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we have a brand new absolutely massive balance patch for hell divers 2 so let's get stuck into this because there is a lot to cover in this video uh but I will say this at the top of the video the heavy machine gun has been nerfed and I told you guys this thing was op anyway let's move on so this is what we've got patch 0 1.0.20 Liberty Freedom democracy good day hell divers today we have a slightly bigger update for you all to assist in The Liberation efforts of our galaxy as well as some new environmental threats to watch out for May Liberty guide your path and the overview is this update includes balance changes to missions strategems weapons enemies and Hell divers General fixes and stability improvements game play changes are up first we've got new planetary hazards we've got blizzards and we've got sandstorms I cannot wait to see these specifically the blizzards I bet they look absolutely sick on the snow planets cannot wait to see them so let's move on to balancing and let's begin with missions retrieve essential Personnel Mission types moved the enemy spawn points further away from the objective to give players a fairer chance of defending the location now that's a massive massive buff to these missions or I guess Nerf to these missions um because what generally happens even on like I'm going to say on difficulties from like five and above sometimes you can get bogg down on these missions especially if it's against automatons cuz they just Gunn down the civilians as they're spawning and it is quite hard to keep control of it so so I think this is definitely needed um there are also fewer civilians required to complete the mission on higher difficulty so yeah I think all in all that's good cuz it is a pretty frustrating Mission type destroy command bunkers now has more objective locations the mission was two easy before compared to other missions it can now appear in operations from difficulty 5 half the negative effect of operation modifiers that increase strateg and cool Downs or cool in times now that last one is what gets my attention I mean half the negative effect of operation modifi that increase strateg and cool Downs or call in times that is great because these were the most absolutely frustrating um strategy cool down blocker things that were just the worst right those negative effects were terrible some I'm good they're looking at that I'm not entirely sure whether this is just general for all the missions or just related to the command bunker I'm going to go with it's just for everything at the moment um but maybe it is just related to ban Bon commission um but hopefully it isn't um because it does say operation modifiers also as well this destroy command bunkers Mission type uh being available now from difficulty 5 onwards there's a lot of missions that are not available um harder difficulties like raise the flag I recently or you'll see in this video I did one raise the flag mission first time ever by one I mean one difficulty I've never seen that mission type before cuz I don't play on that difficulty but it will be cool to have that actually at the higher difficulties I think right this is where we're getting spicy because there's a lot of primary secondary and support weapon Chang now loads of stuff is going to get changed so let's get into it and I'll give commentary when I think I need to so let's do it AR thrower fixed charging inconsistencies it will now always take 1 second to charge a shot Arc thrower reduced distance from 50 m to 35 M actually I think that needed to be done cuz it look it was really janky having that kind of range cuz it just it feels like a close-range weapon and the fact you could use it at like 50 m was yeah shocking literally shocking oh dear uh and finally with the ark thrower increased stagger Force so what we've got there is overall Nerfs to the AR throw the range and the Stagger Force increasing is a Nerf um but it always takes one second to charge now does give you that consistency gives you a bit of balance for the weapon but I do think the ark thrower is overall nerfed the guard dog gets a change as well and it now restores full ammo from Supply boxes this will be a nice change to the guard dog especially you know there's two dog variants right so the laser guard dog that doesn't ever run out of ammo but the other one with the assault rifle on it does and actually it's surprisingly good at killing like low HP enemies especially termined enemies it can really stop you from getting flooded with enemies really strong but of course now this is a pretty strong buff to it um of course the laser one like I said doesn't really need ammo it won't run out of ammo um but yeah guard dog buff I'm all for it antimaterial rifle gets an absolutely massive buff this has got a 30% increase on damage that is massive that is actually massive I think this is going to become one of the strongest weapons in the game straight up this is a crazy buff this is actually a crazy buff this is you know you think about shooting hulks in the in the face with this shooting tanks shooting like Towers any this is crazy this is actually crazy I think this going to do loads and loads of damage and I just think this is going to be what like if you can aim this is going to be one of the best weapons especially at Harder difficulties because taking out the the hard Elite enemies is basically what those modes are all about um the the small enemies yeah you can kind of control them yeah I know you can get flooded by them but yeah the elite enemies are generally the danger antimaterial rifle is almost tailor made to kill them provided they've got exposed uh weak spots and it's definitely much better against the Bots I would say than the bugs but yeah big buff there breaker incend damage per bullet increased from 15 per bullet to 20 per bullet um yeah also its fire damage per tick is increased from 50 % uh sorry fire damage per tick is increased by 50% from all sources so okay I guess that's all fire damage but I guess the reason why they put that under breaker incend uh is because obviously that sets Targets on fire now there was a bug with this where it wouldn't actually burn targets unless you were the host so it would visually set them on fire but it wouldn't actually do any burn damage but if you were the host of the game it would do burn damage and suddenly became a much stronger weapon so I think this is why like myself included think this weapon is trash because I'm I'm not the host in the games I'm playing when I'm using this weapon and I'm firing it into stuff and it's not actually setting them well it is setting them on fire visually but it's not actually doing the damage over time which it should be doing if you're the host so maybe that's been fixed I don't know but yeah big news there I mean fire damage the per tick increase by 50% from all fire damage sources this could be a massive buff to the breaker in Sandry honestly and also just like the flamer anything that set stuff on fire liberator penetr okay this is like one of the worst Primary Weapons and it really shouldn't be cuz it's got I think it's got medium armor penetration hasn't it and but now it's got a full auto mode so it's probably worth checking out whether it's going to make it super good I don't know um but it's probably worth checking out cuz maybe there's like a stal b or something for it I don't know but honestly yeah I mean that's okay full fully auto mode for it it's okay moving on to the Dominator so increased damage from 200 to 300 uh Dominator increase stagger um as well now again yeah this the Dominator I think this is again this is a massive buff like really is a massive buff um I think this is going to be one I'm going to need to play with cuz it is kind of a funky weapon but yeah that that's just a huge buff that it's from 200 to 300 like what these Buffs are crazy the diligence counter sniper okay again probably one of the weaker primary weapons in the game cuz basically take the antimaterial rifle and then take something with a high fire rate as your primary weapon to act as your um you know your close range deterrent I guess anyway this is now increased armor penetration from light to medium so this could suddenly become a really strong option because if again you're hitting those crit spots with this it's going to do damage and it is going to really damage the bot so again you've got good aim it looks like we're maybe entering a patch here where sniper builds are going to be very very strong so moving on to the Slugger this is big Nerf so reduced stagger they've also reduced the damage from 28 to 250 and they've reduced it's demolition Force so for like you know blowing up objects and stuff uh and they fix the armor penetration tag in the menu and then this then moves on to Slugger Liberator concussive and the senator fixed incorrect armor penetration tags in the menu so the Slugger is a powerful shotgun it has been nerfed and it probably did need nerfing so again I think I'm all for this I think it's a pretty good change but the big news here is they had incorrect armor penetration tags now they've been fixed this is good news recoil rifle okay check this out increased the number of rockets you restore from Supply boxes from two to three this might make it a little bit more attractive for those players like myself who prefer to spam down the eat now there are times where the eat isn't as good as the recoiless rifle notably if there are Straten blockers although they have been nerfed in this patch but if those are in place well things that increase the cool down timer I should say strateg and blockers will still be here cuz there's still you know objectives on the map and they will will block your strategy from use in certain areas um but essentially if you don't have access to strategems then the eat is no good right but the recoil is you've always got it with you so there are like you know some pros and cons to it but yeah I I think um this is okay for the recoiless rifle you going to get more Rockets right you get one extra rocket so that's fine from ammo boxes spear okay the spear is like one of the worst weapons in the game but when it works it's incredibly powerful so they've increased the number of missiles you restore from Supply boxes from 1 to two again similar to what they've done with recoiless rifle so I guess you got more chances to mess up the lock on and mess up the the deployment of this weapon but yeah it is a really good weapon reloading when it works and here's the heavy machine gun Nerf the highest fire rate mode has been reduced from 1,200 RPM to a more moderate 950 and I've got to ask why why even do this because the 1200 RPM mode I mean you're ludicrously crazy if you're going to use that mode cuz you just empty the magazine super fast it's only got a small magazine anyway the amount of damage it does it makes you feel like a godamn badass when it happens um but yeah I'm sad about this cuz I I did actually quite like that that ridiculous RPM it was amazing but generally most of the time I used it in it lower RPM mode anyway but you know if you needed to go and Destroy some Point Blank Range instantly then you could use the 1200 RPM mode but apparently no longer so let's move on to the strategems Patriot exos suit Rockets will now penetrate armor only on a direct hit so you have to directly hit the targets I don't think you I think this means you can't do glancing hits and it might even mean you need to hit them in the crit spots but I don't think that that's true I think it just means you need to hit the target head on um and you will penetrate them so yeah this apparently is a Nerf I would say whether it's not apparently it is a Nerf because if they were just all penetrating regardless of the impact then yeah that was obviously stronger than them only now penetrating on a direct hit okay let's take a look at the enemy changes so balancing adjustments have been made to charges normal melee attack now does less damage against exos suits okay so a little bit of an Exo Suit buff there CU charges always seem to sneak upon you I don't know how they do this cuz they're massive but they do bile spewer and nursing spew do less damage with their puke this is great because I hate dying to B all spewers the nursing spewer well they're both the same they're both the big ones right it's I was going to say the nursing spew is a little one but it's not as it they're both the big ones the one's got armor right and the other one doesn't anyway it's the ones that kill you instantly with the spew it's horrible they are now they're going to do less damage which is great the bot Titan can no longer be stunned though which does make sense cuz the little concussion grenade stunning or rather the stun grenade concussion concussing the massively like 60t tall bile Titan made no sense but yeah they cannot be stunned this also means as well orbital strikes um I think this the EMS strike which would stun them that's not going to stun them uh and the uh uh the turret as well won't stun them the the EMS mortar shers no longer longer create bug breaches that's a big Nerf actually to shers cuz shers are hard to kill I mean you always end up with loads of them on top of you this probably explains why if you're not destroying the nest fast and not killing them fast you end up flooded with bugs sh is hitting you while they are dead now does significantly less damage okay I'm not a fan of that I think it's funny it's just absolutely funny when they die and fall out of the sky and kill you um so Arrowhead come on you've got to revert that you've got to revert it there some hell IA changes as well so balancing adjustments have been made too heavy and medium armor protects better and you now take about 10% less damage than before while wearing heavy and about 5% less when wearing medium armor fortified Commando and light armor is unchanged now this is a massive buff I have been rolling I mean I was I was going through my phase of using the Shield Pack uh the backpack and and light armor but I'm not doing that anymore cuz I'm I'm basically rolling autoc Cannon all the time cuz I'm a Madman but I'll roll the auto Cannon but then I need to obviously use my backpack for the ammo so I need to use heavy armor and I've been rolling with heavy armor and it's surprisingly good even before this buff how it would keep you alive against things like rocket Devastators and just automatons in general from their ranged fire but now they're buffed even more so about 10% less damage than before that's really strong so I think this could put the medium armor almost into a place where the heavy armor was before this patch and heavy armor is just going to get really strong so yeah this is honestly this is a massive Giga buff to armor okay we got a bunch of fixes so let's blast through these fix an issue where save settings for PS5 would be reset when the game is rebooted causing things such as load out and hidden settings to reset enemies now properly Target EXO suits previously many enemies effectively ignored EXO suits if a hell diver on foot was a available for them to Target okay that that actually makes sense right so your Exo suits are going to get destroyed now if you call them the enemies won't prioritize you they'll just take the exo suit out as well fixed EXO suits being able to fire their weapons while opening the mini map okay that's good cuz that's super annoying or it was the hell diver and Exo Suit both had a bug that made them sometimes take explosion damage multiple times making things like Auto automaton Rockets be too deadly this is now fixed okay so the hell diver also okay maybe this is why we were dying to um rocket Devastators all the time well automaton enemy constellations that preferred to spawn more of a more of a certain uh Devastator types did not work and are now functioning as they should this means that sometimes when playing against the automatons you will face more Devastators instead of other enemy types okay bit of a buff there to the automatons potentially we've improved the system that prevents hell pod steering close to large or important objects we have solved issues where the effective area around objects was a lot larger than in intended we have reduced the number of objects that prevented hell pod steering note this system is intended to prevent soft logs where players can drop on important interaction points or drop into untended places we will continue to monitor the state of the system after the update to see if any additional tweaks are necessary and then they've also fixed cases where the ground under some assets could be bombed causing them to float Okay so we've actually got a ballistic shield change here so Collision mesh has been slightly increased in size for more forgiveness but they've changed Shield poses so that less of the hell diver is exposed and they've addressed a bug where parts of the hell diver would become vulnerable when using the shield in first person so this might be a bit of a sleeper support to be honest support weapon to bring down because um I've never used it I mean I've used it well no I have I've used it once and I just was like this is terrible you know but maybe it's not maybe it's really good and if it makes you functionally immune to all of the Small Arms fire from especially the automatons it might be goated I don't know okay moving on to some known issues so these are in the game and they've not been fixed yet but they are aware of them so there are issues that these are issues sorry that were either introduced by the patch or being worked on or are from a previous version that might not yet have been fixed game might crash when picking up a snowball or throwing a or throwing back a grenade again that's not great you know you want to throw grenades back all the time when they get thrown at you as well and picking up snowballs people are just going to do it like this is the old argument isn't it where players are just going to do this you know unless they can disable this kind of stuff from the game um to prevent people from crashing the game unknowingly crashing the game I should say then yeah just relying on like word of mouth or Discord or Reddit or YouTube videos or Tik Tok or whatever it yeah it's not it's not really going to be uh possible is it so I would expect your game to keep crashing randomly and maybe it'll because of these two reasons now these are various issues involving friend invites and crossplay so crossplatform friend invites might not show up in the friend request tab players cannot unfriend other players befriended via F friend code players cannot unblock players that were not in their friends list beforehand players cannot prend be befriend players with steam Nam shorter than three characters explosive weapon stats include only Direct Hit damage but not explosive damage explosions do not break your limbs except for when you fly into a rock planet liation reaches 100% at the end of every defend Mission yeah well that does still make you feel amazing when it happens cuz you're like yes I've done it but then no it's just a book happens to everyone drowning in deep water with Vitality booster equipped puts hell diver into a broken State yep that's super annoying um strateg and beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location some player customizations like title or body type May reset after restarting the game and that is the end of the transmission okay check this out now I'm on U here on a difficulty One mission look at these things in the sky now these were identified over on Reddit apparently there's invisible or cloaked ships in space around planets where we are operating against the automatons and I was like no that that can't be right but then I found one and I'm like what is going on here is that some sort of stealth ship there are a lot of there are a lot of um explanations for this and I guess I'll explain some in a second but yeah let's just roll with the fact it might be illuminate because illuminate do have stealth technology we know this from Hell divers one L and we also know that hell divers 1 happened over 100 years ago in the overall law of the I guess the hell divers Universe you can see another one there as well so if I zoom in a bit with my sickle you'll get a a bit of a better View and also there's an eagle flying through there absolutely amazing but yeah look now look at the look at the size of this it looks massive it looks a lot bigger than uh one of our destroyers cuz it looks further away um but can I sort of be the guy that goes actually this is probably nothing I think I need to be because what you'll see in a second is well it's gunfire hilariously when you zoom in with sights it disappears but obviously just looking from the ground you can see there is laser weapons fire there in the sky now I think what these are are just sort of entities or objects in the Sky Box that spawn the lasers I think that's all they are they could be illuminate ships but they they're very clearly involved in a fire fight and they're not using blue lasers so if they were using blue lasers you would probably go okay they're illuminate um so yeah I think I think technically it's just an object in the sky that spawns the the sort of laser show for us to see from the ground the fact we can see them is I think just because I I don't know maybe we can see them because of my graphic settings maybe we can see them because what's going on in this Sky Box I don't know I don't know but I don't think they're illuminate but I still think it's cool to just run with yeah they could be illuminate and if the devs are watching what the devs should do here go actually let's roll with this let's turn them into illuminate and that would be sick actually using things in the game that the community latch on to and developing them and turning them into something crazy that's what I want to see that could be mental also as well talking of mental um I I guess I just do kind of want to talk about the mission that I'm on here because uh yeah and before I do that actually um the way to find these ships is to just look from the ground for the lasers and when you see the Las batt happening in space just basically zoom in and you'll see the ships anyway yeah this Mission type so this is um raise the flag of super Earth and I'm like I've never actually done this before because I think this only happens on the lowest difficulty and you basically got to call down a super Earth flag oh don't worry I'm not going to show you the whole mission cuz I mean just standing here watching the flag raise is is kind of well it's kind of boring but I want to show you this before I end the video cuz it is actually sick watch what comes down with this flag I mean the flag plays music for start patriotic music it's absolutely beautiful but there's something special that joins it and and this has to be we need this as a support strategy as a backpack the music's awesome look at that it's a guard dog with a camera it's broadcasting our amazing Liberation skill of the flag raisin now this should be a strategy that we that follows us around and somehow Buffs Us in some sort of way like I don't know gives us like a speed or a health buff or something I don't know cuz we're spreading democracy we're literally live streaming spreading democracy it is meta Beyond meta Beyond meta all right guys thank you for listening and watching the video If you enjoyed this let me know what you think about all of this in the comments below as you obviously you can tell I'm really enjoying hell divers I hope you guys still are enjoying hell divers and yeah a ton of balance changes to go through and I think I'm going to try and get some games in that with the anti material rifle cuz that seems to be just Giga buffed in this patch all right guys I'll catch you love you lot on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 153,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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