Helldivers 2 - Why you get Kicked isn't because of META

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howy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good getting kicked for not using meta isn't a problem getting kicked for no good reason is becoming a major problem folks are power tripping beyond belief support there needs not be a reason for the host to pack you into a shuttle and ship you back to the lobby they can do it whenever they want to the most common reasons would be though they forgot to set their party to friends only and you join them on accident because how could you know and they kick you in the first 10 seconds to join the ship that happens a lot the other most common would be griefing whether it's actually intentional or it's just perceived griefing so if you're team killing on cool down that's griefing pretty obvious you'll get kicked most likely if you're doing a mission in a way that the host doesn't quite understand or like they'll kick you because they think that you're throwing the mission even though they probably just don't understand so I guess second reason also could be a third which is people just don't know they don't understand the game and they have their own rule book which I've seen folks say if you don't follow these three rules I'll kick you but if you do we can have a great time and work together like what when did I what you telling me I have this imaginary rule book that you just have that I I won't know the rules and I get kicked if I don't follow it awesome sounds great I've had folks get kicked for just joining a mission too late we're already extracting they join a mission probably by quick play or random clicking it saying oh fun mission I like this they join in not even knowing how close we are to finishing it and the host goes not on my watch brother you can't join late and reap the rewards of our hard work it was a weird experience and the person that got kicked won't know why it happened unless they maybe watch this video and that goes for most people you get removed from a match and you don't know why but they assume the most sensationalized reason possible at the moment that would be I got kicked for not using meta unless they told you verbally or in text I guess then that's probably not why people don't have to have a good reason they just kick you because they can that's the issue right now is they can kick you for no reason for no good reason it's it's silly but you're not being given in most cases a written termination letter or voicemail if you will hey Carl we don't quite like your performance your weapon loadouts and or you so we've decided as a group and by group I mean the host your boy to kick you from the party Sara and normally you get a two Mission uh notice but no we're we're an atw termination Airship here a Starship if you will so goodbye I can't do that my hand I broke my hand I broke this hand my broken hand can do it I've been removed from matches due to using a single strategy or particular weapon the host doesn't like that is petty people will kick for the tiniest reason yep on the side those matchups have been few and far between but frequent enough to be notable which is true like I have the same experience I don't kicked often I don't get kicked often but when I do most of the time I don't quite understand why like there's been one time where I died a lot and I said to myself if I get kicked it's fine and I got kicked and it was fine cuz I messed up although I wouldn't kick you for doing bad I don't care enough like that I'm not it's a video game and I'm not that concerned with your performance any who the CEO said this is so lame also very hard to solve we have some ideas but no conclusion you know what let's try this hi mind do you have a design suggestion for how to improve this experience some people said doing a vote kick system which I don't think solves this issue or you can't really solve the issue but it doesn't mitigate it enough because then if you have a a friend group where you have three friends in a party and you're the random they can just kick you still let's talk more about why folks pack your lobby lunch for a trip back to the Starship and that's mostly because they just simply don't understand the game there's two missions that cause crazy confusion and can lead to getting kicked more often than not the first was termicide Towers it was a very brief Mission we had and people assumed the best way to do it is to hold hands at the tower and be a unit and this one person said exactly that they said come on y'all we got to band together grab the Friendship rope and do this Tower as a team it's the only way and I responded no it's actually better to split up a little bit because the the what did I say I say something that made a lot of sense but I forgot what it was but I explained why it's not a bad idea to split up a little bit not all the way but just a little bit and they responded they mumbled basically saying that's not how it works I think and left the match I don't know if they're a host or not if they were they could have just banned me but either way they were against the idea of something else being efficient or working at all they would even like see it through cuzz I think during that mission I was doing my own Tower solo at that time and it was going well now the second mission has actually led to me getting kicked and a bunch of other folks getting kicked as well and I think at one point in time I kicked someone just because I'd failed it 30 times in a row I figured out how it worked eventually and this person just wouldn't listen I told them through the voice chat I told them through text like hey don't go into the base a very simple request just don't go into the base we will lose cuz it against omons if you played hell dive on this on retrieve essential Personnel against automatons if you don't work as a team you're going to lose and if most of the team is already following one plan and you just say screw the plan and you go to the objective you're basically griefing the mission at that point full stop if you don't believe me when it rolls back around Good Luck Chuck anyway this is gameplay of the same Mission retrieve essential Personnel verse the bugs it's not as bad it depends actually the B Titans are in a weird spot right now you can twoot them if you have a PS5 player in the lobby and you aren't the host it's that simple we didn't have a PS5 player and they were not able to do to do much damage to them so that's unfortunate so they're getting kind of moed by ball Titans and I'm out here just getting samples now this Mission Works in a certain way I explained in Greater detail in the previous video but basically if you aren't in the base breaches can Target you breaches Target players and if every players in the base they all go to the base if your team is spread out away from the base in some capacity they have a chance of folks that aren't in the base to be targeted by breaches and lessening the pressure on the folks at the objective I think it makes that makes a little bit of sense so I'm basically doing that for them I'm out here taking off pressure I'm getting focused by breaches right here that breach is not from regular Patrols in this Mission at least it's just a targeted thing they chose me chose one and now I have a b Titan on me you're welcome team and I'm getting samples too I'm getting samples super credits requisitions and medals and I was on a freaking PR Pace right here I was cracked out I didn't notice though during this mission that this person was typing to me if I had I would have tried to find time to type back I didn't see it though if they had used their mic I would have responded but they didn't dude there was like 15 there's at least 15 samples in this one like one location I think I already had like close to 60 this was PR Pace I'm upset and I'm already maxed out on samples I was doing this just simply because I enjoy it it's a fun way to do the mission it's a great way to do the mission to actually completed as well and it just made sense and this person it's not their fault they it's not really their fault they they assume I'm just out here griefing I'm not really helping the team it's it's a weird spot the confusion isn't even necessarily the players's fault this mission's weird people assume that this Strat right here like where people aren't all the they're not all the objective is exploiting the game or cheating doesn't make any sense but my thing is why would they put this many samples in one POI at multiple different locations if you were meant to do the objective and basically fail it at the rate we're failing it right now you know I kind of hope they release stats on the most failed Mission cuz if it's this one all I'm saying is it's a wee bit more complex than one might think at the moment and I don't know for a fact if the mission itself is an exploit given how things are working maybe the sample density isn't intended but they recently fixed the timer which displayed wrong it said this mission was 40 minutes and we've all known it to be 15 so they fixed that I would assume that if they fix that very minor thing they would probably also fix the sample stuff if it was a problem now them not fixing it doesn't guarantee it isn't a problem they could just not be aware of it I'm just kind of hoping that they are aware of it and it's the intention cuz it does seem as though this game wants you to sort of think outside the box and doing this mission in the way I've suggested a few times now is very much so outside the box cuz for the first 30 times I did it I just kept trying to Brute Force the objective as a team and it did not work I failed against the amatons so many times but using this method I was able to Duo on Hell dive vers amatons it just begs the question what is intended and what's not
Channel: OhDough
Views: 66,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 meta, helldivers 2 kick player, helldivers 2 players getting kicked, helldivers 2 why you get kicked
Id: qfmTrTwLns0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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