Helldivers 2 FINAL MAJOR ORDER! Weapon Balance Problems!

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this is now the Final Phase of operation Swift disassembly this is the new major order phase four final Annihilation all hell divers are ordered to make an all out push to completely destroy the automaton Legion despite the enemy's losses automaton messages still include references to the Reclamation they must be annihilated before this plan can be carried out countless hell divers gave their lives to acquire this opportunity do not let their sacrifices be in vain protect our way of life destroy the automatons and you can see that phase three has been completed the automaton Counterattack has been repelled they no longer have the resources to sustain an offensive on such a scale while the timelines of their phase out has been extended it doesn't really matter to us cuz we're just going to wipe them out this is beautiful this is almost the end of the automatons so let's get in and let's absolutely annihilate them I love this game it's a 50 medal reward as well so we need to talk about some things here we need to talk about the rail gun because this has got to be the worst weapon in the game and this is a discussion which kind of is born from the fact what is the balance of weapons in this game so I want to show you this with a rail gun firstly it's got a very nice little indicator on the site but if you overcharge this now it will explode the rail gun so the rail gun is gone literally gone you can't pick it back up but you'll notice it doesn't kill you now I've got heavy armor on um so that is obviously taking the brunt of the damage however I think you can still survive this with medium armor but obviously the weapon is now destroyed and there's like a 5 minute cool down to get it back which is obviously quite bad but the issue here is what actually is the rail gun like you guys youve got to remember the rail gun was super powerful because it was literally penetrating all armor and it was the only viable option for destroying things like charges and all of that stuff around the launch of the game the thing is now the rail gun it's it's basically been I don't like they they've they have annihilated this gun through buffing other weapons and the other weapon I'm looking at is the antimaterial rifle that thing has received a 30% damage buff and it's just faster at firing it's got a better scope which is a big component of this cuz this rail gun doesn't really have a great scope you can't really scope in any distance maybe in the future we'll get weapon modifications then suddenly the rail gun might become really strong but yeah without a good scope it's you know you're basically using the iron sights essentially uh very close range Hollow Dot site it's not great and you know you obviously die all the time from burning which is another thing burning damage has been massively buffed in the game you'll die super quick in fact you die so fast you don't even have time to react you know you trying like I was trying to S myself but there's no use or at least dive on the floor to put the Flames out you can't do you'll die of course this means you can use uh the burning weapons or the weapons that have got Flame or time a burning time over effect I'm getting really confused here a burning effect over time there we go we got there in the end only if you're the host of the game because if you're not the host it doesn't work yeah don't ask me why it's just a bug I'm sure it'll get fixed at some point anyway the rail gun this gun doesn't really have a place in the game at the moment you would think the rail gun is the weapon that can penetrate all armor irregardless of what it is fully charged is penetrating all the armor so you want to get a reward for that right why would you use the weapon the thing is you have to reload after every shot and you have to charge it up before you fire you can charge it up behind cover and pop out and take the shot that is a viable thing to do but like I said if you're looking to engage at that longer range especially against the automatons maybe trying to take out hwks you're trying to take out Devastators from range especially Devastators with the shield you know you need a better scope to deal with them but you don't but then that's where the antimaterial rifle comes in right that's what that is designed to do so where does the rail gun fit it's this is like an endless debate we can have with this weapon where does it fit in the game the devs obviously didn't like how powerful it was so they nerfed it into the ground we've now been given other options that are simply better than the rail gun like you see this Devastator I'm trying to kill here I mean okay I'm missing shots I'm not fully charging the rail gun but this is what happens in the heat of battle if I had the antimaterial rifle it would be dead it would have been dead a long time ago bang bang Two Shots it's dead he probably would have died off the first shot cuz I would have got a head shot cuz it's pretty easy to land the head shot with that so again why take the anti uh not well you should take the anti material rifle but why take the rail gun yeah obviously you can extend this out to other weapons as well and you can say well the auto Cannon is just better than both of these right it can destroy factories it can destroy heavy enemies if you're hitting them in the crit spots um it's really good at crowd control if you're doing the partial reloads it reloads super fast you know so why take anything else I mean and I could easily have just took the auto cannon on this Mission and I generally do to be honest against bots cuz you want to be able to take out the factories and all of that stuff and also it's really good against the gunships like it just destroys the gunships although the antimaterial rifle can destroy the gunships couple of shots to the engines does take them out that has been confirmed and I can confirm that as well so yeah really good against that kind of thing anyway if you are fighting the gunships make sure you kill the two gunships that are at the tower get close to the tower then just blow up the hell bom um while killing the next wave that respawn the thing with the gunships is if you let them respawn they'll just swamp you anyway this rail gun I'm really struggling to see where it fits in the game at the moment um and I think we're going to have discussion in a second about linear balance and I think the rail gun is just basically superseded by a lot of other weapons I.E why would you take the rail gun there really is no point to taking the rail gun okay let's take a look at this so this is uh the medal situation so this is a message from high command it's from twinbeard one of the community managers over in Discord some info from high command here regarding outstanding medals for not only the latest major order but for medals appearing after a successful order overall your hardfought medals are already being shipped hell iers due to the vast amount of outstanding soldiers participating in the continuous fight for democracy dispatching them however takes some time usually a few hours thank you for your non-w effort and support High command out so yeah this is a server related issue where the medals are not being awarded I think it's just cuz the servers are literally backed up with the number of Medal requests they need to fulfill you will get them at some point and this is also happening with the uh the cape for Malon Creek some people have got it some people haven't got it the system is still dispatching the cape about to people so everyone will get it don't worry about it there is also some insane drama about the cape apparently I don't know why I ned myself I got really really excited what the hell um but there's been some insane drama about the cape players are not happy that it's been awarded to people fighting on malev on Creek or at least to it's well it's been awarded for everyone but the point of it is it's an emergent storytelling beat in the game M levelon Creek became this planet the community was obsessed with so a reward was given when the planet was captured and that is fraking cool anyone who thinks that's bad I mean get a lot honestly get a life so what is this idea of lateral or horizontal balance this is the way hell divers is supposedly balanced however there are some holes in this approach so let's take a look at this this is from Reddit now this discussion absolutely has been popping off because this is the idea that the devs are balancing things horizontally and if you aren't aware of that it will feel odd at first now this is essentially the idea of the weapons don't get stronger as you get higher level and you can start unlocking better weapons they just give you a different option now while that is a noble goal it actually isn't really playing out like that in the game with certain weapons in fact what I've just showed you with the rail gun versus the antimaterial rifle does sum that up however this is what the Reddit post says lots of games these days balance more vertically instead of horizontally I.E the more you play the more you unlock the better those unlocks are compared to your previous unlocks hell Dives is one of the few games that primarily balances things horizontally new weapons don't automatically invalidate older ones ones you're simply acquiring a tool to uh do a specific job the point of the balancing is not to have a single to tool that does all of the jobs and if you're used to bringing the same strates and weapons to every drop these Balan patches will feel jarring am I dropping mayor you better believe I'm bringing the laser cannon as it can chew through the enemies with the extreme cold modifier essentially what that means is when you're on a planet with extreme cold um laser weapons don't overheat as fast so you can fire them longer so for the laser cannon that's actually quite a significant um buff however it is a Search and Destroy Fabricators Mission I'm definitely not bringing the antimaterial rifle since it doesn't suit the Run and Gun play style needed to complete that mission on time am I dropping in the creek I'm bringing light armor for the stealth bonus and turrets to distract yes there are things that are better than others in a given situation but I believe the devs are encouraging us to try configs that suit a specific scenario and when you play this way the game is pretty well balanced okay yeah so I mean the issue with all of this is I think in an Ideal World we want a map and enemy I guess composition balanced game which means we can pick the load out to suit the mission we should not just be going okay I'm just going to this is how it was back in the early days and I think this is why the rail gun specifically was heavily nerfed it was rail gun and shield generator backpack that was it you just rolled that all the time of course now we know rocket Devastators and Rocket attacks were massively overtuned and were doing incredible damage and one shotting players which forced them to take the shield backpack and then the rail gun was penetrating all armor from every single Direction and it was doing tons of damage so it was just a go-to weapon for killing charges or anything that was heavily armored because it was easy you could just blow bile Titans away with it you name it it would destroy them the weapon then got nerfed and then this does beg the question where does the rail gun fit into the game now this is I don't want to focus too much on the rail gun now we've spoke about that enough in this video but what I want to talk about is the idea that weapons are supposed to be horizontally balanced or the power is distributed horizontally it isn't actually true in a lot of cases now this might be just because certain weapons are stronger when they're launched into the game and they do need to be balanced but I think if we look at the laser weapons specifically you look at the scythe and you look at the sickle the sickle is so superior to the Scythe it's not even a comparison that can be made the the Scythe is garbage it's no good it's nowhere near as powerful as a sickle but then if you extrapolate the sickle out to the other assault rifles well the sickle just becomes the best assault rifle if you're using it correctly that is not letting get overheat you've essentially got unlimited ammunition it is very accurate it does high damage it's great against all enemy types it's really good right obviously you can't destroy heavy armor with it but you know it's really really good as a primary weapon of course it's not a shotgun so if you are getting swarmed by enemies maybe sometimes you'd think okay it would be better if I had some sort of breaker variant available but I think the fact is the sickle is a great example of a primary weapon that is just better than almost every single other primary weapon in almost every single situation you know and I think that is an issue and that's probably something the devs do need to look at and then we would go more into a world where weapons are not you just take this weapon all the time because it's so powerful now of course we can talk about weapons like the autoc cannon being really strong and it is right against the Bots the autoc cannon is a very strong weapon you look at the weapon I've got here the rail gun versus the autoc cannon I mean the autoc cannon is just so much more versatility on this mission type we can destroy objectives with it we can destroy heavy enemies we can destroy groups of lightly armored enemies it's got very good range damage the Scopes decent on it it reloads really fast if you do the partial reload it's just a overall really good weapon the only downside is if you're using it Point Blank Range you'll probably kill yourself but that's fine you shouldn't be getting caught at Point plant range and in that case you just pull out the sickle so this whole dynamic with weapon balance in the game it is like back and forth back and forth some weapons are straight up powerful again going with the um laser Weaponry example look at the uh the laser dagger the pistol I mean that is just compare that to the r19 the r19 will get you out of trouble if you get like swamped the laser pistol's got no chance you're just going to die but where does the laser pistol shine well it doesn't have ammunition so you could use a laser pistol I don't know to blow up mines and stuff like that knowing that you're not wasting ammo but is that really that much of a concern so while I do agree there are some horizontal balance things the game are getting right there also things that are kind of left out in the dark and and what I'm worried about is this way they're buffing weapons they just the absolute Stratosphere like I feel like the antimaterial rifle has just been absolutely pushed to the Forefront of the game it's like yeah this is a really good weapon now go and use this weapon and is that the way to go I don't know but it does make it does make you want to try the weapon right and there's a lot of weapons in the game and we know more weapons are coming with the different um war bonds that are going to be added to the game and just you know through General drops in the game anyway like when we got the quazar added the game with the um heavy machine gun so I think this is a debate that's going to rage on forever and ever and ever with hell divers um but I do think overall they are getting the balance okay you know it isn't totally broken it maybe was in the early days but I think they are sort of fixing that and I don't feel like there are weapons that are just totally useless but I do feel like there are weapons that are better than other weapons in their category which does sort of make them useless in a way and at the end of the day there's that many weapons can they possibly balance them all very interesting debate this is guys let me know what you think about this in the comments below um but yeah really pumped at the moment I mean I'm playing this game I love it I just it's so good destroy the automatons that's what we've got to do anyway I'm going back to play more of the game so enjoy the video and I'll catch you lovely lot on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 42,755
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: URrUZ6tMdtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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