The Jeremy Renner App (w/ Drew Gooden)

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Meljusenr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t believe this app existed for 2.5 years before I’d heard of it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SucculentsandSuch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

i lost my fucking mind during the justin bieber segment

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nihilistatari πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/robertvmarshall πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up Greg I hope you're all having a great day and welcome back to my channel this of course is another episode of the jeremy renner fan club the best source on the internet for all jeremy renner news and gossip but before we start I got a lot of comments on my last video that the last G and this Greg here is distracting some people because it's too far away from the rest of the word Greg it seemed to be very distracting for a lot of people I take this commentary seriously I'm sorry for that distraction and I am going to fix it Oh assistant could you fix the G it's too far away from the rest of the Greg perfect all right now I'm ready to film the video Oh what no no I don't need you to help film I just need you to help with the assistant stuff cuz you're my assistant I just need help with that I thought we were friends if you don't want to hang out with me it's after I drove all the way here on my unicycle from Florida then I can unicycle my way back home okay well it's just yes it's just I'm filming a video right now I'm making a video about Jeremy Renner and I just kind of feel like you don't know [ __ ] about Jeremy Renner you think I don't know [ __ ] about Jeremy Hawkeye Renner yeah I've never once heard you talk about him even mentioned I don't think I've ever even heard you say his name I just did by the tape can we go play back on that Jeremy hot guy holy [ __ ] you're right mm-hmm and what do you know about Jeremy Renner mister I know everything about Jeremy Ritter I know that he's Hawkeye in the Avengers yeah but did you know he's got an app what he's got an app he's got an app Wow guys Jeremy Renner has a [ __ ] app that's right human being and celebrity sensation Jeremy Renner is also an app I guess like a week or so ago I saw this tweet Jeremy Renner is my favorite actor Jeremy Renner is my favorite musician and Jeremy Renner is definitely my favorite app and then it's a screenshot of an app that looks like Instagram but is just Jeremy Renner this tweet might come as a shock to you for several reasons not only because you might not have known he had app but a lot of people also don't know that he makes music - yeah I only found out recently about his music basically his songs sound like if someone from a Marvel movie was covering an imagined dragon song yeah I've been hearing his song in this Jeep commercial or whatever reason like every show has the Jeep commercial for every commercial book break well to me the most surprising part of this tweet was that Jeremy Renner is someone's favorite actor I have nothing against him he's not a bad actor he's not he's not like ugly he's not mean he's just he's just there like he's good-looking enough he's good enough of an actor I think that the the only way to describe him in everything that he does is he was there the Avengers did he do much no but he was there right the music industry is jeremy renner breaking any new grounds no is this music very interesting no no but he was there he was making music he's certainly trying to be so late last night I decided to download the Jeremy Renner app as debris don't worry it's free yeah you don't have to spend any money on it yet so we don't look at the Jeremy Renner app and it's basically just Instagram if the only person allowed to post on Instagram was Jeremy Renner I've used Instagram for a long time and my biggest problem was like there's too many people on here distracting me from Jeremy Renner Instagram and just see pictures of him and there's so many other people on there it's really hard to use to be honest so on the app store the Jeremy Renner official app don't get it confused than the other Jeremy Renner abs this is the official Jeremy Renner app goddammit connect with two-time Academy Award nominee Jeremy Renner on his official abajo so we can we can actually connect with Jeremy yeah we text him give him a phone call linked up maybe hang out it's pretty vague I'm assuming you can do whatever you want yeah I'm assuming it's vague because we can do more than you'd expect and not less exciting giveaways with cool prizes like movie tickets signed merchandise or other surprises movie tickets sign merchandise other prizes and in more prize yeah and then they ran out of talking points so they're like you can get to know Jeremy and other fans the app isn't just about connecting with Jeremy Renner it's about connecting with Jeremy Renner and other people who care about Jeremy Renner just as much as you do who care about linking up with Jeremy Renner yeah this is actually how Danny and I met talking to each other on the Jeremy Renner app yeah we connected on the Jeremy Renner and I'd say things are going pretty well mm-hmm tour tickets because we're going on so boost your comments with superstars become a top 3 fan and be seen by Jeremy Renner yeah they really want to drive that point home is that like everything that goes to this app Jeremy Renner we'll see personally himself well only if you're a top 3 fan so we have to see how we can do that once we get on the end yeah I probably won't have to spend any money or anything right yeah Jeremy Renner made this app exclusively to connect with fans not to make money not to prop it up those fans watch cool videos I hope they're observing Renner we go on the app it says our videos is Jeremy Renner guys I found this cool video what's so great Wow and then the rest of the description of the app is I'm pretty sure just like a copy and paste of his Wikipedia page ok so let's check out this app what do you say no listen yeah ok when you download the Jeremy Renner app will yeah and you open it for the first time you're immediately greeted with a giant picture of Jeremy Renner's face so you're already intrigued and then the face changes to a smaller Jeremy were in her face and he starts speaking at you here's what these things about this is a way for me to connect with real fans super fans wait where Jeremy Renner superfans yeah he's talking to us and possibly only us he has impossible for me to really get back to anybody on social media there's just way too many people so it's impossible for him to respond to anyone because there's so many people yeah that's my problem like I get so many YouTube comments I can't even read one comment cuz there's so many YouTube emails you all the comments at once and it's really small text I can't see any go see the reason I can't do it is it displays all of the comments on top of each other it's like a block of black text that you can't even read maybe I should make a jeremy renner app that way I could finally be able to respond to my comments maybe we should be Jeremy Renner for Halloween Jeremy Renner if you're watching this let us be for Halloween please we won't do it without your permission please get back to us to be clear we don't want to be Hawkeye we want to be Jeremy Renner Jeremy Lee River so we're gonna do a few things in the app we're going to do excuse of contests giveaways I'm gonna do more behind the scenes off-screen what what they're gonna be doing on the app oh man he's not gonna be posting in the shower or anything I mean damn it delete yeah be posting more a different content than they would on social media then obviously there and this is the app it's just one picture of his face yeah I hope to see you there you can't even use it without signing up which is a bit of a bummer so you either have to give him your Facebook or your Gmail or your phone number I've signed up with my phone number in hopes that it went straight to Jeremy Renner and he's gonna call me at some point yeah I'll take your phone no just a bunch of text my wife yeah she's still stuck in that well yeah so last night drew and I both downloaded this app and we made accounts and I would say we've had pretty different experiences so far yeah tell him yours first I mean I was just enjoying the app you know I was scrolling I got to keep up with Jeremy Renner and all of his fun updates and I got to experience all the cool features there's there's lots of them you'll notice when you first create an account you've got a hundred stars at the top congratulations and if you look in your activity it actually your only notification is that Jeremy Renner himself gifted you those 100 stars or at least he did for me I don't know if he does that for everyone or if he just did that for me I'm from Curtis Lepore and you're probably wondering well what are these stars do so Jeremy Renner gives you the stars and then you can use those stars and send them to Jeremy Renner so he gives you the stars and right back stars are sort of like like sand you can give a bunch of likes to a picture yeah that's the difference between stars and likes is on most platforms you get one like and that's it so don't [ __ ] it up but on here you can send one star or you can send a thousand stars the only thing stopping you from sending more stars is money you have to pay money to send more stars even though he gives you stars and you give him back he'd uh he just holds on to them at that point he won't give him back to you I thought we were playing like hatch but he just is like all right and went back inside so this app is basically like Instagram but the only person who's allowed to post is jeremy renner and the only thing you're allowed to do is give me buddy in the hopes that maybe he'll reply the most generic low effort reply to something it's friday work is done and you know what that means it's whiskey thirty so let the weekend the shenanigans begin what are your weekend plans for me movie tonight Shazaam not my choice not my choice if it was up to me jeremy I'd be watching a movie with you and yeah like Bourne Legacy or Marvel 3 hope you have a great rest of your day or evening much love and blessings from an amazing weekend to you oh yeah for man amazing what a nice long thoughtful response to Jeremy's picture yeah he seems to really care about Jeremy Renner he paid money to have Jeremy Renner see this and Jeremy Renner responded promoting all weekend no time for anything no time to respond I'm promoting all weekend yet Jeremy Renner's responses on this app are like the equivalent of you text your significant other or really long paragraph with all these feelings and something and they just respond back like sounds like you're having fun something like almost related but not really or maybe just like picking out one part of the paragraph and responding to that yeah the part that you needed an answer to the lease or they just liked it but any chance is there a contest less giveaway going on would love to meet you I'm not running a giveaway right now but that's why we did that so Jeremy Renner posted a video of some D someone commented wow what a wonderful thing to see an experienced Bambi meets Hawkeye just looks like the most amazingly place to be and Jeremy Renner just responded I'm Jeremy Renner I saw you're coming I didn't even have to read it I'm just posting a random emoji this is the face I made when I saw it I dropped my phone people just want Jeremy Renner to see them so bad they're just willing to spend tens or hundreds of dollars my existence is meaningless if Jeremy Renner doesn't know about it is how I felt Jeremy Renner we don't want to be friends we don't want to get to know you we just want you to see us I just want to know that the light bouncing off of my skin and into my camera lens will someday go into your corneas and into your retinas we want your eyeballs to eat our skin and I want you to tell me how it tastes oh you sent me a notification late night text from Bay who is such a big fan of Jeremy Renner that you would spend money on purpose to have him just look at your comment and respond back with the most minimal effort response it just seems really weird to me so anyway that's been my experience using the Jeremy Renner app so far drew how's your experience been I spent 47 dollars on accident huh on the app you spent money - jeremy renner app no I didn't spend money I spent 47 dollars I didn't spend money alright I spent stars which I paid for with money real American money how did that happen well luckily I was screen recording it I was kind of messing around with it checking out all the cool features I was curious like okay the star that that's probably like a life I clicked boost now and your options are 94 + 10 or hold to boost and I thought that sounds fun I'm just gonna put my thumb there for a while and see how high the number maybe you can see where this is going and there's like okay have four hundred stars and it told me oops you don't have enough stars then put my thumb on the homescreen to go back to my text messages to text Danny and right as I put my thumb there the thing popped up asking for my thumbprint to confirm my 47 dollar purchase so long story you're welcome Jeremy number three fan 93 stars number two fan 94 stars number-one fan me 445 star and you still got some left over you he's got like 2,000 stars yeah jealous a little I think I got scammed I'm really confused I only spent 400 stars on this how many stars did you buy so according to the app it costs forty six ninety-nine which is what I spent to get sixty eight hundred stars I then used four hundred forty five of them on one post whoops and now I have 24 hundred left hmm sounds about right to me six thousand minus four hundred is 24 hundred hmm if anyone knows what happened to my stars you look in your notifications and it says Jeremy Renner's stole four thousand I mean I'm still his number one fan but like what the hell dude so the content that Jeremy posts on his app is top-notch stuff it's it's stuff that you would never find on any of his other social medias right right wrong it's pretty much only pictures that he also posts on his Instagram yeah without changing anything not even about the caption yeah so one funny thing that he'll do is post a picture but he'll include a bunch of hashtags in the picture but the thing about his app as opposed to Instagram is that on Instagram when you click on a hashtag it'll take you to a bunch of related posts with the same hashtag but on Jeremy Renner's app there's no hashtag functionality if you click on a hashtag nothing happens because Jeremy Renner is the only person posting pictures on there another funny thing he does is he'll try to tag people in pictures when he did Justin Long's podcast he posted this picture and then he tagged at Justin Leung but of course when you click on at Justin long and nothing happens because Justin Long's not on the app unfortunately I was thinking oh cool so the only two people from the zapper Jeremy Renner and Justin long yeah but lo and behold no he does occasionally post things that are exclusive to his app though a lot of it is related to his music career which as we mentioned is very necessary yeah so here's a very cool behind-the-scenes video of him singing so [ __ ] with you too booth I gotta tell you never be the same seriously who do you think is cuter this little bear me or this guy that I cropped out of the picture a guy that I copped out of the picture yeah I wish I could see the rest of his face I hope I hope it looks like Jeremy Renner her ha ha can you imagine what his face would look like if it looked exactly like Jeremy Renner's I wish the stupid [ __ ] bear look like Jeremy Renner yeah hey look it's Jeremy Renner oh my god I hope you guys have a great weekend I'm just chilling spitting around really fast hope you guys are having a great weekend I think that's kind of symbolic of how much effort he seems to put into this like he was definitely like he also sometimes post the same picture twice so it's like not even exclusive content he posted this picture five weeks ago with a caption I hope everyone's having a great day and then the same one three weeks ago what a weekend I hope everyone enjoyed time with family and friends the Jeremy Renner app the only place where you can see the same picture twice of him singing like this now this is great now seeing all this behind the scenes exclusive content about and of Jeremy Renner but I feel like he advertised like fan content too is there yeah yes so he did say in the description for the app which I assume was written by him that's why I'm saying he said yeah he did you can connect with other Jeremy Renner fans and so far I haven't really seen any way to do that but the reason we haven't seen that is because we've only been on the Home tab so far and there's many tabs there's home activity fan feed music and menu and the fan feed is really where you get to start connecting with other Jeremy Renner fans like you and us and like me as you said like that yeah okay well like me as well so this is like a picture that someone took of their computer screen while googling pictures of Jeremy Renner oh and you can actually also boost yourself on other people's pictures of Jeremy Renner oh so they get the money yeah no I don't think so I think I think Jeremy Renner still gets the money okay because it is still pictures of Jeremy Renner huh this person wished a happy birthday to them so happy birthday to me also can you guys this for me thanks it's my birthday what I want is for you to give money to Jeremy well let's see I still have 2400 stars left oh yeah use them on okay oh wait oh wait I just used 1400 yes so drew just very 1,400 stars on this picture and it's saying he only spent one hundred and forty stars that's so weird and kind of shady like yeah you buy the stars and then they immediately divide your stars by ten every time you use them so what the [ __ ] so yeah when I spent 400 I actually spent 4000 harami [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Jeremy give us our stars back what's your standard go-to phrase snuggles are the best well are you curious to see any other celebrity apps cuz I did find a couple it won't take too long oh wait there's other celebrity apps well yeah that's the thing Danny's very single-minded with you know with stuff like this he loves Jeremy so all he want to do is look at the Jeremy ran out but the moment I found out about it I was like there's got to be more apps like this out there so I went to search in a a dating Justin Bieber Edition free and I tell what it does at a a stand for Alcoholics Anonymous yeah it's for Bieber fans who are recovering alcoholics and so to get their mind off alcohol they imagine what it would be like to date Justin Bieber if you're a fan of Justin Bieber or a sexy girl please download this app immediately because it is a present for you especially for Woman's Day yeah it's really gross so far a lot of girls or true fan of Justin Bieber want to go on a date with him and hand in hand with him in street I want to hand in hand with Justin industries is it a wonderful dream your dream may come true with dating Justin Bieber edition application just with some simple steps number one choose our snap a photo of you number two a just photo and crop number three add Oh Justin Bieber image to the position as expected Oh Justin Bieber heaven obviously so it makes a picture of you with Justin Bieber's that would've done yeah so you're telling me we're gonna date Justin Bieber now yeah isn't he Mary hind of well you'll see it didn't ask for permission to access my photos which kind of makes me a little sketch now so we're gonna go with this one and [Laughter] I got it no here's my a a dating Justin Bieber created with the amazing a a Justin Bieber iPhone an iPad app hashtag dating Justin hashtag Justin hashtag Bieber hashtag booth which again you couldn't click on these hashtags in your know if you click on the hashtag Justin she's gonna know that it's not real we wither the day with Justin Bieber he was in a little box the whole time he was just a jumping ro real fast huh he was in a little cage yeah we kept him there so he wouldn't run away from our day we initiated that you use our app instead of our thanks we would like to give you to Justin bye dude great a 5 stars congratulations access item number four and Xmas item number five were unlocked let's check it out and before number four and number five which one do you want to add so guys make sure you check out the jeremy renner app and follow both of us on it and make sure you boost our pics so that you can give money to jeremy renner and we can sort of just watch you give money to him and not really get involved at all yeah all right well that's the end of this video thank you drew for being in it and Thank You Danny for letting me fix your signs it looks much better now yeah I think I think you did good job yeah if you haven't gotten tickets for our show yet do that yeah we're going on - we're going to a bunch of cities it's just about to start depending on when I edit this it might already be going on so get your tickets if you're new here and you haven't subscribed to good gurgi make sure you do that just subscribe and turn on my notifications to join the fastest are me fastest growing art well the fastest army and the best check out Drew's channel he has videos and stream help let me go alright guys tune in next time for a really interesting video where I use Drew's body as a human jumper bike he'll let me go he'll let me go let me go let me go tonight yo scream house let me go he'll let me go he'll let me go stop kidnapping me she was just a lady not a care in the world til she's
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 8,127,178
Rating: 4.965961 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, hilarious, react, reaction, reacting, awful, jeremy renner, app, avengers, cool guy, super cool dude jeremy renner, jeremy renner is a super cool dude/guy, jeremy lee renner
Id: od7P-RhLjLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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