The OFFICIAL Best Stratagems Tier List in Helldivers 2!

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this is the definitive tier list of the absolute best strategems in Hell divers 2 obviously obviously ladies and gentlemen disclaimer at the top of this video use whatever the hell you like that's the point of the game but what I'm going to do in this video is break down the strategems that actually get you sort of like the most value and like as you go through the harder difficulties so seven and above the ones that generally you kind of want to take and that are pretty good so what we're going to do is rank them from s tier being the best a being well we'll change this actually on the fly so a is is really good and uh B is decent C is not too bad and D crap I'm viable on the right Mission I'll keep this in the bottom because some are viable on the right Mission but honestly you can probably put quite a few into this anyway let's begin so we'll go through this in order so this is the mg 43 now actually I think this is a pretty decent strategy um it's you got to remember this has got medium armor penetration so it's essentially the heavy machine gun you've got at the moment on the stratum there is a heavy machine gun coming I guess this is a medium machine gun I don't know but it's a machine gun with medium armor penetration this makes it really good against things like uh Hive guards or anything with armor the thing is though it doesn't have much ammo and I think this is generally one of the first strategy you unlock when you start playing the game but I wouldn't sniff on this to be honest or or sniff about it whatever the phrase is because actually it's uh it can be quite like I use this quite a bit on the silo defense missions where the hordes of terminates were just rushing into the The Silo you could hose them down with it it was pretty decent for that so yeah I I actually think this mg4 3 is honestly a pretty good um strategy so next up we're going to take a look at this thing so this is the antimaterial rifle this is an absolute monster I'm I'm tempted to put this in s tier do you know what I'm just this is controversial you know screw it I'm going to put this in s tier this is incredible this is actually incredible so what you can do with this which I don't think many people are actually aware of is it it it will just straight up one shot or two tap hulks if you shoot them in the face in the face plate if you're shooting enemies in their weak spots with this thing it does massive massive amounts of damage it's really really good obviously you need um to have decent aim with this and you can take um armor which will reduce the aim um way of the weapon as well I believe that's the servo assisted thing might do that don't quote me on that actually but this is pretty good if you've got the aim right if you can hit Targets in their weak spots it's great it's got gun armor penetration as well I think this is probably better against automatons than um termined but I I I I mean I would still be okay rolling it against termined because the thing with termin is you kind of want the the ability to hose down a lot of enemies but I guess your primary weapon could do that you know if you take a shotgun you've got that get out of jail card there so you can host stuff down at close range but honestly I would not sleep on this this antimaterial rifle I don't want to use the phrase meta but I think this could be one of those meta weapons um that's just it's just really effective if you can land the shots I think next up we take a look at this this is the storeart now the stor warart is it's again I think this is decent to be honest I I prefer this over the mg 43 just because it's got more h it's it's faster to reload and it's better at sort of dealing with hordes of enemies really fast again I think this is better against uh terminats than it is against bots it can work against bots but um I generally don't take the machine guns against the Bots I think they're just better off against the terminates and I think they just feel better against the terminat as well but again I think this is a decent strategy to be honest I wouldn't like taking that as your support weapon I think is okay provided somebody as is taking enough heavy Firepower to take out larger targets whether that's through the eat Rockets or recess rifle so talking of eat This is literally an S tier um strategy bu a a mile you guys have probably seen a lot of footage I've been playing uh well putting in the back of videos and I'm using this and the reason why it is just insanely reliable damage you know two shots of this into a biot Titan's head and they're dead and guess what you get two of these you know you hit most of the other heavy heavy enemies with one of these in their weak spots and they die it takes out charges with one shot it's on a 60c coold Down down but here's the rub if you've got the modifiers on missions which you will get from difficulty 7 above you you'll get more of them I guess the ones that increase strateg and cool down can seriously annihilate this weapon's Effectiveness to the point of in some cases it might be worth taking the recoiless rifle over this just so you've got that reliability of having five rockets ready to go whereas this you know every minute you're dropping it down but if that's increased by 100% then that's every 2 minutes and if there's even more of an increase or you've got stratum blocking stuff going on so an ion storm or you've got like a bot Outpost that's blocking it yeah it can be bad but I still think this is s tier though I literally take this all the time think it's such a great Weapon It's so powerful but yeah there are some downsides to it but I think the the pros massively massively outweigh that so on that topic we've got the recoiless rifle this thing's really good now I will always take eat over this unless there is you know maybe if I'm against Bots I might think okay am I going to take the recoil list just because I know the Bots might block my strategems um and maybe it's a little bit more reliable in that way but again yeah also if you're playing with a team uh so I mean like with a friend or somebody in Discord or voice chat and they're willing to do the assisted reload this is goated this is absolutely goated but the problem is you're playing in pickup groups which I generally do it's going to be very very hard to find somebody who wants to do that cuz generally they want to do their own thing cuz you still need to wear the backpack uh to do the assisted reload so so the player doing the assisted reload needs to wear the backpack next up is the flamethrower now I want this to be it's crap it's just actually crap I really want this to be good now the problem with this is it is it is really good like it can kill charges super fast it obviously just use this against terminats don't use it against bots I mean you're crazy if you take this against the Bots using it against terminats though is great because the terid generally all of them want to get close to you unless it's like a bile spew or a bile Titan and melee you to death so you can flame them down but here's the the the with it it sometimes when you turn it sort of flicks the flame I I don't even know how to explain this sometimes it'll get caught on terrain as well it feels like and this generally means you set yourself on fire uh you'll also set your team on fire with this and it's a bit of a yeah it's not as effective but like I said at the top of the video if you just want to go and burn stuff take the flamethrower because it looks amazing when you're burning stuff down but I yeah it's just it's crap it's crap okay this is all right this is my favorite weapon in the game this is the auto Cannon the AC uh what is it the ac30 I believe no ac8 ac30 so completely different ac8 Auto cannon that's what it is and this bad boy I mean I can't put it in s tier just because I think it doesn't have that reliability of like the of these two weapons really but I think it's is really good and I just think the overall design of this is incredible the way the backpack interacts with the weapon the way the weapon functions the way you can have deflected shots the way it's really good against a lot of enemies if you just you know use use your your brain a little bit so against the charger is always a good example you can fire this into the ground under the charger and it will explode couple of those shots and it will blow the back end out of the charger and that will result in the charger eventually bleeding out and dying which is really really strong um obviously firing straight into its armor it won't do anything you can fire this into weak spots on tanks and it will blow them up it's really great for taking out objectives that are super far away so like illegal broadcast Towers Piccolo Piccolo say what you got to say or whatever the meme is 30 30 um I'm not a big fan of the government I I'm I'm literally losing my mind but yeah this this is really good for that also the E Rockets are good for that as well in the recallers but yeah I really like the auto Cannon I think it's really really good it it's it's great at just taking out hordes of uh like lightly AR lightly armored enemies hords of medium armored enemies and if you're shooting heavy enemies in their weak spots it can still be quite effective so yeah and it just it just feels great okay rail gun is up next so the rail gun now obviously this was s TI when it was just penet armor for fun um it still can do that to be honest but I don't think it's as good as an antimaterial rifle but I still think it's really good I mean you're still going to get value from this again just prioritizing shooting weak spots uh of enemies um and you you'll get quite a lot of value from this but again it's a bit of a boring weapon the rail gun is uh compared to all these other weapons so for me I just think it's really good I maybe even put it down to decent you know what screw it let's put it into decent I think it's decent I think all these weapons are better so I don't think it can go into that tier that's my reasoning okay so next up we've got the spear the spear uh this is like it when it works this is really good but generally it's just decent now when I say when it works it's because what this can do is actually blow you up or just completely miss the target yeah you don't be firing this at close range it's very dangerous um sometimes it just won't even hit the right target but when it does it's really good it's I'm just going to say it's decent that might be controversial though cuz people out there might think you know what it's actually really good but what I'm thinking is from the perspective of the eat rocket they're just way better these Expendable anti-tank are just much more reliable than this um that's why I'm going for that so yeah although this is maybe more reliable at killing tanks at range um yeah I don't know I just think I just don't think it's as good as those that's my reasoning anyway okay let's move on to the uh let's do the orbitals first so first one up is the gat barrage now this is okay right but I don't think it's great I mean I basically I'm going to put this into the crap here because the um strafing the Eagle strafing Run is better than this and if you've got the eagle upgrades in your hanger so it's to upgrad it to the maximum you get more of these so you can keep calling them down faster so I I just think yeah Gatling barrage not a massive fan of it so I'm going to say it's crap I I think there are better options than that okay moving on we have now got the orbital air burst strike and I think this again is probably going to go into the crap tier it's okay but there are just better options than this so this is really good at taking out groups of lightly armored enemies but that's kind of about it anything with heavy armor it's not really going to do too much to which is unfortunate cuz that's just the way the ability is and like I said I just think there are better things than than that at doing what that does which you know I think says it all okay so moving on we've got this now these where things get spicy so the orbital this is 120 mm barage now um I'm you know I'm just going to put that here and I'm going to put the 380 mil in there as well just because they kill me more than they kill the enemy but these are really really good actually I don't know no you know what no I've got to put them in there they're not bad they're good for clearing out big areas like clearing out a nest or an automaton base or whatever they're really good for that like they can absolutely like plaster an area with Firepower but generally you'll kill your own team with them and I am still a bit more of a fan of more concentrated targeted fire cuz I think you just get more value from that so I these are okay yeah they're okay so next is orbital walking barrage and this again is like oh I I think I'm going to have to say this is crap because I think these two are just straight up better than this yeah I mean so all this does is it moves forward as it's firing like you know like it's rolling forward um kind of like a World War I style artillery barrage that sort of tracks the troops as they're running over no man's land and just in front of them so when they hit the trenches it's like all timed perfectly but of course it never worked and half your sold just got blown to bits which is basically what happens in this game okay now talking of the good stuff we're getting to the good orbital so orbital laser is great I really really like this so I might actually say this is really good you know so this is fantastic because what it does is it kills everything it takes a longer time to kill biot Titans Hulks and heavily armored targets but it will kill buildings and it will destroy bug nness and it will just laser an area but what makes this great is it very rarely gets a load of Team kills and it will just go to almost the highest threat Target over and over again and hose them down and it lasts for a long time this is a fantastic stratum this is incredible like actually incredible I mean if you don't if you're not using this or maybe you're looking at strategems to unlock unlock this cuz it's great it's really really great it's super effective and going on with that trend is the orbital rail Cannon now this is this will get you out of a lot of bad situations so this will oneshot bile Titans it will oneshot charges it'll oneshot tanks it one shots anything in the game 90% of the time it looks really cool as well the sound effects are fantastic on it but it will get you out of that bad situation where maybe you just need that pinpoint strike to take out that big Target that might be chasing you so it it is really really strong again there's an argument to be made that some of the eagle uh stratums maybe are a little bit better but again they can be a bit random where they land things like the 500 kilogram bomb and stuff but yeah I I really think this is a very very good stratum I mean I'm I'm not going to say it's s here but I think it's really really good there is actually maybe an argument for the laser being s here cuz that is just fantastic I'm going to keep it there for now so Gatling uh not Gatling strike what's this strafing run this is um I think this is just better than the Gatling barrage that's why it's got to go so there's Gatling barrage it's got to go above that while the Gatling barrage just comes down and PLS an area draing run flies in and it's got more of like a I don't know like more of a horizontal area that it affects but it comes in really fast this does the cool down is basically nothing for it so when you drop it it's immediately there so it will get you out of those situations where you need to kill a lot of like lightly armored enemies if there's a horde chasing you so really good and and sometimes I do use this I think this is really really good and and I'm you know going on from that this is the the basically the eagle strategy you just get at the start of the game so everybody's got access to this it's Eagle air strike and this I'm going to be honest guys is really really good because it can kill anything yeah it's not going to one-hot heavily armored enemies but you drop two of them on or you get you know one really good strike it can really soften up those enemies and you can kill them with follow-up damage it's just great it blows up buildings it blows up bug holes it can blow up like you know like I said well like buildings radar Towers um jamming Towers uh illegal broadcast all of that it's great and it comes in pretty quick as well it's really really and I'm going to say this cuz I think it actually is it's quite accurate as well very rarely does this totally miss the Target and then you just end up getting blown away really really good strategy so following on from that as well is cluster bomb now I do like cluster bomb um but I'm just simply going to put that down into the not bad tier just because I think um I don't it's nowhere near the level of the The Standard air strike and also I think Napal is better than cluster bomb and I might get slated for this but whatever it's my tier list but I think Napal has got to go here so nayal is great this is like area denial you drop the Napalm and it's just great you dropping this into to like um big bug nests I absolutely love this like literally yeting it into the middle of the massive hives when they come running out the holes the place is all on fire of course this will kill your teammates as well if they're running through it but it will set them on fire and it will kill them super fast this is great great great great You could argue maybe it's more of a mission specific one but I just think it's better than putting it down into the viable for the right Mission um stratum tier because this is like hey I'm a big fan of this I really am a big fan of this but I wouldn't use it against bots as much I mean I basically would keep this for terminates cuz it just feels better against the terminates okay the the jetp pack or the jump pack I I love this um I wish this was better than it was so uh it is good okay okay I need to rephrase that this is good but if you're taking this in place of let's say uh you know maybe your recoiless rifle or even like the the anti-tank the expandable Expendable I should say I always call it expandable don't know the expendable an tank they eat anti tank um why am I saying this right so basically this thing you can jump over charges with it right I'm in a bad spot with the Chargers is coming from me I can jump up in the air now behind the charger and shoot him in the weak spot problem is if you got this you can just one shot the charger anyway so what's the point of this this though is good for getting you out of like really bad situations and keeping you alive the problem is The Shield backpack for me is better at doing that job so again this is like you know I'm just going to say this is viable on the right Mission but the right mission is whatever Mission you want it to be for the jetp pack cuz it's just cool also with this it burns your cloak or your cape which I think is super like literally a super cool detail okay so talking about crap we're going to talk about the smoke strike now uh Eagle smoke bomb or smoke strike is like uh it might be a misunderstood strategy at the moment this is going to be good against automatons not that great against bugs it can still be okay against bugs cuz it if you drop it on them they don't know where you are and you can run away or you can get on with the objective but against automatons obviously with their ranged attack um you know it's going to obscure that I I think this might be slightly underrated on um you know the missions where you have to rescue the uh the civilians it might be quite good for that because if you drop it down you can maybe close off areas of the base the problem is the way the AI works on those Maps is they generally or those objectives is they generally Rush towards the objective so they'll just run through the smoke so I think this is kind of of like I would never run this basically I think there's just so much more you can do um with just killing the enemy rather than trying to obscure them and hide from them okay next up we've got rocket barrage now this is all the rocket pods what's this 110 mm rocket pods I think it is I'll get destroyed in the comments below if I'm forgetting the names of these things but it's quite hard trying to remember what they are yeah so this is rocket pods um so this is quite good at taking that heavily armored enemies like you can use this on charges and it will come in and hit them what it does is it it aims at the highest threat Target in the area so as it comes down it blasts them actually Joel gave us all access to this for a while and it's quite good against bile Titans as well um it's okay but the problem for me is I would take Eagle air strike over this cuz I'd rather have the air strike coming with its bigger AOE and then you know go for the follow-up damage to take out the heavier targets but don't sleep on this I think it's pretty good um so I won't worry about that if you if you're going to take it it also looks quite good as way as well the way it comes in okay now we're getting on to the big boys so the 500 kg bomb this is like really good however however it is uh I don't know how to defend this so I love using this right this has got to be one of my most used stratums just because of the visual effect of it so it makes me want to put it here into really good if it lands it's really good but it generally sort of doesn't land however the area of effect of this is so massive it will generally kill what you wanted to kill with it however if it's not Landing directly on a biot Titan or a charger or anything that's heavily armored like a Hulk or a tank it will not kill them and they will still be alive and you've still got that problem of that dangerous unit alive so while I want to give it really good I might be controversial here and go actually I'm just going to give it decent because if I was looking at my stratum loadouts I'd be thinking you know what I'd rather take Eagle air strike and rail Cannon instead of the bomb like the bomb what am I using the bomb for I'm using the bomb to blow up a big area oh well I can use my bombs here my Eagle air strike to blow up the chaff you know the lightly armored enemies and the medium enemies and the rail Cannon for a big dangerous enemy if I really need it or the laser cannon you know so I don't know but you could put this in either two it's not s tier it's not s tier cuz it's too inaccurate but it just looks amazing when it goes off I'm going to leave it in the decent tier you know even though I use it all the time I don't know maybe I'm being a hypocrite here but I I think decent because I think on paper these are better anyway let's move on so orbital barrage now this thing is um well no what is it it's not barrage is it this oh God what's Precision strike I think it is right yeah orbital yeah cuz that's these are barges this is a orbital Precision strike ladies and gentlemen this again is one of the strategy you get like basically at the start of the game as soon as you uh every hell dive has got this it's not bad but what I'll will say about this is when it hits a Target it does a ton of damage and we'll kill them now there are things in the game where where you can stun enemies I'm going to leave this in the not bad here so if you use the stun grenade which is in the current war bond the new war bond The Cutting Edge one um and then hit them with Precision strike oh my God it's really good like you can throw a little nade in stun a charger drop that on him he's dead maybe that's Overkill in this day and age especially when you've got the eat Rockets if you're rolling them but honestly this is a decent strategy and I think it's I can't call it decent and put it in not no you know what I think this is decent I'm going to say this is decent cuz I think this might be better well I know it's this is better than rocket pods I think again that might be controversial cuz you could probably swap these two around but I think it's okay though if someone's rolling this I'm I'm fine right cuz it's generally not going to kill a lot of your own team either and it comes down basically where you put it like there is no there's no Miss it's straight down on that Target really really good okay um the gas oh okay gas is viable on the right Mission this might be an understood a misunderstood strategy I think calling down a support so this is really good for killing eggs according to the developers I've not used it to kill eggs because simply I don't think it's worth taking a strategy just to kill eggs on the destroy Hatcher's missions it doesn't seem worth it um it is obviously good area denial but I just don't think it's that great I think there's just too many other better options but I guess on the right Mission this could be viable if you just lob it into the nest and then move on to the next one it kills all the eggs and then that you know means you don't have to go in there yeah I don't know I think we'll just keep it at that VI on the right Mission uh and I think maybe going on from that as well is the EMP strike uh I it's not called an EMP strike but it's basically what it is um you know what let me Google what this is called cuz I don't think it's not called an EMP strike is it What's this called I always get this I can never remember what this one is called uh EMS EMS there you go so this is orbital no this where's it gone EMS strike this just stuns all the Targets in the area it it's like a massive stun grenade basically this used in conjunction with other stuff so I mean if you were like rocking 500 kg bomb and you hit them with this first and then hope the 500 kg bomb lands on them maybe it's a good combo but I just don't think it's worth using two strategems together like that in a lot of cases so this I think is just viable on the right Mission um because it stops enemies moving and and don't be under no Illusions here it really does stop them moving for a long time and it works on both bugs and uh Bots as well so yeah I'm going to leave it there viable I think it's it's not crap that's what I'm getting out here it does have a use but I think personally for me yeah so next up is orbital um again this has got to go there so this is just an orbital smoke screen maybe we're sleeping on this though maybe like if you had this double sort of smoke build you could really smoke out areas and it'll screw with the enemy's Ai and you can do missions quicker faster or something like that I don't know but honestly I just think these are crap I'm not a big fan of them uh at all right then I I've got to call this crap as well this is the machine gun turret that you can drop and then you can use it it's just crap you're too far out in the open um you'll just get swamped by enemies it's not it doesn't do enough damage to take out heavily armored enemies uh like Pierce their armor it's just not very good like honestly it's crap I in fact I think I've only ever seen somebody use this once I've used it a few times myself thinking it's like some great option on a defensive Mission or the extraction missions but it's not it's crap I I just yeah there's a lot better options than that but again if you want to use it just go ahead and use it right then this is where things are going to get spicy Beyond cuz these are the mines and uh I like okay let's just go for this so This Is The Shield generator relay this one I think is misunderstood um I'm going to say it's viable on the right Mission so what this does is projects a dome all around you which will just intercept all damage this is really really good and on higher difficulties so if you're getting like if you're playing a hell dive cuz you're crazy this can be a really goated strategy because it can save you when you're about to get killed like on extraction it can save you like it's goated for that um but on other difficulties I think it's Overkill because you're better off killing the enemy rather than trying to just last so you can get extracted if that makes any sense so I'm going to say it's just viable on the right Mission but definitely at Harder difficulties this you'll see a lot more of this um so yeah I wouldn't say it's it's def well it's definitely not crap it's pretty good okay we're going to move on to um this is the uh Tesla tower now this is again viable on the right Mission so obviously with the silo missions this was fantastic this was actually fantastic because you could put this down on one of the chokes and when the enemies rush through because the way the AI was functioning is the AI would as soon as you activate the silo they would they just ignored all turrets and they ignored hell divers and they rush for The Silo to try and do as much damage to it as possible to take it out this is great because it means they ignore the Tesla Tower they walk straight past it and it just zaps them and kills them obviously this will kill your team as well unless they've got the new um cutting Gadget armor on with the 95% damage resistance to Arc so yeah but I think this is very specific to certain missions like you're not going to get much value out of this on like most of the mission types but you are on missions where you're in a stationary position for a long time and maybe you have to hold areas where there are very clear chokes where the enemy will come through it it can be really good for that and and and to be honest this has got to go in there so the mine field is just like yeah anti-personal mines again it's viable only in certain game modes but this is more frustrating than the Tesla Tower I'd say just because this will kill more of your team cuz players won't see it when things get crazy they won't see it but you know what's really cool about this the way it deploys is sick the way it that the Pod hits the ground it comes up and it spins around and just fires them everywhere it looks really good so yeah this is very specific I will say one thing about this though when there was the um personal order to get kills with the mines um it was a really good tactic throwing it down onto bug breaches because it would just wipe out the bugs as they were breaching it was really really good for that so I guess you could say in some ways it's more of like a targeted cluster bomb in that kind of way it's pretty good honestly pretty good okay let's move on to um the backpacks now this is the uh B1 Supply backpack it's crap this might be harsh but it I don't think it is so you you will never need this this is the problem I don't think there's ever a situation where you're going to run out of that much ammo and not find it on the map I think before players realize that there's a lot of ammo at points of interest all over the map and players would like go around looking for the other objectives and the other items and you know the collectible stuff um yeah I think yeah okay it did make sense because you didn't know what was going on you're just running from objective to objective maybe there isn't enough ammo and then there isn't enough supply drops to come down because maybe you know you're eating through the more your team is but I just think there is enough ammo out there and I don't think you're going to use as much ammo so I'm just going to say this is crap but I know there was a leak of a bigger one with even even more ammo in so there might be Mission types again I mean I suppose you could argue this viable on the right Mission because if you've got a mission type where you don't have access to your strategems as often uh you know as they would be or there's a modifier in play then maybe yeah coming down with a ton of ammo would make sense also you can reload your own um ammo with this as well uh most people just think it's just there to give to other people but it's not obviously you can run up to other health divers when you've got this equipped and give them ammo and you will he hear them they will say last mag or whatever then you know that oh they need ammo um but also yeah you can give it to yourself but I just think this is crap like I don't see a world in where you need this CU there's a lot of ammo just on the map anyway um and yeah you've got resupply okay so moving on we're going to go to the grenade launcher this bad boy oh this is s tier this is actually s tier this is a bad weapon bad boy so with the thing with this right so these two you can use them together and it's so good so the grenade launcher kills everything pretty much you can again you can fire this underneath charges to blow them like to blow their belly away or whatever but here's the thing with this if you take it with the anti uh the Expendable and tank this is your reliable biot Tian charger Tank Killer this kills everything else and also the grenade launcher kills bu holes and kills build well kills automaton factories it also kills illegal broadcast towers as well it's really good it's really good like if you if I see somebody with these two on my team I'm like yeah they know what they're doing obviously you can't carry them both at the same time right so if you were to pick up the eat rocket you would throw the grenade launcher on the floor but that's fine CU you generally would just pick this up just do what you need to do with it and back to the grenade launcher absolutely goated amazing against both automatons and terminats fantastic weapon just just mega mega powerful the grenade launchers so here's an interesting one right the laser cannon now this is I feel like this should be better than it is but there is a little bit of a spoiler here guys there is a thing called a quazar coming to the game which is a like a really heavy energy weapon it looks like it charges up a massive bolt of energy and fires it and does a ton of damage uh this is from leaks that I've seen it's not in the game at the moment so this might be just sort of occupying that Medium laser slot um whereas what I was about to say is you know what actually I want this to blow up big targets is if it's got like a charge mechanic like the longer you hit the target then it's penetrating light armor medium armor heavy armor then it takes the target out that would be cool and it' weigh the risk up of like needing to fire this at the Target and keep it on target for a while for it to be effective um of course it overheats and if it does you need to reload the heat sink but if you manage the temperature on it then you never need to reload um but it it's okay like it's better than these stratums and I would prefer somebody take this over the flamethrower but I yeah I I don't think it's it's just not quite there yet but it does look amazing when this is being used it looks absolutely sick and it sounds really good as well and it is one of my favorite weapons but I think the auto Cannon is just better in every way but yeah it's okay Laser cannon but uh okay talking of uh oh man can I call this crap I'm going to call oh I can't okay I can't call one of the mines crap because they basically do the same thing so this is just the incend mines it just burns enemies it's this does more damage uh the antipersonnel the burning stuff is fine I mean but again you could do a thematic build right flamethrower incend mines the incend grenade you could just go crazy napon air strike so I guess it's cool for that but yeah I would not I would not take this ever okay let's talk about the guard dogs okay I love these I love these so this is the um it's the laser basically the guard dog laser I can't remember what it's called um but it's the one with the laser I like this right I think this is um Co so I I don't think I'm going to say it's decent I want to say it's really good but it's not cuz there's better load outs you can take um if you're just looking to like maximize you know your kill potential your value to the team and all of that but this lets you do different things because what it will do is laser down and again this has got very high up time because it's a laser it will keep killing a lot of enemies that try and like literally mug you so it's quite good to keep you protected from stalkers and Hunters that you might not see it will kill them which is really really good um but it is at the cost of a support strategy slot it is a backpack are there other better backpacks Shield generator maybe this though I I I do think it's pretty good like I will roll this sometimes the other downside to this is it will uh kill your own team and it will kill you as well which can be quite frustrating sometimes and it kills you really fast when it hits you um but I do think yeah as as an option for like you know if you were taking Maybe I mean I guess let's talk about Primary Weapons quickly like one of the uh the anti- sniper Prim primary weapon or the counter sniper having this guard dog actually is pretty good cuz it will stop things getting close to you so you can react in time obviously your primary weapon isn't good enough at taking out hordes of enemies at close range so this can kind of fill that slot um but yeah I like taking it sometimes it's just if I want to see lasers firing every again you could do a thematic laser build right laser well couldn't take the laser cannon cuz you oh no you can actually doesn't have a backpack yes you could have l a cannon in this and can you no actually yeah yeah you could yeah anyway whatever it's it's okay right it's decent it's decent I'm get really excited okay this one all right uh I'm going to say this is the same so this is the this is the guard dog with a machine gun uh with a liberator H this okay so the downside to this is it needs to reload but the upside is is really really really fast at killing lightly armored enemies This Will Hose down those little bugs like ridiculously fast and it'll just kill them all it's really good for that um I probably would take this more against the bugs than I would against automatons whereas the laser Rover and I'll just take that against everyone cuz it's just great um I think it's decent actually I think it no I'm going to put it not bad it can't no the laser cannon is better than this right uh I don't think it is you know actually I don't think it is I think this is not too bad we'll leave it there it's not too bad okay talking of things which are s tier like stupid goated this is the arc Cannon I can't remember what this is called let me just Google what this one's called I can't call it the arc Cannon I know it's not called that what's it called uh Arc something right Arc Ark Arc throw it throw it that's it I knew it was something anyway this is great um so this doesn't run out of ammo and this clears out groups of enemies like you would not believe light enemies medium enemies you can kill heavy enemies with it but it does take quite a few shots never runs out of ammo but it will kill your team if your teammates have got the resistance armor on then yeah it won't kill them but it's very unlikely they'll run that cuz it's kind of a crap bonus for anybody you know you wouldn't just run that armor for the sake of it you know what I mean you would run different armor with different bonuses on like the Scout armors or um the ones that give you extra grenades or better Sims and stuff like that but still this is goated this is like so much Firepower is available here it is close range but so much Firepower available if you use this in conjunction with the shield backpack you're like really good at clearing out waves of enemies yeah you're not great against anything that's got heavy armor really you can kill them but it takes way too many shots and it's super dangerous but it's like a hoorde clearer really really good um I do think the grenade launch is better though but I think this is definitely better than these support weapons so it has to go s tier it's it's great it's so good that weapon it's it's really really good okay Shield backpack I'm going to hate doing this cuz I've been used ah when I use this it oh I was wasn't a big fan of this because I feel like there's much more fun options available like you could take the guard dogs right I think they're just more fun as a backpack this though gives you um it lets you play the game more especially on harder difficulty so you won't get killed instantly by a rocket Devastator from across the map killed instantly by a gun turret or a tank you know or a bio Titan or there just the list goes on and on on this stops that so it means you've got that extra moment of uhoh I'm about to get hit by a rocket oh God it's hit me it's knocked me down my Shields are gone I'm nearly dead but I'm still alive I take a stem I'm still in the fight and off I go you might then be able to kill that enemy straight away kill more enemies so I think this gives you a lot for what it is and it has to be S here and almost is a requirement on harder difficulty just because it does make the game a lot easier if you don't take this you will have a much harder time against those random insta death mechanics which are super super frustrating I have to say okay let's move on to the next this is the uh this is just the normal turret I think the machine gun turret again let me just Google this uh I think yeah it's just the machine gun turret so the cuz these look similar but I know that's the Gatling cannon machine gun turret is crap I wouldn't take that because it's just crap what I would take though is the Gatling turret this is much better um a higher rate of fire these essentially do the same job I think this one might have slightly better armor penetration but really they do the same job um I think they are not viable on the right mission because you can get value out of these just on every Mission they're really good on extraction to be honest uh this one ignore this one but this one the Gatling Cannon can be quite good again it can kill your own team but a way of getting around that is if you put it on Higher Ground than what your team are fighting on generally won't get any kills cuz people die from this just firing through them rather than firing down at them so it can be quite powerful there um but yeah I think this is pretty good actually um you know I might put this in decent you know I'm going to put this in decent I think this is decent the Gatling Cannon I think this is uh can I cuz the autoc cannon to no no spoilers no spoilers mortar go away right then let's this is going to get me flamed in the comments so the mortar well well well the old mortar this is really really really really good on eradication um however if you are getting swamp I'm joking to death just thinking about this if you are getting swamped by enemies this will kill you and kill your team I'm I'm literally joking however initially this was like wow this is like s TI you need to take this on every Mission uh no it's too random and I tell you what I've got bad blood with this turret because the amount of termined control tower missions this thing prevented being completed because it kept shalling the godamn silos drove me actually insane so it's going in crap here this thing it's the bane of my existence okay what's this thing this is the um oh no I've got confused here oh no hang on a minute this is not the guard dog this is the back this is the uh oh no no no what have I done here okay hang on hang on this is the guard dog I was talking about this is the ballistic shield this is crap this is actually crap this is like the little the little Shield you hold up it's just crap never use that it's the worst thing in the game I can't believe okay you can see why I got them confused they do look very similar but yeah this is the guard dog you see the the icons the same they they indicate the guard dog like the Drone and this is clearly a shield it is the uh yeah the ballistic shield it's it's horrible it's actually horrible it's funny if you want to use it but it's just it's horrible I wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't use it okay this is goated this is the auto Canon turret I really like this this has got to go up here so this is the reason why the Gatling Cannon isn't decent uh the Gatling cannon turret I should say decent because this is really good placed at the right position this will annihilate the enemy it's it's really good at taking out heavily armed enemies as well where you think the auto Cannon wouldn't be that effective against them it is and it will slam them it is so good and also this doesn't really get that many team kills either I think it's just cuz it's not spraying bullets through your team but it's really good and also this will annihilate drop ship so if you've got uh automaton drop Ships coming in this thing will just kill all of the Bots underneath before they even drop and probably blow the drops sh up it puts that much fire into him really really good Sentry this is I think this is my favorite one um and and and it's not Mission specific either because you can just drop you can like drop this if you're attacking a big base or a big objective and it will just rinse rinse rinse the enemy it's so good and it's really good on extraction as well um okay I've just realized that the images I loaded into this have not loaded in which was the uh suit so um let me just load that back in okay the Walker has been loaded in so we're going to do the Walker now cuz I've just it's it's fresh in my mind so this is the uh machine gun and the missile variant of the exo suit we know there's more variants coming we know there's an auto Cannon variant coming but this is I like I am having a debate forever about this whether it's viable on the right Mission or actually decent and you can take this on every Mission because what it's really strong at no no this is my reasoning I'm keeping it on viable on the right Mission because against bots it's not great right but against terminates it's great so I guess viable against the right enemy is a better way to look at it on eradication missions I always take a Mech I really enjoy a Mech on those missions very rarely take them on other missions but they're very good at extraction so they're basically the way to think of them is they're a dual purpose mobile turret but what I don't like about them is they're bugged like you will kill yourself quite a few times with the Mech when you're turning and you fire a rocket It generally hits the inside hit box of your Mech and blows it up and kills you which doesn't feel great and you will do it even though you know it's going to happen you'll do it because of how frantic the fights are so I think for me this is not uh I can't say I think it's just a viable on the right Mission kind of thing but it is really powerful don't get me wrong like you know you can just wipe out bile Titans wipe out heavily armored units with it by just launching missiles into them you can hose down all every other unit with the machine gun which does have quite a bit of ammunition as well it's really good um but I think it's more viable on the right against the right enemy and at the right point in the mission or on the right Mission I think that's what I'm going to say about that okay next up is the missile turret so this thing is the um what's it called this thing it's called the Rocket Sentry the a MLS four times a rocket it's this is all right this is this can be okay again against drop ships actually uh and heavily armed enemies but I don't know whether I would prioritize this over the autoc cannon I don't want to say it's crap uh I think the Gatling is probably better maybe but you see like the thing is if you on a defensive Mission nothing really stops you just taking loads of turrets as well you can do that obviously you know you got going to be aware of where you place the turrets down and if they get destroyed or they run out of ammo or the timer runs up on him yeah you can be left open a little bit but I I think I'm going to leave this is not too bad just cuz it's better than these turrets that's at least going to be my reasoning there so kind of crap so this one is the EMS um turret so this is the one that stuns stuff now I prefer this way over the uh mortar sentury and I reckon this could be one of those well I think this is one of those misunderstood sentries at the moment again I've not seen much of this in the game I don't even use this myself but it's got the same effect as the orbital EMS strike and the stun grenade So in theory this could be quite good you know this is going off stunning enemies that's pretty good and of course it's not going to kill you as well which is another bonus or at least it's not going to instantly kill you anyway so I'm going to leave it at that yeah and these are just the mission uh strategems that everyone gets obviously if you had to you know these let's just put them in anyway reinforcements obviously goated SOS when it works is goated and Supply yeah that's goated I think I'm happy with this actually I think I'm happy with this okay ladies and gentlemen let me know what you think about this in the comments below these what I think are the best strategems in the game at the moment obviously just play what the hell you like it's hell divers but when it comes down to just raw power and Effectiveness I think this looks like a pretty good list there are some things we could change around like I'm looking at this here thinking cluster bomb's too too low really I think cluster bomb's really good but is it better than that uh naal as well cluster bomb might be better than Nal anyway I'm out of here ladies and gentlemen let me know what you think about all of this in the comments below thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 58,274
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Keywords: helldivers 2 tier list, hell divers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 stratagem tier list, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 stratagem guide, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers guide, Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay
Id: 1J9iFHwXJiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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