Every Type of Helldivers 2 Player

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hell divers 2 has pretty much been out over a month and after hundreds of hours played myself and countless amounts of other hell divers I've met I have come to the conclusion that there are certain types of Hell divers so much so that I was able to consolidate it into a simple list of about 16 types of Hell divers players now there's possible that there can be more out there and if you do find yourself not on this list let me know in the comment section down below but without further Ado here are the 16 types of Hell divers two play number one the Newbie diver the Newbie diver is someone that's pretty much brand new to the game they either just heard about it or got the game as a gift from a friend and decided to Jump Right In hearing great things about the game hey dude what are you playing right now uh no I'm just playing call now that's a stupid game come play hell divers okay I guess I could join you on Hell divers they have almost no idea what's in store for them they don't know how to close a bug hole they don't know what common samples are let alone what they will do and they are still rocking basic gear with the Liberator in hand they are freshly out of the tutorials and they are ready to stomp some bugs the Newbie diver will jump into their first mission and probably win because the game's either on trivial or easy mode and extract feeling extremely confident and ready to go again or they have done the unthinkable and they have joined their friend or about to Hell pod right into a hell dive Mission and made democracy be with that newbie diver because there is no way they are making it to the extraction with liberator in hand and someday the Newbie diver will actually figure out that crouching or prone will make them more accurate number two is the toxic diver um actually the late sight you're using is a terrible weapon you shouldn't be using it you're not you're having fun wrong you should be using this one what's that no that's what you get for using the weapon you like now it doesn't matter what type of game you're playing everything from a PVP game PVE all the way to a card game like Uno you will have a toxic player in the game and unfortunately hell divers two is no exception the toxic diver comes in two flavors the first flavor being someone that thinks they know best for everyone in the game they get mad at their teammates if they're going in the wrong direction they'll also get mad if they're accidentally team killed regardless if it was their fault or not and they get super medad when they're not immediately reinforced the Nan they die this toxic diver will be in the voice coms the entire time even if no one is talking back to them spewing out flame it's even worse because usually you'll find that these toxic divers are also the ones hosting games publicly and kicking people for no reason which brings us to the second flavor of the toxic diver and this person is a pure jerk they'll team kill for no reason other than it's fun they will bait you to fight a charger or bile Titan and throw the 500 kgam bomb right on top of you they may even hell back in once they're reinforced and kill another hell diver just for the fun of it or just shoot them down because they want whatever weapon that they have you need to avoid this toxic diver at all costs if you join a game and you feel like someone's going to be toxic it's best to leave right away and not waste your time because the worst thing that this toxic diver will do is wait till the very end when you're all about to extract you sit down in the Pelican knowing that you've done it you're extracting with all the samples and you've done every objective only for the toxic diver to kill everyone in the Pelican and kick them this is the worst type of person and needs to be sent directly into the Sun that was a crazy Mission good job dude I cannot believe you got all those super samples hey dude super cool guy 420 what are you doing get on the thing what are you doing um actually you're not going to extract with those super samples because now I'm going to kick you from the game number three is the hero diver oh God I'm out of ammo what the hell are we going to do I'm saying something in a language you don't understand it's okay you guys are safe now now the hero diver is almost the opposite end of the toxic diver this person has probably already hit Level 50 has every single strategem and weapon unlock they'll go into lower level lobbies and help as many players as possible they will also be the one to seek out all types of samples including the super samples to make sure that everyone gets their payout and they will help other players look for super credits this person doesn't mind if they get accidentally team killed they may even laugh over it they will find the lower level players and even offer them their own personal gear just so that new diver can have some fun the hero diver is someone that we all aspire to be and hopefully someday we can all make it that hero diver up next is the meta diver oh yeah I love my rail gun for democracy wait why did that thing just die in one shot oh bro you didn't hear yeah like the last patch completely nerfed that rail gun I don't want to play with you anymore now the metad diver is an interesting person they in the hell diers Discord they're on the subreddits and they watch every single hell diver video out there they do as they're told and they follow whatever the highest rank weapon is from rail gun to Bubble Shield to sickle this person needs to have the best equipment but unfortunately they rely a little bit too hard on this equipment so much so that if a balance patch were to come out and slightly change the meta this person will immediately drop whatever was that former s tier regardless of how many enemies it has seen it through and they will use whatever the next best thing is that they are told overall the metad dier is still a chill person however you will never see them with a liberator in their hands ever again up next is the anti- meta dier bro what the hell is that staple gun this is a hell dive Mission you can't bring that with you oh my friend that's where you're wrong I definitely can The anti- Meta diver does not care about anyone else's opinion they just want to get in the game and spread as much democracy as possible in whatever way possible you're fighting terminin doesn't matter bring mortars fighting automatons the flamethrower sounds fun why not try to use a smoke grenade on a bug hole why not try to use the smoke grenade on a bug hole this person is just here for a good time and they will bring whatever sounds fun for the mission regardless of what their friends are begging of them they will bring that anti-material rifle because they want that big sniper rifle and to shoot something from a distance up next is the sweaty diver that was a corrupted citizen keep your eyes open similar to the hero this sweaty diver is completely maxed out we're talking level 50 maximum samples super credits and strategems they can't hold anything else yet they still play for the sake of spreading democracy unfortunately though this sweaty player was level 50 within the first week because they pretty much just ran defensive missions on hell dive and once they figured out that you can get 250% bonus experience and beat the mission within 3 minutes they just completely did that mission over and over and over again until they were level 50 they needed to be the first one they needed to be level 50 always you will find this person with a super citizen tag as well the benefit though of meeting a sweaty diver means that they will carry you through any Mission and they will not die somehow even if all hope seems lost the sweaty diver will get you to extraction moving on is the Casual diver Whoa man there's a lot of lot of kick in this game huh and and a lot of enemies I think I'm out of ammo that's the wrong button oh okay so I have a pistol is a pistol good in this game although the game has been out for well over a month the Casual diver is still a level five they mix things up by playing other games and when they want to they may find themselves back on Hell divers 2 not only does this person not know the lore of the game they might even think it's cringe to see a video about malev and Creek the Casual diver doesn't own any additional battle pass and often times will forget to even unlock things using their medals they would spend their super credits but they don't actually know what Acquisitions are more often than not you will never see a casual diver playing anywhere past difficulty 4 and possibly you will see this diver on maybe once a week moving on we have the bug stomping diver the bug stomping diver knows one thing and that is to slaughter the bugs every type of bug from scavenger to biot Tian this person goes in with their solemn duty to spread democracy and Slaughter the disgusting terminant they will use any strategy they love burning things with the flamethrower they'll put two machine gun turrets at a time just to see the bug guts splatter they actually don't even know that there is another side of the galactic map in fact I'm pretty sure they don't even know that automatons exist in this game wait there's bots in this game up next we have the bot busting diver similar to the bug stomping diver the bot busing diver specifically goes to the automaton sectors and battles on those planets they do it because they love killing robots they're either a huge fan of Terminator or Star Wars they cannot get enough of destroying the automatons they love the thrill of raid style gameplay they love the feeling of crawling on their belly in malevolent Creek as lasers Fly Above their head and their mouth is full of sand and shooting down an enemy drop ship really gives them a feeling of purpose and similar to the bug stomping diver this person has no idea that there are bugs in this game that's right that's for malevolent Creek wait there's bugs in this game up next we have the solo diver the hell are these things too B there's no one here to share this discovery with me too bad these things are going to die all the same this is some of the goes right into the menu goes into their Network features and turns the game from public to private they don't want to play with anyone else they don't want to carry or be carried by anyone else they want to experience the game at their own pace regardless of how difficult it may be even when they're swarm by 50 Hunters at once they would gladly be serrated in half and have their limbs blown across the planet then invite a single person they either just looking to play in peace with music going or have extreme social anxiety and to all those solo players out there I wish you the best of luck and at the very least I hope that somehow you are still one shotting those biot Titans moving on we have the dumbass diver oh dude check this out it's like a bomb thing or something bro don't touch that one it can actually explode and kill us don't be ridiculous I mean look has a little remote here and when you press the button here I'm pretty sure it's going to unlock like a new like thing now somewhere in all of us we have a little bit of the dumbass diver but specific speically this is a type of person their brain seems to be allergic to learning you can tell them that you had just called in a 500 kg bomb to take out that charger or bio Titan and this dumbass will run all the way to that bright red light because they think it's a pickup and then we'll have the audacity to say that hey you team killed me you can also find the dumbass diver running away from things never reloading their gun they won't even know how to bring their map up they will run past mission objectives and dive over samples you also find this person throwing an impact grenade at close range killing themselves you and the one terminate in front of them they will also immediately shoot at patrols that a fellow hell diver calls out in a distance and For the Love of All Things that are holy do not point out an unexploded hell bomb because they will go right to it and blow it up up next we have the wholesome diver W this looks like it's going to be a tough Mission but before we start who wants a hug the wholesome diver is someone that finds joy in spreading democracy by giving their fellow hell divers hugs they love that there is a hug emote in the game and they waste no time the moment you board their ship they are waiting for you on the stairs with open arms ready to give you that hug and if they join your ship they're going to go right to you and they will also wait for that hug the mission cannot continue unless they get that hug you usually won't find the wholesome diver using their mic and that's okay they will stick by your side and defend you until they meet their Bitter End and if you two were to die together the moment you respond they want another hug moving on we have the Cinematic diver do you guys see that planet down over there well don't worry because I've already taken care of it with this 10 billion pound kilogram ball The Cinematic diver is someone that's pretty much an adrenaline junkie they're looking to get the biggest explosions and the bad clips of this game they will literally pull out a 500 kg bomb and jump from a high Rock and land onto a bile TI just to see it explode right in front of them they will also throw a walking barrage on a base turn the camera around and run away from it just to see the explosions from a different angle although the Cinematic diver is an extremely friendly person I wouldn't hang around them for too long because you will get team killed as they are looking to get that amazing moment in Hell divers up next we have the SOS diver oh my gosh an SOS Beacon I must help hell divers assemble this is a player that exclusively looks for SOS beacons and will join you even if there is milliseconds left in a mission they are similar to The wholesome diver but they're not in it for hugs they just want the glory of assisting other hell divers in completing their mission deep down they might be a narcissist because they want to feel like the hero ultimately this hell diver is just joining your missions because he does not want you to fail and negatively impact the war effort our penultimate entry on this list is the propaganda diver you know sometimes I feel bad for the bugs like all I'm saying is like we'll go to their planets and we're killing them for oil isn't that weird like didn't we just go to a planet and decimate all of it the hell's this guy talking about isn't that not weird to you yeah no no no no way now this diver is someone that has escaped the ministry of Truth be it in missions forums or Discord this person is someone that's asking the question questions or spreading memes asking are we the baddies they may even mention things like the automatons were right to attack superar although bring up questions as why we're killing terid for oil whatever you do do not listen to what this propaganda diver says all they're doing is spreading misinformation against super Earth they are either bug or bot sympathizers and they will not be tolerated if you find yourself in a mission with one of these propaganda divers immediately report them to the ministry of Truth the final hell diver today is the sample Runner diver just look at all them it's beautiful oh my God help look at all these samples I can unlock everything all the ship upgrades can be mine and I found them all this hell diver is in every mission for one purpose and that is to collect all the samples they don't care about you they don't care about the obje Ives they're just there for their precious samples even if you are fighting on the front lines begging for help this person hears you in the coms but they don't care cuz remember they are there for samples and you are just the cannon F and there you have it my friends those are the 16 types of Hell divers players did I miss any and did you find yourself on this list let me know in the comment section down below I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions and if you are new to downloadable content why not consider subscribing it's free click the big subscribe button down below and join up but other than that I'm Drifter from downloadable content and I will see you on the [Music] battlefield
Channel: Downloadable Content
Views: 396,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u0fdGamfS64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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