Fast level 4 to start of your BG3 Run.[Any difficulty]

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yo so today I'm going to show you how to get level four quick in an honor mode campaign this can be done in any campaign you want really but for the sake of this I just wanted to Showcase how to get level four and get that first feat point of this is not to Showcase that any class can get to level four but rather that you can get to level four and then use wither to Respec to level to whatever class you want at level four you can customize your character however you want uh you can if you want to get free XP by killing gut as well uh you can't pick any of the Elven races because they are immune to being slept for the sake of the Showcase I'll just pick human randomize perfect you need to be wizard need to put you need to put your strength and Charisma to 16 you also need to put your intelligence to 12 and the rest can go wherever you want it to go it doesn't really matter since we respect those points later if you want to pick a certain background you like over anything else uh this is something else that can't be changed with a Respec so you can pick and choose whatever you want keep in mind that things like noble criminal and that have these social skills uh can benefit you quite a big amount you need friends I would say might need my new illution I don't know the things you want to prepare at least are going to be this guy Self enhan sleep as well as featherfall the other three don't really matter have to look for the spell book here need to have jump and we need to have feather fall so now they're out of sync so we'll just cast them again this is something you've probably seen quite a lot already in many different speed runs so it doesn't really matter we can't really skip not getting her so we're just going to get her complete this first combat you can loot these guys if you want to I would recommend looting the dead trolls as they are the ones that can contain gold and while we're doing this we're actually working towards our 100 gold to Respec our MC once we reach level four kill these people that are unconscious gives you 10 XP each if you want to rescue Shard uh the only benefits of doing so is if you're playing a ganki CU she won't trust you once you land on the beach we're going to pre-buff ourselves before we go into the fight so we get to keep our action so inside this room the imps give 10 XP and the hellbore only gives three so in a perfect world we would want to skip killing the boar completely we're going to kill this move forward wait our turn patiently hopefully this works we'll jump over to this [Music] imp and kill him too perfect move up a little bit you see only gives three if you wanted to get the weapon that Commander Suk has you would want to get Shadow heart here anyway but since we're not doing that it doesn't matter we're going to move up a little bit here and now you could kill these two imps for on additional 20 XP but I'm going to skip that so we're just going to jump the last part and complete the nautiloid once on the beach the goal of the beach visit is going to be to get all of our companions the reason we didn't rescue Shadow heart is because she gives this XP either up in the not Lord or down here and it's just simpler to jump towards her I won't be looting the money that is scattered around the beach completely there's one corpse that's going to be having around 20ish gold uh this doesn't matter to us you can just Spam and press one throughout this whole encounter and she will join you press G to unlock keep [Music] yumping we got the 27 this can be on either one of these corpses if you want an extra 5 XP you can just get this chest and as you see we get 5 XP from that since our strength is so high we can choose the strength option here and hopefully save him we got him once again spam one this gives us level two we're going to jump over here grab this bow this is going to come in handy in just a second now we could have just shot them which we did anyway press F jump over to aarion trick him n as you can see you don't need to check anything in order to have aaran join you and this finishes up and gives us our third companion in this we're going to jump over here we'll use the deception we can add friends since we pick that hopefully we make it so if you if you free LEL too early before these NPCs despawn they will actually aggro you so you have to wait for that and because we're waiting for that what I'm going to do is I'm going to go on a side mission here and we're going to jump down here press C sneak up shoot [Music] this for free 100 XP free lell talk to her and combine these two then we're going to once again move over here level up and get level two wizard we can also level up shards so that she actually has more combat potency can get enchantment here it doesn't really matter but for the sake of just getting something we can just get it and then our third spell is going to be the sky self which will become very apparent shortly level up shart doesn't matter what she has and Escape out of this again click sharts we're going to walk her up here start this encounter trick you can do is when you see that her portrait is gray it means that it's not her turn yet so we're going to sit and wait until this portrait lights up and do her turn you can also just let her [Music] die uh if you want to doesn't doesn't really matter if she dies she'll still give the party XP we going to jump up to these dudes I pick two usually and then I do the block out and then I just tell them to I don't know find the Beast vent your brother once they're out of earshot we can see shart has her turn nice you can also as I said just let her die and it won't matter pick up the parasite get the additional 30 XP we didn't buff so our jump is terrible we're here we're going to disguise ourselves as a drw this will allow us to pass this check instantly we got the XP there as well don't let it happen again [Music] since we're surprised by the round we're not going to do anything you can see it's sharts turn now we're just going to quickly get this Waypoint jump over [Music] here and this doesn't really matter but he will actually question your Authority so you have to use either this or pass the check so we're going to do the true Soul here allow them to leave and this gives us level three once level three I wanted to try something so I'm going to try getting Rogue [Music] here since we're level three and we were able to pick Rogue I wanted to see if we get the Rogue option here pick the notice brand fighting for me okay we don't have the Rogue option here this is actually a higher DC check than deception so we're going to pick deception I believe then we can just leave and this gives us another 100 or so XP going to press this break lever and while my character is running there we're going to go short this gives us makes us go back to shart again and then we're just going to once again use our signature move and then turn talk to this guy free him get on that's not what I want you owe me nothing rather not now we freed him as well going to do this route first actually seems like we're in quite the pickle go back over here and start the Ethel encounter and then we just need to go all the way down to these planks to get the 90 XP we can ignore the feeling and or you can roll for it it doesn't really matter this will kill the brothers regardless they actually have no way of living I believe so it seems like everyone is in trouble once we at this 90 XP we're going to teleport back to the blighted village and once again go on our jumping spree after you pass this entrance with the draw check uh they give 60 XP so if you want to get XP that way there's another way to do that the next thing we're going to do here is we're going to get Vol off the stage just boo him over here and get this way point click shards turn mean meanwhile this seems like a dire situation already now you can be fully committed to that encounter if you wanted to it doesn't really matter like like this is just for the Showcase that you can not be in this fight at all and still do it you can even die here so we're going to pass this check and since we used the elid power at the Windmill we're going to pick Dr to Auto pass and here it doesn't matter so I picked we get the 120 XP here too now what we're going to do here is we're going to drop our disguise and you can get a free kill on gut here and the simple way of doing that is it doesn't matter if she Brands you or not we don't brand we use the push can we talk privately it doesn't matter what you choose there I believe she goes and lets you do whatever the hell you want either way I remember that we can actually get XP here too so be a draw and walk up to the torturer once we're up at the torturer we just have to pick I get results and get 43 XP there too bring Vol gives us another chunk of XP pass the check I've seen this bug out a couple of times too I wait for her to leave the room cuz sometimes she just like she aggr even if you let him go so I'm going to leave the room unlock spam one doesn't matter and get additional XP for leaving then we're just going to go over here once again drop our disguise probably do all of this before you do gut but gut if you dis are disguised and you go up to gut um she won't talk to you unless you're that Visage and I believe also that if you are disguised as a Dr you will actually be immune here to the PO to the sleeping potion so you can just let her look at you doesn't matter I'm ready so this is just a sleep potion again if you're an El race you can't do this you are immune to being slept so there's no point in doing that once inside and that's where the extra kills might come in handy or maybe the talk check instead of the stone drop over by the ruins at the start uh but here we don't have to actually do anything we just have to preserve our strength if we manage any of those checks we won't have her Auto killed so we're just going to leave it so corilla Auto kills her for you here and and you get the XP for doing that we're going to do now is we're going to discover the underd dark again if you want to do this without discovering the under dark or without doing or being an L phas for example there are some other means of getting XP you will probably have to kill a lot more monsters you might have to take the hag eye if you don't know what that is I'm not going to spoil that for you but hag eye is probably one of the easier ones to get Once in this room the puzzle is quite easy you just have to get all the black holes into the sunlit parts you can also use pick loock on this lever here if you have lockpicking tools you should have the proficiency if you pick Rogue then you climb down into the under dark and get the Discover XP for here oh yeah if you haven't talked to rafhael he shows up here discover the way point if you're able to to the Minotaur is actually able to get kill credited if you wanted to by using turn-based mode when he has one hit left and you're able to kill it once we've discovered the under dark we're going to TP out the blighted village again and go for a little bit of a long jump session so some places don't give you exploration XP one place as such is the well the necromancy Cellar but the mirror in the cellar gives you I believe 15 or so and since our strength is so incredibly High we should be able to complete that part quite easily you could also get the guidance necklace if you want these checks to go by faster we might not make this but we did we're going to walk up to this just hit it Freer she'll talk to you once we've done so we're going to go over to this side again this might kill you so be careful I'm going to drink a potion here for safety sake and then we're going to run over here talk to him strength check press follow me and we're going to hit this once exit turn base hit it again and we're going to run out this way now because we have so low passive perception I'm not going to discover this yet but just know that you can do it here the dowy is let's see we'll just jump down here the doy is in this barn and you have to pass as perception check on this once we're here we're going to talk to consol and just promise you'll go east west get the whatever you want here and another 20 XP the next step is where the Run is actually going to get bricked or not but but at this point you've probably spent just around 20 to 30 minutes to get here we're going to go over here and deception is really good here cuz deception proficiency deception is the only thing here that actually works I believe this is a higher uh check than this so we're going to pick deception we need to beat a 15 the issue here is he's immune to friends so this will get dispelled once I click as you heard we pass this check continue I don't know and this gives us the level up so now we're at level four so what happens here is we're sitting at a decent amount of gold 33 so we're around 1/3 of way to Respec at Withers you're just going to have to go around and pick up your companions from the dead uh pick up all the loot outside the the emerald Grove and once you've done so you should have just around 100 or so gold and use that gold to Respec your level four wizard to whatever you want that's the run thank you for watching see you
Channel: WithUnknownIntent
Views: 13,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f2O_Gmm7ht4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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