gun turret over the Gatling turret you just wouldn't the Gatling turret is better now maybe there's things they can do to the machine gun turret to buff it to make it more I don't know usable maybe you can call it down faster maybe it lasts longer maybe it's got more ammo I don't know um but at the moment there is just a straight up better option than that again using the sickle example the Scythe is terrible the sickle is better if you want an energy based primary weapon there is just no debate of course these things might change in the future as the game gets balanced and things change but I do think it's interesting and what I want to end this video on is almost a challenge for you guys go out there and try some of the earlier weapons and see what you think I mean I've seen people discussing about using the SMG which I'm going to be totally honest I've not even unlocked the SMG it didn't interest me at all but it's got one very strong um element to it you can use it one-handed so if you're carrying something like an SSD or an objective it doesn't matter cuz you can just use your primary weapon of course it's not as powerful as an assault rifle but here's the thing you can use it with the shield the ballistic shield yeah although you do drop the ballistic shield if you take ragd doll uh damage if you get thrown across the map you will drop it which is kind of annoying wish you just held on to it but yeah there's a lot of things that are starting to happen in the game I think with um not not so much Bal B but Loadout and how you can have a completely diverse Loadout all right guys let me know what your funky loadouts are in the comments below and uh yeah as if you did like the video do like the video subscribe to the channel and I'll catch you guys on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 51,104
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: 9ow83pr6Ruw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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