THE MOST OP HONOR MODE Party Comp for Baldur's Gate 3

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the legendary honor mode just dropped for balers gate 3's newest patch and it is a punishing Iron Man difficulty that Stacks everything against a player in some grueling boss fights but how do you defeat such insurmountable odds with four girthy champions in this video we're going to go over my most OP party comp for Honor mode by breaking down each class starting with a quick overview of the honor mode difficulty what the main character should be and finally talking about the three other builds keep in mind you can use any character for this and this is absolutely not recommended for firsttime players so with that in mind I will talk very openly about items and events in the game assuming you've beat it so there will be some light spoilers here and there if this is your first time on my channel the way I do things here is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's the right one for you so with that being said the four builds we'll be making are two characters using the feat Tavern brawler the first is an open-hand monk to level 9 with three levels into Rogue with a subclass thief for better action economy second is a barbarian with nine levels into Berserker and three levels into fighter with champion for better crits outside of that we have our Rogue with seven levels into assassin and five levels into gloomstalker Ranger utilizing dual ham lastly the main character the dreaded bardlock will be making an appearance with 10 levels into lard and two levels warlock that's the entirety of what we'll be covering here today though I'll be going into item specifics as well as race and character options for the party but if that's all you wanted to know please feel free to shut the video down and get back to trying out your hand at honor mode before you head out please don't forget to like comment and subscribe each one of those things helps me out in a way I currently have something like 89% subscribe viewership on the channel and that's a metric I'm trying to change this year so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video that interests you the most using the chapters with the timeline in the description if you need help with any other subject in bers skate 3 check out my playlist linked below at the end of the video video Upp right corner all over the place let's get started here on the most OP party comp for Honor mode in balers Skate 3 loading into the game let's take a look at the new honor mode that's over here far to the right of tactician and we have the new custom uh difficulty as well but we going to go ahead and press detailed overview and we get the three big things that make honor mode different than just simple tactician number one is stronger bosses and what this adds is legendary actions so for those of you that have played tabletop you're pretty familiar with this but for those that haven't basically legendary actions are are something that happens at the end of every single round that a boss does and it's basically a way to kind of defeat the action economy and how it can kind of limit um enemies so basically with this the enemies will do all the things that they do and now a boss will have a special legendary action that will happen every turn so it will in and of itself it will Skyrock at the difficulty because it adds so much more action econ for the enemy makes it a lot harder for you stricter rules so alongside tacticians mode regular difficulty increases action economy and damage bonus rules are made stricter towards the end of the game and a single save file so how this works is you only have one safe file just pretty much what people would more more often than not consider an Iron Man mode so you can't reload that save file to kind of exploit certain decisions and stuff like that but the nice thing here is if you die if you if you don't make it through this then your if your entire party is defeated in combat your honor mode run will end and you go from being in honor mode and kicking over to custom mode and custom mode is basically everything from um all the difficulties cater to how you see fit so do you want that single save do you want to change the aggression so basically everything will kind of have this set to tactician for Honor mode but like a little bit harder really is what it is so for examp example here additional uh mechanics change the difficulty of combo of combats by adjusting how many new mechanics or enemies are added to certain fights so with honor mode you have let's just say the little tiny head crab things um I can't think off the top of my head the little ilod crawlers that you see on the ilod ship in the very beginning of the game in Explorer and in Balance mode they just kind of attack you but in tactician they will shoot like basically an eldrich blast at you and this is something that you'll see a lot of in honor mode they'll take a lot of those tactician capabilities and hurt you with them same thing with their load out and their power and their aggression it's all going to be dialed up and now you just cannot save so keep these things in mind because it's going to really be stacked against you very hard very very hard so that is how honor mode works let's go into some character discussion and what our builds are going to look like so going forward if there's any specific race that I bring up in a build that maybe would Thrive you can come over here to Withers say I would like to talk about hirelings and recruit one from this list if I say for example you know you're going to want to use a dwarf Barbarian there's your dwarf options that you can choose from or you know what uh you're going to want to use a half work for this one character okay well here's a half work you can choose from the only thing that's not on this list is a dragon born which you would then have to start with your character so just kind of something to to keep note of in this mode you're not necessarily working towards a specific character's story while you definitely can this is how you can kind of minmax the approach by pulling some specific racial benefits like for example the half Fork's ability to really hammer things home with crits or Relentless endurance or the dwarf's capability to use the dwarf specific items or the gi's ability to use the GI specific items you can use disguise cell for all those things but if you did just want to circumvent that it does exist here for the hirelings wanted to quickly bring that up before we talk about those bills build for your main character I recommend a bardlock this is going to help you out with any kind of bit of conversation it's just going to push you through so much I'm going to go into that a little bit later here but I think that truly the The Bard is going to be the best way to dodge a lot of combat you've got skills for every little single situation you're going to want to deal with and you just have such a great kit with the lore so 10 levels into lore and two levels into warlock what that ability Point breakup is going to look like is 16 points into dexterity 14 points into Constitution and 17 points into Charisma why we've gone with 17 points again is one because of The Hags hair we put that into the Charisma here it bring us to 18 and since this is the main character I F I think that any of those items would go towards my main character so then in act three we go to the house of grief where we get two more points of whatever ability we want it would go into Charisma that would put us up to a solid just basic 20 points and we want to get those too because we get them before Feats so we can push ourselves to a Max of 24 total Charis um well that that's the max you can get to but this gets us like just shy of it so this is where we're going to stick with our ability points now we're going to start with a warlock go with our cantrips we're going to go with eldrich blast and blade Ward you can go with friends but just keep in mind with friends we're on a harder difficulty it might trigger um they might accuse you of of trying to enchant them so I'd go with that you can go with any no I'd probably just go with that I was looking at the other one like no don't do that um subass go with whichever one you want I like the great old one it makes the most sense for me I want to pick up this because I like Mortal reminder but mainly I want to get Tasha's hideous laughter that's the one most I think you get that from regardless is what I'm going with now you can go with helish rebuke in this situation if you want but we're going armor of agathys and then we'll pick up hex on our next level cuz it's just so good and really that's how we're going to be looking at this initial portion of the build and we want to focus one thing and I'm saving this for the end because I want to really focus on it your race you want a race that has Shield proficiency so human halfelf GI Yankee those are the three I'd probably recommend I would go with other a wood elf half elf to get that advantage on Mobility a drow half elf to get access to a Darkness cantrip or that GI Yankee to get access to the ability to just give you an outright uh Proficiency in all of a specific ability right or just having all the advantage of being gith which is actually very very huge in this game it is the least played race but you have access to so many fun flavor things from conversation and story narrative P portions that I think gith is probably one of the coolest ones that no one ever chooses but again make sure you choose Shield of proficiency because we want to focus on a shield progression wise we already have one level into warlock now we're jumping into our second level of Warlock and this is where we will stay so our spell uh we're we're going to go ahead and pick up pick up hex because this gives us a little bit more damage and it also adds in some disadvantage into some specific roles based off of the ability that you select whatever it is now for eldrich invocations we're definitely going agonizing blast because that is going to give us a Charisma modifier to ELD blast and you can if you want go with repelling blast but I actually really like Devil sight especially since we're in honor mode right we're going to be dealing with magical blindness in some way shape or form especially in act two so this will allow us to see through that do any kind of supporting that we need to do with that in mind we're going to go ahead and accept that and this will be a little bit more in depth than the other classes hopefully not as much but this is not as straightforward as the other ones is are are so now that we've gotten those two levels into warlock we're pivoting immediately into Bard now this is the main reason this is the main character because as a Bard you're going to be able to have tons of tricks of the trade with conversation High Charisma the ability to have virtually everying single skill almost maximized it's just really really nice now for our canant trips we can pick up friends if we didn't before um but we can go ahead and pick up VI vicious mocker if you want for disadvantage but stuff like simple things like light and dancing lights are actually pretty helpful so I'm just going to go something like this minor illusion to create illusion that compels your enemies to investigate and light um light will be very very handy in act too um and so Den lights will have just the same effect here we already have our tsh's hideous laughter so we're going to drop that and since this is uh only level three sleep is actually going to be pretty handy here don't sleep on sleep in the beginning of the game but we will want to swap it off as we level our character up also using something like long shter is nice just to because it is that uh ritual spell and it can help increase everyone's movement speed stuff like dissonant Whispers is really good charm person is good to lock things down what I want you to think about what the spells for this character is not so much any kind of real direct damage I want you to think more of utility and CC with or CC being crowd control um if you think of the character spells like that you'll have a better time with this one having them kind of augment and set up your other three classes to maximize their damage or just simply heal them whatever it is I wouldn't want to focus on healing so much but you can do it in the beginning here even charm person is a really good one just from really good season and just choose I would choose whatever instrument fits your fancy for more spells again here too uh we can even go with something like disguise self if you want to jump into a lot of the items that are race specific uh but you know I'll just go with speak with animals it helps out in any laran game cuz you have tons of ways to speak with animals now our subass is important because we are going with College of lore use your wit to distract a creature and sap its confidence but mainly what we want to have access to are the plethora of skills that we're going to pump into so I'm just going to choose a whole bunch in here um please choose the ones that are going to make sense for you your party your selection everything like that but I definitely want to have stuff like my persuasion up my um inside youal we'll do performance something like that and we're going to get even more go around on this so don't even worry about it there's so many more skills we're going to get ADV uh take advantage of but really the skill selection here is to make sure you have everything covered like slide of hand especially if you're not going to focus on it um with your Rogue so I definitely like it right here on this character uh and again now for level two I like heat metal it's a really good one enthal is a great one reduce the creature peripheral vision and make it look at you uh I'm sorry that's not I thought that was confused ignore that enth is not great enhance ability is very good we'll pick that up eventually even crown of Madness is good hold person is amazing um I'm actually going to want that instead of heat metal because I want that ability to CC and help out the entire uh uh pack here in fact we'll actually probably drop charm person and swap it out for heat metal that'll work for me accept that now on level four we're going to get access to our another can trip I'll probably just go with Dancing Lights um enhance ability is very good it's going to be helpful for you for the entirety of the game so is invisibility so we can replace another spell here you know hey you know what we're getting to a point where sleep is not great it's really requiring me to charge up a lot of um spell slots into it I'm going to pop into something else so even using something like crown of Manis to help out is really good keep thinking is confused I'm going to go with invisibility because now we can cast this onto our monk to give him advantage and disadvantage I'm tax get him disadvantage and his attacks advantage or cast it on our assassin to enable them to just start crit striking things there's a lot of ways you can use these spells not directly for yourself now for our feat we're going to go with humility Improvement here remember I'm assuming that you're picking up the hag's hair and putting it into Charisma which will give you a max amount of Charisma here remember imp improve Improvement two can only work to a maximum of 20 you'd have to use something like half Feats and stuff like that to push you over the edge um if you did not use The Hags hair here you can use it instead on your constitution in this area and get resiliant Constitution The Hags hair choice is up to you do you want to put it into Charisma get your charisma to 18 or put it into Constitution to get it to 15 and this pushes your Constitution to 16 why that's important is that this gives you a proficiency bonus your Constitution saving throws which is your concentration which you'll have tons of so this is a really nice one to go with but I'm just going to do that and just kind of keep uh picking stuff up here again spells just hypnotic pattern is an absolute must it's really really good it's going to be really great CC for you um let's go ahead and drop uh let's drop maybe heat metal and and swap in uh bestow curse bestow curse is also very great and now we're going to get to R six right yeah now we're get our first set of magical SE secrets and definitely going to go with counter spell because it's a great way to just shut down casting and haste that's another really good one cuz you're now you're basically going to have potions of quickness infinitely with your character just lock to your spell slots Glyph of warding is also very good here uh fear is great that's blindness is a really really awesome one to use any kind of CC you can use is really going to help out your party and remember you are a Bard so you have to do these uh spell swaps on the level freedom of movement is a really great one I'm going to go with confusion which I thought was over here a bit ago this is again just a really good CC you have greater invisibility too that really is awesome you can help out with that you can go ahead and Swap this if you want to Greater invisibility but having some lowle spell slots is not a bad idea don't swap off all of your stuff and dissonant Whispers even though I said you're not a c a DD character a direct damage character DPS character whatever you want to call it this is still a very good one because psychic damage is not very common in the game and there are some monsters that take a lot of damage from it I won't I won't spoil it for you but hint it's from in the House of Hope I will spoil it for I said I'm going to make spoilers in this video um freedom of movement I'm going to pick up here and then our second feat depends on how you have your charisma set up I'm going to assume that you have 20 charisma at this point so actor will not help you uh you can pick it up though if you want that proficiency bonus in performance but I am instead going to pick up resilient here to get us our constitution bonus and help out with that proficiency on all of those saves One More Level here into Bard to pick up hold monster which is a real good one a very great CC I like that uh very much so and the last one we're going to pop into for level 10 on our wizard get another cantrip whichever you I Sho vicious mocker cuz now our cantrips are a little bit better but you can get with something like mcure wounds to help out uh to really heal the entire party with a little good bit of healing I mean it's only 28 healing total but it's still good and magical secrets I'm going to go with contagion for some really good CC capabilities because it helps you spread diseases and Elemental to add another bro to the party just an additional body so that people can attack it hurt it kill it whatever it is it's a really really good one darkness is also a pretty good one I didn't mention earlier to just to kind of blanket an area with um uh Darkness but if you go with dark elf that's repetitive right you'll get a Darkness can trip so keep those things in mind lastly though for this spell uh you know what I'll go with how many person PR good plor where is you know I'll go I'll go greater invisibility I think place a spell what's yeah I'll go greater inv there now we have all that and get even more skills like I said earlier I'll put persuasion in here I'll put stealth there whatever it is you're adding your proficiency into them even more I I should have let slide a hand earlier but still my my my my point remains you get tons of kills for this character we've gone over all this let's take a look now at our equipment now for our items so what you want to focus on is charisma right so we're naturally going to have Birthright Charisma plus two you can use a bunch of different other items that'll help out with your spell save DC and spell attack roles like the hood of the weave but it definitely does require you to get access to like see for this right here says thief's memory that's from the house of grief so you would put that into your constitu your charisma and this would push that higher so that you can get all the advant ages of Birthright without having it on and just put on the hood of cloak of the weave is really great here too game plus one bonuses spell save DC and spell attack rolles we're trying to stack up that spell save DC as much as possible uh potent robe cantrip steal additional damage equal to your charisma modifier that is huge but also at the beginning of the wearer's turn the robe activates graning them temp hit points equal to their Charisma modifier you can just see that it's going to really help you out across the board um then all all the things that help out with Bic Inspirations or granting You Bic Inspirations are also good with the Brilliance restore Bic Inspirations um you also have these gloves wondrous gloves you're going to get from the end of Act One your armor class increases by one in addition if you have baric inspiration you gain one more use of it I did not say that Birthright and cloak of the weave both you get from act three um at an at of at the sunre merchant and then the potent robe you get the end of act two so you'll be able to fall into these all pretty all three of these around the same time roughly uh because as soon as you finish act two you'll come into being able to buy these pretty quickly um as far as your other gloves go though you have the Gemini gloves which you can buy in act three as well cantrips targeting foes and allies can Target an additional creature so now your eldrich blast can pull into another Target or you go with quick spell gloves cantrips that cost an action cost a bonus action Instead This effect can be for short rest so now you can kind of choose whichever one you want when it comes to that Alish blast but also to wondrous gloves um this is increaseing that bartic inspiration so we talked about this but this is around end of Act One lastly though for our uh gear we've got our spell Crux amulet to add spell slot restoration you know another really good one though that is not actual combat related is this the envoys amulet voice to the circle so you get an advantage on the first time you go to do a uh oh plus two bonus to persuasion checks every long rest so really hard persuasion check this kind of helps Teeter it uh but this is really strictly you're going to use it once then swap to the other amulet or only use it in a big conversation coming up some Act One items that are really good though are cap of curing Bic inspiration now heals and also Blazer of benevolence which just looks cool when you inspire an ally though they gain four temp hit points for our Rings we have the coruscating uh coruscation ring when the wearer deals spell damage while illuminated by a light source which you have plenty of ways to do now right they also inflict radi orb which reduces things see right here minus one to attack rolles for each remaining turn so this is minus two to attack rolles which lovely and then lastly I've got the Ring of mental inhibition so when fo sailes a sa fails a saving throw uh they get mental fatigue so minus one penalty to wisdom intelligence and Charisma saving throws for every turn remaining and this after you get five Stacks they take one to four psychic damage and what I like about this though is a lot of your spells are Charisma or wisdom focused so this makes it easier for your spells to go off which I really really really enjoy for our Shield just go with anthan says you gain a plus one bonus of spell save DC and spell attack rolles um you can go with the ones that give you spell slots but I just don't like it as much it's just adds more to your actual punching power and then lastly we have the makos Shaka shakaar gain plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rolls pretty much go with any staff that will do a lot of them will but also we get Arcane battery allev the burden of spell casting with the power of the staff the next spell you cast doesn't cost a spell slot which is lovely so now all of our little juicy level five spell slots we can keep those online and in addition to we have Cara's favor Oops I messed that up we have caresa Faber so this is and that's another reason that you take that the half heal by the way is it gives that Shield proficiency toally forgot to talk about that I'll edit that um but uh the kca's favor here we want that because it will allow us to turn on this which gives us Embrace cesca's acid to gain resistance to his acid damage your acid spells deal additional acid damage equal to your proficiency bonus and then you get two free spells tacked into this so if we want to focus on say soaking U soaking Thunder this is going to give us shatter and destructive wave this is going to give us Cloud kill and Ray of sickness so this allows us to kind of get a little bit more out of what we're doing with this um with this staff so I could say maybe Focus this on to let's see uh coold damage so now cold damage would get benefits here for armor of athys so you can do a lot of really fun things with this it's mainly the Spells save DC here that couples with this Shield but it's a really really great way to go about making your character a really strong wrong bardlock to start us off we're going to be using carlac to exemplify the throwing Barbarian and I would recommend you do this with a dwarf character the dwarf hling perhaps uh because that way you can use the dwarf throwing weapon which is the highest damage throwing weapon in the game outside of that we'll be using the legendary Trident which I'll show off in the gear section of this little portion but we want to start off here with 17 strength typically you would want to start off with an uh an even number but Tavern bra is a half feet it will give us plus one to strength or Constitution this way at level four we will have 18 strength we're going to go with 16 Constitution because this is going to add into our AC and give us a lot of really good health and then 14 dexterity which will also add into our AC and give us some initiative our final two points will drop them into wisdom to help us out with any kind of charm or frighten effects now as far as the leveling goes for this character you're going to put nine levels just outright into Barbarian there's no tricks here and then the final three levels you're going to put in to Fighter for Action surge at level two of fighter and then for level three for Champion to make it so that we can crit on 19s rather than just 20s I'm going to Blitz through this portion very quickly and make sure that our subass is set to Berserker so we get enraged throw doing additional damage knocking it prone the really good thing about this you know your strength affects how much weight you can you can throw heavier damage items so on so forth but the big thing here is that we're getting a bonus action to throw rather than throw being a primary action so what allows us to throw more times in a given round which is just a huge amount of Advantage uh uh damage potential and action economy for level four we're going to take Tavern brawler that is your most important feat here because it brings our strength now up to 18 and Al also it doubles our the big thing too is that it doubles your strength score when you throw weapons forgot about that very important portion of it level five is going to give us extra attack which is huge we're going to put four more levels into this and full to thing at level seven you uh can't be surprised and you'll have a bonus to your initiative here which is always lovely and one more feat here now for this feat you can go with dual wielder to give you some additional AC and it allows you to use other items that can give you benefits on the item you're going to throw so you can use some other fun stuff here but honestly ability Improvement just put yourself at 20 strength there are PL plenty of items that are going to increase your strength Beyond this like the the gauntlets of Hill giant strength or taking a potion of Hill giant strength but just having 20 native strength is boring like that it's boring to go this route but honestly it's the probably the most optimal route for this character we'll take that and push our to level 9 and the big thing that we went to level nine here for barbarian is you've trained to strike Swift and true when you land a critical hit you roll an extra Dam damage die as well as the normal additional critical dice that's the big portion here we'll take that into level 9 then switch over here into fighter with a fighting style um I'm just going to go defense for some increased Armor class why not it's just going to be nice to have fighter level two is going to give us action Surge and then FAL lever three is what allows us to switch over to Champion to give us improved critical hit so now we can crit on 19s 20s there can be an argument that you can make here for weapon bond but here is a critical point you can use weapon bond on anyone on anything so you have another character in the camp that has got weapon bond you cast weapon bond on that item and then you give that item to your Barbarian I know that seems very gamey but it lasts until long rest so you just do it every time you rest after or before you uh leave the camp you go Bond your item just like you would if you were say a blade lock and you were um uh binding the weapon for your warlock you do the same thing here so there's a really gy way that you can approach this with the Elder Knight just have a hireling do it and bond any item in the game outside of just using these set throwing items but that completes our build let's talk about items now just to quickly examplify what I talked about too we have this level three Hing that has casted weapon bond on the weapon she had in her main hand which I admit it be carlax Baler and giant slayer at the very bottom you can see it says weapon bound meaning when I throw it it will return turn back to my hand throw it over there and voila it's immediately right back in my hand she's in my party I can kick her out of the party if I want and still be able to have this on my character as long as I just don't long rest if I long rest I simply just do the same thing so it's a bit of a gamey way you can approach this but we're still going to talk about the pure weapon throwing weapons I just wanted to show this off gear options now I'm going to show you the things I do not have first they're going to pop up on the screen here so the first thing we really want to get at the beginning of the game is the returning Pike this is going to be acquired in the goblin camp this weapon will return to its owner when thrown this assumes you don't want to use the um eldrich Knight kind of gamey way of approaching things but this is your first kind of returning weapon and then eventually you want to get this bad boy this is the best throwing weapon in the game but it requires you to be a dwarf a dwarf throwing this Warhammer deals an extra one to eight bludgeoning damage no matter what now if the target is a large huge or gargant and creat creature the strike deals an additional 2 to 16 bludgeoning damage you get this at the beginning of act three in Rivington and you get it from the guy who wants to send uh Shadow heart on her like little mystical Quest you need to access his special stock which you do by doing a persuasion check so you make sure you do that another good item here is the graceful cloth which you'll be getting in the mountain pass at the uh the chapel the whatever the hell it's called Uh the you gain cats Grace and increase your deck score by two to a Max of 20 Nimble as a cat you gain plus one decks to deck saving throws and also increase your jump Distance by 1.5 it's just a nice kind of early piece of armor you can use one of the most important things you want to get though is the ring of flinging throwing boost the wearer deals an additional 1 D4 bonus to throw damage which is absolutely crucial and then lastly if you're doing the quest here for uh Mysterion which you should do because you get two really good items from it you'll get the helmet of grit when when the wearer has 50% less hit points or 50% hit points or less they have an additional bonus action meaning you can throw again with that bonus action that is absolutely crucial keep in mind though it is light armor so it will negate a lot of the things that you can get as a barbarian now as far as items I do have let's talk about the N Luna this is the other weapon that you'll be using if you don't go with the other two especially if you don't go with dwarf this will return to your hand it has an AOE whenever you throw it it gives you some really cool utility in the two spells that it has bound into it here this Zephyr break and also Zephyr flash um also it is a weapon enchantment plus three which is very very very good um in addition to that too you can just use item wise things that are Barbarian related the bone Spike Garb you gain 15 temp hit points whenever you rage reducing all incoming damage by two when the RAR is struck by a melee attack the attacker takes three Pierce any Barbarian item that you find is going to be useful for this character as far as gloves go though you want to make sure you get the gloves on inhibit cigo because these give you an additional one to D4 damage with throw attacks so between the the the ring we talked about and these gloves it's going to give you a ton of throwing attack damage just raw added in something like a total of a potential seven damage so something like that I really like those options across the board cloak can be whatever you want you can even go with flesh melters cloak which adds 1 D4 acid whenever you hit something but cloak of protection is good for just a little more defensive utility um as far as Rings go though I like stuff that gives the character a lot of movement so ring of free action you ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be paralyzed or restrained I like this one here for uh advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws all three things that you're already going to kind of suck at but hopefully this helps you in not getting locked down by any kind of charm or frighten right and then stuff like the crush R ring which helps your movement speed those are items that can be used on any and all characters but this is how I would equip my throwing Barb in honor mode our next character we're we're going to talk about is our gloomstalker assassin so I'm going to be showing off a Starion for this one but you can definitely minmax this by going with any of the wood elf variants either Pure or half elf because they get a proficiency already in sneak another one to go with is a halfling that is light foot because you get advantage on stealth checks and you'll get that lucky trait that halflings get a deep gnome is also going to get advantage on stealth checks as well and then a dwar dwarf gives you access to an invisibility cantrip at five and ALS just the kind of General hardiness of of the dwarf because they get access to an advantage on um or they get they get a poison resistance which goes really well with what we get here but as far as our ability scores go 16 into dexterity as that's our primary form of damage 14 Constitution for a little bit more health and then 16 wisdom as we will be using Ranger capabilities with this class I put the other two points into strengthened Charisma cuz whatever uh this helps me with resisting any kind of shoves and Charisma cuz I guess it's fun and class ever also too remember you are a rogue so for this character you're going to want them to be a little bit of a skill monkey with slide of hand and stealth U maybe you have this character be your main character so you want stuff like pers persuasion or performance whatever I'm sorry uh yeah persuasion or perception whatever the situation is but you definitely want to pick up side of hand especially stealth you will be using that to Alpha strike your targets progression with this character is though a little bit wacky so rather than going heavy into Rogue right off the gate we actually go right into rang right at level two you pick up the favorite enemy of bounty hunter this is going to give us a Proficiency in investigation which is whatever but creatures you hit within staring strike have disadvantage on their saving throws this is really huge for us natural Explorer we're going to go with fire if you uh are playing pretty much every character if you chose a uh dwarf you definitely want to go with this because then you'll have basically both of these but fire and poison are the most prevalent forms of damage in the game poison for traps fire probably more for combat so I'm going to go with fire here we're going to stick with this and we're going to put five levels into Ranger the reason behind this is this will unlock our um extra attack so for spells we're going to choose in snaring strike and Hunter Mark they are both concentration spells they will use whichever one fits the situation a little bit better for you maybe opening up within snaring strike getting the rest of the party to do some damage and then switching over to Hunter's Mark or one of the other remember concentration one at a time our fighting style is definitely going to be two weapon fighting because we're going to be dual wielding hand crossbows this adds your ability modifier to the damage of the attack which is our dexterity score uh this has been changed in patch four but not I don't know it's weird the ranger level three we're choosing another spell we're going to go with long Strider because this increases the creatures movement speed by 10 ft it's a ritual spell meaning that this will always be active be I'm sorry it will last until long rest and it will not cost a spell slot that's what spell does for our subass we choose Gloom stalker and you know that as a rogue you can use a bonus action to go stealth with then creates kind of a cool effect where you go stealth then use sneak attack stealth then use sneak attack well we get it at level three here with our Ranger dread ambusher hide hide from uh enemies by succeeding a stealth check the nice thing here too is this is allowing us to kind of create that sneak attack uh Wombo Combo right sneak attack will only work on a Target you have advantage on or one that you has Ally within 5 10 ft something like that then um shoud here wrap yourself in Shadows to become invisible like I said you will not be at a shortage of ways to become invisible it's just nice to have an additional form if you are uh maybe the dwarf with u uh the visibility canri also you get dread ambusher here gain plus three bonus to initiative and on your first turn of combat your movement speed increases and you deal 1 d8 additional damage that's pretty huge and uh oh I already cover spell we'll go to our next level where we will choose our feet now this is important because you want to choose Sharp shooter first Sharpshooter is going to increase your damage but it makes it harder to hit which you can toggle on and off and your range weapons do not receive penalties from high ground rule rules meaning if you're shooting low to high you will not get a penalty then on our next go around for a feet will choose crossbow expert when you make crossbow attacks within the melee range the attacks do not have disadvantage that's the big important reason why you choose crossbow expert and since we're using crossbows it's huge then Ranger level five gets us our extra attack and get access to Misty step which is a very very good Mobility spell that we'll get right out the gate as far as your level two spell goes go maybe here with pass Without a Trace plus 10 bonus to stealth checks helps you in maintaining that stealth you can also go with Spike growth very early in the game to get a lot of good value out of that now that we've gotten that five levels into Ranger we're going to Pivot here now oops not pivot into a new class pivot back to Rogue this gives us our cunning actions of hide Dash and disengage for the bonus actions and we go into level three so the min max approaches assassin the maybe less minmax approach but still pretty fun is Thief so if you want to go a thief go a thief but we're going assassin here because we want initiative so in combat you have an advantage on attack RS against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet uh you get ambushed so any successful attack rolles against a surprise creature is a crit hit and then Al assassin's alacrity you immediately restore your action and bonus action at the start of combat meaning if you do whatever you need to do to get yourself into a position to attack a Target unbeknownst to them that then triggers surprise that then gives you all your benefits it's going to cost you actions and bonus actions to do that and as soon as combat starts you get all of it back so you don't waste that action economy getting into those hard to hit spots so we get this up to level seven and the reason we're doing not a 66 split I think I said that in error earlier in the video it's a 75 split is because every odd number of levels for rogue increases the damage of your sneak attack and that is crucial I think goes up by another whole like 1d8 um and again crossbow expert for our feet here and we're just pretty much now just going all the way up getting stuff like uncanny Dodge un all sorts of fun things Rogue level gives us more skills we can just one of these CU not the important portion of the video we got an invasion so we get less damage from uh all sorts of fun things but that maximizes our character let's go into a discussion now about some equipment now as far as your gear goes you have some options that are open to you I'm going to go over the ones that I do not have just like I did before the first one here is the raps City now this is a pretty good weapon that you're going to get from aerion's quest line uh gain plus one bonus to attack rolls damage and spell save DC for every foe you slay up to a Max of three and possibly inflict bleeding when hitting a creature with this weapon while hiding or invisible the Sweet Blood leting we don't care about the first part we do because that that applies to weapons that are not simply rap CID so we're using weapons in our main and offhand that we can help benefit our ranged weapons right because those are the weapons we're doing majority of our damage with so we just want stuff that does say hey on critical hit do this or anything like that so the sword of Life stealing which I'll show you is just something that shows crit hit so it's not specific to that weapon the other main hand weapon we'll be using or I'm sorry off hand weapon is bloodthirst the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack that's the biggest thing here because the other two things on here are great and all but remember we are not using those uh for the damage we just want improved critical and we're stacking this with as many things as we can to help reduce our critical from 20 to lower numbers so right now it's at n 19 but if we use the shade Slayer player cloak which is the next one while hiding the number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking is reduced by one so now we can crit hit on an 189 or 20 that is absolutely huge and then the last item I have here to show off is the elegant studded leather ambusher gained plus two bonus to initiative roles advantage on stealth checks and it gives you Shield so these are four really good items that you should as aspire to get for this build almost all of them all of them you do actually get in act three so let's talk about some other items you can get with this build and the focus of course is going to be on our hand crossbow so this is the best hell uh uh hand crossbow you can pick up it is hellfire hand crossbow possibly inflict burning when hitting a creature with this weapon while hiding or invisible also gives you a free cast of scorching Ray shot now the other two uh you have Fir stoer and narrow shot or like naris or whatever it's called Uh naris will do magic Missile it's a good one you can just simply though use hand cross blow plus one then eventually Plus to don't worry about it whatever one you find that's good as your leveling just put it in it's the there's really a very few amount of hand crossbows in the game and you're going to get access to pretty much all of them as you just kind of go through so just put the best ones in your slots as you can as far as our rest of our items go um I have the covert cowl on while obscured the number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking is reduced by one but now we're going to crit on 17 18 19 and 20 but another really good helmet that you can get towards the end is circlet of hunting you gain a plus 1 D4 bonus to attack rolls against creatures marked by Hunter Mark which you can do true strike fairy fire and guiding bolt guiding bolt can be pulled from an item as well um I actually think it's like n nist whatever is got guiding bolts whenever you hit someone you can use those two items in conjunction this pretty much use items that help out with crit hits or have any kind of cast getting hit effect such as flush Monster's cloak whenever a creature deals melee damage to the wear the the creature takes one to four acid damage so this can just be a nice but it give reactive damage you can use the uh cloak that obscures you when you start combat um anything really that kind of fits the overall stealth Persona of the character I'm using drw uh seted leather armor that you get very early in the game plus one stealth but using just simply hide armor is a good thing because it increases your initiative gloves of archery are really good here you gain proficiency bonus with long bows and short bows in addition your range weapon attacks deal an additional two attack two damage you can use these for almost the entirety of the game until you get the weap the gloves of uh the Master which will just give you that same two weapon damage across everything but this you'll get in act two at the very beginning at the uh uh in the quartermaster in act two you just go ahead and use these and then your boots use whatever you want that makes sense for you as far as Mobility so these can't be in webbed entangled or ins snared can't slip on Grease or ice and I get a bound Misty step for my jewelry I've got the risky ring you gain advantage on attack rolls all attack rolls advantage on everything so it's really really really strong right also receive disadvantage on saving throws I have the killer sweetheart for guaranteed crit hits another good ring here is the ring of free action which we talked about before for difficult terrain and cannot be paralyzed or restrain and then for your necklace just go with whatever fits this certain situation right you want a shield you want to go ahead and get that same uh amulet that we had on our um Barbarian so you have advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws just kind of get what kind of fits in the situation you want but mainly we want to Stack as much crit damage as we can with this build and lastly before we switch um our sneak attack because we went with seven levels has got a ton of damage built into it just to kind of show off what that does here and how it works and how much damage we can really really do with this character it is absolutely absurd what we're going to be able to do once you get into a good sneaking situation the last character to talk about is our Tavern brother monk now with honor mode you want to start off optimized for the character you've got not for the character you've building and with the tavern BR monk we are going to focus on strength there are routes you can take with this where you use a bunch of potions of Hill giant strength and do all that but again in honor mode I don't think it's a very viable way to build the character I think it's more you have to re spec at level four so this is what the stats you should start with with this character because you want to be able to be strong until you get to level four when you're then going to Pivot as far as your race options go I'm using hson right now and honestly I think he's a perfectly fine race I like the wood elves for monks because of the movement speed that they have in innately buil into them so a pure Wood Elf or using a um half elf wood elf is great a gold dwarf is good because it adds some additional Constitution right well not constition some additional hit points you could use a half orc but you're only getting half of the benefit of being a half orc Relentless endurance will work but the ability that adds to their uh damage only works for melee weapons so please keep that in mind if you go with a halfar another really good one is duar because they get access to um not shrink but the opposite enlarge it's enlarge and Shrink they can enlarge themselves to do a little bit more damage those are some really cool fun options you go with so what we can see here is 16 dexterity 14 Constitution and 16 wisdom to give us all sorts of advantages we are among so we get AC bonuses from both decks and wisdom and wisdom is going to be a caveat for or not caveat uh the driving force for a lot of the stuff that we're going to be doing but once we hit level four we're going to drop our dexterity drop our constitution here take points out of that and bring our strength up to 17 our dexterity into 14 our constitution into 12 and I'm going to explain how this all will all work in just a little bit but you're going to go 17 strength 14 dexterity 12 Constitution 15 wisdom and we're going to increase our wisdom and strength through the access to Feats let's now look at the progression of all this I'm not going to talk too much about each and every little uh action here but uh we're going to focus pretty much now on nine levels into Monk and then our last three levels are going to be into Rogue so subass is going to be way of the open hand so we can get plenty of fun stuff with Flurry of Blows which is a bonus action so we can stagger we can push things we can knock things prone all sorts of fun stuff and we get deflect missiles so we can actually take a little bit of damage from range and be able to kind of mitigate it a little bit now we get our first feat and it is the most important feat of the all it is Tavern brawler we can put that one point here into strength and Tavern brawler like we know is going to take our strength and double our strength modifier and double it and add it to our unarmed attacks so now we're doing plus eight damage with our um um I'm sorry attack rolls um twice of the damage and attack rolls so I'm sorry it is is both damage and rolles I'm all over the place so plus eight to both of those figures here with our strength set to this remember to you can use potions of Hill giant strength I'm just not taking that route personally level five gives us our extra attack for a lot more damage and both stting strike unarmed and melee we're armed because of Tavern brawler we don't want to use monk weapons anymore and now level six we get the ability to do radiant psychic or necrotic damage we get a heal built into with wholeness of body and key empowered strikes that now makes all of our unarmed attacks magical which just absolutely lovely level seven here gives us evasion here to help out with any damage from spells Stillness of mind to help out with Charmed or frightened you may cast Still's mind to remove the condition and then we move into level eight here for another feet now this is where we take that 15 wisdom and we go resilient wisdom we're going to get plus one bonus here and now we make a uh we don't get a advantage on uh wisdom rolls we already had that cuz have we have that as a monk but now we get a proficiency bonus to uh ability saving throws with wisdom and we now have 16 wisdom the reason I did that is because it allows us to have 12 Constitution and then get to that 16 wisdom if you didn't want to do that the boring way to go about this it's always a good option is just putting two points into wisdom and not having put those 10 the the Constitution to 12 you would have put this to 10 I just wanted to take a little bit more of an exotic route I really like this so we're going to go with that take this and be good monk level 9 unarm Advanced unarmored movement is great and we get our key resonant punch um this is going to key off of our dexterity Bon will'll be good there and monk level 10 we're not going to take we're going to Pivot over to row and this will be good there we go we don't choose our sub class yet we get a level two Rogue is going to give us cutting action Dash is going to be the nice thing but we already kind of have that as a as a monk right we can hide if you so wish the big thing though is getting access to beef that'll give us our bonus actions because we are a monk right and as a monk we are going to have a ton of bonus action economy flura blows is access through here our patient defense is access through here our key resonance a lot of stuff goes on in this section so taking advantage of those bonus actions is going to be very very crucial to you and you have plenty of key points at level 9 for monk as well and po popping a potion of haste is going to give us two actions and two bonus actions in total you'll have a lot to go with also to your movement in total is 60 ft which is just absolutely crazy equipment options here are actually pretty narrow because you're a monk so use whatever items are monk oriented in that they give bonuses to unarmed damage or it's the inhibited Kush set that'll last you to the majority of the game except for the gloves you're going to want to give to your Barbarian I'm trying to show you items that will not overlap with each other so I know there are certain items that are Min Maxi that you're like hey you know you're not using it on that character I know I wanted to use it on another character that fits their build so boots and inhibited kigo the wearer deals additional damage equal to their wisdom modifier with unarmed strikes you will get this in act three that's why we waited to get our wisdom up to 16 so this will help out then um two items that you're going to be getting through the House of Hope is the mask of Soul perception gain plus two bonus to attack roles initiative roles and perception checks which is going to be lovely and then the gloves of Soul catching your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1 to 10 Force damage and once per turn per turn not rest on an unarmed hit you regain 10 hit points alternatively you can foro healing to gain advantage on attack heals attack rolls and saving throws until the end of your next turn and plus two Constitution so now our constitution is at 14 so it's already looking pretty juicy for us right um we have the vest of Soul Rejuvenation whenever the wearer succeeds on a saving throw against a spell they regain one to four hit points and the wearer can use a reaction to make an unarmed strike against any attacker that misses them plus two AC on this so already you can see that we have a lot of really good stuff in the cloak of displacement here at the beginning of the wearer's turn the cloak activates graning enemies disadvantage on attack roles that attack the wearer this effect effect lasts until the wearer takes damage so it can last for a good amount of time taking a lot of damage and absorbing it or well not absorbing it but to kind of making you way harder to hit until you actually take that damage um this you're going to get in um what's it called in act three when you do the sh portion of the quest with uh Shadow heart and the vest of Soul Rejuvenation you'll also buy an act buy an act three which is nice very easy to get just go to act three and go to the the sunre place the the Wizard Tower and you'll be able to buy it there now for our items other items we have some pretty interesting wild cards now the sentient M amulet is one that you're going to get in act one that you can then finish in act three but this gives us key restoration and shatter you can get a better version of this amulet if you betray the ghost but this is the one I've got and it's pretty good gives us key restoration so we can actually keep our key points online to not have to rest so much Crushers ring just gives us even more movement speed uh if you wanted you could go maybe with the spurred band since I've already spoken about The Crushers ring on the Barbarian but the barbarian's a range class so you can take advantage of it here don't know why I talked about on the Barbarian but during combat when the wearers starts their turn with 50% hit points or less they gain momentum so they get a little bit more movement um and a different cloak you can go with is the cloak of protection and a different amulet you can go with is the Amulet of Greater Health Advantage on Constitution saving throws and sets your Constitution to 23 so if you really need more Health in this character this is the best way to do it you'll get this in the House of Hope as well lastly is the whispering promise since you've got two items that will give you health this will basically bless you so when you heal a creature yourself included it gains a plus one D4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws you basically get a free bless on your character every time you heal you wouldn't want to use this until you get one or the other so it's not going to be as useful until act three but you get the whispering promise in act one so just hold on to it until then this is the equipment for our monk at that it brings our video here to a close we've covered all all four of our characters now I didn't show any gameplay of these characters doing all their things CU that wasn't really the focus of this video it was mainly more to give you builds I've done all these builds in their own respective videos across the channel which you can find in the playlist below upper right corner all that jazz now this should help you in getting through a lot of the very hard portions of the game and I think that you're going to take some time to kind of figure out how these characters work maybe build all these characters out in a non in just a normal save to get a feel for how they play what their play Styles is like how you really can kind of lean into certain directions and keep in mind too that some of these characters are going to take a little time to come online the nice thing about a lot of them though is that I made it so that they could come online very quickly the gloomstalker Rogue is deadly at level two the monk is deadly immediately the bardlock is deadly as soon as they they can turn online because that ELD blast is a spell you can a canp you can use every single damn turn the throwing Barb is going to be good but it will take until you really get access to that repeating uh Trident in act one at that Goblin Camp because it returns to you until you have something like that you're just kind of throwing General items that you can find and throw right you go pick them up and that's fine but it's just worth noting that it's going to take the throwing Barb of the four the most time to come online so keep those things in mind play through theame game slow take your time it's going to be punishing it's going to be very punishing but just try not to shoehorn yourself into a bad situation because you Blitz through to one section because you thought you'd get something it's just going to hurt you take time with honor mode because it's going to kick you right in the balls if you have any questions or any comments about maybe ways you approach this differently or different classes whatever it is let it be know in the comment section below honor mode is going to be a difficult experience so sharing as much information as possible is going to help us get through it but as as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 206,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE MOST OP HONOR MODE Party Comp for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3 party composition, bg3 party members, bg3 party comp, baldurs gate 3 party composition, bg3 honor mode build, bg3 honor mode, bg3 honor mode tips, bg3 honor mode guide, bg3 honor mode party comp, bg3 best party composition, bg3 best party comp honor mode, bg3 honour mode build, bg3 honour mode party, bg3 honour mode tips, bg3 honour mode, bg3 honor difficulty, bg3, tavern brawler, bg3 honor mode team
Id: XKaYeCh0-ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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