Helldivers 2 Players REJECT Woke Agenda + IGN MELTSDOWN Over Stellar Blade Apology

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what's up everyone it's IND demon and there's some interesting things to go over today from IGN France apologizing about their Stellar blade article but now new information has come out and the editor-in chief over there has a meltdown and now claims a stellar blade is going to harm women I wish I was kidding but I'm not hell divers 2 is too toxic claims journalists and game companies are taking it upon themselves to enact new ways to moderate and control the way game communities are operated and they are already finding ways to influence trait your private spaces Beyond this we also have hellblade 2 getting some worrying news that Echoes a pre Suicide Squad as disaster and much more so let's begin to start let's look at Stellar blade which as you probably know has pissed off journalists a plenty already cuz it completely bucks the trend of what these game journalists want in video games they desire amorphous vague body types with no gender specific nuances in their video games so when a game comes along with a beautiful woman like Eve obviously that's a big no no and a fat X on the checklist for wrong think in their eyes you may remember that Igan France did an article about Stellar blade where they claimed the game was made by people who've never been with or seen a woman in their lives of course fans quickly assembled like the Avengers and clapped back with photos of Stellar blade CEO's own wife who not only has modelik looks but she's also an insanely talented artist herself as well basically the CEO of shift up which makes Stellar blade has won in life fellas he's got it all a cool company a dope game in the making and a smoking hot wife he's doing great and that angers these people a plenty anyway fan shot back then IGN France had to backpedal due to the backlash here's what they said in regards of their massive loss against the players recently IG France produced and published a preview of Stellar blade containing an offensive passage that should never have been kept the text has now been edited and here is our official apology to the shift up Corporation Studio staff also please note that IGN France is an independent branch of IGN and that IGN's editorial staff had nothing to do with this incident the original text of the Stellar blade preview contained comments that were out of place while it was never Our intention to disrespect shift up or any of its employees or their work we recognize that the phrase taken in its literal sense was in appropriate and we regret it to anyone at shift up Corporation who felt personally targeted and insulted by this passage we are truly sorry and sincerely apologize so good on IGN friends for owning up to their failure and yet again I want to use this moment to remind you of the power you wield as a player in today's market maybe before you thought you were powerless or too weak to have any meaningful change but that's not true every one of you out there has the power to change something and clearly when you band together under a collective Banner of power you can change things how do I know cuz you all just brought IGN France to their knees when they try to Virtue signal so I just want to say thank you very much for being based as hell dear viewers and I hope this shows you that these Studios and websites cannot ignore you like they think they can they don't exist without you and you are the reason they are able to operate and continue so keep them accountable and whenever these websites are whoever attempts to spread false lies like this you all know what to do but I can tell based on this response that IGN France was not happy that they had to do this and likely they felt ashamed that they had to apologize then another user discovered that the editor and chief over at IG and friend said in a public forum from what they really thought about Stellar blade in the user base at large they could have just apologized and moved on but these woke lunatics always Double Down fellas and this is where things go from bad to worse Grumps highlighted a user by the name of topek 899 where the editor-in chief at IG and friend said this publicly then topek 899 translated what this message said so here's what was said about Stellar blade and you'll see how hateful this editorinchief is towards it and I quote yes no problem go tell that to the women who are hit killed denigrated or who commit self- deltion because they cannot live up to the fictional standards expected by men the problem is not the sexy design itself except that it sucks compared to others but hey that doesn't matter but the percentage of males who will only want this type of fictional body in reality obviously we understand that this does not shock people who think that women are objects who must obey and be beaten this design makes us sigh and roll our eyes and we laugh at anyone who needs it man or woman but that's it end quote so IGN Fran's editor and chief believe the Stellar blades existence is not only problematic but will incite violence against women across the planet when it arrives yeah you heard that right Stellar blade is the January 6th of video games for these woke journalists and they can't fathom that its existence is being celebrated and they are dreading its arrival with utter fear in their hearts need I remind you that you think you don't like game journalists already but they always seem to find a way to dig that grave ever deeper and make you dislike them even more I lo this sort of rhetoric from the wokies because they blow things out of proportion thinking that if they do it it will somehow incite the companies above them to do something about it like if they say Stellar blade will cause bodily harm to women which is ridiculous it's a video game what does this have to do with the real world but anyway I guess IGN France's crazy journalists believe maybe if they start up enough of a stink maybe PlayStation will censor the game or something I genuinely believe once Stellar blade arrives we're going to see a very insufferable meta of lunacy that comes from these websites and it will take every fiber in these websites beings to not write hit pieces about it cuz remember these are the same crowds who can't tell you what a woman is anyway but they obviously know that whatever Eve is Must Be Stopped which doesn't make any sense if anything can be a woman then why can't Eve be a part of that too I feel like I'm dealing with toddlers who also have access to the internet and soy in their bloodstreams they just want everything to be as insufferable and confused as they are and they're really mad that you're all not subscribing to that nonsense this IGN France editor takes are about as hyperbole as they get it's like when they said when Trump gets elected that gay people will be beaten in the street or something actually did you know that when Trump was elected there were actually no new Wars started during his presidency but as soon as Joe Biden was elected the Ukraine war happened Israel and Palestine too not to mention America pulled out of the Middle East and left behind billions of dollars worth of weapons and vehicles to be used by the radicalized groups over there but don't worry about any of that just lay your soft head on IGN's soy field shoulder and ignore the objective reality that surrounds you instead just consume the rhetoric that when seller blade comes out women will apparently be dying in the streets again these are the same people who can't Define what a woman even is anyway but they know that they'll be dying apparently I would say these groups are crazy but I think the word has lost all meaning in today's world and saying women can't live up to the fictional standards set by men hello as if that's not something men need to deal with too when it comes to the same sort of thing although you don't see men crying when another ripped fighting game character gets revealed instead of crying about it dudes just look at it and go hell yeah brother I got to hit the gym more maybe if these woke lunatics who can't Define what gender anything is maybe if they put down the keyboards and lattes and just lifted some weights and talked to people with differing opinions they could return to reality like the rest of us I promise you that the world is not as racist and problematic as you think it is and likely if you actually reached out to people who thought differently you'd realize that you have a lot more in common than you think of course all over social media whenever these woke lunatics speak I tell them hey go talk about your ideology on a live stream with someone you disagree with and they never do take Ash for example who works for the Verge they're the person who wrote another sweet baby Defender article where they also omitted critical information about why it happened and then they got exposed in the DM saying they purposely left that information out of the article because it went against their narrative Ash Parish tends to keep running in circles with their opinions you know the typical stuff they always say Ash said this when a user on Twitter claimed they wanted eveeve to be even hotter there is a subtle but important distinction between empowering sexuality like Bayonetta and male gay ass and titty sexuality I disagree Ash by the way don't harass this person either they're infected with a brain Rod already but maybe through time and effort we can unCloud their mind from the craziness that they live in but anyway no Eve is no different than Bayonetta and I would argue that Bayonetta is far more sexualized on purpose than Eve is Bayonetta has tons of shots in game where her assets are shown deliberately she has attacks where her clothing which is made of her hair by the way just flies off her body and then eats monsters and every moment of bayonetta's gameplay it celebrates her sexuality as well of course GRS responded to her to which Ash then said hi is it possible to ask you a question can you explain to me how I'm trying to rewrite history regarding Bayonetta because I've made it very clear in other tweets that I'm very much not one more question can you leave marginalized developers alone please first of all Ash you said one question and you follow up with another question so that's actually two questions but anyway moving on you literally wrote an entire article about the sweet baby backlash and then you chose not to present it in a way that told the true story here's the article you wrote which was titled the return of gamergate is smaller and sadder and the only time you even mention the person who started this who was Chris Kindred an employee of sweet baby is where you said this meanwhile sweet bab's clients are sticking with the company the studios that we're currently working with have reached out and offered their support saying like hey we see what's happening online and just know that we stand with you said Chris Kindred a narrative designer of sweet baby that's the only paragraph in your entire article that you wrote where you reference the person that actually started the smear campaign yet you don't present that information at all instead you paint the abuser who tried to silence cutus as a victim and you just left out the truth so you're actually just as bad as the other journalists when it comes to backpedaling and rewriting history I mean you even said yourself here in response to a tweet which said what do you do for a living short oversimplifications only and you said reite video game history Bravo Ash this is the first tweet in this entire Saga of gamergate 2 where you didn't live for once or emit critical information this is healthy this is good this is your first step towards Rehabilitation from your inability to speak the truth when it really matters repeat after me okay Ash Chris Kindred of sweet baby attempted a smear campaign to silence cutus Rambo say that five times in the mirror and now open your heart and accept it because you know it to be true and once you learn what the truth is I want you to take that and start writing articles where truth comes before your mental fiction and maybe then once that happens we can shift the conversation in a bit and then we can discuss it but until you're willing to do that you're just another woke journalist Who rewrites video game history as you admitted how you and your co-workers wake up every day knowing that you're lying every day on purpose like this astounds me by the way this is not harassment I'm not attacking you I'm trying to help you here you're clearly lost and you need help if you actually opened yourself to talking to my side of the aisle you'd realize we're very welcoming and actually really nice and unlike your side we don't throw our own under the bus so we can climb the social ladder a little higher you say a little wrong think and all your friends will devour you whole that's not very nice of your friends but hey that's the group you wanted to associate with so have had it while I got you here Ash I wanted to ask you something about what you tweeted recently where is it oh here it is you said this in response to white people playing basketball we haven't seen this level of white onwhite violence since January 6 and you followed It Up by saying y'all roasting the white meat of that poor Dutch child shaking my head why are you referring to people with white skin as white meat why don't you ever refer to black people as a similar term Ash Parish why are you racist like this seriously a genuine question for you oh wait yeah you did reply well not to me but someone else where you said this this is a joke hope that helps yeah no Ash that's not a joke that's blatant racism we both know that if someone referred to a black person unironically as black meat you'd be losing your mind along with all of your friends look I get it that you're a racist and you write for games journalism so these things are kind of birds of a feather and all that but maybe at least try to not be a terrible person you're already lying when it comes to articles posted on a website and then changing stories with propaganda but to also be racist towards other human beings for the color of their skin like this and then yet again unironically connect it somehow to January 6th I mean I couldn't write a funnyer joke about this if I try cuz your own cell phones are amazing on their own but we're not racist we're just tired of you and your friends that keep painting us as terrible human beings with absolutely zero evidence to ever back up these claims you probably think I'm racist for signaling you out like this but I'm just trying to show you that what you're doing is even worse than what you claim your opposition does it's no wonder your game journalist friends hate YouTubers like me and others cuz we actually do your jobs way better than you do and we also don't have to lie while we do it either I also don't bow to some weird mob that will devour me like a pond full of piranhas in any given second either I guess that comes with the perks of actually showing receipts not spreading lies and actually trying to change the industry for the better when we both know that if it was up to you things would stay the same forever which means we'd be living in a state of Perpetual lies and propaganda I'm not okay with that clearly and again if you ever feel like you're up to it please hit up yellow flasher Geeks and Gamers I'm sure they would love to have you on of course if you ever do it you can bet I'll be on the same panel too cuz I'd love to talk to you genuinely not to attack you by the way I actually want to know why your brain works the way it does and why your journalist friends all seem like NPCs in an open world video game who just Echo the same thing but if you don't want to that's fine I mean you're doing a fine job ruining your own image all by yourself anyways Stellar blade is not sexist nor is it going to harm any real women in the world in any way that matters it's a video game about a badass woman killing aliens with a sword it's really not that deep well the only thing that will be deep when Stell blade comes out is shift Up's Pockets cuz they're going to make more money than God for a little while after release but you get what I mean I'm so excited for cell blade dude it's going to be one hell of a launch but when it comes to dealing with wrong thinking journalists we always think well at least they have an infiltrated our game spaces completely right well there's this thing that's being used in online Comm unities already that is pretty concerning to begin with from gamed developer.com they've promoted this software called talks mod by modulat in their article titled toxicity and the bottom line five benefits of tox mod voice moderation effectively moderating toxicity is crucial to building gaming environments that are engaging and safe we dive into the cost of toxicity and five proven benefits of voice moderation with tood so tox mod is a software that allows allows game companies to moderate The in-game Voice chats of the video games they operate basically meaning that anything you say within a video game as in the in-game chat or whatnot it can be logged and then neatly kept forever within the background by these companies thanks to this apparently it exists to reduce in-game toxicity which gamed developer.com says according to tox mods research that also sites take this which is that company branch of Homeland Security that specializes in extremism and video games they also cite a study which they say in their own words a study by UC Irvine's constant Sten CER founded that players spend on average of $21 in non-toxic games and only $12 in toxic titles in equivalent genres that means less toxic games can experience a 54% boost to in-game spending that's a big increase so they're attempting to paint the picture that by using something like talkx mod your games will make more money because players won't be assaulted as much in game this then brings me to articles like this one from G Infinity Esports titled hell divers 2 is never getting PVP and you can thank toxic Gamers they attempt to say that hell divers 2 specifically is being targeted and destroyed by an onslaught of toxic players within its community and that the CEO claims PVP will never be added to reduce toxicity which is true he did say that but I think the main reason why PVP isn't in Hell divers is simply because it wouldn't make any sense since the game is about pushing back hordes of robots and alien bugs and in order to differentiate itself it would be in Hell divers' best interest to not Implement modes that other games have like Halo Destiny Cod and so on but for this article to say straight up that it's because of toxic players is just un true and they are attempting to Gaslight the hell divers Community into believing that their very new and thriving group of players are somehow stained by The Mark of toxic fandom already which if you have a functioning brain in your skull you know that toxic can never be fully removed from anything in the entire concept of competitiveness we'll always pave the way to some form of toxicity whether it's video games sports or even playing cards with your friends or really anything else what worries me the most is that when article spread lies like this about stuff like hell divers it wrongfully turns the conversation towards less in-game control or freedom of speech for players which is not just for hell divers of course but all multiplayer games in general and why things like talk Mod War me which I'm not accusing Arrowhead Studios which owns hell divers of using anything like it but it is an option that any Studio can technically use if they want but things like talks mod attempt to say that they are a net positive for your game but what I think stuff like this really does is to be more of a trojan horse than anything else cuz if more and more game companies Embrace these invasive software applications what you're going to end up with are video game communities where everything you say while playing can be used against you if you get mad and you say something you regret or maybe make some Politically Incorrect Jokes which I do all the time I admit these software applications can compile whatever you say and then they can use that to not only ban your account but they can use it in a legal court case against you too and with the way the world governments are pushing things like hate speech laws something like this could do a lot of harm to innocent people who just want to play video games imagine you play a game like hell divers you make a joke or two to your friends then suddenly you get an email with an audio file documenting what you said and now they can use that to forward it to your employer in order to get you fired or blacklisted from an industry that's what these sorts of things can be used for and that scares me personally you're already having your privacy invaded from all sorts of things attempting to know more about you like that recent story of how Facebook has allegedly sold the private messages of its users to Netflix which was brought up in court by lawyers during a current La suit involving these groups here's more to what's going on there and I quote in a court document dated April 14 20203 the law firm of Klein and grabbert alleged that for nearly a decade starting in 2011 Netflix and Facebook enjoyed a special relationship and entered into a series of agreements to share user data benzinga reached out to meta platforms for comment on the allegations Reed Hastings who was founder and CEO of Netflix at the time also sat on Facebook's Board of director s and it was from this position that he was alleged to have leveraged his influence to enter into a series of Facebook extended API agreements this allowed Netflix access to Facebook's users private message inboxes that enable the company tailor streaming content for its own customers why would Facebook allow such unfettered access the lawsuit claimed the driving force behind the agreement was advertising revenues Netflix was apparently spending around $40 million a year on Facebook advert iing and by 2015 had entered into an agreement allowing Netflix data to be used for targeting optimization and Facebooks ad systems end quote so why am I talking about Facebook and Netflix when it comes to in-game voice chat and stuff like hell divers 2 being apparently toxic well it all sort of melts to the same pot if you will when it comes to user data and your freedom of speech companies are constantly buying and selling private information of users already and when it comes to something like talks mod they can now compile anything you say while you're enjoying your favorite video games too maybe you have an opinion on your country's government or a politician or your group chat gets into a spicy topic which let's not lie we've all been there before well now those voice chats won't disappear into the ether never to be seen or heard again anymore if this gets normalized and things like this can be archived and obviously sold to other companies as private information and maybe in the future you attempt to run for public office or you get a new job and suddenly out of nowhere Here Comes an audio log where you were younger where you said something spicy and now you're screwed what I hate about this the most is that things like these are often pushed as righteous and necessary but ultimately what they result in is a constant steady loss of freedoms on your part at the expense of corporate gain and we know that take this that Homeland Security spin-off company wants to police your speech within video games already they'll paint it as extremism and say it's a necessary step to stopping toxicity in online spaces but what it really is ultimately is an infringement on your rights as a human being where you cannot in any space whether it's Facebook gaming or whatever else escape the thought police no matter what and these hit pieces claiming oh all hell divers 2 fans are toxic is all that is needed for some outof touch Congress people who don't even play video games to be convinced that well you know what yeah these Gamers sure are toxic cuz these articles are saying that so yeah we will allow these companies absolute power over online speech and response and this is just one gigantic step in the direction of regulating the internet and ensuring the concept of right versus wrong think is inescapable no matter where you go cuz we all know that toxicity or hate speech and gaming can be ignored by turning off the chat I mean whenever I play online I usually Auto mute everybody anyway not cuz I expect hate speech but people's microphones usually have screaming babies in in the background pots and pans falling over or some relative yelling we've all heard it before or you get that one guy who's blitzed out of his goddamn mind blasting music and max volume right into the microphone and you can't hear anything but their music again we have all definitely experienced that before too but this is simply just another way for these groups to inch ever closer to controlling and policing every single thing imaginable when it comes to not just the internet but the video games you love to play and I think that's terrible and of course places like gamed dev.com which made that article as a promoted sponsored piece of content are trying to convince whoever reads it that it's a good idea but I think the more control governments companies and consulted agencies gain the worse everything becomes for the ordinary person hell diver fans are not any more toxic than any other fandom and I think painting them as some all bad apples bunch is disingenuous and wrong and pushing things like audio logs being collected in the name of combating video game extremism is just a convenient goalpost moving chest move to screw us all over in the future even more than we already are not to mention we have other grifter Consulting agencies like melanin Gamers which is pushing this toxicity report nonsense where people can vote and claim how toxic certain games are so parents and players can be informed of how toxic a game is before they play it which is ridiculous cuz all that's going to do is cause people to troll the website and artificially put push to get every game listed to 100% toxicity for the laughs which I don't blame people who are doing just that by the way cuz this whole concept is stupid now we're going to have Metacritic scores HR department scores ESG and what toxicity scores too it's so ridiculous it's just another grip that's made by these melanin Gamers people the same way sweet baby does it too you artificially create a problem that didn't exist to begin with and then you offer the solution to fix the issue so that you can profit off of it it's ridiculous but hey I'm sure some outof touch executive will bite the bait cuz they don't want to seem racist or problematic finally I want to end on a story that I'm getting Vietnam flashbacks about which is from Euro gamer and it's titled hellblade 2 will be 30fps only on Xbox consoles Ninja Theory founder has left the studio it's not so much a 30fps thing I mean this is an Xbox made game of course it has limitations why are we even surprised at this point it's the fact that the founder of the studio has left amidst development this can be a few reasons like maybe he is retiring altogether or he got ousted for some sort of company complaint case or what I really hope is that it isn't another rock steady situation where the founders leave cuz they've been infested with woke activist who will now rot out the entire Studio from the inside out again obviously it's too early to say cuz we don't know but I did want to bring the story to people's attention as early as I can cuz it worries me it's never a good sign when a Studio's found founder leaves amidst development of a game and I really hope this doesn't end up being another rock city like fumble where something like sweet baby gets involved and has infiltrated everything within it yet again I guess if we end up seeing a black Viking in hellblade 2 at some point that might be a good indication that something weird is definitely going on over there I don't really have much else to say on it as of now but yeah that's really weird and worrying but as always let me know what you think about that as well why do you think the founder left and what do you think of IGN claiming that Stellar blade will attack women somehow for existing or the whole talks mod nonsense as always thank you for watching like subscribe and share the video to help the channel and thanks to my patrons as always thank you for being here take care of yourselves and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 150,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, baldurs gate 3, Asmongold, suicide squad, kill the justice league, rocksteady, stellar blade, model, the last of us, Sony marvel, mcu, Spiderman, disney, elden ring, final fantasy vii rebirth, tifa ff7, final fantasy 7 rebirth, rebirth review, sweet baby inc, sweet baby
Id: FPrImliu3JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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