Helldivers 2 | New BEST/META Loadout!!! - Clears Helldive Difficulty EASY + Gameplay

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hey everyone in today's video I'm going to be covering the newest meta Loadout to use it's honestly perfect for taking out multiple biot Titans Chargers and just huge swarms that try to rush you out of nowhere so with that said let's dive into it starting off with the stratums the most powerful one to use like I would say this is a must have in everyone's Loadout regardless if you're trying to use the best setup or not and that's the quazar cannon it's an energy weapon that shoots out an explosive laser that can One-Shot Chargers if you hit them in the face and it has unlimited ammo all you need is around 10 seconds to cool it down before you can shoot it again this thing completely replaces the Expendable anti-tank launcher cuz you can do the same thing as it but much faster the only difference between the two is I think the Expendable launcher does a bit more damage than the quazar cannon when it comes to biot Titans but other than that the quazar Canon is just a better option all around you're basically using this against every heavy enemy you come across even if they're halfway across the map just start sending shots at them so by the time they get to you or if they get to you they'll be on the brink of dying it can also take down stres like spores towers and shrier nests decently fast there you are come on right to the back nice back shots pause the second strategy I'm to take is the 500 kg bomb this here you're using mainly on biotins to take them down as fast as possible or if you see a large swarm of bugs coming towards you it's such a good call in to use it's hard to not have it in your load out because you get two of these to call in before it goes on to cool down which you get once you level up the hanger all the way and its cooldown is only 210 seconds seconds long with the potential to One-Shot biot Titans and obviously destroy buildings and structures instantly so yeah use this on biot Titans and large swarms and not on Chargers because they move too fast and they'll most likely outrun it very straightforward the for the third strategem we're going to need the autoc cannon Sentry this one's amazing cuz it tackles every type of enemy it can kill boty butons Chargers and swarms pretty fast without you having to do much the trick is knowing when and how to place them for example if you just toss it out and a swarm of bugs right in front of you or any spot where a bug is going to get to it even if it's the weakest bug out there it's going to destroy it the way you use this is very simple whenever you're being chased by a bio Titan charger large swarm of bugs or all of the above which does happen quite a bit you want to toss it either as far as you can to the left or right of you whichever side is higher up like on a hill next you want to turn around and Fire a couple of shots Into The Horde or whatever enemy is chasing you so you can keep their attention focused on you while you're doing this the autoc cannon is going to set up and completely pick apart whatever's chasing you in seconds it's got good range armor penetration explosives and a 180c cooldown so you can call this in quite frequently also it's just good for when you have to defend an area for a certain amount of time or wipe out a certain amount of enemies and the last stratem is is going to be the Gatling sentury all of our other straw gems are meant to take out the Chargers and biot Titans but not so much for large swarms other than the 500 kogam bomb and the auto Cannon but still they're more so used for the tougher guys same idea as the auto Cannon toss it to the left or right of you up on a hill distract the bugs for a second or two while it sets up and just run away while this thing rips through all of them this also combos really well with the autoc cannon Sentry because it's going to take out all the weaker bugs in an instant so the only targets left are going to be biot Titans and Chargers forcing the auto canic to Target them since there's no one left and as you could guess it also works really well when you have to defend an area for a certain amount of time or just whatever in [Music] general when it comes to the ship modules you want to focus on leveling up the hanger for the 500 kg bomb up to the second level in the Patriotic Administration center for the quazar cannon and both the engineer Bay and Robotics workshop for the sentury turrets I think the hanger is the most beneficial one with the engineer Bay and Robotics workshop being second and the administration Center being third so level them up in that order and with everything about the Strat gems covered let's move on to the Gear so with the primary weapon the breaker is going to be your best bet a full auto shotgun with surprisingly good range and damage to go with it this thing is perfect for clearing out all the stronger bugs that aren't Chargers or biot Titans so definitely grab this you won't regret credit however the only problem with it is you burn through ammo really fast not because it takes so many shots to kill bugs but because they die so fast you're constantly jumping on to the next Target within a second so to balance this out we're going to be taking the Redeemer for a secondary but instead of just mag dumping this gun to clear off any bugs that jump on us we're actually going to switch it to the semi-auto version and use it to pick off the weakest bugs they only take one to three shots if even to kill them so there's no point in wasting shotgun ammo or even using the full auto version this is honestly really good cuz now you're maximizing everything in your load [Music] out last reload and for the grenade the impact works amazingly well for taking out those chunky bugs that smw the green or orange stuff at you it one- shots them on the spot requesting air support for the armor you got two options here either the bone Snapper that gives you an extra two stems and makes the healing effect last for 2 seconds longer there's almost nothing on par with this or the trench engineer armor for two extra grenades and a 30% reduced recoil Buff when crouched or prone so it's either more explosives or more healing personally I'm going with the extra healing cuz you want to stay alive for as long as possible especially when you have the quazar cannon on your back and you don't want to lose it okay so the first thing we're going to do is you know maybe my character become visible that's lit okay so let's let get the quazar cannon going uh objective's actually fairly close so that's not bad so we'll get this going and you really don't want to lose this at all like even if you die just run back wherever you are and try to pick it back up that's that's why you should probably stick with teammates as much as you can so if one of them calls you in at least you'll spawn somewhat close to where you died and the breaker shotgun not full ammo oh and the pistol yes we got to switch this okay so I keep it on semi already on that which is good and we're just going to use this to take down all the really weaker bugs you know what let's top off on our ammo okay so looks like we have to protect this area for a bit so I think I'm going to toss down the Gatling Sentry I don't know where the bugs are going to come from but it has a pretty short cool down so even if it blows up right away it's not the worst scenario okay looks like it sees oh Okay it definitely sees something let's get that there let's also get the auto Cannon out so we can uh start giving some more support screen is really shaky okay that's one come on I think I'm going to have to toss this right there damn there's three of them okay autoc cadin doing work right on the money perfect okay come on clear up nice righte on the head okay autoc Cannon's taking down the charger which is really great oh it killed it hey let's go that's all three of them that was fantastic so we killed three charger uh no three bio Titans and a charger Taste of Freedom that was fantastic yeah then see the pistol it just comes clutch for all of this here as I say that almost die hey okay take it easy I need to be more aware of my surroundings get some get some see if you ever fall into pickle yeah fall into a pickle get into a pickle yeah you can just switch to the breaker and hopefully not die okay this is so bad my aim is even horrible not horrible my is even worse okay and I need some Sims that was not good oh Supply packs already been called guess purple called it in somewhere around him uh that's okay I'm sure I'll find some more stems supplies or whatever here I'll just stick with the shotgun just to avoid taking any damage see it just it clears them out so nicely one tops hey hey get away from me oh damn okay I keep getting hit from behind like I'm not aware of my surroundings whatsoever come on let's run run run hey Nice Shot Blue okay we still need to get this objective done yeah know I've just been getting like surrounded like I don't know where they're coming from exactly I guess they're just coming from everywhere okay let's get rid of you guys nice and easy one tops no there's too many Hunters one too many I more so just hate their like slowing effect foros oh and another thing with the shotgun too is that you don't have to just go like full auto and start blasting things like you can very easily just kind of one tap and get the kill like if you just go full auto you kind of end up wasting a good amount of ammo there's not really a point in that do I have okay yeah so auto Sentry let's toss that over there and you know what we'll actually give it whatever covering fire we have to let's do that like we'll peel off any bugs that jump on it that was a body shot not great is that another one back there that's another one let's toss that there where is uh there it is it aiming at okay I think uh both the B Titans are down we got one behind us though I should have aimed at its head I don't know why it didn't I guess it would been too risky come on auto Cannon keep putting in that work that's not good call let's get you over here one more shot maybe or I can just miss entirely Auto Cannon please I did something at least Shield generator pack sure I'll take that that's another thing I like about this too is that your backpack spot is free so if your teammate dies and he doesn't go back to reclaim his stuff you can kind of just take it like you'll have a backpack you what's it called you can get a shield generator on your back the ammo stash or I don't know if your other teammate has the recoiless rifle or the spear pick up his backpack resupply him it's just nice all around okay so let's reload all of our weapons reloading used up a good amount of gear there so I guess we'll head to the yeah we'll head to the next objective I think that's a stalker Nest so we'll definitely take that out uh I'll take one more just to resupply fully okay the turret's still going so that's good then just switch to the pistol oh team died see when you're shooting semi-auto you just have so many more bullets with it oh actually we got to go that way another P Titan okay it just keep com support let's actually clear out all these smaller bugs from around us so we can focus I think a charger also came out too yep charger came out but it got deleted um you know what I think I'll toss out the Gatling sentury too just to pick off all these weaker bugs for me oh is purple AFK I think purple's AFK okay I'm going to stop calling him in cuz he's not really doing much see now that thing's going to rip and it's I don't want to say it's going to get 30 kills but it's probably going to get a lot of kills okay actually we got to push back this way let's toss some grenades out also switch the shotgun here to help clear out with the Sentry turret say hello to democracy Z yeah this thing is just demolishing them there you go ran out of ammo did a good amount of work too fire in the hole hey get away from me see it just takes a couple of shots to take them down you don't really need to use full auto it's kind of just wasteful and these commanders couple of shots to the head it's rid of him okay or if I could have some you know some decent aim oh damn that was close a little too close another charger damn this match is just full of like V Titans and Chargers okay so let's run around you do a couple little circles little quazar Cannon oh one shot to the then unfortunately we are getting pushed back here because we do have one AFK like if we didn't have the AFK I think we would have been on our way already okay do I have yeah see so now that this is chasing me I'm going to run you know what I'll toss it over there and I think I'll run this way stra to the Dome see we'll run this way try to get the oh that Hill actually might be blocking it you know what I think if we yeah perfect see I don't like to run towards the Sentry turret but I kind of need it to uh see them let's do that boom two of them down just like that so now we can go back to where we were start pushing forward again oh actually looks like purple came back that's good so who are we missing blue where's blue oh blue is over there okay we don't got any more afks now we can actually start making our way to the objective instead of falling back from multiple biot Titans and Chargers but I guess that just showed that like this load out can easily handle multiple of them and you know what I'm pretty sure there's the ammo box over there so I think I will go and grab that too is that another vile Titan how many of these things are there like I get it you know we're on L dive but like there was what three two another two seven is like the sixth one okay so let's grab that ammo and I don't want to turn this corner too tightly because know that Titan is somewhere there ah just wasting ammo oh okay they took it down nice and there's another one okay Eagle 500 I actually don't know where oranges so that might not be good uning democracy oh actually it's nowhere near him okay okay he I I wasted that 500 I thought he was going to keep walking towards me but he didn't there you are come on right to the back nice back shots pause okay I think we got to take out that stalker Nest cuz that is going to be a massive oh no no no please don't oh my god oh man this game is so buggy sometimes it's usually really bu what's it called when a b Titan dies and you try to like walk over it or something you kind of just get like slingshotted so that's not really great I wonder if my quazar can is off cool down and it is requ Advanced weapon uh actually I could yeah I should have just ran back and picked it up I think I can just go run back and pick it up actually or maybe I'll just leave that there in case one of my other teammates want to grab it yeah I I should have checked the map that's that's a my bad on that one there I should have seen how close I was to it anyways oh The Shield generator too yeah I probably should have ran back and grabbed that oh well mistakes were made let's see are we still on semi yeah we're still on semi I also I'm not really a big fan of the flashlights either like sometimes they help out a lot and sometimes they kind of make it worse so usually I'll have this off but see in this situation it's not bad it's actually decently helpful so maybe I'll turn this the flashlight on yeah it actually helps out in this Mission let's run over here let's see what orange is fighting yeah I think if I go take out that stalker Nest I'm definitely going to want some help just because if you're fighting like force uh stalkers at once they can easily just overrun you and it's it's extremely triggering okay orange I'm running I'm running my guy's out of energy is that oh okay um Auto Cannon do your oh I didn't punch it in correctly you down there I think I should be able to take him out with just the quazar cannon but I am getting the auto Cannon just for uh just for some safe measures come on and the second shot don't miss it didn't miss but it didn't kill him and then that finishes him off perfect wait beautiful requ okay and that's also not in too bad of a spot so if any bio Titans come from the hill it'll definitely be able to start picking it off so we got this here stalkers I'm using up everything on these guys I don't even care yeah um Gatling Sentry is also really good for taking them out let's get that down here um let's also just drop a 500 feel like this entire area needs to be cleared out I see you I'm not going to forget about you I'm just waiting till uh you get a little closer y I'm on yeah did we yeah we called it in let me go back up my teammate there sentry guns backing him up perfect 23 kills nice well I guess that's also with the uh the 500 but uh we'll still take that reloading yay hey and we got purple here nice we got a three-man team see and I will be needing some ammo soon that's the issue like this gun is so strong and effective but you burn through ammo fast because it's so good I wonder if I could snipe this from here hey okay and the quazar cannon can also destroy bug nests like the little holes in the ground that's honestly pretty nice too one more one more Nest okay those guys are out of the way we don't have to deal with stalkers anymore unless there's another Nest somehow but I don't think there can be another Nest so I'm going to go activate the artillery I'm not sure what this is called exactly yeah this artillery Cannon give us some extra help okay artillery terminal that was pretty close let's go and try to load this up with any mini nukes if there are uh let's not activate that just yet so let's see oh mini nuke Mini beautiful loated let's do the quick way of getting it I'm debating on dropping a a Sentry on me just to like cover me a little bit but I don't think I need it oh no don't do that so we get these two mini nukes is going to be really nice no no don't roll back down the hill um I think it's this side AC yeah this side so we'll leave that there uh let's go grab the other mini nuke and we'll also grab I'm not sure if that's napom or an air strike whichever one it is we'll take we just don't want to take like the smokes or the static Fields like the static fields are okay but I don't know I'm just not a big fan of them I like if I call something in it's going to do a good amount of damage okay let's actually drop that in right over here just in case those Chargers kind of run towards us yeah it looks like they are okay let's take out this first charger with the quazar cannon save some ammo on the auto Cannon y That's just going to go to work explosive nice you know what let's also get the other Gatlin sentury we'll toss it over there they got short cool down so again like it's like you can call them in a lot more fre really without worrying like oh if I call it in I'm just wasting it like no see now I can just transport this don't even have to worry about anything AC okay I see that you're nice with it okay let's activate this here up no down okay weird oh okay why is this not oh I didn't even realize you also have to move it left and right did not realize that okay so that's pretty good okay so let's see yeah we got to go that way so now we got mini nukes and yeah mini nukes and just artillery so that's perfect cannons are still there what's are cool down at a minute that's that's not too Pro that's not an issue at all [Laughter] get just out of nowhere there we go um oh no close the map on my so I guess I didn't close up oh no what's happening no why am I stuck okay so I didn't close up all the holes I think I closed up a few of them just get rid of you guys um actually I can just use the quazar can for this one nice nice uh since there's quite a few guys I'll switch to the shotgun just to mow these guys all down quickly cuz like yeah if it's one or two of them by themselves like yeah you don't need to use what's it called the pistol for them or no if there's one or two guys you don't need to use a shotgun for them you can get rid of them pretty easily with the pistol but if there's kind of a large group then yeah that's probably i' switch to the shotgun cuz you don't want to get overrun I juked him is that all the nests yeah it looks like all the nests here re hey okay we got to go back up think it's orange yeah Orange let's get rid of all you guys nope don't do that freedom forever mwest Oh I thought I thought I shot his head off and then the Warriors okay if it's the Warriors I'd say use a shotgun you can usually one or two tap them so I would say it's a little bit more worth it oh they're dealing with some guys do I want to drop no I don't really want to drop the Sentry turret yeah know there's no need to drop it we can take these guys out also it's not that large of a swarm let's run two shots with a shotgun uh I definitely like to take these guys out quickly when I see their sides just because you'll waste a decent amount of ammo trying to kill them from the front like trying to shoot under their body yeah I got you five minutes left oh no no no nope okay looks like I can't go this way maybe I just got to go around yeah I I don't really want to take the long way so I'm just going to cut straight through here you if I have to burn an extra stem or two and now I need to find some ammo looks like we're almost at Orange see you later boys freedom onks to you you may proceed to extraction all right I see you boom there we go is he going to turn around and start attacking K me oh oh this is not a good spot I really thought my teammates were going to kind of help and take you out but I guess you're uh oh this is so bad there's two of them no shotgun ammo completely surrounded oh I'm running for it we gone I think I have to drop a 500 behind me a third one okay we're definitely going to have to drop one of these right there the call down time takes two times as long because of the uh I don't know what it's called but the effect on the planet so that's perfect timing 16 let's go let's get back over there I think I will call in the auto can in Sentry throw it up on that Hill cuz I know there's going to be a lot of bugs coming and you know what let's also call in the Gatling Sentry let's toss that over there I don't want to get in its line of sight relo okay let's also call in a resupply and I think I'll call in the Sarah the SE no the sea farity drop a mini nuke there in 13 seconds I guess the mini nuke wasn't needed yeah that might have been a little Overkill damn but yeah know we have this area completely covered this is the only spot where the bugs are coming from it looks like so they're doing pretty good here okay the cannon is down so let's try to pick apart those uh Chargers let's also call in the second mini nuke uh we'll drop it right there I see another charger over there uh not sure if I hit him on the head or not oh that nuke only three kills really huh that's surprising oh no another one's coming in or no I guess that was it so yeah right now this is the only place where the bugs are coming from CU I think the drop zone is pretty clear yeah it is like he's dealing with anything so that's good uh let's call another one of those get rid of these guys oh okay that was unfortunate but yeah this is going really smoothly even though we've dealt with countless amount of Titans not too many uh Chargers but a lot more B Titans let's toss another one over there uh oh actually I don't even need to call calling the quazar cannon it's right behind me that's why it's good to stick with your team but did that blow up probably nothing I thought I saw a charger I guess not okay so I'll just go link up with my team again looks like they might be dealing with something and it looks like up here would be a good spot for a century looks like is that a sentury right there yeah mortar so maybe I'll drop my sentury somewhere over here just to like protect this one okay no my team is definitely dealing with stuff right to the back more back shots pause again and actually we're actually at a good distance so I think I want to call in the auto Cannon right over here I kind of threw that a little bit too close to be honest we'll throw in the Sentry right beside it to protect it 10 second uh any nukes no oh oh damn there's no more cins okay he what just oh the century the century gave me a back shot pause it's still doing work taking out with that bot Titan oh perfect instead all right teammates all you got to do is jump on that n still oh and two more Chargers so honestly I would say this was a really good run I did join it probably a few minutes after they already started it but still I felt like I uh F like I did quite a bit in this I don't know if I'm going to have like the most kills probably not I feel like I should have a decent amount all right come on let's see what do we get oh we did get the most kills 304 pretty nice pretty nice 73% accuracy too and only died three times
Views: 40,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 best loadout, best helldivers 2 loadout, best loadout helldivers 2, helldivers 2 best solo loadout, helldivers 2 best loadout for automatons, best solo loadout helldivers 2, helldivers 2 best beginner loadout, helldivers 2 best loadout for bugs, helldivers 2 best automaton loadout, best helldivers 2 loadout after update, helldivers 2 best loadout for robots, helldivers 2 best loadout after update, helldivers 2 best loadout solo, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay
Id: kafPFroqH98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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