Helldivers 2 is a wake up call | Asmongold Reacts

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hell divers 2 is a wakeup call I think this is absolutely true and I think that all these big studios that see these uh games like hell divers 2 and last Epoch hitting massive top 10 steam numbers are thinking to themselves why the [ __ ] did we just spend a100 million on dog [ __ ] has done the impossible it's a game that's come out to incredibly High Praise from the people that have been have you guys heard by the way with h divers 2 that there's apparently just one guy we have an actual person with the title of game master a single hell divers 2 Dev named Joel is pulling the strings on the galactic War like an all powerful DND dungeon master war will become more and more sophisticated over time Joel just logs on and decides to [ __ ] make an automaton uh [ __ ] Invasion it it only cost cost $40 it somehow mended relations within the console war and for the most part developers and critics that would normally criticize the game for doing better than theirs have stayed silent for now today we're talking about everything hell divers 2 from its reception online to odd takes that I've seen on the internet and also how this game contrasts with many of the games that the AAA industry has been trying to shovel down our throats for far too long so let's drop in also like I'm gonna give a hot take was a hot take time I don't think that I don't think that a AAA Studio would take a storyline like hell divers too because they would be worried that the inherent satire of it would be lost on audiences and they could be perceived as promoting the military industrial complex and Fascism and I think that the discourse around Starship Troopers because of Hell divers 2 indicates that they are worried about that that's hot take I do I do that's genuine I so I don't I think that a AAA game Studio would never make a game like this am I a crazy stupid paranoid [ __ ] dumbass idiot well yeah maybe but I think I'm right about this I do I really think this is I think it's [Music] true you know what would be really cool is if this was mold near armor and uh we were fighting against the Covenant and the flood why why why is that not happening yeah why did that why why did what where's 343 why didn't they do this yeah what happened I don't get it like the big guys could be like the hunters you know you got Elites there that could be the tank from Halo the rocket launcher to exploded on to the an explosive launch that captivated both critics and players alike developed by Arrowhead game studios the sequel to a twin stick Co-op shooter built upon the foundations of its predecessor delivering intense Cooperative gameplay set in a dystopian future where we are fighting against alien forces to defend managed democracy that's right with refined mechanics enhanced visuals and expanded content hell divers 2 offers a thrilling experience for both Veterans of the series and newcomers alive as a recording this video hell divers 2 just reached another Peak concurrent player number of over 400,000 players on Steam with an incredibly consistent climb day after day since the game's release on February 18th the CEO of Arrowhead Studios Yohan pad tweeted saying that the game had over 500,000 concurrent players between PlayStation 5 and steam that's [ __ ] crazy like let me see how much like where did it Peak at yeah 458,000 so that's that's just on Steam oh my God back when the concurrent player count on Steam was just north of 300,000 players later clarifying that the servers are capped at 450 until they can fix stability on their back end the CEO has clarified multiple times saying that this is not a resource issue with their servers it's a code issue the game wasn't built to have this many players the official I think a lot of these games like they have to understand that like if you make it like I believe with a good game I think if you build it they will come just make a good game and streamers will find the game they'll stream the game and if the game's fun people will buy the game and then it just pops off that's what happens two Twitter account announced on the 17th saying despite our best efforts to increase server capacity to accommodate all of you who want to dive for Freedom we are experiencing capacity issues we are once more working without delay to improve the issue and hope to have a fix in place as soon as possible thank you now I can't help but laugh at some of the CEO's responses on Twitter to people constantly bombarding him yeah he just [ __ ] roasts people on Twitter hounding him about more servers my favorite being the weight screen mate stop tweeting and fix this yes good idea I will sit behind the Eng engineers and ask them are we there yet or I could let the engineers work independently towards a common goal without me as the CEO pestering them at every moment yeah what do you think they're doing I wonder which one will work best now server issues aside the game success was I think that this is for me this is so refreshing I love it whenever people that work at these big companies treat the idiots on the internet like idiots on the internet I do and like even if people say even if they're wrong I I appreciate them being authentically wrong than being politically correct evident from its outset with the release garnering widespread a claim for the game's challenging game playay strategic depth and online multiplayer critics have been praising the dynamic mission system which has kept every single playthrough feeling fresh and unpredictable as well as its robust customization options that allow players to tailor their loadouts to suit their preferred play Styles or yeah what I'm going to do so like I do plan on playing this game again but I only want to play at Co-op I was hoping that like you know I could play it with some of the guys and you know see what happens but like I want to play and I'm only going to build turrets I'm just going to make turrets that's it I'm just going to watch everybody else do stuff McConnell I was thinking me McConnell L fan techone Emy something like that some list of that would be great to be able to collaborate with the people that they're playing with Additionally the game's emphasis on teamwork and coordination has fostered an incredibly vibrant online community further enhancing its longevity and replay value and also leading to higher sales with its adrenaline pumping action and addictive Cooperative gameplay hell divers 2 has already cemented itself as a standout title in 2024 leaving players like myself anticipating what the future holds for this franchise now I also think that since this game like for me I really like games with gear grinds like it it I I like it I know that some people don't like that I do I like getting better gear and and doing stuff like that it feels like good for me but I think that hell divers 2 will also maintain longevity because it doesn't really have a big gear grind in the same way that for example uh once human has a gear grind or uh like Destiny has a gear grind I think at least it's my understanding uh or like wow has a gear grind because it'll it it will allow people to come back and play the game whenever they want the Vibrance of that community that I was talking about earlier like the gear grind does not to the point that we a gear grind is fun to play through but it also becomes a barrier to entry for returning players Andor new players a temporary SE fire in the console war between Xbox and Playstation where fans are actually petitioning to put the game on Xbox generating me and videos that are specifically trying to call Xbox players into the fight now this is just something I think this is like this is one of the elements that uh what do you call it this is one of the elements that hell divers 2 does exceedingly well that's like kind of very covert is the fact that it's such an inclusive and positive game you're fighting for super Earth you're not fighting for super America America you're not fighting for super Russia super Europe it's like everybody is together playing cooperatively and because there's no PVP and there's no damage meters a lot of things have been taken into consideration to create the experience of of cooperation of camaraderie and I think that I that's probably one of the other reasons why you see so many people positive about seeing Xbox players play the game yeah a shared common goal that you love to see this crossplatform I do really think that stuff matters in the same way that remember what I said is I think that one of the reasons why the Final Fantasy 14 Community is like less toxic is because the storyline focuses more on Redemption arcs and like the stories are more detailed and they have like more Nuance to them so like players are expected to have like a little bit more like empathy I guess you could say where gamers are coming together to fight for a common cause and this is largely one of the reasons why I and also it's not a dystopia either like it may seem like some idealized world but even at the beginning of Hell divers 2 with the storyline it's very much a Utopia everything is great everything's good and so like there's not like oh you're fighting for this dystopian world or anything like that things are great you but it's just the [ __ ] bugs right you got to kill the bugs and the automatons always talk about having less exclusivity in video games because it makes for moments like this or moments that are even better than this and it perfectly suits a game like hell divers 2 because it's chaotic and hilarious but it requires a ton of coordination between players you guys have to be talking about what kind of weapons you're going to bring what kind of strategems you're going to bring you have to actually come up with some type of strategy for many of the things that you're going to do within the time allotted when you guys drop onto a planet you have to communicate and when you have to communicate and we have games like this which I think are relatively rare anymore games that Force collaboration well you make friends you communicate with other people and you end up finding out that you guys have far more in common then you don't and that's what douses some of these console war fires and that's well that's also like that's what makes online gaming beautiful and amazing like that's the best everybody always talks about oh online gaming is so racist and bad [ __ ] that online gaming is amazing you can play with somebody who is in a country that you thought was awful and then that person is totally normal and that's going to change your outlook on things this kind of moment should be except for the fact that well Xbox CEO Phil Spencer saw this as an opportunity to just cast another log onto the console warfire in an interview with game file newsletter Phil Spencer of Xbox said I will say when I'm looking at a game like hell divers 2 and it's a great game kudos to the team shipping it on PC and Playstation I'm not exactly sure who it helps in the industry by not being on Xbox Sony I'll answer that helps Sony if you try to twist yourself to say like somehow that benefited somebody somewhere but I get it there's a legacy in console gaming that we're going to benefit by shipping games and not putting them on other places we do the same thing based Phil he's like yeah this is [ __ ] sucks cuz we don't have the good game and yeah we do this too so it is what it is now something like this makes me feel like these CEOs may have the memory of a goldfish as only just a few weeks ago po World released on Xbox and steam however Phil Spencer didn't have that same energy towards third party exclusivity then it seems that exclusivity is only an issue when it doesn't benefit your bottom line as a devel as I said exclusivity serves no purpose for the gamer like as the average gamer we should all want every game to be on every console that's what I want I want everybody to be able to play every game on every console as much as possible developer from respawn tweeted saying not exactly sure who it helps in the industry to acquire a company and then lay off 1900 of their developers Mr Spencer my God the lack of awareness when it comes to some of these guys I swear especially with that last line of you could twist it so that it's like it's helping somebody somewhere right like we're supposed to just ignore that you guys just purchased Activision Blizzard King and that you also picked up zenax and bethesa not too long ago either to be fair though to Phil Spencer which like yeah obviously it's kind of like a a toned deaf comment considering the fact that like yes of course they have exclusives too if you don't count PC or at least things that aren't on Playstation Xbox has announced that multiple games will go to PlayStation I think that's great and I hope they keep doing that and I hope PlayStation starts doing that as well it's been a cold war for a long time and I remember like one of the uh the guys like yeah just four great great that's a good start it's four relatively kind of big games right wasn't like as one it like high-fi rush and Starfield yeah four is more than zero isn't it not Starfield sea of Thieves that's right yes it wasn't it wasn't a Starfield sea of thieves great SE of Thieves is big but I'm sure that's somebody somewhere right mhm it's never about our freedoms as consumers it's always about our money and how to direct that money towards them of course simple as that and he can act like they're pulling some type of Charity act by sending some games over to PlayStation but we all know that it's really just to bring up the bottom line a little bit further and also to delegitimize the ftc's claim that they are trying to approach a monopoly on PC gaming whenever they purchase the next very large studio after blizzard so they have to add other games into other categories and other consoles so that it looks like they're trying to do that that's the real reason why I think that they're doing it I think they're doing it it has nothing to do with their bottom line I think they're really doing it so they don't get glabel the Monopoly because like in my opinion that's like such a bigger fish than making a little bit extra money off of a couple of games think about how big that is now because they just barely got by with the m re why I do believe that I think they barely got by with and by extension power world have done so well is it's their value proposition towards consumers and it's something that the AAA industry has gotten relatively disillusioned with over the last few years Jen over on Twitter from Windows Central wrote power world 29.99 hell divers 2$ 39.99 Suicide Squad kills the Justice League $ 69.99 skull and bone I'm going to laugh with next year it's Suicide Squad kills the studio that made Suicide Squad kills the Justice League that's what I think is going to happen 9.99 you can buy two 2024 bangers for the price of one AAA title the former breaking record like you've never seen before be earlier yeah sobering stuff and it's no surprised that games like these are breaking records we live in an era where we have $70 AAA games and even now quadruple a games that are offering a lower quality experience with maximized monetization I mean Diablo 4 is selling horse armor for the same price that you can buy both hell divers 2 in po world I remember or just Diablo for itself watching a video from dark microtransactions recently where he brought up how blizzard could make the horse armor a part of the game's leaderboard system why would players are actually rewarded ofy brained thinking just doesn't suit the AAA money machine model of give less and ask for more right widely speaking I think that players are fine with paying higher prices for those games as long as those games are worth the money that we are spending if this conversation was flipped that you could buy powor and Hell divers 2 for the same price of balers Gate 3 the D Dynamic of that conversation switches from this is a ripoff to customers having to weigh the benefits of either Choice how much is the Elden ring DLC they announced the price didn't they $40 that's a lot of money for DLC but I bet everybody's going to buy it the problem is not the price the problem is the value it's all about the value people would buy power world for $70 people would probably buy hell divers too for $70 as well by the way less people would but if the game is good and it gives a good like value proposition then people will pay a lot of money for it it's important that these games earn our money and that's the same belief of Hell diver's CEO after the game was being ACC accused of being pay to win I'm partial but we really applied ourselves to not Mak pay to win even though items are functionally different the only item that's pay to win is the revolver which will win you any cool gun competition only minor problem is that it's not that good another person responded I'm so glad that you guys are continuing the trend of very fair and not predatory microtransactions in PlayStation multiplayer games quite happy about that so many live Services end up dying because they chase greed instead of fun and big player base love this so much to which yeah the reason why live service Games die is because the game sucks like that's the real reason that's that's it it gets stale and that's it's bad it has nothing to do with the price of the microt transactions Path of Exile has [ __ ] store packs that are $570 and everybody loves the game at least everybody in the arpg community loves the game it has nothing to [ __ ] do with the microt Trans transactions and it has everything to do with the value proposition and the content content is all that matters Arrowhead CEO responded you have the right monetize look H star if people want to support this title they have an option but we're never forcing anyone to do so now I want to clarify how monetization Works in Hell divers too as it seems like there are still people that are relatively confused I get it when I first saw the war bond system I said ew and then I realized how it worked and I said oh when running missions you will earn requisition slips medals samples and super credits medals and requisition slips are earned at the end of every single Mission but can also be found on the map at different bonus objectives samples and super credits are only found in missions however super credits can be purchased with real money metals are used to progress your game's battle pass in the requisition menu this is their war bond system that functions similar to a battle pass in fortnite where you have the choice of what you want to unlock when you want to unlock it but you have to buy enough things to be able to progress to the next page samples and requisition slips are used to unlock higher-end strategems and upgrades for your ship and for use in the field yeah these are valuable super credits are used for buying Cosmetics or unlocking the premium war bond which is the next tier of the battle pass war bonds or battle passes do not expire you'll be able to progress them at your leisure and unlock items as you will you cannot buy I wish that the Gam Community could come together and boycott expiring battle passes there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to finish a battle pass when you want to finish it even if you don't play the game I really wish people could come together and just be like no we're done with that no like if we want to earn it yeah no respect for my time exactly medals so there is no way for you to just buy your way into higher-end equipment and weapons so super credits are used for two things that's the in-game premium currency you can use them to buy cosmetics and you can use them to unlock the premium war bond which is the battle pass that you progress from more equipment more weapons more upgrades and things like that but by the time that you have completed the basic war bond the one that we all start with at the very beginning of the game the one that's free by the time that you even get halfway through or even close to the end you've likely already earned enough of the premium currency the game has by running missions and getting some of it from the first war bond directly to just go ahead and upgrade to the premium war bond mhm there's literally nothing stopping you from doing it sure and then you're probably sitting there asking yourself well then that means that the Cosmetics have to be absurd right because that's how many of these games usually operate no actually most of the super credits that are used for Cosmetics are anywhere from like 250 to 500 the premium war bond is a thousand so you can earn many of the credits that you need for a couple Cosmetics with in one session of playing with friends if you're playing well I guess a little bit longer period of time like 3 to 6 hours or something like that depending on how long people play or if you're just focusing on trying to farm that specific currency you'll be able to get it relatively quickly there's Guides Online people showing how you can just Farm super credits if that's something that you're trying to chase but you can casually play and you'll never run into a moment where you're like I need to go and buy this currency simple as that now yeah I think that's incredible by the way thank [ __ ] God I'm not a huge fan of microtransactions or battle passes I largely do not engage with games that have these kind of things I engage with the games that have battle passes and microtransactions I just don't buy them like anything that you can buy in a store immediately means that it has zero value again but oh yeah I'll do it for content for stream oh yeah yeah no doubt no doubt but like I'm talking about like what I do on a personal level like yeah of course I'll do it for stream content or whatever but for a personal level no absolutely not Poe never bought the battle pass in Poe never bought battle pass in Diablo 4 you know except for like the one that came with the game or something like that but other than that sure your Poe stash then oh no I've spent over $1,000 on Poe but none of that money was on Battle passes because I don't believe in it however with that said this is largely the most engaging and player-friendly monetization system that I have ever seen in a video game and it needs to be celebrated because this isn't something that's just designed to extract more money from us it's actually something that's designed to be able to well have them continue to monetize their game but also be something fun for us to actually engage with they made monetization a fun part of the game loop I like it's fine if the game wants to monetize itself the monetization just shouldn't be parasitic of the game itself the problem is that a lot of times monetization in video games becomes the way it like the video game slowly revolves around that monetization that's where the real problem comes in Hell divers 2 deserves every ounce of praise and success it receives and then some for me it is refreshing to see yet another game that is prioritizing the player experience over greedy monetization tactics that have been unfortunately become all too common in the AA industry in a landscape where mic transaction the price of like these games have to have these predatory microtransactions they have to do it and the reason why they have to do it is because they have uh they made 50 they spent $150 million on it that's the main reason so like they need to make that money back so obviously they're going to do that it makes sense the shareholders yeah they've got to make the money back games seems to overshadow gameplay held iers 2 stands out as a beacon of Integrity reminding us of the joy that Games should be bringing us despite encountering its server issues which is pretty understanding the game didn't really expect to see this much success especially following a game like power world hell divers 2 excels where it truly matters delivering incredibly fun and engaging games this is that's such a good line the game is good at what matters like for example I saw there were a lot of tweets talking about the facial movements of Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad killed the Justice League I don't care I'll even go farther no one cares make a good game play experiences especially when you're enjoying it with friends the game's Cooperative gameplay incredible sound design enemy variety Vari missions Mak for some of the most memorable moments that I've had playing games with friends who cares hell divers 2 is also a stark reminder of the disillusionment that is prevalent in the AAA industry learning now that former Halo developers once pitched a game similar to this game's premise underscores the industry former Halo developers see you're saying we could have had these Tendencies to prioritize financial gain over creativity and Innovation by just continuing to make the same thing we could have been OD over again it's disheartening to see so many studios I'm going to be honest like I think you could also be Spartans like you could be like uh you know pre-re era Spartans that'd be [ __ ] crazy good neglecting to publish games that they themselves would want to play or that would resonate with players instead the industry appears to be consumed by money and individual egos a far cry I think that it I I honestly think that triaa is too big to succeed I think they have to over monetize their games because they spend so much money on making them and they'll never make the money back on box sales that's the problem from the roots of its passion and creativity the words of laran Studio CEO proudly declaring their independence from shareholders sholders we also think prioritizing game quality should be a wakeup call for the industry at large it's high time for a fundamental shift in priorities among some of the biggest players in the video game industry a return to core values of also I don't even think that it's prioritizing to shareholders in the long run run I don't like because for example the studios that are going to make these games that that prioritize making shortterm profits they're going to lose money overall and whenever they lose money overall then the shareholders are going to be [ __ ] it's just shortsighted thinking games that are fun and engaging for players rather than solely focusing on profit margins yeah hell divers 2 is not just a game it's a rallying cry for change a reminder that the soul of gaming lies in the joy that it brings to the players not the dollars that it generates I want more games like hell divers 2 like Po world like balers Gate 3 like Grand blue fantasy relink I want games that value my time as much as they Val my money that value my enjoyment as much as they value my money I realize that that's a really tough sell for the triaa industry but well who gives a [ __ ] if they like who [ __ ] them who cares like if they make a good game great if they don't okay I'll play something else like I'm not I'm not going to rely on a AAA gaming industry to make me happy [ __ ] that like if I'm playing a game I'm enjoying myself playing the game then that's all that really matters like I don't care who makes it like I don't I don't need to have like this massive game that's of the scope of uh you know World of Warcraft or something like that for this to happen just make a good game and and that's it they're not buying independent studios are going to keep getting my money and all of my content because this is exactly the thing that I love talking about I love talking about games that I am enjoying that I want other people to play and I want to and I think this is also a problem with Diablo 4 too and this is why I think that Diablo 4 might not ever be successful because of the because of the bloat in which it's designed celebrate the things that they do that bring value to us as customers to them that's largely one of the reasons why I like making videos to begin with because this is fun this is positive and interesting content for us to discuss contrast with some of the poor purchases that we have to make sometimes or have made in the past and look to see this is what we value now and continue to buy games like this and support games like this because they value us as as much as we value their game it's not that complicated I'm getting ready to prep a review for this game it's going to take me a little while I'm one of those guys it really isn't it's really not that complicated at all I don't know when developers stopped realizing the simple reality of make a good game and people will buy the game like for example if somebody makes a really good game I'll play their game and like for example this game here I played this game and the video that I did about it got a ton of views it got hundreds of thousands of views like I didn't get sponsored for this game I just played it because it was good like just make a good game and people will play the game it's it's not that complicated that has to put a serious amount of time into something before I can finish it I wish I could be like mortismal gaming Who 100%'s games that guy's a psycho by the way yeah he is I can't believe that but I want to put quite a lot of hours try to vocalize what my experience is like and let other people know about it and I realize that by the time my reviews even hit the presses most people have either bought it or decided they don't want to play it but at least we can still celebrate the experience together so hopefully you I don't think that long-term reviews like if you review a game a few weeks after it comes out I think that's very fair and I don't think there's anything wrong with that because people will look for that review later on and if your review is more comprehensive and better everybody will watch it like for example whenever I made my review of new world the video got like a million views in like two days everybody watched that video like that is that is the New World review video has the most people that watched it of any of the other ones and it was like months after the game and come out and why is it because it was the best one you want to get views make the best content that simple will watch it whenever I get to finishing it as well as my enshrouded one and Grand blue fantasy relink oh oh and then Final Fantasy 7 rebirth comes out for sure and the Dragon Dogma 2 yeah I'm screwed yeah anyway stay cool stay righteous stay safe my friends and most of all hell divers I'll see you on the front lines I've got to play this game wait a minute before you go don't forget if you like the video subscribe to the channel I'm almost at 50,000 believe that already and if you did enjoy the videos and you enjoy the content think about supporting the channel patreon link down below see you there it is I I agree I think that like the problem with AAA games more than anything is that they cost so much to make that they have to have these annoying [ __ ] microtransactions that invalidate the content of the game I think that's really the biggest issue like it's and you have like millions and millions and millions of dollars of investment into these games and it doesn't even really seem to matter it doesn't make a difference what do you think to uh the hour threshold to take a review seriously is I don't I think it depends on the game so my opinion for like a review of the game so a review so this is this is my perspective on reviews okay so how do you review something well you look over it after it has already been completed right because you viewing a game is whenever you first look at it and reviewing a game is after you is looking at it for a second time right it's like a look back on the game so a look back on the game implies that you have looked at the game in in its full capacity and because of that logically I would expect somebody to complete the game before they review it does that mean they have to 100% the game no but it does mean that they have to complete what the player experience is generally intended to be that's what I would say and you do have and I think that also first impressions of games are massively important and I think that in some cases they are more important than a review but they should always be categorized as first impressions rather than a full review that's a quadruple a review yeah exactly and so you want to see a game like if you want to see a review you want to see a review that goes through every aspect of the game this a good video give it a like if you liked it yeah I just think that like if you want to give a review for the game you should try to play everything about the game or you should contextualize your review around I didn't do this part of the game so my review is going to be primarily a part about this part of the game but again I just think that these big companies are too big to deliver a good experience anymore they're too big they're too fat and I think that's why they're firing people I think they're realizing exactly what I'm saying they take too long the ship is too big and it doesn't turn fast enough I hate some game journalists too because some of them have dog [ __ ] reviews that's where reputation plays reputation plays on that so much you need to make sure that you have a good reputation in order for that to happen if you play ring for let's say 10 hours you know everything you need to do to know to give a review by then you should see all the qualities 10 hours I don't know if that's really enough and also like it's not knowing everything about the game it's also experiencing everything in the game so like I'll give you an example if I were to rate Dark Souls 1 and I only did everything up to Anna orando including an Orlando I would say it is probably the probably like if not the greatest game of all time at it's in the top five greatest games of all time however I think after an Orlando Dark Souls 1 goes down I would say that it's still a 10 out of 10 game but the beginning is a 10 out of 10 a pristine 10 out of 10 and the second half is like a nine out of 10 and I think that that the first half is so good that it makes up for the second half only being a N9 out of 10 and it makes it still a 10 out of 10
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,428,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: qowX7x2bEX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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