Helldivers 2 - Ultimate Automaton Guide | Weaknesses, Tips & Rankings

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the automatons have invaded and they're sending wave upon wave of Clunkers to stop the spread of managed democracy let's not kid ourselves fighting against this Army can feel like a constant SLO but maybe just maybe you've been doing it wrong the entire time my name is Kodiak this is Legacy gaming and here's our Ultimate Guide to defeating the automatons kicking off our list is a series of automaton Trooper enemies these are the small mindless soldiers of this massive robot army but don't take their small stature for granted Troopers can overwhelm and in some cases outright kill you with a well-placed shot the most basic variation are the Raiders and Marauders which for the purposes of this video are virtually identical they have access to a standard laser weapon and will slowly move to surround the enemy firing consistently to keep that pressure up really these enemies are meant to create pressure on the player or Squad but just a shot or two to the Head will render them useless there is also a machine gun variant of the Raider and these do have a bit more Firepower but are altogether about as effective as the standard automaton Raider Raiders mg Raiders and Marauders get a 1 out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index which we use to determine The lethality of an enemy to the player but wait there's more because the brawler is another variation of the trooper that wields two glowing orange swords these enemies will pursue you relentlessly and move quicker than the standard Troopers and Marauders they have the ility to put immense pressure on the player which is the biggest threat that they pose however they are just as fragile as the other automatons we've talked about up until this point and a few shots to the Head will render them obsolete Brawlers receive a 2 out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index where things start to get interesting is with the rocket Raiders these are Trooper variants that carry a shoulder mounted bazooka and I'm not ashamed to admit these bastards have knocked me out more than a handful of times it's wickedly frustrating how accurate they are with their rockets and if you don't focus them down quickly it's very possible your squadmates will be picking you up in little pieces the rocket Raiders are just as fragile as the other Trooper enemies but do tend to hide themselves in the back field which is why keeping your head on a swivel and always prioritizing them is key to not getting blown up rocket Raiders are a solid three out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index if you thought Rockets were bad wait until you hear about the assault Raiders these are yet another Trooper variant but this time they come with jetpacks much like the pouncers from our terminats ultimate guide video which I recommend you check out these enemies force you to adjust your vertical sight lines which pulls you away from where a majority of the action is happening unlike the pouncers however assault Raiders have an additional death rattle effect once killed their jetpack explodes and if you're anywhere close to it you're most likely looking at instant death believe me when I say these things are nasty but you can op to shoot their legs out which stops all forward moment momentum which I found to be a good trick because they can close distance so quickly and their explosions are lethal if you're ever in a pinch try diving backwards while unloading on them this will ensure you have enough distance to dispose of them and not get caught in that explosion either way these guys are also a three out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index while it technically looks the same the commissar deserves some special attention as this unit is easily one of the most Troublesome in the entire automaton Army at Bas Val you they're not that deadly wielding a laser pistol in one hand and a melee weapon in the other they don't move particularly fast and don't pose that much of a direct threat but there's a catch first the commissar has the ability to throw grenades these can be yeed back by the player which is a great way to clear out some other enemies but only if you spot it before it explodes if you don't well boom goes the dynamite its second ability is a flare and as you no doubt know at this point that calls in a bot drop early on this isn't is n a huge deal but once you get into the higher difficulties a single flare can call in three or four drop ships which pretty much turn the next 5 minutes into a fight for total survival Kamar should always be the number one priority when fighting automatons no questions asked because what they can call in is far worse than any single enemy on this list for deadliness I'd give the commissar a two out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index but in reality it gets the dreaded skull out of 10 because in my opinion it's the single most deadly enemy in the entire Army as just discussed bot drops are going to get called in there's no question about that and in case you haven't seen our wish I knew sooner tips and tricks video another one I recommend you check out I wanted to make sure you knew how to take these things right out of the sky the best way to do this is with the recoiless rifle which isn't something a lot of players are running at this point because it's a support weapon and takes up a backpack slot however with one or two shots to the engines a recoil can take out a drop ship rendering all enemies aboard terminated think about that for a second one or two rockets and you negate an entire wave of enemies that is unrivaled democracy at its finest Additionally the autoc Canon Sentry can also take out a bot drop in a couple of shots so when defending at any point a couple of these sentries can prove invaluable I should also point out that if you can find and activate the Sam site secondary objective that you can find on some automaton Maps it'll actively shoot down bot drops with its Limited ammunition which gives you that added layer of relief during a mission for a brief time looking like atrts from Star Wars the Scout Striders are the first real special unit in the automaton Army perched to top a walker the trooper inside is protected by armor in the front and partially on the sides constantly moving towards its Target The Strider will move quickly to close any gaps while constantly firing off rounds from its twin laser cannons these enemies are no joke offensively but are relatively easy to kill thankfully a couple different ways you can go about this if you're accurate you can shoot them from the front as there is just a sliver of their exposed Trooper head that you can take advantage of an autoc Cannon shot or a rail gun to any part of the strider's body will also topple them over you could also throw a grenade which almost always Knocks The Trooper off the Walker you might have to kill the trooper separately but the Walker is out of the picture finally you could choose to flank the enemy notice who the Walker is aggro to and then communicate with your team so someone can rush around on the side to get a clean shot a few bullets later and The Strider is no more we give these enemies a 4 out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index all right let's talk about Devastators there are three we need to talk about and each brings some immensely different Firepower to a fight the standard Devastator is easily the weakest equipped with dual laser rifles this enemy will slowly move towards the player and while accurate It's relatively easy to avoid taking direct damage by finding cover as you would against any automaton enemy they are armored which makes taking them out a bit challenging but there are two strategies here if you're using a highly accurate weapon you can go for the head that's a weak spot but you can also shoot the area between the Torso and the legs which will cleave the Devastator in half if you're using something like the 225 breaker as most players currently do this is the best way to deal with these enemies additionally a well-placed rail gun shot or two will render these enemies useless the standard Devastator gets a three out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index the next variation the heavy Devastator is truly where things start to get more challenging this variation of the foe carries a massive shield in one arm protecting it from nearly all attacks from the front and the other arm it's carrying a laser rifle that sends out a burst of projectiles at a rapid Pace one of these is deadly but you'll often have to confront two or three and that's in conjunction with other enemies pressing the attack heavy Devastators are ruthless and are far from easy to take down a couple choices are are to use a weapon like a rail gun or an auto Cannon and shoot at the head exposed just behind the shield shooting the shield with the rail gun will also stagger the heavy Devastator opening their front side to you or your teammates for a brief period of time you can also shoot off the arm which will stop it from shooting the other option is to use strategems and grenades which is a fine solution but are better reserved for other more challenging enemies finally a squadmate can try and flank the enemy and shoot it out at the weak point between the Torso and legs that we mentioned before a few different options all of which are tricky to execute under pressure in my opinion the heavy Devastator gets a 5 out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index there's one more variation still and that's the rocket Devastator this variation sits far in the back field and fires a rocket Barrage at players that will almost always catch you by surprise while not super accurate it's the barrage effect of four different Rockets flying your direction that make them one of the most anxiety inducing enemies in the automaton Army especially when there is a whole cluster of them there's not much more to their deadliness they'll just constantly assault you with rockets until you're dead or they're taken care of you can choose to shoot the rocket pods off their shoulders which makes them inoperable but why waste bullets putting a Band-Aid on a problem when you can just shoot the enemy in the head or weak point connecting the Torso and legs and take them out for good the real challenge with these enemies is that they are constantly waiting for you to peek they are quite literally always watching and if you get the timing wrong just one rocket can and most likely will kill you rocket Devastators are as deadly as it gets and can often Catch You by complete surprise within a whole horde of bots which is why they get a well-deserved 9 out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index similar to the Devastator the Berserker is a medium-sized enemy that comes equipped with two chainsaw like melee weapons these enemies move quickly and will pursue hell divers at all costs which can be a real pain when a drop ship dumps four or five of them at your feet if if they reach you things get dicey quick but if you manage to keep them at a distance they are manageable grenades work great as they usually end up bunching up as they get caught on small pieces of terrain or other robots but the real secret is what we've talked about before shooting either the head or the area between the Torso and the legs a teammate with an auto Cannon or even the beginner machine gun can really prove invaluable for keeping these enemies from swarming you they are Hardy and take quite a few hits to completely kill but if you can manage the pressure devast Staters really aren't that scary we give them a 4 out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index as we continue to climb the automaton food chain we arrive at the hulks massive armored enemies that are in my opinion the most deadly in the robot army there are two variations to discuss here and they're far from equal however killing them is the same across the board so we'll tackle that first truthfully hulks are most easily killed with a well-placed rail gun shot to the eye in our opinion this is the most efficient way to take them them out but I realize not everyone wants to use a rail gun if you're opting for something like the recois or the autoc cannon you'll want to swing around the back of the Hulk which does require some coordination with your team there you'll see a glowing orange vent and this is the enemy's weak spot you can attack this with any weapon but heavy weapons do the job much better of course you can also use strategems like an orbital laser or orbital rail Cannon strike which will almost always One-Shot these enemies but other strategems like the mortar sentury EMS mortar Cent and various Eagle air strikes can also get the job done so to break this down first up we have the Hulk Bruiser these have two massive laser rifles one on each arm and for the most part don't pose much more of a threat than the standard Devastator we talked about before yes the lasers are bigger and they have a slight AOE component but so long as you have a wall or a rock between you and the Hulk Bruiser you'll be okay these get a six out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index the final variation the Hulk scorcher is by far the biggest pain in the ass these melee hulks will tirelessly pursue hell divers and come equipped with a flamethrower that has way more range than you'd imagine amongst a sea of automatons it's easy to lose track of these enemies and just those few seconds when your attention is split is enough time for them to close the gap and once they do that it's game over alone most players and teams can handle a Hulk scorcher but In the Heat of battle when the pressure is on taking these out is a real challenge they should be a priority whenever possible and there's no shame in using whatever you can to take them out in fact all hulks should be dealt with using whatever tools you have so call in those stratums and make sure you take them out of the fight as soon as possible Scorchers receive an 8 out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index the final two enemies on our list today are automaton tanks and they come in two varieties first is the annihilator variation which features a small front-facing machine gun turret which can really only fire in a narrow frontal cone in front of the the tank however the real damage comes from the massive turret at top the tank which as you might have guessed fires a giant laser at its Target dealing massive damage in an AOE the key here is to get up close to the tank because the turret while deadly is slow and can't Target players directly in the vicinity of the vehicle on the back side of the turret is the tanks heat vents which as we talked about with the hulks is the weak spot same rules apply as before recoil or autoc Cannon to the vents will take the tank out quickly but we prefer a few extra shots from the rail gun which can destroy a tank from a distance thanks to its full armor penetration while big and imposing once you know how to handle the annihilator it's not all that scary but it can absolutely lock down an area if left unchecked which is why it gets an8 out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index if you're curious to see our favorite endgame setup featuring the rail gun then I recommend you check out our endgame build guide already up on the Channel It's A variation on the current meta a load out that we think works well Solo or in a team setup and much more flexible than the Lone Wolf kit that almost everyone is running on the higher end of the game's difficulty the other tank the shredder resembles that of the flak Panzer from World War II and is equipped with four massive laser turrets that can shoot out a ridiculous number of rounds in a short period of time unlike the annihilator the Shredder's weapons don't have the ability to destroy environments and rarely does it Target centuries for those two reasons alone it doesn't have quite the same Ed as its counterpart however its turret is able to rotate much quicker so getting the jump on these with a teammate whether it be with a weak spot on the back or a barrage of rail gun fire is best to kill them quickly the shredder tank gets a 7 out of 10 on our freedom fighter fatality index I wanted to also call out the cannon towers that are found around various automaton points of interest take the turret from the annihilator tank place it on the top of a massive building and you've got yourself a laser cannon these things suck and if you engage them from far away you best be able to kill them before they start firing giant lasers in your direction these towers are most easily killed with what else the rail gun but you can also take them out with strategems like the 500 kg bomb orbital laser and orbital rail Cannon strike the unfortunate truth is that while it does have a weak spot vent on the back of the turret it's very hard to get it to turn away from your team because it requires someone to run halfway across the map to get the tower to turn it's not an ideal situation which is why shooting it a half dozen times with a rail gun is a much safer strategy again this is not something I want to rank just like the drop ship because they're not an actual enemy but they are an absolute pain to deal with so there you have it every enemy in the automaton Army and how to defeat them the most effective way hopefully you found this video helpful but if we missed something don't be shy leave us a comment down below and help us spread manage democracy to the rest of the community my name is Kodak and from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play [Music] on
Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 167,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Legacy Gaming, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 automaton, helldivers 2 automaton guide, helldivers 2 automaton gameplay, helldivers 2 automaton tips, helldivers 2 automaton tankss, helldivers 2 hulk, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 ps5, automaton, automaton guide, helldivers 2 all enemies, helldivers 2 how to beat all enemies, helldivers 2 how to kill tanks, helldivers 2 how to kill hulks, helldivers 2 automaton enemies, helldivers 2 best weapons against automatons
Id: rpLwNbWQ7BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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