The BEST Stratagems & Weapons To Unlock FIRST | Helldivers 2 Advanced Levelling Guide

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many people have stressed to me that there seems to be no guides for what to do after your first few hours of gameplay all the way up until the end game there's some fantastic beginner guides and some fantastic end game guides but if you don't want to waste all of your money and be using the wrong equipment for hours and hours in the meantime there's not really any help for you there so welcome to my complete breakdown of the best strategems ship modules weapons and armor to unlock as you are leveling up I'll assume you've got basic knowledge of the game and you're around level five and now let me help you use your money efficiently and make sure you're purchasing the best strategems modules and war bond equipment as you progress into the end game fully prepared we'll start off with the strategems and I'll do my best to keep this as Snappy as possible because this is already going to be a monster of a video and I don't want to overwhelm you with too many details of the many strategems we'll be looking at so as we take a look at the Patriotic Administration Center the top three I say you unlock when you get there is the recoiless rifle the autoc cannon and the rail gun the recoiless rifle is a very very slow weapon to reload unless your friend can hold the ammo pack for you this gun isn't really worth using without being able to do that you can use it yourself but it is going to take a lifetime to reload but it's the most powerful low-level weapon you can only get a handheld weapon that compares to this when you unlock the rail gun level 20 as you'll see here the auto Cannon is nearly as powerful however it can hold a hell of a lot more bullets and it fires significantly faster also you can reload this pretty damn quick yourself loading mags of five bullets at a time it shoots very fast and it will melt smaller targets the only problem is it's not quite powerful enough to penetrate the armor of the likes of charges so if you want a lowlevel weapon that's also going to be effective against the likes of chargers Titans and hulks then maybe stick with the recoiless rifle if you've got a friend to help you reload apart from that when you finally get to level 20 make sure you have saved up enough requisition to buy the rail gun immediately and make this your first purchase it will strip the armor off a charger in two shots and it can even one shot Hulks and bile Titans if you aim absolutely perfectly at the sweet spot right between the eyes two honorable mentions in this category before we move on the Expendable anti-tank that you unlock at level three is quite powerful it does say that it destroys armor but unless you manage to aim absolutely perfectly it's still going to take three shots just to kill a charger and considering you only call these down in pairs and they are literally one use and then they get thrown away they're not as great as they sound and finally we've got the spear which sounds on paper so much better than it unfortunately is yes it can oneshot a tank yes it is technically the most powerful handheld weapon in the game however like the recoiless rifle this is going to take a lifetime to reload if you having to reload it yourself it also has the lowest ammunition of any weapon in the game at a total of four it also refuses to lock on to smaller targets so if you are hoping to use it splash damage to take out a sea of hunters NOP it physically will not let you lock onto anything smaller than a brood commander and on top of that it cannot be reloaded with the ammo that you see scattered throughout the world in fact it will register that you have ammo missing and when you try to pick it up you will indeed pick up the ammo but you won't reload anything you will have just wasted that ammo for your entire team that's because the ammo you see lying around on the floor is only half as effective as a Supply pack and it needs one full Supply pack just to replenish one rocket therefore for the horrendous draw V this has you are far far better using the rail gun it is Superior in every way it will penetrate everything it will strip the armor off anything and unlike the rest of the guns in this category that I've just listed it doesn't even need a backpack it truly is far superior to any other handheld weapon next up let's take a look at my top three orbital Cannon strategems this is going to be the airburst strike the laser and the rail Cannon firstly let me give an honorable mention to the 120 mm and the 380 mm he barrage another strategy that sounds so much better on paper than it actually is unfortunately as you can see in these clips here they are just way way too inconsistent when they hit they're pretty good and you may be saying especially with the 380 mm but it's supposed to be used on big nests and big factories totally get that but that just gives it an even wider area to potentially miss every single thing it's supposed to be aiming at they are far too high risk High reward for a game like hell diers where you need to make every single shot count so until you hit Level 15 and you can unlock the laser if you want any orbitals just stick with the air burst strike the fact that this shoots down three consecutive bursts not only can it easily one-hot every low-level enemy it will even take out charges because it's got such a wide spread it will hit the back and if all three bursts hit their back they are dead before they even have chance to recover it doesn't have the widest spread in the world but for a fairly cheap only level five unlock trust me it is really valuable in many situations and then as I say when you finally get up to level 15 and then level 20 the orbital laser is absolutely amazing you can only use it three times per Mission but it lasts so long that it's got enough juice to take out a bile Titan and a few stragglers or even two Chargers before it runs out of juice this is the most coste efficient of every single strategy in the game dealing far far more damage than the rail Cannon orbe it over a much longer period of time and for the final one I recommend in this category the rail Cannon strike has no equal it can and will one-hot every single enemy in the game sometimes it's a tiny bit inconsistent with bile Titans if it doesn't hit them in the right place it won't One-Shot them but everything else in the game is a guaranteed one shot kill if you have a few members of your team rocking the rail Cannon strike and you coordinate them well you can kill a string of big threats without even breaking a sweat or firing a single bullet as we move into the hanger you'll be very happy to hear here we have some fantastic very powerful options here even at low levels so you're not going to have to wait till level 15 or 20 before you can get some really juicy additions to your Loadout firstly my two honorable mentions are the Napalm air strike and the cluster bomb don't get me wrong both of these are fantastic and at low level potentially get them if you have the spare money they are both pretty strong especially the damage over time of the Napal air strike unfortunately damage wise they both pale in comparison to the base Eagle air strike that you unlock at level two even at level 50 I still see many people running the air strike it does have two less charges than the cluster bomb when fully upgraded the cluster bomb being five and the air strike only being three but the main thing that makes the air strike so so powerful is it does drop armor piercing Rockets whereas the cluster bomb cannot Pierce armor it is therefore ineffective against anything even lightly armored if it hits well the air strike can even kill Chargers and Devastators something that the Napal air strike and the cluster bomb cannot do and they both unlock at later levels and are more expensive so for your early game hanger strategy that will see you all the way through to the end definitely pick up the eagle air strike ASAP as for the other two that I recommend we are looking at the rocket pods and eventually the 500 kg bomb now after doing substantial testing the rocket pods can annoyingly be fairly inconsistent they are supposed to Target the largest enemy closest to the beacon however during my testing they were missing time and time again but trust me in my offline play they have frequently nailed every big threat for me not necessarily killing them in one hit but stripping the armor from them and leaving them wide open to be killed by even my weakest of weapons the rocket pods considering they are such a high level strategy also give you plenty of uses before they need to go and rearm so they are very quick and versatile and you can even use them to take out clusters of smaller enemies such as Devastators or Hive guards and finally for this category we have the 500 kg bomb the only thing I wish about this bomb is that it had a wider radius a bigger spr R because even though it does a hell of a lot of damage at Point Blank Range and it can one-hot a bile Titan if the enemy you're targeting decides to come barreling towards you and it just Clips the back of them it won't kill them it will barely even wound them so this bomb needs to be smack bang on your target it needs to be very accurate and if it is it will kill them in certain situations and due to that one fantastic recommendation I have for you is to use this on the location a of a bot drop or a bug breach as soon as you see that drop ship stop moving or as soon as you see the breach in the ground rather than saving your 500 kg bombs for Hulks and Titans throw your bomb down exactly where the enemies are going to start spawning that is where it's going to have the most effect and now as we move into the bridge this is probably the weakest category I only have two for you here that I can really highly recommend and one that again sounds in incredible on paper but I advise you to stay away from at all costs and that one first to get out of the way is the Tesla Tower this can do Insane amounts of damage the only problem is it's very hard to tell what its maximum range is and it will do just as much damage to you as it will to your enemies if you take even one step too close to its fairly significantly large radius you will be killed instantaneously so though it can melt waves of enemies it can also cause Havoc throughout your own ranks as well and it's a very very very Squishy in placement if even one straight enemy gets too close it will be taken out far too quickly and it just really isn't worth the investment and the wasted slot now as for the two strategems I do recommend from the bridge they are certainly not as powerful as some of the others we've been talking about but if you really want to use something from every category I would recommend the or gas strike and the shield generator relay even though the gas that the gas strike releases doesn't cover a huge area the damage over time it does is significantly more powerful than Napal if you want to kill things with damage over time in this game I would strongly advise the gas over fire as long as they are caught in the full duration of the gas even Devastators and brood commanders will die just from the gas without you needing to shoot them even once and on top of this it has one of the shortest cool Downs of any reasonably powerful strategy so you can cool this down a lot more frequently than some of the others that you might use instead and my second recommendation from this category at level 10 is The Shield generator relay the energy Shield that it deploys isn't as powerful as I'd like it to be I feel like this gets shot down far quicker than it should in theory I love what they're doing with this one and against bots especially it's a great idea and in certain situations it can be really really really good I just hope that we see this strategy get buffed in an upcoming patch because I would really like to see The Shield generator relay survive a few more rounds of fire than it currently does now we are on to the second last category of strategems the engineering baay and there is some really great choices in here firstly I will advise you to not purchase the ark thrower for very similar reasons to the Tesla Tower as you will see see in these clips the damage is so inconsistent if enemies are up close it just seems to completely miss them even if you have Point Blank got the gun inside of their face somehow the lightning will do nothing at range I can't seem to figure out exactly how far ranged it is sometimes it seems to be able to hit things 40 m away sometimes it misses things 10 m away even if I'm aiming directly at them sometimes it bounces to only one enemy sometimes it's three enemies it's very inconsistent and even in the times when it is performing well there are far far better choices and on top of that the fact that it seems to love to Arc to your teammates the amount of times I would shoot this thing at a bug right in front of me it would skip its two friends directly behind it and then it would Ricochet off to my teammate to the left 20 M away from me instantly killing them it is so lethal and so unpredictable in all the wrong ways stay away from the arm thrower now for the engineering based strategems that I do suggest the supply pack as you all know if you've seen my tips video is absolutely incredible the fact that this will effectively not just double but triple your supply uses is absolutely invaluable for teams with heavy ammo and Equipment usage this is such a sleeper and a really really powerful backpack for one of your team to have next up you've got the grenade launcher the absolute best handheld crowd control weapon in the game with its 10 shots per magazine it will melt SES of enemies in seconds though if you are using the grenade launcher as frivolously as I like to the supply pack might become quite a necessity for you because it will reload two full magazines at a time and you will be churning through lots of grenades next up we have got the shield generator pack which feels like it has nearly as powerful of a shield as The Shield generator relay and it's all for you this thing is going to effectively double your life bar you will take zero damage from a rail gun blast to the face if you accidentally walk in front of one of your friends even a charger charging right at your face that Shield generator is going to almost entirely nullify even the most powerful of charges this is definitely the best defensive backpack item and for the final engineering based strategy that I advise we've got the guard dog Rover this is the iteration of the guard dog with the laser and this thing seems to never ever overheat on hot planets where lasers overheat more you do occasionally see it need to cool down but in comparison to the other guard dog which uses an assault rifle this thing has far more up time and is going to be shooting at your enemies 99% of the time if you were to play two missions the exact same but bring the shield generator pack for one of them and the guard dog Rover for the other check your stats screen at the end of the mission and I can almost guarantee your kills have doubled this thing puts out so much more work than you realize and is constantly batting off Raiders and scavengers and hunters and you name it without you even knowing this is a piece of equipment I really hope doesn't get nerfed because it is truly truly powerful and at only level 10 this is an absolute must have for the mid game and finally before we move on to ship modules we have got the robotics Workshop which is effectively a load of sentries and the guard dog straight off the bat don't bother with the machine gun Sentry don't bother with the guard dog the guard dog Rover far superior to the guard dog and the Gatling Sentry far superior to the machine gun Sentry as for the others let me show you some footage of the rocket Century now trying its best to do I I don't even know what just look at this it is a bmal if a Target gets too close it throws a hissy fit and it won't do anything it is very inconsistently shooting at rocks it misses its Target so often because the Rockets are abysmally slow and even with every upgrade doesn't have that much ammo it doesn't turn that quick it truly is an absolutely garbage strategy if you want something like the rocket centry just by the autoc cannon the autoc cannon is ridiculous two volleys and it has killed a charger and with the ship module upgrades that we'll talk about in just a second it moves fast it's got endless amounts of ammo the autoc cannon is everything that the rocket wishes it could be it is far superior in every way and apart from for certain defensive missions the autoc cannon Sentry definitely the best Sentry in the game it's got some really decent Splash damage it's very fast its only drawback is its turning speed speed at low levels but we'll address that in a second when we come to the modules before we move on let me talk about the last two centuries I haven't mentioned yet the mortar Sentry at level 8 and the EMS mortar at level 20 if you've seen my fast leveling guide you already know how powerful these two are just using these two strategems alone I went from level 40 to level 50 in one day four defense missions there is no equal if all four members of your team bring these two strategems no guns no rail cannons no orbitals no Eagles nothing and you just sit there and crouch in AFK they will win you the game 100% of the time they are so so powerful for defense missions just be careful bringing them out onto the field because the mortar will likely blow up you and your friends many times and now that you know which strategems to focus on first as you're leveling up let's move on to which complimenting modules are the best this section of the video is much easier much more straightforward tip number one is focus on getting every single module to level one all of the level one upgrades are invaluable in one way or another and because from memory they all just require common samples please forgive me if I'm wrong I believe all of the level ones just require common samples and this is fantastic news for you because in the low levels of play this is all you'll be farming so it ties in perfectly with your first goal of getting every ship module to level one and whilst you're doing that you'll be unlocking more strategems you'll be getting better at the game and you'll be starting to farm some rare and some super samples and this is where your selections will change slightly depending on your play style but here's my primary recommendations if sentries are amongst your favorite strategems to use especially if you're doing lots of Defense missions then I strongly advise working up to the high quality lubricant as quickly as you can some of the ship modules only really improve something by 5 or 10% maybe they decrease the cool down time by 10 seconds or decrease the call in time by 2 seconds your sentries will rotate something like 200% faster between targets once you have unlocked the highquality lubricant and in order to unlock this you will need to get the shock absorption gel as well which is amazing because they're going to have 50% more ammo which means they last sign significantly longer and honestly if you've seen all of the mortar footage from my previous videos it doesn't even feel like they just last 50% longer it feels like they last for an infinite amount of time the shock absorption gel along with the high quality lubricant truly gamechanging upgrades for your centuries and the next two ship modules that I would recommend perhaps before the centuries if this is more your play style are going to be the hanger upgrades to affect your your Eagles I can almost guarantee you will find yourself using Eagles far more frequently than orbitals and the main reason for this is most of them have two to four charges before they then need to go and rearm so especially if you are speed running towards the expanded weapons Bay this upgrade is insane because it will double the amount of uses for your 500 kg bomb from one to two and it will also give you so many additional uses overall before you send your Eagle away to leave and rearm and couple this with the pit crew Hazard pay which you have to get to unlock the expanded weapon Bay this means that the rearm time is even shorter than it already was I think it's only 2 minutes maybe like 2 minutes 10 maximum and if you think just for one use of the rail Cannon or the orbital laser you're talking upwards of 4 to 5 minutes before you can use them again whereas the Eagles you can use nearly half a dozen times and then 2 minutes later they're back again so trust me Eagles sentries and level one in all the ship modules that wants to be your main focus it's going to completely change the game and make it significantly easier now let's talk about your weapons and armor in relation to the war bonds passes firstly you'll be happy to knowe that all three of the top three weapons I've picked that I'm going to recommend for you today all come from the regular hell diver's mobilized pass initially I wanted to do this anyway because I didn't want to lock you out of any of my recommendations if you don't want to or can't afford to pay for the premium pass but honestly for anyone that doesn't have it especially when it comes to the weapons although all three weapons in the premium pass do have fun quirky bonus effects they damage is lackluster and the bonus effects do not make up for the loss of damage so for the three top weapons that I recommend you unlock as soon as possible on page three you have got the SMG 37 Defender this is the most powerful one-handed weapon in the game and just looking at the raw damage output it even outdamages most assault rifles combine that with the fact that it does have the onehanded trait and this is key in certain missions allowing you to carry items like hard drives without having to sacrifice your Firepower which will make you a really sorta member and an invaluable member of any team next up on page four you've got the SG 225 breaker most people agree this is the best gun in the game I think that's debatable I think my final weapon might be even more powerful but either way the SG 225 breaker there is very very little reason to use anything else until you get right near the end of the hell divers mobilized pass as I say this is only on page four so you will unlock it pretty early on it has high damage it's full auto and it's very very very good for clearing waves of pouncers and other fast moving enemies that like to get up in your face like the assault Raiders and the Brawlers from the Bots overall this is an all round really solid early game weapon that can easily carry you through to level 50 and my final weapon recommendation another extremely powerful one in very different situations to the breaker this is the S g8s Slugger on page 8 of the same pass and don't be fooled even though that it says this weapon is light armor penetrating just like pretty much every single other primary weapon in the game it can definitely penetrate medium armor as seen here as it's blasting through the tough head and face of Hive guards something which all other light armor penetrating weapons cannot do this also applies to certain Bots such as the Devastator and the rocket Devastator very little armor will stop the Slugger it is single shot and shoots a lot fire than the breaker so the actual DPS is lower but as long as you make every shot count its ammo is going to stretch far further and it's a super efficient ammo usage weapon with the Firepower to back it up switching between these three depending on the mission is going to have you sorted in 100% of situations and now finally let's talk about the armor as everybody hopefully Knows by now the armor rating in this game currently doesn't work which means your best bet is to always stick with light armor for now and just use whichever armor traits best suit you so please keep that in mind for this section but with that being said because this won't always be the case and it will be fixed soon let's review the armor overall assuming that this has been fixed and armor rating now works so first let's look at the armor rating to speed and stamina regen ratio and using medium armor as a benchmark you can see that Medium armor is actually the most efficient when you have a look at light armor let's use my favorite one for example the legionaire your armor rating will take a hit of 44 and your speed will be increased by 44 but your stamina regen will only be increased by 22 whereas with medium it's 100 500 and 100 now if we take a look at another medium armor that's slightly on the heavier side the B24 enforcer this one has an increased armor rating of 25 with a reduction in speed of 25 and a reduction in stamina regen of 25 so when the armor goes up by x amount for it to be an efficient armor the speed and stamina regen will come down by the same amount and you will see that reflected in the heavy armor as well with a 44 increase to armor rate rating there is a 44 reduction to both speed and stamina regen so when you're talking about the base stats light armor is less efficient because stamina regen doesn't go up as much as it does go down the other way so ideally if you want the most efficient stats you just want to stick with medium armor however of course feel free to take the hit to armor if you do like being light and fast but perhaps the most important thing even when armor rating is working is is the armor passive and on that front there are two that I would recommend firstly we'll start off with democracy protects this gives you a 50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage plus it prevents bleeding from Hemorrhage and both of these things happen far more than you think they're going to especially on higher difficulties the amount of time that 50% chance has saved me and I have been so sure that I was dead and then a few seconds later thought oh wait what I'm what why how am I alive quickly stemmed ran away and all is well democracy protects really will save your life far more than you think when you just look at this armor set on paper or even better and my personal favorite is Servo assisted this will increase both your throwing range and your limb Health meaning that you can operate on Lower Health meaning that hopefully even if you take a big hit your limbs are unaffected and you'll be able to Soldier on without needing to waste as many sticks impacts also you all already know how much I love the increased throwing range this effectively increases your maximum throwing distance without any height Advantage from 44 M to 66 M and this is huge as it allows you to take out nests and factories with minimal to no aggro especially if you have that reduced aggro radius from light armor and for that reason my current absolute favorite armor set right now is the Legionnaire set which you can get from time to time in the super store so if you have some super creds saved up I strongly advise you wait until you next see the Legionnaire set in the Super Store and go and grab it it's a light armor which will passively increase your stealth it also has the servo assisted passive meaning that you can effectively stealth snipe small to medium camps making you lethal even as a solo player and this makes you a really valuable member of any team because you're able to go and perform solo operations with minimal risk now you know everything you should be saving up for and where you should be spending your money for the next 10 to 15 levels and of course once you've bought everything I've recommended here and you've got some more money just go and buy everything that's the dream that's the end goal isn't it so with that my friends all that's left for me to say is thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Doms Roundtable
Views: 875,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guides, Guide, Tutorials, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Full Guide, Full Walkthrough, hints and tips, hint, hints, tip, tips, compilation, funny, fun, amazing, best, Helldivers 2, Helldivers II, action rpg, rpg, weapons, stratagems
Id: f3khvNJzB4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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