The Helldivers 2 Iceberg Explained

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super Earth our beloved Planet origin of mankind has become under threat on multiple fronts the infestation of the terminates threatens to overwhelm all planets in their sight while the robotic automatons seem intent on destroying mankind it's up to the elite soldiers the hell divers to protect superar maintaining Liberty and democracy and this concept made many fall in love with hell divers 2 with the instant success shocking the public and the game developers Arrowhead with it serve as constantly reaching player limits that are in the hundreds of thousands but this patriotic story of the hell divers might not be as clear as it first seems as whiffs of propaganda and coverups can be found across the Galaxy leaving many to speculate the true reasons for war an iceberg chart is a format to present these speculations in Easter eggs with the more well-known topics appearing at the top of the iceberg while the deeper down the iceberg you go the more obscure and even farfetched the conspiracies become we'll be covering the hell divers 2 Iceberg but we have to be incredibly careful what we are discussing could be considered treason so be careful who you share this with so let's enter our hell Poots and launch into the discovery of the hellar is [Music] [Music] iberg and these hell pods are actually partially connected to our first point of discussion when creating the first hell divers Arrowhead stated that they wanted to create something that held the essence of what we look for in games they decided to go with a top down shooter and at the time they were obsessed with global politics and wanted to make a commentary on geopolitical warfare they're huge Geeks so naturally they love their Star Wars Starship Troopers aliens Etc so they mixed all that together to make hell divers Starship Troopers is definitely a core inspiration for hell divers and its story may sound familiar it depicts a futuristic Society where the military is glorified and caught in an Interstellar war with the arachnids written by Robert heand has been adapted into TV shows and films and all of this served as inspiration for hell divers in the Noel the military drops down to planets using drop pods with them being known as hell jumpers so there's definitely a deeper underlying connection to Starship Troopers and we'll be occasionally referencing them here and there to help us formulate theories as Arrowhead does love a good reference and especially in Easter egg for example Queen Sparks noticed that the acquisition store contained a suspiciously similar review Spectra left a five-star review I'm redacted and this is my favorite product in the acquisition Center this is a reference to Mass Effect 2 with K been able to endorse shops in the city in order to get a discount I'm Commander Shephard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel and the reviewer's name spectr could be a reference to Spectre the elite group entrusted by The Citadel Council to preserve Galactic stability quite a fun Easter egg however there is a more Curious one that can be found in the hell divers training Mission just past the rocket where hell divers are deposited when they have passed their training hidden behind the mountain range is the common sight of a hell diver statue but what's unusual is the object below it something that the statue is saluting to a shovel another shovel can be found randomly spawned on the planet found next to a fallen human he seems to have been preparing a grave seems to have used this shovel to destroy a whole stalker shovels definitely seem glorified in Hell divers and this begins to make sense when we listen to the fan base shovels have been the most widely requested weapon for hell divers almost as if it was a meane this is similar to forklifts as when hell divers notice a vehicle Bay on their Super Destroyer they constantly badg developers as to when Vehicles will be added into the game but forklifts are a vehicle they can be found all over the Galaxy developers arrowheads like their other Easter eggs Embrace these fan base memes even releasing a parody video of forklifts and shovels so these shovels are most likely a reference to the worship the fan base gives them barock Fox law and shadows of Doubt knows that this reference actually goes further back with the shovel meme originally coming from Warhammer 4000 Warhammer 40K is another inspiration for hell divers with many of the first game's factions being inspired by it and like hell divers the fan base is also obsessed with shovels the troops of the death core of Creek are army men who are often depicted having shovels which they use not only as a weapon but an aid to dig trenches among many other things the fan base glorified the shovel into a meme which has flowed all the way to Hell divers and within the hell divers Milky Way this kind of infatuation stretches further than just shovels All Humans we talk to in Hell divers are enamored with super Earth its managed democracy and becoming a hell diver you truly are one of Liberty's greatest heroes liberating planets destroying evil and spreading Freedom certainly sounds fun but there are loose threads around this tapestry of Freedom threatening to unravel a different image the ship Master explains the Democratic officer role on the Super Destroyer the Democracy officer is here to optimize our citizenship we're lucky we should always strive to be the best citizens we can be they act as a morale booster one that encourages hell divers to continuously launch themselves down to another planet and most likely to their imminent death but why are hell divers constantly being sent down to their deaths is this this really all for Freedom some have the traitorous thoughts that the super Earth is actually evil being the universe's aggressors as opposed to their savior according to the first hell divers game the bug's Homeland is on a planet called Kepler Prime and throughout the course of the game hell divers is sent to push back the bug's controls all the way to kep Prime where hell divers land and are then instructed to reactivate oil pumps this means that hell divers have been on this planet before perhaps aggressively trying to obtain oil encroaching on the bugs one of the missions in Hell divers 2 is to disable some illegal broadcasts the automatons broadcast simply States we have obliterated inequality but the terminat broadcast sends a more concerning message wake up people the bug problem is a super Earth construct it seems like there's a lot happening that super Earth isn't letting us know about and if we peel away this first layer of Hell diver's law we can find that a lot of what we see and here on our Super Destroyer can be viewed as satile our enemies can fight as hard as they like but Freedom always wins as we travel deeper deeper down these Mysteries it might not even be as simple as super Earth being evil but now that our eyes have been opened with this first layer revealed we need to understand that investigating much further will AEL us much more than just dissidence as these Mysteries just get more peculiar and darker so like the Matrix let's take a red pill and dive head first into the home world of the bugs kep Prime the terminat are wretched creatures bugs whose only goal seems to be to breathe spreading from planet to planet but how do the terminat even manage to spread themselves through space hell divers have Super Destroyers while automatons have drop ships themselves there doesn't seem to be a simple explanation for how the termin it spread across the Galaxy this question has mystified many hell do and scientists alike and from the hell divers one encyclopedia super Earth believed that super resilient microbes are launched into space from forces such as meteoroids Starship Troopers also had bugs that traveled through space known as the arachnids they conquered many planets threatening the Peace of the United citizen Federation and in the first movie it's explained how they travel through space they can colonized planets by hurling their Spore into space it's depicted that some sort of plasma or Rock containing the arachnids is launched into space allowing the arachnids to spread in Hell divers the terminates congregate in nests harboring their eggs which they could be using to reproduce but it's thought more likely that the spor Speers are the source of the terminate spreading either through an asteroid or even clinging onto the clothes of the surviving hell divers but surely an asteroid would be easily identified by superar before they could spread to to other planets in the novel of Starship Troopers the explanation of bug travel was slightly different they had transport bugs that would fly between planets Onyx believes the large bug corpse that can be found on the termined planets could be a reference to this with transport bugs existing they just haven't been seen yet but it's more likely that this is a reference to the boss in the first game The Hive Lord a bug that's capable of creating new Tunnels for bugivi however there's one more thought on how the bugs could be spreading and that's through the control of superar the ship Master explains the history of the terminats if the terid had stayed on the element 710 Farms where they belonged all this Bloodshed could have been avoided it seems like the terminat were being farmed perhaps since the conclusion of the first hell divers and were used to extract element 710 the terminates spent decades content on the e710 farms now they most destructive instincts run rampid to the detriment of all whatever was the cause it seems that the termined spread away from these Farms becoming more destructive causing Havoc amongst the Galaxy the service technician hints at what could have caused this change in the bugs you know these actually aren't exactly the same bugs we fought in the great Galactic War yeah 100 Years of Rapid Evolution not to mention all the genetic modification they got on the e710 forms so this Force mutation could have unlocked aggression in the bugs instead of optimizing the output of element 710 hell divers can be actioned to activate e710 pumps on terminated control planets and what looks like oil pumps bring back to life 710 if we were to flip in Reverse these numbers we can see the word oil and if we cast our mind back to the illegal broadcast we found on the termined planets there's another important message we can read this threat is all about oil the government made them see seem like these bugs are being farmed for their oil with super Earth spreading these bug Farms across planets taking the terminas with them in order to generate more oil like terminats hell divers are being spread across planets being set like puppets shling out of the Super Destroyer acceptable U 4139 notice something peculiar about each hell diver no matter the armor each hell diver had an insert located at the back of their helmet he proposes that this is a place where the memories of a hell diver can be uploaded each hell diver uses the same resources commands the same ship and wears the same clothes immediately after the previous hell diver had died it's often thought that this is because these bodies are cloned being chilled at the back of the Super Destroyer waiting for their time to impose democracy well the use of the same resources can actually be explained through reading the contract of employment that can be found just before the end of the tutorial it states that if the contract of the enlisted is terminated due to the absence of a pulse the equipment purchased maintained replaced and improved by the enlisted shall stay with the Destroyer shall be made available to the next hell diver to command The Vessel it doesn't seem like the Clone theory is that likely as August KW points out the default setting for hell divers is to randomize their voice on De implying that it's another member being sent down from the Destroyer game director Johan pisted helps refute the Clin Theory too by stating that the hell divers are real people with real families but why are they frozen it's not disclosed when a hell diver completes the tutorial they commence their journey by clambering into a cap Shu in a rocket which seems to be the beginning of their freezing process being sent to their assigned Destroyer maybe like zag Goyle suggests these individuals are just Frozen to save resources the galactic war is expensive so putting these hell in a cryo sleep could definitely save costs and maybe the hole in the back of their helmet like s already suggests is just to help monitor their vitals or maybe it is still to override memory but it's not on a kin's body one of the main points arguing against hell divers being cloned is the amount of propaganda that's being fed to those who they want to sign up to become a hell diver if they were indeed clones they wouldn't need any hell divers to sign up but perhaps one of the issues with super Earth is that they lack the technology to produce humans for war so they need citizens to sign up becoming a hell diver before they're sent to the Destroyer with their minds becoming overwritten by the player it still keeps the division between the biological hell divers and the mechanical automatons who we haven't really discussed too much of yet perhaps we should travel deep into battle at that malevolent Creek to discover more automatons are a mechanical threat to democracy advancing their robotic cells towards super Earth but why snowman was one of the first to theorize that the automatons are actually not advaned to superar but instead in respect to our Galactic map are pushing North to a liberated planet called cyber Stan in the first hell divers super Earth weren't actually fighting against the automatons they were fighting a similar faction known as the cyborgs a group super Earth deemed as terrorists that have broken away from the peaceful ways of Earth they de Clare the super Earth is alive and claim sovereignty from Super Earth settling their home in a planet called cyber the Democracy officer states that in the first Galactic War we cast the illuminate from our galaxy and secured the half human cyborgs safely in the minds of cyber Stan but why would automatons care about the cyborgs the automatons speak in some sort of as of yet indes sufferable sounds the ship master the state they managed to intercept one of the bot's messages 0 1 000000001 0 1 00 1 0000 that was the first intercepted bot message our analysts think it means kill all humans from bony this can be translated to the letters ah maybe ah stands for attack humans or maybe ah is an Easter egg reference to Arrowhead Studios not too much can be gleamed from this message but there's another message the provid Ides much more info in 2021 aroh had released a series of cryptic tweets with many more ones and zeros except this message was not simple binary M dhx was able to decrypt this message by flipping all of the ones and zeros and converting from binary to text and then like a Cesar Cipher shifting every character 14 to the left this revealed the following message we the collective from cyber unanimously assert our independence from Super Earth we have the right to defend our home from the brainwashed hell divers our children the automaton will not suffer as we have under the oppression of superar so the automatons could be the descendants of the cyborgs the automatons the cyborgs and super Earth could have once come from the same civilization there does seem to be some strange symbolism around skulls and gel believes that like the cyborgs the automatons are yet another splinter group but this time broken up from the cyborgs going fully mechanical and they are intent on marching straight to superar in order to harvest organs at the automaton Fabricators some sort of sacrificial tables can be seen with many deceased Thief operators seemingly being chopped up very methodically if the automatons were set out just to free the cyborgs why would they be doing this and seems like they use some sort of their harvesting to act as warnings for other humans placing them as a chilling sign on posts that most seem to have been placed in boxes almost as if harvesting them for a specific purpose actually if we have a closer look at these corpses it seems that these are waste buckets with many of the Dead SAA agents having stitches around their skulls so it seems like there's only one important piece of material that the automatons want the hum brains H it seems like the automatons could be as evil as superar themselves it sounds like a very torturous thing to do why how would they even do this well maybe yet again their inspiration Starship Troopers could help us understand their motives the erant were revealed to have a more structured system with brain bugs being able to control colonies to have a purpose these brain bugs similar to their name were obsessed with obtaining human brains it's thought that they sought after human brains in order to utilize the knowledge or memories of the victims and this could be what the automatons are doing dissecting the human to understand their enemy closer but others like Lion friender propose a more disturbing Theory that's that they are using the brains to make more automatons because the automatons are humans this could be while the sea harvesting is happening near Fabricators close to the heart of their production lines and as for the automaton first intercepted message ah Lon friender believes that this could stand for all human May the Lost hell diver examines the a omons more closely and notice that when they are dying they bleed is this liquid oil or is it blood it's a bit hard to tell if we sneak up to an automaton Patrol we can hear them singing In Tune which is a bit strange for a fully emotionless robot to be doing both arod deer and bigle supporter believe they can make out the automaton language saying things like they are making me do this and please help but I can't really make it out what do you think in the first hell divers the cyborgs had a unit known as the grotesque they were believed to be cyborgs that have fallen in battle being regrown into beasts acting as fodo against the hell divers could these automatons be doing a similar things to the SAA agents harvesting them into their own mechanical grotesque form so from the first game the bugs could have evolved into the terminant the cyborgs could be the creators of the automatons yet there's still one faction in their first hell divers that we haven't mentioned yet the illuminate a highly Advanced alien civilization the illuminate was said to have been mass-producing weapons posing as a threat to superar and as our democracy officer mentions the illuminate were cast from our galaxy after the first Galactic War although the service technician does State the illuminate has been eradicated simplest would be to eradicate them like the illuminate but I don't know however if we cast our eye over to the TV within the Super Destroyer we can see a news headlin stating that rumors of the illuminate sightings are work of dissidence and to investigate this further let's delve into the heart of the Galaxy The elusive superar the illuminate could still very well be alive within the Galaxy they originally offered peace but the warart notice stated the super Earth couldn't afford to trust them due to their stock pile of weapons one of the illuminate most powerful tools is mind control bending humans at their will a few like trb d25 believe that superar is actually controlled by the illuminates the illuminates had a large AI creature known as the great eye that would monitor Society policing and correcting it it sounds quite familiar to how superar does their voting I heard that some dissidents wanted us to select our own candidates instead of using the algorithm great idea everyone will just become a political expert overnight treasonous morons wonder which candidate will be selected for me in this upcoming election this kind of forced elections elected by an algorithm does sound very similar to how the great eye would work but there is one major flaw in this theory if the illuminate was powerful enough to Hoodwink all of superar into keeping the illuminate safe why would they choose to hide instead of appear as a threatening presence well maybe they were severely depleted in resources and may be incredibly outp powerered by superar so abiding their time waiting to start a physical Invasion maybe they are pushing war after War onto the people of superar in an attempt to deplete all their resources in order to defeat them easier even if it's not the illuminate constructing these wars the reason for fighting could still be quite Sinister the ship Master can be heard complaining about the rapidly spreading bugs you know the problem with the bugs is that they're Relentless expansionists in their region of space we found them on nearly every planet we've settled yet the subtle invocation in this statement is that this is super Earth's problem not just Terminus they've been found on every planet that super Earth has settled it's Earth that's doing all the spreading to go further with this the ship Master continues to complain about the automatons here's the problem with the Bots hell diver their whole society revolves around violence if they actually won the war they'd have no idea how to function this could yet again extend to Super there was a break of 100 years between the galactic Wars but could it be true that super Earth needed this water function it's an interesting thought all the patriotism that we exposed to revolves around war was definitely a possibility extronics has a similar Theory super Earth is fabricating these wars as a way to gain more resources hell divers has a concept known as a game master one who is controlling the Galaxy forming the battles and helps shape the foundations of the war while the players choose the outcome bad told PC Gamer that they actually have someone hired with a job title of game master his name is Joel and he takes his job very seriously so Joel seems to be the Supreme Overlord of Hell divers but that doesn't necessarily mean that he's not a part of the game itself Extron INX believes that this Joel is actually super Earth they are the ones dictating battles the wins and losses of battles can almost seem unnatural as if we have one Puppet Master puppeting the galactic War they are the ones dictating battles the other planets around are rich with people and more importantly resources which Super Earth lacks so super Earth placed bugs on the planets to eradicate all opposition allowing the hell divers to land defeating the bugs and claiming the resources many of the termined missions are to obtain resources such as collecting element 710 or conducting geological iCal surveys for yet more resources these are all resources that superar are stealing from other humans other missions such as to terminate broadcast do hint that there are some dissidents Within These planets it wouldn't be bugs broadcasting these signals although there is one mission that bucks this trend emergency evacuation where we evacuate civilians from the planet before the terminat can get to them Extron ninks explains this as being super Earth sympathizers ones worth keeping alive or maybe they are civilians will end up like the cyborgs locked away in the mines it could be a win-win a new planet to colonize and extract resources from and dead terminats producing more oil but to terminat even produce oil oil seems to be one of the most precious resources around the Galaxy the automatons could certainly be made from them and one Mission the hell divers can have is to destroy the automaton resources which has a very similar oil icon to the mission to extract e710 in fact if we compare both of these facilities that house these missions they both contain the same Towers have Pip ways and if we listen to the solo with the automatons it sounds like there's some kind of liquid inside another curious feature that can be found on pretty much any Planet no matter if the enemy is an automaton or terminate are these vertical shafts they kind of look like holes for terminat with clad to smoke or steam emitting from them if we throw an explosive inside this hole our hell diver will be blown to Kingdom come with the massive explosions happening deep below the van Esco deal propos that these holes are hell bombs that fail to explode but are embedded deep deep underground and their explosions can be salvaged to destroy things such as bile tians but if we stop at this hole and listen we can hear this strange bubbling meaning there's some sort of liquid down there dropping down this hole doesn't reveal much only displaying a black and dark atmosphere around could this substance down below actually be oil or is this too many layers deep if this was the case it would make more sense that the termin it's a Pur militaristic weapon recently a new major order was sent by superar revealing a different super weapon that the humans have been working on Hell divers are tasked to activate terminate Towers across the Galaxy effectively forming a barrel between superar and the advancing terminants these towers when activated spray some form of gas across the atmosphere termicide which is said to push the terminers back quarantining them but many think it might not be as simple as this since the first hell divers the terminat have been kept on e710 farms where they were tested on and as we discussed earlier they evolved rapidly many think that this termicide will only trigger this Evolution further with rumors of sightings of new BG Evolutions appearing on these planets and maybe this will be the time the hi Lords return kovis wolf has an even more disturbing Theory the termicide will mutate humans so much so that they will morph into a new zombie like enemy in 100 years we're going to look back on termicide as one of those big important inventions like antibiotics or or the voting algorithm what really is super Earth after I'd say oil for now but the story in Hell divers 2 is ever changing so more questions and answers are sure to come but thank you for taking this dive with me I hope you enjoyed the traitorous questioning of society as much as I did in this Galactic War we don't know who we can trust so stay vigilant and stay true to the managed democracy in your [Music] mind [Music]
Channel: natiscool
Views: 547,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, terminids, democracy, managed, automatons, cyborgs, illuminate, mech, termicide, conspiracy, theory, iceberg, next, oil, e710, super earth, clone, human, weapon, asteroids, space troopers, kepler prime, malevolent creek, technician, destroyer, staff, cyberstan, flying bugs, shovel, arrowhead, zombies, wvolve, planet, faction, hellpod, mass effect 2, infestation, salute, statue, acquisition, dropship, broadcast, explained, lore, liberty, freedom
Id: aqFsGQr8jwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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