Helldivers 2 Enemy Faction Almost Destroyed!

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super Earth High command are giving us motivational reinforcement hello everyone and welcome to the channel so check this out the automatons are lifeless emotionless hateful socialists they murdered innocent families they ravaged Malon Creek worst of all they threatened our way of life all without any provocation or cause save a hardcoded hatred of Freedom I'm sure all of that is highly accurate and the ministry of Truth are to be believed save our citizens save manage democracy annihilate the automaton threat once and for all so let's go and take a look where we are because I believe we've actually liberated mayor so things are looking quite good so what we've got here is one day in 22 hours left to complete the order we've liberated mayor and I mean how many hell divers are in this area so got 110,000 hell divers at the moment in the automaton sectors durgen is 10% liberated uh with 27,000 um but it looks like tbit is the place to go now obviously my advice here is if you want to complete the major order or at least contribute to trying to completing this major order it is go to Simply the planet with the highest amount of Hell divers on I do hope that in the future we will get things like supply lines overlaid on this map so we can see which planets we need to take in order but obviously that doesn't matter for this because this is just straight up we need to capture the entire sector here tbit looks like it's going to be liberated fairly soon but we're going to need more hell divers there to make this faster and then durgen yeah I think it's going to be a a push to get this done but we've still got nearly two days left to get this done and there is a chance we can do this but I think basically if you're interested in doing it get over to tabbit now start completing campaigns and dare I even go and look over at the bug I mean what is it why is there 41,000 hell divers in the Draco sector where even are these guys what's going on 16,000 on crims a Stu's got 24,000 on it uh and then Helm's got the 4,000 but like I said guys at the end of the day it is fun to take part in the major order but if you just want to kill bugs go and kill bugs I don't care this game's awesome go and play it and have fun that's why everyone's loving a game cuz it's just straight up fun for for Fun's sake which is what a game should be right anyway yeah this major order it's looking like things are uh getting a bit spicy here so I'm going to go to Tobit and well I'm going to start conducting campaigns there and hopefully we get this finished today and then we can move to durgen and then what the automaton threat is gone I mean we know they've been sending signals outside the galactic barrier who could they be sending these signals to illuminate um so yeah things are going to go crazy and also what's going on with the bugs as well I mean the bugs going to suddenly go crazy what happened with the uh where's the barrier planets here what happened with these barrier planets I mean they all seem fine at the moment with the TCS but uh maybe that's about to fail who knows but it's looking a bit too good isn't it at the moment for superar yeah H all right let's let's crack on actually you know what let's take a look at the actual predicted time of completion now you guys know I love hell d. I go over bookmark the website there's a link in the video description below but basically I think we're actually on course to get this completed so it's going to take 15 hours at the moment with 50% of players on to bit to liberate this planet and then we only have to liberate durgen which I mean that could be possible there I mean that's if if we say it's going to take 15 hours well the thing is this planet is already 39% liberated at the moment so yeah I don't know so if it's going to take 20 hours to get this done potentially although that's obviously longer when you add in all the time from yesterday I I'm not sure I'm still not sure if we're going to complete this I think it's going to be pretty close one thing I'm expecting though is if it does go bad then uh bad being good for us which obviously we're about to capture durgen before the major order maybe something will happen maybe Joel will have to act cuz I feel like we cannot be allowed to complete this major order and if we do it I have no idea what's going to happen cuz we we cannot Wipe Out the automaton faction that just cannot happen but anyway yeah as of this is well it now says 17 hours of completion on to bit then whatever remaining time is left um obviously we'll move over to durgen and we'll see what happen then yeah oh God did I just say then I think I did what's going on right then it is time to rant about the stability of this game because honestly it's killing the enjoyment so much like I want to throw my keyboard out the window and smash my monitors it honestly it's it's really enraging me this is so it must be affecting you guys as well I'm doing my best to stay they C but oh I don't know what I want to show you here is just some of the issues that I've been plagued with since the last update it's it's crazy and things are getting worse this one is the reinforcement bug so we're dead we cannot be reinforced and uh we're trying I mean we asked the team just kill yourself guys maybe we can reinforce that way we've already lost a team member because obviously this game is bugged so we've gone through all of the setup phase the loadout phase we've dropped into the mission we've been killed and we can't reinforce it is super frustrating so we've all died here trying to reinforce it reinforces two of the players but it doesn't reinforce me because the game hates me and I'm like oh man that is that's actually frustrating cuz this felt like it was going to be a pretty like awesome group there's communication but yeah it it's a bug and it's actually heartbreaking when it happened so I had to leave this one is is incredible this is actually incredible so I think what's well I mean we're really confused to begin with right but I think what's happened here is the Pelican has landed on the wreck of a Hulk and it isn't actually on the ground so it's not triggering the uh script for us to actually get into the Pelican and end the mission so we're just stuck until the timer runs out which of course means the Pelican is just going to fly away and then we don't we're just left here to fight whatever's left although the thing is because we've been here for so long we've killed all the automatons it's literally nonone left so we're not going to die we just own this planet now or at least this part of the planet what planet is this this might be uh u a this might have been on this Mission uh no hang on this might be to bit actually I think this is to bit uh cuz it looks like purple malev on Creek I think that's what to B is anyway whatever who cares this is crazy isn't it like what is this bug I don't know why the Pelican isn't just coming down and just like honestly going through whatever's there like it surely shouldn't have interference from corpses I think this is what's happening anyway I mean it might just be a unrelated bug I don't know but I'm pretty sure that's what's going on you can see here we're just totally confused we don't know what's going on we're trying to get in the Pelican you can't get in it we tried to dive in we threw grenades in there we were in that grenade I'm not going to show you the whole clip cuz it's literally we're sitting here for 5 minutes trying to get on the ship and we can't you see the Pelican's actually burning and I didn't realize it did that also that bug is still in the game as well where bits of the uh um destructible environment still float in the air which is meant to be fixed but it's not but yeah the thing is guys what I'm getting out here is these bugs are like really starting to great now cuz they're interrupting like they're interrupting the enjoyment of the game and the question is how long can the community keep taking this so you can see here look we're we're we're finished we're dead we don't extract the pelicans flying away I'm laughing well I'm saying GG in the chat teammates like what they hell anyway you think it's over it's not over this one was especially heartbreaking this is um a mission where me and this guy just duoed the whole mission it was great great we're both rocking the auto Cannon we're both I mean this emote is fantastic as well popping the hug emote it's awesome we're going to get on the drop ship it's been a great Mission off we go everything's going to be fine what a time to be alive what a time to be a hell diver let's get on the Pelican oh yes what a mission fantastic good job excellent off we go thank you Gary it's been great GG well played the Pelican off it goes into orbit everything's looking fine it's all looking great surely nothing's going to happen surely the game won't crash at the end of the missions cuz it it never does that it it never ever crashes at the end of a mission no no no no this is Hell divers the most stable game going okay so I'm a little bit worried cuz uh nothing's happening here but sometimes this happens but I'm a bit worried and uh then it crashes to desktop now I'll just show you my steam overlay uh or well I'll zoom in I don't want to show you my desktop cuz who knows what could have been on my desktop but it crashed and that is so heartbreaking it's like all of you feel like all of that effort has just been thrown away now yeah we had a good time playing the game and this is the thing with hell divers the game is sick so you actually get a lot of I mean I think I think they' they've almost got a bit of a pass at the moment when the game does crash because you have such a great time playing yeah it's frustrating you don't get the samples yeah it's frustrating you don't get you know I think you may possibly get the medals and the super credits that you pick up in the mission and requisition don't quote me on that though but you won't get the samples and obviously you don't get the experience cuz the mission isn't completely cuz basically you've just quit the game effectively even though the game's crashed but like the question is how long can this free pass carry on you know we love playing the game we enjoy the game yeah what a great time we've had oh by the way it's crashed H I've said in previous videos before this is what makes me stop playing the game when the game crashes like I'm not actually just coming off the game of my own valtion it's like ah the game's crashed I'm actually out of here now cuz I'm so angry and I want to smash my keyboard in I'm like what but then I suppose it's a testament to the strength of the game that I do come back and carry on playing but this is an issue like be under no Illusions guys this is an issue that Arrowhead seems to be dealing with and this debate just rages on and on and on and on on the one side you know fix your game Arrowhead but on the other side yeah they obviously are they obviously are like I cannot sit here and go well go and fix your game I'm sure there's many programmers many developers working like crazy hours trying to fix stability issues but then they're also adding new content into the game and so you get this idea of well hang on can you maybe stop adding all the content and just make the game stable but they're not the same teams are they it isn't the content people are not the ones trying to make the game stable but here's the thing when you add a new element into the game it can add instability and games are notorious for having like crazy amounts of spaghetti code things being shoved in the back end you know programmers and developers making things work that shouldn't work which maybe has a knock on effect with something else and this can just Cascade into an effect where things are just getting really problematic and like I said I'm pretty sure that this is the top um priority right now if the devs were to speak if the lead Dev and all of those guys involved would to come out and say this is what we're working on this this is what the priorities are I'm pretty sure they would say yeah game stability is a massive priority cuz we can't have people crashing cuz this isn't just a steam issue this is an issue with PlayStation 5 as well crashing issues the game just like crashing on uh extraction is a very common crash the thing with the Pelican on the extraction Mission I showed you guys I don't think that's particularly common but obviously it happens and the reinforcement bug I've only ever seen that once but still it's a bug it's an issue and that's a a main mechanic in the game so yeah we I guess the issue as well is they need to add content into the game to keep the game fresh keep people engaged with the game and I think the way they're adding content the Cadence they're adding content is fantastic and I think they can carry on doing that but they've just got to make the game a bit more stable anyway I've had my mad rant here this mission was beautiful really enjoyed this Mission this was like an awesome Mission cuz we all kind of split off and did all of the objectives and and uh whatnot we'll see the the uh score screen I guess before I end the video but yeah I honestly guys let me know what you think about all of this in the comments below stability is an issue for the game and I hope this is something we're not even talking about in a couple of weeks time cuz it's sorted obviously they need to keep adding content to the game and they are adding content and it's good quality content I'm just worried that when we've got things uh happening like next week with the uh the new war bond coming out will that just break the game even further what's going to happen with um the major order once the automatons are sorted will a new threat be involved will we have to do something with the termined them will there be new special missions maybe something to do with the TCS there's a load of things um to look at and this could all add complexity back into the system could make it more unstable again but I hope it doesn't all right guys thanks for watching the video we'll just let this finish and then we'll get out of here since I've blabbed enough in this video by the way I hope you guys are still enjoying the videos um I'm really enjoying covering this game in a lot of ways it feels like old old old OverWatch where there's always something to be cracking on with and producing it's so cool um but yeah so John witch he was a legend I think John witch carried us in this mission to be fair oh I did okay actually I don't do too bad I should always have good accuracy though cuz uh while I was using the antimaterial rifle also where's this blood coming from on our models because like the Bots don't bleed do they we just bleeding on each other anyway catch you guys in the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 63,454
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: _fC_AfuKrJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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