THE BROKEN SUMMONER (Warlock/Spore Druid) Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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have you ever wanted to summon an endless tide of  various creatures from all the many walks of life   of DN D well look no further because in this guide  we'll be going over how to create a disgusting   Summoner in balers Gate 3 I struggled initially  to find out how to really get this one off the   ground but after some tweaking and discovering  the mechanics behind summons we can get a whole   screen of various creatures to help us out the  trick is to combine both Warlock and Druid for   some really fun capabilities while also leaning  into spells that will help our little buddies take   enemies down as well as the party as a whole if  this is your first time on my channel the way I   do things here is by uping the knowledge of my  videos so you can decide if it's the right one   for you so with that being said we'll be taking  five levels into packed of the chain and Arch Fay   for warlock this will give us a lot of early game  utility and a strong can up we can spam every turn   if we'd like after that we will pivot into seven  levels of Druid circle of the spores with this   combination we'll have a strong familiar with  lots of resistances an elemental summon Undead   summons fungal zombies and and a woodland creature  and and that's just from the spells that there's   even more once we get into the gear section of  this video but that's really the entire gist of   this video it's really straightforward as you'll  just kind of be choosing the summon spells and if   that's all you wanted to know please feel free to  shut the video down and get back to or get started   with making your disgustingly strong Summoner Lord  before you head out though please don't forget to   like comment subscribe each one of those things  does help me out in a huge way I currently have   something like 89% unsubscribed viewer base on  the channel and that's a metric I'm trying to   change this year so every little bit helps you  can jump ahead to any part of the video that in   you the most using the chapters about the timeline  in the description and if you need help with any   other subject in B Gate 3 check out my playlist  linked below and at the end of the video let's get   started here on my broken summoner build in balers  Gate 3 loading into the game as always let's talk   about race and really you can go with anything you  want here there's nothing that's really going to   stand out because there's not a ton of things  in the game that actually supplement or buff   or increase the effectiveness of your uh summons  there's very very few things in the game actually   that do do that so um with that being said you  can do whatever you want uh Dr is really fun here   because D gets access to dancing lights but then  they get access to both darkness and fairy fire   which are two spells we will get access to as  this class but it's nice just to have them kind   of on board as part of uh special spells that you  can use once per long rest outside of your spell   slots and that's the big thing there so both half  heal and half heal drow Dr uh will get access to   that um you can go with a high half elf or high  elf if you want to get an additional canant trip   going here um we get a lot of can trips via what  we'll be doing so there's not really anything here   that you won't get access to otherwise um tling  is probably though my go-to pick um outside of   that though gith is also very nice because you're  going to get a mage hand a special leap and gith   have access to a ton of items in this game and  special story narrative options and stuff like   that are really really really cool cool but what  does make G really nice is that they get abilities   to kind of increase their Mage hand through some  of their armor which is also kind of cool uh they   also have astral knowledge to gain proficiency  and all skills of a chosen ability which is just a   really really sick ability uh back to tling though  uh subrace I'd probably go with is asmodus teling   because it's going to give me access to produce  flame which coincidentally is a Conjuration Spell   well cantrip in this case but it's also going  to give me fairy fire and darkness which are two   spells again that we've talked about before with  our um Dr I'm sorry they get hellish rebuke and   they get access to uh darkness and again two great  spells another good option is Mephisto tling which   will get access to magean which we've talked about  just a little bit ago M Chen is really cool by the   way because you can have it go open objects for  you you can have it drag objects it's invisible   it actually get you get a lot of use out of the  Mage hand I think I I slept on this a little bit   earlier in my understanding of the game but it's  actually quite good in addition though you'll   get burning hands and flaming blade flaming blade  you won't really use but burning hands is a nice   little ability just to kind of have access to so  i' probably just go with asmodus tling probably   fits the overall scope of what I want and then  for our starting class is warlock you can go with   Druid but personally I find that you're going  to struggle with the effectiveness of the Druid   until a little bit later into its leveling cycle  especially until you get like really level six   when you can use fungal infestation and I like  warlock cuz I can feel like I'm doing stuff for   the party early Druid relies on its spell slots  which you need to replenish every long rest versus   the Warlock replenishes a their spell locks their  spell locks their spell slots on a short rest and   B relies heavily on the damage from Elder blast  a can trip which you can use every single turn   which is going to be our big Focus here so we're  going to pick up ELD blast and then you know I I   kind of like bone chill here you can go with blade  Ward it's a nice little two- turn buff that you   can cast on any of your summons we can get Blade  W from a number of other things though so just   kind of goes with whatever you want do you want  to have defensive capabilities for your summons   or do you want to have a little bit more offensive  capability for yourself so just uh you know what   actually I'll I'll pick up blade W so just to show  off some stuff um but then for our subass we're   going to go Arch Fay and the reason behind that is  I want this action Fay presence charm or frighten   nearby foes specifically foes a lot of AOE spells  will say creatures which includes your allies but   foes with Fay Wild's beguiling disturbing Magics  so this can both charm and or frighten and I just   like that it's a nice little AOE ability I'll just  just gives me a lot of nice control and that's   what we're going to focus on our spells that are  not specifically summon spells are ways to control   and influence the battlefield that's going to be  pretty crucial here for us so for our spells um   we're going to pick up fairy fire right now but  eventually we will drop that and the same thing   here with armor of Hadar um it's just a nice  defensive capability gives you some temp hit   points and some cold damage but definitely once  we get towards uh Druid which temp hit points   are given to you in Spades as a circle of Spore  Druid we will drop armor of a agathys or agius   because we cannot have oh it says right here can  only have temp hit points from one source so we   don't want to overlap these too much but we'll  start like that gives us a little bit of control   capability and have some fun sleep falls off in  its Effectiveness too early in the game background   please as always guys go with whatever makes sense  for you and the roleplay you've created for your   character are you some Outlander who has made a  pack with a uh devil to become a warlock are you   a noble son who has done the very same but is also  from a druid family of something of the sort you a   folk hero who has found that they've they've gone  ay from their Druid rout roots and again have made   a pack with the devil there's all sorts of fun  things you can do with your background and the   RP you have in mind for your character my men Max  choice though is always Insite and Insite insight   and persuasion from Guild Artisan they're two of  the more important skills and just to have them   turned on automatically through skill proficiency  is a real nice choice here um as well too when it   comes to our skill proficiencies persuasion  is already selected for me and we're going to   have plenty of Charisma to go around so that's  going to be nice but you can also pick up maybe   intimidation if you want um as far as other  things that you get access to as a warlock um   investigation is probably the best of this list  Rel nature history and Arcana are a little bit   more nuanced in there in the likelihood of you  you using them and anything in which you'd use   them is is typically more often than not just  a quick little narrative blurb or something   kind of cool to see here and there it's rarely an  actual big thing that'll progress you forward in a   conversation like Insight or perception those are  two real big ones which we'll get benefits to here   you know what so I'm going to actually pop a point  here into uh intimidation but let's now go into   our ability scores when it comes to our ability  points we're going to be putting points into both   Charisma and into wisdom because these are going  to be our primary casting abilities Charisma is   going to of course be all the things we're going  to cast warl related but we're going to cast end   up casting at least more wisdom related spells so  while we're going to go to 16 here we will pick up   improved ability score which will bring this up to  18 eventually we'll leave intelligence as is we'll   bring our constitution up to 14 just for some good  hit point increase and since we won't have access   to anything other than medium armor I believe  through the um uh warlock I mean Druid uh we'll   get our dexterity to 12 just to get a plus one to  our AC and initiative Constitution being at 14 is   going to help us too because we do have quite a  few concentration spells that we're going to be   casting and this will give us a little bit better  of a a chance to pass those con or concentration   roles which are Constitution checks but very  straightforward distribution of your ability   points here they all are let's now get into the  progression of this build starting off with this   progression we of course are just now going to put  six levels I'm sorry five levels into uh warlock   here the first spell we're going to go ahead and  pick up is something like witch bolt I like this   as far as adding a little bit of damage but I also  really like hex um two of these are really good   in this situation and remember we are going to  replace some spells as we get closer to the end of   the Warlock uh leveling kind of spree here because  we can only remove these spells um every level up   we can't just swap them out like we will be able  to for Druid which is nicer so let's go ahead and   go with uh you don't go with hex in this case this  will allow our uh our guy to do some damage now   for eldrich invocations we're going to go with  agonizing blast to add our Charisma modifier to   our eldrich blast which is huge and then we have  the option to go with devil sight or repelling   blast um repelling blast is nice to push things  I like Devil sight uh the more I play the more   I realize I just really like the ability to see  through any kind of magical darkness and you'll   be dealing with so much of it in act two and a lot  of the harder fights in act three just having that   ability to always be to never really be blinded is  just really a nice Boon so we're going to go ahead   and pick up Devil's sight and push now into level  three this is going to give us another spell um   darkness is nice but we get access to it through  a lot of other means as well um so if you get ACC   if you do that here just remember not to pick it  up somewhere else and same thing with hold person   this will be in our Druid list later so if you do  pick it up now you're going to want to replace it   before leaving warlock because you can just simply  place it on and on your bar before an engagement   with Druid um but another good one though would  be misty step just to have access to is really   nice uh crown of Madness is really cool here um  instill the micine a humanoid enemy making them   attack the creature closest to them other than  you even if it's Allied so this can be really   cool to do on like a backline of um archers or  Mages anything like that that's casting in the   background doing something like that as a really  cool capability so I'm just going to pick that so   I don't have to worry about the other overlapping  spells as I go through this video but hack to the   chain is the big one we're going to go with here  which gives us fine familiar and then either fine   familiar imp which we're going to be using or fine  familiar quasit uh quasa is also good because it   can scare things which is really kind of cool um I  just like the fact that the Imp can fly that's the   big thing it can turn inv visible fly and sting  enemies to do poison damage which is really cool   and we'll talk about how this character can get  really cool with this those capabilities later   uh but for now uh we're level three we will be  sticking with you know we're going to swap off no   no no we'll we'll keep this as is we'll do four is  when we'll swap off our first spell we'll swap off   uh fairy fire and why I like fairy fire is that  all Targets within the light turn or within the   light turn visible and attack rules against them  have Advantage so this makes your summons makes it   easier for them to hit things it's why I really  like this capability um in fact actually you   know we'll take off armath this and we'll put on  another one of our level two spells um I'm going   to go with you know psychic damage does get pretty  good later in the game but you know I'll go with   maybe old person is nice and the thing is it's  like a struggle right now right because we've   got two more levels this level and then one more  level of warlock so we do have to remove these   spells now and we don't want to get some that  overlaps so you know what I'll go with enthrall   because that doesn't necessarily overlap and we'll  pick up Misty step because it will just kind of   always be very useful for our can trips I'm going  to go with bone chill to add some necrotic damage   and I'll explain that further once we get into  the discussion about Druid but now let's talk   about your Feats so your feet options are not that  awesome actually you pretty much probably going to   use ability Improvement and put it into wisdom  as the one that you just should always take you   can pick up an elemental adapt if you want but  we're not really doing a prevalent amount that   this type of any of these types of damage so it's  not that awesome lucky is always applicable though   and always a really good one you gain three luck  hit points or I'm sorry luck points that you can   use to gain advantage on attack ability or saving  throws or to make an enemy roll their attack roles   if you're playing in honor mode that's always a  really cool benefit um spell sniper is always nice   though so you you learn a canp and the number  you need to roll a critical hit with spells is   reduced by one so this will apply to your Elder  Blast Your ELD blast will crit easier if you'd   so wish to use it you also get access to another  uh canri like say uh Ray of frost ritual Caster   here can be kind of cool if you want to say maybe  just pick up long Strider and speak with animals   so that they're not any they're no longer part  of your Druid list you don't have to worry about   picking them up you can just have them as nice  utility for the character that's a cool way to   kind of go about it um fine familiar here and your  fine familiar warlock spell will not stack it will   choose the most recent casting of it so if you  choose choose this here and then cast your this   version of it then go to cast your warlock one  the Warlock one will override it or vice versa   um other fun options that you can go with are any  of the magic initiates where you pull a cantrip   from that spe two cantrips from that specific  class and then a single level one spell from that   single class as well you can get heroism if you  want and go ahead and cast that um on a specific   Target to make it immune and gain temp pit points  you can cast this on any of your little Bros or a   cleric spell here if you wanted to get um Shield  of Faith to increase armor class by two here or   even sorcer wizard spells to get access to uh  Shield was a nice defensive one magic Missile   here is really cool Mage Armor on one of your  um uh what's it called your summons the hell's   the name of the damn thing chromatic orbit are  really good offensive one so these are fun ways   to go about it if you wanted to do that I'm going  to go ahead though and choose ability Improvement   and just put those points into wisdom since we  will need those points in just a little bit on to   level five we get all some fun stuff here because  at level five we get deepen packed now pack of   the blade familiar gets an extra attack it's why  we went to level five on Warlock and also now we   get access to level three warlock spells this is  our last chance to swap any spells off of warlock   that we would want to do otherwise you just simply  have to roll so getting access to counter spell is   actually really really really really good unless  you have another class that plans on taking it   but this is a really nice spell they have right  out the gate also getting something like uh there   it is hunger of hatar is going to be really  good because almost all of your summons well   at least from the Warlock standpoint we'll have  uh Devil's sight and the the minor Elementals   they can go inside of this and not be blinded but  they will take damage so just kind of keep that in   mind hypnotic pattern is very fun uh really great  CC capability and you can cast this when you're   silenced which is a really really cool capability  there um so you can go with something like that   or a counter spell depending upon uh what you  are dealing with with your party keep that in   mind and we're going to replace another spell and  that's going to be fairy fire here because now we   will have access to that through something else  so let's just go with hypnotic pattern um another   good one though is fear fear is always really  really great to have um we'll go with that and   then for ELD invocation you can go with repelling  blast here if you want but I actually I'm going   to go with me the mind so now I can cast slow and  slow is good because Target up to six creatures   and slow them movement and actions are affected  and their AC and dexterity saves are reduced   by two so it makes it way easier for my summons  to hit it is a concentration ability but it's a   really good one to have online so that my summons  are more able to actually do the damage that they   can do pushing into that though we go into our  first level of Druid and that's why we improved   our ability score of our uh wisdom CU now we  get to have some fun with this so you can go   with whatever you want here cant trip wise Thorn  whip is cool guidance if you don't have anyone in   the party that already has guidance um it's just a  nice one to have on produce flame is kind of nifty   poison spray can be kind of cool whatever one you  really want to go with just kind of do cool thing   about Thorn whip is it pulls things closer to you  so you can pull them into your summons if you wish   now for our spell book now remember I said fire  fairy fire is a druid spell there it is so we   can go ahead and put it in we're going to pick up  healing word so now we can heal our summons um you   can pick up long Strider or speak with animals  if you didn't get it through the ritual casting   portion of the uh uh previous screen fog cloud  is good because it blinds things and almost all   of our stuff has devil sight that we're going to  be using and entangle is nice because it is just   entangling things for us making it easier for them  to be hit now these are concentration abilities so   keep that in mind um you know I'm actually going  to pop off and Tangle and pick up ice knife for   whatever reason I don't know why I've done this  but decided to do it in this very second um   level two D we choose our subass and we're going  circle of spores which gives us symbiotic entity   this immediately is why we dropped uh armor of H  agathis not hatar armor of agathis because this is   going to give us temp hit points and that number  is going to increase up to 28 by the time we're   done leveling up Druid here we're also going to  gain the cantrip of bone chill which I totally   forgot about so do not take it as a warlock I  am not the smartest man in the book I just make   videos um also Halo of spores here is going to do  necrotic damage around us so we just have lots of   forms of necrotic damage now for our spells we're  just going to keep layering on more spells here   you can pick up that entangle that I dropped for  whatever reason and kind of keep going further   we're going to jump into our third level of Druid  which is going to give us both detect thoughts and   blindness oh yeah yeah good good good and now we  get to our level two Druid spells so you can have   some fun here too uh we're going to drop maybe  lesser restoration uh you can pick up bike growth   which is good is to kind of slow things down  spark uh spark bark skin is really good because   don't think of it as being cast on yourself you're  casting it on another creature and it increases   their Armor class up to 16 so that's a nice way to  get like something like a plan AR camian a juicy   amount of AC or maybe any of your other summons  that are a little bit scarier so we'll go with   something like that just to kind of show it off  hold person though that's what we talked about   before that is now here in our uh spell list into  level four Druid we're going to go ahead and pick   up and whatever one you want and we'll do this  we'll do that and now we choose another feet I   went with ability Improvement so now you know what  I'll do here is I'll go with just uh you no I'll   just go sharpo or um sorry spell sniper it's just  kind of clear cut straightforward level five Druid   we get two new spells animate dead which is going  to be pretty huge and and we get gases form which   is fun now for preparing those spells as well um  call lightning is just a really good offensive   spell that I actually very much enjoy um daylight  can be really helpful on act two don't forget but   don't don't sleep on that one feel free to  pick it up we're going to have a lot of fun   as we jump into our next two levels so Druid here  with level six Druid giving us access to fungal   infestation this is now the chance that we use  our um fungal infestation charges to summon up   f Le zombies and we get even more spells to tap  into um moon beam is also very good it's just a   concentration ability so just keep those things  in mind um gust of wind is actually ni niif nice   in this situation because you can push things  towards your summons if you if you want so nice   capabilities there we'll get another level here  into level seven where we will stop it's our final   level where we will now get confusion which is  a lovely capability and blight plant plants take   maximum damage damage from the spell and have  disadvantage on saving throws against it but it   just does a lot of necrotic damage and we get the  most important spells in the list are level four   spells so we're going to pick up conjure Woodland  being and conjure minor Elemental This falls into   our role as a spellcaster that is going to be a  Summoner um you can get stuff like uh Mo freedom   of movement stuff like that but we only have one  level four spell slot and we're going to be trying   to utilize that spell slot as best as possible um  but you can still have a lot of fun using certain   items to maintain spell slots we'll talk about  that in the gear section of this of this uh uh   video but uh that's the primary level four spells  that we're going to focus on Stone skin is also   really good though for any of our bigger scarier  summons so let's put all this together and talk   about this in actuality so everything said and  done we have our character complete um I messed   up with Darkness you you should have picked up  Darkness as a warlock I for some reason thought   you got it as a druid up to this point and I I  had kind of Crash coursed this before this video   and I totally thought that that would work but  I was wrong so pick up Darkness I made a mistake   but wild shaped charge is what we're going to  be using here for our symbiotic entity so gain   28 tempit points and deal an additional 1 to six  necrotic damage while you have them cast Halo of   spores with double damage so now just like power  Squad right there we do that and we're good to go   and our halo of spores capability now does does  double damage so this says it's a reaction but   you actually use it as an action so everything  around me is going to take damage here let's   crr spores upon a Target this uses a reaction so  other reactions won't trigger this turn so it'll   do T quite a bit of damage we have 28 temp hit  points with 87 normal hit points so we are well   over 100 hit points as a Summoner which is really  really sick here and because of this chest piece   we have on those spores we can do toas spores  eject to M spores that can befuddle creatures   now um for two turns they are befuddled um they  can now do Biber bang ones where it's a poison   explosion or do haste spores that can haste things  really cool right so 2 AC advantage on Deck saving   throws move and speed is doubled and they can  take an additional action per turn it's a really   really strong capability um I don't want to use  it right now cuz I don't I want to wait until we   show off the actual gameplay but you now have  also summon with f fungal infestation conjure   wooden beings another spell that I can't find on  this thing somewhere around here aha there it is   conjure minor Elemental our fine familiar and  then now when we go into our gear we're going   to get even more summons so let's put all this  together further into our gear section now as   far as gear goes I'm going to go through the  three items I actually don't have yet in this   playthrough or just miss them and we're going  to talk about how they're really the only items   that can that can supplement this build minus a  couple other ones that we've got already active   so the first one here is the abyss beckoners these  are gloves that you're going to get the in the out   Outpost of the zenim in act one uh you'll find  them underneath underneath Walkin rest but the   we's summoned creatures have resistance to all  damage except psychic damage that's really cool   the trade-off is though that at the start of the  summoned creature's turn it must succeed a wisdom   saving throw or be driven mad this isn't bad if  you have this creature in the middle of the enemy   but if it is in the middle of your party it has  a chance of going mad and attacking your party   so just keep that in mind if you decide to use  these gloves it does add a little bit of chaos   to the to the build and it's kind of fun really  if you're not playing on honor mode why not give   it a shot it might be just too annoying for you  to deal with you're like screw it I don't want to   deal with it anyway and we'll take a look at the  uh uh summons some of them have good enough wisdom   that it might not be too bad to deal with this  outside of that is the Crypt Lord ring now this   allows you to create Undead and the nice thing is  this is a bound item any or a spell that is bound   to the item any item that gives you the ability to  summon something as long as you maintain that item   on your character equipped not in your inventory  but it has to be equipped that summon stays on   board so all the summons we're going to go through  this would just add another one to the list so and   it's another it's a powerful summon too that's  a level six necromancy spell so it's summing up   that really strong mummy get this from the act  three uh corpse guy the same one you get the   robe and the next item we're going to talk about  the staff of cherished necromancy so the heighten   necromancy portion isn't too crazy because we  don't have a lot of necromancy spells creatures   have disadvantage on saving throws against your  necromancy spells uh that but we don't have a   lot of those to take advantage of we do have some  though the big thing though is life's life Essence   Harvest when the wielder kills a hostile creature  with a spell they greedily absorb its energy gain   life Essence until their long next long rest you  can use this life Essence to cast spells without   expelling spell slots so this what what is going  to allow us to use a bunch of level four spells   that are outside of our summons like stuff like  Stone skin and what have you to really lean into   any kind of spellcasting capability that you feel  comfortable with this is going to be based off of   you and how the this kind of ability will come  into play for you uh not necessarily mean saying   yeah you got to use this and this is how you do it  if you want to use the staff of cherish necromancy   it's in act three same character that you're going  to get the Rob from and everything you just have   to kind of do that Quest um to deal with it but  it does kind of change the way the game plays and   you lose a summon which we're going to talk about  now with the rest of our gear and as far as items   go I'm instead of talking about what I usually  do is talk about stuff over here on the right   and then what's on the left and kind of per slot  I want to talk about the things you just probably   need to have and the number one here is circle of  Bones Allied Undead within 20 ft are resistant to   bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage this  is absolutely huge for us because it's going to   give us a form of resistance on all of the undead  we have marching with us which there are going to   be quite a few of those so keep that in mind this  thing is really going to help us out and really   help out the longevity of our um summons because  those Undead will also have UND Undead fortitude   so they'll come back to life after they drop down  to zero hit points with one more hit point back   online you'll also probably want to get the armor  of the spor keeper uh the wearer gains a plus one   bonus to spell save DC and when dealing necrotic  damage they deal an additional one necrotic damage   you're going to be doing that with your Halo of  spores but while imbued with symbiotic entity   you can spread Biber bang timos and haste spores  that's those three we talked about here earlier in   the video absolutely crucial also here the shield  of devotion you can get this from a necklace as   well but what I like about this is yes it gives  us a level one spell slot that's awesome but it   gives us the spell Aid and I'm going to show  you when we talk about buffing our summons how   that's really going to be advantageous because it  increases the max hit points of our summons it's   absolutely crucial another big one that you're  going to want to get from Will's storyline so   I'm doing this with Will and this will work very  well with will if you want to play will as your   origin character you can do that but if you don't  want to have really will be invested in your your   playthrough then you're probably going to want to  get the staff of cherish necromancy rather than   the infernal Rapier cuz the biggest thing here is  um yeah you do get a bonus to your spell save DC   which is great but this gives you a bound planner  Ally cambion so you just get a cambion that's   going to be with you until long rest it's a real  great little ability here you can even use this   thing in melee now because you can uh uh melee  Caster uses your spell casting ability modifier   for attack roles but the big thing here is to plan  our Ali cambion that's a big one another really   good summoning item here is going to be the Raven  gloves cuz this just gives us the fine familiar   Raven which which you're probably thinking that  doesn't seem very cool dude the Raven can blind   things that's a huge little bit of utility for the  party which I really really like and also lastly   the spell Crux amulet this gives us spell slot  restoration so we can keep our level four spell   slot online right at the kind of initial portions  of summoning when we just wake up this allows us   to get two summons at our level four slot where  we otherwise would not be able to do that the   rest of the items I'm going to talk about are just  nice to have items put them on as you see fit as   they kind of fit into your place through you can  really get away with pretty much anything else   outside of this um the the only real big thing  I'd say is absolutely necessary um is probably   this helmet just because it makes your Undead so  much more tanky everything else is just adding   more summons to the list so for example here uh  when foes s fail a saving throw they get mental   fatigue mental fatigue means they cannot they get  a wisdom intelligence and Charisma saving throw   penalty which is always nice here uh exhort the  Ring of exalted Mar Arrow gives exhort the Risen   and ghoulish touch I just added it because it  seemed kind of fun fit the theme overall for the   build uh we have the disintegrating night Walkers  uh because this allows us to cast Misty step as a   bound ability outside of our warlock spells which  is always kind of nice for some other spells oh   o the cloak of the weave gain a plus one bonus  to spell save DC and spell attack rolles this   allows us to really leverage that spell save DC  and attack rules to help us out in trying to get   any of our spells online they don't get resisted  or or any of that sword but some other items here   um you can go with the shield of the UND devout  just to get another level one spell slot which is   cool also helps here your foes have disadvantage  on saving throws to resist your spells or actions   that inflict fear so if you went with that fear  spell from warlock you can get the benefit here   with the shield the on devout uh flesh melters  cloak just does acid damage anytime someone hits   you even using stuff like the robe of the weave  just helps you with your spell save DC and spell   attack roles I just wanted to Showcase you can  use robe that just kind of help you in on the   spell damage because you not really up close  in personal that's what your summons are for   right uh the potent robe is always great your  cantrips deal additional damage equal to your   charisma modifier if you want to really lean into  that Elders blast it's right here for you at the   beginning of the wearer's turn the robe activates  granting them temp pit points equal to the chis   modifier we don't care about that right because  we're getting so many temp hit points from our   halo of spores that this will Halo of spores won't  allow this to actually trigger Birthright though   just increases our Charisma if you did not or do  not have the circle of bones if you if you don't   want to do it through act two um The Shape Shifter  hat is nice because this increases your wild shape   charges by one the only reason that's good is that  allows you to just use symbiotic entity more so   wild shaped charge replenishes on short rest so  this is kind of neither here or there but just   kind of wanted to Showcase it as it does increase  your shavee charges another cool one here is your   necklace of Elemental augmentation so whenever you  deal uh can trip or any of your cantrips deal acid   cold fire lightning or thunder damage add your  spell casting modifier to the damage dealt and   we've done that here by adding in Ray of frost  so this will just add that damage into it just   makes our it makes our can trips be a little  punchier and you get this early in the game so   you can use it up until the point that you get the  spell Crux amulet in act two as far as gloves go   if you don't want to use qu The Raven uh you can  just simply pick up stuff like quick spell which   canri that cost an action cost a bonus action  instead or Gemini gloves where you can have it   so that your can trips can Target an additional  creature for eldrich blast it just increases the   amount of shots coming out so right now eldrich  blast does three with those gloves it would do   four so that's the kind of cool thing there then  as far as just some other staves you can use the   makos Shaka Shakir um has Arcane batteries so  you can keep using that level four spell slot   and also these favors right here um here I'll put  it on to show you what I mean this using any one   of these is really really really good because it  allows you to add your proficiency bonus to that   damage type which is cool so you know we had  call lightning right well now I can use bolt   of Doom and add that uh proficiency to my uh  lightning damage and I also get one Lightning   Charge whenever I deal damage and chain lightning  and lightning bolt as a free bound cast over here   on the right side so you can use this to add a  lot more spell casting capability to the build if   you want again you just lose the ability to summon  that Campion uh even the staff like this is really   good though too just plus one uh bonus to spell  saf DC and spell attack rolles that's really it   the the the here is not as dependent upon the  character like a lot of other things it's just   here to kind of augment what we are doing but  now let's get into that summoning now let's put   all of this together I'm going to go ahead here  and use a potion of Arcane cultivation this is   going to give me oops I got to use the other one  of Arcane cultivation this is going to give me   a free level four spell slot that it's an Elixir  so this will always be active as long as I don't   long rest and this is going to allow me to cast  a lot of spells very very succinctly so so we'll   start off with a level four animate dead skeleton  this is going to give us three skeletons to join   our little army here start off right off the bat  with them and then I'm going to use find familiar   my special warlock one and I'm going to summon  up an imp this can turn invisible it can sting   enemies and stuff like that now keep in mind here  the summon Raven uh it will overwrite this imp so   you would use this raven if the Imp dies and you  don't want to do short rest long rest whatever   the situation is so this can allow you to hey you  know I don't want a short rest right now I'll just   bring out the Raven and the Raven can blind  things and that's really nice right blinding   something is just a nice way to get it turned  on doesn't do a lot of damage our health it's   just there to kind of add a status effect now  we have our fungal infestations unfortunately   we cannot cast these on multiple targets but  we've got four to use so we're adding these across just go ahead and cast him  into one of these Corpses we've   got all these corpses online which is  great let's now use our conjure Woodland be which will put down nature step for us and I'm   going to use our spell Crux amulet  to get a spell slot restoration on four then we're going to conjure a minor  Elemental now you can summon up the ice   Elementals if you want the ice meths they can  hurl a ice chromatic orb they can exhale ice   breath they can explode in ice the fire  Elemental is probably the worst of the   three and then there's the mud mephits who have  the chance to basically make things muddy which   blinds them they're really really strong and  they fly so that's even better and we've got   two of them so we'll just move them apart  right there so you can see them and we're   not done yet cuz we have our planner Ally  cambion coming that up from our Rapier here   and that covers all of our summons nope I lied  to you because our dryad here can summon up a woodw so now that's all of our summons so we have  this huge Legion of summons we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   8 9 10 11 12 and there's probably some things  that I'm missing here I didn't do right here   whatever the case is and we have 12 summons that  that will follow us around which is a ton of fun   a ton of fun so we can also have a little more fun  further with this by increasing their capabilities   so I've got Aid right here because of our Shield  but you can see that this will heal yourself and   increase your hit point Max by 10 points this will  just apply to myself unfortunately so we're going   to go ahead and grab Shadow heart to show how  this really works I'm going to come over here   to this group this schoras sport of people going  to swap off one of her spells it doesn't matter   which one we're going to put Aid on if I can find  it there it is now I'm going to cast Aid here I   can cast this all the way up to level six which  will grant every summon here 25 more hit points   I'm not going to do that because we have another  way to do things I'm just going to put Aid level   four I'm sorry level five and they're all going  to get 20 more hit points there they go they all   get all those hit point bonuses right and we have  another spell at level six here we can use Heroes   Feast you and everyone around can't be poisoned  diseased or frightened your HP increases and   makes and make wisdom saves with Advantage make  wisdom saes with Advantage like those gloves we   were talking about there we go so this triad's  got 54 Health this cambian got 114 this wood   W's got 74 this little fungal zombie got now 41  these little dudes have 51 so we have all these   great things happening let's get going and my  ring Ranger over here can help us out I don't   think I actually did I get this on you yeah  I did okay we'll do it will I was looking to   see who had the higher uh uh spell slots because  all these summons can benefit even further from   something else it is called my long Strider so  we're going to cast it here at level can I do   level four is this level four that's weird oh I  can because it's a ritual spell so you buff all   them up and is not going to cast the actual spell  slot because there ritual spell I didn't know that   that meant though that you couldn't uh that if you  didn't have any spell slots that it would actually work me come over here and now everyone's holding [ __ ] so you  see that this gets really wild right and just   looking over at the dryad the drad's got Nature's  step which is its own capability that near nearby   allies have resistance against poison damage that  can move freely in the nearby area which is really   cool Aid thoroughly stuffed long sh all the three  spells we just cast a little bit ago um but grasp   of the forest weapon attacks can entangle the  target magic resistance naturally nature step   opportunity attack and permanently armed so that's  just our dryad but we have our little Skelly Bros   here who have that Undead Ward so they have that  resistance here to slashing and piercing um they   have the opportunity attacks all sorts of fun  stuff here we have our c I which dark vision   so it can see which is in the dark I thought  that was devil site sorry um but it has that   resistance to poison because of whatever it's on  it gets Undead Ward oddly enough and our wood w   which has regeneration has its magic club has all  those fun things I thought it said something else   conjured imp which again gets Undead warb which  doesn't make a whole ton of sense to me I mean it   is an imp but whatever it gets its extra attack  it has devil sight which is really cool here   you can see normally in darkness both magical and  non-magical to a distance of 80 ft um and it has   all these resistances poison and fire immunity and  cold resistance and also these resistances here as   well and our little mud meths too don't get that  Undead Ward but they have death burst Force which   does damage around them in force which is nearly  almost never uh resisted so you can see that all   this stuff has so many things going for it with  this build let's put this into a combat to show   how disgusting this can be I'm not going to lie to  you I don't think I've ever seen a bar that long   at the top for all the things that are going to  be going in turn and sequence um will is not up   yet so I can't show you any of his fun actions  we can do right now but we have all these fun   actions we can do with the millions of summons  we've got millions is hyperbole clearly but I'm   just going to shoot an arrow over here I'm going  to skip my Rangers turn and I'm going to use my   uh dryad I can just cast this down and have  everyone move a lot slower I can go ahead and   use entangle to entangle a specific or set of  creatures over here can cast chalia if I want   um let's go ahead and just I know it affects  will but whatever there we go these things now   have Spike growth around them how awesome is that  uh we'll skip you and keep in mind too you know I   did Skip her but she can use her summon to spe uh  a spiritual weapon but um we can go ahead and use   like fairy fire right now and that's going to  help out everything that's going to go attack   all this stuff of course it goes to your own  creature so keep in mind that it is kind of a   risky spell um but furthermore you can buff any  of your creatures if they need it through any   of your characters that can do it uh with our  cambian what is this this is my uh Archer now   I got to like keep track of all this there's  like so many damn things to do little use CH L he now we're on our camp my good Lord um which  we can do all sorts of cool stuff right we have   the ray of fire here we can do draining  kiss on anything that's been Charmed so   I can go ahead and try and do that I don't  think that's ever gone on to be honest but   I can go ahead and fly this character around  to go like drop into something it's going to   hurt him of course but just to kind of hold  these things in place um we've got our little   imp here who's got it sting it can do but  I can fly him over to someone to sting them   let's go ahead and fly here he's going to fly  over this Spike growth which is really cool um with that Advantage which is always  just crispy we got that extra attack so   we just do it again there we go our little  Archer shoot more we're threaten because   we're right next to a guy right our meit  over here which we've got we can just make   him explode we don't need to wait until  he explodes but I can mud fling or mud   breath we can fly on over to this region do  a little do a little breathy breathy attack also get some muddy claws oh fun  there we can shoot something there   oh no no no don't do it no you're  going to get hit in the butt don't   worry I'll save you but not really  well that that happened just shoot there so you can see that this build isn't like  super Min Maxi right this is not going to be   a build that's going to maybe take down honor  mode but what you get with this build is a lot   of really cool stuff to do that's way different  than your kind of normal cleric or or sport Druid   even though spor druid's got tons and tons of of  summons as it is but I think what's cool about   this is I get to have a lot of fun and and have  all these summons up on top of my party members   that I'm deliberately not using just to show this  character off right so right now I can go ahead   and pop out um oh I already used my reaction like  an idiot but I could go ahead and use Halo spores   here and do damage to everyone so we cast our  uh call lightning on things we can use our haste   fors and go ahead and use it on this pocket of  things over here and give them extra action or   bber bang spores and go and poison things or or  this is I'm sorry timos spores is the uh oh this   is the B bottle I got I got it confused um we  can use hypnotic pattern we can use enthrall we   have just so many bits of utility that we can  use in this situation which I I really really   like and that's again the point of this build um  is to use all of your spells as a form of um uh   what's it called utility and support for all of  your your little creatures right you're trying   to make their lives easier easier for them to  hit things or destroy things you know casting   down a fog Cloud here so things are blanded so  they can do damage if they can see through it   whatever that situation is maybe doing just bone  chill and doing just some additional damage with   a can trip there's just a lot of really cool ways  you can do a lot of damage in this situation which   I really like um Hast Sports here just to kind of  show this off go ahead and use that these all not   have haste which is cool which is great um we  still have our our actual action though that we   can do um here's Fai presence which we can cast  either to do beguiling or disturbing to either   charm things or frighten them um and with that  one Shield that would give us additional um uh   advantage on those fear checks so you can see  a lot of fun to be had with this build a lot   of cool things you can do with this build that I  really really like um now I can just do constant   call lightning and it kind of combines the stuff  that I like with Druid and the stuff I like with   warlock that is not very common I pack of the  chain is not one you would typically choose   with warlock it's usually always blade right  so hopefully this gives you a different way to   approach Warlock and a really fun way to go with  the Spore Druid that is really leaning into the   summon portion of not just simply Spore circle  of spores but the Druid as a whole the Druid is   in my opinion the best Summoner we cannot go with  the level 9 Druid spell because that is what gives   us access to the best summons uh the actual just  pure Elementals you can do that you would just   drop your levels of warlock by two you just go  level uh pack chain uh the chain warlock at Jesus   Christ the pack of the chain at level three and  then You' go nine levels into Spore Druid which   would then get you access to the conjure Elemental  the full-fledged Elementals which you can have in   addition to all the stuff you see present here  I just wanted to have a little buddy here that   actually has extra attacks and can do a little  bit more it's why I went to that fifth level   of Warlock and we get a little bit more utility  out of our warlock spell slots by having better   level uh three warlock spells but as always guys  let me know if there's different ways you change   this other items you'd use whatever it is this  is a really fun build that I think you're really   going to enjoy if you want to do a Summoner in  balers Skate 3 but have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 95,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BROKEN SUMMONER (Warlock/Spore Druid) Build for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3 best spore druid build, druid build, baldurs gate 3 druid, bg3 druid, bg3 spore druid, spore druid, undead build, bg3 warlock build, bg3 warlock pact of the chain, bg3 summoner build, bg3 summoner, bg3 summon quasit, bg3 summon familiar, bg3 summon, bg3 warlock summoner, bg3 druid summoner build, bg3 druid build, bg3 pact of the chain, bg3 warlock fey build, bg3 warlock archfey, bg3
Id: I7dAf-PzLgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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