250+ Hour Stratagem Tier List In Helldivers 2

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now that I have over 250 hours in Hell divers 2 I have a very solid handle on which strategems I really like and which ones I don't like after doing an individual tier list for each category and the devs patching certain items several times let's create a final tier list for every strategy in Hell divers 2 the machine gun is an easy D tier item this weapon has armor pen making it better for Bots at times and good for medium-sized bugs the ammo economy on this gun however is utter garbage and makes it never worth using you just don't get hardly anything to shoot with and every reload forces you to sit in place for an extended period of time actually decent damage overall but the usability is incredibly low the antimaterial rifle is also a d tier support weapon this has the ability to two shot Hulks and while terrible against bugs it can hold its own against the automatons my main issue with this item is that it has really tough recoil even when you're fully prone and its ammo economy is down in the dirt an easy fix to move it up the list is make it fully resupply from one crate right now you just don't get enough shots back and even with the supply pack it's outclass to buy many other support weapons also some more damage would be nice since snipers are really strong but this just feels kind of good in that department the stalwart is a very good C tier weapon they gave this thing way more ammo than any other gun in the game being able to shoot forever which makes it amazing for hordes of bugs only issue is that it can feel like a primary at times in terms of damage and is outclassed in bug clears by The Arc thrower great to run alongside eat and one of the more fun weapons to use though the Expendable anti take is the most s tier item in the game at the moment you can One-Shot Chargers with these and since it drops two at a time with a one minute cool down they're always ready four people running them means eight Rockets littering the map over and over incredible item that lets you run whatever support weapon you want as well since you can drop and pick it up at any time really easy to throw in any load out and while not as good against bots it still puts in work for big targets the recoiless rifle lands in a solid a your spot this is the Expendable if it came with seven rockets and a backpack just as effective at taking out larger enemies and always nice if you get a friend to quickload it for you the eat is way more fluid usually as this item needs you to sit for a long reload and it doesn't get much ammo back on resupply also taking up a backpack slot when there are really powerful options that can make you think twice before taking this the flamethrower upon release was an easy F tier weapon and has moved all the way up to a c tier they gave it a massive damage boost that lets you very quickly take down bugs Chargers in fact become trivial with this item and anything that isn't a hunter takes no effort to clear not a bot weapon as it doesn't have any range and well that's the problem great damage but when bile spewers start swarming you it does nothing to them and the burn potential for you and your team is high no matter how much people pretend it isn't bonus on the flamethrower for being really darn fun though the auto Cannon has gone from a c on launch all the way up to being S one of the best strategems in the game before the rail gun was nerfed there was no m major incentive to run this well now it's the only item I run against bots and usually a top pick ofine for bugs as well closes up factories and bu holes takes out Chargers and hulks uses a backpack and support weapon slot and one leaving you open for another attack strategy this item's a must for automatons now and while not amazing for bile Titans it wipes everything else in bugs just be sure to not fully empty it so your reloads much faster and you are golden the rail gun went from being an easy s tier to now an A tier they made this a lot tougher to use as you must fully charge it to make the shots effective against the big Stu this was nerfed just enough in some ways but also probably too much now since they gave the Expendable a major buff either way it's a very nice option for Bots still and if correctly used has insane power being able to assist in headshotting biot Titans is too good although their usefulness against Chargers has been reduced a lot great item just not as quote unquote op as it was the spear is a d tier item that's lucky it's not in F the more I play with this the more inconsistent the lock on is almost never working when I need it to it only gets four shots and takes up a backpack slot yes it's highly effective when it works but it never works they need to fix this lock on as it is very noticeably jacked up you can be in perfect distance of an enemy and have it never lock on for literally no reason I had it an a tier before because the range on it's very nice but consistency is everything and the spear has none the orbital Gatling barrage is a D tier item cleans up fodder well with a great cool down and longer duration nothing really bad about it other than we have better options if I want horde clears I go with the cluster bomb or the arc thrower also sometimes enemies seem to walk through this taking no damage which is obviously not ideal the orbital air burst strike sits in B tier covering a large area and hitting hard this decimates a breach sending out three spurts of raining shrap NOA never fails to get a ton of kills and thin out whatever is chasing you I only wish it wasn't so easy to team kill with this but but one of the more satisfying strategems to use the orbital 120 barrage goes in C tier for me throw this into a bot base to get rid of everything there but really has no other use another item that can be unpredictable and team kill more than you like very long duration though and usually targets that specific area you hit pretty well the orbital 380 is also a c-tier item being just a more powerful version of the 120 it puts in way more work anything you throw this at is eventually going to get cleaned out with a massive duration only for the automatons but highly effective there orbital walking barrage gets a b tier as it hits with the massive explosions of the other two barrages but is more consistent basically anything in front of you gets blown up great for moving towards a heavily Fortified Area or taking out the larger bot bases at range more often than not it can hit tanks or Towers which makes it not amazing but really really good the orbital laser is an S tier item yes it only has three charges that each get a cool down in between but go play with with it for 3 seconds and you know how effective it can be on bugs it can demolish tons of enemies quickly as you escape and move in and for Bots it will defeat an entire bot Base by itself yes at times it gets team kills because enemies are close to you but over half the items in the game get team kills that's just something you got to work with I don't often take this unless it's a kill Mission but the power behind it is immense the orbital rail Cannon strike always will be an S tier item this has the potential to one shot by Titans will one-hot Hulks and towers and cuts down Chargers in a single shot it is highly reliable although sometimes less accurate than you want it this is by far my most used item in the game for bugs it is always with me because you get so much damage so often and for Bots it's always there to drop an entire tank from a distance or get that flamethrower Hulk off of your back no timer either so as soon as you throw it the rail Cannon smacks whatever it is really really hard the Eagle strafing Run moves down from from C tier to D tier for me you get multiple uses of this and it can clear out a horde but no one ever uses it with the cluster bomb available this is just not worth taking as the AOE is far smaller and just a bit more Awkward this having one less charge than the cluster bomb alone makes it nearly worthless unless you just don't have anything else available not bad on its own for group clear but overall kind of garbage the eag air strike gets an S tier three uses and sends down loads of missiles that explode in a wide area this is required on bot missions almost for its Effectiveness against enemies and their bases and against bugs you can angle it correctly to destroy bug nests and Chargers never seems to work much against biot Titans but it has low team kill potential compared to the cluster bomb and puts in more work honestly one of the best items in the game that you never hate to see in anyone's load out and the eagle cluster bomb is an a tier item this is the best hord clear in the game covers more area than anything and usually gives you upwards of 20 kill streaks every single time not my go-to on Bots because you want more tank kill potential but for bugs it's always going to get rid of bug breaches and save your butt constantly the heavy amount of Team kill potential places it a bit lower but man one of these on the team at least is a game changer angle it just right and the scary amount of stuff behind you simply disappears The Eagle naom is probably a b tier item I've only ever used this just to test because in serious missions the regular air strike is better every time you do get fire damage on the ground with this but do damage is super weak in this game and it's just an okay benefit solid item that just gets beat by the regular version maybe take both for some fun and it could be much more effective but yeah only for bugs the jump pack gets a solid B tier for me this grants you a backpack that thrusts you up into the air enough to clear fences Chargers and get into some more fun spots on the map use this more and it gets better and better allowing for much better maneuver ability only reason I rank it a bit lower is again you got to consider the other options you have when collecting equipment both the shield generator and Supply pack greatly boost your combat prowess while this item is just pretty good very fun and a nice choice but hard to run over some of the really strong packs that we have the eagle smoke strike moves from a d tier down to an F tier I don't care how many times people tell me this makes Bots lose you the smoke is not only highly ineffective but makes your already low vision missions even harder to maneuver inside also do you really want to waste a valuable strategy slot with this item that doesn't do anything smoke is just garbage in this game it doesn't work like it should to lower enemy Vision the eagle 110 rocket pods are an easy C tier item these pack a lot of power with three uses and can be great for tanks towers and biot Titans problem is they're so inconsistent half the time they just miss and that's really all there is to it the targeting on these needs a massive Improvement and the AOE makes them only good against a single Target they never get larger groups even when coming out of a breach the eagle 500K bomb is an S tier strategy blowing up in a nuke siiz fashion you get two of these that cool down quick really nice for large targets and a staple for bug missions not near as good on Bots with the air strike being there but hitting a bio Titan under the belly with this is Peak gameplay also can clear out a bug breach giving it multiple uses yes the range on it it's lower than it should be but still puts in way more work than most options the orbital Precision strike seems to be an a tier it is so accurate that you can miss a lot of the times but packing such massive power it puts in work unfortunately this is a strategy that extra colon time almost ruins it is almost the 500 kg if it had even less range you just need to hit that enemy right on if you do it does insane damage and feels great for both Bots and bugs one of the more well-rounded strategems actually for the orbital gas strike I'm going to go D tier this lets out gas once it hits and man it's so underpowered whatever gets hit usually dies by the gas in a couple seconds but it doesn't last near long enough and man the damage is just so poor it just feels like the devs are terrified to make damage over time too good and this one right here just feels weak enough to not be worth taking gas especially should last way longer and just do more damage orbital EMS strike goes into the a tier this has a quick coold down and allows you to completely freeze an Army in an instant it can be tough to hit at the right time and the EMS morar is usually better but having this can save not only you but your teammates as well place it on a bug break and you couldn't be happier orbital smoke is going to move from the D tier down to the F tier the worst of the smokes by far and these items are just not worth it over any other strategy in the game this needs a much lower cool down to be ever considered usable the HMG is a c tier item this is really fun to use as it sounds great and shoots out so many bullets even being effective for quite some time love it for extractions or holding down objectives main issue is the turn speed it takes so long to turn that you get frustrated every time you try honestly kind of wish it had its ammo refilled by the supply pack too but maybe that's asking too much The Shield generator is an Incredible S tier strategy I've heard a lot of people complain that this doesn't survive long enough on level six difficulty in past but that's just simply wrong me and my team use it on level sevens all the time and it constantly saves us giving you just enough cover to move around giving you a chance to thin The Horde behind you and being one of the best tools you can bring against the automatons this one item can completely change how robots feel for you and make extracting with a whirlwind of bullets around you more possible the Tesla Tower is a b tier you will get team killed by this all the time in regular missions and Chargers break it instantly but for defense missions you plop it down have it clear out all the enemies just need an eat for when the Chargers show up and seriously this item melts especially since the BIOS Speers are way overtuned and don't die to anything this item actually drops them fast allowing you to deal with a different area alog together or just a different enemy more tricky to use than most but great once you kind of figure it out the anti-personal mins are an F tier not going to argue about this or even say much they place down mines that don't activate well enough and cover your own territory but these explosives that make you die instantly they're a massive waste the supply pack is an S tier definitely one of the best items in the game this gives you a backpack with four extra resupply packs on it meaning not just four more packs of ammo but more grenades and Stems as well if you're using a primary weapon more often than and this lets you go to town if you've got a support weapon like the rail gun or grenade launcher that eats through ammo this grants you near infinite yeah you can't go with the defensive backpack for Less damage taken but the supply pack is perfection having more ammo feels way better than most other perks and the extra stems especially makes you nearly Immortal the grenade launcher is a solid a tier support weapon it doesn't have a lot of ammo but each shot clears an entire group of bugs or Bots effective at destroying bases and nests quickly has very high range and is the perfect pairing with the supply pack slightly less accurate than the autoc cannon and doesn't deal with tanks all that well regardless it has such high utility and is pretty accurate as far as a GL experience goes who knew lobbing grenades all over the place would be fun the laser cannon went from being an easy f-tier item to now a solid B tier you could not defeat anything in a timely manner before but now it comes with armor piercing and is good against most targets all the robots feel easy to defeat with this and bugs are a joke you mow down swarms in seconds the main issue is that it has heat generation so on hot planets this is unusable and even on normal ones it's a little bit harder cold planets is where it shines like no other but yeah this is really really solid now not perfect and in no way the best Tank Killer but feels way better and makes a full laser load out more than viable the incendiary mines are also a major F tier being worse than the other mines they do nothing and are never worth it over literally any other strategy the guard dog Rover is an a tier backpack this has a laser Rover fly around you and Laser down anything that moves it's really nice at keeping bugs away from you and can stop the more annoying Bots from getting on top of you as well it definitely Friendly Fires more than I would like but usually the teammate with this gets more kills at the end as those annoying Hunters become way less of a problem also this backpack never really seems to even overheat you always get a laser friend for the entire Mission even though you would think it wouldn't last that long the ballistic Shield's a major F tier this has a shield that you're going to hold in one hand or keep on your back it only protects against basic fire and sometimes not even that any stray rocket deals all of your health through it and will knock the thing out of your hand it can even break sometimes and just does not work well as a shield there's a theory that if you crouch it works better and that's completely made up no benefit to crouching or not crouching just don't use this piece of garbage The Shield generator is better in every single way and The Arc thrower went from a c tier on my list to now being an S tier this item takes some time to get used to but is a monster infinite ammo can hit at ridiculous range trashes multiple enemies at a single time and damages both small and tanks you melt robots easily with this and bugs don't stand a chance learn to fire it more quickly and yeah no better option for hord clear the only downside is massive team kill potential however we do have armor to help negate that now and honestly someone who's used this enough is never going to team kill it's all about knowing when to Fire and when not to lightning that hits all Targets in the game and is always effective is just absurdly powerful The Shield generator pack is an easy s tier you get a backpack that protects you from damage using an energy Shield this Regens quickly and can take several hits that might usually result in death the item completely nullifies the ballistic shield in every single way no matter what people say it is much more reliable and protects from any direction can never go wrong with this item for both Bots and bugs the machine gun Sentry is a d tier item not bad at all just worse than the Gatlin version supposedly it wastes less ammo and has armor pen but the other one always kills faster which is what you need this for the Gatlin Sentry is an a tier item it isn't a perfect item all the time but when you really need him you've got thousands of bullets flying into your enemies this plops down a turret that goes BR really really nice from running away from large groups or just getting rid of the Annoying Hunters as you deal with chargers the mortar Sentry goes in tier this lobs really strong explosives very far into the enemy it does an insane amount of damage and from further than almost any other item in the game amazing for decimating bot bases as you're about to go in but make sure to destroy it as soon as you move out any single Target getting near you means your mortar instantly shoots at it and kills you as well making it much less useful on bug missions but always amazing on kill missions regardless the guard dog is a d tier I used to consider it C but there's really no reason to run it the Rover version has near unlimited ammo and works better this guy runs out of ammo and lands on your back so much you're hardly ever going to see the screen yes it can do good damage overall but when you have the laser version as an alternative this becomes useless the autoc cannon is an easy a tier not always perfect as it can get destroyed quick but man does it put in work throw it on a good location and it's going to clear out all the big targets for you slow to fire but chunks away charger and bile Titan Health probably one of the best defensive strategems in the game for bugs as it raw power is unmatched the rocket sentes weirdly D tier it should be very strong but simply Target stuff it isn't good at killing you need more than eight shots to take off charger armor and the autoc cannon does that in half you're going to need four rocket sentes all shooting a biot Titan just to kill one if you even can and those are the two Targets that it shoots at very nice for mediumsized enemies but less effective than the autoc cannon overall the EMS mortar is crazy s tier place this down in a EMS Fields all over the map slowing hordes over and over this gives you time to move in and take the buggers out or run away and extract it can really suck if you place it down incorrectly and the charger breaks it in an instant but get it back far enough and you have the free win button way way good against bugs and definitely a nice option against bots as well and here we have the Patriot Exo Suit which I would say is an a tier this drops down a Mech that has a lot of machine gun ammo in a good set of rockets one arm trashes tanks while the the other Ms the lawn these are not made for Bots as they're just going to get blown up too fast but for bugs you have an excellent option very strong for evacuations as it trivializes those and nice for some of the larger base objectives as well these are good at what their purpose is destroying enemies fast and letting your team do objectives behind you people think these are bad and higher difficulties because they aren't using them correctly use one rocket per charger leg chew bils when they show up and keep all the smaller stuff off your team then when it runs out of ammo hop out and go on foot again this is not a tank it's a damage dealing Mech big difference and it's very effective at its job and there you have every single strategy ranked in held divers 2 after 250 Plus hours this is how I feel about all of them the patch did change support weapons quite a bit and shift their rankings as for everything else they seem pretty self-explanatory items that don't bring enough to the table like smoke and mines I never use and items I always use like the air strike rail Cannon and Supply pack are at the top hopefully this gives you some idea of what the more useful and fun strategems are in the game other than that thanks for watching and I'll catch you next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: SheenShots
Views: 583,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers, Helldivers 2, Helldivers tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, Helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 release trailer, Helldivers 2 trailer, Helldivers 2 sequal, Helldivers 2 guide, Helldivers 2 ranking, helldivers 2 review, Helldivers 2 first impressions, Helldivers 2 must know, Helldivers 2 strategy, Helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 PC, Helldivers 2 New, helldivers 2 3rd person shooter, How To Helldive, BEST, 250+ Hour Stratagem Tier List In Helldivers 2, TIER
Id: 8SdycoxlRys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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