Helldivers 2 - Farm ALL Samples Solo Walkthrough

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howdy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good and here's the best way to farm all samples easily and hell out 2o I'm doing it solo full guide full walkthrough let go and get started first things first you want defense campaign and a rep Mission retrieve essential Personnel map Size Matters I'll explain that later though this one in terms of what we have is great coat I'm doing level seven difficulty because level 9 you don't actually get that many more samples you get more Super samples like I guess three compared to level seven but in terms of orange and green not really that much of a difference and in some some cases you can get less samples on level 9 difficulty versus level seven but any who stamina boost and then for my actual stat gems I'm taking jump pack for movement Arc Thor just for unlimited ammo and then gas for crowd clearing with exp tank for the B Titans my gear I'm rocking Scout to Ping the map and look for pois stun grenade def whatever the SMG is and sickle launch ini show the whole plan here is not to beat the mission solo beating this mission is not exactly all that fun I've never done it on level seven level six not too bad but level seven things change a bit and versus the bugs mortars aren't as good as they are versus the Bots little fun fact my whole goal is to just go on the outskirts first and then work my way inwards inward I believe this is the solemn Duty for which you were that's the plan right now I guess defend democracy at any cost so that's a POI cuz they're not moving towards me but what are they doesn't seem very big though the Ping thing seems inconsistent sometimes right there's working though oh wa this is crazy so bug reach is just happened out of nowhere but as you can already see the samples are crazy got spam that e so the sample's right there and then in the actual Crash Landing site we have more and that's now good so these that's the POI I'll go to later I guessing aest 100 me next one's over there for the super samples they're not always guarded by people so be aware that you're looking for a specific Rock which is actually right there that does have folks guarding it it's not always guarded though okay sometimes there's no one around it at all it's a weird little debacle and on these missions in particular I've noticed that there's usually like a a fake Zeus door knob and a real Zeus's door knob this is this is a huh real news how did that Arc not kill a hunter we got to Nerf these things but yeah this this rock right here it's it's a whole long story are they moving no this is an xwest this is where the armor comes in clutch normally I don't recommend running this armor to find samples but for this specific Mission it's kind of nice now if I'm playing with a group I usually don't rock this armor i instead would just rock medic and live I don't need to grab that but I might as well that's cleared that's a bug breach happening [Music] that's I'm going toss this and just run away gas because trying to loot a lot of samples in one location isn't exactly fun when you have so many things on you now there's a few pois that aren't always guarded like the sample one the super samples or Uranian uranium samples aren't always guarded and a certain graveyard I don't believe is always going to have folks around it but does have samples so you can't rely on this method too much in terms of pinging enemies and finding them it's better than nothing oh my god well that's unfortunate tagging 100 me if I see Chargers I got to kill them quick actually I want to kill the smaller thing so they don't snitch these maps are weird when it comes to reaches is leave me alone I thought he'd move a bit forward than that a bit more forward head shots okay we could have put a few less mines there that's just my view on that it doesn't break that I mean I could wait for my Jetpack that's a long time to wait I would have thought that'd break that wall I guess not so we do have 15 minutes actually a bit more than that this takes you roughly 17 minutes and 50 55 seconds because you have to actually wait for the 50 minutes to expire and hit zero the clock top right and then for an Evac to be called for those that don't know an Evac gets called regardless of you finishing the mission or not you could fail the mission and it still calls an Evac as long as you aren't dead something feel like folks don't know that it is necess information he wreck this you can nothing I want is in there though this has Shel I just can't find this the the sample sheckles I'm not really well versed with the layout of this cuz I'm trying to min max there's still more where don't tell me it's just okay there's there one more all right this POI is a bit of a troll we're good now this should go to show you just how much time you have I've only gotten 20 samples sure but there's still so many more pois that a ton that have yet to be gathered I thought that would kill you if I'm being totally honest I was close in out def fence how' you like this for free as yall can see I'm not a Arc throw one trick so I'm not very good at the timing the consistency I'm looking for the spure concuss hate him with that OverWatch one treatment all right uh given this map layout there's usually not anything crazy up here so we can just keep going the where we're going right now this has been pretty chill so far though there's no B Titans prob I shouldn't have said anything but there's no B Titans I'll reinforce that go ahead and wish into existence that it just keeps existing the way it is found something uh this could be wait is this a bunker the center block only me bunker how many shots does one [Applause] need if you just face me front center had to land head shot there Bud otherwise you live for far too long normally when you have this little yellow blinker lap there's not too many samples around you but sometimes that's not exactly true there's not many rules in this game there's still more but where this is hurting the par is pretty heavy I want to get all of them oh there's still more somewhere what do you mean I got 6 minutes and 37 actually I got like 8 minutes if I could just get the pois to have more of a condens found it I'm going to min max and this is a POI that's going to be heavily contested down what a balanced thing oh it's just it doesn't even matter what the it's a bunker there's two SAS on there I want those though request approved reinforcements have been launched that's on me I should have gotten my stuff way faster than that gas strike incoming say hello to democracy things are still going fantastic for anyone wondering don't worry all I have to do is not die where am I oh minutes I repeat all that for those by the way all that for those samples right there it was worth it it was definitely worth it yep how could it not be you let toce the freedom how come I've seen no batt Titans though there's two samples in the shed also more samples around here usually right right there no injy what injy there's more my desire to in Maxis is going to be the death of me where is the last sample at okay I I I sense a bit wait I know where it isuh we still have so much time it seems like an eternity but we're cooking right now brother I tell you what 100 is that another shed or a bunker or what is going on over here found something um hello oh I should have known it actually told me what it was it told me it was empty from the get-go now these dudes are guarding a grave okay so the grave is guarded got it something the grave only has a few samples around it I'm being chased but I don't really not grouping up at all I always bring jetpack and I never use it like I should it tilts people to no end it tilts me too though dropping aeast close what is occurring right now um I'm going to go right right a ER but I still kind of want to finesse it how many wilbers can you possibly spawn it's like Wilbur the Clone Wars right now what there's a there's too many of these guys is that Jordan [Applause] not all right we're fine I still have 3 minutes left and some change how you Al it just seems a little rigged that iy took a point blank Tesla Tower to the face and said I have some more Destroyer twice get off of me mate okay [Music] wait there's like a thousand samples in here can we Nerf Hunter to the ground pretty [Music] please it shouldn't be too much to ask I think I'm so close to PR D so close oh my goodness supery extraction request confirmed shutle INB Jack be nible Jack be quick Jack yink these samples what El Rhymes oh heck Christian Channel Christian Channel where all right so real talk major qu life option here we should have the supply drops be marked on the map or is that just too much they just said no to my movement there how was that fair uh there they are there it is brother okay in in reality I should just book it straight back to the base but here's the thing found something oh my god get me out I missed a sample I'm Trash In fairness though I technically got all the samples that I really could have because is I got 30 to 27 and 36 of 39 that's a lot of samples bro that's almost 80 samples that's like 79 samples solo no what a math on that no it's almost 70 sample solo I'm trash dude I want to go for more I want to break my PR dude by way you can make it from across the map back to the base in like a minute 30 if you don't stop exraction complete see the ship comes matter what you get the samples bing bada boom you g skis there is zero battle Titans just field cool show me the samples what is the math on that cuz I can't think right now brain's been really foggy disgraceful conduct yeah that's what people on Reddit Tik Tok YouTube the comment section agrees disgraceful I got 69 samples nice I think one time there was potential to get 80 something you can get 86 samples cuz it was 40 40 and then six so it was on Hell dive but you don't really get those maps that often maybe with the mission I just had you have a chance Dan but that was that was pretty good dude first try accuracy I mean that's my that's that's I'm him I'm him with the 194 accuracy say my name brother I could have used more strats I could use more jump packs my jump packs prend were pretty bad it's a hardcore negative over found something what the you really don't want to have a fulls siiz map you aren't getting any more samples in most cases like right now I'm getting less samples than I was for the smaller map and now I have more land to cover taking me a lot longer and give me less room for error I'm pretty confident this Mission will have less than 20 samples in total even though normally it should have around 80 prep yeah level 9 wait what click it Coates locked because the missions the mission itself is the same one that everyone says is good that I think is good too but there's different layouts and this layout right here there's far too much water that there's no place for pois to spawn so in this case we got 60 people to escort hell that difficulty there's only 13 I mean there's there's six of the purple ones I guess
Channel: OhDough
Views: 52,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo gameplay, helldivers 2 samples, helldivers 2 sample farm, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 walkthrough, helldivers 2 sample guide, helldivers 2 mission guide, helldivers 2 best sample mission, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 easy sample farm, helldivers 2 solo sample farm, helldivers 2 best sample farm
Id: XFDQJaydohc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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